Top 100 Games of All Time: #20-#11

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Updated graphs.

Comparison with the previous entries:

  • Sam's (S) trend flattened, but the overall trend shifted upwards (left, notice the start of the trend line), everyone else's remained largely unchanged.

  • Interestingly Tom's (T) proportion of more recent game has caught up to Sam's (S) and People's Choice (P), however the trend balanced out due to the inclusion of PitchCar (1995) and Heroscape (2004).

  • Proportion of newer game is highest for People's Choice (P), but it concentrates around 2015, while Tom's (T) and Sam's (P) are about 1 year newer.

  • 2010 and 2011 continue to drop in overall popularity with King of Tokyo (People's Choice) being the only entry from 2011 out of all 40 choices this time. King of Tokyo is also a crossover with Sam and Zee, which means 1 game makes up half of the choices for 2011 (the others being Elder Sign, Takenoko and Airlines Europe).

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 19 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/bgg_dagda86 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 22 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Kinda weird to see zee say race for the galaxy is the 19th best game ever last year then say it's the 106th best game ever this year.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 12 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Dreamio ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 23 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I am most surprised that Zee and Sam haven't played Great Western Trail. It makes me realize that popular reviewers may not have played immensely popular games and thus not take such games into account.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/KingMaple ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 23 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

These guys are great, I donโ€™t even care what games they like, I just watch them for their interaction with one another.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/notedrive ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 23 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I am surprised Sam has had so many new games in his list. I always had the impression he wasn't a fan of the cult of the new.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/tavernkeep ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 24 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I think people take these lists too seriously. I guess part of that is due to them being called โ€œTop 100โ€ rather than โ€œsome games we love that we happened to get to the table a fair bit this yearโ€

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/my002 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 24 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Zee is fun to listen to for banter but heโ€™s so niche with his love of coops and 30 min card games.

How does he review modern boardgames when he havenโ€™t even played or wish to play games like Concordia, Great Western Trail or Terraforming Mars. Not to mention, they all dislike Agricola. And I donโ€™t think Zee would ever play games like Twilight Struggle, Through the Ages or Terra Mystica/Gaia Project. Itโ€™s like being a movie reviewer who only ever reviews Comedies but makes a top 100 movie list and only puts in comedies. Thereโ€™s no problem with Comedies, but shouldnโ€™t you at least watch some Action, Horror, Sci Fi, Romance, etc ... too so you can have a more informed opinion about the art?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 13 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Straddllw ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 23 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Is there a list covering up eveything so far?

Vids taking too much of a time to go over.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ucunbiri ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 23 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Still can't fathom why Sam hasn't played A Feast for Odin.

5 out of his top 12 are Viking games, and they are constantly praising thematic games, yet he hasn't sought out the most thematic Viking game that has an entire damn viking almanac!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ThyFemaleDothDeclare ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 23 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] hey everybody I'm Tom vessel I'm sue Garcia hello Sam Healey welcome back folks we are back to the what bad that we are in the last ten before the top ten yeah that would be called the top 20 yeah but here's the thing I I like my top ten so much that if my my top 20 so much that my top ten disappeared this could easily be my top ten and it wouldn't bother me one would I don't know I said last time that it was gonna get good at the top 20 but compared to the top ten these ten are garbage wait we're doing the same you stick is the last one yes no these are fantastic games and in fact a lot of these games or several of them anyway have been in my top ten none of them have been in my top ten these have all kind of hovered around the the teens and the 20s but I do have one two three new games in the top twenty and the eleven to twenty and then I've got one really big step up hahaha alright yeah same here I got one step up that's it some moving around of these games some have dropped out of the top ten but again that's not like an indictment on the game yeah that's just more for the games that moved up I think more than anything else for People's Choice your final new one will be in this one so we'll talk about that when we get to it but here we go starting with number 20 [Music] all right my number 20 was number six last year so there you go what that's gonna happen to me a couple of times well here's the thing I just don't love this game a lot and it's the biggest game I own I just don't buy it cuz it's as much so I can put in my top ten cuz I just don't get it set up as much although I'm planning to play at least twice before the years over you have to take it down again and build it back up yes heroscape between those two players even if they're back to back all right now let's build it again okay well no I really I love heroscape ice this is it's kind of weird to me now every once while I meet somebody to come to his convention they'll be like yeah we we watch the review of heroscape when I was a kid and I loved the game and I'm thinking you're wrong key word kid when heroscape but it's been a while since it's been out but it's and it's one of those games where we're gonna talk about or people will talk about it 10 years be like oh man when I was a kid there was heroscape it was the best thing ever mm-hm but I really like Mike I have that's the one game I think I have everything for even though like all the weird promos and stuff really yeah but I just like it I like the whole fighting me and I like how simple it is so we're just not gonna see it again I think cuz plastic is so expensive now and that terrain is a good chunk of why I like the game I mean if I'm played in the flat board it's good but not as good hmm so I I recently just played this like maybe two weeks ago maybe three weeks ago yeah and it was solidified why it's not on my top 100 you said it was cuz you know like putting it together not just that I had nothing to do with putting it together and turning it down my sons asked to play it and so I was like okay if you want to go ahead put it together and we'll do it did you use my stuff no use my own stuff Oh landfill that's why no that's not why you were talking about how simple it is it's too simple because even my sons who were asking to play it we're saying how this is kind of I mean they wait a minute how here's the same simplicity as this they're like exactly the same level of simplicity I would disagree you're right I'm probably wrong ken Hauser I think a simpler than heroscape I don't I don't agree with that at all but I'm sure though if you look it up to each their own a famous reviewer Tom Bassel has said Wow I was near 20 hashtag toot your own horn my number 20 his is my big resurgence since it was on my list last year it actually held two spots on my list last year because I turn it sideways I was I would I split them apart because there were two versions of basically the same game and that is star roams or hero realms and you had put both on your list last year yes and this year I'm combining them into my number 20 and the reason I'm doing that is because they are at the point now each game has evolved to almost the same place as far as what the game offers you how many different ways you can play the game the fact that you can have variable player powers all of that come both games are pretty much the same it's just one is a sci-fi theme and the other one is a fantasy theme and they're both at the same spot right now and I like them both equally I used to like hero rooms a little bit better it was at number 30 and star rooms had slipped to number 92 last year but they're both so similar now that I can't validate splitting them apart anymore they're basically the same game just different skins on them because of what everything they have to offer is so similar and I like the fact that they have given you so many different ways to play the game without changing how the game is played in its foundational principles so I really do enjoy these two games but they really are the same just two different skins my number 20 star realms or hero roams you take your pick I'll pick star rims my number 20 is was 16 last time so it's holding on to about the same spot this is sentient which I thought was a really fun puzzle II Wow I thought there's no - in the pan but it's saying pretty high yeah yeah it's really fun I uh I played this at the last convention we were out actually I taught it played it I really really like