10 Heartwarmingly Wholesome Moments in Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal the setting of warhammer 40k is full of death destruction genocide and occasionally some sex it is called grimdark for a reason where morally good people are few and far between fighting a desperate losing struggle against the darkness that threatens to sodomize all metaphorically of course except but did you know that throughout all that depressing loss there are moments of pure wholesomeness when characters go that extra mile to look after the well-being of their fellows and share a special moment moments that make your heartstrings go tingly there have been more than one occasion where i've gotten a little giddy while listening to a warhammer audio book due to how unexpected our beautiful moment was before we get started i'm a big believer in the philosophy that everyone should have a sensible day job but also to invest in a side hobby or hustle which could end up delivering them to their dream situation i mean that's literally what i did with youtube as such you 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that in mind the first 1000 people to use my link below and sign up to skillshare will get their first month free meaning you can jump on and see if it's the right fit for you and then either go for it or pull out for free choose the skillshare for sponsoring this video today we'll go over 10 heartwarming wholesome moments from warhammer 40k there are actually a lot more than 10 moments so if this video does well like and share then there's no reason why i won't make another one yeah not much else to say about it so grab your teddy bear and let's get into it [Music] we all know and love the chapter master of the blood angels dante and it's no secret that dante is [ __ ] sick of warhammer and he just wants to die he literally says it on the regular how he wants nothing more than the cool embrace of death fair enough if i was 1 500 years old and had fought every horror the galaxy had to offer i'd probably want to eat a bullet as well after being horrifically wounded yet achieving victory over the tyrionids during the devastation of bull dante begins to die and he feels peace for the first time in years he sees the sanguino in a vision and he begins to accept his death then the sangono steps aside and sang [ __ ] guineas is standing there dante is like holy [ __ ] hey dad is this it can i finally die and sanguinis is like no you must suffer more for the good of mankind your destiny does not end here lord of angels then the peaceful sensation of death vanishes and the agony of life returns as dante comes back to life and consciousness now i get why that doesn't sound super wholesome dante was denied the one thing he'd earned and wanted but you gotta remember that sanguinius is dead and his soul is broken for him to pull himself together enough to give dante the will to keep fighting would have taken a massive amount of effort sanguinis knew he was asking a lot of dante so he took it upon himself to be the one to ask him overall a wholesome difficult moment between father and son orcs are a pain in the ass and not very wholesome however the pressure they put on the galaxy can create wholesome moments when a big ass awkward attacked rin's world the homeworld of the crimson fists [ __ ] didn't go so well for the boys in red and blue their fortress was destroyed and most of their brothers died during the evacuation and the long-ass walk to somewhat safety a journey that included many civilians a mother who was carrying her two children collapsed in exhaustion pedro cantor the chapter master of the crimson fist got others to take the children off her he then reached out to her with his battle brother believing he was going to deliver the emperor's mercy aka a cheeky neck snap to the exhausted woman who could barely keep her eyes open instead pedro said you have done your part and carried your burden now it's time someone carried you pedro then lifted up the woman and carried her the rest of the way i reckon the crimson fists are actually pretty underrated especially when they have enough wholesomeness to rival the salamanders to say tech priests are cold and emotionless is a bit of an understatement the majority of them have the emotional parts of their brains removed and replaced with bits of metal and computing hardware so when they do end up acting with emotion it hits that much harder there were two tech priests who were in love and considered each other husband and wife despite the mechanics not really believing in that sort of thing when the word bearers attacked calf at the start of the horus heresy they were positioned to get a pretty easy win however an ultramarine counter attack made it a lot tighter that key counter attack was only possible due to the love of these two tech priests early on in the invasion the husband tech priest was killed however he had created an anti-virus that could protect against the word bearer scrap code hence re-enable a lot of the ultramarine's technology only his wife was able to uncover it due to the bond they shared with the override code to launch the antivirus requiring two numbers one was the day she was born the other was the day she became a tech priest if they just had a normal professional relationship it's unlikely she would have recognized the antivirus he created and it's impossible she would have known both his override codes so there you go even on the battlefield love can bloom another wholesome tech priest moment was when a lonely male tech priest on a far flung station decides to clone himself to get an assistant as well as a successor however the clone turned out to be a female hence quite different to himself this kicks in his fatherly instincts which overrides his mechanical processes and he raises the clone like a daughter he forsakes all mechanicus protocols because it makes her happy teaching her everything he knows so she could surpass him one day the most heartwarming part is the fact that generally the protocol would have been to exterminate the clone