10 Strange Things Happening In The World Right Now

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[Music] humans have made amazing strides when it comes to science and knowing how the world works but do we know everything of course not what makes life truly interesting is that we haven't figured out everything yet there are still puzzles to solve and mysteries to unfold when it comes to our earth from weird issues with nature to mysterious happenings all over the world we're unsure of whether we should be intrigued or unsettled stick around until the end to find out what earth centric mystery has us looking to the sky for answers before we begin take a moment to subscribe to the richest by clicking on that red subscribe button while you're in the clique happy mood go ahead and give this video a like now here are 10 mysterious things happening in the world right now [Music] one could call it a discovery others might call this a mystery as humans who have studied and researched science and have learned so much about how our world works finding something that breaks the rules is a rather mysterious adventure in February 2019 it was announced that scientists recently discovered a new type of magnet this type of magnet shouldn't be able to exist and yet it does researchers have already decided what the new magnet could be useful for and it is shown to be useful for data storage this magnet is made from a uranium compound that seems to follow its own rules normal magnets work in a way where constituents are attracted to each other this new magnet is singlet based where the fields pop in and out of existence creating an unstable force usually singlet magnets have fields that are locked down by a particle and therefore shouldn't be able to magnetize but now it seems that they can what does the discovery of this new magnet mean does it mean that it's always been there and we just haven't noticed or does it mean that the world around us is changing we're gonna move on with probably one of the most concerning mysteries around at the moment it seems that animals are losing their lives in masses and scientists aren't sure why it's happening one lost animal isn't enough to set off alarms but when hundreds of animals start turning up lifeless scientists and the general community have started showing concern in August 2018 an abnormal amount of seals started washing up on shore in the northern part of New England it's normal to see some animal bodies wash up but nothing to this level most of the 400 lifeless seals ended up on the beaches in Maine over a three-week period one of the seals tested positive for the bird flu which is one of the most dangerous illnesses to hit the world in 2017 thousands of Manhattan fish washed up with no sign of a cause of passing in February 2017 over 300 whales beached themselves on the coast of New Zealand another hundred whales were left stranded on the beach as well because no one could get them back into the water to continue with the issue of losing animals in the masses there are also weird smells to be handled yep that's right weird smells many people in different cities have been experiencing phantom smells usually when one experiences a phantom smell it means that there could be something neurological going on in the brain some people experience phantom smells before they get a migraine phantom smells could even be a sign of a stroke or seizure so when it happens to one person then it's likely explainable but what happens when it's an entire city experiencing a phantom smell in October 2018 the great stink of London part 2 occurred when millions of residents smelled a foul odor near Wapping and surrounding area it smelled like chemicals such as chlorine and battery acid dr. Thomas Smith had a laser egg on the roof that was tracking the air quality it started going off as unhealthy when the stink was going on he thought that the stench might have been coming from Europe from some sort of industrial site but the origin of the smell continues to remain a mystery a similar incident happened in Salt Lake City Utah except their stink was more like sewage plus the issue is more ongoing for our next point of interest let's look at this ocean or should we say oceans what's going on here it looks like two oceans are meeting but can't combine to those with an untrained eye it definitely looks like something from a science fiction film how often do we get to see something that dramatic this photo in particular has been making the rounds on the internet for a few years under different titles this photo is certainly mysterious and Internet detectives have been trying their best to solve the query the photo has been known as where the Baltic and North Sea meet along with other names but the photo was actually taken in the Gulf of Alaska in 2007 by a man named Kent Smith while he was on a cruise with oceanographers studying what role I earn plays in the Gulf of Alaska it first appeared on the web in 2010 before we start freaking out about biblical changes to the ocean this one can thankfully be explained the effect is caused by slow moving currents known as eddies these eddies are known to carry a lot of glacial sediment which can cause the dramatic color difference so it seems our oceans are not splitting down the middle yet and we can rest easy for now if earthquakes make you nervous then resting easy is far from your mind rumor has it that the big one could hit California at any time if you want to look at it another way earthquakes can be a good thing because they relieve pressure in tectonic plates but there is still such a thing as abnormal earthquakes and that makes us all take a pause on November 11 2008 een a strange Rumble went around the world it started at the island of Mayotte which is a French island sandwiched between Africa and the northern tip of Madagascar the ripples seemed to happen about 15 minutes offshore from the island the waves kept passing through Africa and made their way around the world to places like China and Canada the waves lasted for about 20 minutes seismic readings show that the rumble traveled at least 11,000 miles but the craziest part about it is that