NEW Pokemon Sword & Shield *LEAK* Confirmed?!

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Gouri dings wiki fans Michael here and earlier this week we finally got our first big info dump about Pokemon sword and shield since the games were first announced all the way back in February so since I am hyped as heck for these games I wanted to do what I did for that first announcement make a video deep dive into all the information covering it in very high detail including some more hidden information that you might have missed additionally I will also be providing my personal thoughts on these new announcements since for some reason a lot of you care about them and I'll also be giving some predictions for what could be coming in the future as well also at the end of the video I'll be going over a leak that while I normally don't cover leaks due to the new announcement this one got a heck of a lot of credibility so stay tuned for that but before we dive into that I am happy to report that this video is by raid Shadow Legends that doesn't look safe oh my I was right in case you've been living under a rock the last couple months or you didn't see my latest Pokemon meme review how dare raid is a brand-new collection RPG game it's got an amazing storyline incredible 3d graphics epic giant boss fights and over 400 different champions for you to collect and fully customized just look how crazy the level of detail is on raid will remind you of classical RPG and strategy games with the added bonuses that one it's on your phone something I know you already have and it's free it's already loved by tons of people having a near-perfect rating with over a hundred and fifty thousand reviews that's impressive so what are you waiting for head in the description below click on my link and instantly get 50,000 silver and a free epic champion to start your journey good luck and I will see you there but now that we've covered that let's dive into the pokemon sword and shield trailer covering things in order of appearance for the most part first we get several scenic shots including one in the Edinborough god I still cannot pronounce that based city that seems to imply that this town's gym is well up also can I just say that this castle is wild do those arm like things form some kind of enormous bridge next we see this guy which is later revealed to be hop one of your rivals he is seen using the starter doors as good against so it seems like they're continuing the trend of friendly not much of a threat rivals however the site says he is one of your rivals which could imply that you get others also hot dude stand up straight your posture is horrible it's also revealed that at some point we fist bump our starter which is extremely important we get to see some scenic traversal shots my favorite of which is this shot of the player in front of the Diglett statues which yes those are Diglett not Dugtrio since they aren't all popping out of the same hole right away we see the regions professor professor Magnolia and her granddaughter Sonia professor magnolias study focus is on Dyna maxing which we'll cover later and Sonia is her research assistant we were then shown several brand new Pokemon and while we got a bit of information about them in the direct we got a heck of a lot more information about them in the official website Lulu which seems to be the early game normal-type is the Sheep Pokemon it's normal type two feet tall thirteen point two pounds and has either fluffy or runaway as its ability the wool on its body grows throughout its life and therefore is often sheared off to be used for clothing or rugs or whatever the wool grows back relatively quickly too additionally Lulu loves stability and hates conflict and if they need to escape their method of doing so is rolling away like this it is objectively adorable my guess for who lose name origin is wool obviously and well I'm not sure about the second part maybe Lou the British term for a toilet now what that can't be right maybe it's supposed to be wool and woohoo you know cuz rolling down hills like what will you do would be fun so you would say woo hoo ducktales whoa Lou as for my personal thoughts on woo woo I like it a lot I think it's adorable also I'm excited to see what it evolves into hopefully it keeps its pleasant aesthetic appearance but also hopefully has respectable stats since early game normal types as we know tend to not be very strong next was dread Nam a Pokemon that appears to be based on a snapping turtle it's a water rock type 3 foot 3 250 4.6 pounds and has either strong jaw or shell armor as its ability its jaw is strong enough to bite through rock and metal and despite its heavy shell it can move quickly it's also known to be extremely vicious and therefore there are only a few trainers skilled enough to handle raising one my guess for its name origin is a combination of dread not a type of battleship used in the early 20th century the first of which was British and not meaning to bite at or nibble something persistently dreadnought is probably my favorite of the brand new Pokemon revealed in