Top 10 Worst Nathaniel Bandy Top 10's

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I've been makin top 10 since 2011 and after seven years I finally made over 100 of these things while most of the top 10s have brought in a lot of people that watch me today there's a handful of top tens I'm not so fond of I thought it'll be fun to reflect and see which videos were the worst of the worst so without further ado let's ago [Music] just start we have a collab top 10 this was done with a YouTube channel called press start TV at the time I was working with these guys to help try to grow their channel and in the end it didn't work at all for reasons I'm not gonna disclose and honestly the collab kind of ruin this video it was a lot of fun talking about Mario Kart Super circuit because it's a pretty underrated Mario Kart title and I really enjoyed writing the script for the tracks but I decided to go with press starts microphone for this one it was told that it was better than what I had there's not myself to say aside from the simple fact that this is a really awesome track why I listen to them I have no idea now no disrespected press start but the other person who I won't name just didn't know how to read a script properly he sounded very awkward and it just wasn't genuine at all - starts the Sphinx in the background is a Yoshi head I don't care who you are this is just flat-out epic and hilarious at the same time now I don't think it was entirely his fault what I should have done was show him the script ahead of time and make sure he rewrites his parts in a manner that made it more natural for him to say and honestly I don't think I did that great a job reading the script either my environment wasn't at my own home like it usually is and I was just all thrown off at least the footage looked really good but man this could have turned out so much better this has gotta be one of the hardest lists I've ever had to put together this has got to be one of the hardest videos to listen to for some reason my mic was just not working the day I recorded this video like good lord I'm not sure what happened that day like maybe I was recording with a webcam and didn't even realize it I don't know knowing me that's probably what happened sadly I would have had better quality using my video camera mic like geez I just can't get over the fact that I even use this and considered it to be acceptable quite frankly its sheer atrocity in the audio department has earned itself a spot on this list I think my stage choices are still pretty good and hold up and the video does look pretty clean but God dang man holy before I shoot nice balls talk about fanservice oh great of course a top ten that hit 1 million views is gonna be on this list and sadly this isn't the only one that's making the cut the concept of the top 10 I think is still pretty interesting I also remember putting in a lot of research into making this the intro was also really well made and I got to collab with the spirit a character that used to play a big role on my channel several years ago and recently made a cameo in an N be original unfortunately I was very lazy with the production quality of the video and it kind of ruins the whole thing a good chunk of this footage is just a mess of pixels and I'm not even over exaggerating like look at this I remember recording this myself with a really old crappy capture card and I didn't even bother to recapture the footage this is seen throughout a lot of the video and it's just really distracting to look at I also think putting Wario and Waluigi on there was kind of a bad idea that definitely upset a lot of people and they aren't even that annoying a big problem that I have with this video is the abrupt endings before moving on to the next thing on the list oftentimes it seems like I'm gonna keep talking about something and then the transition just pops up out of nowhere but I consider it annoying because it affects those surrounding in in ways that would just be irritating I didn't think it was that big a deal at the time but looking back it's just kind of jarring and I'm glad I've gotten a bit better at that I guess if you were to simply listen to the video then it wouldn't be too bad outside of a few rule corny jokes I threw in there dear God ladies and gentlemen I introduce you to thee dark puffs head a joke 2016 if you're new to my channel you probably have no idea what I'm talking about around January to June of 2016 I was making one top 10 video a week not only that but I was also going to college full time was in a relationship and had little to no help with these top tens nowadays I'm fortunate enough to have editors to help with some of my videos but back then it was basically just me because I was pushing out so many top 10s at once they just got worse and worse and worse so to start we have the game's grabber ad this was the first sponsor deal I ever had in my channel and it was because of them I was even able to be financially stable at the time so I'll always appreciate them for that but I have to wonder why the people that worked there didn't question my ads they were so cringy what I would do is spend like two minutes thinking about what the ad would be and then make it right on the spot there was no real thought put into it and I did a horrible job promoting their product I've learned a lot more now about how to make sponsored content but back then I just didn't have the time to craft it properly and wasn't criticized on what I was doing wrong either and we haven't even got to the video yet alright so the worst stages in Meili for the most part I still agree with all the stages I put on my list I think most of my choices aren't that fun to play on and can't still be considered pretty bad the problem is that I picked some fan favorite stages like pokey floats as an example a lot of people got upset about that which honestly still shocks me but I don't think it was my choices that were the real Creek it was the execution of the video I used to go way overboard with the narration my voice would