Top 20 Soulsborne Bosses (Feat. KBash)

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[Music] over the last decade hid a taka Miyazaki and from software have crafted some of the greatest action RPGs of all time nay some of the greatest games of all time period Demon Souls Dark Souls blood-borne secular these are games that will not be forgotten by time and are already held up by years and years of critical acclaim and deep analysis while we won't be delving into the lore of any of these worlds today we will be journeying across the miyazaki sad scape in order to crown the king or queen of the modern from software baddies there's so many of these fucking bosses guys and i think it's about time I added my own opinion to this a flaming pile of desperate from software based YouTube videos to get those sweet sumptuous clicks without further ado let's jump into Lordran lothric maybe not trying like yharnam boletaria and a sheena to uncover the answer to the imposing question of who is the best from software boss I feel like the gaping dragon is a perfect place to start this list because with it comes the origin of a very important quote in regards to Miyazaki's game design philosophy it's a famous story that I'm sure you've heard before but I'm gonna retell it real quick for posterity it all began with one of from artists bringing Miyazaki a a really brutal fucked up piece of concept art for the gaping dragon and it's a paraphrase Miyazaki basically said what the fuck is this this shit is gross imagine if you would how much it would fucking suck to be this thing imagine if your chest was perpetually prolapsing that's sad shit you you think about that and can I just say dear Jesus what the fuck did that concept artist draw that was somehow more grotesque have been this how was this a step back so it's a fucking abomination now the gaping dragon isn't a great fight per se but it is a great representation of the tone of the souls series as a whole it's an ancient once powerful and magnificent creature that's been reduced to a despicable existence of unending loneliness at the bottom of the most wretched sewer in the land and that setup alone makes for a pretty impactful confrontation but yeah when you actually start to fight this thing it kind of just sits there and flops around so let's move on I've made my point you know this phat with a pH motherfucker just had to make it on the list this thick slab of demon booty meat was thousands if not millions of people's first two souls boss experience and it's a hell of a way to start you off mere seconds into dark souls who are faced with unbeatable odds in the form of the towering asylum demon dudes the first thing you fight and he's the size of a fucking small building but only seconds after that big reveal you're taught the essential rule of dark souls in the fact that if you keep your wits about you you'll be able to overcome obstacles that at first glance may seem utterly impossible to surmount sure you could punch this guy in its butthole for 45 minutes and kill him that way that is a semi viable option as always take care this dad a pig's asshole man but the real trick here is to drop your six remaining pounds of skeletal skin right on top of this obese beast for an immediate advantage Oh beast beast Oh Beast he's oh he's an obese deep this guy is a classic of Dark Souls no a classic of modern gaming you pull up a picture of this fat fucking people are immediately like oh oh yeah something that gapes you at the beginning of Dark Souls right even the filthy casuals acknowledging this obese supremacy and come on those jiggle physics are just iconic as fuck gotta give it up for the asylum demon dudes and og even if he does Punk out in comparison to some of the Federer's on this list now this is an aside I just want to get this off my chest but I swear I have been editing this video for like four days now and I have a watched so much footage of this thing's ass while cutting this video and III know somewhere in there at least once I got like half a job next bit food food come on look at this fuckin intro cutscene the dance arc is an entry on this list for that alone and when you know what G also comes with a pretty good boss fight the dancer is great for many reasons but I'll start with the fact that she's got DET ds1 atmosphere the dancer truly feels like something ripped straight out of the original Dark Souls she feels like an extension of everything that made des one's boss is great with a shiny new coat of paint and an amazing set of animations save for that bullshit spin move that fucking ruins every that way this giant woman flows through the air like she's swimming towards you is just straight-up fucking beautiful to watch and incredibly fear-inducing as well shit is unnatural get that out of my face what from steamed perfectly realizes the vision of this eerie yet inspiring creature like the gaping dragon this fight is smeared with a thick layer of implied sadness which now that I think about it could be the alternate title of the whole Dark Soul series this draining atmosphere is portrayed through everything from the dimly lit arena to the almost melancholic movements of the boss to the pining violins that set the tone from the get-go perfectly matching the unearthly movements of the dancer herself now that I've made some legitimate points come on you know I gotta mention it look at that but that's some medieval thickness thickest boss on the list Barna well the dancers fight surely isn't the greatest in the series and it doesn't really even do one thing particularly well it's just that it's a really solid from boss from top to bottom the tone the music the visual design the animations the weapon and armor set you unlock afterwards the difficulty the fact that you can access her way earlier than you should the lore that I'm