This New GoldenEye 007 World Record Is UNBELIEVABLE!

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hello you absolutely legends when it comes to speedrunning goldeneye 007 for the nintendo 64 is by far one of the most ancient and storied communities serious competition to beat each level in the quickest time has raged on for almost 25 years by this point the world records are extremely optimized and finding any way to save even a single second is becoming exceedingly rare to give you an idea about how tight the competition is we can look at all of the current untied world records an untied world record is one that is held by a single person for example on facility for the agent's difficulty the world record is 42 seconds held by rayan isran he is the only person to attain a time this fast and thus the world record is untied as opposed to a tied record which can have numerous people holding it goldeneye has 20 levels each with three difficulties giving a total of 60 possible records one can compete for and of these 60 records 32 of them are untied but every one of these untied world records only beats second place by a single second meaning that every world record is very close and heavily contested but there was one particular record that was different and didn't quite make sense on the 10th of july 2018 the speedrunner ryan gibbs achieved a time of 28 seconds for the stage runway on the double o agent difficulty this time was incredible but what was even more incredible was just how far ahead of second place it was it didn't beat second place by just one second or even two or three seconds it was a full four seconds ahead one of the shorter stages in the game boasted by far the largest gap between first and second place this gap would remain untouched for years three and a half years later near the end of 2021 still the best anyone else could do was 32 seconds for some reason ryan gibbs was able to do something that no one else could and it seemed obvious to me that his record of 28 seconds would remain in a league of its own for a long time to come but then came along yo kim jung who in december of 2021 did the unthinkable he didn't just bridge the gap between first and second he jumped over it completely beating the mark gibbs said back in 2018 with a time of 27 seconds this new record was both shocking and beautiful to watch a shining example of how far the game has come since its earliest days in celebration of this incredible new record and to help you understand why it's so amazing we're going to go back in time and cover the history of runway double o agent it's a short level with a ton of backstory and it's a level that has been warped and shaped dramatically over the years by mind-blowing strategies that only the insane could conceive by the end you'll begin to appreciate just how perfect this time of 27 seconds is and why still to this day only two people in the world have managed to come anywhere close i really hope you enjoy legends i am in total disbelief right now we have truly hit the big time because raid shadow legend is sponsoring this video 9 out of 10 scientists say that raid is the greatest mobile game of all time and you just can't argue with that it's literally science and statistics on the internet are always legit raid just introduced its newest boss the hydra it has six different heads each coming with their own unique challenges and mechanics this is by far the toughest boss i've fought in this game this month raid is also releasing a bunch of awesome new champions along with a brand new faction wars crypt for the shadowkin this truly is the best time to get started in raid and if you use my link in the description or scan my qr code you'll get some free resources and a free mystery champion to kickstart your game it really is simple just click the link in the description and i will see you in the game runway is easily one of goldeneye's simplest levels the vast majority of surface area is dedicated to the runway itself and aside from the titular feature there isn't much else going on at the beginning of the runway sits a small building which houses a key this is the plane ignition key which allows us to use a plane residing near the end of the runway the runway also contains two other features which the player will need to interact with the first is the missile battery which is standing near the plane and the other feature is a set of three heavy guns which we call drone guns one of the drone guns is located about halfway up the runway and two are situated just before the end embedded up high into the mountainsides the objectives on the double agent difficulty are as follows 1. find the plane ignition key 2. destroy heavy gun emplacements 3. destroy the missile battery and 4 escape in the plane picking up the key and escaping in the plane are pretty simple tasks but destroying the drone guns and missile battery is a little bit trickier these objects cannot be destroyed with conventional firearms and require explosives luckily the level provides us with several options next to our starting position is a box of grenades and behind us is a box of timed mines technically both of these weapons can do the job though in practice things are a little bit more iffy grenades and mines can't be thrown very far so in order to destroy the drone guns you'd need to be right underneath them this creates a problem drone guns especially on double o agent are extremely powerful taking off two bars of health with each hit basically if you get hit four times you're dead and if your plan is simply to run up to each drone gun and throw an explosive death is basically a certainty however there is another way which is the intended way to beat this level beyond the far side of the runway hidden away in the corner of the level lies a tank the tank is perfect for this kind of mission its gun fires a powerful explosive huge distances allowing us to take out the drones from a relatively safe position while inside the tank enemy damage is also heavily mitigated which is invaluable on a level like this where guards are constantly spawning so even if you did get closer to the drone guns being inside of the tank makes it far less of a threat but of course why get close when you can destroy the drone guns from halfway down the runway and so this intended strategy of using the