Top 20 Hilarious News Reporting Fails

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yeah we're gonna need to take that one again welcome to down the most epic fails in the history of the news these can involve reporters journalists anchors and in studio personalities number 20 Grammy reporter mixes words getting tongue-tied during a news report is a pretty common occurrence for newscasters and reporters but serene Branson took it to a whole other level well a very very heavy heavy dirt Asian tonight we had a very Darris garrison but let's go ahead terrorists chasing those for the bet they had the pet during her news report delivered outside the 2011 Grammy Awards Branson reportedly suffered a migraine causing her speech to be garbled and unintelligible the way she delivers the nonsense words with such conviction tells you that in any other circumstance Branson is a complete professional and that there's more to this error than meets the eye a very heavy rotation indeed number 19 beagle takes studio by storm animals can make for unpredictable partners on TV and though that can make life difficult for their handlers from a viewers perspective the results are always hilarious here comes Friday hey weatherman John Ziegler learned this the hard way when Griffey the studio beagle insisted on a game of fetch during the forecast Ziegler quickly gives in and engages the dog which proves to be his undoing Griffey returns to the weatherman again and again even hitting the green screen in his excitement he's making me work today this is I thought men couldn't multitask right alright 30 20 X tonight it'll get a little bit the fake throw it work although Ziegler smiles through it you can see him becoming progressively worn down as he weathers the playful but sudden storm of energy number 18 eating floor Grape Nuts the five-second rule couldn't save this newscast during a live broadcast weatherman Scot Haney decided to snack on what he thought were some Grape Nuts strewn on the floor let's go to the road I believe you just you can't as fellow anchors mock him for his odd on-air choice Haney's facial expressions soon give away that he too is having second thoughts but viewers soon got an update that made everything worse my cat threw up and I stepped in it and that's what I ate I thought it was Grape Nuts I ate cat vomit in the trending now segment Haney reveals that what he thought were Grape Nuts was actually cat vomit he tracked into the studio on his shoes hold that explains why the so-called Grape Nuts were a little soggy it was a funny reveal but also rather revolting number 17 the completely wrong clip when it comes to producing video content editing is crucial one mistake can throw off an entire segment anchor Pat Murphy was updating sports fans about tight end Kevin Everett's condition after an in-game injury great news regarding bills tied in Kevin average he moved his arms and legs today as Murphy mentions that Everett could move his arms and legs they cut to a video of a completely different man in a wheelchair that's the wrong video by the way that is not the right video the baffling courtroom scene that plays out is horrendously inappropriate for the story as the newsroom cuts quickly from the ill-timed clip Murphy manages to keep his composure and finish the report like a professional but we're guessing someone behind the scenes got a serious reprimand number 16 edits required as we were saying about the importance of editing it applies to the script - good evening I'm Ken Bastida Dana is off tonight he was murdered and then set on fire while celebrating his birthday in this clip from CBS 5 Eyewitness News anchor canvass Tina announced that his co-worker was out before going into the lead story about a recent homicide however there was no clear transition between the two topics and the victim's name wasn't mentioned as a result it looks and sounds like Bastida had just delivered news of a co-workers grisly death with barely any emotion the real victim's name and picture do appear making it clear that his fellow anchor is all right but basically a simple reread and we could have avoided a whole lot of shock and confusion number 15 complete mic fail a reporter cannot do their job with a missing microphone but they should check for one first during coverage of the Democratic National Convention we're sent live to reporter Andy Shaw at the event I need a microchip he doesn't say a full word before looking down at his notes and then looking for a mic despite already having a headset to speak into microphone ironically a Shaw screams firm like we can hear his every word when the feed cuts back to the studio he's made such a scene that his fellow anchor can't not smirk at the humor of it all number 14 anchor laughs at goat man each year ignoble prizes are awarded to strange projects that are funny yet fascinating but the staff at CTV News couldn't get past the funny part when talking about one winner he did it because he wanted a simpler life Thomas Thwaites had spent three days living as a goat chewing on grass and wearing artificial limbs as one anchor discusses his findings she breaks out into laughter the Ig Nobel Awards on a research that may seem [Applause] although she tries to press on the visuals proved too much for her to handle by the end of the segment three studio anchors are cracking up on air and the goat man proves himself worthy of his egg Nobel Prize number 13 can't handle the pressure this Australian morning show sent a reporter on a mission he could not handle up in the sky above the earth at the mercy of a pilot who's used to the rigors of plane tricks a mild-mannered