completely unaware of but I'm sure it's great the dancer of the boreal valley isn't the most unique or a gimmicky patty on this list but she is a fantastic example of your classic down-home Dark Souls brawl and I can certainly appreciate that okay we all know this mean was dead like 15 minutes after the game came out and officially cremated when Sony tweeted this shit out like seven years ago but i'ma do it anyways alright let's continue you know with all due respect to mr. ghio new eye everybody always talks about this guy in his awesome booming voice but nobody ever gives credit to this poor fucking horse who's doing all the work here taking all the hits for our guy kill booth we whale on this fucking animal like a pinata for minutes on end just so we can climb up on him to shut this big mouth to motherfucker up for good Gil boo is a great early boss in Psych hero because he teaches you some very essential things about boss fights in this game that you might not have picked up on otherwise this is still very early in the game so at this point I personally was still in blood-borne mode I was still trying to dodge the big attacks here because I didn't realize that I could deflect such a massive weapon kill blows got this big fuck-off spear and initially I thought to myself well of course I won't be able to deflect that shit it's bigger than my entire body but as it turns out our noble shinobi is away harder than I thought because he can brush that shit off like a blood-borne emote in shorts gyobu teaches you the very important lesson of deflect to see a big-ass weapon coming your way to Fleck to see a tiny little old lady coming your way to flecked see any movement at all a whatsoever on the finest deflected if that a singular word is not the only thing on your mind during a boss battle in sec hero you're doing it wrong and gyobu permanently cements this in your subconscious which allows you to conquer it later challenges with confidence thanks boo and thanks unnamed horse who gets Thanos snapped away at the end there coming in at number 16 on today's list is everybody's favorite dejected albino noodle face every attests every there's gonna be a lot of mispronunciations on this list you breed us okay well there you go you breed us alright but I'm listening to it and I still don't know how to pronounce it the thing that immediately struck me about it we des upon first inspection besides her obviously awesome name is how oddly cute she is she's got this strangely cuddly macaroni arts-and-crafts vibe that I just love she's like the ugliest ugly doll you could ever imagine she has these sad beady little eyes and he's a floppy deflated arm she reminds me of peor and I don't want to kill your I don't know about you guys this fight goes so far in to guilt-trip territory that it won't even happen unless you directly instigated by attacking every test which unequivocally makes you the dick here there's no reasoning with yourself this time like oh no I had the stamp at limping dog because it stabbed me first no you chose to bill for that pasta file and now you better stick with that decision because if you don't beat every boss in the game you're gonna feel shitty about yourself take it from a man who still hasn't played either of the Dark Souls 3 DLC packs no m'dear here sorry guys on top of the interesting lower setting and gorgeous eldritch design of it reassess the fight itself is really great not too complicated nothing overly elaborate just a vintage as Dark Souls battle with something large and spooky and that's all I can ever really ask for now if you'll excuse me for a moment I'm gonna try the new game plus 7 this bitch somebody somebody else somebody else take over nobody's gonna watch this shit there's like 7,000 DS boss countdown videos uploaded at this website every goddamn day I thought I saw a place in blood-borne now somebody [Music] hey it's me Kay bash the youtuber with a consistent 10% dislikes are higher on every video Wow at number 15 we've got the blood starved beast now I get it some of you are thinking what do you made only nights and sad people belong in this list but not so look at this thing it's horrific turned its own flesh into a fashion statement it's think I'm gonna be a minute obvious skin flap jokes aside the blood starved beast is iconic for blood-borne this boss alone knocked at least two people I know off their playthrough so you know he's doing something right and he's definitely doing a lot of it whatever it is do just leaps and hops and screams and rages all over the place unlike the measured and controlled bosses at Dark Souls this is the first time the player should have fought something so aggressive I mean Gascoigne's like that too but this guy never lets up I swear the blood start beast isn't just some huh gasps win fast fight either okay he is a little bit but he throws the player off frequently and even forces you off with poison he's the first boss to use a status ailment against the player and the only cure is found in the same level he's in dang a box that teaches the player to use the new item in the level in case they haven't yet that's like right from fucking Miyamoto's big book at all right videogames associate it's the combination of hyper aggression and poison that makes this fight dangerous I go by me I'm a blood-borne professional and this is a New Game+ no big deal and the fucking bat shit that poison works fast though the spots forces you if you're being too aggressive yourself to back off find a moment to rest amid the leaping and slashing and heal yourself before you keep going or you can just die look guys I just love this fight it's the skin flaps do what can I say slap me with your giant flaps mom number 14 we got Lorien and lothric the twin Prince's after about 70 hours of Simon my first Dark Souls experience ever I mean excluding