Generations React To The Must Watch Movies Of 2020

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- You guys are killing me. This looks like the greatest movie ever. - Just that instrumental of "Reflection," it makes misty-eyed! - Calling it now, my movie of the year. End of discussion. ♪ (rock intro) ♪ - (FBE) Do you consider yourself a big fan of movies? - Yes. I am the biggest fan of movies. - I would consider myself a pretty big movie buff. - My whole family, we love movies. We quote movies back and forth. - (FBE) Well, we are going to take a look at some of the most highly anticipated movies of 2020. We made our list from a combination of several lists across the internet. While we know there are many exciting films coming up in 2020, we obviously aren't able to include everything. - Yeah. - (FBE) So, we decided to look at those lists and focused only on movies that have trailers. - Okay. - If Mulan isn't on the list, I don't know what is. ♪ ('80s electropop music) ♪ - "1984." - First of all, music choice, 10 out of 10 for the trailer. - (Max) Welcome to the future. - 1984 has passed. (laughs) - (Max) Life is good, but it can be better. - What is this movie? - Ah, yeah! Wonder Woman! - Wonder Woman!! So excited. - (Max) Think about finally having everything you.. - Yes, Kristen Wiig. - (Diana whispers) Steve. - Ste-- I need an explanation! How is he here?! He died in the last movie. ♪ (dramatic music) ♪ - This looks cool. It looks like a video game. - They did a really good job with the first Wonder Woman, and I like the '80s theme of this. - (speaks Hebrew) That's Hebrew for "She's very pretty." - And she's swinging on lightning! Take that, Spider-Man! - She's lassoing lightning! And this outfit, ah, it's everything. - Oh, this is gonna be a good movie. ♪ ('80s electropop music) ♪ - Ah, the '80s. Oh, it looks so cute. - I kind of didn't want a romantic interest in this at all. Do we have to have the drive for the second one to be, once again, this man? - (FBE) That was the trailer for the highly anticipated Wonder Woman sequel, Wonder Woman 1984. - Yes. - (FBE) This will mark the third female-driven film for the current DC extended universe following Birds of Prey, because this comes out after. - Yeah, that one's coming out too. Yeah, Patty Jenkins did such a good job with the first movie, and I'm so very excited that she's back directing the sequel. - (FBE) And this will also be the ninth superhero film with a female lead. - Ohhh! That's a big deal. - (FBE) How do you feel about more diverse superhero films being released? - I find it actually really cool. I mean, something I would personally wanna see next would be also other types of genders. We have obviously the male and the female. We also can do, like, trans. - Everybody loves superhero movies. Everyone likes seeing a hero that they can look up to and they can see some parts of themselves in. - (M) The world is arming... - Oh! I haven't seen this. - Another James Bond movie. - (Nomi) The world's moved on, Commander Bond. - (Bond) You a double O? - I'm watching this. I can already tell you that. - (guard) Name? - Bond. James Bond. - He said it. - (Safin) License to kill. (gun fires) - (Bond) History isn't kind to men who play god. - Oh, Rami Malek's in this movie? ♪ (dramatic music) ♪ - There's the song. - "No Time to Die." - Is this R? 'Cause if it is, I can't watch it. - (FBE) So, No Time to Die will mark the fifth James Bond movie to star Daniel Craig. - Love him. - (FBE) So, No Time to Die actually brought on Fleabag creator and star Phoebe Waller-Bridge as the second woman to ever write on a Bond film. - Wow, she wrote for this movie? That's awesome. - (FBE) The franchise has continued to be popular since 1962. What do you think about Bond as a franchise and why do you think it's resonated with audiences for so long? - (sighs) I just think it's a classic and the whole line, like, "My name's Bond, James Bond," it's like people don't wanna let it die. - Somehow, they turned into family movies. They're classic. They are always being updated. They're doing their best, and I think it's really cool. - (Romanoff) I've lived a lot of lives... - Black Widow. - Ooh. It took a while. It took a bit, but we made it. We got there. - (Yelena) I know you're out there. - (Romanoff) I know you know I'm out here. - It's nice to see her back, since, you know, she's like, (croaks) in present day in the MCU. ♪ (dramatic music) ♪ - I love that part. It's not clean. It's messy. When her foot came and it hit right there and then came down really unattractively. Fights are messy. They're