Top 3 Best Goldeneye Speedrunners Ever

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helloyou absolute legends in the 20 years that I've been speedrunning Goldeneye I've seen a lot of crazy players come and go but today we will look at the top three greatest of all time these speedrunners were champions but more than that they were innovators each impacting and changing the way the game is played forever we will examine their careers and look at their most insane achievements we will tell the stories of how they made their entrance and I have to say all three of these players had really interesting beginnings so join me now as we honor these three men and if you enjoy learning about speedrunning history be sure to subscribe for future videos there's a question that sometimes thrown around could there be someone out there that we don't know about that has legitimately beaten some of the known world records is it possible that the times that we take for granted as the best in the world are actually second-best to an unknown player with the rise in popularity of speedrunning this question is asked less frequently as the plausibility of this scenario seems too low to really consider but believe it or not there was a time in history where this actually happened between the years of 1999 and 2000 there was a secret player who had beaten not just one or two but many of the known world records that player was welter Yan Singh don't ask me why he didn't contact the Goldeneye community until late 2000 when he had been achieving World Records since early 1999 but I can tell you that when he did make contact it was shocking before the Goldeneye elite was born conversations about world record times and golden eyes speedrunning in general were scattered over numerous forums one such forum was the Goldeneye message boards hosted on game fa Q's at the time game fa Q's was absolutely huge and the Nintendo 64 boards were bustling with activity in a topic titled goal denied world records Valtor made his very first public post on the 26th of September 2000 in his post well took casually mentions that he has 35 World Records and 18 of them are untied after several people pushed welted to release his x he listed all 60 of his personal bests along with a couple of small strategy optimizations a lot of his times seemed insane and I hilariously responded stating that half of them are simply physically impossible it's pretty funny looking back on these posts but it just didn't make sense that this random person would suddenly appear with all of these crazy times I wasn't the only one to doubt Welters times though in fact for months there was a of pushback from both the champion at the time sterling niblet and the updater of the Goldeneye ranks Wes McKinney honestly looking back a lot of people were extremely hostile towards Walter the entire situation was just so bizarre that a lot of people couldn't comprehend that ladder actually achieved all of these times outside of the community it didn't help that water was slow to make proof available due to his slow internet connection and as English was well to the second language his phrasing was slightly off which was often misconstrued as being intentionally cryptic as history has shown though Walter was legit after months of slowly providing proof he was added to the ranks on the 29th of December 2000 he debuted in second place just three points behind the current champion sterling Neville at Sterling wouldn't hold the lead for long though on the 26th of February 2001 router became the Goldeneye champion welter that was a strategic mastermind and brought with him a ton of new strategies and optimizations in fact in terms of new world record set Walter has by far the most he was always pushing limits and never settled for a time that he thought he could improve even if it was already an uncontested record he was one of the first true grinders of the game he wasn't afraid to spend hundreds of hours playing for a time that seemed almost impossible I know the example of this is Welters untied world record on bunker one agent of 17 seconds achieved on the 18th of August 2003 he played the level for months trying to get a perfect run which was highly dependent on God RNG he was an extremely optimized run and when achieved was considered to be one of the greatest world records ever it stood unmatched for almost three years and went on to become the second longest standing world record of all time at just over 15 years he was also meticulous with his proof and back in the early years he pioneered the idea of recording every session and every personal best even though at the time proof standards were extremely low he kept his own standards high and his videos helped push the community forwards welter was dominant from the beginning of 2001 until the end of 2003 when he was overtaken by another true legend that we will cover later in this video once dethroned his activity halted dramatically and he slowly but surely fell in overall rank but interestingly some of his best and most famous records came at the tail end of his career in 2005 including his world record of frigate agent 23 this was another time that wowed us spent months to achieve and is probably my personal favorite of wadis records nine years later in 2014 it still had relatively few ties and only the very best of the best were able to match it I feel like it bridged the gap between the ancient champion and the newer generation of players frigate 23 also went on to become one of the longest standing records ever since 2006 Valtor hasn't played much and as of the making of this video only has a single world record to his name it is bittersweet that of the 172 new world records that well to set none remain as the world record welter is no longer highly ranked but his legacy will never be forgotten especially for us older players I still remember that all the way back in 2001 Wouter sent me a videotape full of some of his best runs I was a proof moderator at the time and despite me being on the other side of the planet Valtor was more than happy to send me a tape I can still recall putting it into my VCR in my family's living room and having my 15 year old mind completely blown welter was and always will be an absolute legend [Music] in late 2002 while wowser was dominating