blood-borne right doing the DLC because I wanted the cool sight I got to Lorien and lothric and my playthrough ended it wasn't that they were too hard but the game can fatigue you it can make it seem like there's no way you can win or if you do it'll be fleeting in temporary and the next guy I'll just be you up 20 times and this cycle continues coming back I remembered everything I hated immediately but found a lot more that unlike most of the other bosses in the game this one stood out to me it's a lower important fight so there's no doubt about that but it's the little things like for example glory and teleports sometimes unlocking your camera breaking a rule that every other fight except maybe one followed until this point his attacks are huge deliberate and deadly on his own if you're patient he's not too difficult but it's realizing that you need to attack then back off and go back in when it's safe the antithesis of blood-borne in a lot of ways but you could say the same for the game as a whole no the fight picks up when lothric gets his crippled ass on his brother's back and starts launching weapons-grade twink lease from across the room I guess warm up blinking B's all that changes is the dude does some new attacks while you avoid magic it's not impossible but like Ludwig gets an escalation raising the stakes of the battle but even when you kill him like whatever stupid law-related curse made these two refuse to die okay lothric brings his brother back so the fight becomes kill Lorien but you can only hit him when he's vulnerable for the most part it's cool because there's a unique wind condition imposed on an already abnormal fight it's notable that this is the second last man that's already fighting the game and comes after a massive painful gauntlet of stupid library crap and it's a massively important battle for the story it's just so haunting like I'm not a Laura nerd I don't know this story but all that cryptic stuff lothric just drops mid combat adds so much weight and character to a boss that exists in a game where bosses say almost nothing you know overcoming this one feels way more meaningful than so many others which mostly amounted to at least in my playthrough dying enough times until I had to pattern down but never feeling like I deserved it lauric though with such clean cut attacks and such open and honest tells it genuinely feels earned I like it and a +4 character design guys super cool alright I'm back I did not beat up yet isn't that two minute time frame as you might have guessed I actually kind of suck at these games when you get right down to it ah yes at number 13 we have the great gray wolf a valiant beast filled to the brim with spiked encouragin uh-oh I want to kill this fucking dog look at this thing it's just a giant husky what why are you making me do this init dog guy pretty sure Miyazaki hates dogs maybe the dudes allergic or some shit like most great from software bosses comes with a twist that subverts your expectations in the most heartbreaking way possible the fact that I had an actual emotional reaction during this fight automatically submitted as one of the best in the Soul series you're a cold motherfucker Miyazaki called his ice but I do want to finish your game so I will kill the fuck out of this dog I personally had a lot of trouble with SIF during my initial run of Dark Souls all those years back his attacks have such an expansive range and they can cut your stamina to pieces if you block too many shots in a row as a defensive player at the time this was before I'd gotten my lightning Luigi katana and a pair of testicles it fucked my shield riding ass directly up so this fight begins with a tease for another fight later down the line with you reaching for the renowned artorias 'as now abandoned sword and as the resident guard dog o SIF does not take this well SIF is miffed and because you had the gall to ignore the obvious beware giant dog signs on the way and he's gonna make an example out of you and to make an example he certainly does as this deranged uggo spins and spins and spins until I just can't spin anymore God there is nothing cuter than a dizzy dog gang okay can we just watch some dog clips okay yeah look at that ah that was nice wasn't it god damn this guy's hair is fabulous god damn now my hair is fabulous and I just want to clear this up he's only called the nameless King because they didn't have a word for camera back then because that's the real fucking boss here at least for the first half while the main with no names Eastern dragon does make for a memorable first phase and creates some awesome camera shots mid-fight it's mostly just a pain in the brain trying to parse out what's happening against this dragon is a matter of complex equations and you're squinting to see what attack it's got and you're fucking dead truly the real camera was the friends we made along the way I don't know why this line is in the script the nameless King has everything you could want out of one of these bosses except for a well-dressed setting but I'm sure I saved a lot of money on it Miyazaki saw in the game ships in three hours and we haven't created anything for the neighbours Kings arena what do we do was leave it alright let's get serious here because contrary to what his tiny little baby skull head might imply this motherfucker is not a joke the lost child of Gwyn and his loyal bird buddy make for a pretty epic combo clash against two characters but shit gets really real when she killed the dragon this mid fight cutscene is one of the most memorable moments in Dark Souls 3 I love the subtle shaking of the Kings hand before he puts his battered companion out of his misery that's real shit right there as I mentioned a moment ago this guy is Gwen's forgotten firstborn you've got Gwendolyn solare and then this alpha male ass baby head have