robert downey jr. being savage for 14 minutes straight

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okay my question is i feel like i know the answer to this but uh who is the biggest diva in the whole cast [Music] what answer do you think you know yeah well who who do you think it is okay i want to know what she thinks yeah who do you think and i oh oh no she didn't i'm not [ __ ] done she's [ __ ] dead oh baby no that ain't gonna work oh you think it's wrong get that picture off the monitor okay yes i did that [Music] [Music] i must be mellowing with age but i want to say this very clearly next time i'm not asked the first questions [Applause] you know i would have spoken french but i was raised by wolves she went to all these nice schools and they spent all this goddamn money and now she's all fancy and comes up and i just love her i am an animal i'm an ugly american all right they don't teach french in jail [Laughter] voila [Applause] jose the movie title is captain america you should work more it's true it's true that's why it's hard to complain you know you're on set you're like well that's that's what these movies are so you're you're just doing it sounds like you're having a civil war with yourself because i mean i mean it's i i would have maybe chosen not atlanta in july but fantastic i have no recollection i'm just literally on the verge of like a mental breakdown i'm sorry it's been 15 minutes since my last wardrobe you wanna know what no i am gonna leave [Laughter] [Music] who among you is least trustworthy when it comes to the secrets uh oh my god even the audience did you tell them what happens so the end of the movie i remember thinking i remember thinking i'm about to beat this [ __ ] up okay i don't know i remember stopping ditches yeah now i saw the american version of that even though we love your britishness is snitches get stitches you're right right [Applause] [Music] i including myself i was really surprised [Music] [Laughter] [Music] uh this is really nice i'm going to keep it simple i'm going to send you love and then i'm going to receive love so here's me sending it [Applause] you get that all right i'm ready to receive i just want to be appreciated do they have a new costume for each of you each time or do you use the same one they always do little tweaks little little adjustments here and there and they always try and get it you know they try and cater to the comfort because it makes sense that iron man would have a new because you're constantly developing these these suits but it doesn't make that much sense that captain america would be like more blue i think that i think that stark is involved in the design of of all of the avengers uh garb or so i was told at some story meeting i see all okay no intermission no intermission no why would he show it a couple of times well he said he's showing it on the loop that's a long brunch yeah that is quite a brush i mean we can fast forward through the dumb stuff what's the dumb thing yeah what is the dumb stuff i don't know probably like you know your character [Applause] that is that's the game changer get you back that's what i can't one words to describe captain america please just one more that was a question vice versa yeah one word to describe captain america one word for you to describe iron man and iron man to describe [Laughter] make it counts what do you got turn my mic up thank you rad ass [Music] said what i said it ain't changing though what do you call homecoming over across the pond yeah we call it prom you call it prom and what do you call prom [Laughter] that was the whole thing we got halfway through shooting the movie i was like by the way what's the homecoming are you stupid what's nine plus ten homecoming wow really yeah i had no we don't do that our proms are very different though in what way well they serve booze at the prom they do yeah and i don't know what i can say i don't even know how to react to what tom just said there i mean i really don't what did i just say you said spider-man's in space oh that thing right yeah it's really awesome it's like men in black every 20 seconds we just wipe it he's very young i am very uncomfortable with the energy that we've created in the studio today by the way i just want to say one this is probably the most important thing anyone here today tom holland has changed he's different look he's wearing leviton sneakers now showing the bottoms your sneakers tonight we've got a piaget watch out everything's different now isn't it [Music] i heard a rumor and you please tell me if this is true that you had your furniture from home shipped to atlanta i want to go home furniture while you were there i didn't do a thing the moving company [Applause] all i know is chris evans is such a nervous nelly he gets all i mean for you know he plays a real butch guy in the movie yeah i love captain america i hate to say it i'm not supposed to say it right i love chris i love captain america before the premiere he's all nervous and we're supposed to drive in the audi's he's like bro i don't know should you go first or i should go first i was like we got to go to this premiere together what is he well there you go but have you walked the floor yet i have the attitude can you walk the floor sure anybody can do anything will you walk the floor no no way too creepy have you guys seen the movie yet i have i have i saw it about a month ago you did and what do you