Premier League Poker S4 EP11 | Full Episode | Tournament Poker | partypoker

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is PartyPoker Premier League poker for coming to you from Las Vegas 12 of pokers best are battling it out in a leaked format accumulating points based on where they finished in each match the top four players in the league will go straight through to the final table while the next four play heads up for the last two spaces league match 3 is underway at the moment so let's see what happened last time it takes a great player to make a great pass you can only do that all about the points baby finally one fell from your league this is big oh wow guys I need to make sure I'm on the top 4 and that's the first mission is to get enough points to be in the top four and Phil Laak is already off to a great start with two wins I have to be a little bit more humble with where I want to be and right now the goal is copy I am sort of back against the wall and I do need some points so there'll be nothing fancy coming from the Fraser I'm definitely gonna change my strategy a little bit because now that I'm behind the pack I think I need to be more aggressive you know my goal is you know to get at least got five every match and then you know hopefully win one or two of them so let's see what I can do today players are on a break so I've managed to catch up with Phil for a quick chat how's it going out there for you today it's it's very interesting you know I mean I think in the past in the past I would have been negative I would have said why in my Heat do we not losing they'd be before seven and 15 that seemed to happen to me a lot at the primer league but this year I'm like whatever it's fun it's exciting but I'm pretty happy with the way I played so far and you know and I'm really staying positive I'm gonna let you take your break thanks very much positive you would home stay positive great things happen when you're positive I'm telling you great things happen when you stay positive eighty-five heads have been played so far but here's the leaderboard players jockeying for points next player out guaranteed to but the big points in the top three spots third place gets eighth second 11 and the winner 16 joining me now Lucas warts or the commentary box and it's really going to be tense stuff down there now because so many of these players are gonna need points with Roland out none of these players has more than eight currently benjamine on eight through one match and get Timoshenko on eight through two matches small blind looks like he's just made it up he does this a lot with sort of raggedy aces got a pretty good hunter flock pretty well interesting with a telephone call just job it though I think Fraser might not 25 big Lions just a job he might not be telling the truth either I think Fraser's only got about 350 he might just raise just Fraser have a call here yeah you should have a cool at least it's a kind of hand that if he hits the flop then he'll have to be willing to stack off no one if he's gonna make a play if he misses this is bad for uni because Katie eight - I'm sure he's gonna make a continuation bet he doesn't sleep raise it and have much Dinks raise would have played oh there's no Kings I could really see praise Olympia with and then calling arrays there's King Queen King Jack that stuff will just raise so he's gonna and I mean does Fraser pretty much have to shove I mean I think is the best play just to show yeah let's go be comped he may feel like he is he's only wrapping a flush draw he should - of all him but he still should know that Timoshenko has got to have a king cool just feel like mica done like that too much because I mean if anything is he can't really lead any if it come a blank I mean Timoshenko might have had to shove anyway just out of desperation well this is a trip funny spot short Timoshenko is gonna chat why he's got he's picked up showdown be like doesn't have much showdown here with seven but not flush - I think he wants to get free car he's gone for Timoshenko needs the club 58 I like the sizes about it's a big port it's only a third of the bet it's like so hard for him to get cooled for anything this small that's quite good at it my even to do something Timoshenko's River play has been so good it's a pretty easy fold for him if finish I don't think seasons are blocking bet with an a he could rear s all in but his River play has been perfect Timoshenko and it continues but Fraser takes the pot was a weird way for him to play the hand everybody got it and for Timoshenko now down to just over 20 big blinds 22 actually it's amazing how much the league table is going to change after this match probably a big advantage for somebody like you whose things are gonna shape up so that you're gonna be in quite a good position for the next match know who you can pick on and beat ends yeah definitely I mean the lucky Tavor defend my second match before matches played open shove all one Vanessa what were their chip counts how that influenced his decision does he want to induce a shove cuz the AIDS queen is so strong he's just yeah exactly he wants to know how much they got I think he's just gonna raise she's gonna show she has to shop doesn't she of course he's been raised so she's got such a monster as well just to cool Thole if she can sort of figure out how fishy this looks that he's asked a question yeah and I feel anything he asked the questions at mid raised only been 35 their Padres that's pretty strong right now Timoshenko is healing life maybe he could bet it feels like Qinghai is so much in Russo's range right now right King Jack King Tim Wow this is unlucky yeah I think she's got she's only got 200k in the pots she's got double the pot so she's gonna need it he's gonna go all-in about how she's gonna fold maybe she can fold if she fits the cheap lead 25k she seems like she's a c4 he's kind of committed herself so I think she's just prepared to go broke with it well he is the kind of player Timoshenko when he calls the turn so much off and then he raised it this is this is different though she doesn't like this book she's just got hope that he's got something like two jacks page a part a stern with the ton of fog but she's not liking this at all I mean this is it could be a father still if she's under wrapped her hand so she might think so like he she could be ahead of all his aces which he would be doing this with she took if she if he had even a Stan to a seven with a heart and I mean if she is ahead she's way ahead right then he's probably he's probably drunk if she's ahead that's the problem is she's either ahead and he's got like nine outs with with a low heart of a race or she's dead - ace queen is a joy to the town I could be dead but I think I have it'd be no fun to be dead that's like definitely not fun put him on an ATM it'll be dead I guess 25% of the time you could suck out yeah and she's such a tough spot well this is what happens when you when you make a mistake from the flop whether you were just full free block because I need all these weird problems you get yourself in a weird spot the chip size is sure to be all improve up with those chats wonder the problem Luke is if she does fold