Top 10 Times Celebs Mocked Horrible Interview Questions

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did they seriously just ask that welcome to off like an island or something or very tan very tropical I mean you know I'm ethnic for this list we'll be looking at awkward humiliating and embarrassing interviews where the celebrity couldn't ignore the stupidity of the questions being asked you know what my mistake I get what you're you as crazy as the people on Twitter I'm not rude if you like what you're hearing be sure to check out the full song at the link below [Applause] [Music] number ten Jesse Eisenberg oh boy we're gonna start with a doozy the moment Eisenberg sits down for an interview with Romina puga things get awkward so Freeman plays a magic tea bunker Freeman who are you yeah Freeman yeah what are you a baseball team with him yeah he's buddy of mine okay the actor was promoting the film now you see me leaving puga to go straight to magic tricks Eisenberg is clearly unimpressed with pujas interview skills and criticizes the writing on her hand how she casually referred to morgan freeman is just Freeman and even called her the carrot top of interviewers a comparison that's very hard to find a compliment in do you know the comedian carrot top yes horrible well you were like the carrot top of interviewers yeah no one is a good thing no don't cry now Eisenberg or Jesse Eisenberg did humor her with a card trick but the atmosphere remained painfully awkward your attention number nine Quentin Tarantino Quentin Tarantino movies are famous for their violence so it's safe to say that the director is not only an expert on the subject he's also pretty sick of discussing it why are you so sure that there's no link between enjoying movie violence and enjoying real violence I don't I well I'm gonna tell you why I'm so sure do not ask me a question like that I'm not gonna I'm not biting I refuse your question what because I refuse your question I'm not your slave and you're not my master since the beginning of his career it's been a lazy within arm's reach recurring topic but Krishnan guru-murthy opted to go there anyway asking of Tarantino thought that violence in his movies encouraged violent actions in real life Tarantino not only refused to answer the question he also refused to explain why he wouldn't answer the question in an attempt to be highbrow guru-murthy continued to push the issue making it more and more awkward and Tarantino more and more angry I have explained this many times in the last 20 years I just refused to repeat myself over and over again because you want me to for you and your show your and your ratings okay it's not about racing number eight and Hathaway when Anne Hathaway starred as Catwoman in Dark Knight Rises she needed to get into comic book shape and boy golly didn't the interviewers love to ask her about it you are in phenomenal shape thank you you're very fists yeah we you're always in great shape but you had to make sure you were in perfect shape for this one didn't you extras Jerry penico Lee was especially interested asking for details on her diet her fitness routine specific exercises and the actual fit of the suit it got to the point where half the way had to ask if he was planning on going on a diet to try and fit into a cat suit because surely that's the only explanation of why he'd be so interested no no no no seriously that we have to talk about this what what do you want are you trying to fit into a cat suit okay lucky for penico Lee Hathaway was able to find the humor in the situation and ride through it number seven Mayim Bialik we get it when working the red carpet at any award show you have to interview a lot of stars an in-depth research becomes difficult which is how we get moments like these how many people think that you can solve calculus at the drop of a hat I actually was trained in calculus several years yeah I'm in neuro scientists so you didn't may not have known that yeah I knew you I knew you were some kind of scientist at the SAG Awards Mayim Bialik was asked if a lot of people assumed she could do calculus because she portrayed Amy a neuroscientist on the Big Bang Theory we are using it to map brainwave patterns and then converting them into electrical impulses that could be used to control anything from wheelchairs to robots based on that ring on your finger I'd say you're pretty good at controlling robots well it turns out that yes MAMM Bialik can do calculus because she just so happens to be an actual neuroscientist in real life a fact that she happily shared with the interviewers she is actually a neuroscientist for 12 years but yeah number six Cara Delevingne nothing puts a woman or anyone for that matter in a good mood like being told they seem exhausted and irritated I saw you in London talking a couple weeks ago on TV and you seemed a lot more excited about it than you do right now are you just exhausted oh no I mean I'm still very excited in Cara Delevingne case these comments came at the end of an already awkward interview on Good Day maybe add a bit more energy it's the morning things started off with the host talking down to her and obviously not understanding Delevingne sarcastic sense of humor she tried to lighten the mood by explaining it was just early for her but when the host told her to take a nap and drink a Red Bull there was no saving the interview well let you go then how about that all right you go take a little nap maybe get a Red Bull how about that thank you so much number five Matt Damon oh boy if you want an interview to go well maybe don't insult someone's work ethic or their motivation especially if that person's Matt Damon in acting there is there is a job security right there's an incentive to work hard and be a better actor because you want to have a job so why isn't it like that for teachers when an ambush journalist insinuated that the only reason the actor is such a hard worker is because his career doesn't have job security Damon didn't appreciate the insinuation it's not an incentive that's the thing so you take this MBA style thinking right it's the problem with Ed policy right now is this intrinsically paternalistic view of problems that are much more complex