Top 20 Game Show Scandals

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whether they were caught cheating or simply outsmarted the game these contestants caused quite a stir welcome to head scratching and eyebrow raising moments on game shows these instances of cheating fraud and unexpected winners and losers caught viewers off-guard and promptly garnered plenty of media attention [Applause] number 20 there's no ton in Wimbledon jeopardy rain what is wimpleton yes when jeopardy contestant read rogers answered the sporting life for 400 he narrowly missed the mark by just one letter moments after what sounded like a correct answer host Alex Trebek announced that Rogers mispronounced the correct answer of Wimbledon as Wimbledon I'm informed that you very clearly said Wimbledon not Wimbledon a few moments ago so you're losing 800 bucks $800 was swiftly deducted from his total 400 forgetting the wrong answer and an additional 400 subtracted from the points he had gained melis he followed this mishap with a correct answer to the Daily Double pronounced correctly this time what are the Camp David Accords you're up to $1,200 number 19 don't drop the G Wheel of Fortune a lot of people are upset at the game show Wheel of Fortune this morning it all has to do with this contestant right there she guess the right words but she was told she lost anyway who know the pronunciation mattered so much especially hung Wheel of Fortune this was a hard lesson for contestant Rene Durrett in 2012 seven swans a-swimming yeah following her enthusiastic cry of seven swans a-swimming rene the audience and viewers at home were surprised to hear Pat Sajak say that her answer was incorrect why because it's swimming not swimming it was easy to do because she kind of did it in the vernacular left off the G in seven swans a-swimming while it was obvious to anyone watching what Rene was saying dropping that G cost her the round and despite the uproar on social media the show stood by its decision that's kind of how how I speak you know being from Florida and and I had asked for the G so I knew it was there number 18 name that tune possible abre pasa palabra is a Spanish game show where in celebrities team up with everyday people to help them win cash and prizes sounds innocent enough right well a small scandal occurred when it was revealed that one of the guests model / actress Adriana a benya had cheated during the show's name that tune segment [Laughter] a binya was on fire but when her legs began to flash and vibrate it was revealed that she was actually using Shazam to get the answers her ruse busted the scam actually went down well with the studio audience and was mostly laughed off by the show's host as well as bio benya herself number 17 - flip flop or not - flip flop The Price is Right I'm going home if you're going to play the game then do it the right way maybe this is what host Bob Barker should have told this flip-floppy cheater a contestant named Brenton was tasked with playing flip flop a game where the aim is to uncover four digits of an item's price via a series of flipped and flopped squares instead of doing this Brenton decided to just press the button that reveals the items actual price effectively nullifying the entire game Barker was not amused with this and wandered off the stage only to return and give rent in the prize anyway I'm gonna give you the prize number 16 the lucky letter wheel of fortune guests on wheel of fortune usually spin the wheel a couple of times before even attempting to solve the puzzle but it took this lucky contestant only one letter to guarantee her victory [Applause] Caitlin Burke used a number of methods to choose her answer including a lot of home play and the knowledge that I've is one of the most common contractions used in a sentence I've got a good feeling about this that's right as a result with just an L and an apostrophe to go by Burke solved I've got a good feeling about this which proved not only to be true but also completely stunned host Pat Sajak because I was debating whether the first word was Ivor I'll and I'll just seem you know like good shots right to set out number 15 modeling woes The Price is Right [Applause] [Laughter] we'll just give me a car models and the prices right go hand in hand sometimes but for you you say the dream turn into a nightmare you were fired why are you firing it's true that the beautiful ladies have been a show staple for decades but not every models well-crafted smile has been genuine there are several stories of models suing the series for various reasons sexual harassment weight discrimination being fired for getting pregnant just to name a few Randy Cochran was a regular much-loved model on The Price is Right for nearly seven years I know the problem started when I I got pregnant model Brandi Sherwood Cochrane famously filed a lawsuit against the prices right after she was refused back on the show following her maternity leave in 2009 however most of these cases were settled dropped or appealed but we can't shake the feeling there's some tension behind the scenes between that first come on down to the final showcase why did you decide it was so importance to this because if I hadn't gotten pregnant I wouldn't have lost my job that's what this boils down to and that's not right number 14 reading the signs millionaire hot seat the Red Room is a 1908 painting by which artist Colette al-qahtani fancied himself an alpha male and was supremely confident going into his appearance on the Australian version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire Kotani won $100,000 during his appearance on hot seat despite not actually knowing any of the answers instead the contestant read the body language eyes and cadence of the show's host Eddie McGuire since this isn't technically cheating Katahdin team was allowed to keep his prize a results that made this already smug Melbourne law student very happy you've won a hundred [Applause] number thirteen getting gonged the gong show the gong show was a cult hit for NBC but never quite gelled with network executives behind the scenes