she's only gonna have 150,000 I mean what are her chances of getting any more than two points anyway it's about only about 50% or so bad call Oh bad cough I can't see how she could have gotten away from that she might regret her call Luke but that looked like him it should be dueling preflop anyway unlucky two points for Vanessa Rousso that's gonna give her eight through two matches that's that's not terrible she's gonna be well in the thick of it but on the probably the bottom half I really didn't know what think it off cuz I expected her to go and all these jack before the flop yeah I went with my instincts in the situation because I played it so weakly it's actually you know correct for him to do that even without a great hand to try to push me off and I know you have again he's capable of that kind of move luckily for him he had the hand that time though and wasn't doing the move and unfortunately for me just didn't work out well we're sorry to see you go and we'll see you in the next match and better luck then thank you thank you game goes on and he's gonna have to go broke with these does he want to induce a shopper open show he wants to if you just shoved thought could really cool him with a straggler if he raises two big blinds someone couldn't be raised well leave it to Phil to find something to show there's those here's to be interesting oh how much just classic this is weird leave it to him to find something original well tip my shakers having a little think about this now he's got almost 600,000 so if he raises here effectively he's raises to any about he's going to call all them obviously I always found this way to play this hand it's weird a lot of place time to be played weird today with the tenth lines and eights with the wrong person feels not gonna be happy unless it comes ten high Timoshenko's just all over everything he's got top - and how much just sit Falmouth bets I suppose the 15th testifies about it was gonna get through everyone else but - over cards Timoshenko obviously somewhere but is the kind of thing that Timoshenko would be limited behind after that like to keep jacking queen king term smooth they doesn't have to already just wants to see so this is a bit of a leak 60o helmet says he dodges bullets baby he found a way not to go broke with most people I had a hand that I was I could have up and shoved with if anybody puts a nickel raise I'm shipping I suppose maybe at King Jack offsuit and got lucky in any way see he says yeah I suppose you said he do that I was ready to play alright my instincts turtle them my instincts are to limp and to lit and to let this guy you know he seems like he wants to try to play with me nice hand I give you credit man nice and he's probably I hope you had at least two over cards to my hand oh you might not even have that yeah maybe he had like quinton oh she's drunk death maybe we needed a 10 on the flop and he would have just given me all the chips I mean I don't know I think I'm not a maze Queen I love it I thought you know it's what can I do you know I mean I'm just so happy with the way I'm playing I just hear anything you said you're having with the other where you're playing he said we're happy with my current plan to hit the joke cuz he's making funny in there god it was so funny cuz he said you're happy how you playing but so cruel what see he's funny he's a kid he's funny I know you're the only little boy I can tell you what he said and you never just said don't change anything it's pretty nice when you could used to play every part leave me just he just loved those 250,000 and chips is what he did he was gonna finish like seventh you're gonna he got lucky he did he bluffed off like a quarter million he just couldn't help but squeal you didn't see all the squeeze how much should you go through it we've raised most people don't make that in a year though it's a lot to bluff off Safinaz made a race here and benjamine I mean it's true you has made just blew through he's right here so you know of course I'm gonna live with my big very well just over six to four and you want to work on your own stick someday I mean what stick I'm just laughs I'm just laughing at you you're funny I want to I paid my hundred thousand just hear you I know but I mean you don't share your own shtick I mean what stick I don't know I don't need to stick actually you sick I just paid the admission fee welcome back to Las Vegas where the price your league poker for is well a very good attraction that's what he's saying look at this Timoshenko oh you know what it's like bro you know what it's like I'm against playing so good a lot of a table it's killing me I don't wanna feel kinda like it's not a big raise Wow the grand it looks like he wants to play some poker here well he doesn't like to fold Jack ten suited for I know structure probably says fault though I mean you don't want to be cooling off okay with yeah he called the race and automatic call here for Ben you mean or there's no other flow there's a hundred K in the middle you've got liens Timoshenko opens lie does he completely dismiss the fact that Negreanu could have a big pair here that's just not happen you do know that does look at this face as well Wow Fraser gets away for a bit this is a weird spot because Benjamin's done everything right so far but now when Timoshenko re-raises or letter he's got 200 left it's got to be a cool but it's not gonna like it but that's why I probably would have derided a job with the lines Tim I was in the tank here but that was his only decision right course and a quick pass from benjamine as well yeah you think he's let himself be exploited that was really really bad if he was raised huh you didn't want my hands no that's why I raced so just he didn't have to have a tough time that's all Timoshenko starting to turn the screws I'll tell you one thing boys I like the battle I like the fighting so good today they're all playing so good it's almost like a war of attrition you know what I mean I mean it's just fight for those points yeah seven and fifteen mines of nobodies out come on man you got a respect for the way people are playing man there was nobody out of seven what is Timoshenko gonna do with these Quinjet so many chips 800,000 chip she's just won so many big pots with no show probably looking for you Danny Boy I didn't even stand up I didn't think I was gonna win I just ready to go yeah I didn't think you were gonna win that one I've seen your head cool it or erased at least but still feels like trouble you know Safinaz got the kind of stack where he really has to continue on this we'll just see either probably back for the day and for all that we've got to make a nice size bet Safina doesn't make him too small he's played a good control game isn't he definitely leaked off too much he could turn up to turn up with a with a big score here I really don't like Benjamin to play though if he was gonna be raised to 100,000 he had to call if he was going to try and make it was effectively just bluff even I don't want to block the third of my stack off with sides your mind your mind coach taught you that huh it's kind of fun I mean I wish I had like four or five hundred thousand in front of me David but I mean what