Manga VS Movie: Dragonball Evolution (+More)

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[Music] how's it going everybody 2spooky here and welcome back to manga vs. movie a new series where we go over and analyze the various films that are based on manga in terms of how accurate they are to the source material the various differences between the two and if the film itself can truly be considered a good adaptation with an overall goal of finding out which manga adaptations are worth watching which ones you should avoid at all costs and which ones are considered the very best in our first installment of the series we took a look at what I believe is one of the best manga adaptations so naturally for our second installment we're going to be taking a look at debatably the worst manga adaptation of all time Dragonball Evolution while Dragonball Evolution by itself would be plenty for us to pick apart this entire episode i've actually got something a little special in store for this one something that the majority of you probably didn't even know would be that Dragonball Evolution is not the only live-action adaptation of Dragon Ball in fact there's actually two others both of which are unofficial live actions that were created in foreign countries the first being Dragonball sawara son Goku I gira son Goku and the second is called Dragonball the magic begins so we've got not one but three adaptations of Dragonball to dig into today and let me just say this episode is going to be a doozy cool so strap in beware of spoilers and let's take an in-depth look at the Dragon Ball live-action adaptations in a battle of manga versus movie although this may be common knowledge to many of you the Dragon Ball manga was created by Akira Toriyama in 1984 originally intended to be a shorter tale that was based on Journey to the West however after the manga saw a great success pretty early on the manga continued all the way until 1995 Toriyama wanted to end the series much earlier than that and it's rumored he wanted to end the series at various other points as it continued but at the end of the day he kept going for various reasons until he finally just couldn't take it anymore because the series was essentially extended multiple times it went through various tone changes as it progressed beginning as a light-hearted adventure story centering around the main characters of son Goku and Bulma on a quest to find the wish-granting Dragon Balls and eventually turning into a series all about transformations and big bad guys constantly trying to conquer or destroy the planet that being said Dragon Ball has since become one of the most influential series out there and the second best-selling manga series in existence having sold over 300 million copies worldwide spawning a whole entire franchise of anime movies video games you name it which also naturally led to a few live-action adaptations the manga and anime have since been revived with Dragon Ball super but we'll talk about that a little later needless to say with such a popular and beloved series like Dragon Ball adapting it correctly for live-action is certainly not an easy task or is it let's take a look at the three live-action adaptations and how faithful they were to the source material the first Dragonball adaptation was an unofficial Korean adaptation called Dragonball sawara son Goku Aki Ora son Goku which came out on December 12th of 1990 this movie was directed by Ryan Wong and taking a look at his IMDB page this was the only film he's ever directed this adaptation in particular is based on the earliest arcs of the Dragon Ball manga most notably adapting the entirety of the Emperor pilaf saga because it's an unofficial adaptation it's actually borderline impossible to get a legitimate legal copy of this movie the only known method is to find someone selling one of the original Korean VHS tapes on eBay or something so unfortunately I wasn't able to find one in time for this video but the entire movie is actually available to watch on YouTube right now which I will link below if you want to give it a watch yourself however there are no subtitles available for this movie anywhere I searched long and hard to find some but they apparently don't exist for this particular film so when I'm comparing it to the manga it's going to be based purely on what I see visually as I don't speak Korean and therefore have no idea what the hell they are talking about that said if any of you out there do speak Korean and you want to do the whole entire world a favor please give this movie subtitles you would be a hero other than that there isn't too much else I could find regarding background information for this one so let's jump right into how this adaptation compares to the manga the movie begins by introducing us to Goku in his home environment deep in the mountain somewhere and I got to give them some respect already because they actually gave him his tail Goku then does some of the sickest flips I've ever seen in my entire life before jumping on to a conveniently placed chunk of wood he then rolls on it a little bit before flipping back off and then uses his sick karate skills to turn that wood into some firewood Goku then makes a gesture as if he's hungry and then goes to talk to his Dragon Ball and