presenter made the mistake of encouraging a man to push him to his limits [Music] the look of just holding back vomit and exhilaration on his face soon give way to one in which he seems at peace as unconsciousness takes him number 12 close interview with pol a dedicated reporter doesn't let anything get in the way of their story can't mole gap demonstrated this when he questioned and irritated lawyer trying to walk away in the middle of his hot pursuit mole gap walks straight into a metal pole the hit is so striking that even the annoyed lawyer stops to check up on him a second camera angle shows that Mulga actually stayed on his feet but that the impact will likely cost him a pair of glasses we don't know if his persistence got him any closer to the truth but talk about a story with impact number 11 make believe one of the most important aspects of bringing the news to the public is cultivating an ability to get to the truth of any story and not let lies and deception deter you get a plane crash 29th and King Drive how someone in the chain of command of this news station was not able to stop these anchors from treating this TV set as a legitimate crash scene will never cease to amaze us that this is being shot as part of a TV show we can only imagine if the copter camera panned a little bit more to the side if there would have to be cameras crew and maybe even trailers or catering fully in view number 10 jet slack when you first wake up in the morning and find your way to the nearest TV one of the last things you'd probably expect to see is a grown man slammed into the sea Fox 5 Morning News starts look over there and it starts right now using a water powered jet pack when you have what we presume is little TV experience may sound like a fun idea at first but it also may just lead to internet infamy when the anchors burst out into uncontrollable laughter at your misfortune immediately thereafter and that fate is virtually ensured it still looks a wicked fun though number 9 under the influence BBC correspondent Quentin Somerville got a little too close to this highly exclusive report burning behind me is eight and a half tons of heroin opium hashish and other narcotics Sommerville was taping a segment in the Middle East as a large pile of drugs burned behind him he manages to record for about five seconds before the fumes get to him causing uncontrollable laughter burning behind Summerville tries to get serious but each of his attempts to start over proves more side-splitting than the last at times even the cameraman seems affected by the smoke there giggles may have come from being under the influence but the last this report produces are completely genuine well you just need one more number eight news lessons there are few things in this world more awkward than suddenly finding yourself working under somebody who you were at one time the boss of thank you both thank you all right spike you generally don't let her go away this that's what does she have a responsibility you still there probably the worst case scenario is when you find yourself at odds with him while live on television but at least you can rest assured that your embarrassment is creating some amazing TV for the rest of the world what do you want now well if I have to teach you how to be a reporter Olli I'll do that later why don't you do that later Jimbo I think the lady expressed herself and you're not here you're there what is there any question you'd like me to ask her we can't help but love every second of this anchor and reporter engaging in schoolyard level taunts in what should otherwise be a very serious environment I'll give you some lessons on how to be an editor because I was your boss once yeah you were and are no longer how did that happen number seven unique introduction at one time the world of television was dominated by a few networks that had a stranglehold on what you saw on your sets as a result only the most seasoned experienced people got the chance to helm the news your news leader in high definition gay in our modern world where there are seemingly as many stations as there are stars in the sky there are many more opportunities for unknowns to grace your TV graduated from West Virginia University and I'm used to you know from being from the East Coast an example of why that is not a good thing AJ Clemente's first seconds on air were stained with vulgarity and awkwardness that got him fired as was on Letterman talking about his mistakes number six hamster mugshot this may be the worst place a rodent has ever popped up an anchor was providing an update on a disappearance case that had gone unsolved for years as she names Rodney Stanger as a new suspect viewers were shown the image of a hamster holding a movie slate the possible suspect Rodney Stanger seen here no this is not right nice anchor crack obviously it's on screen moments before the camera zooms quickly back to the anchor she manages to dismiss the picture and move on with her report with only a faint smile as evidence that it ever happened we will say it once more with feeling when it comes to live news proper editing is vital number five Instant Karma arguably there is nothing more visceral than seeing or hearing someone in extreme pain and knowing exactly what's going through their mind after trying to trick her opponent into momentarily stopping her grape stomping the reporter falls face-first into the ground she's clearly in extreme pain and most of us can relate in the immediate aftermath of suffering many of us may try to put up a front that the experience isn't as bad as it seems so it would take an all-encompassing pain that our brains