brutal. It's really important to show, especially in a female-led action movie. - (Romanoff) It's good to see you too, sis. (wheels screeching) ♪ (dramatic music) ♪ - She's incredibly beautiful. It doesn't make sense. - It looks like a super spy movie. - (Romanoff) ...where it all started. - You're gonna stick out like a sore thumb, though. - Oh, yeah. This has so many women in it. I'm down. - (Romanoff) It's gonna be a hell of a reunion. - (Alexei) Family... back together again. - Oh, is that Hopper? - I love her, 'cause she's from a lot of horror movies. - Just from this, I can tell that this is gonna be a hit movie. - That's a cool shot. That's a cool shot. ♪ (dramatic music) ♪ See, I thought I was done with seeing Marvel movies. I was like, "I don't need to see any more." And then I see that. I'm like, "Okay, yeah, I'll see that." - (FBE) That was the trailer for the upcoming Black Widow solo film. - Yeah. - (FBE) This movie has been discussed for roughly five years now, with Marvel Studio's president and chief creative officer, Kevin Feige, going back and forth on whether or not it was in development. Do you think it's too little too late to be giving her her own movie, especially after the events of Endgame, where she dies? Why or why not? - We don't need to talk about Endgame. Why don't we just be thankful that we're getting an amazing movie in 2020? We don't need to talk about the past. We especially don't need to talk about Endgame. No, no. - So, then, since 2014, we had, I don't know, every other [bleep] Marvel movie and we never got Black Widow. I think it's late, but it's never too late. I'm glad that we're finally giving her the credit she deserves. - "Jason Reitman." - (Grooberson) There hasn't been a ghost sighting... - Oh! Ghostbusters. - All right. This looks like Stranger Things meets Ghostbusters. ♪ (eerie music) ♪ - (chuckles) People are like, "Are they trying to do Stranger Things with Ghostbusters?" That's all I've basically heard about this trailer. - (Phoebe) My grandfather died. - Ooh. I like all of these. They're dark and scary. - (Phoebe) ...we're just here to pick through the rubble of his life. - (gasps) No way. - Oh, Paul Rudd. Love that man. - (Grooberson) Who are you? ♪ (dramatic music) ♪ - You guys are killing me. This looks like the greatest movie ever. - (Trevor) Come on, darlin'. - Oh, and it even has Finn Wolfhard from Stranger Things. - And he got the ECTO-1. - Wow! ♪ (eerie music) ♪ - Ghostbusters: Afterlife. That looks good! I gotta say. I know they got a lot of heat with the last Ghostbusters they made. - (FBE) So, that was the trailer for the third installment of the Ghostbusters franchise, Ghostbusters: Afterlife. And yes, it will be a continuation of the franchise unlike the 2016 all women remake by Paul Feig. - Saw the trailer for that, but I never actually went to see it. I think it was because I was - It looks good. And it has a good cast. And it looks like it respects all the old nods. - Ghostbusters is one of those movies that just trying to do a direct remake is gonna be difficult. People are very emotionally connected to that original movie. So, if you're gonna keep that going, you've gotta change it up and at least keep the spirit. - I've watched all the Ghostbusters movies. They're really, really good. I really wanna watch that. - Yes, Mulan! So excited. - (messenger) Every family must contribute one... - This is gonna be a great movie. - (messenger) Have you no son? - (Hua Zhou) I am blessed with two daughters. - "I'm blessed with two daughters." Yes. (claps) - (Mulan) Loyal, brave, and true. ♪ (dramatic "Reflection" instrumental) ♪ - Just that instrumental of "Reflection," it makes me misty-eyed! - Wow. The cinematography is unbelievable. - I'm Hua Mulan. - This isn't Mulan. This is a war movie, and it has Mulan stuff in it. ♪ (soft "Reflection" instrumental) ♪ - Oh, that music just gave me chills. I'm definitely gonna watch that in theaters. Oh my gosh. Mulan is one of my favorite Disney movies, one of my favorite movies ever. - Calling it now, my movie of the year. End of discussion. - (FBE) So, Disney has been making a lot of live action remakes of their own films, and next up is Mulan. With this film, they've actually attempted to make it more culturally accurate than the original. That means they've cut out a lot of the famous music, keeping some of it in instrumental form, and changed up most of the characters, cutting fan-favorite Shang. How do you feel about this remake? - It just seems like they're kind of respecting the culture. - Here, they're trying to portray that culture, and