this game it's straightforward it's easy to teach the manipulation aspect ie the puzzle aspect of it I still find to be approachable fairly easy to understand and manipulate but fascinating in many ways I love playing a card that you are drafting from the ones available and then that card is going to affect the two dice around that card however that die on the right of that card is also adjacent to the left side of the next card also affected by that corner on that card and you're trying to just make sure that everything is the numbers are what you need it to be in order to satisfy some satisfy some scoring condition on that card that sounds very straightforward it is pretty straightforward but manipulating it all is just very attractive to me I like puzzle games and this one is quick there's a little area of majority control going on where the drafting happens you got your own board you're scoring yeah there's things I don't like about it the theme is irrelevant it's barely there artwork is nice but there's about six pieces of artwork in it and that's it but the game's core is that strong to me where I'll play this just about any time I find it amazing so my number twenty sentient all right your number twenty was as high as number two at one point and that is king of Tokyo hmm it was fourteen last year seven year before three then two so it's it's slowly coming down but again that's because I think no it's been out for a really long time they are charging life into it by releasing a new monster a year and stuff but I mean I I don't it's still very popular yeah still a game with a lot of people like playing king of New York I don't think it the People's Choice top 100 even remotely I don't see it anywhere but I also don't see it sold in stores either hardly at all King in New York came and was gone king of Tokyo seems to have pulled ahead in fact most times sequels don't do as well as the original game right I'm trying to think of any at all but there's probably something somewhere yeah a two three and four yeah those are more I'd consider those more of a replacement for the original game they don't continue to sell all four of them if they did I would buy TI one with the king of Tokyo your number 20 my number 19 is a game it was number seven last year so that's two to the six and seven drop down same thing I think I don't play this one was actually seven three years in a row but I still really like it although its sequel once I play it and I'm hoping to get that by the beginning of next year start KD a quest I would like it a lot Arcadia Quest is still very high for me though still really enjoy this game I like the pets I like the riders I like it's just silly fun I and again heroscape and our KD questo moles occupy a very similar spot for me they're just you go in there you're rolling and smashing up your opponents you DIF different special abilities and I like that lightness you know I don't know that I'm really opposed to games that are too light sometimes you know you mentioned with a heroscape I kind of like that lightness a lot of times I'm its we were we were playing a game the other day me and Z and we had to look up a chart when you roll a d20 and I automatically it was like manager okay sometimes I just want to roll dice and be like I know I hit you you know rather than look at the the chart or whatever it was in the complicated chart but it just I'm not opposed to complex more complex games like that but sometimes I just won't be simple and I think Arcadia quest has that simplicity also has great models that doesn't hurt either yeah so Oh an exploding nice that I do like that that's the last of them all right my number 19 was number 22 last year and this one is you know right around the teens and 20s usually it's probably going to stay there it's one of my favorite dice rolling games that's out there purely dice rolling that is banging the dice game it was 22 okay Wow went out the beds yeah it came up a little bit it's just you know that not really nostalgia fact not the nostalgia fetch it was just the commonality that it brings how easy it is to play the game it's easy to teach now because that played it so much I mean I've really I really can just kind of streamline the rules for for people when I'm teaching the game because I know them so well so it that helps it hit the table a little bit easier and people are able to see if they really enjoy it and ingratiate themselves to it a little bit easier because they understand the rules better so I just really enjoy the game just I love all the different roles that you have as far as you know being the sheriff or being a deputy or being an outlaw or anything like that but on top of that you also have player powers based upon you know what a character you pick within the game so just everything that I like about dice rolling games and games in general is kind of rolled up into this little package so paying the dice game my number 19 and it's also a good bingo entry if you want to like if we go through a top 10 will bang the dice game show up it might but it will it fits favorite epic game the Shu Fang the dice game where it my number 19 is San Juan and San Juan is a game I've had for many many years before my first non party non big box store games so funny enough it's I keep flip-flopping between San Juan and race for the galaxy race for the guy she actually dropped off my list still interesting it was last time the same number 19 that was a coincidence Rachel Jeffrey was 19 last time San Juan is 19 Rachel completely yeah it's like 106 or something and San Juan was 40 last time I guess I decided to just put one on the list I most of every time I looked at race for the galaxy to rank and I went well San Juans right there it just keeps on dropping they are similar they are based on the same concept they're not as close as like say star realms and hero realms they are you know they're they came from different designers but they are based on a core on the same core idea I've just played more San Juan lately and I still appreciate Sen Juan honestly has aged a little bit better I find it to be simpler to play it's easier to teach it's less I wait I can't argue that one it's easier yeah barrier of entry I just enjoy it it just hits the table more because I can play it more you know and I enjoy my time with it just as much as I do with Santa with a race with a galaxy the new San Juan has an expansion built in which was actually good you know race for a galaxy kept not really hitting with the expansions so I got this big box of race for the galaxy with expansions I usually don't want to mix in you you know they just that's that's how that worked out but anyway sin one I think is a fantastic card game based of course on the Puerto Rico love big box and I like this better than that I know a lot of people don't that's okay I like the simplicity of this a little bit better and I I think I'm just liking it more than race for the galaxy these days so nineteen for me Sam won every time I play it I think I can be playing race for the galaxy I really do you guys just it feels like a better game to me it's more robust which is the opposite of what I was just saying about heroscape and all but yeah I like that a little bit extra complexity simple games you know yeah alright you're number 19 which was 16 last year flies in the face of zis disdain for this game and that's Lords of Waterdeep I like Lord to water deep I don't oh I was like it that I missed these that was that was very good you know shielding that looks Lords of Waterdeep is not a very good game huh so this is the seventh year in a row this is not this list it's been as high as number four and a game hasn't been even in print for like a while oh really I thought that game wasn't print Obie's look pretty much wait so it's not a good game but it's still in print wait that's actually a bad argument I I retract that I retract that apologize yeah you don't want to go down that everything up was it good okay it might be a good game I don't like it how about that that's what I mean when I say it's not a good game but for me yeah yeah interesting again it's another one though that I still every once why I see people playing it at the storage it has that oh it's got the D&D draw to it and I think it's like the D&D like it's like that hey D&D player you want to play a board game right hook up guys and then they're like wow this is pretty interesting yeah it's not maybe what they expected but it's and I don't dislike the game I just like another game better than it and it's that other game replacement that's all oh I wonder what that is alright so you're number 19 Lords of Waterdeep [Music] my number 18 was 16 last year so about the same position and yes I like this better than my number 23 which was blood rage but as you can see they're really close and that's Rising Sun they're both really close for me but if I pick one to play I'll pick Rising Sun and the reason for that is I think the combat system and Rising Sun is really fascinating and I like the action selection mechanism almost more than drafting which is weird because I love drafting but I love that whole picking action and everyone takes it but you might get a bonus this is drafting meats like Puerto Rico action selection I mean about how similar drafting is to action selection because in blood rage when you draft your cards you are essentially selecting what actions you're going to use throughout the course of yeah you are but it but the drafting translates to what actions are you're going to take during the course of the age dress African game does not translate to you take are you just play the cards are scoring you took an action of playing a card I mean the fake now you're like taking it I'm just saying that is you that's basically you saying okay we are going to recruit this round so I'm gonna put my little worker on the recruit the difference is you have to draw three from the top and recruit might not be in there you are drafting from the top