Top 10 Kekkei Genkai In Naruto Shippuden

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[Music] how's it going everybody 2spooky here in this video today we're going to be counting down the top 10 kekkei genkai in naruto i've been wanting to make a top 10 on Naruto for literal years now but for some reason I just never got around to it so with 2018 quickly coming to a close I figured it was about time we make this happen already as always before we get started there's a few things you need to keep in mind when going into this top 10 firstly my pronunciation is garbage so you can expect some of that throughout the video secondly in these top tens I usually like to provide in-depth explanations on the abilities I'm discussing before I explain my personal opinion on their placement however in the past I made an entire 50 minute video going over and explaining every kekkei genkai so instead of repeating what I've already talked about I am highly recommending you guys go check out that video before watching this one there will be a card in the top right hand corner of the screen or a link in the description I mainly suggest you guys go check out that video first so you guys are up-to-date on the information as this time around I'm just starting right out of the gate with my opinion and maybe only referencing a few things to solidify those points but if you feel like you already have a good grasp on the information well feel free to carry on thirdly like any top-10 this is based on my own personal opinion however I will be trying my best to back up all these opinions with facts and finally I will only be covering the kekkei genkai featured in the Naruto manga which means no boruto and no filler I also will not be covering kekkai mora or kekkei touta so things like particle release and the Rena sharingan will not be included in this video anyway now that you know what to expect and what not to expect let's officially jump into the list first let's begin with an honorable mention which is the mangekyo sharingan to clarify I'm considering the Sharingan and manga kyo Sharingan two different things so spoiler alert we'll talk about the regular Sharingan in general the sharingan is a very overpowered kekkei genkai which I can assure you we will explain why it's so overpowered later but when it comes to the mangekyo sharingan it just doesn't quite make the cut for two reasons firstly you'd think that because the manga kyo sharingan can do everything that the regular Sharingan can that it would be equal if not better but then you also slap on the fact that having the mangekyo sharingan also gives you two additional Opie abilities unique to the individual and if you have not one but two functioning eyes you're also granted at the chakra mech Susanoo as well I mean if you're an Uchiha right now you're probably thinking who's dong do I have to suck to get my hands on these bad boys am i right well not so fast there mister Uchiha here's the kicker to get your grubby hands on these eyes you first need to witness the death of someone extremely close to you which right off the bat is basically signing yourself up for a lifetime in therapy however to be fair a lot of the Uchiha are cold-hearted [ __ ] so a lot of them literally murdered their closest friends to achieve these legendary eyes to actually murder your own best friend for power these eyes have to be pretty darn good right so why are they only an honorable mention the main reason in my opinion - why these eyes don't quite make the cut is because using the new mount gecko abilities causes you to go blind so yeah you can shoot inextinguishable black flames out of your eyes big whoop now you're blind nerd obviously you can only actually become blind with prolonged or overuse of these abilities but in general from what we've seen this blindness actually occurs relatively quickly as Itachi was basically blind already Sasuke was on his way there at an incredible rate and Kakashi only used Kamui like what five times and was basically already pulling out the walking stick the only way around this that we know of is with the elusive plot hole fixing send you DNA which is hacks because this DNA essentially heals your body constantly and at an incredible rate so if you're like Obito and just happen to have both the manga kyo Sharingan and send you DNA you can just sit there spamming calmly like it's nothing and never go blind which is stupid broken but because having these two things together is extremely rare it's pretty likely you're just going to end up blind and hopeless if you intend to use the mangekyo sharingan for its intended purpose so the bottom line for this one I just can't put it on the list because although it grants some pretty broken abilities if you use them you're just going to end up blind which is a massive handicap not to mention the extreme chakra cost it takes to use the abilities as well and on top of that there's just too many requirements to actually achieve these eyes in the first place so although I do acknowledge them as a very superior ability the drawbacks are far too severe to place them on the list so instead they will remain as an honorable mention number 10 she katsumi yaku with the start of our list we have the kekkei genkai that was only demonstrated naturally by kami Mauro and involves a ton of bones personally I feel like this is one of the most underrated abilities in Naruto period and I feel like there's a good chance we didn't