pieces out he then goes to the top of a very tall mountain and jumps off in a way that radiates big energy [Music] even goes up to the water and screams bloody murder Wow which causes a poor fish to leap into his arms after getting his fish Goku he backflips to the top of the mountain we then get introduced to Bulma who is out looking for the Dragon Balls Goku notices her sick ride and decides to check it out Bulma feeling threatened by a 12 year old with a fish then decides to murder him in cold blood oh my mousse indeed however because Goku is Goku it has no effect on him because she tried to kill him Goku decides to get a little fresh with her for compensation the two of them then talk for a while before going back to Goku's place to check out the Dragon Ball upon seeing it Bulma explains what the Dragon Balls are and how they can grant a wish via Shenron and she eventually convinces Goku to come help her search for them oh the two of them then begin their adventure with Bulma showing off her capsule devices which spawn a motorcycle the two of them drive across the lands before boma stops to use the bathroom in the woods where she encounters a mechanized bird man who was apparently really pissed off for some reason the bird man then steals Bulma and Goku beats the crap out of him with his power pole in a lot of ways this flight comes off like a turn-based RPG but at the end of the day Goku takes him down with a triple flip attack saving the day as far as how this compares to the manga believe it or not it's actually almost 100% spot-on everything we just covered in the film takes place in Chapter one of the manga to the point where everything is almost reenacted chopper shot goku makes the firewood he talks to the dragon ball he jumps off the mountain he goes fishing but instead with his tail he meets Bulma and she almost murders him he takes Bulma back to his place to see the Dragon Ball everything is basically the same including bulma's bubbly attitude she even offers her ass to him for the Dragon Ball like she does in the manga and when I was first reading the manga I was actually kind of surprised at how sexual it was sometimes but I'm glad this movie is keeping that stuff in because it really gives it that early Dragon Ball charm the only real difference during this portion from film to manga comes from when the two sat out on their quest to get the remaining Dragon Balls in the manga boma is captured by a pterodactyl but the film instead opted to change that pterodactyl into a mechanized bird person for some reason so already this is looking to be a really good adaptation in terms of actually following the story but let's see if that continues we then directly cut to Emperor pilaf and his goons we've got pilaf of course my what is supposed to be Shu I think and wait what what the hell is that nappa with hair yeah so apparently for some reason they decided to include nappa in this movie even though he doesn't appear until the Dragon Ball Z portion of the manga and from what I could find out this is indeed supposed to be nappa but he apparently shares the role of reddit as well so although the adaptation was pretty spot-on for a minute there we took a big 180 in the very next scene this rendition of pilaf also doesn't appear like the little blue guy and instead he just appears like a smaller rat looking man with huge ears and shoe I don't even want to talk about that one but in this sequence pilaf basically gets really excited about his Dragon Ball and then we cut back to Goku and Bulma this is also a little bit different in terms of when people are introduced as Emperor pilaf wouldn't be introduced until chapter 18 since it's gotten dark and they need a place to stay Bulma launches some fireworks which magically transform into a house they literally have the first episode of the Dragon Ball anime on that TV that's meta as heck Bulma then realizes that Goku smells wack so she bodies him proving her superior power scaling and then takes him to get cleaned up I had to add some extra censorship to this part because they originally tried to censor Goku's Dragon Balls with only a small circle and frankly that was barely enough to save this scene from being straight-up illegal we also learned that Goku is a fan of them titties and because of that Goku proceeds to be an absolute creep by staring at Bulma while she takes a bath after that Goku brings back various exotic animals for dinner but Bulma gets a little freaked out and decides to Pelt him with fruit instead and for some reason boma decides to deep throat and orange we then cut to the next morning where we see turtle waltzing up to bomas capsule house and boy is he tired meanwhile Goku is waking up from his slumber and then he tries to wake Bulma up as well but because she won't wake up he decides to instead take a rest on her crotch realizing there is no bulge to be found he gives it a little smack Bulma having just been sexually assaulted awakes from her slumber but instantly forgets about it to check on the Dragonball the events we just covered are also exactly the same as chapter 2 of the manga to the point where it would be redundant to go over everything again because we literally just saw it all in the movie again like I mentioned earlier I gotta give them credit for adapting