four fold it around at a small blind and the grana gin the big ball yes you're right you wanna see the pot okay how many yellows do you have no kidding I don't think just really don't care who and then you have to figure this out to actually give it a mess for this time the braudys part as maybe a little suspicious that Timmo is setting sort of a trap for what you got a bag that flap that float yeah chapter 10 75 to 8 you lay me a price at innovate of course play me 101 I didn't have anything done I know what I had until a mere price seven ways six ways party Rousseau Vaughn wolf bagels my stuff stuff that mine coach stuff is this mindset coach stuff is pretty good stuff though thank you I like it you do that no it hurt I heard has what he just realized that every time yeah he's good a bit um he also knows that he's gonna be people are gonna be timed out they don't a raise and get shot by home often have to cool off with a bad hand he thinks everyone thinks that someone's going home but they're raising so mine coach you were Antonio he's Antonia was right it was a dress but he still kind of knows he has to be prepared to call off against Hellmuth stack me can't make a thirty five war but at the same time people are not thinking he's doing that was six six four because they know helmets true come on Phil come on Phil get al in help us gonna call this now think he might limp if he lives he should not be invited back to the Premier League boy over NEP folks same thing he's like no he's livid I swear I feel it in my bones would it's on seven big blinds big blinds Wow why Phil why what's it about man I mean I know he's thinking he's thinking oh if I get cooled I'm gonna be so dominated nothing could if he's not gonna shop with date night he's just he's just do it delete away I have to say Safina opportunity here I mean 20 big blinds where he's looking into 12 big blinds a lot of people would shove here a net worth 12 lines yeah [Laughter] the weird plays weird play by it's always good to learn something new right do you finish the sealer well I don't know how much longer to build a dealer right Phil Hellmuth for here I went to limp 10-week large and a lot of tables I just raised it he's in the position now Hellmuth where he basically asked me yeah with anything recent all right I mean it's not even no one's gonna fold at all and from what we've seen Negreanu probably raising what about half his hands right live great spoke to think I have to play how much you got and Hellmuth has found the ace 101 but you don't seriously think that he's gonna go home right now because that can good that you wanted it hmm no that's not what I want you do sir yeah really yeah I mean there's a lot of hands she could have stolen there from he could had six seven or come on ace I would never ever have six seven or 69 that's the pain that is the pain that's the face Oh Phil and on the verge of three points is Hellmuth knocked out by his nemesis McGraw no unless the ACE pops good luck in the next one graphic okay thank you game again well he's gonna have five points through two heats Phil Hellmuth this Premier League had so much promise for it has he got to change his game loop or two just gettin unlucky I think he's gonna do a couple of things different we're getting to the points now four points guaranteed and as Negreanu says he could use him Timoshenko and himself on top and Benjamin guaranteed to have at least twelve it was just one of those heats where a lot of people survived a long time and I lost with tens and I lost with Jax and and then I lost the coin flip at the end but but but that's okay I mean I just feel like you know I felt like I deserved a lot better I mean is now the time for Negreanu to just sort of continue this hog-wild thing the only guy who can record his best pose just to keep raising she gets played back up just fold he had to be three about hardly at all anything's going his way he should just continue his good aggressive momentum going again raise to 45,000 if Negreanu decides to re-raise here he's already seen Timoshenko lay it down once Timoshenko asked to have him he asked up a really premium hand to call here right and the Rhino knows that call as he said he knows that to the shirt does not just got a job in it with German light for bet life Oh cop three players Matthew means peeled off this is gonna be a big pot I mean Benny means actually been let in here isn't he it's - totally well he's just gonna shove benjamine right I mean now that he's hit that he's only got he's got less than a pop bet behind ya is it goes to show the automatic completely old mouth and it's good he's gonna win it so much of the time because if I really have an overpair or an ace 8 to cool so there's 35 fold it's a funny guy have you been and what is the thirty thousand about if he's got plans to bet thirteen for this is worth I think he should have just jumped why is he trying to deduce the Rays when he's got a little pair with no guy he just always but he's a very small poker player so he probably has some reasoning trying to make it look really strong more from the M after the break welcome back to party Poker Premier League Poker Roland de wolf joins Jessie Mae and Luke Schwartz in the commentary box as action continues for League match three unlucky bagel Roland what a bagel dude fourteen points through three it's gonna give you some work to do isn't it I don't know how many times I can like keep gang get my money and so good and right you got a good the Afghani yesterday when he had aces at ul Eastern and the feel like one as well with it over pair those different heats would be I'd have like faith this I discuss Easter was Julia you know what it is only four times B players no I know it's kind of funny because some people have a game in hand I mean I'm not sure who's feeling the best right now is it is it Ben you mean who has eight points through one Tymoshenko has eight points we do Timoshenko but with more chips a lot more chips what do you make of the way even Fraser's been playing down there I like his game so I'm not too sure about the popper yes Ernie but far from that he's been solid he's actually been been making a lot of right decisions but you've if Kenny seems to be owning a little bit doesn't he just because he's on his left they're very similar like I think they're facing the standard player and so you know it's gonna be a type out one way or the other they both great thinkers at 30,000 it's phrase are gonna call Riverbend if he misses oh no sir that's a great car he made a pair and a flush two pair and a flush and I mean I wonderful Timoshenko can still win this with a bet that would he show his truck I think he knows he's got no showdown he has two tails handed to a bluff there you can do it there it's a it's the right place in court to pass the pair's good so you do have a heart he's quite funny Evgeny he is quite he's got quite a dry sense of humor he was sticking a few needles into society he's probably like the fourth funniest person on the table you know could you see Fraser coming up and win and taking this heat he's such a good closure I feel like Negreanu that though the king 10400 no one's ever but if they do you have anything it's gonna