Top 10 Most Awkward Ellen Moments

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[Applause] you know when you don't want to watch but you just can't look away welcome to Ms mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 most Awkward Ellen moments you go sit in that Ellen Jail over there right now you know you know Neal steal stuff back there come here for this list we're only considering uncomfortable moments with Ellen celebrity guests as there's only so much awkwardness we can handle in one list if you like what you're hearing be sure to check out the full song at the link below [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] number ten when Wendy Williams told Ellen she looks like Justin Bieber the animosity between these talk show hosts didn't go unnoticed by the viewers you got renewed for three more years congratulations I mean you're no G in this game you know what it is yeah it's you know it's really amazing I mean as we know talk shows come and go to be able to stay on the air it's a big deal and if things weren't already uncomfortable enough a game of heads-up sent our cringe scale through the roof never too shy to give her opinions on anyone or anything so we're gonna play a special edition of heads up Ellen would quickly regret joking about Wendy's unapologetic honesty after she found herself the subject of it when Williams claimed that she looks like Justin Bieber as much as I want to not like him I loved his new song and he really is cute and some people say that he looks like you they say in a good way we can see that our host was clearly thrown by the comparison but while the rest of us were left squirming in our seats she just laughed it off like a pro number nine when silenzio clapped back over her son's hair the Canadian singer is normally easygoing and funny when she makes the talk show rounds however when Ellen took a jab at her son's hair this mama bear wasn't not impressed and instantly went on the defense all right well it seems like you're busy with something because you're forgetting to cut your son's hair this is a look at him he is beautiful but look at his hair when are you gonna cut that hair do you have a problem with that no I don't have a problem that is some long hair after asking Ellen if she has a problem with her son's appearance she proceeded to lay down the law about critiquing her child you know I have to say it's amazing right you you cut your some people shave the head of their children uh-huh and people say oh isn't that terrible well I don't even cut my son's hair and they say oh my god when is she gonna cut her son's hair right you know and as the atmosphere in the studio turned frosty it's very obvious that Ellen has hit a nerve despite the hosts best attempts to move the conversation along the awkwardness continued to linger whatever I will do mm-hmm I won't please everyone all right but something that I can reassure every mother here the long hair do you know that Rena Charles makes his own decisions most of the time Rene Charles is your son nice yeah number eight when Ellen grilled Taylor Swift about her love life [Music] it's million [Music] Taylor Swift's love life is a pretty well-covered topic thanks to her music but that doesn't mean she can't set some boundaries you were here with your boyfriend Zac Efron last time how is he doing we actually never dated yes he did so when you this wasn't the only time Ellen grilled the singer about her dating history but it is the most uncomfortable to watch which song is about Zac on the new CD there's nothing really about Zac on the CD cuz we didn't we didn't date alright so yeah Ellen was relentless in quizzing Swift about who she's dated even turning it into a game until Taylor finally cracked and demanded she stop you put like a different dude up there on the screen and it just makes me really question like what I stand for as a human being we can feel the awkwardness radiate through the TV but somehow Ellen missed all the signals and trust us they're not all that subtle number seven when Ryan Seacrest gave Ellen a birthday present everyone loves receiving presents but when Ryan Seacrest gifted Ellen a bingo set for her 50th birthday as a humorous jabber age little did he know it would become the gift that kept on giving I know that you'd like to have game night and people over you play poker and I figured that that's dangerous at your age so let me help you with this diet and I brought you something new we could start to play on the weekend yeah so take a look at this a figure wow it's big girls right now any bingo aficionado would know what an ink dauber is but Seacrest was visibly startled by the object it doesn't take long before everyone realized what he was thinking what's that more gifts I don't quite I don't know what that is [Laughter] this moment was definitely more embarrassing for him than anyone else but come on man it's a family show what were you thinking number six the whole Jessica Simpson interview this interview made us cringe so hard at the time but has turned out to be so sad when Jessica Simpson popped by to talk about her music and fashion line things pretty much went off the rails from the moment she sat down very exciting it's very sad I'm not pregnant on your show are you sure you're not talking about were pregnant okay no whether she was talking about relationships and pregnancies or mermaid parties like Ellen we were at a total loss for words at how quickly things took a turn for the bizarre no but seriously how can he massage you when he's asleep I don't know he's good his hands somehow find me he's not asleep but Simpson acknowledged in 2020 that she was actually drunk at the time as she wrestled with addiction that put the cringe in a whole new tragic light you're expanding right what are you gonna do now we're always expanding there's like there's nothing out of reach so you're gonna there's nothing you'd say no to know number five when Ellen forgot Katy Perry had been married