everything so close to the manga it really gives this movie the early Dragon Ball charm going back to the move Goku decides to go outside and do like 15 flips for no reason whatsoever he then decides to throw a big rock into the air and punch it which causes it to explode and almost destroy bolas house he then comes across turtle mistaking him for a rock the poor little guy needed some salt water so Bulma goes to grab him some turtle then asks Goku to transport him back to the ocean so he does Bulma reluctantly follows we then cut to them taking a small break in the road where we encounter a muscular man who looks like a Power Rangers extra it appears as though he wants to take the turtle for his own reasons Goku then whips out guns sashanka in all three forms and knocks the poor guy back into the grass like three separate times which apparently defeats him we then fast travel to the ocean our turtle bro then goes into the ocean and boma fantasizes about swimming next thing we know Master Roshi appears riding on turtle bros back similar to the past two sequences all of these events are almost exactly the same in the manga this time adapting chapter three the only real difference to all of this would be the fact that the enemy they encounter on the road is a wolf bear looking guy and Goku takes him out with a single Junkin attack otherwise everything else is spot on so far so good so the most notable difference already is that Master Roshi is kind of a dick in this adaptation but for helping out turtle Master Roshi decides to give Goku a reward which happens to be none other than the flying Nimbus Roshi demonstrates that he's not worthy of riding it anymore and Goku cruises around on it like he's in fast in the Furious 9 all the while a bunch of cocaine blows into his face Roshi then offers to give Bulma his Dragon Ball which apparently will cost her a kiss that he forcefully takes wait a second how old is Master Roshi again 300 years huh well I mean I guess he did drink the Fountain of Youth and how old was Bulma supposed to be after Roshi gives his assault victim her Dragon Ball Goku and volna then fast travel to a seemingly deserted village all of those events were once again just like the manga adapting everything from chapter 4 the only difference is this time around our Master Roshi of course being a douche bag and the fact that instead of a kiss to get the Dragonball Roshi requests that Bulma show him her panties otherwise things are exactly the same Roshi gives her the Dragon Ball after that and Goku and Bulma also enter this deserted village Goku and Bulma curious about where everyone is decide to break into some old guy's house so this guy's first reaction is to try and murder the 12 year old now since I can't understand what they're saying I'm just going to describe everything that happens from a purely visual standpoint the old man and his daughter appear to serve Bulma and Goku dinner as an apology where they go over a lot of dialogue bomas Dragon Ball trekker goes off and it appears the daughter has won and it appears as though Bulma makes some sort of deal to acquire it next thing I know we cut back to the town and some creepy old guy with flowers just shows up out of nowhere and Bulma pushes Goku out in the open dressed like a little girl apparently this site pleases the old man as he approaches slowly the man then goes in for a molestation attack but is stopped by a street Pole which apparently is really funny to him next thing I know Goku starts urinating on the street pole and apparently this site really makes the old guy angry Goku then plays it off and the two of them then begin to fight and Goku heats his clothes off the old guy then Chris angels the heck out of there and a frickin Megazord comes down what what the [ __ ] the two of them then have an epic battle involving lots of fireworks and Goku's power pole suddenly has the ability to fire energy blasts which take down the enemy where it's revealed that it was actually along almost forgot about that little guy now the whole entire sequence actually makes sense but otherwise that was really confusing Bulma and Goku are rewarded with their Dragon Ball and then we cut to the next scene that whole sequence was adapted from chapters five and six of the manga and once again it's still pretty accurate however there are a few subtle differences for one the whole town shows up when goku and Bulma learn about ulong and the daughter is into the one who has the Dragon Ball instead it's just some random old lady Bulma makes a deal to get rid of oolong in exchange for that Dragon Ball so similar to the movie once along arrives they dress up Goku as a girl and try to deliver him to along as his new wife who long transforms into a much more attractive and young man which also gets bollnäs attention and considering along is all about the bouncy-bouncy he plans on taking both of them however Goku's bladder gets the best of him so he urinates on a nearby tree which really makes you a long angry so he transforms into a giant bull who long then realizes his transformation timer is about to run out so he tricks Goku by running away before letting another minute pass and then he transforms into a giant robot similar to the movie in the manga Luo long realizes Goku is actually