another fucker and the lineage of the Lord of cinder is definitively felt in this final phase the nameless King has clearly inherited his father's fastidious iron will as well as his homelessness hair and it makes for a fight that's reminiscent of the past without ever directly leading on nostalgia as a crutch this fight is all about this character it's not about win or solare it carves a clear niche in the franchise to uniquely define itself as something new but again it also cleverly pays homage to the original game that brought us all here in the first place this encounter expertly treads the delicate line between new and nostalgic which is a tightrope walk that I don't think Dark Souls 3 as a whole was really able to achieve but that's a discussion for another day either way it's great to see that balance brought to fruition here if only for a moment [Music] bloodborne has a knack for giving enemies amazing names and Lady Maria of the astral Clocktower is definitely the cream of the crop and if we're discussing lady Maria you know we got to discuss the second half of her name the astral Clocktower itself the whole level is built almost exclusively to hype up this woman and it ended up being one of the best levels in the game because of it you keep hearing this name lady Maria lady Maria and over the course of the level you begin to wonder just who the fuck could have done this what kind of monster would run an institution like this and institution probably isn't the right word for this place because in reality it's a fucking slaughterhouse it's overflowing with abandoned half-conscious shells of humans in the astral Clocktower we finally get to see what it takes to line a brain with eyes and as you might expect it ain't fucking pretty after an hour or two of exploring this wretched heap of writhing brain sacks you finally reach the woman in question and guess what she's already offed herself it's odd the candor with which the gushy brain buddies disgust Maria it's almost a respectful there's an ad you Latian there and when you come across lady Maria's corpse it all kinda coalesce 'as this poor hunter was doing all that she thought she could she was desperately trying to make up for what she did in the fishing hamlet by tending to these monstrosity and that desperation for some form of redemption turned her into something that she couldn't bear but this is a blood-borne and you're in a fucking nightmare so when you get down to it she's not really all that dead and the good Lord in space heaven we haven't even gotten to the fight itself yet you know I like a boss when it takes me two minutes of discussion to actually get to the boss lady Maria's got three phases and they're all sort of the same but the range damage output and aesthetics of Maria's attacks intensifies with every 33 percent of her that you murder at first all you have to deal with are her normal rakuyo slashes but then you get bloody and then he get basted by the last segment of her encounter she's consistently within out attacks that covered nearly half of the fucking boss arena and it's it's a bit of a pain but whoo that feeling you get when you put her out of her misery for good is like nothing that you will experience in gaming yeah outside of the next ten entries on his list on top of being one of the biggest monkeys in the medium The Guardian ape is also one of the biggest trolls in gaming history seriously this is miyazaki at maximum trolling capacity I bet that dude was laughing his fucking ass off making this thing both halves of this fight are individually phenomenal but let's start from the beginning unlike several of the mandatory bosses in Sec here oh you don't have to skip a cutscene over and fuck it over just to begin the fight so we're starting off strong already you just stroll up on this dude he notices you're in his house and immediately he is not having it the motherfucker will literally fart on you and contrary to what you initially may think those are not rocks he's throwing the game is literally shitting on your face at this point and oh my god he even has to like take a second to detents his butthole Jesus Christ his Dookie attack has a cool down animation where he can't even handle his own massive shit's hit attack of me exactly everybody let's have a round of applause for one of the greatest game designers of our time despite having to deal with being pelted by fecal boulders the first half of the Guardian 8 fights and the boss as a whole is by far the best monster fight in Secura unlike the other major beast battle the demon of hatred vertical movement is a huge part of the Guardian a fight and aspect enhanced by the myriad of trees that litter the landscape using these grapple points you can hop out of range of some of the Apes attacks but as the skirmish continues the ape will slowly destroy these trees ripping away the only safety net between you and a face full of monkey shit but hey after countless brutal deaths at the hands of this gargantuan gorilla you will eventually take it down with the best shinobi execution in the entire game this is a fact don't fucking at me ah you know that wasn't so bad yeah and I'm walking down Easy Street now nope I'm done with this game you're not gonna do me like that I don't care anymore god damn bullshit I mean in actuality it's completely brilliant but come on man cut me some fucking slack you got a whole rope man for it also side note but what what the fuck was that rope man does it does anybody know about the Rope man yet though I have you have we figured that out so yeah the introduction of this second phase is already the most infamous moment in Sec your Oh they've taught you this lesson before first with Lady butterfly and then with Kenichiro so I really don't know why I didn't expect it but I would be lying if I said this moment did anything