goldeneye another player stumbled upon the ranks just like welter he tooth played the game in secret slowly grinding away at the game without ever making contact with the golden eyes speedrunning community' it took him three years before any message was sent to the rankings administrators requesting to be added who could blame him though when he started speedrunning Goldeneye in 2002 he was only seven years old by the time he requested to be added to the ranks he was barely 10 that player is rayon is Ron in fact he was still so young that it wasn't even him that sent the email to the rankings admin asking to join it was his older brother acting on his behalf by August of 2005 rayon still had no intention of joining the ranks but his older brother Daniel noticed how much time rayon was putting into the game and decided it was finally time for him to join Brian joins the ranks in September of 2005 he had a decent times page nothing insane like routers entry but definitely good enough to raise suspicions among other players Brown's main interest originally lay in perfect dark and his times in that game were definitely stronger than Goldeneye so when he made his first post on the perfect dark messageboards people were extremely skeptical looking at his post it's not hard to see why people were in disbelief rayon stated I believe I am the only 10 years old in this elite started playing at the age of 7 check out some of my sick times and the times that he claimed were actually really really good especially given that rayon only had access to the PAL version of the game which is heavily disadvantaged the entire situation was completely bizarre never before nor since has a player joined that was so young let alone one that was actually decent at the games people couldn't believe it there was a lot of back and forth in that top with many players flat-out refusing to believe Ryan was a legitimate player but this post encapsulate the general feeling when he joined this guy is a complete fake I guarantee he is someone else trying to put some joke to the elite I consider myself a lifetime talented gamer I've played my whole life and I've played a ton of video games I know what I'm doing I've played Goldeneye for example since I was 7 years old but in no way at 10 years old could I accomplish some of the stuff that was on this site there's no way you could really comprehend that or even care that much the irony about this post isn't the fact that Ryan was indeed a real 10 year old getting insane times it's the fact that what was said is true he couldn't accomplish some of the stuff Ryan did at 10 years old and I'd wager that no one could Brian is the single most gifted and naturally talented speedrunner I have ever seen period I truly believe that only he could do what he did at such a young age he ended up proving the naysayers wrong though by uploading a video of him playing Perfect Dark which has gone on to become infamous among Goldeneye and Perfect Dark speedrunners here is that video yeah take that man Rhian was now completely accepted into the community when he joined he was ranked just outside the top 50 he played consistently through 2006 and while he was achieving some pretty decent times he didn't truly start to excel until February 2007 Ryan still only had access to a pal console so he was losing sometimes on most levels but there is one level that is actually pal advantaged and that level is trained in the beginning of February 2007 the records on train were 105 on agent 129 on secret agent and 156 on double O agent over a two-week period Ryan went on an absolute tear he lowered each record by four seconds taking them down to 101 125 and 150 to the remarkable thing about this feat is that there were no new strategies on train no newly discovered time save that allowed him to lower the records Bryan beat the records simply because he was a better player and trained in particular is a level that rewards skill despite only being 11 years old Bryan showed that he was capable of destroying world records but he was still kept back by only being able to play the PAL version he still kept playing throughout 2007 but it wasn't until March of 2008 when he finally received an NTSC copy of the game now he seemed unstoppable achieving new personal bests almost daily only three months later in June of 2008 ace became Goldeneye champion for the first time his rise to the top culminating with his destruction of jungle and one of the greatest runs in Goldeneye history jungle secret agent 53 the run was an absolute masterpiece both in execution and RNG it would remain unmatched for over six years finally being tied in 2004 when it was eventually tied it was the longest-standing untied world record in Goldeneye history and still today ranks as the second longest of all time he was finally champion but in the very same month that he took the throne Brian completely disappeared without any new records to sustain his lead it only took four months for Ryan to lose his championship status eventually though he would return almost two years later he played for a few months in 2010 very briefly taking back to the number one position then he disappeared again for another two years Ryan didn't return to Goldeneye until November of 2012 this time however he was serious in late 2012 and in early 2013 Brian went on a complete rampage of the game getting many insane untied records some of these records included jungle agent 50 Aztec agent 125 Egypt secret and double O agent 45 and a complete untied sweep on facility with times of 43 52 52 in January of 2013 Ryan reclaimed the Goldeneye championship holding the longest reign in history Ryan isn't always active but whenever he does take the game seriously he's at the top he holds the record for the most number of days spent as champion at over 2,000 days as far as technique goes he is unsurpassed widely considered to be the most skilled player ever he has amassed the third highest total of overall world records at 169 if skill were the only metric to assess players Brian would undoubtedly be the greatest of all time but there is one area that he has never really fully actualized as much as some other players and that is innovation he is well known for lowering records through perfect play but rarely for coming up with new groundbreaking