get to see the full extent of what it could do basically any sort of close combat with this kekkei genkai is going to be nearly impossible to deal with not only is it hard to land hits due to the bone spikes but rooting out of the individuals body as both a shield and a weapon but in addition to that because this kekkei genkai specializes in close range combat you also have to deal with all sorts of straight-up bone weapons like swords spikes whips and even lances so unless you can somehow cut or break through literal bone you're gonna have a bad time gonna have a bad time on top of that kimimaro himself also mentioned how his bones can be as strong as steel so you're basically going up against someone who can produce long metal spikes and long metal weapons out of any location on their body at any to just give one example of how effective it is in close combat during kami Morrow's fight against Naruto Naruto created at least more than 100 shadow clones and not a single one of them was able to lay a single scratch on him so now that we've established that in close quarters or hand-to-hand combat this ability is already one of the more superior however because of that you'd think it's really only useful in close combat situations and while that is certainly where it exceeds it can still do just as much damage from a decent distance away as this ability also allows the user to shoot bone bullets out of their fingertips which although Gaara was able to block them with his sand offense they still had enough speed and force to almost reach Gaara himself so although they probably don't have the same power as a regular bullet they are certainly fast enough to kill the average ninja with that in mind I would also predict he's likely able to use other types of bone from his body as projectiles but since we haven't seen it I suppose it's just an idea in addition to all of that kimimaro was also able to create essentially a bone exoskeleton directly below the skin that covered his entire body giving him an even greater defense against basically any attacks including being able to absolutely tank gaara's sand burials without any noticeable damage to his internal structure which considering we've seen that Sam burial can literally crush an entire person into goop the fact that this bone can withstand that pressure is very impressive the final thing I wanted to touch upon is the fact that this kekkei genkai is not exclusively centered around taijutsu because if all else fails it can somehow use a technique that spawns bones out of the ground in every direction that will skewer anyone who is unfortunate enough to be on the ground when the bones start rising in and kimimaro himself can also merge with these bones for surprise attacks if anyone were to actually survive with that knowledge I'd be willing to bet that kimimaro also had some other ninjutsu abilities that we just never got to see so this kekkei genkai could be even more powerful than I already think but instead of rambling on and on about what else this kekkei genkai could possibly do let's instead just take it at face value which is already enough in my opinion to consider it one of the best it's also unfortunate that kimimaro himself was extremely sick because if he wasn't I'd be willing to bet that he could have killed both Gaara and Lee without going through as much trouble as he did especially since he had them on the ropes when he finally keeled over but even though I would consider this kekkei genkai one of the best it is unfortunately no match against the kekkei genkai we're about to discuss leaving it as the worst of the best at number 10 number nine Jew goes unnamed kekkei genkai this is another underrated kekkei genkai as it has numerous useful and powerful abilities with only a few drawbacks or weaknesses the kekkei genkai itself allows the user to subconsciously and constantly take in natural energy which then allows the user to apply this natural energy to various techniques including sage mode itself which when jugo is in Sage Mode it basically buffs the individual exponentially in terms of raw power durability and speed or essentially just enhancing almost every physical feature you could possibly imagine jugo can then use his sage body to create various weapons create literal blasters that can be used to blast straight up concentrated chakra at enemies or also use those blasters as a propulsion system and also create things like shields for defense the offensive capabilities speak for themselves based on what we've seen with the curse marks in the past as they were created by Orochimaru based on juegos own kekkei genkai but when it comes to defense because jugo is much more durable in Sage Mode and can also create shields and such he was even able to take a point-blank punch from the fourth reich agait on multiple occasions and still not only survive but have enough strength to counter-attack for comparison the Fourth Reich agait was also able to break right through the SU Sano's ultimate defense only with his fists so his punches are pretty next-level so already in terms of offense and defense this kekkei genkai is doing pretty well for itself but even so you might still be wondering if that's really enough for it to be put on the list well normally you'd be right but this ability also allows jugo to use other people's bodies to restore himself he does this by sucking up their chalk and flesh with a tube he creates from his own body which