less than shatter my spirit into a thousand pieces where to even start with this second phase well I guess we'll start with the fact that it's actually a lot easier than the first because it totally is but that's fine because the real challenge here lies in completing the first phase with enough gourd charges to be able to shoulder your way through the second also a random side note but this right here is the single best deflection animation in the game countering this massive sword slam and being pushed back like 20 feet by the explosive force of this fight awesomeness never gets old we've been on this goddamn gorilla fuck two minutes now so I'm gonna wrap this up with the observation that this is absolutely one of the most petrifying boss designs I've ever laid eyes upon the way this thing stumbles around bleeding head in one hand an oversized sword and the other is deeply disconcerting after all those crazy-ass space gods I bet you didn't expect the final boss of blood-borne to be a scythe wielding senior citizen I know I sure fuckin didn't but I'd be lying if I said Germann wasn't one of the most satisfying boss battles I've ever participated in gurmann squirming zegermans skirmish gurmann skirmish is an unexpectedly simplistic climax to blood-borne when you take it at face value but truly there is so much to this fight first off it's just said that this faceoff is happening at all gurmann has been one of only two people in the world of blood-borne that have served as permanent faithful companions free from harm in the hunters dream he's your main man he guided you on your journey he put a roof over your head he gave you a sex doll that looks like his apprentice creepy hell he even deigned to lend you his copy of how to pick up fair maidens I mean he's got enough copies to spare he's got a whole library of this shit really I'm beginning to think did gurmann write this book he doesn't exactly have your classic pickup artist look but I mean with that slick ass top hat I'm sure he had to bat away the ladies with a stick I'm not questioning the man or anything second on the list of reasons why this boss is amazing is the location it's so cool that the game basically begins and ends in the hunters dream the safe haven you've spent hours kicking back and relaxing in immediately flips and becomes the site for the greatest hunter on hunter battle in blood-borne no fuck that guy in the church fun little anecdote I have about this boss the music here is phenomenal but at the time I was living with my friend Alex and around that time I think he was in seven bands not in exaggeration and they would practice in the room right next to mine sure it did make me want to shoot myself in the mouth a lot of the time but during this particular showdown one of the bands was in the midst of practice I believe it was Jeff X Goldblum I took down gurmann while a full black metal outfit was playing six feet from my head which made for a pretty effective atmosphere I slaved this motherfucker right as the set ended and I gotta say it made for one of the most intense ass moments in my gaming career I'm gonna call it gay basket Hey I'm a calling back in here because it actually came after this for a minute and I don't really I really want to do the next bit so I guess I'm back number 8 goes to the claret Beast technically the first boss of blood-borne and more importantly the first optional boss when you're hunter first leaves the intro area and climbs the first ladder you'll hear and that's it that's how you know you're fucked you can't even talk about this bus without talking about the first level never mind that a new player is probably gonna be spending a good 4 hours just getting used to the game and dying so much that first run-through you'll know the starting area like the back of your hand for you ever fight the boss not only that but the level is labyrinthine and you can easily skip over the guy if you went one way instead of another but if you go where the game makes it obvious you should go you're probably gonna get to this bridge all the way to the bridge you've been getting your ass kicked by encounters that feel at least starting out way over tuned especially depending on that first weapon you picked you haven't even been allowed to level up at this point you're nothing but a guy who's lost a ton of blood echoes maybe found the hunter outfit in the sewer and probably had to grind a few blood vials on dudes because he wasted them all you get to the bridge and die a bunch to the beasts to the giant but eventually you get to the final stretch and you know something's coming but it waits till the very end to scream and climb over the wall you're fucked I maintain too much disagreement that this is one of the hardest fights in the game I don't know I can beat all kinds of bosses in one go but never the cleric beast hmm his giant body screws with the camera constantly his attacks are just say me enough that it's hard to dodge his grab does absolutely batshit fucking insane damage he's so unpleasant you probably have to resort to chucking bottles of the dude dousing him in oil whatever you can do to make the battle easier and then it clicks something clicks and he goes down like nothing you hardly got hit this time you abused items you aimed at his head and then visceral attacked him whatever it was this time it worked and you're a god you know you can beat anything from this point on it's the best feeling in the entire game [Music] fuck this guy it's like he's out of a different game Artorius was playing blood-borne for years before we got our hands on that shit we're stuck wielding a spear that Cleaves at four miles an hour all this to stop hacking the fucking matrix with these front flips that titular artorias of the abyss is easily one of the most unrelenting foes and Dark Souls but there's much more