think you know you know when you revise for an exam and you feel like you crushed it but the longer you wait for the results the more you think you kind of british by the way ruined it a test or something thank god you brought your translator exactly yeah but he's becoming a much more likable character as well isn't he i suppose he's a better man yeah he's becoming a better guy i you know in a way that you are as well uh sure [Music] is pregnant right now we go to work to rest yes he is pregnant right it's a girl i did my part yeah who gives you guidance does robert give you guidance he is not not anymore i mean look he's clearly his own man now he doesn't mean i don't want to be bitter about it and i've made uh somewhat of a study of this tell me if i'm wrong i don't know if an actress can do her best work until i've slept with her julianne help me i'm dying i [Music] the statement sort of stands by itself doesn't it i mean does that mean you're you're not a liberal or that you came out of prison not being liberal um are we promoting a movie i mean you you say we're promoting an interview i'm promoting the movie i mean obviously you're doing a promotional he [ __ ] up that's why we're talking about the movie but we also would like to talk a little bit about you and i don't know how comfortable you are you know talking talking about yourself at the moment you have as much time as anyone else well yeah do you pick the suits out yourself or is there a person that does this for you uh i have a consummate team of professionals nice this is etro it's what bro e-t-r-o that's the name of the brand that's right okay it's like retro but without the owner you've never heard of metro what are you supporting tonight i don't know i'd have to look in later on we'll look you'll go through my pants and we'll see what i'm wearing you're nasty okay let's move on and obviously there are many flaws in this film to this armor so if truth be told um i mean do you feel robert that you know where hello um what did he say enjoys more being out of the armor here's the problem is he's he's bum rushing us because i pulled a little stunt what did i do he facetimed me in the middle of an interview really yeah right a minute he never facetimed me this is so weird hey man how you doing he's never faced time he ever won now it's become a bit of a thing why are you answering your phone in the middle of an interview because it's you yeah if it was my mom i'd like to know but it's robert downey jr like yeah i'll see what's happening hey listen everybody was pretty excited for sure so you're uh did you get a little revved up seeing you yeah i got a little bit i got a little charge what is this about you and i in your pants what are you coming on to me i just got here i yeah i usually wait for the second segment is that what you want i'm sorry i'm back i'm back um well i think we've got two three more minutes on our on our agreement your foot's starting to jump a little bit you better get to your next question you um yeah i mean we all figured after avengers we couldn't go for more of a spectacle so um i'm just so pleased as people are seeing the movie that they're telling us that we kind of did this correctly enough for me to be proud to announce the next installment uh where it will just be rebecca and i called iron man 4 parade's end [Laughter] i remember thinking [Music] i'm about to beat this [ __ ] up i don't feel so good how is it i mean what happens at the end i mean just tell us about it oh my god you're not going to believe it gwyneth is actually in charge of explaining of course she is i remember thinking i'm about to beat this [ __ ] up which captain america civil war co-star has kissed paul's wife ooh ooh oh i know anthony mackie there you go [Laughter] why would you say that [Music] robert you have not seen it yet i have personally yet to see it when can i uh you will see it when i'm ready for you to see it take a minute the new blood get used to it robert do you know what they say about having a little girl right it's it's payback for everything that you've done as a young man and in your past have you heard that anymore i have two little girls i have to go uh you know the dark periods you entered and and taking drugs and drinking and all of that and i just wondered whether you know you you think you're free of all of that or whether that's still something sorry i i really don't what are we doing uh uh well i'm just asking questions that's all right bye thank you guys are you i'm sorry she and i are the secret sauce we don't want to boast but we are the secret sauce um i know a lot of things but i don't know about that i'm not sure why as far as the future who knows so i am confusion secretary [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Memelord
Views: 911,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avengers, mcu, tom holland, tony stark, spider-man, iron-man, marvel, infinity war, tom holland interview, interview, marvel cast, avengers endgame, tom holland and robert downey jr, tom holland and robert downey jr funny moments, robert downey jr, robert downey jr funny, robert downey jr funny moments, tom holland spiderman, father son, robert downey jr and tom holland funny, rdj, no way home, savage, roasting, robert downey jr being savage, robert downey jr interviews
Id: eg12N0N7V98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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