will heal all of his wounds and returned him to his regular state and if someone is compatible with curse marks he's also able to transfer his own flesh to them to heal their wounds and also make himself appear younger so jugo can take a real beating and still come back like nothing happened basically my reason for putting it on this list is because it's a very well-rounded kekkei genkai that I feel people don't give enough credit to it's got great offensive and defensive capabilities with the addition of self restoration through other's flesh which is pretty metal it also led to the introduction of curse marks which as we knew gave a significant strength boost to quite a few different people I however just wish we were able to see a little bit more of what judo could actually do and the only downfall with this kekkei genkai is the fact that it makes the individual mentally insane for random periods of time so it can cause the individual to go on literal murderous rampages that you can never predict when it will end making it really hard to be around loved ones or comrades of any kind so because of that weakness I cannot place it any higher than number nine number eight scorch release because this particular Kagan Chi was only demonstrated for a short time by Bakura and Bakura alone we'll just get straight to the point I believe this kekkei genkai is one of the best simply because it kills everyone it touches at least from what we've seen Bakura has only demonstrated two techniques in total one of which is technically filler since it was anime so although I'd still consider that technique something she can or should be able to do because I said no filler at the beginning of the video I'm basing this opinion specifically off the one cannon jutsu though again the filler technique is still something this ability could likely do so take that as you will but the one jutsu we have seen involves pakura creating these multiple miniature suns that float around her body she's then able to control these suns by making them fly at or into people or around herself however she likes wait a second haven't I heard that somewhere before anyway the power of these miniature Suns comes from when they touch a person as they will then suck out every bit of moisture from their body instantly turning them into a raisin which also results in death we don't exactly know the range she can effectively control this ability from but because she controls them in the air outside of her body we can assume the distance is somewhat close range but it could be further but I would consider that the only downfall if they cannot go a decent range however in the anime alone it was also shown that this kekkei genkai was weak to water but again since that's filler I'm not going to count that here so bottom line with this one this kekkei genkai is basically a one-hit kill for basically everyone if that Sun touches you you dead Sun simple enough but because this ability is theoretically so overpowered it just has to be put on the list however because we haven't seen the full extent of what it can do and it's likely lacking in long-range techniques I can't place it any higher on the list though because I believe it could even kill kimimaro and jugo if they were to come in contact with the miniature Suns I at least had to place it above their kekkei genkai but because I don't believe it can top the kekkei genkai above it on the list it will remain here at number 8 that number 7 the Byakugan I think it's pretty common knowledge at this point that the Byakugan got absolutely shafted when compared to the other doe jutsu but even so it's easy to forget that it's still a pretty powerful and useful ability it just ended up not being able to compete with the other doe jutsu as the series continued anyways the sparknotes version of why this belongs on the list is due to its many useful abilities such as being able to see over 20 kilometres away being able to analyze an opponent's movements and see chakra to an even greater extent than the Sharingan being able to see through things like smoke that would normally blind a person being able to see in a 360-degree radius around their body aside from a small blind spot but most of all the most effective ability of the Byakugan is the gentle fist fighting style due to the fact the Byakugan user can see the chakra system and the pressure points that accompany it they've developed a fighting style and many different techniques that involve exploiting these pressure points to deal massive and crippling damage to their opponents the one most people are familiar with is the eight trigrams sixty-four palms which completely shuts down their opponents chakra system with a barrage of sixty-four different attacks in a quick window of time disrupting the chakra flow completely not only stops their opponent from using jutsu but can also do internal damage to their opponent's organs and make them unable to stand so the Byakugan is great offensively and tactically in many different situations which makes it a very powerful and useful ability in my opinion the only main downfall of the Byakugan is that it's gentle fist techniques are really only useful in close combat and they also have that blind spot that can cause a world of problems if their opponent knows how to exploit it putting that weakness and downfall aside this ability can not only be extremely effective in combat as theoretically a competent Byakugan user could take