Top 10 Scary SIGNALS From Parallel Universes

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Hello and welcome to the Most Amazing Channel on the Internet. I am your host, Rebecca Felgate and today we are talking about the Top 10 Signals from a Parallel Universe. Before we get into the video, why donТt you guys let me know if you believe in parallel universes or not? I would love to hear your thoughts! Let me know in the comments section down below! I am actually reading the Philip Pullman Dark Materials trilogy right now and it talks about parallel universes or other worlds Ц I love me some scifi! Connect with us. 10 Ц The Deep Space Radio Bursts Mysterious fast radio bursts were discovered 2007. These bursts flash for a micro instant but admit more energy than the sun does in 10,000 years. The high energy surges of long waves have been detected 18 times over the last 10 years, and one burst in 2012 recorded in Puerto Rico occurred numerous times in the same pattern. This is what it sounded like. After fierce debates and a lot of head scratching, the source of the sound was traced to a micro galaxy 3 billion light years away from earth. A lot of theorists have concluded the sound is a space signal from another world or a parallel universe looking to get in touch. 9 - The Man from Taured Were we sent a man from a another parallel universeЕor did he arrive via some kind of portal or vortex? Our story here stems back to 1954 when a man was detained at the Japanese Boarder after arriving on a plane from Europe to Haneda airport. The man said he was on his third business trip to Japan that year and had a wallet filled with a mixture of currencies, seeming to verify his business traveller status. When he presented his passport, officials were baffled. Asking where he was from, the man who primarily spoke French said Taured. He showed his passport again and the stamps that supported his travelsЕthe only thing is, nobody had ever heard of Taured. The company he was travelling to said that they had never heard of him and he was carrying a cheque book to a non existent bank. When he was asked to point out Taured on the map, he pointed to where Andorra is today and seemed confused and offended to be told it is not a real country. He was detained in a hotel over night while Japanese authorities decided what to do with him, but by morning he had disappeared. Did he accidentally walk through a portal to another universe?! 8 - The Berenstain Bears Phenomenon Also called the Mandela Effect, The Berenstain Bears Phenomenon claims to prove the existence of parallel universes with subtle differences. People vehemently claim the Berenstain bears was spelled with an e and not an aЕ.and I honestly thought the Looney Tunes were the Loony Toons until I watched a video on the phenomenon last yearЕ.and now I am straight up convinced I am living in the wrong universe as it is obviously Loony Toons! CauseЕthey are cartoons?! This new works doesnТt even make sense! Some people out there are adamant Nelson Mandela died in prison in the 1980sЕwhich is more than just slightly altered names or spellingЕthat is actually a pretty major parallel universe eventЕ 7 - Dщjр vu Dщjр vu Ц a glitch in the matrix or a signal from a parallel universe? While both seem as likely as one another, it is thought by some that the weird moments where we feel like we have been or experienced something before are actual signals that something key is happening in our parallel lives. Not only do some people believe parallel universes exist side by side, some people think they interact with one another in some way. According to Doctor Michio Kaku, an American Futurist, dщjраvu occurs as a result of a persons ability to flip between Universes. Others believe it is because we are Уvibrating in unisonФ with the frequency of another universe that is parallel with our own. 6 - The Lost Beatles Album A parallel universe may have given our world a gift in the form of a lost Beatles album, Everyday Chemistry. The story goes that in 2009, a man called James Richards found himself accidentally in a parallel universe, luckily there was also a person from another parallel universe there Ц a man named Jonas. Jonas was on a trasdimensional tourism trip from the other earth and told Richards that in his world, amongst other things, John Lennon was steal alive the Beatles never broke up. Richards then stole a copy of a later album, never released by the band, and returned with it to our earth. What did he do with one of the most sought after piece of music from a non history that almost but never happened here? He uploaded it to the internet. Eagle eared fans were having none of it, though. They said that the album is comprised of clever mashups from all of the Beatles solo careers. Richards later said even though in the alternate universe the Beatles hadn't