be marginal and the two chip two chip leaders of 5000 has who is more scared of getting their stack in light right now Timoshenko no no I got position maybe I'll do something that well yeah sugar doesn't one of you mess up his hand he's already had a really good spot here with the points he sad the Daniel he wants fast he's not too bothered if he does get off DARS now wow Lunken at least if Timoshenko bets if Timoshenko checks you can't fold so it's gonna be 300 K at some point it's actually quite hard feat you have getting to give Daniel a 10 here and the hand please I'm it's unlikely use by the term right yeah it's unlikely he's got trips but he's like we'd turn Jack turn kick turn 10 9 8 10 8 do it those are all hands was gonna say was like if he doesn't have a 10 and it's hard for him to carry on with the hand because 10 we can go double time yeah there's a lot of hands that can gonna hate it if you put forward as I said the post 300k we're going to a turn let's see if the super Sonico hits the 600 obviously we can see the cards we want to see Daniel check behind here he has to think he will yeah great chair 6 is the busto card 6 now see the 6 6 for El busto Wow cords only quads now Tymoshenko has two better but it's such a risky Bluff because of if he goes bust now he calls himself in the league oh you're talking to go boss he's just gonna bet a little 120 grand is gonna raise all kind of feel both it's likely as each other to have a queen do you like it a bit one fitty yeah I think Dan is gonna raise here because and he's got nothing to lose yeah just the mere thoughts raise all in well that's the end of that Timoshenko why did he shrink I like wait because he wants to protect we'd wasted like four seconds thank you can pick a card either card left one left one Queen no that's a ten already there among the many things Timoshenko did pretty well to check all the flock look at that 898 just when we were talking about demolition letting the momentum only limp away there's the Mojo and what Super Show go done three three seven lawyers ranked after that hand what's ahead I needed a drink after that hand yevgenii wounded but McGraw knows loving this strategy won't he's made for the Premier League [Music] I struggled when I was younger I'm just trying to you know learn and I grinded and I did the whole thing to get to the point where I am today which you know I'm very happy with where I'm at career-wise I've done a lot of accomplished a lot but I still feel like I always have something to prove I'm not one to sit on my laurels and say okay you know I'm one of the best players no I don't I don't buy that I feel like the game changes every year or two so you have to continue to adapt to the younger players who are just so much better than the old school players it's not even close there's no one at the table that's won more money in tournament poker than I have and when it comes to tournament poker I feel I feel very confident in virtually any field and also when you throw in the point systems of the Premier League I feel even more confident because I'm a real stats geek and so I feel like I know exactly what needs to be done at different stages depending on how many points as well accumulated I feel like one of the favorites I feel like I understand the format just as well as anybody and I'm driven you know I have plans on having a really big year and you know winning the Premier League would definitely be a feather in the cap everyone's the wrong bit apart for me oh I Roland yeah does not run that well he's done like four million lifetime on Chinese poker so it's really disgusting but like what can I do you can quit trigons Bopha quits table games raised to 50,000 fifty thousand into Safinaz big blind and I don't know if Safina can find a move here it'll show a real awareness of what's going on I think he's going for it I think people are gonna start reevaluating him I mean he's he's not overwhelmed by the situation Roland [Laughter] position right it's a small blind to be blind or I was a beautiful blue 3-2 he's not a well no Jesse he's paired to make up he's preparing himself to make a moves here could be a bear on the turn of the river good carbs that is a good card for speed at a rapid I don't think the gears though the grandi will know that if it's Peter did have a screen I think it's probably just bat cool that's flock for this short start but some kind of wonky ego is definitely a possibility right and I mean oh yeah yeah do you think that McGraw no suspects that Safina might be added I mean he's just go out the worst part this is the only Cod I mean not really because he wouldn't really have an ace here very often though he could no actually just put the Rays pre don't know maybe not King know and you might not work this out tomorrow though he's still called cool yeah this would be amazing part the feeder could have a nicer to be honest yeah that's this queen of clubs right barely show up Josephina show it to look don't have to be my total pro you gotta like these the gears must draw but it wasn't it wasn't a big bear playing that was the nut low and I mean you know you when you see a guy come onto TVs playing against the chrono arguably one of the five or six best players in the world moved into third you know it turns the league upside down if he starts getting full because it makes it makes like going into the head start like top raise to 45 hours because if you get to play the qualify heads up like car I don't know he's to be pretty tough to figure out full and car who would you rather play heads up lives rather play to qualify than anyone and obviously then helmet excuse me share certain rumors the best heads up there in the world I can't play myself check to render the ground on the button that is $85 Oh did you before and after the clock 94 no yeah yes he did it before ace 8 suit top pair top kicker maybe that's the second time he's when McGregor keeps keeps floating Timoshenko I mean I'm feeling it sort of based on his whole small ball thing and he doesn't really like three betting people but it feels like he should that everything screams that it's good time to be three betting doesn't it yeah that's what that's what these old docks are out and I'm about three bait they're about looking into the young kids eyes and say you don't have it I cause we're gonna really starting to pull away with this not far away from Ameren and chip [Music] oh and with how much McGraw has been opening I think Betty read this is a pretty standard shop on the big blind where they say small blind but he is short stack he said 164 did say 160 more I think that's all in and Wow pretty easy pass considering as far as the league thing goes or is it ace queen he cool ace Jax tough days 10 seems like a foe he could come over we shove and get Negreanu off the hand and isolate Benjamin hold but that's I don't think he's bluffing but I want a gamble because it'd be nice to knock you out what is 160 exactly 160 I don't think I can fold let me just double check unraveling kind of suited and everything to everything 20 in there 160 how could I possibly no no don't have any go to Kings oh wow again this situation I have to make you a boss that's not a smile again and