to him than his obviously awesome visual design and move says to just get down to brass tacks here Artorius is premium high-grade sad souls material here you have a character who was once the most respected and valiant swordsman in the land we've been hearing about this dude for the whole fucking game and when we finally meet him were too late like everything in this God's forsaken world he is a corrupted hollow husk of his former self an inverted perversion of everything Artorias once stood for when you push through that fog gate and gaze upon him and all his former glory how you can muster up his sympathy and all right well I don't have time to feel sad some too busy being pissed off old noodle arm here is such a beloved villain because his encounter is beautifully built up throughout Dark Souls he's important to the lore and there's even an entirely separate boss that's basically just there to serve as his hype dog and by the time you finally reach the man himself its emotional challenging engaging atmospheric shift ticks all the boxes the escalating intensity that builds to this encounter throughout Dark Souls pays off in spades in this climactic yet restrained boss battle and if all that isn't enough for you at the very least it's funny to watch his arm flop around and I know thousands of people have already pointed this out but it's cool to see Miyazaki's love for anime and berserk in particular bleeding into his work always nice to know the influences behind some of your favorite creators [Music] this you take a moment ah good nature oh ah give me cheer oh I fuckin hate you give it your all this electricity fuelled fiend is the peak of sec heroes gameplay straight up the game only gets worse from here explicitly because this boss battle is such simple perfection our noble Shinobi's nemesis is the best boss in sec hero and one of the best bosses across the entirety of From Software's modern Catalog because his confrontation is based on nothing but pure unbridled skill if you're not well versed in this game's mechanics by the time you get to get Ichiro you sure as a fuck will be afterwards and if you're not it's probably because you drop the game here entirely the deflections in this fight the deflections gideros fight comes down to nothing but deflections as do most of the fights in this game but this particular man's move set is the perfect pop quiz of everything you've learned up until this point with a magnificent Vista and the background to boost the onslaught you're up against is constant unforgiving and merciless you really get the vibe that this is the real shit this is the ultimate battle with your arch villain but without the fight ever devolve into something unfair or unbalanced I'm sorry that's why I had something stuck in my throat eating the sword state is fucking bullshit this shit took me so frustratingly long to master but learning all of guinea tiros moves and how to counteract each and every one of them is tremendously satisfying in the end and as a classic example of Miyazaki teaching you while he simultaneously fucks you to death if you're not willing to sit watch listen and learn like a true noble shinobi you might never crack this fight but four or five hours into that process once you've committed and got that shit refined to a science you finally get to experience the feeling of genuinely matching swords with a warrior of equal or even greater skill after a certain point of repetition you never know which run is gonna be the one where you actually win so effectively every single time you experience this battle it begins with you desperately crossing your fingers hoping for the best and just going ah this one done two phases what a bitch impressive shinobi of the divine air well what is it what is this what is this no mm-hmm stop this stop don't do don't do this hit a target don't do what you're gonna do stop this you can you can still stop this is what I paid for now truly what you just witnessed was an historical reenactment but fuck if it wasn't as accurate as I could possibly make it without going back in time and setting up a fuckin tripod while I fought this dude the look on my face as this cutscene faded into a third phase after hours and hours of learning the first who probably looked like I had accidentally ran over my own puppy on Christmas by the end of Ganesha arrows fight your veins will be taught your heart will be racing and your hands shaking but goddamn if that isn't exactly what I paid for now if you'll briefly excuse me I'm gonna Fred a New Game+ this asshole real quick this will only take a moment this guy really needs to stop leaving his own videos at number five we got the lure monster Ludwig himself Ludwig is peak bloodborne look his name's on the fucking sword I don't make the rules Ludwig in the lore was the first hunter of the healing church so unlike a ton of bosses killing him means something the first hunter of this church right a legendary figure appears in the DLC completely corrupted bestial hideous his visuals are so on point for this game he's become part horse part person and I like a centaur no no more like Nina Tucker except his face is melting James so by the way anyone taking this in his bus is fucking crazy he jumps and stomps he ramps his whole self halfway across the room Jesus dude sit down or he never stops he never lets up and you're gonna be dead more than once before he goes down probably before you even get to his second phase and when you do the bastard pulls out the holy moonlight greatsword itself look pal I knew you were packing 70 inches of repulsing steel I would've never came here in the first place the moonlight greatsword is the sword of the souls franchise you know it's got a lot of historical weight to it and it hits really hard as soon as this thing comes out you got to learn a whole new set of