Top 10 Marvel MCU Movies Ranked | Generations React

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- Such a great movie. It started it all. - It was the biggest film last year. ♪ (industrial intro) ♪ - (FBE) So today, in honor of the release of Avengers: Endgame. - Oh my God. - (FBE) We polled all the staff at FBE as well as our reactors, which is 331 people. - Whoa. Big family. - (FBE) We asked these 331 people to rank their top ten favorite MCU movies, not including Endgame, since not everyone has seen it while we're filming this and we're gonna see if you can guess the correct order. - Oh God. This is gonna be interesting. I haven't seen any. - I grew up reading comics. I still read comics. My number one is not gonna be everyone else's number one. - I grew up with comic books. Superman, Green Hornet. I grew up with-- but at a certain point, I grew up. - (Spider-Man) This is my chance to prove myself. - Oh, Spider-Man. - (woman) What is going on with you? - (Spider-Man) I'm really sorry. I'm so busy. - Homecoming is my favorite of the most recent MCU films. - Oh, I'm so ready for the second one this summer. - Spider-Man, I feel like everyone loves Spider-Man, right? There's 50 of them, aren't there? - With that movie in particular, maybe not so high. I'm gonna put it at six. - I'm putting it at number eight. We have seen so many different people playing that character, so it's nothing new. - (robot voice) The upgrade is complete. - I love Tony Stark so much. Oh my God, this was a minute ago. - (man) Damn. - (Stark) Good luck keeping up. - I like how his suit evolved now. So much better. - He was cute, but I feel like I'd want him to wear the suit all day long. You know what I mean? Can you just put the suit back on? - Such a great movie. It started it all, but the problem is, is do people respect that when they make the list? - This is definitely top three. It has to be. It's an OG right there. - Oh [bleep]. - That's not-- oh, that's the original one. Okay. Yeah, when they first came out, everybody was really gung-ho about it. They all wanted to go see it. - This looked pretty good. I think I've been missing something. I put it five. I don't think it quite to the level of Spider-Man, but who knows. - Two, 'cause there might be something I'm not thinking about that could be number one. - Three because it's just a classic. That's the foundation of Marvel. - Oh, my favorite. - (Peter) Hey, that's mine. - Fantastic movie, too. - (Peter) Hey, take those headphones off right now. - The soundtrack to the Guardians movies are always so good. - I love this franchise. They're just funny just to be funny and I think that's great, 'cause usually a lot of Marvel movies can be a little bit dark. - (man 1) They call themselves the guardians of the galaxy. - (man 2) What a bunch of a-holes. - He's right. - (singing along) ♪ Hooked on a feeling ♪ ♪ I'm high on believing ♪ - Yeah, Guardians of the Galaxy. Yeah, they're at Disneyland. That's where I know them. They're going at five. - That movie's good though. I think I'm gonna put it above Iron Man 1. - I'm putting it as my number one because I love Guardians of the Galaxy. It has the best music, it's funny but it's still a lot of action and intense moments and he's relatable and he's hot as [bleep] and Groot is so cute. - (Fury) There was an idea. - Is this the first Avengers? - (Fury) A group of remarkable people. - Oh, this was the very first one that they put everybody together. - Oh my God. Oh, Loki. - Number one, definitely. - Seeing them in these trailers after I've already seen Endgame is insane and crazy to see them. Little did they know that this would turn into something so incredibly massive. - Didn't do too much. A little static, that one was. Seven, the Avengers. - I'll put Avengers at nine. - This has gotta be up there. This has gotta be up there, 'cause it has all of them. I'm putting Avengers, OG Avengers as number two. - Oh my God, this is a good movie. - Infinity War. - Oh yes, Spidey. - (T'Challa) Evacuate the city. Engage our defenses. - Ooh. - (T'Challa) Get this man a shield. - That line was so iconic. - People love this movie. I thought it was just a really long action scene. - It's a good-ass movie. Ugh. - It was big. I was like the Super Bowl. You just-- and the same thing's happening right now with Endgame. - What's it called? - (FBE) Infinity War. - Infinity War. I'm gonna put this at eight. - I'm gonna put it at number three. This is where I'm gonna have a dissenting opinion. I don't think Infinity War is great. - I really wanna put this one at number one. I know people who didn't even like the Avengers like that movie. - Ooh, is this Thor: Ragnarok? - He's handsome. - This scene. This scene, come on. - Number one. - (Thor) Yes. We know each other. He's a friend from work. - This might be one of the funniest Marvel movies. - Thor and Hulk are just a buddy cop film. - This one was my favorite. - Okay, Ragnarok is so good, too. These are all so good. I feel like I'd put all of these in my list. - Number nine. I feel like it wasn't that big of a deal to Marvel fans. - Ragnarok is really dope, but I feel like it's really slept on so I'm thinking that Ragnarok is an eight. - If anyone knows anything about film, they would make this number one. I'm putting him at number one because he deserves it. - Yes. Absolutely. - Oh okay, this is the one I saw. - (woman) You get to decide what kind of king you are going to be. - It was the biggest film last year. - (woman) Don't freeze. - (T'Challa) I never freeze. - This one also, I could watch over and over and over again. - Oh, and the soundtrack was so good, too. Everything about this movie was so good. - It was good. It wasn't the best, but it was good. I'm gonna put it at seven. - I'll put it at number two. Everyone loves Black Panther. - Everyone in the office was talking about Black Panther and I'm sure all of the other reactors loved Black Panther so I'm thinking it's number one. - (Rocket) Does anybody have any tape out there? I wanna put some tape over the death button. - (Peter) Nobody has any tape. - It's a great movie too. - (Rocket) Not a single person has