thanks largely to the show's chaotic anything-can-happen atmosphere Chuck Barris hosted the classic version of the gong show from 1976 to 1980 and fit in just fine with the array of everyday people looking for their 15 minutes of fame it was after the daytime version of the show was canceled when Barris really let NBC know what he thought of them however singing take this job and shove it during the show's finale and flipping a censored bird to the number 12 rigged for kids our little genius this gameshow found itself in hot water right from the get-go our little genius was a kids quiz show that was supposed to debut on Fox in 2010 with comedian Kevin Pollak serving as host however producer Mark Burnett had the show postponed a week before it was scheduled to air thanks to two separate accusations of contestants being given advanced knowledge of topics although answers were not provided questions and themes were reportedly discussed at length with both parents and kids resulting in our little genius being canceled without airing a single episode introduces modest people in America number 11 not so smooth criminal' super password hiding in plain sight doesn't exactly consist of being a contestant on a game show hi Patrick yes in the 80s Carrie Ketchum was wanted for insurance fraud credit card fraud and forgery surely all he needed to do to elude the authorities was use a different name right time to arrive here we go hundred dollar puzzle Phyllis and Marty giving the clues and let's do it shall we taking on the alias Patrick Quinn he went on the show in 1988 and proceeded to win big and was then promptly arrested when he went to pick up his money because a viewer at home recognized him and called the police and no he couldn't keep the money because he won under false pretenses this also means he most certainly did not use the winnings to pay back his debts hysterical hilarious Oh looking for his fun game just a little on the board nobody goes number ten misspelling counts even for kids jeopardy it's being called this saddest moment in jeopardy history you'd think a game show would go easy on a kid right in 2013 Thomas Hurley the third appeared on kids jeopardy and in the final round answered the question correctly except he spelled it wrong what is the Emancipation well because he misspelled it badly Emancipation you put a P in there Proclamation that's unfortunate the judges are ruling against you so it's costing you how much this was counted as an incorrect answer in social media went nuts over the decision the incident blew up over social media with many commenting on Jeopardy's Facebook page when did jeopardy become a spelling bee some viewers felt that Alex Trebek had embarrassed the twelve-year-old while others applauded the show for not giving credit to a misspelled answer at least Thomas was able to bring some money home for his second-place win number nine that one scandal where Congress stepped in 21 tonight here on 21 Herbert Stempel our 29 year old GI college student can win 111 thousand five hundred dollars practically every single television show today is accused of being staged in some fashion however back in the 1950s the news was so shocking that no one believed it when former contestant Herbert Stempel completely spilled the truth after his loss to Charles Van Doren [Music] the fallout revealed that everything about the show even stempel's image and backstory had been set up and tinkered with by the producers dan Enright came to see me in my kitchen and he said how'd you like to make twenty five thousand dollars and I said who wouldn't meanwhile the show was feeding answers to the contestants and pre deciding the show's outcome when it was all said and done Congress had to step in and amend the Communications Act to declare fixing quiz shows illegal how do you see a need for government regulation in this area yeah it's not like the quiz shows a republic utility sir it's entertainment number eight the perfect bed the price is right getting a perfect bid when trying to get on stage is hard enough but getting a perfect bid during the showcase a karaoke machine and pool table a trailer and three rested models things couldn't be better here at the price you'd have to be a math genius to do that or watch a lot of daytime television which is exactly what Terry nice and his wife did twenty three thousand seven hundred forty three twenty three thousand seven hundred and forty three dollars wow that's very exact bid good luck the couple studied the price is right for months picking up on its patterns commonly featured items and usual pricing even so when niece took to the stage for the final showcase he was absolutely shocked when his twenty three thousand seven hundred and forty three dollar bid was spot on as was host Drew Carey actually we tell price twenty three thousand seven hundred forty three dollars you got a right on the nose [Applause] suspicious yes but technically nice wasn't cheating the 2017 documentary perfect bid the contestant who knew too much confirms that nice did in fact memorize prices on the program and led the gameshow to change its pricing system to prevent this from happening again number seven marriage for money the moment of truth do you believe I'm the man you should be married how willing would you be to answer intensely personal questions in front of a television audience while attached to a polygraph machine well Fox gave it a go and the results were as cringe-worthy as you would imagine case in point the marriage of Lauren and Frank Cleary which was ruined when Lauren's ex-boyfriend Frank Nardi jr. came into the picture this is your ex-boyfriend Frank Lauren admitted that she had cheated on her husband and answered positively to her exes question of do you think I am the man you should be married to adding insult to injury Lauren's final game tally was zero number six coughing to victory Who Wants to Be a Millionaire UK 15 questions three lifelines because the old 15 threat comes as he wins one let's play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire this is exactly what it sounds like