Top 10 Myths Busted on Mythbusters

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i feel like you just you get blown up twice very good welcome ladies and gentlemen simon reacts i'm almost messed up it's me simon ethan vic jj we're reacting to the top 10 myths that have been busted on mythbusters elite show you just got busted dude they should do that you just got busted and then just white fluid lands on them today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 myths that have been busted on mythbusters unfortunately the sand is so fine it's clogging up those ports and the water it looks like a big fat liar i don't know who that is yeah i don't know frankie muniz this uh movie no no just making it some of the most unforgettable and most outlandish myths that were busted on the hit television show mythbusters either adam and jaime or the build team needs to have conclusively busted a given myth which means that a plausible outcome will not be included oh that's nice and all that we can here i think this myth is definitively and finally busted yeah that was fun number 10 humans use only 10 of their brains so we're here at ucsf to get an fmri a functional magnetic resonance image this myth has been circulating since you find the eyes in the 1930s so it knows that we humans only use 10 of our given brain capacity and as a result we could tap into unknown or possibly super human capabilities if we harnessed the other 90 however the build team finally put this myth to rest he's lighting up like a christmas tree there while taking a magnetoencephalogram study tori used 35 percent of his brain's volume while telling a story during an mri scan how much you reckon bazinga uses of his brain i reckon 100 percent can i use 100 not a myth then like even if you're 35 you could still use more yeah thirty five percent is great that's what i mean the myth is still there right but they're saying like it's a tiny amount that uses like ten percent whereas 85 percent know if you use another 35 like imagine doubling your brain oh my god i thought you'd spark it out though i reckon you blow up yeah yeah like i don't think it would be good i think it would it was too many electrons firing in that when you're just sitting there doing nothing you're already looking like you're using one number nine there is such a thing as a brown note oh my god darren brown probably one of the the guys adam was the guinea pig for this one as he tested whether the elusive brown note an alleged infrasonic frequency that makes humans empty their bowels was real alleged i mean i i imagine a lot of people have tried this somebody he did it on like national tv you know when he did the one that was so simon so i mean darren brown shacked in front of millions it's a very funny thing ksi's done that he didn't even sound yeah that is true love right there you threw [ __ ] at me bro yeah bro bonding alleged because as adam bravely proved it is not real it sounds like a brown noise it sounds like a brown aside from feeling some minor discomfort due to the low frequencies adam never needed to use his ridiculous looking adult diaper so sorry super villains in waiting that will make someone crap their pants the myth as we know it yes is busted busted you can't polish a turd i mean it's ridiculous i just don't believe as the old saying goes oh my god you can't polish a turd however for our amusement our curiosity and our sense of wonder the mythbusters he goes home to his wife what are you doing can we do a sidemen sunday on this grab like the most ridiculous ones no but just make it like i did i did sidemen science experiments i thought yeah exactly we could give that to loser or something bro mythbusters why did you pick the black guy to do that pick the guy who shot on the show that's crazy no i know [Laughter] [Laughter] using the exact same technique adam and jamie both successfully polished a turd and all without the help of cheats like polishers sure beats rock tumbling it's pretty good the proof is in the polish wow number seven breaking bad contains good science that's right folks we are smack at the beginning of a myth buster's breaking bad special breaking bad is undoubtedly brilliant with the facts in the name of entertainment in the breaking bad special the mythbusters tested two myths whether hydrofluoric acid could eat through a bathtub and whether a piece of mercury fulminate will explode when thrown to the ground unfortunately both were busted [ __ ] it looks about like what fell through the floor and breaking back i don't think we should accept that the answer is anything into the back that would require yeah the acid didn't beat through the bathtub and even when thrown at super human speed the mercury fulminate did not explode if you can't trust the direction i was gonna say that looks like a little explosion like it's done enough to jar me out and say whoa whoa whoa i haven't well that's mildly annoying i believe you just [ __ ] erupted in my office that was actually a pause moment you know busted and with the same amount as in the show it didn't blow out any windows didn't blow out anything number six shockwaves cancel each other