than that Matt Damon is by all accounts an intelligent man so his explanation were why her question is stupid is suitably eloquent and gave her a few moments to reflect on our life choices given that he was attending a teachers rally he even managed to work her limp question into a succinct vessel of support for educators a teacher wants to teach I mean why else would you take a salary and really long hours and and and do that job unless you really love to do it number four Jim Carrey apparently whatsup is a very loaded question for Jim Carrey when interviewed at New York Fashion Week Carrey explained he wanted to come to the most meaningless place he could think of I wanted to find the most meaningless thing that I could fun to come to and join and there's something you got to admit it's completely meaningless cat sadly tried to defend the event saying it promoted icons but Carrie just went deeper saying he didn't believe in icons or in anything really yeah no I don't believe in icons I don't believe in personalities I believe that peace lies beyond personality beyond invention in disguise beyond the red s that you wear on your chest you later contextualized the bizarre reaction saying he was having a bit of an existential crisis and at the moment he didn't know who Jim Carrey was which was hopefully enough to give Sadler something resembling closure if you go deep enough into those characters you realize that your own character is pretty thin to begin with now and then you suddenly have this separation and go who's Jim Carrey oh he doesn't exist diction number three Jerry Seinfeld this interview went down is one of Larry King's worst interview moments in his epically long career so you know it's gonna be a doozy while interviewing Jerry Seinfeld King brought up his eponymous sitcom and made the mistake of clarifying that it hadn't been canceled lasted how long nine years 180 episodes you gave it up right I did they didn't cancel you you cancel them Jerry's reaction is one of pure outrage accusing King of not knowing who he is and reminding viewers just how successful the show was you're not aware of this you think I got cancelled I've hurt you Jerry I thought that was pretty well documented let's get this straight no one cancels Jerry Seinfeld Jerry Seinfeld cancels them just like Larry was trying to say which one's supposed to be the funny guy he's the comedian hi I'm just a regular person on II's just being modest number two Tom Hardy after playing a gay man in legend film media began to ask questions regarding Tom Hardy's own sexuality at a Toronto Film Festival panel he was asked by a journalist from The Daily extra if he found it difficult to publicly discuss his sexuality a question the actor found a tad offensive do you find it hard for celebrities to talk to their section to talk to media about the sexuality well knows he went about after some back and forth as to why one would feel the need to ask such a thing hardy dismissed it with a simple thank-you you asked me about my sexuality thank you the outlet went on to defend the question as they are a gay and lesbian news source but Hardy has defended his stance as well saying it was not an appropriate place to talk about such a personal issue I was wondering if you find it difficult for celebrities to talk about their sexuality I don't find it difficult for celebrities to talk about their sexuality before we unveil the most cringe-worthy number one pick here are a few honorable mentions why did you say I read that you said you felt you're not proud to admit you've had work done why not we really want to talk about that now were you able to wear undergarments you're like the fifth person that's because what is going on what since when did people start asking each other about an interviews about their underwear because it is such a skin-tight you're up to your imagination you're gonna walk home with more than maybe just a trophy tonight I think lots of men I'm not gonna walk home with any men tonight my friends and then I go home to the cats no men allowed then get me in trouble I don't what do you say to your fans who are desperate to know about you and your co-star Kristen what what can you tell them what can you tell them about you can't ask that question to the guy it's his co-star it's a fair question before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one Joaquin Phoenix Joaquin Phoenix famously loads interviews even the good ones in his own words he absolutely hates them so if you have the chance to interview him you better keep it interesting so what's going on Chris with GMA Philippines the movie obviously is about the Joker but it goes beyond that it's really about the mental state he was in can you tell me a little bit about what research or what kind of what you did to prepare for this because this is really an intense performance following his outstanding performance and Joker Phoenix faced renewed attention from the world's press and clearly quickly became tired with the same set of questions and he let everyone backstage at the Golden Globes know it this is old news isn't this old news do you know I felt like I've talked about this for six months asked a by then fairly routine question Joaquin dismissed it initially as old news before laying into it with sarcasm fueled ultra thorough detail I thank you so much for asking that question my publicist is telling me I need to get need to go home do you agree with our picks let us know in the comments and hey if you're a fan of the song playing right now be sure to check out the music video for it right here [Music]
Views: 484,441
Rating: 4.8335123 out of 5
Keywords: times celebs mocked interview questions, awkward celebrity interview, mocking, questions, interview questions, embarrassing celebrity interview, humiliating celebrity interview, celebs, celebrity, interview, celebrity interview, actors, actresses, directors, film, movies, bad interview, jesse eisenberg, quentin tarantino, anne hathaway, mayim bialik, jerry seinfeld, cara delevingne, jim carrey, matt damon, tom hardy, joaquin phoenix, watchmojo, top 10, list, mojo
Id: 7WmSW5wkX40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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