tank was the first adopted strategy by speedrunners in the beginning footage of the earliest world records on this particular level is extremely scarce but what we do have is a run of 41 seconds by mike martin performed in 1999. this run demonstrates the basic structure of what speedrunners would do for years to come first we collect the plane key from the building near the starting location we then run across the runway to the other side of the level to get the tank at first glance it might seem like the tank is slow and sluggish but it actually travels faster than bond can run the drones and battery are then taken out as we make our way to the plane analyzing mike martin's run there are a few things that stand out as obvious time losses the first is a large amount of strafe changes in goldeneye each strafe change loses around a tenth of a second so we want to face the same way for as long as possible without switching between left and right strafe on the runway you'll notice that martin changes the direction of the tank to face each of his targets we know that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line so zigzagging up and down the runway is not a good idea a straight line should be made towards the plane and we should rotate the tank gun separately martin exits the tank a fair distance away from the plane which ends up being slightly slower because as i mentioned before bond runs slower than the tank so the best thing to do would be to drive the tank all the way up to the plane before exiting and finally the tank is parked facing the wrong way so it requires a considerably large turn to get back to the runway however one useful thing we need to know about the tank is that it drives just as fast in reverse so the best thing to do is to immediately drive backwards negating the need to turn around by 2001 most of these improvements had been realized and we can see them in action in a run performed by randy bukima in may of that year this run tied to the world record at the time of 39 seconds and we can see the backwards tank strategy as well as a much straighter line to the plane using this basic strategy goldeneye legend brian bossart would achieve a new record of 38 seconds in september of 2003. aside from everything we just covered he did add one new element which was to boost himself using a grenade explosion near the beginning of the level this time of 38 seconds was really tight and it would end up being the fastest time anyone would achieve using this strategy 37 seconds was likely possible in theory but ultimately no one would end up finding out just how possible it was several years later in 2006 something shocking would happen in my top three best goldeneye speedrunners ever video i listed brian bossart as number one sure there are some other speedrunners that are technically more skilled or have more talent but there is one thing that brian has over every other player in the game's history the ability to transform levels with new strategies and when it came to runway double o agent that's exactly what he did on the 27th of june 2006 brian bossart would achieve this run [Music] [Music] [Music] earlier in the video i mentioned that throwing grenades at drone guns wasn't really feasible because of how dangerous they are which is definitely true if they are shooting at you but there is an interesting mechanic to the way they work that enabled brian to run up to them relatively safely a drone gun will only fire at you if you are standing within a particular zone and each zone is different for each drone gun and unlike guards who can respond with many different animations and firing stances each with their own unique levels of accuracy drone guns are very predictable as long as your pathing is the same through each zone you will get hit at the same moment every time this makes it possible to plan a certain route down to the exact angle to see what will or won't work when you throw a grenade it takes approximately 5 seconds for it to explode this would otherwise present a seemingly insurmountable problem when destroying the drone guns embedded into the mountainside as the grenade would simply fall back down before it detonates thankfully however goldeneye gives us the option to hold down the trigger and prime the grenade before throwing it this allows us to prime it long enough so that the grenade detonates at the correct height obviously the timing ends up being critical here as if you hold it down for too long it will simply blow up in your face or at best before it reaches the drone the timing ends up being rather precise which is why players who want to use a strategy like this will use markers on the ground in order to start priming at the same point every time of course if it were just this simple it wouldn't have taken 10 years for this strategy to have been used there is one more thing that throws a massive range into this idea of throwing grenades at drones if you are shot or damaged at all while priming a grenade bond will automatically throw it this makes everything exponentially more complex at the end of the day the level becomes a massive mathematical problem to solve you need to ensure that you don't die and that you can also prime grenades long enough without getting shot and naturally it needs to be done in a way that's faster than simply using the tank this is why bossard's first grenade only run was so monumental when it happened over the next several years optimizations would be found to allow players to start priming one of the grenades earlier in november of 2007 brian bosshart lowered the record by a single second by incorporating a drone gun boost to throw a grenade at the final drone now instead of being a detriment if you turn and run at a very precise angle you can use the extra speed generated by being hit to throw the grenade even further this tweak not only allowed bossart to achieve a 36 but it allowed the player cliff hampton to go even lower cliff hampton was what we call a level specialist goldeneye has so many levels and so many different world records to compete for that some people just don't have the time to play them all so instead they focus on only a few if you look at cliffhampton's times page you'll notice a ton of nas meaning that for those levels he didn't submit any time at all hampton was a master at levels that