Top 10 Worst Things Ellen Has Done

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[Music] she may be popular and beloved by many but Ellen DeGeneres can be quite the controversial figure welcome to in which Ellen DeGeneres displayed unsavory behavior this can come in the form of controversial moments on her show or allegations that were made against her in the media number 10 forgetting Katy Perry was married Ellen has had a few problematic run-ins with poor Katy Perry one came in October 2017 when Ellen referenced Katie's breasts on Twitter while wishing her a happy birthday the post was immediately labeled as sexist and some people saw it as a double standard within the industry especially amidst the me2 movement that was occurring at the time another instance occurred on Ellen's show when she told Katy Perry directly to her face that she was never married when I was 25 Katy was forced to awkwardly remind her about Russell Brand which probably wasn't easy considering she battled depression after the divorce to make matters worse Katy had to remind Ellen that she gave her wedding gifts on the show remember you gave me some wedding gifts on this show number 9 making Kathy Griffin cry there have long been rumors and allegations that Ellen is not nearly as friendly as her public persona suggests in fact Kathy Griffin references this in her book Kathy Griffin's celebrity run-ins my a-to-z index saying that Ellen has quote a mean streak that all of Hollywood knows about I'm almost positive a certain beloved daytime talk-show host once had me kicked out of the backstage dressing room at the Primetime Emmy Awards while Kathy doesn't explicitly mention Ellen's name she accidentally revealed that the allegations were about Ellen while promoting the book she was furious she really was on a rant this caused Ellen to call her up and as Kathy recalls quote I think she had a thought that she was going to put me in my place the two proceeded to fight over the phone and when Kathy eventually hung up she sobbed like a baby her words not ours let's move on I said oh this is my experience with you I said you're you've been mean to me I'm not saying you're mean person across the board but you can't like take my sore anyways like my experience number eight calling out Nancy so before the show I put out some Ellen products with a sign that said only one per person and I just wanted to see how honest my audience was you know maybe we present to you one of the most controversial bits in Ellen history to test the honesty of her audience Ellen and her team set up hidden cameras in the gift shop and placed them near a free swag table the catch you could only take one free item I mean any of you could have taken more than one thing and you didn't except for these ladies right here well a good old Nancy took more than one item so Ellen decided to call her out in front of everyone and on camera and proceeded to make her sit in Ellen Jail which was a very high seat to the side of the stage you think nobody's watching you and you just need to be a good person just because you want to be a good person you go sit in that Ellen Jail over there right now yeah the whole thing was most likely staged but still that just proves how fake and manufactured these hilarious skits really are number seven annoying celebrities there are times Ellen can be so annoying that even her guests can't hide their frustration every now and again Ellen does some kind of remote segment where she takes celebrities out and does silly things with them in public and inevitably some end and the guest telling Ellen how annoying she is trust me I don't just hold that two great examples of this happening are Michelle Obama and Cher when Ellen took Michelle Obama shopping to prepare her for life outside the White House it ended with Michelle telling Ellen that she's really annoying you know you're really annoying it's like taking a three-year-old to the store meanwhile Cher's clip sees her and Ellen styling hair for some fans and wouldn't you know it it ends with Ellen making fun of Cher's lyrics and cher calling Ellen a [ __ ] yeah she knows me they know me better than they know you number six not working with Howard Stern remember when Ellen was a judge on American Idol one of the few people I think we can be honest with Simon about how he takes on the contestants yes is that your plan I'm sorry I wasn't listening back in 2010 Ellen and Howard Stern were embroiled in some drama when it was announced that Stern was potentially taking over for Simon Cowell Ellen wasn't having any of that and she allegedly claimed that she would leave the show if Stern was brought in but here's here's the thing I was scared of you for years I mean years Howard reciprocated telling Entertainment Tonight quote I won't work with Ellen she's out if I come in he was a bit more candid on his radio show saying quote I'm not gonna sit there with her that dummy luckily they seemed to have made up and Ellen revealed on stern shows that being a judge on American Idol was quote one of the worst decisions she'd ever made Claire step forward and then step back real quick you're all going through [Applause] Sage's number five Dakota Johnson's birthday party why I didn't even know you liked me of course I like you you knew I liked you you've been on the show many times and and don't I show like if