would not be able to ignore to make us drop a facade actually hurt no I think she is actually her she took a hard fall off there the end of this news segment is the incarnation of that effect and we cannot stop listening to it that we're also cringing at the same time number four boom you'd think that the two segments of the news that seem the most clear-cut and easy to handle would be the weather in sports switching to Ball State men's tennis it seems last week player on it seems every week that you have a player the ladder is oftentimes just spouting stats and scores with a few moments of personal opinions or witticisms thrown in Stephen Jackson's David as such many couch potatoes who love sports may fancy themselves a good fit for the role if you happen to know someone with delusions of grandeur about their potential as a sportscaster or reporter and you want to shut them up then this clip is for you later he gets the rebound passes it to the man shoots it and boom goes the dynamite sometimes incapable of even stringing a sentence together this reporter can only spout one memorable line convincingly number three guy mistaken for expert this may be the most hilarious case of mistaken identity ever recorded guy Goma went into the BBC news studios to interview for an IT job I mean big surprise anyway a big surprise but his interview took a turn when a staff member mistook him for tech journalist guy CUNY and click goma on live television as guy CUNY is introduced we see the look of fear flash on his face against all odds Goma is able to hold it together and answer the reporters questions with surprisingly good answers exactly you can go everywhere on the cyber cafe and you can check you can go easy it's gonna be real easy way for everyone to get something good unfortunately guys quick-thinking did not get him a job in the IT department but it did get him future TV appearances for which he was actually able to prepare number two we'll do it live unlike some of the other reporters on this list Bill O'Reilly is a very seasoned television personality now I can't read it there's no there's no words on it it may be because of that that he feels comfortable acting like this on set what does that mean to play us out when the teleprompter doesn't display what he expects instead of being a professional and working to rectify the situation he at first barely holds in his unbridled rage and then completely unleashes it on those behind the scenes do a lot doing live I could Bob write it and we'll do it live the fact that he is aware that he's being filmed by the very people he unleashes on speaks to his pompous belief that they would never share the footage with others luckily for all of us he was very wrong that's tomorrow and that is it for us today I'm Bill O'Reilly thanks again for watching we'll leave you with sting and a cut off his new album take it away I'm not usually one to find it funny when people hurt themselves but no matter how many times I watch grape stopping lady I die laughing well let's hope karma doesn't come back to bite me but this is the Internet so I guess I shouldn't be too surprised when it does happen at least I'm not Bill O'Reilly karma really did get him anyway before our top pick goes on the air here are some honorable mentions now things look nice on 68 and I know you ain't gonna be late so that was your traffic wrap today man let's get some weather from my weather girl Austin Kevin nuts come on give us a wear the board give it to us word what really happened on that Thursday here in Augusta high school that led to Chris Wood's death I'll toss it back to you guys and Aaron again gratulations on your big hooters wow that was a slip of the tongue here they come down the hill it looks like Ruben is in the lead and here comes out that was a bad idea at Riverside Park Rob Leth global news an infestation of Canadian Brown finches which is a small bird I guess I should have seen that one coming not quite at the end yet almost there though just be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos all right back to business number one zero prank radar when Asiana Airlines flight 214 crashed on its final approach to an airport in San Francisco it had the focus of eyes and ears worldwide KTVU has just learned the names of the four pilots who are on board the flight they are captain sum ting Wong we too low holy fook and bang ding ow even in this most grave of circumstances there are those among us that saw it as an opportunity eighty-four jokes and levity after years of falling for fake names even Moe from The Simpsons may have balked at just how ridiculous a name like some ting Wong sounds when read out loud but somehow it still made it to live television with the Bay Area's KTVU channel 2 news reporting several incorrect pilot names as fact we made several mistakes when we receive this information first of all we never read the names out loud do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from WatchMojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Views: 1,694,358
Rating: 4.8273959 out of 5
Keywords: News Reporting Fails, Epic News Reporting Fails, Insane News Reporting Fails, Funniest News Reporting Fails, Hilarious News Reporting Fails, Awkward News Reporting Fails, News Reporting Bloopers, Live News Mistakes, Awkward Live News Moments, Funny Live News Moments, Hilarious Live News Moments, Live News Fails, Embarrassing News Fails, TV, Streaming, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, WatchMojo, Viral, Countdown, listicles
Id: g81YUDRFojw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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