15 of the Biggest Trends in Website Design Right now

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hello hello I'm so excited to be back to be talking about design Trends this time we're going to cover website design Trends you might have seen my previous video about this we went over 18 trends that we were noticing in graphic design over the last five or ten years or that I was noticing but this was also research done within the industry and seeing what other people are talking about and that's exactly what I'm going to do today but it's going to cover website design Trends and trends that we're noticing especially in the last five or two years really so I put together a similar presentation that I'll walk you through today this time we're going to go over 15 website design Trends these are the top design trends that are happening right now but if there's any that you think are trends that are worth noting that I didn't cover today please let me know in the comments because I would love to hear what else you're noticing especially popping up within the last year so let's dive in so before we cover the design Trends from today I think it's really important that we go over the history of design Trends especially in website design because oh boy there's quite a history there so one book that I referenced in the last video was all about this history of graphic design the 40th Edition by Tashan books uh I think that this is a really great resource in just design history in general but let's go way back to the year 2000 and explore website design so if the web world was very new very young there weren't a whole lot of designers touching things this was all made by people who were familiar with HTML and CSS and that was it they were not really designers this is the.com era the trends that were happening around this time were very literal uh technical kinds of Trends where links needed to be a different color than the text so they're all blue and they're all underlined and we still see some of that today everything was organized as if it was reading a spreadsheet it was very in information heavy and and sites needed to load quickly so there couldn't be a whole lot of images like there are today and good old MySpace I don't know about anyone else but I had so much fun dressing up my MySpace making my cursor do something really cool and sparkly having a really cool animated sparkly background and tiling that on the background so nerdy but that is covering the 2000s and then now in 2010 we saw a shift in this skeuomorphism kind of a world or Trend that was happening where they really wanted to make it feel like it was a physical thing but digital so there's lots of drop Shadows there were all sorts of um textures happening a texture on texture to make it feel like it was actually a bulletin board with Cork and wood and and cut paper ripped paper um and so that was a lot of what was happening and I think Apple was definitely was most likely the ones leading that Trend and so we saw that with the iPhone coming out and everything that they were doing and everything the apps were doing as a result and that also reflected in website design in the 2010s as well and then halfway through the 2010s we saw website design shifting even more where it kind of seemed like there's a little more design practice coming in here it's starting to feel a little more like what's something you would see in an editorial magazine um and there were bigger images bigger graphics um full screen elements I think people were starting to realize we could break out of the margins too so responsive design started happening around this time too so we're kind of seeing that in design Trends too and then I covered this in the last video as well but how Trend Cycles work is a really important pre-conversation before we get into the trends because these Trends aren't all black and white they aren't all doing the same thing at the same time and aren't only for 2023 these Trends are all being seen within Cycles and we've seen those Cycles happening even in fashion um and there's these two different kinds of trends that we see in those Cycles there's micro Trends and there's macro Trends so the micro Trends are these three to five year trends that are happening that something comes in really hot it's really hot for a few years and then dies off quickly and then a macro trend is something that we're seeing in more of a decade span so that's why we have these trends that we associate with Decades of fashion from the 70s and 80s and 90s and even graphic design from those eras too and so that's more of this macro Trend that we're seeing and so to dive into what that looks like from a visual standpoint we have a new trend that is about zero to one years then we have the micro Trend um two one to two years coming in um or will last three to five years as seen on the last slide and then we have macro Trends where it's going to span that Whole Decade and then when it's out it's out for another 10 to 12 years before it comes back again and that's the 20-year life cycle of a trend and so who knows what we'll see coming back in website stuff I think some of it's already coming back a lot of people love to go back to the 2000s era and so we're already noticing that 20-year life cycle coming back but maybe in a cheeky quirky way and wanting to really lean into nostalgia so that brings us to 15 of the biggest Trends in website design right now so first things first the oversized logo this was one of the topics that we talked about in graphic design in general is happening on packaging and it's also happening on websites and a lot of websites these days are doing big footer logos or even big header logos too and then once you scroll down it animates slowly it animates to the top um in the nav bar and a much smaller scale and so there's this need or this trend of wanting to have your logo being Larger than Life being loud and proud and something that is the first thing people see the moment they get to your site and then they scroll down and they you know that mental image is stuck in their mind hopefully as they're scrolling down of okay I just arrived at this Marco site and let me learn more about it kind of a thing next Trend to cover is what I'm calling geometric Simplicity this is a trend that is showing up all over website design in different ways too so we see things like color blocking with shapes but then we're also seeing shapes used as masks for images and