three things sure but everybody does it it's so much work said I love drafting games I don't know that I'd be like well Rising Sun is up your alley no no okay why how the bits don't hurt either they're okay the Rising Sun stuff is like one it's probably the second best bits I've ever seen in the game won't be number one Wow Wow I cannot believe you Lords of water nation vanishes oh I like the theming of it that's criminal I like the difference plans I was also something I really like what Rach has differences when it comes to like s blood rage you grow your differences over the course of the game how I'm different than your clan yeah Rising Sun I start with this cool power that maybe no one else has what you definitely don't want on that right no one else has anyway so but again six of one half dozen to the other between 19 and 23 is really close so are 18 I'm sorry 18 is Rising Sun my number 18 was number 27 last year so it has risen a little bit I did get to play it a couple times this year and I maybe that's why I just really enjoy this game second edition also is a very good to it as well although I like some of the graphic design choices that they made in the original better but it's still a great game and that is Kingsburg Kingsburg second edition it is a great has dice rolling but you're using the dice to place them in a worker placement type format for drafting advice but it's it's a neat has a little bit of a aha not really but a city building aspect to it where you're building up your village picking what buildings you're going to build in your village which will then give you special abilities toward fighting and towards other things that you do in the court as well so it's just a really neat little fantasy themed dice rolling dice placement game that I've always enjoyed and that is my number 18 Kingsburg julio my number 18 Tom mentioned Rising Sun well my number 18 is rising 5 that's ruins of a very similar game very similar this is the has the second best components of any game in my top 100 actually this actually is really surprising me you like this game better than Sam meant according to these lists yeah well he likes puzzly games better than I do yeah yours oh I mean let me let me explain something you are assuming that I like my number one game as much as Sam likes his number one game no I don't assume that no one likes it number I don't like so you saying that I like for example my eighteen what was he wolves risings let's say thirty we might like it the same that might be generally speaking you're the size look to the lover of games right exactly yeah you see what I'm number 24 there you go it might be the same he might like it more but I am dispassionate about all games you did call your eleven through twenty garbage thank you and once we get to one through ten garbage Chaka Khan until you get to one you're like all the recipes or five ones alright the rest filler really anyway rising five was eighty five last time it's eighteen now as a Big Jim you own the game yeah I do and I think it was 85 because it was new I hadn't really like put it through its paces yes I wasn't about to shoot it up row row high but eighty five put it on the list I was feeling good about it really enjoyed it the more I've played I was worried about replayability at first I think a little bit about the fact that the puzzle this mastermind desk puzzle aspect might get old might not be as engaging as I was hoping it's fine part of that is yes the game is thirty minutes but it's also a fun straightforward engaging co-op game with a little a persistent action on top of it and it just works well it's a smooth design I really enjoyed there's extra variants and stuff in the Box you can throw those in but honestly I've barely scratched the surface on that stuff core game is great yeah so I really enjoy rising five that's my number eighteen right risen quite a bit she's quite a bit hash tag understand there's no way we're nice okay people was 20 last year so this one has gone up a little bit which is pretty whenever one goes up in the top 20 sounds like I'll smooth down yeah right Beth know it's a huge deal because just up naturally drops over time anyway this one is Concordia Concordia yeah was it wasn't it wasn't salsa there's like four expansions for that there's a lot of expansions mostly mostly new maps now shut up and sit down as razoring game Cheverus and Anna's raved about this game so I'm sure that has had some to do with it but it's really pushed the game oh I okay and the game is a lot of fun is there whole selection of cards I like it it's it's interesting and the maps keep that it's like a ticket to ride thing oh there's a new map let's see how this map waters anything it's very basic very seamless really but I'm basic isn't like simple I meant themelis okay I mean the maps when they change the maps I don't get what the attraction there is I I don't I haven't played any other map I played the base game I liked it I liked the game probably that the like have played a lot you're like oh this maps now when I play with salsa I got it on the game you know that salt which was a wild resource so that kind of changed things up there were some changes in that one okay but you're right for me I play one map I'm like alright so I'm looking at the map like this okay I'm gonna try to do this okay I'm good but if you like it we're playing this map but I Matt Matt's just not as good as yeah the grapes and this are overpowers have you played the Rumba map so you're number twenty Concordia yeah [Music] my number 17 was 54 last year and 133 the year before that moving on it is and the reason I put this in my top 20 is because well I'm at a convention and I'm walking someone say hey you want to play this game and for whatever reason I'll say I'm you know I'm busy I'm going somewhere and I I'm just not enough of my mood this game I almost always stop and play and that is captain sonar I love captain sonar I also know that you know it's gonna be a 20-minute game probably but I'm good at it so I don't know if that helps a little bit like there's very few games that I would say I'm good at captain sonar is one I'm not a terrible player right and but Dee the level of excitement and captain sonar starts at the beginning and does not let off all the way to the end that's true it's just it's just this and it's just a teamwork like opposite with three people I've never met before we're going back and forth a little bit of yelling sometimes but you know it's just so much fun it really is I really like the game I predict you're going to now lose your next ten games captain captain song you know what I'm not that's how confident I am Wow of course I have to have a good team no I'm no it's not really you is you're a happening okay get back yeah hey me and Eric summer and Zico see ya and don't you and put me in there just I don't boast don't patronize me and the fourth player I've never met her a radar operator better than I why do not add me to your boastful statements Hey look is my radar operator Oh Derek gets plugged by me working that radar I don't even need the radar I just make the noise myself echolocation baby oh yeah they're out there all right so I heard a deep sea goat but I love the game and even there it is get whooped by the opponents it's still out of fun so my number 17 is captain sonar all right that's good that's a good thing my number 17 was 16 last year my number 16 this year's a new game so that might have had something to do with it it didn't it just fell that way my number 17 is Jamaica Oh Jamaica is a great racing game pirate theme drips off of this thing and the artwork is amazingly well done love the fact that I've never put them all together but I love the fact that all of the cards can be put together to create this panorama that's just a really cool way take the time to put those the other somebody because there's pictures on a player of by sub it should fly mine in panoramic or it's just great pirate e dice rolling fun and it's just a lot of a lot of good a lot of good times it's easy to teach the rulebook is insanely designed because they don't worth thing but falls out I'm a map jacking my water bottle you keep banging me so Jamaica is is a great game and I've always really enjoyed it ever since it came out we've been we've been Tooting this horn for ever it feels like because it's just that good of a game so that's my number 17 Jamaica yeah that's what I was dropped a bit for me as an out of my top 250 actually okay wow I like it I just kind of after a while I feel like I'm playing the same game over and over and over and I just like if someone came to me and said you can never play Jamaica again I'd go well alright I had good times playing it was a lot of fun but well you can play Jamaica again then okay okay that's right it's true all right yes you passed my number 17 is new to the list apparently I thought this was on here before but I guess it's not this is subterra and subterra is a cooperative game as well my last one rising 5 was a co-op the next one will be a co-op Subterra surprisingly I do like my cooperative games Subterra is an exploration game in which you are discovering an underground cavern that you are trapped in trying to find an exit you're going to be revealing towels dealing with things like the earth shaking and causing collapses uh pools of water you know sprouting up and impeding your passage monsters in the darkness you don't know what's going on down there but there are monsters hunting you down as well all of this with tremendous time pressure because if you don't make it if you don't find that exit and make it out before this deck of cards runs out you're probably all going to be consumed by the beasties down there I really like it I think it's the the exploration mixed with the coop is what really does it for me I love games that have that idea of okay I'm gonna walk in that direction flipper Tao what you walk into and this one has tons of that you mix that with cooperating