if bending means out here it's 12 points through two heats that's not bad no King phrases like King down chef Fraser holding the a spent so one out huh Wow Wow makes me an ace are they really that was the case ace Wow went out that made me feel more special and that is gonna really change the dynamics of this premier league you know it's in the league upside down I bet you both had an ace huh I mean the grande oh he was a woman he woulda thought he was nailed on for a 16 you have Kenny's not the shorts boy look at this leaderboard now completely backwards I mean between second and fifth Fraser and Timoshenko he couldn't even you couldn't even stick frozen good good laddering today he's up to 500 he hasn't showed any hands down he hasn't we'd all in did premier league strategy oops not opes but I mean uh hmm this is good for the game baby yeah it's great welcome back to party poker premier league poker 5-left around the table now as we head back into the reveille bar for all the action somehow Timoshenko I just thought to be a bit till I mean he was chip leader he had 900k he's down to 15 big blinds your your prop bets I think that all aside one we're best for your position in the league I don't really know the moment people who have got points to get more signs I suppose but then I I mean because I think no you 27 is for sure I've got 40 minutes so I'm pretty sure 30 will make the top yeah I think I think you pretty chose 25 won't so I have to win the last one so doesn t matter so I just trying to make top eight want people who have points to get more points so you want benjamine to win and you want the grounder to go out there yeah no people at the bottom of the league like Hellmuth Luke is my mate but you know he's only got four points they come if it's got what five yeah Elvis played three go look at this Timoshenko has completely floated this potty now it was a limp at a check blind on blind Fraser's playing this very cagey I don't know Frazer bet - do I know Bob I mean so when throws the Chuck's this river like you dude he's gonna go yeah but let's go over bets he has to cool we can queen Timoshenko call to the turn I know I know the river he just looked so like he was gonna call whatever [ __ ] me off if you call it you're saying there is no Beth sighs Fraser office : only what happened oh I guess he figures the Fraser I mean Timoshenko had to have a jack school on the phone so the blinds are gonna hit 15 and 30 quite soon oh wow raised to 45,000 thing I do you mean is played just fold it anyway that's really first time just look how even everyone is for 24 3 for 23 16 know obviously the grown is very but even that you know these blinds are just absolutely astronomical it's not gonna be tail as I was a bit it's just wet like ace rain has to be to be alone yeah but right now if one of these short stacks picks up a straggle they'd really be wrong to push in because what they because I don't think those not on someone like the grand new grazie Wow Fraser's looking at a three bed and is this because he feels like he's got fold equity here doesn't he yeah so many chips you can't cool arereally but maybe you think we still are we being supposed to act is gonna put the first bet it at the brownies David come come Queen Hina look no it's all in anyway yeah dream but so is he am the coal ash up here yeah a little Ronnie's gonna have to wait there's like 300,000 there's about 100k in the pot oh cool okay I have outs yeah Queen 10 he's got nine ten god I knew he was I thought he was weak before the flop but yeah I guess I was never gonna do anything different this hands going back to front oh I'll take down everyone's kind of feeling he was like wow Daniels pretty stunned he's gonna be down to under 300,000 if he doesn't hit he'll hit don't worry the razor that's the city that's kind of a blow up by Daniel Mikado had eight hundred and eighty thousand he was cruising for 16 points now he's like the short stack I was like sure he had a weekend I'll sure you either weekend as well yeah that's funny just blow the perennial 295 oh really until hummus only got two points through the second here is a minor mishap have a look at Daniel's chip history not a pretty picture steady start then the change gears climb to the chip lead and the double somersault down the rabbit hole second we're looking faithfully I promise one thing though he moves me and I'm not folding no chance still at the table Daniel means business now but wolves on the prowl across the table Ian Frazer has 880,000 and the razor might be oh he might be sitting them like oh dude he played well today Oh party poker pro team member he's definitely lighting the top-ten pipe pros that they have we got about the same as me no more yeah one of the which ones to put which was the qualify come on raise all in Timoshenko yeah it was it was either get Viennese doing well I just I don't know if it's I just can't see you again II have play either either hand of Negreanu or Fraser he wouldn't have played either of those sides like that what are you he definitely he definitely wouldn't play like I don't know it's just I heard it was just weird here it's hard to like say what you have getting would have done in Pacific sports like he depends what your read on the table is it's hard to tell from here why tables coming shocked and raised to 50 I mean the grotto must be just reeling right now you know he's going from having you know either 11 or 16 points which he thought he was did it all come down to what the grounders said he knows weak but if you know Ian's phrases what the first batters if he had business he was gonna push him up here that's why I check pool to be hit do he's gonna have to cool off but you're right he didn't want to give a three cars of maybe shoes Fraser's made this 120 and Safina shoved and so he couldn't have made it 120 sorry he made it 50 right so he made it 53 74 it's actually free it's pretty easy pass here isn't it I don't think this is easy to take so Peters not shopping there with ace rag though from what we've seen of him today he's just putting that in the month I think so why would phrase the pool is a fold by it's not like crazy I think you should actually fold I'm really interested to see if we're on oh can recover from this he's he's know his party now is he he definitely bottled down I mean all of a sudden he has to be thinking to him vibes right down as he he meets six points like Bucky before he was alone raised to 70,000 re-raise all in and call what's freezers crowd quickly Queen this is a huge race just in time for the party oh wait no one's going on just a mister but even freezin yeah could this be david benjamin for the final oh oh that's a split ports there's a five benjamine is gonna have half the chips eight hundred thirty two thousand five or a jockey these big jumble up to three three sixty three ninety four now can lure sixteen split Acer King my question about that ham Rowland is that when Daniel calls preflop even if he thinks Fraser is weak isn't there a massive chance that he's gonna have to play a really really big pot Athena and is there any bet that's not all in these families gonna find one eighty thousand well Daniels been lucky a couple of times actually