required precise throws and for many years he held the world records on surface 2 agent and secret agent which both required very long very accurate throws of a mine and a grenade respectively but it would be the record hampton achieved in november of 2009 that would be his greatest feat it was a time of 35 seconds on runway double o agent this run was stunning it contained three forward boosts plus a drone boosted throw not only to the third drone gun but also the missile battery it truly was an amazing run and is still considered one of the greatest runs of all time in fact it was so good that it wouldn't be matched for over four and a half years and still sits in the top 10 longest lasting untied world records in the game's history and yes that's me in 2014 i was the first to tie hampton's record six years after hampton's historic run the world record for runway double o agent still stood at 35 seconds the prospect of attaining a 34 wasn't entirely out of the question and even hampton himself had put some time into this goal he even attained a failed run of 34 seconds where he exited the level barely too early and the missile battery didn't explode in time a completed run of 34 seconds would be indescribably perfect at least using that strategy but alas once again we will never know if a 34 played in this way would have ever been successfully done the grenade strategy had taken the level from a time of 38 seconds down to 35 and it was here that we seemed to be pushing against the limit of what was possible the story however was only just beginning in may of 2015 a brand new mechanic was discovered in the game that would change the level forever in goldeneye whenever you throw an object it inherits the current velocity of bond this is why if you throw a grenade directly up while running it will remain in line with you until it hits the ground this applies to both horizontal and vertical speed which is why on surface 2 this strategy involved throwing a mine while running up a bank which gave it extra height and therefore extra distance getting boosted while holding a grenade also results in a further throw as the extra speed from the boost gets added to the grenade's velocity this mechanic was obviously well known and even implemented in some of the world record strategies but there was one particular way it could be abused that just never seemed to cross anyone's mind this was until the 6th of may 2015 when the player eric licola uploaded a video titled extended throws here he demonstrated a new technique of running up a slope while pressing the aim button before throwing a mine it's hard to see from the first person perspective but what he was actually doing was leaning while performing the throw when you aim and press the left or right c button bond will lean to the side the distance he leans is incredibly small but the speed at which he leans is way higher than what you can attain by running but it only lasts for a single frame so the timing of the throw in order to capitalize on this is essentially frame perfect this technique of throwing an object while leaning is called an arlene throw and the specific technique that eric initially executed is a single lean throw it's called a single because he goes from bond's neutral position to the side you can get a decent amount of extra distance from this throw but if you want to really take things to the extreme you'll need to use the double lean five days after eric unveiled the arlene throw goldeneye legend randy bukima released his own video titled new extended mind throw trick where he demonstrated the double lean the double lean is performed by starting from a lean to the left or right and leaning the entire way to the other side this generates far more speed than simply starting from the center and you can throw objects far further randy used this new double lean to set a new world record on surface 2 on the very same day as soon as our lean throws were discovered players knew that it could theoretically be used on two specific levels surface 2 and runway eric who discovered the throw even said as much in the description of his video although he believed the technique was likely tas only meaning that it probably wasn't viable for a human to actually do in a real speed run eric couldn't have been more wrong in that assertion within a day of this new throw being found people were already theorycrafting ways to apply it to runway double o agent most notably were the two players randy bukima and walton mate within 48 hours a new strategy had already been roughly sketched on a video uploaded by mate showing the new strategy a single comment resides which perfectly encapsulates the feeling at the time this may be the most ridiculous strat in the game and it probably was and may very well still be when i watched these early strategies unfold i thought there was no way they would ever be successfully implemented it's hard enough doing one throw accurately and people play for hours to do it correctly a single time on surface 2. plus when people do the lean throw on surface 2 there are no guards or drone guns to worry about you simply never get hit runway on the other hand is complete chaos all of the problems discussed earlier apply when it comes to getting shot while priming grenades and in fact it's even worse because the grenades travel so fast when you throw them with a lean it makes the timing needed for the prime to be even more accurate this initial strategy had one thing going for it though it only used single lean throws which are significantly easier than the double the old grenade route took out the three drone guns first before during the missile battery last but this new way took advantage of the extra throw distance to take out the battery after the first drone it then used leans to take out drones 2 and 3 and the ability to throw the grenades further meant that less distance needed to be traveled against all odds and despite the insanity of the strategy and my pessimistic predictions it only took two months for the world record to be broken using the new technique on the 6th of july 2015 walton mate would achieve this run [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] when i first saw walton's run of 34 seconds it blew me away i had never seen anything like it in the 15 years i'd been speedrunning the game it