do you go by mrs. brand ever um I do actually sometimes when people try and get my attention like if I'm at an event or something like that and they want special attention they go mrs. brand I'm like remember when Katy Perry married Russell Brand Ellen didn't in fact when she announced a game called will you parry me missing her joked about not wanting to get married again but she's just met with a blank stare from the host again not married I was when I was 25 what are you yeah it's been a long time no no wrinkles no I know his name was Russell Brand oh that's right I forgot about Russell yeah Harry awkwardly reminded her of her short-lived marriage to the British comedian and even brought up the fact that she gave her wedding presents on the show even audiences at home could feel the painfulness of this exchange and people everywhere reached for the remote just to escape the awkwardness number four when Ellen cooked with Giada De Laurentiis and you got some lot of attention for the way you were clapping oh I well I'm just I'm just why did you did you know I had a time that you clapped in a different way I don't quite like I do not clap like that that is a weird lens if Nicole Kidman thought reliving her bizarre Oscars clap would be the most uncomfortable moment in this episode Giada De Laurentiis soon made us all forget about that with a rather bewilderingly any kind of balls or no I'm not a friendly shot okay so look viewers were left unimpressed by her condescending in rude manner and Kidman side glances and eye rolls are about as subtle as the chef's tactlessness throughout the segment clearly Nicole had enough as she threw back some shade of her own you know what they say if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen number three when Ellen and Caitlyn Jenner discussed same-sex marriage Caitlyn Jenner is a vocal advocate for lgbtq+ rights that is until the subject of same-sex marriage so you can imagine things got tense when the hosts broach the subject that is so obviously close to her heart you've said you're Republican and and no it's not it's look for the only thing is you know a lot of Republicans I don't want to speak for everyone would vote against all the issues you know that you as a woman and you as a trans person would want someone to support I agree with that in some cases general momentarily got defensive when Ellen pointed out that she's a Republican but despite claiming that her views have now changed Ellen doesn't seem to be convinced at all of that if that word marriage is really really that important to you I can go with it no no and so money cuz you're so you're still kind of a little not unborn with it as Ellen continued to challenge her guests both sides managed to stay cool and composed marriage is an important word because marriage is marriage and equality is equality so if we want the same word that everyone else has it wouldn't be civil union it wouldn't be it would be nevertheless you could have cut the tension in the studio with a knife number two Kanye's rant this hip-hop legend is notorious for his unpredictable behavior and this is hardly the only time he's left his host at a loss for words have you regretted anything that you've tweeted nope nothing never you don't go maybe I should have thought about that a little longer what's the point of thinking during this interview Kanye went on what can only be described as a monologue that lasted for around six minutes I feel that if I had more resources I could help more people I have ideas that can make the human race existence within our hundred years better period his erratic train of thought was met by silence in the studio and even Ellen knew there was nothing she could do to get this interview back on track he concluded by apologizing for getting real on daytime television hen miraculously Ellen actually managed to get in the final word I'm sorry daytime television I'm sorry for the realness [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] not daytime television anymore before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one when Dakota Johnson called Ellen out for missing her 30th birthday party as we've seen already Ellen's memory can get her into a lot of trouble you turned 30 I did and how was the party I wasn't invited actually no that's not the truth Ellen you were invited when Ellen called out Dakota for not inviting her to her 30th birthday party the actress doesn't miss a beat in shutting this false accusation down why I didn't even know you liked me of course I like you you knew I liked you you've been on the show many times and and don't I show like not only it turned out was Ellen invited but she didn't even give a reason for not attending ask everybody [Laughter] ask Jonathan your producer okay you were I was right there why didn't I go I don't know was it was it oh yeah I had that thing Dakota then told Ellen how her favorite comedian TIG Notaro performed at her party and Ellen's face dropped instantly Johnson then swooped in mercifully or was it sharply with an other than you she's my favorite comedian get ready to squirm in your seat do you agree with our picks let us know in the comments and hey if you're a fan of the song playing right now be sure to check out the music video for it right here [Music] Oh [Music] Rizzo we sure do
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 1,533,840
Rating: 4.585743 out of 5
Keywords: Most Awkward Ellen Moments, Awkward Ellen Moments, Awkward Ellen Guests, Awkward Ellen Interviews, Uncomfortable Ellen Moments, Cringe-Worthy Ellen Moments, Awkward Ellen Show Moments, Awkward Ellen DeGeneres Moments, Ellen Jessica Simpson, Ellen Katy Perry, Ellen Giada De Laurentiis, Ellen Caitlyn Jenner, Ellen Kanye West, Ellen Dakota Johnson, Ellen, Ellen DeGeneres, The Ellen Show, TV, Talk Show, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, MsMojo, Mojo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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