because when when Safina had the Queen's he had a fiber phase with audio born little countdown here I mean obviously is there a call here is that what he's thinking it doesn't feel like this is there leave yourself with 210 it's going quite well for Safina now maybe no if I see before the bluff yeah I was already out of everything hey things are looking pretty good for bad news he's got the massive chip bleed and he's played Safina quite well think about it he was down to about a hundred and forty thousand double-double with more than double double he's got over 800 and actually this is good for a couple people because he's the one with chips I'm going to bet it all holy call in from the grano here small blind it's all about the Benjamins it's amazing I mean Safina out age Daniel earlier and Daniel scooped on them now what's happened again another a some Safina it's a female be a good name for a tennis player yeah Oh eight eight eight eight sir live you're just thinking is I take half my talents here I don't need said you grow seven you like to read Big Rapids 32% thank you do with these cigarettes how about a three I'll take a three or Nate I'm not greedy career day for the split six I'll throw it back and stake native I don't I don't want to win it oh he's won thank you clean your card OMA an extra fifty thousand for nice and thanks for coming down down you through two matches he let it slip away yet in his grasp but he let it slip away I think that starts at four how his Premier League it's Connie you got lucky not to go out first and then got some chips together and couldn't hold it you couldn't hold it oh well bandy means Safina Fraser now all three even been up and down that it's just really Timoshenko who's who's kind of shown the heart and commitment to stay in he's latter-day places down in the Quran oh it looked like you were gonna be out earlier on you managed to claw it back what's happened well yeah it was a tale of two stories really in terms of luck I had some really good luck when I had the ace Queen get luck against ace king and then from there you know I thought I played pretty well and I was in the chip lead David benjamine as it turned out had one ace to catch with one card left hit that and then after that I felt like Ian was making a move on me he was he had nine tonight Queen ten he flopped the nine i flopped the straighter I lost another pot fifth place not how I was planning on starting it looked like I was gonna do real good I was with five left I was chip leader so four left and Timoshenko it's sort of deceiving isn't it rolling because he's he's looked like he's played so well in this Premier League and yet only having eight points through two matches he's a he's under a bit of pressure yeah you're right he's under pressure because he's only got eight points but a good you know if you only doesn't come forward here looks good come on all in he must be a gone gone gone Giovanni let's do this boom snaps boom I cou I cou I cou is that I could no no doubt much is that is it is it a snap call it's a snap based on everything course uber snap its Tempe blinds it's a little moist it started big blinds house even thinking so scary got his glasses up this is a big moment for so dark I just run too bad so you guys aren't released an you know the truth is obviously for the two of you you didn't like the fold but for Giovanni's overall position in this tournament he's seen everyone blow the chip lead here we go he's got all in all you have to say Timoshenko might actually fold because it doesn't play that well Fraser's called all in now this is easy fold for timoshev he's only got 300k I mean first of all what would Safina have gone all-in I mean he's basically going all-in for like well be honest I don't know why Timoshenko's tanky because even the first doll and I thought it wasn't that much of a snap for Timoshenko with the Lions because Peters gonna at least have two over God's Safinaz never doing that with a larger K as well open shelf and Benjamin's behind them exactly that's why he's always bought at least Ace King and his phrase are all in a chance for him to get the chip lead again well not quite Sophie not lupo feeling this and Fraser is now gonna be out unless the Jack peels on the Turner River or at undies go to 10:00 now he's gotta turn I've got six full outs ten Phil Laak did it yesterday the same a luck lucky ten well for Safina the chance I mean 16 points Fraser is gonna have six he's gonna be it through two matches which isn't isn't too bad it's right in the thick of it a real possibility that if Giovanni wins this tonight he'll be at 20 points through two matches Wow big guide only got six points you know I was trying to get first or second and nearly got there at one time you know a couple of things didn't go my way um but that's it I'm back against the wall again and I need to get some money to win really next time okay well hopefully we see a win for you next time thank you for from the end after the break welcome back to the new season of Premier League poker for the first time ever the events coming to you from the M Resort in Las Vegas with its toughest lineup yet including an Italian Giovanni Safina who qualified online for just $100 he's holding his own against the pros at the table as we head back to the action probably a decent result right now for your for your position in the league it is good that face is gone and it's good that Daniels gone it has put the low ones have not got points so and I know I have to win the last anyway to make the top four now after the babbly so you could be an accession now where you only have to get like top seven to make why are you still on this show it sounds funny I won a triple clown why you online well if Jimmy's limped here from the small blind in Giovanni and tonight that test the time thing that for how much talked about do you think you'll survive it well the scene there's a proclaim poker for six years I'm just balling after all what is pulling out control actually mean it's something you'll never go is it the jakey's this is the jakey's and the new car you reckon they'll accept that for blackjack raise Wow strong rays from Sofia look at that I mean you could say that is to kind of raise where you're not gonna get called unless you're in trouble but he's just had his hand into a toe bluff face you could say that which is not too bad I mean I see dogs do that a lot Timoshenko was done he's he may have sort of worked out that Timoshenko probably would have raised an ace for the small blind yeah Timoshenko knows that Safina would have raised an ace from the big blind if he didn't he wouldn't be raised this floppy just cool right now trying to rely on Safina I just can't believe that for Safina 40 days 10 but he's since then he's please you know he actually had some really good and he's done a lot of things right I mean I think he's got some experience playing online david sending me is a massive presence on this table did you find Safina tough to read when you're down there down there do you think people getting any physical tells often I was reading pretty well but I never had any hands to go at him or I didn't have the right stack yeah well Timoshenko about 