with someone you know losing some health and then dropping to the ground so you've got to run back and heal them help them out everybody really coming together and I think it's just it's just a blast to play I really like it now the production of it it's okay I would love to see this you know for the publishing company to take another stab at it but the game does I don't have a I don't have a hard time playing it but it's a fun enough that it still gets on the list just based on the the amount of enjoyment I get out of it at all so there you go subterra would definitely recommend if you enjoy co-op games 17 for me oh you're number 17 has been on a list since the very beginning it was ten last year so some dropping here and that is Carcassonne just plain old Carcassonne an old classic which is starting to fall into the coton category of people almost like wow Carcassonne is not that good you know or Carcassonne was good but they ruined it with the expansions as if an expansion coming out is forced to be bought by people who play the original game mm-hmm doesn't happen to you I'll go to my game collection pull out Carcassonne when I open it all the expansions are in them like Oh now I have to sort these out well know that it wasn't released this and I showed up in my game box well that does happen to me but it's a different story on you but Carcassonne just that tile lighting thing this was one of the first games I read about right before I jumped into gaming full-time I was reading and Ava talking about putting tiles down and building farms and I was like that's fun you know I want to where's the guns where's the shooting and stuff and then when I did play it I was just and then flash forward in your fan of Agricola the satisfaction of placing the tiles and seeing things finished is really good yeah it's true so Carcassonne your number 17 cooperative puzzle building [Music] all right my number 16 was 20 last year so it's another one that's slowly moving up although I don't think it'll go much higher than this I played at every convention every convention and that is pitch car pitch car is amazing I love it I love making tracks they're coming out with a loop well as of us are you watching this the loop is out well those guys like now it's more of a it's more of a a long gated loop it looks like no that doesn't make sense that was too long at the top if that's gonna be it wasn't he like high up here but then it goes in tight and instead of long this way so I saw a hot wheel once that went like this that I have seen that yeah I love this game and it's always I have never seen a game of this go really poorly I've seen a couple people who shouldn't play it because they just took it too seriously you can't go in a pitch car but I'll take it to place like I took at my church and a bunch of adults came by like what's this kid's game and then play or or the last of my plate of that church some older lady came up and she was like can i play we were like sure i guess you know it didn't look like she was that interested in it and then she whomped everybody just become just flicked and flying around the track and people love that it just like it's this you know like if there's a basketball game there's probably not gonna be some not everyone can play a basketball game haven't you seen uncle Dhruv man that's that's a fake that's fake that's not faith as thinking those were real people real no I mean movies are fake what's this kpop so anyhow what I mean I was pitched are anybody can play it you know when there's a lot of people have a hard time with the big dexterity games because their hands shake and they're hard to do if your hand shake you could still play pitch car it's the ultimate flicking game I think it's the last game on my list it is don't be the only one I mean itch games can you possibly how on your list for I like flicking games all right pitch car my number 16 my number 16 as I alluded to in my number 17 entry is a new game to the list and you know sometimes you gotta go games just kind of just hit exactly where they're supposed to hit I don't know that that doesn't make sense all right yeah well kind of got me right here this is a this is a game that was based on a popular internet and intellectual property years from back in the 80s and this was a know this was a what this was a very cool movie Trouble in Little China good to make it in the top 20 for me yeah sometimes you love these games but you love the movies so much it's right you talked to sue and it's fine for that to happen okay it's fun to be affected by that no I understand that I mean it's my next few are all based on Terminator 2 it it takes the IP of the movie and it put it into a board game and it feels like you are in the movie on top of that they're going to be coming out with more expansions Jack first Jeff Burton's further adventures I'm really looking for like that's not even in the movie yeah you realize I think there's like a whole comic book series of victrola that's based on a novel series actually that Big Trouble in Little China is you never do you didn't know that no I'm sorry I just made that up yeah I'll let you run with it though didn't know oh wait little take back back so Vic Trouble in Little China is actually not the first book they just decided to make that one first what was the first one the first ones called what's the name Jack Burton Jack Bergin's first cupola was actually about just a barbecue for Burton's escape from LA better not be Jack Burt the adventure begins expertise Poseidon no but this this it it's a it's a big game it has a large footprint there's a lot of intricacies that are going in there but it is a very fun game and there's a lot of great mechanisms that are employed the variable player power is dice rolling being able to manipulate your dice there's all of that in there and those are all things that I really do enjoy but the theme just works with the game and that's what I really like when games do they they integrate the mechanics and the theme together so well and they've really done it here so that's my number 16 Big Trouble in Little China nice max my number 16 is new to the list it's a co-op game it is unless I'm missing something my favourite co-op game apparently no are you kidding lies look you're number one want one my number one is not a cooperative oh I'm sorry I said cooperative dexterity he almost let the cat out of the bag bunch of cooperative games that's Terry I'm sorry I should say cooperative dexterity games oh okay that's my favorite dexterity game is a cooperative dexterity it is it is I saw her I saw her just yeah menara is what it is don't be looking at my list but Nara you are it menara is basically like Villa Poletti I don't know why I use that reference because you don't know what that is either you are building up pillars putting a floor on those pillars and then building up more pillows on that putting a floor on that trying to in this game cooperate together and build a structure that is a certain number of floors high that's how you win but you are going to be flipping over a car that tells you follow this rule this round like okay you must add two pillars to one floor cool it's probably fairly easy the floors have spots that can hold those pillars you can look put those on there you're good to go but sometimes they'll say things like okay well take a whole floor with whatever is on it and move it higher than it is right now because you could have multiple towers kind of going yeah that's a little trickier and if you cannot do something either because you don't have the right colored pillars in front of you or you just managed to do it then that card that rule that you had to follow you flip face down and it's now one further level you must build to win the game I played this one time where I think the beginning challenge is for five levels I forget I think we have to go up to nine and at some point we figured out we everybody's sitting around the table we realized that for us to get to nine they had to be at least one level that was held up by a single pillar and we so and it came up almost immediately cuz the colors just didn't match so it was this very fantastic structure a single pillar and then like three more floors above that and we won still it was I mean an absolute stand of cheer moment this game manages to do that fairly frequently and that's that's a great accomplishment in my opinion for a cooperative game to both be I mean for a dexterity game sorry to both be cooperative which is really rare and give you a lot to stand up cheer moments it's it's just fun yeah so menara new on the list 16 for me right into the top 20 but both a dexterity games is there 16 all right so there's mine but I don't have any flicking games you don't like flicking as much as I don't I rather be stacking thingies you do have to be pretty dexterous to carry big trouble China there you go 16 is the last of the new entries to the People's Choice what is it no way it's the last of the new entries is the highest new entry from last year onto the list and it will be there for the next three years probably at least minimum it was continued to stay we may have an old even had was on the list last year what else this game came out of Essen last year and has been on the top selling was Azul is it a Zul it is as well he said at first he wins what did he get Sahra despair I have no I have no prize material at all wait this way I will use it oh come on those foolish hey ya zoo I would be surprised if this goes lower next year I think it will move up hmm we'll have to wait and see how the new Azul the the Sentra same last one I don't think that one will do as well as as well did you go read the rules there online no I haven't there they put the rules online it looks a little bit more complex so therefore I think it just will automatically not be as popular it's the same thing we're just talking about king of Togo king of New York I mean it's just us how that goes boy it sure looks pretty