Generations React To Stan Lee (Marvel)

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- (Stan) One person can make a difference. - You made a difference, Stan Lee. - Every generation he's affected, and it will continue to affect every generation beyond this. ♪ (industrial intro) ♪ ♪ (dramatic music) ♪ - Every Stan Lee cameo ever. - Man, this makes me so sad. - Oh my god. You're gonna make me-- you're gonna make me cry! - (sadly) Ah. - (sighs) Jeez. - (Stan Lee) Even doing interviews even though I can't hear most of what the guy says to me. - (chuckles) - What a life he had. I mean, what a wonderful guy he was. - Oh, he even did cameos in the really early stuff. - That's crazy. I didn't even know they go back this deep. - (Spider-Man) Excuse me, I'm looking for some guy named Stan Lee. - (Stan) What? - That voice is so distinctive. - (Stan) As far as I'm concerned, security ought to be-- Good morning, Dr. Krensler. Security ought to be beefed up. - This is so sad. What an actual legend. - (Stan) Look out! (loud thud) - Any time you saw a Marvel movie in theaters, people would cheer during the Stan Lee cameos. It was always a moment where everybody would go like, "There he is!" - (Stan) You know, I guess one person... - (Stan and Jaxon) can make a difference. - (Stan) One person can make a difference. - You made a difference, Stan Lee. - (Stan) Enough said. - Enough said. - Always giving amazing advice. - I really wish I could've met him before he died. He just seems like such an influential person in everyone's lives. - (security man) Invitation, sir. - (Stan) Um, I should be on that list. - (security man) Name? - Stan Lee. - (security man) Yeah, uh, nice try, buddy. - (laughs) - (security) Yeah, uh, nice try, buddy. - (Stan) No, really. I'm Stan Lee. - (laughs) Aw, that one's cute. - (woman) Remember me? - I love this part. This one, the Hugh. - (Tony) You look great, Hef. - (laughs) He played [bleep] Hef? I didn't know that. - (Kat) ...gamma sickness. Milwaukee. - I love that this is his thing, too. It's nice, 'cause he was the one that created this whole universe. - Just seemed like a good guy, never heard anything bad about him. And he brought so much joy to all of us. But he had a long life, so bless him. - This is one of my favorites. - (Stan) Did it work? - (snickers) He's always just so charismatic in those 10 seconds he's in. It's so awesome. - Oh my gosh. This one is one of my favorites ever. - Ah, what a fantastic scene. I remember this. - My kids loved this one, because he's so just out of it. That save right there, that was so brilliant. Oh my gosh. - (Stan) Superheroes in New York? Give me a break. - Yeah, he did do a lot of cameos. - (Stan) I am so fired. - (chuckles) - (laughs) - What an icon. Especially if you know his history and how hard he worked to get to where he's at to even write for Marvel, it's ridiculous. - I didn't even realize he was in Big Hero 6, dude. - (Fred's Dad) Son. - I didn't even know he was in this movie! What?! - Yeah, the hidden part of Big Hero 6. - (Stan) Excelsior. - Ughh! I wanna cry. He's amazing. - (Stan) Hey. - Oh, he was in Agent Carter, too? - A show I wish would've continued, Agent Carter. It was so good. - This one's my favorite one. This is definitely the best one. (knocking) - (Stan) Are you Tony Stank? - (wheezing laughter) - (giggles) - (man) Okay, okay, okay, okay. - Oh, and then the teaser trailer. - Man, even Deadpool. - He was even in the teaser! Even a cameo for the teaser. So funny. - (Stan) Wow. Nice suit! - (Deadpool) Zip it, Stan Lee! - (laughs) - (Stan) At that time, I was a federal expressman. - I knew I'd seen him in a lot, and there are always cameos. I didn't realize that many. - It's sad, because obviously, I'm gonna miss all the cameos and miss seeing him a part of this huge Marvel Universe that he created. But also, I just love the fact that we can all remember him in this great way. - The fact that he even got to see these characters he made come to screen, and he got to, you know, be a part of it is truly amazing. Every generation he's affected, and it will continue to affect every generation beyond this. - (FBE) That was a video compilation of all the famous cameos of Stan Lee, the prolific Marvel Comics figurehead who is responsible for creating many of the classic characters... - Yeah. - (FBE) ...who did pass away this last week. - Yeah, 95. That's a long life. That's a full life. - (FBE) So, we're going to talk about as many aspects of his career as possible in this episode. But first, Marvel put out a very touching tribute to his life, so we're gonna show you that now. - Okay, I'm actually really excited, 'cause I haven't seen this yet. - I'm Stan Lee. We're going to... - (whispers) Wowww. - (Stan) ...that somebody will listen to. - He's so young. Oh my god. - Wow. He once looked like that. Stan Lee, to me, has looked like Stan Lee all my life, never like this. - (announcer) Ladies and gentlemen, the one and only, Mr. Stan Lee. - (audience applauds and cheers) - Someone I'll always wish I would've met. - (Joe) Stan was doing one of his panels, and they asked me to come up and just say hi to him. I felt a little goofy, but I came up. I shook his hand. - Aww. - (Joe) I said, "Hey. They just wanted me to come up here and shake your hand, but while I'm up here, I wanna say thank you. You saved my life." 'Cause the life that I have today... - Awww. - (Joe) ...there's a direct line to that first comic book to here. - Oh my gosh. Like... he did so much. - (Tom) Stan, as a personality, was able to somehow tap into his own larger-than-life, self-effacing and self-aggrandizing at the same time personality. - He's always been the biggest kid, too. His whole career was superheroes, and that's so awesome. - (Sana) I think Stan Lee is going to be an icon, what he represents, what he was able to accomplish. He built American mythology. His stories are really what stay with us. - He's kind of assumed this legend status, almost like Walt Disney. - (man) Those characters that he created, what he infused Marvel, the brand, with have always shown through. - One of my favorite parts about Marvel, and why I think I love Marvel so much is just there's a connection with the characters. - (Stan) They have to be believable. What they do has to be what any normal person would do in those situations. - That's true. They were superheroes, but they were all so-- still super human. - Which is why people connect so well to all the different characters. - (woman) The concept of diversity and equality, social politics, all these things, he had been