this news dump I love reptiles and I think it's really cool that a snapping turtle is getting a Pokemon representation it's just a really good looking cool Pokemon my only concern about dread na is that they seem to imply that it doesn't evolve since at one point we see one being used that's level 55 which it would be completely fine if it doesn't evolve I'm just worried about its stats being passable if it doesn't evolve since a lot of non evolving Pokemon don't have that greatest stats who knows maybe it'll be surprisingly fast since they say it can move quickly but they also said that Viking olt can move quickly and it can be very acrobatic but it has a lower speed stat than grubbin so are they to be trusted if dreadnought does get an evolution I would love to see it become water steel type since it would make a lot of sense it gets stronger armor and a stronger jaw and it'd be really cool typing that could be on a cooler Pokemon than freaking Empoleon I'm okay I'm gonna get shouldn't I mention in Poli I'm gonna get the dislikes after that we got gossip Fleur the flowering Pokemon it's a pure grass type one foot for 4.9 pounds and has either the ability regenerator or the new ability cotton down cotton down causes the opponent's speed to be lowered by one stage every time the Pokemon with cotton down is hit with an attack it's basically a better version of GUI since GUI requires the move to make contact while cotton down doesn't seem to gossip fleurs name is a combination of gossip 'i'm the cotton plant genus and Fleur the French word for flower it prefers land with clean water and air and it travels by being blown along the wind like hop it gossip floors evolution was shown as well this being the cotton bloom pokémon l de gAHS it is 1 foot 8 also pure grass type weighs 55 pounds and also has either cotton down or regenerator as its ability its name comes from elder and gossipy 'm and it's cotton head not only protects it from damage but also spreads its highly nutritious seeds via the wind I think these two Pokemon are fine I think they're well-designed I like the progression of the flowering plant young lady Pokemon to the cotton crop old lady Pokemon I think I prefer Elda Goss between the two because it makes me think of a really friendly old lady who will offer you cookies and then just goes nuts at the disco on the weekends the next Pokemon shown was another fantastic one that I really like that being korva night the raven pokemon it is flying steel type weighs 165 pounds and is over 7 feet tall what it has either pressure or unnerve as its ability which i think suits it well and its name is a combination of corvid a bird of the crow family and night by the way I should go ahead and crush your dreams now if you think you're being really creative by naming yours Edgar or Poe or Nevermore you're not thousands of people have already thought of that you can do it for sure it's just not unique it is a very powerful Pokemon known to be the strongest Pokemon living in Galler skies however despite that it seems to get along well with humans since its taxi service seems to be the fly' replacement in this game speaking of the fly replacement the official website not the trailer actually revealed the hm replacement for this game that being the wrote home phone yes the Rotom Dex is back this time in the form of a very modern smartphone however it doesn't just serve as your pokedex you can attach it to your bike yep bikes are back and that makes it move faster or even travel over water in short Rotom phone bike attachment upgrades are your new hm replacements the trailer then showed off the fact that overworld encounters are back yeah and showed us an area called the wild area which I am obsessed with it's basically a big open world segment of the map that's just nature tons of different wild Pokemon wander around that change depending on where in the wild area you are what the weather is what time it is and so forth and there are some pretty shockingly evolved Pokemon there as well this is the area of the gallery map that I believe to be the wild area based on landmarks that we saw in the trailer I am super excited to explore the wild area and just see what kind of really cool Pokemon I can run into and find next we were introduced to the big new feature of Pokemon sword and shield dynamaxx once per battle you can Dynomax one of your Pokemon which makes it enormous it also boosts its stats considerably and changes all its moves to being max moves that are extra strong however it only lasts three turns I think this is pretty dope battling with giant kaiju sized Pokemon is awesome and I also like the fact that it only lasts three turns to make sure that it doesn't become too opie another aspect of Dynomax is the feature of basically Pokemon go raid battles called max raid battles being in the game you find a beacon in the wild area and take on a Dynomax to Pokemon with three teammates the boss stays Dynomax the whole battle though and only one of your four can Dynomax their Pokemon only once if playing alone ai people will join to assist you if you're able