was astonishing to say the least even though the run had obvious flaws and it seemed pretty clear the time could go much lower at least in theory just being able to pull this off at all was a very impressive feat in fact it was so strong that no one was able to replicate it for well over a year until september of 2016 when arlene pioneer randy bukima seemingly became possessed with the idea of taking runway double o agent as low as it could go walton's 34 as amazing as it was had a critical flaw the objectives were completed well before he entered the plane this meant that with tighter lines and longer throws you could finish the level much earlier ideally you don't want to be able to see the objective b completed message at all as it should complete after you've already entered the plane during the level fade out based on this plus a couple of other minor flaws in walton's 34 it was evident that a more suitable record would be around 32 seconds and that's exactly what randy did after matching 34 on the 25th of september he would take it down to 33 a mere four days later a single day after that he would achieve 32. for all intents and purposes this run was ideal the only notable area of improvement would be the inclusion of some forward boosts at the beginning of which there were none the final drone was destroyed as the level faded out and it's hard to gain any significant time elsewhere as you still need to prime all of the grenades and work around some unavoidable drone hits of course this is without considering any major changes to the strategy up until this point randy was still only using single lean throws and he knew that in theory if he incorporated double lean throws he wouldn't need to cover as much distance the idea of using double lean throws was one that had already been attempted throughout 2016 the player aaron scott had worked out his own strategy which involved running up to the plane and doing two doubling throws from there unfortunately he was never able to make it work though he did come agonizingly close still even if he did complete a run with this strategy it wasn't as fast as the single lean strategy that randy used to get 32 this is because he waited far too long to throw the final two grenades if this strategy was to be any faster they had to be thrown much earlier randy was keenly aware of this and after getting 32 he would spend the next two weeks attempting to find to the perfect locations to throw the final two grenades with a double lean joining him on this mission was also the player ryan gibbs who was able to come up with a working strategy for the final two throws with the single lean strategy players were still required to run significantly past the plane with double leans you could throw them well before the first drone throw would still be a regular throw and the throw to the missile battery would still be a single lean the final two throws is where the double lean throws come into play the precision for these throws can't be overstated from where you throw the grenades the drone guns can barely even be seen the timing of the prime needs to be perfect as does the throwing angle which is basically blind as you need to be facing directly up the throws demand frame perfect inputs and they need to be done extremely quickly to be effective meanwhile an army of guards are shooting bond from all directions and a single hit at the wrong time is all it takes to end a run even if your technique is perfect you are still at the mercy of the accuracy of the guards and given that there are so many attempting to hit you the reality is that you will be hit almost every single time this combination of precision and luck needed makes this strategy hell which is why even after many hours of attempts randy bikima was unfortunately never able to complete a run with this new route he did get excruciatingly close though on multiple occasions he entered the plane in 29 seconds with only one object left standing whether there be a missile battery or a drone gun he was even able to show that 28 seconds was possible four seconds faster than the current record randy knew it was possible as did everyone else but it was just never meant to be after devoting a portion of his life to perfecting runway double o agent randy gave up and his personal best still stands at 32 seconds today randy helped lay the groundwork and showed what was possible it was only a matter of time before someone else would take up his cause this wouldn't happen overnight however it would take more than half a year before someone would even attempt the double lean strategy again there were two players who really put in the time to perfect the double lean strategy once the single lean strategy had been taken to its limit those were randy bukima and ryan gibbs randy spent a ton of effort immediately once the strategy had been developed and got heartbreakingly close before resigning ryan on the other hand wouldn't put his knowledge into practice until mid-2017 by this stage 32 which was still the record had been equaled by multiple players using the much easier single lean strategy including ryan gibbs himself but again randy had already shown that the level could go much lower and ryan finally decided to take the plunge and officially implement the double lean strategy ryan began attempts in may of 2017 and it would take until october before he finally after many hours of grinding and got his very first completion with the new strategy oh my god i would have killed myself okay that wasn't it wasn't a it wasn't going to be a 29 [Laughter] it wasn't going to be a 29 so i'm fine with it it's whatever on the 18th of october ryan achieved a time of 31 seconds which is surprising because the strategy in theory should be considerably quicker but the final grenade throw wasn't as precise as it could have been and it took two more seconds for the explosion to destroy the drone had he invented the plane earlier the level would have failed of course 31 seconds just wasn't fast enough to satisfy gibbs and he would continue his quest of mastering the double link strategy and after two more months of grinding on christmas day 2017 goldeneye speedrunning witnessed one of the craziest sessions of all time it began when gibbs set a new world record of 30 seconds [Music] oh hey we got it we got it on [ __ ] christmas