When Talk Show Hosts Make Celebrities Uncomfortable

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Kimmel: You need to go outside so you know how people hug

Also Kimmel: That's what an orgasm sounds like

👍︎︎ 640 👤︎︎ u/Teddy_jay 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

That Cara Delavigne one just kept going.

👍︎︎ 267 👤︎︎ u/GuiltySpot 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

The Markiplier one always makes my skin crawl. His facial expressions during the interview show how uncomfortable he is.

👍︎︎ 473 👤︎︎ u/Q_and_C 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

I mean it's basically "old men creeping on young beautiful women to applause." Especially Letterman. Fucking gross.

👍︎︎ 977 👤︎︎ u/MrsDiscoB 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

Jesus Christ the Jennifer Anniston one is borderline sexual assault.

👍︎︎ 321 👤︎︎ u/Dawhale24 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

what the FUCK was that Jennifer Anniston clip ? I am genuinely stupefied, I cannot believe my eyes.

👍︎︎ 173 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

I will never see David Letterman the same. So damn gross. I feel bad for the girls.

👍︎︎ 54 👤︎︎ u/emptythelaundry 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

"Did you shampoo your armpit hair? How long did it take you to grow it?" I mean, don't you have armpits? wouldn't that be something you, a man, would know the answer to?

👍︎︎ 227 👤︎︎ u/helloimcold 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

The shittiest part is that there is no "good" option for dealing with this on air, as its happening. Don't say something? You get perved on by creepy old dudes who have gotten way too used to calling the shots. Say something? "Oh c'mon. Cant you take a joke?".

👍︎︎ 139 👤︎︎ u/slippingparadox 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
are you known as it were you known as a good dancer not nationally among your sir what kind of dancing did you do damn it really probably I mean probably my forte was break dancing break it you talking to like popping and locking or spinning what kind of stuff everything huh would you do it out on the street for people to see sometimes but it was more personal it was yeah I like to keep it for myself like a personal expression I didn't need kind of adoration I didn't need people to validate me it's just something I felt inside expressly it's you and a piece of cardboard in your room I know I know so I don't have to put on like a lot of helmets and stuff so don't just be easier for my hairdresser you know just do one thing here I just want to take this mic and put this and readjust your mic slightly we're gonna cut this part out because it's a little too intimate but you're doing the chain if you don't mind your chain was hitting your mic and we couldn't hear you okay are we good now did you get it did he tell you did you have a little earpiece he just looked at me and when he pointed at the prompter and the prompter said chain on mic got it thanks very much now there are really gonna be conspiracy theories like change is good I don't care let him write all right Cara Delevingne I think your embarrassment vessel is quite high why well and we're talking about no we're doing my stage thing about that having sex on a plane as you have clearly but Cara but you you were doing it and then a man with father is here by the way sorry dad oh you're right as weed you mean yeah I was very worried that I don't where's this anecdote going so you were having you were having sex going and someone was watching you yes numb the pilot no yeah it was to start the story but now we are going to ask you to perform in a different nature tonight because no because it's cha cha gold you have a very special skills it's all IQ on chapters like I do this is your Cho skills it involves this don't worry it's like King Kong Big Brother it's at it's totally different I don't think you cook at all I know I'm not a good woman Dave exactly the ultimate test your it smells great you smell nice this has a lovely fragrance it smell good I appreciate that anything I can do yeah it's nice oh and do you are you married my ask if you're married I I you and I have something in common when I was 21 I get married are you married not no I was married I was married for 10 years I have 21 see and and I think looking back on it probably it was too young to be getting married yeah yeah I'm told you're covered with tattoos yeah I am how many do you have I have about eight Wow and Wow and I'm not gonna get up on your desk required the food is not a physical involved with this visit [Music] you're well hey congratulations on being an acquaintance Tarantino movie that's kind of fantastical yeah are you too young to really appreciate that no you're not they're not your feet are prominently featured in the movie they're very prominent unfortunately I think we can say you play a member of the Manson Family hippie yes you have armpit hair is that your real armpit hair or is it like little wigs they're in the inside no really I guess girl a lot of how long did it take you to grow it out to get it fully out I started only a couple weeks before shooting but as a long shooting process and and and by the end I really had some you had it gone did you enjoy that laser is there a you shampoo that and conditioner or is it or are you just just Ybarra soap I just did the soap thing justice or bio I maybe I should have conditioned that's why right yeah commercial no it's quite as a terrible day how does it end to what end what happens it ends happily oh really yeah well since the the young girl and the old man get married no no no no you ever been married if she shoves him off I'm to the person he belongs okay I'm not talking about the film do yourself a date an older man what's the oldest man you've ever gone out with 25 ever been out with a guy 30 yes 35 yes 48 I know now that I'm gonna stop asking you about this miserable part of your life Oh God your ears are just perfect and the film opens this weekend right and yes this last weekend it open and it's sort of growing a little bit more it's opening in like New York and Los Angeles and then all over the country right yeah well it's a lovely lovely piece of work as as are you and I'm there to explain how people discover this extraordinary birds of paradise and what the male birds of paradise - always has ratio upside down and whistle that's good nice nice yeah and the other one is another male of species has got long quills coming out of his tail and what he goes is to turn round and then flick his friend across the face with his now let me get you a drink look at this Oh Rajee and I you can let your hair down what you fancy um what are you what are you well I'm it's not doing all of this on a regular basis though I mean you can have I mean there's Bacardi Breezer do you like that we've got red what oh you're upsetting seen the show before brain a nice wine isn't it yeah it's brewed in ask it this is your British chat show I was expecting and don't sound these patrons but I was expecting like a kiddie albums you know what I mean but it's really spunky it's really got a groove going on oh well thank you very much I appreciate that now is it true spunky [Applause] forgive me if this is rude I just want to try one thing Anton so we're gonna see your parents who think they're on a roller coaster your mother having an orgasm that would sound like it so it sounds like that would sound like that I hate watching other people have fun really no person you have a girlfriend not right now I have a boyfriend you have a boy yeah but look at him he's not bad right he's got a million views you know you got abuses your boyfriend now he doesn't do YouTube he doesn't do YouTube oh the loser would not hey look you want it to look just as good as him right the same yeah this is the secret istic I was gonna wear one of these but my arms are a little flabby haha should we make a video let me take over for you I'm gonna try to I'm gonna try rally the team here I feel like I'm in the teacups at Disneyland did we win yeah and you know what I feel like you had a part of that victory also I know well thanks guys thank you thank you I think we need a hug hug it out all right okay yeah I know you guys should do try being around other humans what everyone saw cuz humans
Channel: Enigma
Views: 6,421,343
Rating: 4.8635879 out of 5
Keywords: When Talk Show Hosts Make Celebrities Uncomfortable, celebrities, when talk show hosts make guests uncomfortable, When Talk Show Hosts Make Guests Uncomfortable, talk shows, when talk show hosts make celebrities uncomfortable, when talk show hosts, awkward, uncomfortable interviews with celebrities, uncomfortable interviews, uncomfortable, jimmy kimmel joaquin phoenix awkward, jimmy kimmel joaquin phoenix, ellen, jimmy fallon, funny, celebrity, late night, talk show hosts, talk show
Id: uylGt3HL3g8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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