Did Jamie Enjoy Making MythBusters?

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oh yeah somebody was saying I was watching the mythbuster Revealed episode from season 3 and in the behind the scenes interviews it didn't quite seem like Jamie was enjoying doing the show was there ever a point in MythBusters where you thought there was a worry you or Jamie might leave the show oh yeah there were some contract negotiations that got sticky here and there um there was definitely a little more reticence from Jamie in the early seasons than there was in the later um I it was hard on making the show was hard on Jamie in a way that it wasn't hard on me U and that phrase encompasses a whole lot of information um yeah there was some there was a couple of moments and so now your next question is there were a couple of moments I I I was always ready to fulfill out my contracts not to say that Jamie wasn't going to fulfill out his contracts legally but yeah there were moments when Jamie was like I don't know if this is for me which is fair enough Scotty Chapman did season two with us and left the show because Scotty wanted to do other stuff Scotty had experienced what it was like to make a TV show and was like yeah that's not for me I have so much respect for that um but there was a couple of seasons in which it was not entirely clear to me that Jamie was coming back and in those cases I did think to myself who who who who who who who would be uh uh who would I who would I want to partner up with to do this show and funnily enough both Jamie and I came up with the same answer uh and it was uh my old supervisor from industrial Light and Magic Michael Lynch um like Jamie Michael is one of God's Own prototypes a truly spectacularly weird human being both of both Michael and Jamie um and a like Jamie a completely world-class engineer uh with no fear of the camera in the same way that Jamie not in the same way that Jamie had no fear of the camera they had different lacks of fear of the camera everyone has their own relationship to it man it really is true uh but yeah uh I thought Michael would be an excellent an excellent replacement not that I wanted one I mean like the show worked man I I had no I had no desire to to to shift it up um r m ym 1362 remen says they want to ask a question about the myth of two fused bullets together normally the probability is canceled with several different types of collision but I think that the two bullets in your case are manipulated with an automaton during the shot that is a weird turn of phrase um I'm finding myself wondering if this wasn't translated um here's what we did we did so on Civil War battlefields several pairs of fused mini balls m i n t man balls um were found fused together over history we have found I I think half a dozen have been found on Civil War battlefields so we wanted to test is it is that really a thing uh we tried firing two muskets at each other but the timing is anywhere from like 20 to 100 milliseconds and you need like millisecond accuracy so we kept on like not getting it so we ended up holding a bullet gently in an orientation and then we fired another bullet at it with more powder than it normally would have we did not exceed the rating for the barrel but we made it go much faster so the idea was if the normal bullet travels at 500 miles per hour which means two or which means um oh yeah I'm going to get into the weeds here because we did this whole story at any rate there's this car story we did because it's hard for people to understand when two cars hit face on like this at the exact same speed you would believe that if they're go both going 100 miles an hour it's like a car hitting a wall at 200 miles an hour but it is not um the force is not additive we did it on the show I did built a spectacular methodology so some of that explanation would probably work in talking about these bullets but the final method methodological construction I came up with was I held one bullet between two screws just in the forward orientation and I fired another at it at Point Blank Range but accelerated the amount of increase the use of increase the amount of powder to increase the speed at which the bullet came out and they did fuse together and they looked precisely like bullets that had been found on a Civil War battlefield that is enough of an experimental protocol for me to say that the expl the the explanation for the fused bullets found on the battlefield is a plausible exp explanation that in the Cascade of hundreds of thousands of bullets being fired from two sides two of them met each other in midair and fell I hope that answered your question yes Lee Brunner says about a year ago I added a daily hot tea to my routine as a ritual mental Oasis of sorts is it possible to have a good restful break in the middle of a noisy Workshop yeah I do it not infrequently um for me it's usually around 2: in the afternoon I will um I will wander to a couch here in the cave and I will lie down on it and check my emails sometimes I don't um working alone requires less of that for me but I will tell you that on the in production on MythBusters I took a nap every single day every single day at lunchtime time um I didn't eat lunch I don't eat lunch so yeah every day at lunchtime I would usually sleep under my desk if we were in the office or I would sleep in my car if I we were on location also I'm slightly hard to wake up and I often in the past have had a startle response to waking up and so when I told my wife I was like yeah sometimes I sleep in my car and she's like you make your producers wake you up and I'm like no no no no I put the radio next to my head they wake me up on radio cuz she was thinking like she's the idea of like someone having to go to their boss and their boss like oh wake up would be terrible for them and it is I saw that and I stopped I stopped doing that I put the radio next to my head so they could wake me up remotely um yeah I think it is possible to take a restful break in the middle of a noisy day and I think it's important to um I in particular in my extra version need a lot of downtime so people ask like what I do in my recreational time not a lot I I go home at 5 5:30 and we just we watch TV and we Surf and we chat and we hang out on the deck and it's very quiet um uh and that respite in the middle of a busy day is really really vital um it used to be that I needed a cookie at about 4: in the afternoon no longer um I still will have a snack sometimes mid-afternoon but I try try and go for the Savory I tempt to go for the Savory thank you so much for watching if you'd like to support us even further you can by becoming a tested member uh details are of course below But it includes all sorts of perks and we're building them all the time you get Advanced word and behind the scenes photos of some of our projects questions you get to ask direct questions during my live streams and we have some members only videos including the Adam Real Time series of UN broken unedited shots of me working here in the shop they are weirdly meditative thank you guys so much I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 1,806,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tested, adam savage, adam savage mythbusters, adam savage mythbusters questions, adam savage tested, jamie hyneman, adam savage jamie hyneman, ask adam savage mythbusters, adam savage tested mythbusters, behind the scenes mythbusters, ask adam savage jamie, fused bullets, two bullets fused together, fused bullet mythbusters
Id: awNKlpxvdrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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