Top 10 Unscripted Robert Downey Jr Moments That Were Left in the Movie

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shakespeare in the park doth mother know you whereas her drapes welcome to watch mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 unscripted robert downey jr moments that were left in the movie no trust liar i forgot the rest oh it's coming back now is everything a joke to you funny things right for this list we're looking at all those catchy one-liners and scene-stealing moments that were reportedly ad-libbed improvised or simply omitted from the words of the book but still uttered on screen by the academy award-nominated superstar hysterical or poignant will be including moments that were added in because of rdj's tendency to wander from the script so heads up there will be spoilers agree disagree prefer kiss kiss to bang bang sound off in the comments below number 10 just getting the door spider-man homecoming don't do anything i would do and definitely don't do anything i wouldn't do there's a there's a little gray area in there and that's where you operate when the trailer for the first marvel studios produced spider-man solo outing dropped aptly named homecoming in addition to the promise of more web slinging antics we were treated to a laugh or two via stark and parker's banter in particular there's the moment where peter reciprocates a hug only to find tony is getting the car door for him that's not a hug i'm just grabbing the door for you we're not we're not there yet it's a micro scene that defines the relationship between the characters extremely succinctly and left viewers wanting more yet according to spider-man himself tom holland it was completely off-script as was much of the scene between the two well that was actually an improvised moment you know a lot of that scene was was really entirely improvised we kind of really riffed off each other their riffing off each other is a running dynamic between the two actors and a lesson to many up-and-comers i think i just tried to hug him i just thought it would be funny if i hugged him and robert's instincts is so good that he was like oh i'm not trying to hug you i'm just gonna get the door number nine improvisation my dear watson the sherlock holmes franchise i've got the rest oh it's coming back now according to arthur conan doyle if you eliminate the script all that remains however improvised must be the movie okay so we actually are dj'd that particular quote we're not pinpointing an exact moment here since ad-libbing was such a big part of the production have you actually read the book i found it compelling meanwhile the witty repartee and naturalistic comedy between holmes and watson in the guy richie directed franchise is a testament to two main factors the real-life friendship between downey jr and co-star jude law as well as the spontaneity of the leading man on set i agree it's not my best disguise let's make do according to downey jr improvisation on set is quote a democracy in the truest and most frustrating and most rewarding sense of the word moriarty actor jared harris reportedly had to adjust to the loose use of the script as quote an exercise in trial by fire but it paid off the scenes between the two nemesis are electric number eight calling an audible captain america civil war oh mr parker um what what are you doing hey um i'm i'm peter tony when tom holland was announced as the new spider-man replacing andrew garfield after less than two years off screen fans were eager to see how the young actor would fit especially with a cast that was already brimming with established stars holland at the time gaining a rather firm step into hollywood but still relatively unknown was paired with the veteran rdj during the initial encounter between tony stark and peter parker the former tells the young superhero to move the leg so he can sit down i'm gonna sit here so you move the leg typical though we love him stark can be irritant and this is just another indication of that right except it was more that holland forgot his blocking so rdj corrected him both in character and as an actor then continued the scene i'm gonna pretend you didn't say that number seven blueberry the avengers his secrets have secrets it's bugging him too isn't it tony stark loves his food whether it's cheeseburgers and iron man 1 donuts and iron man 2 or blueberries on the helicarrier in the avengers even if barton didn't tell loki about the tower it was still all over the news the stark tower the last one however gains a distinction by being less of a character choice and more of an actor being mischievous the moment where stark offers his fellow avenger a blueberry was not in the script nor was the act of even eating them apparently rdj was simply hungry and managed to smuggle a packet of fruit on set and hide them in the elaborate lab design then as cameras rolled he tucked in and since it seemed like such a tony stark thing to do it remained in the film in a few hours i'll know every dirty secret shield has ever tried to hide blueberry number six i love you 3000 avengers end game we have to address it the moment that broke everyone's hearts i love you three thousand i love you three thousand yes there are rumors about much deeper meanings relating to the overall run time of marvel movies but that's just a coincidence during avengers end game while tony puts morgan to bed he tells her that he loves her tons which is how it was written in the screenplay the same script was supposed to have morgan say the same in return however to add a little naturalness into the scene downey jr suggested the new line based on how his own children reply to him in real life love he turns i love you three thousand the result is an amusing exchange between pepper and tony in the following scene a finale line and floods of tears number five peek-a-boo i see you tropic thunder just like much of the rest of the movie they're filming in the action comedy the real-life actors of tropic thunder took a lot of liberties with the script so much so that to describe the screenplay as anything more