Top 10 Sculpting Tips And Tricks In Blender

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today I will give you my top ten sculpting tips and tricks in blender with the help of a few characters that I created if you enjoyed this video don't forget to give it a like top 10 sculpting tips and tricks one of the hardest thing to do when creating a character is getting the right proportions now if you create an armature like this you can simply sculpt over the armature and get it right to do so go to file user preferences let me just pull it down from the other screen there you go go to add-ons and make sure you have a rigging rig if I activate it once you do that you can hit the shift a button and you'll have this option armature go down to human metal rig and there you go I get a lot of cool stuff for example you can also get the right proportions for the face the eyes the mouth the ears and everything else and if you want to create a stylized character you can simply hit the tab button for the edit mode you can go to options x axis mirror activate this and once you do that you can simply move the armature so for example I can grab the bones over here and create a character with huge arms let me see let me just grab this over here there you go and there you go you have a character with huge arms so you can simply just hit the shift a button mesh UV sphere and you can start placing your sphere around the armature you can duplicate this put it over here for the arms and then go to the mirror modifier and once you're done you can simply go to sculpt mode over here you can start pushing the mesh to create your character another cool thing is that if you go out of scope mode and that shift again to armature you can go to animals and have different armatures for animals like this so here we have a bird a cat a horse a shark and a wolf when sculpting a character it's always a good idea to sculpt the Olympic on the body now this character is already done and merged but just for demonstration I cut off the limbs with some boxes with the boolean 2 modifier so if you go close to here for example you can see that the armpits and the arm are very close to each other which makes it very hard to sculpt this area if it was merged another good example would be the fingers so if you are sculpting the fingers together you're going to have a very hard time sculpting parts like over here because whenever you want to sculpt this area you will probably sculpt to the other finger as well if your fingers are separate you won't have that issue and then you can merge them together once you are done sculpting to merge them together it's actually quite simple all you got to do for example let's say I am sculpting these two areas separately all you got to do is go to the boolean modifier over here select the other object go to Union you apply it you can remove the duplicate over here and then you go to sculpt mode and you just smooth things out when sculpting a character with many different elements you can easily switch between one object and another in the sculpt mode to demonstrate this I'm gonna grab a deform arm and switch it to sculpt mode I'm gonna grab the upper arm and do the same thing now with the grab brush I'm going to push the upper arm down and I can simply select the V forearm and continue sculpting it this way that's it if it's not working for you it's because you changed the user preferences default from right click to left click so if you have it on a left click it's gonna be a bit different you can switch between one object and another by using the Alt key on your keyboard and clicking on the other object when sculpting a character in blender sometimes the camera of the viewport goes out of place and it becomes very difficult to rotate around your character if you select any part of the character for example the body and use the numpad full stop button on your keyboard it will focus on that area the cool thing is if you go to sculpt mode and let's say I am sculpting this area over here if I rotate around this area you can see how it moves let's say I want to switch to the other parts of the body if I add a quick soft stroke over here so it doesn't really have to be a big stroke I can use the same method so full stop non-paid button and it will focus on this area this makes a lot easier to sculpt different areas of the character after adding a lot of details to your character topology the poly count goes really high and it becomes very difficult to manipulate the objects it so for example if we take a look in the edit mode with the codes we're gonna notice right away that it is very dense so if you want to sculpt it and do a big change like this you're gonna get this really weird wobbly look now there's a really cool workaround so here I duplicated the code let's grab this one right here and I added a decimate modifier so you can go to add modifier decimate over here and by default it's gonna show you the amount of faces you got so the first one has around 1 million faces and this is at ratio 1 I'm gonna take the second one so here I change the ratio to 0.1 so this is basically 10% of the original face counts so here we have almost 100,000 after I applied it over here here we have the third one so you can see right away that they actually all look identical so it doesn't really change the look of the object however if I go to scope mode right now I can do bigger changes without really having that wobbly weird look and it makes things a lot easier one disadvantage of using the decimate modifier to reduce the poly count is that if later on you want to smooth out this area for example with the shift button you will easily lose all of the details that you worked hard for so what we're gonna do here is add more polygons over here without changing the form of the object to do so just choose any brush that you don't usually use for example the blob and then reduce the strength to zero make sure that you have dynamic topology activated and then choose any detail size you want and once you do that I'm gonna hit the Z button so that we can see what's going on I'm just going to apply some pressure over here and as you can see I'm adding more details but the fact is I'm not changing the form of the object because these strength is at zero so after doing that with the shift button you can smooth out this area without losing the details if I did not do that again you will lose whoops with the shift button over here you will lose all of the details so I'm gonna do this again I'm gonna add some details by applying some pressure with the blob brush I'm gonna use the shift button again and there you go you don't lose the details that you worked very hard for the lattice modifier