attacks including everybody's favorite that just hit the entire area seventy-five percent maybe fuck off I swear this guy and especially on New Game+ killed me so many times I want to blame myself but it's the pure depth of his moveset the blood start beast and the cleric beast and probably all the other beasts don't have half the depth he's got he's got it in spades welling up from deep within and he needs to get it out oh god oh god tell me that true as soon as you've got his patterns down he goes down easy enough but it's getting used to his many many easy kill options that he can and will just pull out at any time and it only takes one fuckup to lose the fight not to mention when he dies he leaves his head behind so you know I'll casually like walk up to the head and have a word and it's fairly reasonable and dignified you know until likewise up [Music] Oh neat rows a fucking piece of shit how do we do him already when is a fucking piece of shit well not really I'm still just mad at Knut euro and honestly I'd rather stay mad because as soon as I start talking about this guy I'm just gonna get sad the final boss of the original Dark Souls is gwyn lord of cinder which is a kind way of saying gwyn lord of fuck all lord of a fistful of ash and some pocket change lord of cave lint lord of my self-worth there's so much build-up to this guy from the opening frames of the game you know you're gonna have to take down this lightning fling and motherfucker at some point and by the time you reach that final lonesome cavern you've already walked the halls of his astounding castles you've gazed upon the glorious statues and cities established under Gwynn's rule so of course you're expecting something huge but it turns out to be the most quiet intimate and downright depressing fight in the entire game the music that backs up this encounter is absolutely superb setting the tone with a stunning piece that somehow manages to be hopeless and hopeful all at once take a listen yeah man if you don't get chills from that I don't know what to tell you maybe you're not even a human you can tell all this poor bearded bastard wants to do is rest but his sheer will has never allowed him that respite not until you force it upon him and take the mantle of the keeper of the first flame for yourself I actually don't know if that's the right way to phrase it is it's called the first flame in this one right I haven't played Dark Souls in like five years on top of its significance to the story and lore of Lordran the skirmish itself is one for the fucking books even in his old age Gwyn puts up a hell of a fight attacking quicker than just about every enemy in the game this bewildering cave hobo is nothing to sneeze at Wynn serves as a micro cost of Lordran or is it Qasim he represents everything about this land that won't give in he represents the final flickering hope of humanity and the last thing you do in this game is wrench that hope from him sure in the end what you're doing is for the good of the world but that doesn't stop this fight from being something deeply truly tragic blood-borne is a game full of ridiculously quotable lines but if I had to whittle all of those incredible moments down to a single favorite piece of dialogue I'd probably end up picking this this all over the shop you'll be one of them and with that begins one of the greatest fights in from software history father gasps quoi father gascoigne gasps whoa gasps quick need butter guacamole bolas boss battle has everything you could want in a from showdown it's emotional and bursting with lore the move set is perfectly paced to serve as a credible challenge for both beginners and a master hunters it's got two wholly unique phases that require two very different approaches to combat there's a hidden feature that can render the battle a tad easier if you play it smart Papa Galapagos hesita okay bash already mentioned the cleric beast we already know how awesome that motherfucker is but I got to bring them up one more time because father Guadalajara serves as the perfect flip side to the cleric beast coin these two bosses in tandem drill the essentials of blood-borne into your brain very early on good ol Lawrence teaches you the basics of beast based bosses and in turn guess coin I dunno how to say it teaches you how to handle hunters as well as a little some some in between even though most people do see the cleric beast first he is technically optional which leaves me feeling like this was always meant to be the first real trial of blood-borne father guacamelee baptizes you in blood and however you end up coming out the other end whatever tactics you use to surmount those odds you're probably gonna stick with I never put down that fucking hunter axe I'm still swinging that bitch 200 hours later it's been to win maybe that's how we do it here an interesting element that makes the gues coin battle stand out from the pack is its use of the environment to influence the pace of the fight shit is expertly done emphasis on the stretch for the first half of the skirmish you're facing off against a man barely holding on to his sanity he's on the edge but he is still a person and with that in mind you're navigating between the tombstones of oedon chapel to stay safe from the firearm blast that you probably haven't learned how to deal with just yet these tombstones have very quickly become a safety cushion and of course Miyazaki rips the stuffing out of that bitch as soon as he gets the opportunity halfway through the scuffle Gascoigne finally hits the free workout a little too hard and goes full beast mode and as it turns out those tombstones were actually foreshadowing because the first time this happens you're gonna get put in the fucking ground suddenly these tombstones become utterly useless as a defensive tactic because Gascoigne will tear through