the new one but as old just continually smashes I mean it's it sells like crazy I if it had not made the list I would have been mind-boggled no sure of course so actually I thought it might even hit top ten but six teens are pretty strong that's you tree pretty strong debut yeah all right so you're number 16 oz ooh [Music] my number 15 was number 9 last year so around the same this is a man mention heroscape I have is my biggest game I have the most stuff for this is my second I have the most stuff for and I don't even have everything for it and I never will I don't care I have a lot and we just played the Warhammer 40k version of this and that is dice masters I like dice masters a lot it's my favorite collectible card game collectible game you know in general the 40k stuff is OK I like it you know but I still like the Marvel theme the best or DC it doesn't matter if superheroes or even in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles let it mine - Super Heroes yeah they are really Super Heroes the night I like mixing those together the D&D version 40k versions are fine Victrola little chime that's coming up who knows it could could technically I like the simplicity of the game it's the it has you know deck building where you pick the cards that you're gonna use there's the dice pool bag thing I like and then you're just roll dice you know and it's fun and but you also make the decisions like you doing magic which creatures are gonna tag what you're gonna defend with it's a lot of fun for me so dice masters I know you guys don't like it like even remotely like probably wouldn't be in the top 200 for either one of you but no no but it is I mean it's similar to a Magic the Gathering with dice like you said it is bad a bad concept back when it was called coiours I did enjoy it and I did have fun with it and I still like the game but half Warriors yeah so hot and they're coming out with a new like mega version of couriers that has everything in it you already have it yeah I know well yeah but this well be one box hold everything Elliott in a cube tin it's not a cube tip warriors in that cube pen warriors did not make my top hundred I like it but dice masters just knocked it around so my number 15 dice masters cool my number 15 was 18 last year so pretty much the same spot rows three spaces probably because I was able to play it I think between the last time we made a list and now I always get my chronologies messed up whenever we talk from year to year but the last time I think I played it it was with Lance monster and a bunch of other people at me Pocock and that was just a really fun game and it really kind of brought out everything that coliseum has to offer as far as trading and and and really talking through your show as you put it on which if I'm not mistaken it's actually in the rulebook but you're supposed to do that I I could be mistaken I don't care if that's our rule that we made up that one maybe that one marathon where that goes to the morning and it was the only way to stay awake and I was like you must describe your show and I just made it up and then you guys took it to something no but it was it was a really fun game Coliseum is the game that I don't know if I've actually mentioned it yet I don't think I did you guys Coliseum yeah thank you did did I oh you said it I did yeah okay good well anyway I was not in love with the TMZ version of it graphically speaking it's better than no version but it is better than no version and that's what I give props the team's you for doing they reprinted a classic game they made it available again and they largely left it alone they just reprinted it with new stories supposed to when you're following days of honor like I just saw announced they they just announced somewhere that Caesar and Cleopatra I mean I'm Cleopatra inside of our team really made yeah have fun trying to duplicate the original that really yeah they're remaking that yeah yeah no no no yeah like three news like three days ago again that you have will now have known five weeks since this has come out no these guys are so behind the ball but Colosseum is a great game and it's now available which is which is the positive aspect of it so my number 15 Colosseum very cool minor 15 has been mentioned already in this top 10 a little bye bye you my good sir meanwhile China make to make is correct Jamaica was 22 last time it's 15 right now it oscillates it oscillates in there pretty much I am I think I might be the only person who enjoys the expansion I thought the expansion was very good it took years and years to come out maybe wide it really did I expansion missed the boat if you'll pardon the pun by quite a while to come out it was not very widely available for a while still I don't think is that yeah I don't know I don't know how to be like I see people playing Jamaica I never see the expansion even show up yeah and then I mention it be like there's an expansion it's like an unknown thing yeah that's true that's true but I like it quite a bit it adds a lot of characters and it adds character to of the exclude the game it's honey jizz overwhelming that was actually more work play than punish but I think it actually makes the game easier to teach I know that might seem counterintuitive that you add an expansion and the game gets not simpler it's not simpler but it is easier to teach for one thing you now have a secondary sort of board from which to select characters and the deck of treasure cards is just treasure cards I don't have to at the beginning of the game get that deck and be then and go through it saying okay if you get that as plus seven points if you get that it's minus three but then also you get this card you now have an extra deck on your ship and if you get this card you can re-roll your combat die and you know people draw those and go what's the sextons again only let me check the rulebook let you roll dice twice you know now all those powers have been relegated to those extra characters and there's only three flipped face-up at the beginning of the game I literally have to explain nothing except three of them and as you grab one if that the selection token is next to new ones that are still faced down you reveal them cool that one's that that wants that done the game is simpler to play and has more flavor in it so I think it's brilliant I really really like the expansion jamaica just a fantastic we definitely recommend it 15 was 22 last time weren't there only like four cards that you had to explain in the treasure deck there were a few I hadn't know I had a pro mall so they gave you like three more yeah yeah that does more your number 15 was 28 last year this is one of the most highly rated more complex euro games like not that complex but you know Terra Mystica Great Western trail right western trip this one which is a price of a rondelle and I'm in a long Rondo and a deck builder and just a lot of stuff going on and there's getting building in this game to not rondelle's for circles no it doesn't be a circle this it's a track that you move around and you can basically move as far as you want on the track but then you might miss things in the way and stuff but you can keep coming around and around this track you just keep going around you're delivering cattle so it's very thematic you're taking cattle to the end and then you get a you have this deck of cattle that like a deck building aspects you want to put better cows in your deck it sounds huh I'm not selling it to either one another thing very good that's how that works I did I never played it obviously but there's a lot of really strategic decisions in it I like it obviously not as much as the people do this one's very very high but and this is certainly one that like in our groups in the place they go where the eurogamer's you know the guys who that's all they play this is always one that's talked about very like I had I very rarely hear a heavy Eurogamer go yeah I don't like I don't like this game no they tend to like it Great Western trail I mean the biggest thing this game suffered was coming out around the same time as terraforming Mars in fact right they both came out the same year so it was kind of overshadowed but they both did very well today it was good stronghold that time okay Great Western trail that's number 15 [Music] all right my number 14 was mentioned about two seconds ago by Z Garcia Jamaica no terraforming Mars Oh funny okay yeah alright I was 18 last year 31 year before that this one keeps going up from Wow yeah I just like Venus next and what's the other one what's after that wasn't there another expansion yes Prelude and there was also Freeman came out after well there was there's actually been three expansions well by the time you see this the fourth expansion colonies they come out but primal Prelude is my favorite of the new expansions mostly because it Bates you have this corporation that gives you what you're gonna do over the course of the game and it's what you customize it even further you have like more unique a different starting position and everybody else this game is pure engine building that's why I like it has drafting if you play the full game you know you draft the cards it's an engine builder I and you then you watch tomorrow's get terraformed it just has like a story arc to as you're building Mars and putting oceans on it have you guys have even have you played this oh no you but you have not I don't even know that you would dislike the game actually I mean you do tend to dislike a lot of good games on length alone not like how long is it it's a good to two and a half three hours that's no no no now now that's if you're playing with five players which I will never do I prefer playing with three myself oh and it's not it's not as long that way even if it's two hours well it could be to us completely I don't care for hours but um it just looks really boring no I you know what if this game had better graphics it could easily be like in my top ten I think that does bow