just get his squeaky as a dog toy and I substituted actual jokes with dead memes or they were just tasteless for number 10 I threw in this visual joke or a text box with a shrek and addy pops up when I die from the barrel saying shrekt nobody's brain even has time to process the joke because it's only on the screen for like half a second this was a very common problem in my older videos the visual cues were never on the screen long enough and I also dropped a he needs some milk Joe crate in the back though looks free pissed he needs some milk huh the last thing I'll comment on is how sensitive I was to admitting I used items in smash bros I very subtly mentioned this in one of my more recent top tens but back then I went out of my way to get the competitive viewers upset for no reason and if you have items on good on you for not joining the dark side of competitiveness ok I've had enough of this and here's another video that's reached over 1 million views I couldn't tell you why to be honest this top-10 was all about the best and worst Mario Kart items now right off the bat just looking at the date of released you can already tell that this list is gonna be outdated the super horn wasn't in existence yet and it's certain that that would be on the best portion of this top ten but anyway the main issue with this video is my choices in my reasons for picking them I still think my best list is okay but I'm not sure why I put the golden mushrooms so far up obviously the mushrooms are great but they aren't nearly as good as the Chain Chomp yet I placed it above for some reason but then there's the worst side of my list first off I didn't include coins at all now you might think well that's because I made this before mario kart announced it even had coins but coins were also an item and Super Mario Kart and weren't much of a snag in that game too so I don't know I also didn't include the fake item box which is objectively worse than the green shell and banana because hey they don't block incoming items and B are usually pretty easy to spot from the real ones depending on the game and honestly green shells of bananas aren't even bad items sure they aren't that great for attacking people but they're perfect for defending yourself and holding first or second place but of course the biggest item I missed was the thundercloud my thinking at the time was that the thundercloud gives you a nice little boost and the shrinking wasn't that big a deal I don't know I must have not even played Mario Kart Wii to test it out because man this item is just garbage a couple other annoying things about this video I went on for like three weeks about why bananas are supposedly slippery to slip on I mean this segment just really dragged on watching this video over just makes me want to remake it so don't be surprised if you see a remake of this top 10 sometime this year oh no no no we've returned to the dog top at age of 2016 with a little video about the coolest sonic characters I still pretty vividly remember putting this one together as seeing as it was only about two years ago I was really starting to feel burned out on making these once a week so I decided to just go crazy and make a satirical list the entire list features all the lamest and worst sonic characters and I sarcastically in quotations talk about why they're just so cool a lot of the problems from the worst mailee stages list apply here my narration goes way overboard the name jokes that you want to die and because it's a satirical video the boundary was pushed way too hard I went with every overuse sonic joke in the book including big the cat and his frog Amy and herb specialist sonic sticks from sonic boom and so on and so forth let's run through every single time I threw up a horrible meme or did it make a picture big enough for anyone to see how can we forget the amazing guess with pico pinko stands for it stands for love Oh Mario and Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games hypoid vector is known for being loud and obnoxious to pros yeah like the finebros everyone's favorite youtubers yeah I mean Tony Hawk doesn't count either he rides his boards on wheels and that's just Wayne in the payoff at the end is such a cop-out I literally just threw up Sonic at the end said he was cool and that was it maybe some people found that funny but looking back I could have done something way more clever and to finish off I'll sweat some issues with the video quality for a shower the Hedgehog the footage would stutter at times I remember that I used to have a pretty weak computer back then and it wasn't really capturing footage that smoothly but we'll wait a minute my video was supposed to have the lamest Sonic characters yet I put shadow in here who is considered cool oh my god I'm so confused all right this is the last top 10 from the dark top hood yeah you get it whatever this top 10 was on the coolest Mario enemies like the other Dark Age videos a lot of the same problems can apply here but this was just one of the worst written ones I've ever had just the name coolest Mario enemies screams hey I'm out of ideas I guess we'll start with the usual games grab a rat it's not quite as cringy as the other ones but it's still nothing that would entice people to check out the website now as you may know lots of youtubers tend to add fluff or filler to their videos to reach that 10-minute mark I've definitely done this myself I'm not gonna lie and I didn't even hit that with this top 10 but man I really try it's something that I don't really do anymore is half my videos are now under 10 minutes but I really pushed for that back in 2016 the problem here was just the video topic there isn't a lot to say about basic Mario enemies without adding filler like I spent way too long saying it's fun to say the words flame Chomp and that's just fun to say like seriously say it out loud with me flames I sound so edgy then out of nowhere I start talking about a circus for number 9 and it just goes on and on and it serves no purpose of the top 10 itself which to an extent