Tom Holland and Robert Downey Jr. Funniest and Best Father/Son Moments | Try Not To Laugh 2018

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agent Romanoff miss Bea oh yeah Charles we got ourselves an accident captain everyone you guys seen the movie yet I have I have I saw it about a month ago you did and what do you think you know you know when you revise for an exam and you feel like you crushed it but the longer you wait for the results the more you think you kind of British buy the really thank God you brought your translator exactly yeah I got to see a little bit of the movie this morning and I saw that Tony Stark Iron Men is kind of taking spider-man under his wing this time and you know helping him with the ropes then I was wondering how working with Robert was actually him Yeah right a minute he never faced Tom to me this is so weird hey man how you doing what's up oh thanks man thank you so much I'm actually doing press for it right now but yeah so walking into the screening I was like this is gonna be all four I'm gonna hate it and leaving I was over the moon you were great okay okay so you're not overly critical of yourself and your performance and all that stuff I loved it Robert you have not seen it yeah I personally yet to see it when I uh you will see it when I'm ready for you to see it yeah I'm in the middle of junket I can't really speak right now can I call you back I mean I'm in Berlin right now I'm in Germany it's fun man I wish you ahead am i doing a good job yeah I think so okay he would like to speak to you Robert how much are you involved in casting Tom in this movie I would assume that there's some kind of that you play some kind of role in that yeah well when we were doing civil war was when right at the beginning of that they were casting and so they brought in all the the finalists for the exam yes I mean what I what I had to do they're like he's great isn't he I was like yeah he is and that was it three words nice set the scene for me then where does this movie pick up from in civil war tony is a little desperate and he starts trying to get some fresh meat recruits winds up in Queens and turns out young Peter Parker proves himself a worthy addition to the team provided you got some training wheels on him don't do anything I would do and definitely don't do anything I wouldn't do there's a little gray area in there and that's where you offer well he's being perfect actually he's representing you guys very well it's been it's been great he's great isn't he about any of the other guys that they brought in the everybody was good and then there was just this other element of like you saw it and I was there yeah it feels like the spider-man that I read about in the comic books when I was like eight years old that's the spider-man that the spy movie coming a coming home to the ODE I never went to homecoming so that I didn't really relate to I was left I was at home crying during all do you well I think he wants to talk to you anyway May it's been so nice catching up with you um I don't even know what lederhosen czar but you've done it so well I was just trying to be like you don't be like me okay okay right okay lots of love speak too soon when we shoot an Ironman in 2007 he gets shrapnel in his heart and then Yin sin puts a metallic tokamak reactor in his chest to keep the shrapnel out of his heart I mean it's beyond metaphoric you know it's literally the physical ization of it and I think that's why Stan Lee in the whole just Marvel lexicon is so you know it's you know at the heart of it these are all you know they're just these archetypes of kind of broken people recouping him because I guess did he wear lederhosen here in Germany he did there you go know what Tony Stark is angry at me are you keeping these pants yeah that comfy they're really comfy I like these a lot thank you so much thanks so much thank you what do you go home coming over across the pond yeah we call it prom you call it prompt and what do you call prom that was the whole thing we got halfway through shooting the movie also by the way what's the homecoming really yeah we don't do them again I wouldn't like him if the movies weren't good you know it just so happens that this spider now hold on a damn second just cuz I did this to you in Berlin doesn't mean all right all right Ivan will glosses to try look at this very body Jay right that's very good you really are taking cues from the master now our problems are very different though in what way well they serve booze at the prom they do yeah we have the drill guards in the parking lot yeah my prom was a disaster oh I bet it was you got a bunch of 18 year old drunken throwing up on each other yeah kid starts acting up just take their superhero suit away and that's that that's easy done that solves everything well we for us it used to be no TV for a week yeah you know and so it's a little more complicated notice here's the problem this he's bum-rushing us because I pulled a little stunt what did I do he faced on me in the middle of an interview really never faced on me ever but now it's become a bit of a thing why are you answering your phone in the middle of an interview because it's you know about like what American schools are like because you have to play Peter Parker who is a student a high school student yeah I think that was probably the most daunting part of taking on this character so as a joke I suggested to Marvel that I should go to a high school undercover right and it was completely a joke and Marvel took it completely seriously I guess they didn't get my British song after that and yes so the next thing I know I was like had a backpack with a pencil case on my way to Bronx School of Science oh boy I feel as though many actors would be very excited to play spider-man it's sort of a dream role but literally you were a huge spider-man fan all through your childhood yeah I feel like I've been playing spider-man in my bedroom since I was five you actually posted a photo this is you holding up like a this is one of your spider-man insurance I think that is the first one I think my lovely mom kept that which I'm now super grateful for school with a fake name and a fake accent to have a fake mother drop you off yeah they brought Marissa Tomei in just for that with but yeah and Bronx School of Science is the school for genius kids right and I am no gene you're not know I even the teachers didn't know that I was not a real student so they would bring me up to the front of the class I'm like what do you think new kid you got some cojones coming in here and and and no I'm the new kid on the block right it's work that pup to the place way I think Tony looks at him as wow you know this is a a really capable kind of he's got a good moral psychology he doesn't have the limitations that Tony was born into by being in this military industrial complex family funny experience I was sat at the back of a classroom next to quite a pretty girl and eventually you say so dude what's your deal man I was a well did you want to I support you you done now yeah all right god it's a good face the future of cinema turnabout is fair play we're even now later all right Tom Tom Hahn he backs [ __ ] she didn't believe of course she didn't believe me that's a ridiculous story yes but the fact that you were allowed to just suddenly go to Bronx Science in the middle of the year with no explanation that breach that was belief yeah yeah that was a case we we've got a problem with our public education system he's sofa we're enough to know that he might not be making the right decisions but you do what you can and he's he's a lot more personable than he used to be it's do de deed for more videos like this click here hi I'm Alyssa makanda if you want to see more videos like this please subscribe hi I'm Cara Delevingne please don't forget to subscribe by clicking this button right here
Channel: FilMonger
Views: 5,141,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avengers infinity war, avengers infinity war cast, tom holland, tom holland funny moments, tom holland funny moments 2018, tom holland funny interview, tom holland funny, tom holland and robert downey jr, tom holland and robert downey jr funny moments, robert downey jr, robert downey jr funny, robert downey jr funny moments, robert downey jr funny interview, avengers infinity war funny, tom holland spiderman, father son, robert downey jr and tom holland funny, rdj, tom, holland
Id: uEPrzbORY_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 01 2018
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