ideas while I've put Rihanna's number two on this list there is definitely an argument for him being the greatest Goldeneye player of all time but personally I've decided to reserve that title for a player that not only exceeded his contemporaries in skill but also created game-changing strategies that would impact the game for years to come On June 27th of 2002 a topic was created that would completely revolutionize the way Aztec the second last level of the game was played that topic was simply titled Brian vos heart in this topic the admin posted an email dad received from Brian asking to join the ranks the email was mostly standard he'd outlined Brian's times which were definitely impressive but nothing crazy what was truly astonishing about the email though was a new strategy that Brian had come up with to get the guards to open the glass door on Aztec he mentioned he wasn't sure if it was faster than the current strategy but let me tell you it's probably the largest and most impactful sequence break ever found in Goldeneye Brian is a strategic genius and is always looking for ways to optimize how levels are played it didn't take long for Brian to establish himself as a top player either only three months after joining Brian achieves damn agent 53 one of his most famous records for the time it was an absolutely insane record that would remain untied for over two years damn agent 53 would go on to become the longest lasting Goldeneye record of all time Brian was absolutely obsessed with Goldeneye and for the rest of 2002 and 2003 he played religiously in December of 2003 he passed well to Anson to become the new Goldeneye champion Brian's reign at the top would last over three years and during this time he was absolutely dominant Brian was an optimizer in the same vein as Walter and rayon he strove for perfection and was willing to go four times that seemed almost impossible in January of 2003 he completed archives agent in 16 seconds a record that stood for almost 15 years in March of 2004 he achieved another infamous world record runway agent 22 this record still stands today and will likely become the new longest standing record in history he was an incredible time for 2004 and would stay untied for over two years the list of amazing boss at times is too long to do justice here in terms of total world record set he is listed as the second most prolific of all time but his influence on the community wasn't just through setting new world records he was in the way he pushed the game forwards in regards to play style whenever a new strategy or optimization was found Brian was always the first to jump in and make use of it in runs when looked down was discovered in late 2002 while everyone else was complaining about how it ruins the game Brian was using the strategy to set better records Brian implemented and attempted anything between the years of 2003 and 2005 I credit Brian with raising the overall awareness of technique and raising the standard of world records dramatically one of Brian's more famous feats was the complete destruction of the control level between the years of 2003 and 2007 single-handedly lowering the records on a secret agent and double O agent by over 10 seconds this is one of the things that made Brian's so great he didn't need competition or pressure from others to lower his own records in June of 2006 Brian was the first person to complete a tankless run of runway double O agent lowering the record to 37 seconds this was a theoretical strategy that most people thought was just insane to actually accomplish but again Brian was always willing to push boundaries and find out what was possible boss art briefly lost the championship in January of 2007 due to less overall activity in 2006 but once he was overthrown he made a massive comeback reclaiming the top spot in April of 2007 he would be champion for another year being overtaken in early 2008 this was the last time Brian would be championed after holding the title for a total of 1416 days but just because he wasn't champion that didn't mean that he stopped playing altogether and he continued to set some amazing records later in his career in March of 2008 Brian set an absolutely iconic record of 218 on statute double agent a time that stood untied for over five years and still remains the record today in 2012 he achieved runway secret-agent 22 a fitting companion to the 22 on agent he set eight years earlier in 2016 Brian used an absolutely ridiculous strategy on surface to double O agent farming two grenades at the very start to set a new Untied of 124 this strategy is so outlandish that never before nor since has a single person used this strategy to set a personal best it mirrors the runway double O agent untied he set 10 years earlier a completely insane strategy that was known to be theoretically possible but too stupid to actually be feasible in a run as I keep saying though Brian is willing to try an thing beyond actually playing the game he is often seen discussing new possible strategies or techniques and continues to foster a true passion for the game whenever something new is found brian is always first to jump in and investigate I can't express enough how much I respect and appreciate Brian's continuous love and excitement for Goldeneye speedrunning Brian vos art has been an incredible asset to the Goldeneye community for many years he has been a dominant champion a king of technique a genius of strategy a fearless Explorer and is in my opinion the greatest Goldeneye player of all time if you've made it this far in the video you truly are an absolute legend if you enjoyed these stories please subscribe for more click on the video on screen now to move on to my next video [Music]
Channel: Karl Jobst
Views: 329,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: speedrunning, speedrun, speedruns, goldeneye, 007, james bond, n64, karl jobst, speedrun history, speedlore, gdq, games done quick, best speedruns, best speedrunners, greatest speedruns ever, gaming, gaming history, nintendo 64, n64 classic, n64 mini, ezscape, apollo legend, world record progression, summoning salt, world record, wr, speedrun fails, gladjonas, speedrunning salt
Id: kwhxGMJ-Mew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2019
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