to defeat the raid you get to catch the boss Pokemon and it seems to be a guaranteed capture which bosses can be found varies on the location of the beacon and the weather and some Pokemon can only be caught via Max raids next we get a glimpse at the gyms which are set up in a sports stadium format since they state pokémon battling is the biggest form of entertainment in Galler one interesting thing though is during the shots of the crowds this kid is shown wearing a sweater with what's either a very overweight Pachirisu on it or a brand new pokemon hi editing Mikey here turns out this squirrel like Pokemon was also seen in the crowds for several shots during the direct so yeah this thing is totally a new pokemon we then get to meet milo the grass-type gym leader and who i think is probably the first gym leader due to the player being shown using a base form starter against him the gym leaders can use Dynomax in battle very early on which I like I always dislike that the gym leaders in the Kalos region where mega evolution was like their big thing didn't use mega evolution and the elite 4 didn't even use it so I like that the big new mechanic of this generation will be heavily featured in the gym battles then we meet Leon the champion of Galler and the living embodiment of you can dress however you want if nobody can whoop your ass and no one except you eventually can whoop his ass he is undefeated in official Pokemon battles also he's hops older brother so I'm interested to see how that plays into hobs character development having to live in the shadow of someone so successful finally we got an animated sequence revealing the mascot legendaries za Chien 4 sword and zama Zenta 4 shield both are armor clad wolves with the same color scheme of blue red and gold but with zama Zenta having a much more saturated coloring za Chien wields a sword in its mouth and zama Zenta has a shield structure around its face kind of like a mane two quick things I want to make fun of first off zama Zenta why does your shield not protect your face I feel like that would be a pretty important thing to protect secondly the official website says that za Chien sword can cut through anything and zama Zinta's shield can block any attack yet the animated trailer clearly shows only one of those statements is correct in that trailer we see za Chien attack Samus enta but it seems they quickly realize that doing so was a mistake as if to say oh my bad dude thought you were someone else suddenly the wind kicks up and both ready themselves for an oncoming attack that is when we get the box art and release date of November 15th but before we cover the leak that I mentioned at the beginning of the video I want to do a quick side note about a potential design inspiration for za XI and ends on Ascenta that I saw on reddit and that is see my color theory if you didn't know see my color theory is cyan magenta and yellow and those three colors can be combined to create pretty much any other color that's out there a lot like RGB and there in fact the three color ink cartridges that you get for a color printer Sasha and za magenta both have primarily blue or cyan red or magenta and yellow color schemes with varying degrees of color saturation additionally their names seem like nods to two of those colors za Chien or za cyan and zama Zenta or za magenta this could imply that a potential third member of their trio is primarily yellow in color which admittedly isn't that important of a thing but I just thought it was interesting alright now let's discuss the leak normally I don't like to discuss leaks or rumors or whatever you call them until something official is revealed that verifies a substantial portion of that link so that's why I haven't really talked about any sword and shield leaks here before however this most recent trailer verified a lot of this leaked this was posted back on May 24th and what I'll do is read through it and indicate which parts of it have been officially confirmed your rival is named hop but you will also be facing off against Beebe and Marnie team yellow is the gang in this game who are well-meaning fans of Marnie causing trouble to become part of the Jim challenge you will have to get an endorsement bead it's an endorsement from chairman rose and his secretary Oh lianna eternities orator natus is the evil legendary the other legendary will be a wolf who will either have a shield mane or hold a sword like a great wolf SIF Dinah maxing and Giganta maxing our new dynamics that will supersize pokemon in specific areas Giganta Maxine is different from Dynomax as it changes what the Pokemon looks like the elf looks like a long cat Lapras gets layers like musical bars to its shell and musical notes Pikachu looks like retro fat Pikachu Sonya is Leon's former rival who is researching the Dynomax phenomenon at the behest of her grandmother and the professor of the game some Pokemon like far fetched will get regional evolutions like Sir fetched Meowth looks like a ball of spiky gray fur squaw vet and greed --nt if I recall correctly our chipmunk Pokemon who will hide in berry