tape? - (Peter) You have an atomic bomb in your bag. If anybody's gonna have tape, it's you. - (screams) He's so cute. - Second one, in my opinion, was better than the first one. - I watched that one at least ten times, man. It was just so good. I got it for number five. - I'm gonna put it at nine for now. - It's a great movie, but I think the first Guardians of the Galaxy was so great that it was hard to live up to it. I'm gonna put it at seven, but I'm gonna adjust it. - It's another OG one. Winter Soldier. - You know, I actually didn't watch this one. I did not watch Winter Soldier. - Definitely my daughter's favorite of the franchise. - People love this movie too. This is actually a really good one. - I kinda like it because it's kinda like-- if you watch the first one, you know all the character, a continuation of it and also, the time period. - Captain America's up there with Iron Man, so I'm gonna definitely put that at three. - Ten, 'cause not a lot of people like Captain America that much. I like him for his looks and that's about it. - (Captain America) This doesn't have to end in a fight, Tony. - Oh, Civil War. - This is what really got me into Marvel movies. - (Iron Man) Stay down. Final warning. - I could do this all day. - This was a good movie. It's definitely not number ten. - This was so painful. I do not like when my boys fight. I don't care for it. - It's so intense, so good. 'Cause this really split up the fandom. Who's team are you on, you know? - I put it at number ten. - I do that one just for in honor of Robert Downy Jr. - (FBE) And now we'll give you a little chance to rearrange. - Okay, so I said I was gonna switch Guardians one and two, so I'm gonna do that right now. - I think I'm gonna switch Avengers for Avengers: Infinity War, 'cause I remember a lot of people talking about that, so I'll put that at one. - You are-- Homecoming, I'm putting you at ten. I'm sorry. I just switched those three. I have to live with consequences. - (FBE) So now that you're done, we're gonna go from number ten to number one and we'll see how many you got right. - Okay. - (FBE) You get two points for every answer you get spot on and you get one point if you're one away. - Got it. - If I get one point, I succeeded in my opinion. - (FBE) So number ten was Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2. - It helps to not know too much. - What? That's the least rated? That's one of my favorites. - Oh no, what? Are you serious? - (FBE) Number nine is Captain America: Winter Soldier. - Really? Y'all are fools. - Well listen, here. Now we're talking. - (FBE) Number eight was actually Captain America: Civil War. - Okay, I have it at nine. - Dang it. - Oh, that's way off. - Yes, spot on. Hello. - (FBE) So number seven is the Avengers. - Seriously? That was such a good movie. - I put Ragnarok. - Well, dang. That's really wrong. - (FBE) Number six is Spider-Man: Homecoming. - Oh really? I had that at three. - Sorry, you're wrong. Spidey is at number three because it's Spider-Man. - Got it. I just had a feeling. I'm like, Spider-Man has to be up there. - (FBE) Number five is Iron Man. - Really? I didn't think people would have nostalgia for it. I mean, I do. - Yeah, I got that one. - Dead on. - (FBE) You get two points. - I did not even change that. - (FBE) Number four is Thor: Ragnarok. - I had that at ten. That was four? - Okay, I'm one away. - Dead on. I win, game over. Should have been higher, but I'll give you guys credit. - (FBE) Number three is Avengers: Infinity War. - You're kidding. - What's number one? What? - Yeah, spot on. Right on the money. - (FBE) Number two is Guardians of the Galaxy. - Oh, I got that at number three. - I'm good. - See, there we go. You were close. It's supposed to be number one. - (FBE) Which means number one is Black Panther. - What? It was a little overhyped. Just a little bit. - I knew it. I knew it. God dang it. - I was very wrong here. I don't know my fellow FBE members or my Marvel movies very well. - Told you. Told you. I said it, didn't I? I said it. - I got that. - (FBE) So, you have six points in total. That's pretty good. - Yeah, for not knowing anything. Ignorance is bliss. - (FBE) Finally, we also asked everyone if they thought Avengers: Endgame would be their new number one once they saw it. Do you think most people said yes or no? - I feel like most people said yes just 'cause I've seen the hype around that a lot too. - I feel like more people would say yes, 'cause I said yes. - Well according to the box office, it has to be number one. - No, because I'm such a pessimist. The hype is so real and if it's not perfect, then people aren't gonna like it. - (FBE) Surprisingly, the majority of people said no, it wouldn't be their new number one. - Well, that was my second choice. - No, really? No, I think that's my new favorite now. - Once they see it, they'll understand that it's gonna have to be whether they like it or not. I got more into Marvel thanks to this movie. This really was the icing on the cake for all the Marvel movies, definitely. - Thanks for playing along with us on this episode of Generations React. - Subscribe and shoutout to Mark Lover. - Thanks for watching. Don't spoil the Endgame. - Thank you so much for watching this episode of Generations React. Did you know we got awesome t-shirts and hoodies? Make sure you check out so you can help support the channel and look good doing it. Bye, everyone.
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Keywords: Top 10 Marvel MCU Movies Ranked | Generations React, marvel, mcu, iron man, every marvel movie ranked, ranking every marvel movie, marvel movies ranked, black panther, endgame, infinity war, captain america, black widow, avengers, spiderman, thor, chirs pratt, gamora, top 10 mcu movies, top 10 movies, The 10s, top 10, thanos, guardians of the galaxy, mcu ranked, generations react, kids react, teens react, react, reaction, thefinebros, finebros, fine bros, fbe, review, OGGR1915
Id: dn-rK2b84Vw
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Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2019
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