Top 10 Saturday Night Live Cast Members of All Time

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this late-night sketch comedy show has ebbed and flowed in its popularity but many of its performers have proved timeless welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 Saturday Night Live cast members all right now it's the time in the show and I like to give Denise a call and hang up on her for this list we're looking at the best and most well-rounded performers from the show's history and are ranking them solely on the work they did on the studio 8h stage well this is some weird wild stuff I did not know that but what about these people number 10 John Belushi Belushi brought a raw energy dance I know that's hard to come by every sketch he did he was able to grab the audience's attention and make them laugh hysterically with his brazen animated charm and often crude humor even though he was only on the show for a short time Belushi produced many memorable characters and sketches including the Olympia cafe samurai Futaba and the Blues Brothers with his friend Dan Aykroyd [Music] his charisma and brand of slapstick hasn't yet been recreated okay he did sit down we've all seen the coat before fine really good okay number nine Gilda Radner hi I'm Gilda Radner and okay Radner was the first performer cast as one of Lorne Michaels and nog ural group of not-ready-for-prime-time players and it's easy to see why Michaels would want her I know the facts of life you know I got an A in health she was genuinely funny and brought her characters like Roseanne Roseannadanna to life there Roseanne Roseannadanna last Thursday I quit smoking now I'm depressed I get wet my face broke out I'm nauseous I'm constipated my feet swelled my gums are bleeding my sinuses are clogged I got heartburn I'm cranky and I have gas winning an Emmy Award for her work on the show Radner helped pioneer the celebrity impressions that have made SNL what it is today by lampooning legends like Patti Smith Lucille Ball and Barbara Walters or should we say baba wawa to an actual living weapon number eight Dana Carvey if people don't quit now dia now is this the way we're gonna play the game here are you guys gonna keep asking these asinine questions till you see some dirty pictures is that that's what as a performer carpet could turn on the wow factor and was instrumental in renewing SNL status as must-see TV a man who has a friend who is rich man that's what Clarence said by golly he was right when the show was struggling he was a breath of fresh air with characters like Garth of Wayne's World Fame James Bond gonna spy on the Guatemalans Hans and Franz I'm sure Arnold is not threatened and the church lady could it be but Dana was not a one-trick pony he did spot-on impressions of just about anyone including both George Bush Senior and Ross Perot which resulted in an interesting three-way debate with Phil Hartman as Clinton and the expansion of SNL's political satire let me just sum up on track stay the course thousand points of light stay the course number seven dan aykroyd yes our records were lost when the craft which brought us from France plunged into Lake Michigan we crawled from the bottom of the lake and lived by night for years our remaining proto cats Aykroyd was a Renaissance man on SNL's first four seasons some of those moves into you I wouldn't think the human body would be capable of moving like that there were terrific men really intense intelligent and irreverent he was the youngest cast member of his era but also the most well-rounded he could write perfect characters and perform them flawlessly in addition to inventing bizarre but hilarious standalone sketches yes fish eaters the days of troublesome scaling cutting and gutting are over because super bass-o-matic 76 is the tool that lets you use the whole bass with no fish waste without scaling cutting or gutting among his many contributions to the show were the Blues Brothers with his friend Belushi the Coneheads I am a driving instructor for whom and what do you folks come from France and two wild and crazy guys we are as well as his time behind the Weekend Update desk jam you ignorant [ __ ] but who can forget his Julia Child cut the Dickens out of my finger number six bill Hartmann you don't know what sense it is junior sense it is getting dropped by Columbia because Mitch Miller doesn't like the way your career is going it's half a million dollar pipes and nowhere to play him am i right Steve and Eydie known as the glue Hartman was the kind of performer that always did more than was expected of him [Music] with the smoothest voice and a cache of impressions in his repertoire he seemed more mature than his contemporaries however he was often undervalued for his contributions tonight I'm gonna let myself shine through yes they're gonna see [Music] I wouldn't do that bill okay even so it's easy to see that his support often saved a sketch in addition to excelling in his own skits and portraying more than 70 characters over eight seasons he always helped his fellow castmates Bartlet number one what is your idea of the perfect date first of all I would push you to the ground he on your chanting house on fire house on fire pulled it out put it out and his Bill Clinton was spot on [Music] sir we've only been jogging for three blocks do the mi go out on a limb here and say maybe you're still a little too nervous mm just kidding number