due to the incorrect gender but he did the literal exact opposite vulcan as a character is so wholesome like holy [ __ ] this isn't news to anybody with the emperor literally saying that vulcan was his greatest creation because he had what no other primark had genuine kindness and empathy however the most wholesome moment out of everything was when he burnt that [ __ ] elder child now sorry it's when vulcan offered dorne a hug after they had gone through so much [ __ ] dawn makes a joke about not wanting to hug vulcan but vulcan hugs him anyway and after a moment dawn hugs him back it's important to remember how much [ __ ] the loyalist primarks had gone through losing their brothers getting tortured seeing centuries of progress turned to dust a hug was exactly what they needed imperial fists and iron warriors hate each other this is common knowledge with no other rivalry in the entirety of 40k coming close so it's funny to think that two of the most well-known characters from each legion shared the most wholesome friendship you've probably heard of alexis pollock's a huge imperial fist of studies with an intellect that could rival the primarchs he was an absolute specimen then there is barbarous danteok a genius godty iron warriors warsmith that told perturber to eat a fat dick when he turned tradar after [ __ ] over purdy like a boss danteok retreats to ultramar and is ordered by giliman to try understand and use the pharos device a mysterious xenobeacon with very potent powers such as the ability to teleport people across the stars instantly and act like a mini astronomicon it pretty much won the loyalists the war pollux arrives and isn't keen on seeing an iron warrior garrison even though they are loyalists so whilst they agreed to work together by order of giliman the imperial fists look down on their iron cousins however eventually pollux and danteok develop a mutual respect that becomes a friendship that becomes a brotherhood when pollock's fought conrad curse on mccrag d'antioch used the fast device to save pollux he would save pollux again by blowing up the forest device mortally wounding himself pollux finds his brother's broken corpse and cradles it insisting he will live as the iron warrior's life slowly faded it was very much comparable to king theoden's death scene with his daughter comforting him except instead of a chick who pretended to be a dude it's a giant astartes who is almost as tall as a primark it gets even more wholesome pollux refused to leave danteok's body guarding it despite the battle being over giliman himself has to come in person to relieve pollux of his vigil and even then pollux insists on being the one to carry dentiok's body this level of emotional connection is extremely rare for astartes made even rarer by being between a fist and an iron warrior it's implied that if perthy wasn't such a bitter [ __ ] and dawn wasn't such a closed off brick wall they could have formed a similar bond to this although warhammer is all about eternal war and whatnot numerous primarks and even the emperor had genuinely planned for an era of peace and wholesome family bonding post-grey crusade the emperor had created different rooms for the primark within the imperial palace whilst gilean had done a similar thing in mccrag even including rooms for his two lost brothers when dawn was taking down all the imperial palace's pretty [ __ ] and replacing it with a [ __ ] ton of guns and other anti-chaos stuff which wasn't exactly aesthetic he felt a lot of sorrow and news that when the war was over he would restore the palace to its prior beauty it shows that there was hope the primarks and even space marines would discuss what they would do after the great crusade regularly you know aruman that legendary sorcerer of death who wants to crack open the black library he originally wanted to attend his vineyard full time when the wars were over the night lords aren't exactly known for their wholesomeness especially since they threw their lot in with the traders however they did have their moments most notably was the relationship between talos and his slaves septimus and octavia he was very harsh and cold but occasionally would open up and humor them this next bit is a bit spoilery for those reading the nightlord's omnibus so feel free to skip ahead but when he knew he wasn't going to survive his next battle he freed both of them from his servitude and told them how to best escape and survive to raise their child together it was nice continuing about night lord wholesomeness savitar is a beast and one of the best astartes to ever live he also possessed an extreme sense of justice when he was captured and imprisoned by the dark angels he made friends with a young psycho girl in a nearby cell upon discovering that the prison oversee had viciously beat the [ __ ] out of the poor girl permanently crippling her he broke out of prison and brutally killed the overseer before then surrendering to the dark angels and going back in his cell wholesomeness doesn't always have to involve hugs or love sometimes it just means murdering the [ __ ] out of an abusive [ __ ] and finally giliman's relationship with gilly mum is a very wholesome thing this peaked when giliman was stuck behind an invisible wall that blocked a portal that led home to mccrag but he could see and communicate with the other side however when he found out that his mum had nearly been torn to shreds by conrad curse he simply walked through the invisible barrier through pure force of will just so he could comfort her if you enjoy the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be we're only one dollar per month to give you access to a boatload of battle mace 40 million shmentai hit the subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more wholesome content join me to school for more memes and i'll see you in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 586,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: mVLEJ9awLos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2022
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