they're trying to show the bravery of a woman, so it's not gonna be the same. I'm 100% okay with them doing whatever they have to do to make the film better. - (officer) You should be at least a two-star admiral by now. - Ooh! Top Gun! I forgot about this one. - (officer) ...captain. - Mm. - Tom Cruise, man. He's still got it. - I have no idea what this is. - Something tells me that's actually him doing that. - Oh, it's Top Gun! Oh! I haven't seen one of those in a long time. - (FBE) With a lot of these classics getting sequels, there's a lot of talk around nostalgia and the idea of preying on it to make money instead of coming up with original ideas. - Yeah. It's kind of messed up, but a lot of people-- like, I love feeling nostalgic, so it's kinda like, you already know that that's what's you're watching it. - I do love seeing sequels and stuff for movies that I love, so I'm sure that's how some people feel about Top Gun. But at the same time, I do feel like there need to be more original movies. And not just that there needs to be more original movies, but when there are original movies, people need to go out and see them. - (Sonic) On my planet, people... - Yes! (claps) Sonic! - Oh, god! Sonic! Yes! - He looks better. He looks better now. - The best part about this trailer is the music and the random little things that they did that felt like the old video games. - This looks fun. It looks charming now that he doesn't look like the devil. - (Tom) Mr...? - Dr. Robotnik. - Wait! That's Jim Carrey? - Jim Carrey looks so ridiculous and over the top, though. - (Robotnik screams) - (chuckles) - (Sonic) Here comes the boom. - This guy's good. (laughs) - (Sonic) I have no idea! - That looks so much cuter and so much better. You're gonna tell me they couldn't do that from the first one, the beginning? - I mean, I don't know. I don't even know how to feel. Do we really need a Sonic the Hedgehog movie? Apparently. - I'm actually gonna see this. Honestly, just 'cause the studio put all this effort into it. I'm like, I'm down. - It just really looks very energetic. It looks like it's gonna be a big hit. I'm really excited to watch it. - (FBE) Well, this is the second trailer for the upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog film, which was released after the controversy around the first trailer because of Sonic's design. They actually redesigned the character and tweaked the storyline of the film based on their audience's concerns. How do you feel about a movie taking its audience into consideration like this? - That is great, and I'm glad they changed it, 'cause I remember seeing the original Sonic, and it was just awful. - As the audience, as people who give their money to these projects, we're the ones that actually turned an entire studio on their head to be like, "We're not gonna support this one. Change it." - I'm gonna go see it just because they actually listened to fans and changed up Sonic's look. The movie studio heard people being like, "What is this? This is just terrifying and creepy. Change it!" And they changed it! - (FBE) Finally, what movie-- it doesn't have to be one you saw today-- are you most looking forward to seeing in 2020? - Well, probably Mulan. - It's Mulan. - I'm actually really excited to see Mulan. - Ghostbusters looks really good. - I think the Ghostbusters one looks interesting. I think they could do a good job, especially 'cause, I mean, it's the previous director or writer's son. - The Black Widow, I'm really excited about. - Wonder Woman I think would probably be the number one movie I'm excited for next year. - Overall, I'm just really hyped for 2020. 2020's the year people for good and bad. New decade! I'm sadly leaving Kids React. I've been on here since I was five years old. I think that means I'm an original. I really hope you'll come check me out on Teens React. Bye-bye! Bye! Boo. Bye, bye, bye, bye! Goodbye! BYE! Bye! Bye, everyone! Bye, guys. (chuckles) Bye, guys! Bye.
Channel: REACT
Views: 1,012,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sonic, sonic the hedgehog, sonic movie, Generations React To 7 Most Anticipated Movies Of 2020, generations react, teens react, adults react, college kids react, react, reaction, fbe, watch, review, for the first time, reviews, parents react, top gun, mulan, disney, 2020, trailer, ghostbusters, jason reitman, james bond, daniel craig, black widow trailer, scarlett johansson, david harbour, marvel, tails, sonic the hedgehog movie, wonder woman
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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