is a very powerful tool and blender that you could use to modify the shape of your character so let's say for example I'm gonna make the jaw less wide we can hit the shift a button create a lattice I'm going to scale it up let me just go to orthographic view over here so I will scale it in the z-axis just to make sure that the lattice goes around the character like this there you go that should work pretty well once I do that I will go let me just scale it a bit more I'll go to this icon over here and just increase the you a bit DV as well which is in the side over here and finally I can go to the W and increase it a bit more so that I have more control over the face there you go I think that would work pretty well for this character what we're gonna do is we're gonna grab the character go to the modifier icon add modifier go to lattice so it should be over here once you do that just grab the lattice right here or you could just search for it and then you can go to the lattice at the tab button and once you do that you can grab the vertices so let's say let's grab the vertices of the jaw over here and we can scale it down in the x-axis there you go you can play around with other things like the neck I can make it shorter like so I can even make this part less wide I can go to the head for example on this side and just grab the whole thing over here and just scale it down a bit pull it down and there you go we have a different shape that we easily modify the D lattice modifier now you can always play around with single vertices as well and see what that does it will change this area for example if you want to play around with the eyes position so we can go to only render grab the object actually we go out of the edit mode and we grab the character you can remove the eye to see how it looks without the lattice and you can activate the eye if you like it you just have to apply it and that's about it let's say you want to create a horn for the teddy bear now sure you can do it in scope mode and try to extrude or pull out this part of the head and then try to refine it to get a sharp looking horn or you can just create with shift a mesh a cone I'm just gonna pull it down here you're going to scale it down in edit mode maybe even the x-axis let me just actually set access there you go that should be fine I'm going to rotate it place it on the forehead make sure that it goes through the teddy bear so that you don't have issues when you join it there you go that should work for this demonstration I will then grab the teddy bear add modify your boolean so far you should notice we will select the horn switch from intersect to Union I just must click that so Union there you go and then apply it I'll just remove the original one go back to the teddy bear go to scope mode I'm gonna have the T button to take out this menu over here make sure you activate dynamic topology because as you can see the object that we just created the poly count is very different from the teddy bear which means if I try to smooth it out with the shift button its gonna do this now if you remember my earlier tip on adding details without changing deform so just grab any brush change the strength to zero get close enough to add sailes if had the that button we can see what's going on I could also add a bit more maybe decrease this to 530 go now if I add details over here like this I can then use the shift button to smooth it out again but this time we're gonna get a refined looking horn sometimes you'll find yourself in a situation where you're trying to sculpt a part of the body so for example the back of the arm over here but it's blocked by another elements it can be quite problematic especially if that element is connected to the arm as it is over here so what we can do is use the alt B button like this and just grab an area and it basically isolates that area so you can sculpt it and once you're done you can remove the isolation by using the alt B button again as for the last step of the day I will leave you with an underrated feature that not a lot of sculptors use the masks you can also access it with the M button so once you have the M button you can basically for example go over here mask out the bottom lip which is an area that can really use some masking when sculpting and you can use the control button to remove any unwanted masking like over here let go you can also use the shift button to smooth out the borders of the mask and the control eye button to switch the mask once you do that you just remove this little area of masking you can start sculpting the bottom lip without bothering with the upper one and this becomes quite vital for things like the ellipse because otherwise it would be very difficult to put the upper lip on top of the bottom lip you can hit ctrl I and then continue sculpting the upper lip and push it over the bottom one and once you're done you can use the alt M button to remove the mask and there you go so without the mask brush this would become very very difficult near to impossible that's about it if you guys enjoyed the video make sure you give it a like subscribe to the channel share with your friends you how it is also there's a sculpting course on my government if you didn't know so if you want to learn how to sculpt links in the description below and we hit 20,000 subscribers that is just insane I am so so happy right now and so excited for the channel so first of all thank you for helping me reach that number also I am making a special video next week if you are following me on Twitter you probably already know what it's gonna be about very excited about that video I'm actually working on it right now and last but not least I joined sketchfab so I'm adding models over there now I just joined so there are a lot of sculpts but you can follow me there I'll add a link in the description below and you can use the models as reference so yeah anything else no no no that's about it and I'll see you guys in next one make sure to subscribe to the channel for more awesome characters cups and art related videos you can also check out my store for full courses on character sculpting texturing materials brushes and more last but not least if you enjoyed this video then you will definitely enjoy the next one [Music]
Channel: YanSculpts
Views: 284,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top 10, top 10 sculpting tips, sculpting tips, sculpting tips for beginners, sculpting tips and tricks, sculpting tips in blender, blender tips, blender tips and tricks, blender tips for beginners, sculpting in blender, blender tutorial, yansculpts
Id: k8CgvZAgJcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 08 2018
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