13 big blinds too many to go all-in or too few not to go on I don't make it too big Luke's moving online to one with Blair than me he probably knows I don't it looks alive by their ranges awfully well yeah question well I think it's pretty standard you don't want to give up like king/queen company coming over the top and a quick call from David Mann you mean it's likely yes that phase deuce is in trouble for Timoshenko if he if he felt falls out here it's going to be 16 points through three matches much like yourself Roland a little work to do yeah buddy the decks been hitting this guy over this all over the park no ace becomes an ace no he thinks different thing is the Queen on the turn from the extra outs tens no good nah David hit the one out earlier and look how things have changed for him for Timoshenko a hard-fought third-place paid well I mean he owned Roland did that part he really played that part well he's like so right through Roland's cards singers get lucky and some other pot I think third was about deserved heads up Safina benjamine huge opportunity for benjamine and the best way right is just played slow grinding grind he's just gonna wanting to play small pots in position just nicking them I think all this Christmas I mean even if Benjamin has something like two sixes two sevens to eight he's not gonna want to stack off right he's gonna want to stack off with two sevens two sixes two eights this is heads-up you don't fold pocket twos it's a bit different like in a cash game but no it's more in a tournament the you can't fold her a pair heads up any pair and yeah if he raises you can shove all day with that but you don't want to cool off with twos but you might have to if you're playing a better player yeah but Dave is never gonna call off with a small pair that's what you say in this particular situation yeah he'll call off the date of sevens and sixes he might not fall off with twos and threes but if the price is right which it probably will be by that point and a lead in here from Safina now the Benjamin's hit his card I mean if any means playing on a million it's just is this standard to call here you might be raised now he won't be raisins starting to think he might have a little weed on Safina was this just sort of he knows that Safina could be leading here with green ten jacked em some straight draws six seven stuff like that so he doesn't want to give doesn't really want to give a free card so I'm just gonna raise it and take it down he knows the phenyl groups not in his arsenal just to re-raise him all in with anything apart so I like David many reading to be raised I was first blood to David head-to-head Fanning me with a slight lead in the in the stats they're pretty similar Safinaz actually been more aggressive overall Giovanni's what chucks what do you think we do with Jax Rowland thing he's gonna raise anything's gonna raise she's gonna rain praise Benjamin's overall playing here not to play any fights out of position yeah I think that's the best thing to do but he's leaking a bit here if he's calling the raiser tonight it just doesn't need to get himself in a top pair trouble well that's pretty good flop it's a feeding a one over card David's not gonna be testing too much with air he might play his marginal hamstrung but when he's got air like this one I think if David was to bluff at this flop he would have just led out instead of these little chat raise shrap avoided looks like Benjamin might just want to play every flop there's play to the stacks both these players have more than 35 big blinds if david benjamine wins here he'll end up with 24 points 2nd place would give him 19 either he's gonna put him in good shape copy the wind slightly more important for Safina overall but you think it's the feeling we probably be able to like grind out like another 5 points from the last two heats and he can play the top if he wins is he can really make the top 4 and this is kind of what was going on before right Luke I mean a lot of players would never call with deuces they be rear Azinger pending he doesn't want to stack off with him I think you should have just shoved I think here he might go one bet and then it might even be razor he should travel now the dudes are good a lot of the time here on this flop if he raises Safina doesn't really have it in them to just reread back with nothing so I think twos is the best play and you don't give any free cards if you do have the best best time something like a minimum re-raise and see what happens I just you just called now a smart play from bending me now would be to Tibet look it could look like he's got a 7/8 he's lucky that the the Safina doesn't value bad like the straight on the board though he's not sipping the check by the time that is gonna level the doors for hands now heads up and make Safinaz acquitted himself quite well limp in from David Benjamin these are the kind of pots he wants to play when they both have nothing and he's on the button I mean how many times out of 10 do you think benjamine wins this ends up like my date Benjamin's are great sure he's not no limit shot but he's gonna reading all these situations for from the end after the break welcome back to Las Vegas blinds are up and it's time to get back to the table call I see a queen-high flopper this is good stuff from Safina isn't it it's a 95 this is this is the way he should be playing sink pressure on David saying I'm not scared to play big pots what David shouldn't be limping with Queen 5 I don't think he should be raising his blind a limp summit week with the time active queen 5 doesn't flop well you just want to raise a folder that's all if it isn't David sort of tailoring his plate yeah but the way you grind someone is by raising them to make some harder David raised there I think Giovanni just falls sweet life that's gonna be caught take a flop now David looks like he's gonna give Safina some of his own medicine I don't think it's gonna work but let's see Safina misses this flop probably will brains put him in a pretty dangerous position involved 115,000 I wonder what do you like this is kinda spooky cause freeze accordingly misses the flop then David Ben well he might only take it down on sort of like a cyclops I don't think they've been who's gonna been to a mine becoming like seven yeah he wins the drive flops youngin though this is gonna be interesting at the least let's see if David many moons got three bullets at him because three bullets here he'll get him off the top of the river but also I mean Benjamin might be thinking if I checked the flop Safinaz not gonna not gonna bit bluff me on the fly David asked about her he would know he would never check this flop after raising pre plunge to make any sense that is 110 thousand we're gonna do we did see Safina fall to a stand before which was a bad fold I think he's gonna peel one off here and unfold the turn if Benjamin can fire another bullet unless it comes to club of the time so weird you can't like give the vena the ace here you think he'd be raising with a nice that's why Benjamin should be fairly disturb if it brings Benjamin light through I don't know if he was peril if that tear do what he I don't think there's any other player in the