I've also just blinged mine out a lot you know there's a lot of ways I'm a mine look better but yeah that does bug me a bit and uneven artwork across the cards with photographs and then drawing pictures and different styles yeah it's just kind of a mess that way but the game itself fantastic for me I'm like I look guy when I heard of it I'm like terraforming Mars sounds great to me I love sci-fi I love you know things like the Martian right the movie that kind of theme and then you look at it and go oh this kind of looks like Agricola and space and it's just looks boring do you think you would like it though I do but anyway it's a way for terraforming Mars Express terraforming Mars keeps moving up my number 14 was 23 last year so awesome open up pretty much yeah it's pretty much the same chunk of games and it's all about rolling the dice all about manipulating the dice knowing how many dice you need to roll to get those resources stone age is my number 14 a great mid-level family weight game in my opinion and it is just so in my opinion is so just simple the teacher there's some simple things that you have to do in order to score points you'd go here you put your workers here that's how many dice you roll or try to get that there's a little bit of math involved you gotta do the division and all that kind of stuff kids is why I mean and there is you know you build houses or you go get cards for in-game scoring and that's pretty much all there is to it there's not a whole lot else except for a couple other things that you're gonna end up doing anyway but the core thing is is rolling those dice producing those resources using them to build the houses or get the get the cards and so it's it's just fun in that way the expansion I also enjoy a whole lot of people like the expansion they thought it was a tall it's called so needs the expansion now what was it called I don't know because like style is the goal or something oh we remember we're so strange Stone Age style is the goal right so what there's someone google translate whatever the original title was style is the goal which what might make sense for a game back right up in court or maybe like that's it just cracked me open that but it's it's a classic in my opinion and it's my number 14 Stone Age it's tough alright my number 14 was number three last time oh how the mighty have fallen oh no this is near Shima hex is now outside my top ten I know you know before you know one yeah I'm not expecting the new one to necessarily replace this I don't know anything about it I might have am I not I don't like the new theme I think the new one since guaranteed you've played it just to clarify in case my line coming out of this I don't know yeah it's you know what it is using Tom's logic I'm too good at it that's what it is it's like you know like captain sonar I'm just good at this I win every time I put the computer on the idea when I put the app I put the AI on hard mode and then actually close my eyes and I pick the I got still win baby anyway no I don't know is what I say to an end degree there's just a lot of really good games above this this 14 is for goods fine yeah you know I really enjoy nourishing my ex I only play with - I think - is the best way to play it technically goes up to four but that's chaotic and I just enjoy the fact that it still feels like a puzzle driven placement game that every now and then you go okay now let's kill each other everything just can the board gets wiped off and I'm like is the tech happening now now now would be okay what and then you watch one unit of them like okay no fight no fight right now I do it obliterates my plan yeah I like that a lot so narashima x-14 for me all right you're number 14 was number 12 last year so same spot for People's Choice essentially and that is five tribes this one's holding pretty well actually considering and saying you know again a lot of these games the newer ones tend to rise five tribes is one of those ever today's wonder has like an evergreen every five years never so that's that's impressive I think I took it to rattle companies never got one more world and five tribes was that one like Yamatai is not gonna be no no no right now in fact Yamatai didn't make the time honor for people oh you like it but I'm saying that's my 36 it doesn't have that wide appeal that five tribes does well what number did you say your five okay anyway five six is Yamatai yeah this one that home on caller thing and the thinking this of it but the thing keenest goes down then up then down again it's very kind of roller coaster each type game like you have a few choices at the beginning and then they kind of escalate you know a lot of choices the beginning of many choices yes the choices could be awesome as the game goes by and then they go down to is there even a choice but then when there is someone says hey Sam man you have a great move oh I hated that's why if I received airplay if I tried to come up like my goodness that Sam see that move even if there's nothing and then leave for shirt I hate hate he loves it hey what happens when I'm playing with somebody and they're sitting there in a good mm-hm-hm-hm-hm and then they're firing about to move it someone else goes oh wow and then they pause like wait why you shut up there about the move exactly five drives sorry you're number fourteen [Music] my number 13 was five last year although once I played them the newest expansion whereas it might shoot back up whatever you know top 2000 my number 13 was 5 was 200 was it yeah I still love this game a lot my favorite I think dudes on a map style game and I just opened the expansion cam it has two video I just open the expansion and there's more monsters in it now those new monsters can they only be used by the new big bad guy huh there's monsters in the new expansion of Kemet set yes there's can those new monsters only be used by the new big bad guy or can anyone use they don't recall I hope so does they look awesome you say yes he's just making up nonsense yeah they look cool I don't I don't recall I I remember correctly there are some tiles that allow you that allow him rather set to purchase some of your the rest of the people styles and I just didn't look at it carefully well the reason I say that is because I don't know if those new monsters were ones that we will have the ability to have that he could also purchase or if they were just six what's what I'm hoping yes because they're for everybody then you can use I don't know that I'm gonna play regards whether I like Seth or not I don't think I'm gonna say there no I don't think I'm gonna play it every time probably still played so what's the deal it turns the game into an all versus one yeah with the one being a player or like one's a player but a player is like powerful no one player playset and everybody I was working together against those yeah that's cool anyway but I still like Kevin I like the attacking I like the that you could have monsters I like the technology tracks they're so diverse the last expansion I liked a lot although I don't play with half of it the priests it just adds a little bit more complexity that I'm usually willing to play but I do use the black tiles because they're awesome so chemic there's a great game it's been on my top it's been on my top 20 list now it started at 13 in 2013 and now still the sixth time it's still 13 cool so okay that's some staying power my number 13 is new to the list and it is a game that kind of rocketed up because I enjoy it that much and I like I like work replacement games anyway and this one had a really cool twist to the worker placement genre where you could take people and throw them into jail and I really enjoyed it Architects of the West Kingdom new to the list I really enjoyed this game a lot can I change my list wasn't in your top wonder if I say Jamaica Jack that garbage the expansion was awful I really do I really do I like Garfield games anyway you know there I like all of their Raiders and you like it more than I like them I like them all better I do rank them of course I like Raiders is my favorite I explorers is yeah and then what is it the bright ship right there you go where you're building ships that one is that was more fun like sports was okay yeah but our connection to the West Kingdom really kind of blows the other ones away and maybe the Raiders that yeah I do wow I like it a lot better than ours cuz I considered it hmm and I never even thought of putting Raiders on my top 100 I like the game but Architects I was like that's a really good worker placement game and that is so it's it's great give it a try if you haven't yet number thirteen architects of the West Kingdom I agree and concur it's a clue Sherlock now whenever thirteen is Tom's that is was a five last time so is mine number five I keep talking about this game no one else I think likes it wait I just leave the designer doesn't like huh just solo game is it that solo weird only no no no this is a blue moon blue moon legends now oh yeah enough people must have liked it that it was reprinted I guess so but then it quickly died there like hating the whole thing it's out and put on the discount shop I mean pretty quickly yeah they must have had some sort of they old Ryan organ it's a reprint or something they were like yes I will reprint it but also we're tansu as new Star Wars game with the same time dun-da-da-da prop it up on top of the blue moon legends game they're put higher Google Legends a two-player card driven game with a one-upmanship kind of feel you know where I'll push back on you with a certain strength that you must respond or lose a fight that's largely it and then you add special powers and stuff on top of that this game has deck-building in it you could build your own group of characters it's got a few different modes now out of the box because again they basically took everything that's been printed promos and everything and put it in one one box so I would certainly recommend that if you're looking for