trees and attack randomly if you shake for too many berries if they attack you lose half of the berries that dropped the fourth gym is the first fairy type gym which side note is wrong we had a fairy type gym in Gen 6 led by an actress named opal Milo Nessa and Kabu are the first ones before fighting the gym leaders you have to complete the gym challenges Milo has you herding sheep Pokemon named whoa Lou but Pam / electric Corgi Pokemon will startle them and send them rolling elsewhere Nyssa has you running through a maze where water blocks the way and Kabu requires you to catch pokemon and get five points but you have to be in a party battle with another trainer who's also trying to catch it while there is a transit system you will have to go through the wild area at times an open world biome that has a weather system and little pockets where wild Pokemon dynamaxx and have to be beaten in a four-person raid you will randomly see nearby trainers and interact with them to get their league cards and items camping is how you play with Pokemon now you'll get two toys a feather toy and a toy pokeball which can raise friendship you can make curry which will raise stats and friendliness Pokemon will not walk beside you in the over worldmap score bunny will have fighting moves but is a pure fighter it becomes a rabbit but I don't remember the final evolution except that it looks like a fighter it looks humanoid Sabo becomes seized Isle and then intel on a chameleon with a spy theme guru key will end up as a giant gorilla that beats a wood drum to attack the best pokemon so far is the blue seagull who when it dives either gets a Barracuda in its mouth or a Pikachu which it launches at its enemy oh boy a lot to unpack there and a lot of that was officially confirmed so that leads me to believe that the other aspects of it that have yet to be officially confirmed have a lot of credibility to them now they're still not guaranteed because it's very possible this leaker just got to see the most recent trailer first and then embellished and added to it but I still think there's a real chance then a lot of this is legit so let me give you my thoughts on the unconfirmed parts of it I'm glad hop isn't our only rival more potential for interesting ones endorsements seem like a minor plot thing that doesn't really matter team yell seems like they could be deranged sports fans but also yell could be short for yellow as I discussed with the cyan magenta yellow thing it turn ATIS as an evil legendary sounds terrifying and awesome Giganta maxing seems really interesting like a weird version of mega evolution I'd be interested to see how the appearances are actually changed the part about Pikachu's appearance changing is interesting because we have this picture from the official website of Pikachu Dynomax looking normal it's possible that the Pokemon who can Giganta max can choose between being Dyna maxed or Giganta maxed regional evolutions would be incredible as I discussed in a recent video I want more permanent evolutions that are brand new the chipmunk Pokemon could be the Pokemon we saw on that kids shirt grass and water seem to be the first gyms so the third led by Kabu is probably fire camping is just a me or refresh not a big deal the line about score bunny I think is a typo because pure fighter doesn't make sense what what makes sense is pure fire I think the leaker was intending to say that score bunny remains a pure fire type but has the appearance of a fighting type which is kind of like is that better I don't know Szabo's evolution sounds pretty interesting and cool this description definitely indicates a ghost or psychic typing guru Kees evolution sounds a lot like the drummer predictions many including myself have made and a single that uses other Pokemon as projectiles sounds hilarious so that's it that's the leak that had a lot of right things in it it remains to be seen if the other aspects of it do get officially confirmed but I feel like there's a pretty healthy chance of that being the case however it's not guaranteed though so don't take it as gospel quite yet so there we have it that is my analysis of the second sword and shield trailer thank you so much for watching this video and if you want to watch some more of my Pokemon content I recommend this video here alright that's all I have for now until next time but games gotta catch the mom
Channel: MandJTV
Views: 760,835
Rating: 4.5197206 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Let's Go Eevee, Pokemon Let's Go, New Pokemon games, Pokemon switch, Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, Pokemon Ultra Sun, Pokemon Ultra Moon, New Pokemon, Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu, Top 10 Pokemon, Pokemon Talk, MandJTV, MandJTV Pokevids, pokemon leak, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, pokemon direct, pokemon sword and shield direct, pokemon sword and shield rumor, leak, confirmed, new pokemon leak, pokemon sword and shield leak, pokemon news
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2019
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