down even the strongest of enemies by taking out their chakra system but the user of the Byakugan would also be great at something like stealth missions due to their hyper increased vision and increased perception in general the Byakugan would also theoretically be the best counter against the Sharingan since it has a high immunity to genjutsu which is another reason I decided to put it above the previous kekkei genkai however due to its few downfalls and the fact that I think it wouldn't fare too well against the kekkei genkai to come I have no choice but to make it our number 7 before we move on though the Byakugan also technically has its own mangekyo counterpart called the tenseigan however because it's only been featured in movies and novels I don't exactly consider it canon myself as it didn't appear in the naruto manga i know some of you do consider it canon but we can agree to disagree on that but because of my personal opinion on it i will not be featuring it on this list number 6 explosion release this kekkei genkai is one of the more heavy hit in as it can also be a one-hit kill just like scorch release or just do an immense amount of damage or destruction with a single Jew to the to Canon users we know of our data and Gauri I'd imagine Gauri is the main example of what the average explosion release user can do as data reduces a kin jutsu to make his explosive clay figures so at face value Gauri is able to blow people up with any contact with his fists so like kimimaro sketch again chi the explosion release is mainly only useful in close combat situations by itself but because deidara has demonstrated on numerous occasions how powerful this technique can be with chakra infused clay and therefore how effective it can be used at a long range I have no choice but to say it deserves to be on this list and decently high up for that matter for instance aside from the normal suicide bombing clay animals deidara also developed the c4 and c0 techniques which are insanely powerful jutsu c4 sends microscopic bombs into his opponent's bloodstream which will destroy the enemy at the cellular level which already should be enough to give it a place on this list because that can take down basically anybody but with c0 data' ricchan also use himself as a bomb for the ultimate 10 kilometer explosion which yeah you game end yourself in the process but anyone in a 10 kilometer or six mile radius is getting taken down with you unless your this waste of life but yeah in terms of overall destructive power and variety of techniques this kekkei genkai more than deserves to be on this list but because in general it's not as useful or effective without a king jutsu to accompany it it's therefore not quite as good as the kekkei genkai above this one making it our number six number five lava release when it comes to lava release one of the things I like about it most is that it can be used in many different unique ways that vary from user to user examples including Mae with her acidic mud son Goku with his molten rock lava and Doe died with his rubber-like substance so you can just make straight-up lava or tweak the element to fit your own liking this not only makes it a powerful offensive kekkei genkai but also very tactical like the Byakugan as for instance the rubber-type jutsu are able to be used as a protective barrier and also as a way to reinforce already existing barriers so by that logic it could also be used as a way to trap enemies if they are caught within it or on the offensive side of things we have Mei who can produce that acidic mud it should also be noted that when this was first shown in the anime it just looked like straight-up lava but it was later revealed that it doesn't actually appear like lava in the manga so it was changed but this acidic mud still acts very similar to lava in the fact that it will corrode and melt almost anything including flesh and even chakra defenses like the Susanoo then you also consider that son Goku steck niek SAR essentially just molten lava with rocks mixed in meaning that if you get touched by it you're gonna get burned which as an example of how deadly that can be spoiler alert just look at what happened to ace oh wait that's not even the right series anyway I'd say that lava release is one of the best - due to its versatility it can be used offensively and very powerfully at that or defensively and for support purposes it's also not like the previous Ketchikan Kai and the fact that the offensive and defensive capabilities are extremely useful on both sides of the spectrum so because of all that I have no choice but to place this one in the top five however for clarification I should at least acknowledge that in my opinion explosion release and lab release are very close in terms of how good they actually are but the deciding factor came from the fact that the explosion release doesn't have any use defensively so it's all about overwhelming offensive power which because lava release can be very deadly on its own with defensive or support like abilities it just barely made the cut above explosion release number four would release good old would release if you guys are familiar with this one already it really shouldn't be surprised that it's so high up on the list but basically this kekkei genkai is insanely strong since there's a lot to cover with this one in particular I'll try to condense my reasonings a bit otherwise we're gonna be here for a while firstly while