broken up, that didn't mean their future music ideas disappeared. Not so sure about this one, but I would love to hear what Paul McCartney has to say! 5 - Dreams Could our dreams be signals from a parallel universe? Some say maybe! In a number of first nations cultures in North and central America, people believe that dreams allow us to walk planes in other dimensions. Their reasoning is that dreams take place in colour and can include all the senses. They think that when you are in a dream, you are in another worldЕperhaps a world you already existЕif you are doing something strange in your dream, it could be a sign that you live a far stranger life somewhere else. 4 - The Bruise In 2010, along with a team of researchers, Stephen Feeney of University College London announced that they had discovered patterns in the radiation background left over from the big bang that seems to suggest that our universe bumped in to not one, not two but four other universes and was left bruised. And from the bruising, further researchers in California think that it is clear the This leads in to a kind of bubble theory, that suggests 3 - The Cold Spot In 2004 Astronomers found something that baffled them Ц an unusually cold area of space. The area is 1.8 billion light years across and much colder than its surroundings. The area also contained 10,000 less galaxies than other areas of a similar size studied in space. A researcher from Durham University believed the spot could be evidence of a multiverse Ц saying it seemed as if a parallel universe smashed into ours affecting it like a car pile up on the motorway would Ц only they are calling this a cosmic shunt - Еthey believe the impact was so vast it pushed energy out from a big region of space Ц therefore creating the cold spot. It is hard to get your head around but that is what they think! 2 - City in the Sky In October 2015 Chinese TV went wild when thousands of residents in two areas of the country reported seeing a huge floating city in the clouds. Puzzled onlookers saw sky scrapers in the clouds and believed they were seeing a ghost city, or the colliding of our reality with a parallel universe. The phenomenon occurred in both Guangdong and Jiangxi , with some believing it was the beginning of an alien invasion. The images were caught on camera for the world to see and promptly went viral across the rest of the globeЕso what on earthЕor above earthЕis going on? Well, even though it looks like a city in the clouds to you and me, apparently it is an optical illusion called Fata Morgana, which is a natural mirage. That is what a lot of scientists are saying, anyway, but others are convinced it is a sign of a parallel universe Ц a window to another world. 1 - Black holes The theory of Loop Quantam Gravity suggests that there is no point of singularity in a black hole, rather they are simply folds on the universe. Everything we know about Quantam physics tells us that information is never lost; that energy canТt be created or destroyed, so perhaps black holes donТt suck and destroyЕmaybe they suck and create. A lot of scientists are dabbling with the idea that black holes ARE indeed folds, or portals to an older part of the universe. Professor Stephen Hawking gave a lecture in 2015 wherein he discussed how it may be possible to come out of the other side of a black hole. He said : The hole would need to be large and if it was rotating it might have a passage to another universe. But you couldnТt come back to our universe. Are black holes portals to another universe? Well this seems like a good time to mention our sister channel lifeТs biggest questions, which loves a bit of black hole chat! DO you believe in multiverses? Comments from Top 10 Scary Attic Stories! Nightmare Files said: IТve never been caught in anyoneТs attic.? Ц thatТs goodЕif youТre lurking there, you really donТt want to get caught! Kyng Yadar said: When ur too scared to watch the video u just scroll through the comments listening to the audio Krystal Esparaza said : The most scariest thing you will find in the attic. There is no Wi-Fi.. Sooo much love from Egypt. HELLO Egypt!
Channel: MostAmazingTop10
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Keywords: top 10, most amazing top 10, top 10 list, mostamazingtop10, most amazing top ten, top ten, most amazing, scary, top 10 scary, most amazing top 10 scary, signals, scary signals, parrallel universe, signals from parallel universes, scary signals from parallel universes, top 10 scary signals from parrallel universes, parallel universe signals, parallel universe 2018, parallel universe x ray dog, parallel universe song, parallel universe mario, mandela effect
Id: wiL3PA5D2RU
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Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 09 2018
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