we're even seeing these animate too so maybe a square is animating into a shape on Hover maybe it is animating in the background or maybe pieces are falling down to the bottom as if the website is a physical container that is containing these different pieces or shapes and so it's becoming a very playful part of website design I'm all here for it I'm loving seeing this happen and I think it brings a lot of personality to a website so that can definitely be a trend that you'd use to your advantage knowing the strategy of the site the personality of the site that needs to come through and uh using this as a tool to reflect that in the upper right corner you'll notice I have a macro trend stamp or sticker or label each of these Trends will have their own little label that I'm kind of giving them or identifying based on trends that I'm noticing so I'm basically calling this one a macro Trend because it doesn't feel like it's anything that's going to go anytime soon and has been around for a while already Trend number three retro stickers so this is similar to the previous one but now we're creating these stickers that are stamped on things that have a little bite-sized information in there or a little saying or quirky illustration and these are stickers that are supposed to feel like a time of the past something that you'd see on fruit or for sale and so it's really rooted in this idea of wanting to be playful and wanting to be retro and vintage and um some of these are even animating in a lot of these spaces too Trend number four maximalism I'm calling this one a new trend because you're probably noticing this coming up in the last year where it's a lot of layers happening in website design right now a lot of different typography some sites are using five or six different fonts and a lot of layered pieces pieces that you can interact with and play around with and it is rooted in this very anti-minimalism place to where people are pushing away from seeing so much minimalism in website design lately and wanting to really amp up the levels and push it and become something that's really loud and exciting Trend number five the pill button so this one is definitely a macro Trend you've probably seen this already happening on almost 90 of sites that you're going to if it's not the pill it might be a rounded square but gone are the days of a square button nobody's really using Square buttons anymore and if they are I think it immediately dates their website so that's the unfortunate thing about Trends is they can quickly date your websites and you have to keep up with them and really notice what's happening and refresh your site frequently because you obviously want to look like a modern site and want to be speaking to your audience in a way that says we're still here we're aware of these things and we're uh we're constantly freshening up our website and brand and staying up with the times so this pillow button is showing up in several ways it shows up in categories and links and menus so you can click on a category and it can be something that you're really interacting with and um or it's also showing up in add to cart buttons so your main call to action becomes this element or it's showing up in even just text moments that aren't clickable or as seen here it's even becoming a mask in some moments too Trend number six rounded Corners so similar to what we're seeing with the pill buttons rounded Corners are also showing up everywhere in buttons as well but even in photos and interactive elements um it's starting to feel like again nobody's really using squared off corners or edges or images anymore because everyone wants this to feel friendly and approachable and soft on the edges and not so gridded and square cleared out and I think that's what is really making this trend what it is and so we see it in images in product images in product list pages and layered elements too and some of these even become animated or sometimes an image will animate two rounded corners from squared Corners because um it brings a little more visual interest in a subtle way Trend number seven split screen layouts this one is definitely something that keeps coming back again and again is definitely a macro Trend this has been happening for quite a while now and continues this way in new forms um and some of those new forms too are having two images next to each other or one big image and one small image um or an image with text next to it but it was definitely one of the first iterations of a product page and hasn't really gone anywhere since then either where there's an image on the left and all the product information on the right sometimes people flip it to throw things off and change things up a little but for the most part I think a lot of clients and Brands want to stick with this trend because they're afraid of not of confusing their users and creating a product page that they have to learn how to use because obviously when you're trying to teach a user how to learn how to use your site and your site's the only one doing it they'll easily become frustrated and so I always love seeing when people break out of this Norm for a product page but it's definitely the product page layout and seems to always be this way I'm curious to know do you agree is this something you've noticed that always shows up in product pages or um are you noticing a lot of people breaking away from this recently Trend number eight full screen text so this is one that's definitely a macro Trend and has been around for a while and I think it's coming up more and more with bigger Brands too they're not afraid to do this now and that's kind of exciting because it felt like for a while Only You designers were doing this or only individuals were doing this because it was a way to say it is my home page which is also an about page let me tell you a little bit about myself and what I'm doing and here's all the links built into this block of text so that you can follow my links to all of these other places but now we're really seeing it showing up in menus uh we're also seeing it being animated in different ways and we're also seeing images being breaking up that block of text as well as well as illustrations and so I think it's a really great way to make a statement and use a tagline or mission statement or brand ethos is in a really big way and sometimes the bigger the better it's kind of fun and kind of a fun way to break up the content when you're hit with this large block