its main ability and its core is to create and manipulate wood it can do so much more than that such as creating wood clones that are basically impossible to differentiate from the normal person these clones can also tank a little bit of damage unlike other clones which will disappear with just a single hit these clones can also perform their own jutsu and whatnot so you can whip out a bunch of different techniques at the same time then we have the Hobby technique which could create an insanely large wooden shield that can tank even a tailed beast bomb with virtually no damage then we got the wood human technique which is basically the equivalent of a wooden mech that's as strong as a tailed beast then we've got a literal wood dragon that can just come in and mess people up and that's not even scratching the surface of what this kekkei genkai can do with the wood if I were to go over every technique and why it's just so powerful and useful we'd be here for quite a while boys so on top of the offensive and defensive capabilities of this kekkei genkai there's still a lot of extra features that make it just that much more amazing like for instance the passive ability to absorb or suppress chakra when the wood comes in contact with an individual which in turn allows the user to effectively take down and subdue even a tailed beast plus if you have wood release you're basically confirmed to have Senju DNA which like we said earlier no need to eat or drink all wounds just healing on their own would release and send you DNA for that matter is broken but in terms of useful abilities overwhelming power and impenetrable defense and all its supportive uses outside of combat it's a no brainer that this kekkei genkai not only knocks the previous ones out of the park but also is very deserving of a place so high up on the list in fact some of you might think this one deserves to be even higher but unfortunately there are still kick again Kai that are even more broken than this one so because of that what release is coming in at number four number three the Sharingan now after only giving the monk Akio Sharingan and honorable mention it's finally time to talk about its far superior counterpart the regular Sharingan now as most of you probably know the Sharingan has essentially a metric ton of abilities which the mangekyo also has access to but again the downfalls of the Mount kikyo are just absolute booty however when it comes to the main abilities of the regular Sharingan it can see chakra it's able to read movements at a very fast speed and can therefore anticipate and react before their opponent even completes their movement copy any jutsu excluding kekkei genkai the user does not have access to and also has access to some of the most extreme genjutsu available and that's just the basics there's obviously a lot more little things that I can do as well but these are the most important points basically any individual that possesses two functioning Sharingan with all three tomoow are capable of performing each of the abilities listed above already making it one of the best kekkei genkai just by those characteristics alone like for instance because it can copy any jutsu and also read and predict movements your opponent could start a jutsu and the Sharingan user could finish the same jutsu before their opponent even completes their own which depending on the jutsu they're about to do that could be extremely detrimental but if it already wasn't powerful and broken enough every Sharingan user also has Izanagi and Izanami which are basically the biggest ass pull techniques I've ever seen seriously listen to these shenanigans right here with Izanagi the Sharingan user is legitimately able to perform a one-time illusion on reality itself let that sink in for a second Izanagi allows them to perform a genjutsu on actual reality are you kidding me this one technique basically allows the Sharingan user to bypass anything because they trick reality into thinking that reality didn't actually happen therefore making said event not actually happen so if you get stabbed in the heart and are about to die but then use izanagi you rewrite reality to a reality where you weren't stabbed in the heart that's overpowered as hell the only downside is that you lose your eyesight in one of your Sharingan completely and it basically can never be used for thing again so if you have to Sharingan eyes you're able to perform this ass pull not once but twice or if you're Ashley's ball like Danza you can just spam it over and over I know I gave the mangekyo some flack for making you blind but this is just obnoxious in comparison warping reality itself is worth the lack of eyesight in my opinion even if the average Uchiha can only do it twice and really if you think about it you can just steal someone else's Sharingan and pop it into your skull to get your eyesight back if you really needed to in turn also allowing you to use Izanagi again if that wasn't bad enough we still have the other technique tsunami which put simply places someone in a constant genjutsu loop of events where the person under the influence of the genjutsu must come to terms with whatever mistakes that they've made in life so the person could never come to terms with their mistakes and just sit there for eternity reliving the same events over and over or they can realize their mistakes after an undisclosed amount of time and break out of the illusion this technique also costs the