you're not gonna show up to someone's birthday party you better have a solid excuse Ellen did not this awkward interaction began when Ellen claimed that she wasn't invited to Dakota Johnson's birthday party how was the party I wasn't invited actually no that's not the truth Ellen you were invited Dakota however did invite Ellen she just didn't show up yeah but I did invite you and you didn't come so this time you invited me yeah are you sure yeah Ellen's crew vaguely responded that she was out of town and Ellen answered an agreement by saying that she had that thing why didn't I go I don't know was it was it oh yeah I had that thing when Ellen remembered that she'd been invited she said that Malibu was too far away so to recap she lied to Dakota by saying she wasn't invited she didn't give Dakota an excuse for not showing up only to claim that the party was too far away some friend no I think I do remember I was invited thank you no but I really didn't remember that until just now number four she didn't support the writers strike I'm Greg Daniels the showrunner for the office and this is our second day of picketing in order to shut down our own show from November 2007 to February 2008 Hollywood went through the Writers Guild of America strike centered on increasing funding and profits for professional film and television writers Ellen was identified as the first scab of the strike as she crossed the picket lines and went back to work after just one day of protesting alongside her writers the WGA East subsequently declared that Ellen was quote not welcome in New York following her decision and scathingly stated that she quote couldn't even stand by her writers for more than one day writers who have helped make her extremely successful very much I mean they want for extra DVD and they want 2.5% of whatever they make for profits for Internet number 3 people can't talk to her on set allegedly if any stock is to be found in an anonymous insider sources an Ellen really isn't a good person to work for for one you literally can't even speak to her radar Online has alleged that only a select few employees are allowed to speak to Ellen on set they claimed that employees are also expected to turn their backs Talon as she walks by which to us sounds a little extreme and gossipy but hey it could be true the source is directly quoted as saying quote no one is allowed to engage Ellen in conversation or even look her in the eye we got wanting to work on a big-time talk show but that sounds like a pure nightmare number two the George W Bush Fiasco people were upset they thought why is it gay Hollywood liberal sitting next to a conservative Republican president didn't even notice I'm holding the brand new iPhone 11 and Ellen found herself in a bit of trouble when she was caught attending a football game with George W Bush some felt this betrayed Ellen's activism within the lgbtq+ community as w was opposed to same-sex marriage while in office and so I'm sitting in the in the Cowboys suite the owner of the Cowboys and secretly cheering every time the Packers scored or every time another whistleblower came forward Ellen's defense also garnered some criticism she stated that she would be kind to everyone regardless of their personal or political beliefs this response led to accusations that Ellen was practicing clear class solidarity that being kind trumped defending human rights and that she was telling the discriminated to forgive and befriend their oppressors this just isn't to people who have a difference of opinion I know people start bringing up things like war criminal and the election from Al Gore a satirical video about the situation which her team fought to erase certainly did not help matters before we continue be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our late videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one she allegedly treats her staff like peasants I know here's my friend Ron how are you Ron whatever okay so here we go we briefly touched on Ellen's alleged hostile working relationship with her staff but it gets much much worse not only does she allegedly disallow conversation she allegedly treats staffers as peasants [Music] aside from the no speaky speaky thing she apparently also doesn't brief her employees about the show and we assume they're supposed to just go along with your plans it's also reported that she has an enormous ego flips out on people over the smallest things and perhaps worst of all generates discord within her staff by excluding certain people from events to create tension jealousy and hurt feelings she sounds like a great boss do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from WatchMojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos [Music]
Views: 599,038
Rating: 4.6132436 out of 5
Keywords: times ellen was the worst, ellen, ellen degeneres, the ellen show, ellen degeneres the worst, ellen degeneres worst moments, ellen worst moments, ellen degeneres backlash, ellen backlash, celebrities, celeb, celebs, talk show, comedian, tv, funny, awkward, katy perry, kathy griffin, howard stern, dakota johnson, writers strike, george w. bush, lgbtq, lgbtq community, mistreats staff, disgruntled employees, top 10, list, watchmojo, pop culture
Id: i51OMui2nJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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