Diana coughs twice is that a clue I'm gonna go in 2001 Charles Ingram implemented a somewhat clever and Sheedy idea he read the answers out loud and had his wife and friend cough when he said the right one Megatron mega mega mega the game which delivers case I got to play unless you use that lifeline audience participation isn't part of the game Ingram had to give back the million he won and pay a fine of 15,000 pounds were still as a result of the scam Ingram was dismissed from his job as a major in the British Army you notice somebody coughing no I didn't I didn't notice any coughing at all I did not hear any coughing I was totally unaware of any coughing on the night number 5 no whammies lead to life whammies press your luck kind of like a giant ship almost like the Titanic and in its day it was the technological marvel of its time unfortunately press your luck as the Titanic met Michael Larson the iceberg after recording episodes and studying the pattern of the board Mike Larson appeared on press your luck in 1984 and completely annihilated the competition by taking home over $100,000 [Applause] since it technically wasn't cheating Larsen was free to keep his winnings unfortunately not everyone knows what to do with that much money his missteps included making a sizable withdrawal to take part in a radio game show having $50,000 stolen from his home and later taking part in a scheme involving a foreign lottery michael got himself into a lot of different problems with the law and in respect of like getting involved with the telephone sort of scam where they were selling part of a nationwide lottery his participation in the scheme put him on the run from authorities until his untimely death in 1999 the whammies of life hit Larson hard it was throat cancer the ultimate whammy came from Michael Larson On February 16th 1999 number 4 spotlight on a murderer bullseye UK John Cooper didn't walk away from bullseye a winner but eventually his brief shot at glory was a major win for the British public unknown at the time Cooper was already a two-time murderer having killed a brother and sister in 1985 and killing Peter and Gwen to Dixon a month after his gameshow strikeout the user meets a payroll crying in 1998 Cooper was convicted of a string of robberies and served 10 years in prison however soon after his release police investigated a murder cold case which through advanced forensic science DNA and his bullseye footage they were able to pin on him Cooper was arrested soon after and convicted in 2011 this wasn't just a robbery for gain it was a psychopath number three the popsicle twins the gong show here comes have you got easily one of the most bizarre moments on the gong show the so called popsicle twins were a duo of young women whose act was titled have you got a nickel there segment was initially only aired on the East Coast before being pulled when it was noticed that the simple act of enjoying an ice lolly was a bit more suggestive than it first appeared score wise the act was a dud with only JPMorgan picking up with the girls were laying down and TVs clinger Jamie Farr awarding it a mere two points Jamie Farr I don't think they give a lick number two which came first the post-it or the Walkman million-dollar money drop possible answer a Macintosh computer right yeah do that every day when couples appear on game shows networks are hoping for some relationship hijinks and that is exactly what this show got in the worst way possible gable koieie and Brittany matey were well on their way to a million dollars until the which came first question came up which of these was sold in stores first talk it over I'm thinking post-it notes are walkman and I don't think computer after bickering Okoye I went with the post-it and the couple watched as $800,000 fell through a trap door because they got the right answer [Applause] [Music] posted notes first sold in 1980 though the show's research team had checked with 3m post its original parent company a slight technicality meant their information was just plain wrong a mistake brought to light by viewers launching an instant internet backlash against Fox demanding the show pay up and posting the facts about post its online queue the social media outraged the show offering to bring the couple back and then well the show was cancelled after its debut season before we continue be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one the dating game serial killer the dating game Rodney Alcala appeared as bachelor number one on the dating game in 1978 and managed to charm his way through the show to win the date a decision she would have soon come to regret Cheryl Bradshaw thankfully didn't end up going through with it as it turns out Alcala had a terrifying criminal history involving multiple murders kidnapping and sexual assault with his victims ranging from adult women to young girls Rodney Alcala was arrested on July 24th for the kidnap and murder of Robin Sam saw but the struggle to prove it had only just begun moving forward the importance of doing extensive background checks on contestants cannot be overstated they could be cheaters it could be frauds they could be Rodney Alcala Rodney Alcala what does that mean it means you know if meat or means pain and another banger do you agree with our pics check out this other recent clip from WatchMojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
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Views: 764,680
Rating: 4.8456779 out of 5
Keywords: Game Show Scandals, Game Show Controversies, Game Show Cheating, Shocking Game Show Moments, Crazy Game Show Moments, Game Show Frauds, Surprise Game Show Winners, Surprise Game Show Losers, Jeopardy Scandal, Wheel of Fortune Scandal, The Price Is Right Scandal, The Gong Show Scandal, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire Scandal, The Dating Game Scandal, Million Dollar Money Drop, Bullseye Scandal, Press Your Luck, Game Show, Reality TV, WatchMojo, watch mojo, mojo, top 10, list
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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