than a general set of scenarios might be going somewhat overboard robert downey jr's kirk lazarus is probably a character that moviegoers will never see the likes of again lazarus underwent a controversial pigmentation alteration procedure in order to play the platoon's african-american sergeant lincoln osiris he's an american actor playing a white australian actor who surgically alters himself to look like his on-screen black counterpart in a parody of actors who take themselves and their method far too seriously all directed by ben stiller you're australian be australian there was lots of unscripted material but chief among them is this line from robert downey jr beyond the improvised one-liner and diving forward role the accent is completely hilarious i think i might be nobody number four the secret door avengers age of ultron guys stop we gotta talk this through it's good talk no it wasn't while it's common knowledge that the iron man actor is encouraged to be fast and loose with the marvel movie scripts this entry marks an instance where a change had to be made in post-production the bulk of the line please be a secret door was by all accounts purely rdj's on-set creation of making even the mundane action of finding a hidden door look rather amusing please be secret please please be a secret meanwhile the gleeful little yay that follows came at the suggestion of age of ultron's executive producer jeremy lacham and was inserted into the film as part of the edit that little moment has since reappeared as part of memes worldwide number three creating a new scene the galaga guy the avengers iridium what do they need the iridium it's a stabilizing agent so i'm just saying take a weekend i'll fly it appointment keeps love live we've already talked about a scene that required an additional line of dialogue being added after principal photography concluded this particular improvised bit from the avengers however didn't need a new line recorded it instead required some special effects work to allow a small unscripted moment to make it into the film upon entering the helicarrier bridge tony stark points to a shield worker and remarks that he's playing galaga that man is playing galaga thought we wouldn't notice but we did this is an old arcade game where you must defend humanity from attacking aliens wait a minute so not only did rdj's offhand reference reflect the film's final battle but also director joss whedon thought the line worked so well that they put in visuals from the actual galaga game in post-production number two creating another new scene shawarma the avengers we're not finished yet and then swarm after american restaurants featuring middle eastern cuisine have robert downey jr to thank for the rise in popularity of shawarma in the 2010s while audiences also have him to thank for the second post-credits scene of the avengers this beloved sequence sees the gang silently eating the dish after the battle of new york is over but it wouldn't have happened without some earlier scene rewrites according to the original script there was just one line of dialogue written for stark to say after the battle is over before things all quickly move on both rdj and the director thought it could be improved though so whedon came up with a few extra ideas rdj ultimately went with these off-script lines after telling the group that they should quote just not come in tomorrow stark suggests that they all go for shawarma despite his not knowing what it is let's just not come in tomorrow let's just take a date you ever tried shwarma there's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here i don't know what it is but i want to try it before we unveil our top pick here are some honorable mentions drunk tony iron man 2. rdj breaks when trying to ad-lib a song request give me a fat beat to beat my body secret handshake weird science it was a slush from above but the handshake was from the moment wayne gales australian accent natural-born killers the reporter wasn't written to be from australia until downey jr insisted anyway julie my producer and i we've been waiting for a long time to do a follow-up episode on you and that time has definitely come doolittle and the dragon doolittle the final resolution was dealt by downey jr when removing the blockage you'll see now there may be an initial release of wind before we continue be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one i am iron man iron man and avengers end game been a while since i was in front of you i figure i'll stick to cards this time those famous four words that started it all off i am iron man with that the mcu was born the line is synonymous with tony stark's journey not just in one movie but across all marvel productions since i am iron man it also encouraged the other writers and directors to take liberty with the characters as they'd been previously presented in the comics the line means many things but it takes the number one spot on this list for what it wasn't written much of that first iron man was allegedly improvised as a result robert downey jr's playful remark concluding the movie was so fresh that it became tony stark's catchphrase it also led to a reshoot during the editing of avengers endgame that saw the cast and crew film the scene so that the line would be included as the character's last live words [Music] iron man do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from watchmojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos you
Views: 852,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comics, DC, Film, Marvel, Movies, Superhero, avengers: age of ultron, avengers: endgame, captain america: civil war, dolittle, i am iron man, iron man, list, mcu, mojo, rdj, robert downey jr., robert downey jr. ad libs, robert downey jr. improvised, sherlock holmes, spider-man, spider-man: homecoming, the avengers, tony stark, top 10, tropic thunder, unscripted robert downey jr., unscripted robert downey jr. moments, watch mojo, watchmojo
Id: T4S_LwhK8xE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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