Top 10 Bizarre Alternate Theories of History

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for every intelligent logical theory about the world's history there's one that is just strange he also believed that the Sun was only 32 miles across not 860,000 welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 bizarre alternate theories of history the human race will become one found in the world the abode of reasonable men for this list we're looking at those theories that people once or somehow still do believe about the past however we're not including prophecies such as the prediction of the end of the world in 2012 now the victims and we've seen many are said to have adhere to the Mayan quiche calendar which predicts the end of time to occur on the 21st of December of this year nor are we including creation myths like the idea that we all live on the back of a turtle number 10 the garbage theory many bizarre theories of history involve aliens in one way or another secret of electricity was given to the Egyptians by the extraterrestrials but none is as gross as the garbage theory suggested by Thomas Gould of Cornell University this theory states that humans essentially evolved from garbage that was left on earth by visiting aliens thousands of years ago we guess this could explain why humans produce an enormous amount of trash perhaps it's just in our DNA and launched the garbage into outer space some experts claim the ball might return to Earth someday but the concerns were dismissed as depressing number 9 the zoo hypothesis yeah the system zoo can enlighten you from one alien theory to another the zoo theory suggests that aliens not only exist but are also completely aware of the human species on earth it even goes so far as to say that aliens won't make contact with us until we reach a specific technological political or ethical standard essentially we're like animals in a zoo if the animals had no idea they were being watched by thousands of people it's fake number eight the matrix theory or simulation hypothesis is just fantasy is there a chance one of us could be neo according to this theory yes you are a slave neo like everyone else you were born into bondage born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch some scientists have hypothesized that we actually live in a computer program and human life is essentially one large simulation basically life's just one big game of the Sims always broken the toilet as well that has to be replaced of course we have no way of knowing whether this is true or not because these computers stimulate our minds and create our reality making us think that what we are experiencing is real obviously this feels real but but it mean I mean it seems unlikely to be real number seven expanding or growing earth hypothesis that huge Canyon it wasn't there this morning and 400 miles for the North went Reyes same thing believe it or not this theory was first suggested by Charles Darwin hey even geniuses have an off day however if you ignore plate tectonics this theory could make some sense it states that the earth is always expanding the continents were originally part of a large supercontinent but instead of drifting apart they separated because the earth expanded surprisingly there are still present date advocates of this theory proving that some people will believe absolutely anything this means that the earth is accelerating in its growth in the last 65 million years earth nearly doubled in size at least this theory is slightly more plausible than the geophysical global cooling hypothesis which claims that the earth is contracting now that is just ridiculous dude number 6 the sky is a ceiling essentially the idea here is that earth is one giant box or container that we live in and that the sky is the top or uppermost limit of that box [Music] in other words the sky is a ceiling this is a notion that goes back to ancient Egypt of course the invention of the telescope and eventually space travel disproved this theory everybody good plenty of slaves for my robot colony get away humor setting so he'd fit in better with his unit makes it relax is this number five the Hollow Earth hypothesis okay so we know that the earth is not a ceiling but what if what we saw in the sky was actually located in the center of the earth that's the basis for this theory which was hypothesized as far back as the late 17th century perhaps even earlier depending on your sources but became popular in the early 19th century thanks to John Cleves Symmes jr. the US Army officer and lecturer stated that the earth was a shell over 800 miles thick with openings at both poles u.s. President John Quincy Adams even supported a potential expedition to the North Pole hole but thankfully Andrew Jackson stopped it before it could even begin it's a see it's an ocean waves and currents the ocean of the underworld number 4 the Anunnaki aliens giant beings with muscular bodies wearing things that look like wristwatches thanks in large part to the History Channel many people believe that aliens were somehow involved with ancient civilizations could it have been an alien race known as the Anunnaki they were in a sense extraterrestrials they walked the earth they ruled people the Anunnaki were the gods in Mesopotamian cultures in particular the Sumerian Pantheon but this theory suggests that they were actually a race of aliens that settled on planet earth to mine gold the real question is why did aliens need gold perhaps the answer can be found not here on earth but on another planet number three the Illuminati through history the Illuminati they disappeared hundreds of years ago did they look at that again it's an amber driven it's the same image forward and backward you may be surprised to learn that there once was an actual group considered to be the real Illuminati while today the term applies to several groups it usually refers specifically to the Bavarian Illuminati a secret society that was founded in 1776 but be Illuminati were infiltrators there wasn't a powerful organization on earth they didn't penetrate including the Vatican by hiding in plain sight while most people believe that the society essentially ended in 1790 some theory suggests that the group survived and was responsible for several important historical events including the French Revolution and the assassination of JFK several modern organizations also claimed to be related to the original group some of us are against the Illuminati we are against Illuminati at our own detriment when people are against the Illuminati then they get punched in the face all the time number 2 Lemuria and Atlantis now some of you may ask why Atlantis it's just a myth isn't it pure fantasy well that is where you'd be wrong most people know the story of Atlantis an island that allegedly submerged into the Atlantic Ocean Lemuria has a similar story supposedly it was a landmass that was located in the Indian and Pacific Oceans the theory of Lemuria was suggested by Philip Slater in an attempt to explain the presence of similar fossils in India and Madagascar granite which normally forms only on dry land is a strong evidence that continent used to exist in the area although there is proof that several sunken continents do exist the theories of Lemuria and Atlantis have largely been dismissed although their myths are still relatively popular gotta hand it to you really came through but I take that back no honorable mentions this time around what happened to Helga well after when a flaming Zeppelin come down on it missing number one the flat earth model ok brother Flintstone need a strike to win and you do it hey is your flat of course we have to end with one of the most famous theories about the earth this notion claims that the earth isn't round but rather flat and that it's possible to sail off the end of the world of course it's almost universally known that this theory is false and that the earth is indeed round but some proponents of this idea still exist such as the group known as the modern flat earthers but they're all fake images there is no actual image of a ball earth if you google it you'll see that they're all composites CGI or literally taken through a round window and low Earth orbit so they faked the first one yes these people have never looked at a picture of the Earth from space 500 years ago everybody knew the earth was flat in 15 minutes ago you knew that people were alone on this planet imagine what you know tomorrow do you agree with our list nobody knows what's your favourite bizarre theory of history for more great top 10s published every day be sure to subscribe to it's been around for centuries it's just been forgotten you
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Rating: 4.6675191 out of 5
Keywords: History (TV Genre), Theory (Quotation Subject), history, theories, bizarre, weird, crazy, alternate, science, garbage theory, flat earth model, illuminati, the sky is a ceiling, anunnaki aliens, hollow earth hypothesis, lemuria and atlantis, zoo hypothesis, growing earth hypothesis, top 10, WatchMojo, Television (Invention), Black Sabbath (Musical Group), Quotation (Quotation Subject)
Id: gBZb7AdoZms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2015
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