Sharingan user their eyesight in the eye that they activated the ability so theoretically this ability could kill even someone as strong as Madara as you would just simply put them under the influence of Izanami and then while they're trapped in that loop you just walk up to their frozen body and you know kill them but we never saw anyone actually do that so maybe it's not possible but man if you put someone under an infinite loop and they're just sitting there why what did you kill them but these two broken abilities plus everything we mentioned previously are the reason that the Sharingan is such an overpowered ability that not many other kekkei genkai can even come close to even something like would release would have a tough time against a competent Sharingan user demonstrated by the rivalry between hoshi Rama and Madara but at the end of the day I'd still argue that the Sharingan is the superior ability in the grand scheme of what it could possibly do however if Izanami and Izanagi didn't exist I would have placed would release above this one although because those two outrageous abilities do exist I simply cannot ignore how powerful the Sharingan truly is and it well deserves its spot at number three number two the eternal kikyo Sharingan i imagine some of you were thinking i may have spent a little too much time on the regular mangekyo sharingan considering it's only an honorable mention but part of the reason I went pretty in-depth with my opinion on it was because I wanted to show you my issues with it in general before I talked about its far superior counterpart later in the list which is of course the regular Sharingan and now the eternal mangekyo sharingan now since we've already gone over the regular Sharingan and the regular monkey Akio Sharingan it's no surprise that the eternal mangekyo sharingan retains all of those abilities so there's no need to mention my opinions on them again as you already know what I think but just know that they do pertain to this kekkei genkai as well but even so after taking a thick Dookie on the regular mangekyo sharingan by keeping it off the list entirely why in the world am I willing to place the eternal version at number 2 on the list well believe it or not the reasoning is actually pretty simple basically every problem I had with the regular manga Kyo Sharingan is thrown out the window the only remaining issue I have with it is the sheer amount of things you need to do to achieve these eyes in the first place first there's everything you need to do for the regular Sharingan and the regular manga Kyo Sharingan but then after that you need to find a close family member like a parent or sibling who also has the amount Gekko Sharingan and take their eyes out of their skull and Transplant them into your own eye sockets after this you will gain the eternal mangekyo sharingan which grants you everything from before but also grants you the previous owners monkey kyo abilities in addition to your own it also takes away the extreme chakra cost of using monkey cue abilities and above all else takes away the drawback of going blind so basically everything I detested in the beginning is just gone except for the steps you need to take to achieve these eyes in the first place which to be fair is extremely steep and realistically I should not get back a few points on the list just for that but the payoff is just so worth it these eyes are just so powerful that it's impossible not to rank them this high everything we talked about before plus all that extra stuff holy hell dude I could go in depth with everything again but if you've listened to everything I said previously and if you've just seen Naruto in general you should know exactly what I'm talking about when I say these eyes are next-level broken but even though this kekkei genkai is basically unrivaled there is still one kekkei genkai that i believe is better now the moment that you've all been waiting for number one the Rena GaN I'm sure many of you saw this one coming from the beginning as the Rena GaN is basically just the Sharingan 4.02 get one of these bad boys you need to either receive hog oromos chakra or mix the chakra of his sons Indra and Asura from what we've seen you also need to have the eternal mangekyo sharingan already to awaken them as both Madara and Sasuke who awaken to them through their intended method had the eternal mangekyo sharingan when they did so but I could be wrong about this as a requirement it's more or less just something I noticed before we get into why this thing is completely god-tier I just wanted to offer a possibility so because the Rena GaN is upgraded through the eternal mangekyo sharingan does that mean it retains the special mangekyo abilities like Amaterasu for instance because I did a lot of scouring the internet and rereading segments of the manga to try and find the answer and I just couldn't because with Madara when he had both Rena GaN he didn't demonstrate any monkey kyo specific abilities and instead he just did a bunch of crazy Rena GaN slash Reni Sharingan stuff and with Sasuke because he has one Rena GaN and one eternal mangekyo he still has access to monkey ku abilities and his right eye and when he uses them I can't really tell if he can use them through the Rena GaN as well I would assume that the Rena GaN would still be able to use the previous manga q abilities at least if the eyes are still in their natural owners head but I just couldn't find confirmation