no human could feel them those who follow earthquakes and seismic waves around the world saw the abnormal reading and wondered if there was a volcanic eruption or some sort of meteorite strike today it still remains a mystery when we're not being plagued by weird smells and earthquakes we still have a concern with odd sounds sound is carried through by waves and air our ears pick up the sound vibrations causing us to hear them with this in mind it means if the sounds have to have some sort of origin unless you're trying to track sounds from outer space where an origin is hard to trace so not being able to find the source on earth is kind of disturbing back in 1991 NOAA picked up a rather unusual sound in the ocean that has since been called the up sweep this sound is composed of a long train of noises that sound similar to a howl it was first picked up by NOAA s autonomous hydrophone arrays many scientists have theorized that perhaps it is the result of an undersea volcano but there isn't enough evidence to confirm this the sound varies from year to year and it seems to peak between autumn and spring again with no explanation there are also weird sounds happening in the sky known as sky quakes they are sometimes heard near water while some can be explained by military planes other cannot sky quakes have been heard as early as 1820 for another mysterious thing that has been happening is balls of lightning we're not talking about those gentle-looking will of the wisps that you might see in the forest occasionally we're talking about an illuminated ball with lightning coming out of it sure it sounds like something from anime or some sort of adventure movie but this is the real deal this phenomenon has been spotted all over the world and it has even been known to travel through buildings once the ball passes it leaves a smell of sulfur in its wake this sounds like something we need to call on the Winchester brothers for these balls of lightning usually lasts between 1 second to a full minute it's hard to gauge exactly what causes this phenomenon but scientists have taken an interest and are trying to figure out what it is what's creepy about the phenomenon is that it seems to move with intent like there's some consciousness controlling it one sighting dates back to 1984 when one of these balls entered a Russian plane it flew over the passengers heads and left two holes when it disappeared clouds are something that we see every day so what's so weird about them for cloud Watchers seeing all sorts of different clouds is just part of the territory some clouds can also give warning to dangerous weather like tornadoes chances are that if you've seen a Morning Glory cloud you might think that it's masking some sort of UFO activity this cloud formation is a rare event and scientists don't know what to make of it well we have figured out what makes other clouds tick it's hard to figure out what makes the Morning Glory cloud look the way it does we know it's an arc asclad but that's about it it usually appears low to the ground and it can go on unbroken for a thousand miles strong winds can sometimes accompany Morning Glory clouds and they are unpredictable in nature in Australia it seems they're irregularly treated to this clouds presence for a few months out of the year and it has to be after dawn however you can only see it in Berk town in Queensland which is fairly remote speaking of remote in a small village in Poland there are trees that are growing in the most unnatural ways near the village of Griffin oh there is a grove of pine trees that don't look like your traditional tree they basically look like warped versions of themselves almost like a van Gogh painting the area has been named the crooked forest each tree looks like it was bent at the base to make a c-shape it's hard to tell what caused this being able to manipulate the growth of trees isn't uncommon in more metropolitan areas where the look is more aesthetic what makes the case even more bizarre is that the crooked forest is surrounded by straight trees so why this particular spot it's believed that these trees were planted in the 1930s and that they were anywhere between seven to ten years old when the 90-degree curb started forming there are a few theories to try to explain this phenomenon some believe they were formed from heavy snow in the area while others think it's from Earth's gravitational pull it's hard to pinpoint exactly which is why the mystery continues finally we need to look to the sky again for this strange mystery that continues to make an appearance in a remote area of Norway the hessdalen lights can be seen on a 7.5 mile stretch of the hessdalen Valley the crazy thing about them is that they can appear both day and night they seem to hover over the valley as if they are waiting for something or someone these lights can form in different shapes including Hellas if you ever have a chance to see these lights in person you might notice that they mainly take the form of balls and then they look like they're spitting out smaller balls these can't be explained by headlights of a plane or cars scientists have a theory that it could be a phenomenon called Coulomb crystals these are crystals formed in plasma the process of creating them is a bit unsettling as they think it's coming from the radiation on the rocks and then floating up into the atmosphere this is the radiation that can cause health problems like cancer so maybe you shouldn't check these lights out after all what do you think of these 10 mysterious things happening in the world right now do you know how to explain these mysteries sound off in the comments and before you head off to your next adventure don't forget to subscribe to our Channel and take a peek at our community page thanks everyone and we'll see you next time you [Music]
Channel: TheRichest
Views: 1,061,249
Rating: 4.7644815 out of 5
Keywords: mystery, sounds, earth, science, the planet, bioluminescence, animals, oceans, seas, earthquakes, strange things, weird, nature, therichest, the richest, sky, 2019
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 24 2019
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