dude that's how you do it that's how you do it this was already fantastic but he wouldn't stop there and would continue playing for 29. shortly after he would get another completed run though it was again a time of 30 seconds am i actually done please don't be dirty dude [Music] [ __ ] gay all right let's keep going after every year's worth of experience in this strategy it was clear that ryan had developed a kind of mastery until this point the world had only seen a single completion with this strategy before and gibbs had just performed two in a single day shortly after his second run of 30 seconds gibbs would get yet another completion and this time it was even faster it's gotta be it [Music] oh [Music] it's a tns but i got it holy [ __ ] i got 29. i got it today i'm [ __ ] god dude my [ __ ] god all right in a span of seven hours ryan gibbs had lowered the record by two seconds and done what no one else ever had multiple times he was now three seconds ahead of second place by far the largest gap between first and second in the entire game and yet he still wasn't done both he and randy had failed runs that were 28 seconds before so he knew it was possible he was committed to his task of manifesting the best time he felt he could achieve and seven months later in july of 2018 it finally happened [Music] oh [Music] [Music] let's go [Applause] yes yes it's over dude it's over dude [Music] oh that's over ah it's over it's over this was the run to end all runs ryan was the only person to successfully use this insane double lean strategy and was now four seconds ahead of everyone else the run of 28 seconds seemed as low as it could go and matched the goal that ryan had set for himself over a year earlier the run was so unbelievable that by late 2021 gibbs was still four seconds ahead of second place no one had achieved better than 32 seconds except for him in over four and a half years and it really seemed that he was destined to stay this way for a long time to come the strategy is just so intimidating and so seemingly impossible that no one else did invest the time that is until a relatively new player arrived on the scene named yoga kim jung jung similar to cliff hampton and his iconic run of 35 seconds all of those years ago is a level specialist truth be told aside from runway he really hasn't played much at all with most of his times page still completely empty but when it comes to runway he has played a ton in september of 2020 he was the second person ever to achieve 21 seconds on runway agent a feat that still to this day only two people have ever managed and despite only joining the golden eye speed running community in 2019 his history on runway double o agent shows that he is a true student of the past the most modern strategies have existed for years and yet he methodically went through and learnt each of the older strategies one by one in july of 2020 he achieved a time of 35 seconds using the now ancient grenade strategy with regular throws from december 2020 to january 2021 he learned and mastered the single lane strategies taking his time second by second down to 32 then in late 2021 he took on the most difficult challenge runway double o agent has to offer and on the 4th of november he became the second person in history to successfully execute the double lean strategy achieving a time of 29 seconds only one second behind the world record but of course he didn't stop there seven days later he was about to match gibbs historic record with his own run of 28 seconds ending the three and a half year reign over a span of one and a half years jung had systematically learned every strategy and second by second lowered his time until only he and gibbs stood on top both jointly holding the record four seconds ahead of third place and this is where the story should have ended in the past several years as far as i knew 28 was basically as low as this time could go i wasn't aware of anyone failing anything better than 28 and i hadn't even heard anyone talk about the possibility of anything better ever happening but jung saw something that almost no one else could see and quietly in the shadows he would continue to grind the level attempting to eke out every conceivable time save one month later he would do something truly shocking on the 21st of december 2021 joachim jung would achieve this run uh [Music] [Music] this run is an absolute masterpiece and it's unfathomable to me that joachim believed it was even possible let alone actually went for it and managed to do it the double lane strategy has now existed for well over five years and yet still only two players have ever done it joao kim's incredible run now sits one second ahead of one of the longest lasting untied records in the game's history and a full five seconds ahead of everyone else even if it's hard to fully grasp what is happening when you watch these runs i think we can all agree it's pretty amazing how far the level has come it's been an epic journey for me watching these strategies over the years unfold from its humble beginnings using the tank like even the casual players would to seeing brian bossart shocked the world with the very first grenade run being blown away by cliff hampton's unbelievable achievement of 35 seconds and witnessing the level being literally thrown into utter chaos when the arlene throws were discovered runway double o agent is a short level with a long history and one that continues to surprise me to this very day while joakim's run of 27 seconds seems utterly perfect now the level has been blown open so many times in the past that it seems inevitable a huge discovery is just lurking around the corner that will change everything again the only question is when as always thank you so much for watching you legends i hope you are having a fantastic day and i will see you in the next video
Channel: Karl Jobst
Views: 664,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: karl jobst, goldeneye, goldeneye 007, goldeneye speedrun, speedrun, speedrunning, new world record, speedrun world record, n64, nintendo 64, nintendo, james bond, world record progression, speedrun documentary, aztec, runway
Id: YOk9IBbIuYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 34sec (2314 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 22 2022
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