out it's time to cue the explosions with a return to what is bomb proof this is one weird myth apparently a human can survive two simultaneous explosions directly the resulting shock waves we don't know why you'd be between two identical explosions or how you determine the exact middle spot but regardless this is all bunk bollocks hokum and hogwash anyway whoa yeah you just i feel like you just get blown up twice yeah i'm very dead you dead the first time you get double dead the literal opposite happens as adam and jaime found that the shock waves accumulated and resulted in a stronger blast i felt that one way so not only is this myth busted but also it proved that the exact opposite is true yes science it's totally the opposite of canceling each other out it doubled the power number five the color red causes a bull to charge so is this a dangerous job oh yeah it can be a very dangerous job the bulls hate the color red we all know this is all the reds there is on debt and it's just basic science except it turns out that this isn't even remotely true in the initial tests a bull charged three different colored flags with equal intensity tori then went into the ring dressed in red while cowboys were able to distract the bull which proved that the animals are drawn to movement rather than any particular color more movement i think harry would i think you could chuck harry in there because i reckon he last side in the yeah i just feel like balls are a bit more dangerous than uh horses they don't have a neck do they you can't you can't yeah yeah don't know where the chin is except oh yeah what did you mean he's not boxing the ball bro you don't gotta find a chin let's just move on don't expect them to start waving teal or fuchsia anytime soon good thing for me red flag to a bull is busted busted and we're glad you're not number four you can remove a slab of concrete from a cement truck with dynamite apparently you've got some cement mixers and whiffers that have our way with it did they hear this one thing it's blowing stuff up this talent was on full display here when they tested the myth that using a stick of dynamite can clear out a slab of concrete stuck inside a cement truck to test this claim the mythbusters enlisted the help of fbi explosives experts who rigged the truck with 850 pounds of explosives the resulting explosion did more than clear out the cement big myth completely obliterated that could be a talk jamie even admitted that quote this has got nothing to do with the myth it's just a big boom sometimes you just need to have some fun this has got nothing to do with it number two people sink in quicksand there you go that's the way this is a myth there you go that's a lot of suction you can thank the movies and adventure novels for this one we all know how this works fall into quicksand and you'll slowly be consumed by the malevolent force before suffocating to death underneath the surface luckily this is entirely made up for entertainment purposes as it turns out quicksand is extremely dense and therefore humans simply bob on the surface now we turn the pump off and i'll tell you i i'm not gonna be able to get back out of here until we turn the pump back on while some people have been found dead in quicksand the mythbusters explained this was likely due to the elements rather than the sand itself sinking into quicksand as seen in the movies simply does not happen oh surprise do you even have to ask it's absolutely busted no such thing before our number one pick here are some honorable mentions 21 for cracker two seconds 322 for meat six seconds time didn't seem to be a factor because i don't care uh [Applause] see in hollywood movies people getting shot and they get thrown back i mean this pig went back maybe two inches there we go not bad at all 40 seconds i think that judging by what i'm seeing that that's probably the threshold number one a penny dropped from a skyscraper can kill you i think it's just one of those myths that belongs to the empire state building if we've learned anything from saturday morning cartoons it's this if you drop a penny from the top of a skyscraper it becomes a deadly missile from the sky luckily for us all the mythbusters quickly deduced that this was impossible as even at terminal velocity a dropped penny lacks the speed or strength required to penetrate a human skull perfect head even fired a penny at supersonic speed and it failed to puncture their ballistics yeah it's gonna go the ripple is giving you super sonic penny can't kill a human then one falling from a building has no chance i think we've captured the heck out of this one that busted right watch out new you know what in the show they really draw them out that was like really quick yeah busted myth busted i enjoyed it just 10 we literally watched the whole season in 10 minutes thank you guys for watching leave a like you enjoyed and bye [Music] you
Channel: SidemenReacts
Views: 2,557,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bCQ8QhVLt9g
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Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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