them like wet paper and a fucking tsunami it's a frustratingly simple and brilliant twist that keeps you on your toes throughout the whole experience in conclude and has anybody here actually played guacamelee this shit is dope fucking Normie pic of the day I know eight years later and in my opinion the orange scene and SMO still represent the perfect merging of both sides of the souls boss coin this is the second time I've missed you the coins in this video pinkie in the brain here a really play off of that feeling of anticipation right before Dark Souls boss I love it every time you walk through a fog gate you're wondering if it's gonna be a man or a monster that you're facing down in this case you traipse on into this chamber and get a big face full of both motherfucker you've got an amazing monster Escobar since MO and an amazing humanoid boss in Ornstein and they both expertly come together in a fight that somehow against all odds manages not to be a complete and total fuckin gank fest oh nice to see you your grave robbers what are you doing here you walk into that arena and immediately think well that's it I hate this game but over the course of death after death you will slowly realize that this is indeed all your fault fatty and Arbuckle our beautifully balanced to play off of one another in a way that's so few from bosses do they genuinely work together to make sure your day is ruined every time you get to them foghorns got huge sweeping swings and leghorns got precise surgical strikes and through this unity they create constant pressure this shit is a true-blue endurance battle and of course you know they got to put that to a standing on your ass too right when you think it's about to get just a tad easier right when you take down the first of the duo whoever it ends up being you still gotta fight the other boss but this time whoever you left live has fuckin superpowers awesome thank you darling there I fuckin said are you happy now the Lightning of towaway does make the second half of this fight a bit of a bitch but in all honesty it is easier to surmount one boss as opposed to two so the unrelenting challenge does sort of taper off near the end it's not a perfect fight but hell when you really look at it what is Oh your Casas sounds good the orphan of costs is in my humble opinion the greatest from software bossfight of them all build up 10 out of 10 atmosphere 10 out of 10 challenge 10 out of 10 moveset 10 out of 10 lore 10 out of 10 visual design loot in out of 10 I love how from could have gone absolutely crazy with their final enemy design if they wanted to we could have gotten some Cthulhu as one reborn fuckfest but instead they decided to pull it back and give us a fresh twist on the most basic spook um of all of the scaly tone or as it's known scientifically skeletons bonus now I've bought plenty of spooky scary skeletons in my time on this earth and the orphan of costs might just be my favorite there's such an elegant simplicity to it it's just basically the Blowfish man with no skin but that straightforwardness in design is balanced out by an expertly rendered personality that jumps are right out of the screen at you through its animations its hunched posture its manic movements the orphan is clearly scared and confused and this translates into an appropriately dreadful encounter this is where it all began this sad lonely creature is the harbinger of the healing church and the impact of this event is beautifully conveyed through everything about this boss from the characterization of the orphan to its place in the game to the music to the horrific setting as you do battle around the decaying corpse of the orphans mother god it just sounds like I'm describing a cannibal corpse cover right now I fucking love it this sickening Skelly even uses chunks of his mother's body as some sort of placenta axe and honestly my only disappointment with this fight is that we didn't get that weapon as a reward real sad I was never able to wield the placenta as the final fight of the old hunters the orphan also serves as the final fight we fans ever got to experience in the world of blood-borne and as you might expect it is a fucking doozy the developers clearly wanted this to be a summation of all that you've learned across your journey through yharnam it's all been building to this and as a final boss mr. Coss does not disappoint this maniacal bag of bones comes at you with everything he's got he's a merciless onslaught of lightning infused melee moves magic and expansive ranged attacks as he tosses his mother's sharpened organs around like a fucking yo-yo it's just fucking sick oh so fucking the orphan of costs is everything I love about Miyazaki's work it's terrifying to behold while still inspiring aw its menacing while simultaneously evoke an sympathy it doesn't hold your hand while still remaining clear as can be if given the thought and attention necessary to process it and most importantly it made me want to smash my controller into a million pieces [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Purposeless Rabbitholes
Views: 96,312
Rating: 4.8266253 out of 5
Keywords: dark souls, hidetaka miyazaki, soulsborne, From, From Software, Miyazaki, best, countdown, hardest, best bosses, bosses, boss, final, Gwyn, Solaire, Nameless King, Genichiro, Sekiro, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, Dark Souls II, Dark Souls III, Lordran, Lothric, top 10, top 20, hardest bosses, funny, gaming, games, Xbox 350, Xbox One, PS3, PS4, Bloodborne, Blood borne, hard, Sif, Artorias, Ashina, FromSoftware, Elden Ring, Hidetaka, quote, editorial, discussion, review, Purposeless Rabbitholes, PR
Id: if4D3bBn2ac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 48sec (2628 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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