Premier League that would fold the king what's interesting I mean important just folding that second pair on the flop Safina must perceive benjamine is sort of tight though he just thought the Benjamin had a big house they'll call I mean this is the first time Safinaz ever played with Benjamin second anyway right and maybe from all he's seen Benjamin has raised to 140,000 boom benjamin is consistently limping from the button and Safinaz putting pressure on still dead even here it's a Phoenix go catch it a few cards check check but that shows a lot of that Safinaz thinking a lot I mean that limp was to try and trap he's and Benjamin didn't go for it yeah it was genius check-check Damon's gonna need every time especially that son destroyed Safina my cool lead check well I think that's bad yeah lots of outs for Ben you mean is there a bluff in there ATK out there it's a pretty bad card to bluff because well it's gonna get through but Safina done is 70 so you should know that if David Benjamin had any like Jack turn he's only repping like that Jack Paul right but anyway subpoena doesn't he's really he hasn't made a pair yet Ben you mean call sure then you mean has lift this pot a little bit of an action fly to straight draws a piece that is 40,000 if Safina calls here and he has should then you mean be barreling this term if they miss probably not right he should not just depends what the town is I think if it's a low card I think like a - I was gonna say you should definitely borrow this yeah yeah since he knows that Safina doesn't have a maid hand to just check all the flock thought she wrote roland didn't even know that yeah he instantly said no he shouldn't vote I was right I didn't think the Queen hi had showdown value apparently it does I mean bending me was just completely giving up yeah but was it bad it was bad there hasn't been much chip movement Giovanni just dipped under a million penny mean is kind of grinding him yeah what I was expected was well he's the way more experienced said that alone so it sounds slightly the bear of cards - I mean if you're Benjamin right now your radar is up for a cooler right you're just trying to twelve void yep I'd be about that but forty thousand and even be prepared that's why Luke says you have to go like two sixes I don't think you do I think you don't need to put yourself on the spot you might be 50/50 when you're gonna have like a huge edge just grind this day let's similar hands here since I can see the whole class car see David's like keeping the pot small here he's right too isn't he I think is not what the kingdom you should be raising that lack was talking about you need to bet to find out where you are in pogrom stuffers you're not winning pots with you Limpy car trouble potentially you're limping isn't Babin limit raising or just two point one to go to okay here is this all over it's all over what do you think you think Benny make you get and get away from this so that car broke I think you can get away who David anyone can go away no I think you can not do his whole state he's going to do I do no one know what you're talking about it's 300 K in the middle and this guy's got to pop that or double for 150,000 there's no way the penny mean could ever get away from this and he's just gonna want to get it in now although I think they're cause best if I was been you mean well there might be a scare card on the turn maybe it's only an ace is the only scare card I think that calls the Bester because David Benjamins he knows he's gonna go broke with it so why not try and let this guy hit something if he's got Jack turn or they squeal or something just call what can this guy play what if they don't david benjamin razors here then he I can this guy play with worse is what David Benjamin's thinking because he's so tight so that's why I think he should just cool David Benjamin thinks he's got the best hand here all day he's not thinking about race holding he's just looking to raise pools of 300 he just opened that Safinaz got something like eight nine tens Jack's queens and just shoves in now he's gone but of course he's going all-in it's definitely going on yeah only re-raise all-in my god he's called obviously how can David like it chat for money with this you get trapped he's top hair Safina Safinaz on the verge saved on now he's annoyed Safina anything means got like 400k back but Safina on the verge look at that 82% er he's gonna win a Premier League oh well he's still smiling that's classy he must be gutted okay yesterday part to that time today he's saying the turn beat him a couple times David benjamine 24 points through two matches and for Giovanni Safina 15 points and well in the defending of the Premier League standing and it's a second-place finish for Giovanni who's our online qualifier so such a good result against a group of pros give us your impressions Oh Joe Joe Gatto Baca Rivera meant bad luck today I made a really great - you're not gonna try to just be modest or anything but you always look really good when you're making the right decisions and and it looks like apparently I've been making almost always the right decision and at least on big decisions they could have taken me out and and yesterday as well so it looks really good you know but there's a lot of like there he says like I think he's being a little bit modest as well but thank you very much and good luck in your next match thank you thank you Phil Laak holds on to the top spot great result for David Benjamin he jumps into second JC Tran holding on and yevgenii Timoshenko now in this hop zone in the playoffs of Safinaz 11 points move him to fit the wolf would have wanted more but he's still okay for Fraser Andrew so they're looking behind them to the relegation zone trouble for helmets and Negreanu who've already played two matches for Schwartz and Tony's jeez they'll have the next game to make things right next time can League leader Phil Laak make it three out of three and will Ben you mean in Tran managed to move away from the pack or a Luke Schwartz and Tony G take advantage of the game in hand and move up the table i waited i trapped him i checked behind our three bears everything right and if it's a jack or a ten so I'm loving game broken this would be sick run whatever like a baby because part of what I'm talking about is talking about if the pain comes on to see it razor sharp clean right out of the gate I don't know if you realized but I'm just I just created excitement in your life guys are in trouble now [Music]
Channel: partypokerTV
Views: 258,150
Rating: 4.6019654 out of 5
Keywords: premier league poker, poker premier league, partypoker premier league, poker on tv, tv poker, nlh, texas holdem, texas holdem poker, tournament poker, poker tournaments, poker tournament, poker 2020, partypoker, party poker, poker party, poker, party poker live, season 4, episode 11, season 4 episode 11, Daniel Negreanu, Phil Hellmuth, Vanessa Rousso, David Benyamine, Giovanni Safina, Ian Frazer, Yevgeniy Timoshenko, Jesse May, Luke Schwartz, kara scott
Id: seryoEnKLQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 0sec (5760 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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