super strong so he tries to escape by transforming into things like a bat and a rocket but at the end of the day he is captured by Goku and apologizes to the village Goku and Bulma get the Dragonball and then along is forced to tag along for their adventure this whole sequence would be a good example of adapting the source material in a way that gets the point across but at the same time it leaves out certain details that don't really matter for the adaptation either way things are still looking pretty accurate so far going back to the movie we get a glimpse of our three friends on a jet ski going across a river or something which is similar to the manga but then my jumps out of nowhere and transforms into a giant freakin centipede that chases down our lads in the water you know four leaves up close and personal shots you can kind of tell that this jet ski isn't even moving my the freaking centipede eventually catches up to them which apparently along notices or maybe he doesn't I can't really tell because he transforms into a fish and just knope's the heck out of there by jumping into the water except as he does he starts getting attacked by my in the water so that worked out pretty well huh on an unrelated note I just wanted to say that I really appreciate the fact that along is just a normal-sized dude in a pig costume that actually resembles oolong I don't know why it just really makes me happy because it looks so God darn ridiculous yet accurate at the same time that said rip this poor actor having to try and swim with that darn mask on Goku then decides to jump in the water to save him and decides to fight that centipede in Reverse we then have the most epic fight in the entire movie [Music] oscar-worthy performance right there kid my the centipede then just kind of Frick's off and we immediately cut back to our boys back on land for the record my cannot transform and this whole fight sequence did not occur in the manga who long then decides he doesn't really want to come with so Bulma offers him a piece of candy and I guess he just decides okay candy I'll come with don't even worry about it so they keep traveling until along eventually decides you know what Frick the candy I'm gonna go ahead and sneak out of here and leave these nerds behind and as they notice long is gone Bulma and Goku scream which for some reason causes along to have violent diarrhea on the spot this exact sequence happens in Chapter seven of the manga and the reason this happens is because the candy that hulong ate was actually an invention of bulma's that causes diarrhea whenever she says PP so because hualong doesn't want to crap his pants again he decides to continue tagging along Goku and Bulma then decide to bully the poor pig and make him crap again before they continue on their journey we then get a shot of a stuffed animal on top of a mountain apparently having the ability to levitate a telescope the stuffed animal sees our three adventurers walking across the barren wasteland and decides to go tell its master the stuffed animal is also apparently on crack and is addicted to tobacco if it's not obvious already this is par and for the record par does not smoke in the manga this is also where we get introduced to Yamcha the legend himself Yamcha then eats off the mountain and gets into his supercool car disobeying the rules of the road while he does another thing to note would be that in the manga Bulma lost her capsules in the river when they were going across so she no longer has any vehicles meaning they have to walk and she also no longer has any campsites and I assume the same thing ended up happening in the film however since I can't understand the dialogue and I don't remember seeing anything fall into the water I can't really tell if that's actually the case either way eventually Bulma gets super tired of walking while Goku just flies around on his Nimbus making the other two walk then Yamcha speeds in and confronts the lads don't try this at home by the way [Music] how it feels to qu5 come [Music] stimulate your senses Goku takes notice of Yamcha and decides to confront him wait was that the cameraman sweat Yamcha and Goku then talk a little bit before they both jump into a completely different environment with a single leap the two of them then have a very drawn-out standoff before engaging in an epic battle which begins with Yamcha somehow having an energy beam that he can shoot out of his sword that causes massive explosions watching them cut two very obvious stunt doubles for almost every jump is one of the many things I love about this film in this shot right here it looks like Goku was supposed to shoot an energy beam or something but they forgot to add the effect in post so it just kind of looks like Goku points his pole at Yamcha and then all of a sudden this piece of rock just randomly explodes Yamcha taken aback by how powerful that non-existent attack was decides to fight Goku with his iron claw Goku laughs in his face and gives him the old triple but Yamcha comes back with the triple fake-out dropkick which is so epic they show the end result like four times [Music] Goku then smacks Yamcha round some more before Yamcha has had enough and goes back for his sword nope before the two of them jumped back onto the flat part of land