that's okay there's nothing wrong with adding jokes or puns but they don't make sense in the context of what I was talking about I was side of these additional points all the same problems can be found here like in my other Dark Age top 10 videos over usage of memes squeaky talking and all that nonsense oh boy this is an old classic my list on the hardest Mario Kart Wii tracks I remember this being one of the first top tens I made using an elgato capture card so the video quality was starting to increase more around this time well outside of this intro like seriously I just slapped random crap on the screen and called it a day there is one just one tiny little problem with this top 10 just looking at the footage you may have already figured it out yourself I was playing with automatic drifting so literally all of my problems with the tracks saying that the turns are too sharp or just unfair are caused because I wasn't manually drifting because all my logic was based off of this pretty much all of my reasons for the tracks make no sense whatsoever and that's not to say all of my choices are mad like obviously things like Bowser's Castle Rainbow Road makes sense to be here but I didn't even bother to try manual drifting back then and honestly I was over exaggerating a lot of stuff that I was saying like for mushroom gorge I talked about how hard it was to bounce around on the mushrooms and I even purposefully played bad to show my point but honestly they aren't that much of a hassle this is one of the few times I've played a game bad on purpose to exaggerate a point and it didn't even help drive my point at all just made me look like an idiot and then there's the problem of referencing trends like when I talked about moon view highway this track is on more steroids than everyone on Lance Armstrong's bike team that didn't make any sense to you did it and that's the problem with making jokes to trending topics nobody will know what you're talking about after a few months which just dates a video that shouldn't have to feel dated which I guess is fine in some circumstances but for this kind of top 10 it shouldn't feel baited at all and then there's probably my most horrible moment ever the jackoff bridge scene my favorite part of this track is the jackoff bridge [Music] okay there's more but that's all playing ok oh my god how many people have seen that 1 million in now we're really getting into the top tens where almost nothing goes right at all starting with the top 10 Mario games and no I'm not talking about the updated version I put out 2017 I mean the really really old ones right off the bat I talked about the guidelines for the top 10 and said that as long as I can play as Mario it counts so what did that lead to a Mario sports game smash bros mario party and mario kart being thrown into the video I don't know why I thought those guidelines were a good idea I also promoted my other videos way too much to the point that it made me look that and more annoying is the audio like it sounds okay but there's so many moments where I didn't even bother to cut out silence so there's awkward pauses all over the video of all the top ten so we've talked about before this one most of the choices make some sort of sense at the very least but then there's this video I put Super Mario 3d World as number two on the list now don't get me wrong it's a fun game at all but better than Mario Sunshine and Mario Galaxy games I don't think so I remember doing this because I had literally just finished Mario 3d World and didn't really reflect on where it actually belonged on the list I was just so excited about a new Mario game that I just put it near the top and on top of that I didn't even play Mario 3 or Mario World on the list and you want to know why because I had never played them before yep I was that lazy but now let's move on to the number one pick at number one we have the first top ten I ever made this may be a bit unfair to myself because this was my first attempt but man I did a pretty piss-poor job the biggest flaw of course is that I didn't have a capture card of any kind so I just recorded my TV with my camera I didn't even crop out the video that well I mean sure it was recorded in the dark but you can still see that it's a TV I also said all of my lines with my camera microphone outside yes I literally recorded the audio outside in the backyard you can hear crickets chirping in the background because it was at nighttime how is anybody supposed to think of looking under there you're surprised to even be reaching the final Bowser you're too worried about fighting him who in the right mind is gonna think of looking under some stairs for a coin and then to the list itself a lot of the stars I claimed to be hard really aren't that hard if you know what you're doing I think if you're gonna make a top ten of this nature you should have full knowledge of what you're talking about before diving into it but in this case I really didn't like I put blast away the wall watch for falling rocks and the freaking Princess Peach's slide on here and said it was hard because I didn't know how to get to them at first and then there was the over-exaggeration oh I spent two hours four hours getting the star when I honestly didn't exaggerating time can be used for comedic effect but I wasn't trying to be funny in this case so it just makes me look like a liar and after all that complaining at the end I praised the game like it's the best thing ever but to be fair it's probably one of the best games ever made but with that make sure to LIKE and subscribe if you enjoyed this and I'm gonna get going thanks so much for watching and I'll speak with you all soon
Channel: Nathaniel Bandy
Views: 1,591,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nathaniel bandy, top 10, top ten, top 5, worst, top 10 worst, scuttlebug, bup, bandy, nintendo, switch, smash bros, smash 5, super, mario, odyssey, super mario
Id: IzbxJMVfTOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 28 2018
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