if this was actually a thing so feel free to let me know the answer in the comments if you actually know the truth because if it was shown or mentioned in the manga I just happen to miss it or miss remember anyway putting them on Gekko abilities aside for obvious reasons when it comes to just straight-up Rena GaN abilities this kekkei genkai is by far the best first off it allows the user to master all five chakra natures and therefore perform any non kekkei genkai jutsu with virtually no chopper next it allows them to create black chakra receivers to transmit chakra to various locations or to control other bodies then we have what is known as the six paths of pain which I'm sure you're familiar with by now but essentially these six abilities at grants are basically modern weapons which is bad news for even the most experienced ninja the ability to control attractive and repulsive forces which was capable of basically nuking an entire village soul extraction which will kill anybody and also inform him of their memories chakra absorption which can just straight-up suck away any concentrated chakra jutsu like the rest same gun for instance so if you use a straight-up chakra attack it's not even gonna end up touching them it can summon a bunch of scary demonic animals that can do some crazy stuff and finally it can summon and control the king of hell which already sounds terrifying but basically this thing is a life or death a lie detector that can also completely restore bodies from any injuries or fatigued by gulping them down for a hot minute basically allowing infinite heals on top of all these terrifying abilities the outer path also allows the user to bring people back to life so death isn't even a problem anymore and if that's not enough we've also got the summoning of the demonic statue of the outer path and the ability to bind tailed beasts so there's really almost nothing a renegade user cannot do then when it comes to Madara and Sasuke specifically they also each have a unique ability Madara can create basically shadow copies of himself in a completely different plane of limbo or existence for that matter while Sasuke can switch places with anything in his near vicinity instantly making it appear like teleportation or instant transmission or shambles so just by knowing all of those abilities do I even need to explain why exactly the Rena GaN is the best kekkai genkai because it kind of explains itself but by itself I'd say it's obviously the best based on the insane amount of powerful and useful abilities but if we were to add on the addition of all these Sharingan abilities since it's derived from the Sharingan after all it just makes it seem that much more powerful doesn't it in addition to that if the ninja in question used Izanagi or Izanami in the past lost their eyesight well lucky you buckaroo if they awake the Rena GaN their eyesight will return as if nothing happened so something that was supposed to be a punishment for playing God just gets thrown out the window when you become even closer to a God with the Rena God's power so bottom line compared to the other kekkei genkai they just cannot compete against the Rena GaN which is why the Rena GaN is my number one pick for the best kekkei genkai in the series but there you have it everybody the top 10 best kekkei genkai in Naruto hopefully you agree with my list or at the very least understood where I'm coming from if you disagreed with any points be sure to let me know why in the comments below along with letting me know what your top 10 would be and why be sure to subscribe for the next Naruto top 10 which on that note I do know which topic I'm going to do next but I'm keeping it a secret for now so you'll just have to take my word on the fact that it'll be pretty cool be sure to drop the fattest like you possibly can because the more likes this video gets the faster that top 10 will come out be sure to follow me on twitter at 2spooky tube to keep up with the channel and upcoming videos and if you want to be festive warm and celebrate the holiday in style we'll be sure to snag one of these limited time Christmas sweaters as they will only be available until January 1st which is coming up pretty soon guys so don't sleep on it and on January 1st they will be gone for good you can find some links to those in the description and with that lads if you cannot get enough to spooky content well click here for the previous top 10 about the strongest quirks in my hero academia or click here for 10 facts about Orochimaru or if you want to learn more about kekkei genkai but ignore my suggestion at the beginning of the video well click here to learn about every single kekkei genkai in the series thanks for watching boys and I'll see you all next year
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Views: 1,422,210
Rating: 4.7653189 out of 5
Keywords: 2Spooky, naruto, naruto shippuden, boruto, anime, manga, top 10, countdown, explained, kekkei genkai, bloodline limit, sharingan, eternal mangekyou, mangekyou, Dōjutsu, dojutsu, Mangekyō Sharingan, rinnegan, uchiha, madara, sasuke, kakashi, release, explosion, lava, bone, kimimaro, jutsu, byakugan, tenseigan, jougan, every, all, senju, wood release, pain, six paths, scorch release, pakura, kamui, amaterasu
Id: g9-VTDFh8JU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 33sec (2253 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 23 2018
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