they originally started where they encountered Boehm arresting Bulma gets up as Yamcha runs by and Yamcha instantly gets nervous and has an imaginary sequence where Bulma smacks him while in a wedding dress he then frantically flips back into his car and yeats out of there like Doc Brown once again this whole sequence is pretty similar to what happens in Chapter 7 and 8 of the manga with very minor differences such as the fact that the fight is a lot more epic in the film or that imaginary wedding sequence not occurring but once again we've got a pretty accurate adaptation of the manga consider me thoroughly impressed at the accuracy thus far Goku and along then have a discussion about the Dragon Balls in alongs capsule at least we can assume that to what's happening because it happens in the manga all the while Yamcha is outside listening in and learns about the wish-granting as well who are as a stuffed animal is great by the way Yamcha then peeps on Bulma taking a shower which also happens in the manga you can also clearly see someone's hand push par into the frame god I love this movie we then skip chapter 10 of the manga completely within the film which contained a sequence where Yamcha nukes their vehicle and we also don't get bunny sue Bulma and instead we skip right to the events of chapter 11 in the movie Yaya is spying on the group once again before encountering chichi being chased by another Power Rangers reject the Power Ranger guy tries to chop her in half with a sword creating fireworks with every strike however chichi gets really scared and just kind of kicks him away before launching her helmet spike at him which also apparently explodes upon contact and then it returns to her head chichi then uses the frick you beam which causes our power rangers reject to die in epic fashion [Music] Yamcha is rightfully concerned in the manga chichi is instead being chased by a dinosaur which gets its head chopped off by her helmet blade before she uses the frick you beam and blows up the dinosaur's corpse Yamcha then knocks her out and continues on however Yamcha never knocks her out within the film Goku Bulma and along then arrive at a flaming castle where the next Dragon Ball apparently lies at the same time Yamcha is still spying on them with his super stylish telescope that he made in kindergarten Goku goes up on his flying Nimbus to try and get a look all the while Bulma and along are attacked by the Ox king they tried to avoid him but he isn't having it Goku then takes notice and comes down to fight the Ox King throws his axe which explodes so Goku gets back on his flying Nimbus and just kind of goes back up in the air the Ox King ven uses the force to propel Bulma into the air and then bury her deep into the sand while ulong pulls out his Bruce Lee nunchucks and gets buried alive by the Ox king's cape flap no exaggeration the Ox king and Goku start having a conversation which if we go over to the manga we can see that they're likely talking about how the Ox king and Goku both know Master Roshi and Grandpa Gohan at the same time I should mention that everything we just saw in the film is accurate two chapters 11 and 12 except the part with Bulma and along attacking the Ox King the Ox king then asks Goku if he can go fetch Master Roshi because Master Roshi has a certain item that the axe King needs to wipe out the flames of the castle in return the Ox King will give him the Dragonball that resides in the castle he also asks Goku to go fetch his daughter chichi on the way side note it kind of looks like Goku is riding a giant Twinkie in both the film and the manga Goku finds chichi and asks her to come with him the only difference being that in the manga Yamcha goes to Rican front chichi after knocking her out but he runs away as soon as he sees Goku come in in both versions as is getting on the nimbus she grabs Goku's tail which is where we learned that grabbing his tail is his one true weakness which Yamcha takes note of as he is spying on them in both versions Goku and chichi go to the comm a house and convince Roshi to give them the item to put out the fire whoa the only thing is Roshi apparently threw out the item they need to put out the fire so he instead says that he'll come put out the fire himself the only condition for him to come with is that he gets to touch boneless boobs I assume this is the case for both versions because I don't know what is happening other than this turtle abuse I don't know what this is but it's kind of hot the other difference would be that Master Roshi rides a completely different turtle in the manga but instead he rides on our normal turtle bro in the film or at least I think he does I honestly cannot tell what the hell is happening here [Applause] Goku chichi and Master Roshi all arrived and in the movie Roshi abuses turtle bro some more overall Master Roshi is still a huge dick in this film his perverted nature is definitely there but it certainly takes a backseat to his douchebag behavior in the manga row she agrees to put out the fire if he gets to touch bulma's breasts afterwards while in the movie it appears as though he just kind of forces himself upon her and then decides to do it anyways I don't know in both versions Roshi pulls out his super ripped body out of nowhere and releases