of text before going into the rest of the text or the rest of the site Trend number nine grid lines so this is a trend that is also what I would consider a macro Trend grid lines have obviously been around since the 2000s and so maybe it's even longer than a macro Trend or maybe just a design technique but it's obvious in these examples that people are really leaning into grid lines in a way that they're using them to um they're using them unnecessarily they're using them as a design element for fun and not really a functional design element um and so it's kind of a fun way to break up content and to keep those lines going or having them meet each other or to contain different elements of the site in different ways just to separate them and to give them each their own container I think that this trend could work really well with brands that feel like it needs to be really organized and really separated as well and then you can even see it used in menus too and it's almost spreadsheet like again like what we were talking about in the 2000s where it's very information heavy and wanting to find a way to organize a lot of information in a very digestible way Trend number 10 neon green or yellow so this was also talked about in graphic design Trends but it's something that is obviously showing up in websites all over the place a very neon green button that we can see here on this Spruce site um or even the logo is the only thing that's in a neon green or on this pepper site the announcement bar at the top is in a neon green color so people are using this to their advantage to add a little bit of zazz I guess you could say Pizzazz um or something to really bring a little bit of color and a little bit of edge to the brand too so even conservative Brands I feel like are pushing this out a little more Trend 11 scrapbook or a broken grid so I would say that this is very much rooted in the idea of trying to be as analog as possible and push away from digital and kind of create that experience of mood boarding in real life cut paper on a bulletin board kind of a thing or magazine scraps kind of a thing and so it's showing up in a lot of different ways like this Gucci example that ends up being a very animated site in a really cool way or the Madre Mezcal it's very broken up and spaced apart or some are very layered on top of each other and you have to interact to see the other elements as if this was an in real life experience or some are even tilted and kind of seem to have a weight to them or are animated in a way that makes it feel like there's a gravity pull happening with some of these different pages or images Trend number 12 floating objects this is definitely a new trend I don't know about you but I've been seeing this pop up in just the last year maybe to where a lot of products that are getting these beautiful renderings of their products are wanting them to be rotated and animated and to rotate as you scroll through the page and interact with the elements and they're kind of floating too and so it's definitely bringing a very digital experience to the brand and has a really fun way of bringing images out of a box too so I think that's a lot of what these brands are trying to achieve is something that feels like this very immersive experience where there's a big wash of color or Design Elements around it and these elements are floating and aren't really part of an image and isn't a bunch of graded images like other brands would do Trend number 13 scrolling effects and this is definitely a macro Trend and showing up in a lot of really fun ways where we have this line that's being drawn or there's this horizontal scroll happening where there's even Pages being lifted as you scroll through them there's also color changes happening as you scroll through or you even see um like a card lift up or move out of place or even subtle animations happening within images or text as you scroll a lot of these other elements that are moving and animating as you scroll through the site so it's kind of a fun very interactive or presentational way to show off the site where as they're scrolling and inviting more content to come into play um they're initiating that interaction and they're initiating those animations and it's kind of a fun way to feel like the user is very in control of what's happening and then another animated Trend that's happening right now is this idea of micro interactions where there's these very subtle moments happening that might have to do with hovering or scrolling um and probably something that's mostly happening on desktop not so much on mobile but I might be wrong maybe these are actually achievable on mobile as well but a lot of really fun ways to show a trigger that's going to happen when you hover over so that people know and are aware that that element is going is clickable and is basically saying hey click me I'm gonna do something um and so a lot of those micro interactions can be um even with your mouse or cursor moving around the screen too and can even be the way that you interact with the page and move your cursor around the page and it's flowing in a different way so kind of ties to the scrolling effects that we were talking talking about but seems to be a much more detailed approach to website design and then last Trend Trend number 15 Link in BIO so this is what felt like a monopoly with linktree has now become this Lincoln bio kind of Boom or burst happening in the last year where a lot of these other brands are coming coming up and coming up with ways to present link and bio in a different way and so it's definitely this landing page Trend where so many people have different sites and sources and other things that are happening throughout the interwebs that bringing it all in one place makes a lot of sense for social media and so this might be a trend that's not going to go anywhere anytime soon or maybe it will it's definitely this new idea of a landing page and a like everything in one place kind of a page so those are the 15 design trends that I'm noticing lately uh feel free to comment below let me know what you think or if there's any other trends that I've missed um and please subscribe if you want to see more content like this I would love to share even more Trends and More Design tips and tricks on here so thank you for following along
Channel: Nice People
Views: 1,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: W2q2XDKkXqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.