a two-player game that's pretty easy to get into but we'll have enough twists on that very simple concept I explained to make it I think engage I really like Blue Moon legends my number 13 all right People's Choice number 13 has been on the list since the beginning and when it first started I list it was one so dropping to 13 is I mean it's dropped but it's it's still very very high yeah it was won several years in row two it was displaced by pandemic okay hold on let me think look at this base have a grow K so so think about eight nine years ago the game everyone was playing all the time and they've now expansion it to death but they've now expansion dit to death yeah people still play it but not like they used to I started a whole new genre deck-building oh it's a minion I don't know yeah I got it it was 11 last year eight year before that so it's you know a man over 1 when it came in I was number one man I mean it was on everyone's lips when it came out yeah it's very very high we're gonna say it's a deck phone again I wonder and here's the thing about Dominion that that blows my mind scam was made to be an app but this was an app I would play it all the time they finally came out with an app last year and it was one of the worst implementations of a game ever not only did it not play very well you had to buy the expansions using in-game currency that was sold in denominations differently than that you needed to pay I don't member the exact numbers were but let's say to buy an expansion cost you 80 honey money and you could buy funny money and lots of 100 so you would buy a hundred hot dog hot dog buns thing everybody does that know most most almost every app on in the App Store when you buy the thing it's like pay $5.99 and for this expansion of this or this or if you do buy this fake currency with money right you can buy it in like a thousand and then this costs a hundred or two hundred or whatever it's a this was to buy every expansion for Dominion you had to pay for more of this money than you need it that's normal no it's not normal it seems pretty sure it is because I I've got some stuff for my son for fortnight just a few days ago and they do the same thing the amount that's left over you can't purchase anything with it I know but there are other things to purchase yeah in 2025 they're adding some expansions to the app way back at 2011 around this time summoner Wars came out as an app and all these things I was like all wow when's Dominion coming out and it never did they never put on a second edition like a nice clean W remember when pandemic got really really popular and they were like you know what it is you came out last year what they change like 15 cards whatever is their new artwork it's a nice addition no right well but still it's very popular despite everything we just said I really like it too Dominion you're number 13 [Music] all right it's time to start well this will continue into the top 10 I guess oh right I get to the good games well right of eurogames alright for those who said on like guerra games whatever my number 12 was eight last year 60 year before that still like this a lot although it's not my favorite game from this designer who've a Rosenberg and that would be cavern ax caverna which knocked Agricola off the list like quick was not even in my top 250 I think whoa it's just I can't imagine wanting to play Greg when I can play cavern the only thing a Greek lets do is the whole you gettin had those cards that no one else has break or something yeah all that in Cabernet you can Oh cuz there on the buildings yeah yeah but you got a handful of cards and they made a kazillion card packs I would not say but Cabrera is way more interesting for me I like the theme of having a farm and a cave and you can work on either or both there's very distinct strategies but the biggest the biggest thing for me besides the whole take a huge amount of stuff the biggest thing for me was the strategies are now diverse thing it you complained about Agricola I even though I like Agricola is true it's that you need to do a little bit of everything are you sure huh finally some minor amount of validation I feel complete good anyway I like the fact that now you can really work hard on one thing and get a lot of points that way so Cabrera my number 12 I crossover with Sam who had it somewhere on his top 100 yeah something in the garbage half alright so an interesting distinction here I just realized this I realized that when you were talking about Kemet that's why I kind of had to ask you a couple questions when you order making that anyway from 12 to 1 I have 1 2 3 4 4 Viking games and a 5th game my favorite faction in that game is a Viking faction so that's I just thought that was interesting almost how yeah so I just thought it was interesting anyway 12 and 11 or both Viking games so I'm gonna say 12 is Vikings now you don't like Vikings that much he does the game Vikings I think he does yes not high enough to be nerds hop talk about the z-man game from way back when yeah that's okay that's one of the most somatic I'll I know you take that back we know it's we know it's not blood rage understand oh it's replacement one that we play where you get the ship no you didn't like that one that much either I don't know go ahead fire an axe of Viking saga oh it's number 12 this years old as the other biking game yeah it is but it's still better 14 last year so it's pretty much the same spot but this one is this is about as Vikon II that a euro game can be without not being Viking because without being bikers yes sure yes you can get to the line yes before you're basically just buying tiles and array I really enjoy this you know you the whole aspect is the the the way the your turn is structured is what really kind of makes it cool to me you have a week worth of days and you can use those seven days to load things up on your ship or sale or go into other ports and that type of thing and that's what I really liked about it because you knew you had seven things that you could do on your turn what you did that's where you started to have to make decisions but it just gave a structure to the game that I really enjoyed the other thing that I liked about the game is how you can just I just thought it was funny how you could go in and trade with them and oh yes for trade we're friends and then just sit out and pour it and wait for a turn and then come back now we're gonna kill you and take all of your I got a bonus the head trader with yes because they trust they made it easier because they trusted you on that second I point out that I did not approve yeah I would not do that it does have a little bit of a rub that people can come in and kind of snipe things that you were trying to get and then that can really kind of invalidate your last turn so you do have to kind of play the game intelligently and not allow that to happen wow that's us that's a debt is a hominin argument no it is not huh that's good you're stupid no it's not it you have to know that that's a possibility and in structure your turns and what you do so that it is more difficult for people to do that to you that's true I mean unless someone's pulling out a surprise card you could tell how far away they are no no I'm they might sacrifice uh Viking sailors to get to a poor because if you're sailing over a certain number of days yeah you don't die you have two losses right now you have to lose you might push it there is one thing but you'll pay there is card play in there in this really well but it's it's minor in my opinion I think what we were talking about just just recently is what you really have to be careful of but I really enjoyed the game it's it's always been one of my favorite games so that's number twelve fire our necks a Viking saga cool my number twelve is new to the list there's only one new other new game above this in the top ten and this is a card game very much a gyro game that does that thing that I've talked about characters with powers I really like that this is kashgar merchants of the Silk Road okay because Jason was like dizzy will love this Jason was right this is not infrequently right he's a smart little man I mean parse that sentence keep going okay got it okay Kashgar has you triggering special powers on characters that do things like gather resources spend those resources to acquire contracts which are deliveries get new characters to assist you that sort of thing but the central mechanism of having three caravans ie three columns of characters and on your turn you must trigger the bottom one on one of those columns and then that character goes to the back of that line is extremely easy to manipulate on the one hand but also fascinating in the possibilities that they can offer you you know and you'll have unique powers like okay well pick a character in here and just bump it to the back of that line meaning I don't have to cycle through that character to get to the one that would have been right above it which is great I really wanted to get to that one but I didn't want to have to have to waste a waste of turn getting this one moved you know and then you've got one specific character you begin with in every column that the action is add a new character and so if you have a couple of cards that are great in one of the columns and you keep cycling it that column continues to grow and it takes forever to get to the really juicy two or so you know that you've got in there manipulating all of this is music to my ears I love that stuff you know the rest of the game is real straightforward but it's all about that core mechanism I think it's brilliant I love this game kashgar merchants of the Silk Road is exactly what I wanted in a euro card game and I got it from this my number 12 the beginning and as hovered as the highest that ever was was three and this is yet another one of those I mean we so far we've had Carcassonne and Dominion this is in that same group of gateway style games and this was on all this is the one a