the very first kamehameha of the series I personally love how this film just has some random buff dude flex for the camera and they even put a little tiny gray beard over the guy's obvious black beard already to add consistency in both versions the blast is so powerful that it not only puts out the fire but also destroys the entire castle after this in both versions Goku asks Roshi how long it would take him to master that attack which Roshi says would take 50 years Goku then gives it a try and he's able to pull it off on the very first attempt in the film he destroys a log but in the manga he destroys a car so far everything in this adaptation has been pretty spot-on however after this we get to the point where the film and the manga play out a lot differently for one we skip over a lot of content in the manga such as the rabbit gang Yamcha officially joining the group and also the first introduction of Emperor pilaf and his goons and instead in the film we cut directly to Emperor pilaf once again by the looks of it my is also back to her normal form instead of you know a centipede pilaf then goes to wake up nappa I guess you could say he was a nap and sent him out to stop Goku and his friends in the manga my and shoes steal the Dragon Balls from them and Goku and his friends track them back to pilaf castle where they end up getting caught in a trap the only issue for pilaf is that one of the Dragon Balls is still missing which happens to be the one Goku is carrying himself so they knock them out with sleeping gas and retrieve the final dragon ball from Goku pilaf and his goons then go out and summon Shenron and in an effort to stop pilaf Goku blasts a small hole in the wall which gives along and Phu are the opportunity to shape-shift into bats and go outside to stop them cutting back to the film Yamcha spies on Goku Bulma and along entering the cave and decides to follow them inside once they all get inside the cave nappa shows up looking for a fight so nappa and Goku start duking it out almost immediately and in the process goku straight-up murder is a different guy we then get a minecart scene straight out of temple of doom and I'm no expert here but I'm pretty sure that these guys are just launching fireworks at each other and there is no way that can be safe out of nowhere who long just pulls out a bomb and just attempts to nuke these poor guys shortly after this the three of them run into Yamcha and he appears to join their group they then run into nappa and his goons once again but wait a second if we look back at when nappa first appeared in the cave he had this dinky little sword now all of a sudden he just has this huge ass scimitar I don't know where he was fighting that but okay whatever Bulma tries to stop him with facts and logic but he isn't having it Goku and his stunt man then immediately start decimating nappa and his goons and once again there's no way someone didn't lose a fricking hand or two with all these fireworks like seriously these guys are dedicated Goku then gives nappa the kamehameha and freakin murders him on sight then in celebration of their victory Yamcha cuts a guy so hard with his sword that he literally explodes a few seconds later I don't really know how to explain what happens next but the four of them just kind of fade through the fabric of reality into the next scene somehow sorry I just think I'm too stupid to understand this and as they materialize back into the outside world another Megazord just shows up out of nowhere so along pulls out his Bruce Lee nunchucks and gets to work he does his best but unfortunately as quickly tossed aside goku then jumps in to save the day once again like seriously how did they talk this poor guy into getting hit with fireworks over and over I hope that guy got a fat paycheck after that Goku's power pole suddenly becomes a sparkler [Music] after Goku fails to defeat the Megazord boma looks like she's gonna bring the tiger claw out herself but Yamcha stops her before giving a whistle and this whistling somehow signals his car to literally fly toward them out of nowhere Yamcha and his flying car then have a battle against the Megazord where apparently Yamcha can suddenly shoot lightning bolts out of his sword again but luckily for the Megazord yamcha same apparently sucks watching this almost made me forget this is supposed to be a Dragon Ball movie eventually Yamcha manages to get a few good firework hits in and that apparently does it because the Megazord just kind of waddles in the background and explodes by the way where the hell is par at I missed that little stuffed animal F in the chat for par our group then rides off into the distance and then we cut to them inside a cave where they apparently run into some sort of laser trap based on what happened in the manga earlier I'm assuming my is informing him of the fact that they captured the others in the cave a bunch of gas enters the cave which I'm assuming is the same sleeping gas from the manga pilaf and his goons then enter and go steal the Dragon Balls from them whoa we'll close there pal we then cut to a shot of the castle and then we cut back to Goku making a hole which I'm guessing is supposed to signify what they used to look through and see what's happening on the outside unlike the manga pilaf