doing for... - That's right. - (woman) And now, it's at the forefront of everything that we talk about. - Man, what a legacy. - (Stan) I used to just talk to the readers, anything that came to my mind, just to make the books not seem like something cold... - Yeah, he would literally read their letters when they came in. He was all about the community, and I think that's just such a beautiful thing. - (Stan) I wanted them to feel buying a Marvel book was like visiting an old friend. - Doing that little extra bit is what makes Stan Lee, Stan Lee. - (Joe) They have a way of delivering messages that, you know, just resonate with those of you who have followed his work and followed the characters he's created. - We can see ourselves in those characters. That's the point of it. - (Dan) He made it feel intimate and that anybody could belong to it. We were really lucky to have him really define us. - And too, if you were into Marvel, you were a part of that community. It was a cool community to be a part of, and that was all 'cause of Stan Lee. - (Sana) There will never be a world without Stan Lee. - It's impossible. - (Sana) He's the heart of the Marvel Universe. - That's a great way to phrase it. - Look at that. Wow. - Wow. (softly) Wow! - Amazing. Amazing. Just incredible. - I really hope his cameos live on even if he's gone, just to prove that he's still with us. - Stan Lee was just like a figure in pop culture itself, you know, that you just think, like, that man lives forever. And unfortunately, our bodies do... die. I guess the legacy of what we leave behind doesn't. And he's left quite a legacy. - (FBE) So, Stan Lee was prolific in his time at Marvel Comics. And he either personally created or helped co-create several of the classic characters. So, we wanted to show you just a few of them. - Oh my god. There's so many! (chuckles) - Oh, gosh. So many! These are all just iconic characters. Loki, Spider-Man, Thor, Black Panther. - A lot of kids could relate to and a lot of adults could even relate to-- I feel like you've got a character for everybody. And he really kind of hit that mark. - All those characters look so different from each other. Not even just ethnicity diversity, but just diversity and just creativity when it came to their powers and their personalities and their different character arcs. - I look at this, and this is my childhood. It's why we have-- I have what I have. The legacy's gonna last on. I mean, it inspired me as a kid. And my kids now are dreaming, and they will want to pass that on, because these are the memories that we're creating as a family, and I think that's what it's about. - (FBE) So, following his passing, many of his fans were quick to share their favorite memory of Stan or the impact of his characters. So, what have the characters meant to you personally? - I feel like they've just been almost like a role model of some sorts. - The Marvel Universe was always one of the ways my family and I bonded over. We would always go to the movies together to go see whatever new Marvel movie was out at the time. X-Men was always our favorite. - I'm a big fan of Spider-Man and their characters that he's created that I feel I'm relatable to, you know? That I feel like, "Hey, I could see myself in this character." - Personally, I think they've just given me, really, a great sense of community. Going to cons or talking online to mutuals who love the same thing, it's just, you know, given me a new friendship. - (FBE) So, for many of the people who have commented on the enormous number of characters that Stan has created-- however, many have also pointed to his legacy and the diversity that he brought to his characters. He received a lot of praise for bringing social issues into his work and creating many female superheroes as well as heroes of color, all at a time that it wasn't really being done and not many creators were doing the same thing. So, how important would you say that Stan's work was to get us to the place we are today with these kind of issues? - I mean, I think it was honestly pivotal. I don't think we would be at-- where we are with some of these issues because of Stan Lee. - It gives you a role model to look up to. Of course, you can look up to someone who's different from you, but it can-- especially for a younger audience, it helps you relate to the superheroes and feel like you're a superhero. - I remember X-Men wasn't a term for minorities and mutants, you know? It's totally different. But the way he put it out there was so... interesting. - It's important to kind of bring these points of conversation into all cultures. And that includes comic book culture. We want to create a more diverse kind of cast. - It speaks volumes for who he was and what his vision of the world he wanted to see was. And through his creativity, he brought that. - Since it was in comic books and most comic books are read by kids, I think it helped create your generation now that is the most diverse and diverse-accepting generation we've had. I think he was more influential than he ever thought he would be. - (FBE) So, what do you think is the continued legacy of Stan Lee as time goes on? - I hope that it continues. We can create this, and we can talk about this stuff, and we can do it in this artistic way. And I hope that, you know, we just continue Stan's legacy. - I hope that there is somebody to continue on, to put the spirit, and the love, and the affection that he had for his work, and his characters, and his world, and that continues. - I hope that they can continue to honor what he started and to continue to push the boundaries and represent everyone that they've already represented and beyond. - Seeing as how he created so many things, so many characters, and such, there's still gonna be movies and more things created in honor of Stan Lee. His legacy will live on for... millennia.
Channel: REACT
Views: 2,475,252
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Keywords: Marvel, Stan Lee, Spider Man, Kids React, Teens React, Adults React, College Kids React, react, reaction, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, finebros, fine bros, FBE, watch, review, for the first time, reviews, responds, respond, youtubers react, elders react, parents react, teenagers react, Ant man, Avengers, Thor, Loki, marvel cinematic universe, X-Men, Iron Man, Hulk, Fantastic Four, Black Panther, Daredevil, Doctor Strange, Ant-Man, avengers 4, comics, iron man
Id: uvdsvbujLpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 20 2018
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