four-way crossover I think for all of us and that would be Ticket to Ride I think you had a ticket ride somewhere in there I know we both did yeah so ticket to ride just consistently does well it's still played still sold some version of it at any given point and this came out the new the mini one to ticket to ride New York I don't know how well that one is doing actually I've endured much response to that at all good or bad I liked it it was fast simple easy we'll see if they that line continues like we'll see more of those fast little ones but yeah so ticket to ride I think ticket to ride Europe showed up somewhere on the list for the People's Choice I believe you mentioned idea yeah but ticket to ride is definitely still the king of that one so you're number twelve ticket to ride alright finally before we get to the top ten my number 11 was 149 last year so that's a really high wall you put some new ones on the list so I mean you're number 11 was a hundred and forty nine sure why don't we played it a couple times that's there you go and now I've played it many times since and the expansion is in my top ten expansions it because it gave you special abilities and all sorts of things Lorenzo it'll make it to go this game this euro game euro games I thought you didn't like euro games and all your reviews are positive those don't match but yes I know but I just mention things that people say this is a game in which you you roll dice and the dice that you roll then Egypt person has workers that match the colors of those dice and then that worker is the strength of the diet year old so if I orange dies of five my orange workers of five and everyone has these same things and you're just putting them out in different spots trying to get cards build up these tableaus you can build this like machine that you can run and will give you different things based on it running i the every game of this plays very differently for me I'm gonna decide what I'm trying to do I'm gonna get points it's very mechanical no question right I know you know but it just feels really good and it has any expansion the coolest way to pick player powers that I've seen a game ever do where there's a bunch of player powers we can all you know we're going to pick which one we want so we do so by auctioning and you essentially auction off starting resources so I'll say I'll take this power which is amazing like this one I can set the dice to whatever I want them to be you know but and I'll start with five wood and three of this and two money and extras like I want that same power and I'll start with fewer resources to take it so you could start with a ton of resources but not the best power and you just go around doing that it's a really cool auction mechanism because the powers might not be completely balanced but if we're gonna fight over one someone's gonna end up taking very few resources to start to get that power do you just put the resources on there and as I take it from you I get rid of one no each power comes with a little card that's match that at random away at the beginning of the game and that card has rent starting resources that go down and you just put a marker on it and then once everyone's at once everyone's markers on a different card you then take the resources that it shows to start credit it works really well it's fantastic I like it a lot so Lorenzo you'll Magnifico oh man this game is good almost made my top ten almost all right my number eleven is also a Viking game and it is new to the list and that's I love historically themed games and oh just brain farted on the company 878 Viking and Academy Academy games my 250 through 101 and I got to this one a nothing Sam hasn't put this on this list and I know you likes it no I really do enjoy it a lot it is in essence it's a two-player game where one player is the invading Vikings and the other player is the English defending their homeland you know actually we argue about this two-player actually being a four-point game I this is the one time I think this one does play okay for boy yes and that's what I was about I get to is that this does still play well with with both three and four players but I really enjoy he's tell me to be quiet that's all doing quiet playing it with two players I really enjoy it but I also enjoy three and four so usually that doesn't happen with games like this where it says it's it's two to four players but it's really a two-player game like newer satima hex or summoner Wars or Star realms or hero realms or anything but employ yeah so I love the historical aspect to this and I just love everything about the game let's see it is the favorite of my series rid of cubes and put little pain yes yes certainly I don't know the pics are very not but I think there's other there's other expansions that you can purchase to put the cubes back in no it's a larger queue upgrade other things in the game but the little miniatures came in the base game okay sure but I really enjoy the game love the historic aspect to it 878 Vikings my number look that is a good choice that whole series I think the only one I've played is the Canadian one 1812 something I've kind of had which is good but I think the two best easily thing of Canada I don't know Canada for me I'm 1775 and 878 they're really they're both good they're all good but those two it's my favorite okay cool alright well my number 11 was for last time and this is seven wonders dual the wanders dual is excellent I honestly it's only Atari because it slipped a few pull a few spots but I wouldn't say that this like it now any more than when it first made the list in fact I would say I'm more excited about it now because I thought the expansion was fantastic the expansion allowed the game I might have been out already but I made it on the list I don't remember but the expansion really in my opinion opened up the design a little bit to allow for you know less predictability maybe and what your opponent might do you couldn't go you know you couldn't kind of count out the turns whereas your opponent takes a car I know the next won't be revealed and I can kind of see what's going to be coming down the pike a couple of turns you know up coming in from now and this one the expansion allows you to buy new god cards or something like that and when you do that you break the the rhythm of the game you are not taking a card from the center it's kind of like skipping a turn when it comes to counting that out it really opens up what could happen there's big swings now surprises moments that you go aw I can't believe you pulled that out I really got to stop and think now am I in trouble or are we just going through the motions here I know that sounds like the motions doesn't sound exciting but I really think it's a great 2 player game I like it better than the original the original was actually it slipped quite a bit forget where it ended up was 57 for me and again that's still pretty good in your topic this looked quite a bit though it was 7 last time ah and I had this still higher at 4 they both slipped but this is still alive I think you put seven wonders last time at 7 do you uh ha ha ha no I don't look at the numbers when I arrange them I only write the numbers in afterwards ha ha all right people's choice for number 11 was just mentioned by Z like a second ago seven wonders dual you're the same as the people here interesting I thought you'd be more excited than that but all right it was yes that's what I'm talking about Thank You y'all I'd like to thank my lawyer I want to thank the Academy let me not forget the Academy I'm pretty sure that you were like accusing your lawyer of frogs yesterday what I would like to take back I would like to formally apologize for what I said about my look so yeah it was number away it was 7 last year so it also don't was so funny see they don't do it on purpose all right so yeah 7 winners duel again that's very very popular seven wonders alright I know people were like seven wonders is it was a big argument over whether seven Wonders played well with two or not some people made it it was a short of little argument the answer was no well someone who's dual kind of quashed up came out they were like okay never mind cuz it wasn't really I didn't think they could do drafting well with two players in this game it really works yeah it's not really I'm really drafting oh is it different dress more like you're it's more of a treat and it is draft I would love to see that used in other games by the way Anthony a neat concept there's sigil uses it it's what car game sigil okay Oh both ways which threw me off 11 for the people's choices seven wonders dual all right my eyes the same as mine whoa top ten coming up now we're gonna get to some good games y'all now our top ten list will be next Tuesday we're gonna be doing it live what I have three new games of my top I have one new whining one is a is a rising game in other words it was lower on my list of rows okay and then two brand new games and I have one brand new game and those two brand new games are from the same company doesn't pretty good shake-up in here I'd have to say we'll see I will give no clues but my list is not the same as last year that's all I should say or even close so I won say it's not even close its close book oh how gloom Haven has followed we'll see see ya in a few days thanks much for watching until next time I'm Tom Bassel I'm zrc ya have a good one Sam Healy see you on the flip side folks [Music]
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 101,330
Rating: 4.8428092 out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, review, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming, GeekUsername: TomVasel, board game review, boardgame, uno, ticket to ride, apples to apples, educational games, educational, top 10
Id: 4M8I7Ir4kmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 18sec (5178 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 22 2018
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