five Kristen Wiig you know you can come back another time I'm fine that's I can't come back another time because I'm too busy just kidding I'm not busy busy I'm just kidding I am that I only time for you just kidding on how to make time just kidding but I know how to make pies just kidding I don't just kidding I do when I make one right now proving herself is one of the most vital female performers in the show's history week was a versatile try anything once kind of gal that's it [Music] sometimes glamorous sometimes over-the-top and often awkward roles like the female a-hole and dooney's showed her range [Music] yes she had a knack for annoying absurd characters like Penelope well that cat was like a child to her account was my child I was pregnant with my cat Gilly and the target lady Oh what that's impossible I'm pulling your leg but she was also capable of celebrity impressions too numerous to name listen my sweet Deary I'm gonna say something that I have never said before and it is not I love the smell of a man it was easy to see that her cast mates enjoyed working with her too as evidenced by recurring skits like Garth and Kat and number four Mike Myers [Music] [Applause] he was the kind of guy Feuer just wanted to hang out with I'm hypoglycemic and hyperactive I'm a hyper hypo that's why I wear a helmet whether he was portraying metalhead Wayne Campbell alongside Dana Carvey Garth I'm sorry I know it's your mom but I'm afraid she's a babe shwayne or the coffee talk lady Linda Richman welcome to coffee talk I'm your host Linda Richmond or Simon the little boy who draws in the tub okay this is a jury of my daddy at the roulette table look he's crying he's shouting for people to give him more credit Myers exerted a crazy fun attitude but some of his best work came when he played against his goofy nature as Deiters sprocket the no-nonsense talk-show host from West Germany yes the time on sprocket family does [Music] creative adaptable and skilled at accents Myers was a definite asset to the early 90s SNL cast member 3 Eddie Murphy would you be mine could you be mine after joining the show once the original cast members moved on to greener pastures Murphy had big shoes to fill and he did it with a smile on his face a spring in his step and a load of impressions in his Arsenal his antics brought fewer sketches like Gumby I'm Gumby Bevan mr. Robinson oh look an eviction notice and buckwheat a character so popular Murphy requested he be killed so he could play other roles buckwheat was very today and the entire world bar the lone bright spot in the show's Dark Ages Murphy reinvigorated SNL by cultivating his brand of wacky high-energy humor [Music] number two Chris Farley kids are probably asking yourself our Lee viewers never knew what to expect sure his behavior was often erotic because of his drug use but there was something remarkably funny and dare we say touching about his character sketches that's very end of the song and the song goes on and in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make he remember that yes is that true trying to bring the same quality of work to the screen as his idol John Belushi Farley was willing to go anywhere and do anything for a laugh you're drinking Colombian decaf coffee crystals [Music] what you son of a [ __ ] whether he was caricaturing himself as a horrible interviewer on his fictitious talk-show playing an aspiring Chippendales dancer or a sassy lunch lady Farley was one of a kind yeah everybody gets enough food down here in the magical before we unveil our number one pick here are a few honorable mentions well folks if you love seeing huge people in suits with thousands of buttons you're in the right place this is the sound a doggie makes mr. Connery move No well that's the sound your mother made last night this is the word is the word [Music] anyway the bouncer is a king-sized lesbian who looks like Phil Jackson and the password is Scotty [Laughter] number one will ferrel what a professional gets his mitts on a song that's when it really takes off from day one it was clear will was there to dominate [Laughter] [Applause] it was hot after a slew of popular cast members left or were fired in the early 90s Farrell arrived with many other new faces to shake things up and shake them up he did Nelson Reilly I am NOT alone in thinking that you make Gandhi look like a child pornographer his versatile average Joe looks and attitude allowed him to play any character they threw his way from george w bush making the tough decisions 24-7 that's 24 hours a week to Alex Trebek come on that was way out of line to steve butabi plus his all-or-nothing approach to performing earned him many fans and solidified his place as the most cowbell worthy SNL star ever [Music] do you agree with our list which SNL performer was your favorite yeah farted jealous for more comedic top 10s published every day be sure to subscribe to there's a guy named Fred and he's got a pair of slacks Fred's got snacks [Music]
Views: 6,925,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Saturday Night Live, SNL, TV, television, TV show, TV series, comedy, comedians, sketch comedy, Lorne Michaels, Will Ferrell, Chris Farley, Eddie Murphy, Mike Myers, Kristen Wiig, Phil Hartman, Dan Aykroyd, Dana Carvey, Gilda Radner, John Belushi, skits
Id: Ff5WfuepdcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 01 2014
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