is summoning Shenron during the day but similar to the manga they convince along to go outside and stop pilaf however we don't see him transform into a bat he just kind of appears outside pilaf then summons shenron and now that both the film and the manga are at the same spot they both share a similar sequence where pilaf is about to make a wish but who long interrupts him and wishes for panties in the manga mulan gets a single pair but in the film he is showered with them absolute mad Ladd after this the film and the manga conclude this story arc in two very different ways in the manga they all get trapped within one of pilaf traps again and he plans to give them the death penalty for ruining his wish by frying them in a glass room once the comes out the next morning cuz apparently it'll get really hot and you know the rest this is where we learned that Goku can transform into a great ape or O's ro whenever he looks at the full moon this azar ooh power then allows him to break out of the room that they were all trapped in and he starts wreaking havoc on the castle which causes pilaf and his goons to panic and try to escape but Asura go COO throws a piece of the castle at them and crashes their plane Yamcha then comes up with a plan to stop Goku by cutting off his weak point his tail which causes Goku to go back to normal after this since the Dragon Balls have been scattered across the world again and they won't go back to being Dragon Balls for a year the group decides to go their separate ways and meet again in one year thus ending the Emperor pilaf saga while in the film after pilaf swish was ruined everyone suddenly ends up in a rocky area out of nowhere as in they just kind of fade into this scene again since pilaf is so pissed off at along for stealing his wish he suddenly becomes emperor palpatine and starts electrocuting our poor piggy boy all of a sudden a flaming explosion appears in a nearby rock formation where go ku and the gang suddenly crawl out of Goku Yamcha and Bulma then make fun of P lofts apparent mental illness and his goons just suddenly appear next to him Goku decides to fight my again and basically freakin murders her right off the bat Mulan goes Bruce Lee mode for the third time in this movie [Music] wait was that a blow-up doll oh my god who long then attempts to anally penetrated beetleborgs shoe but shoe isn't having it the two of them then engaged in an epic battle but unfortunately a shoe is just too strong for who long to handle Yamcha then decides to jump in and save the day so he jumps up to these random flags that just happened to be nearby he throws one of them at shoe and somehow Yamcha threw that flag so hard that it literally makes shoe explode Oh pee laughs reaction is exactly how I feel after witnessing that pilaf then uses his firebending practical effects to scare our heroes and you could say they are quite frightened Goku and pilaf then take turns playing leapfrog as they both keep jumping off the same exact rock formations for some reason before engaging in Mortal Kombat who long then goes for the drop kick but it fails peel off then takes this opportunity to use the get rekt jutsu at first it seems like along is okay but he then collapses Goku and peel off then keep fighting but apparently peel off is just too strong for Goku to beat showing us that peel off is indeed at the top of the power scaling chart luckily for Goku he finally gets in a couple lucky combos and temporarily brings P lock down but before we can celebrate peel off brings out the Frick you beam and Goku is brought down if that wasn't enough hulong also brings down his pants then out of nowhere turtle bro comes in to save the day and no joke beats the everliving cheese out of peel off like he's just a little [ __ ] then I should you not Goku and Finn along of all characters pull out a goddamn Kamehameha and blow peel off to smithereens three separate times and then they all celebrate and the movie is over I'm at a loss for words what a cinematic masterpiece so now that we've compared it to the manga we've got to give this film an official rating out of 10 if you want to know more about how exactly I'm determining these ratings you can find the qualifications in the description in regards to adapting the characters I'm going to give this film a two out of three obviously the language barrier prevents me from accurately knowing how well a lot of these characters were portrayed but as far as I could tell most of them were portrayed pretty faithfully although the kid actors dialogue or at least his delivery seemed a little bit off Goku actually felt and looked like early Goku he gave off that very oblivious and curious vibe that Goku had in the early parts of the manga and his look was spot-on I honestly have to give them credit for the hair too I mean yeah it looked like it was just a big mass of hair gel and that's probably where the entire budget for the film went but it's shape was basically as close as you could get to the actual Goku without looking too weird and I really give them credit for making that work and they also had Goku's tail which is another plus from me Bulma was probably the most accurate to the source material in my opinion as she really gave off the bubbly yet serious attitude of Bulma within the manga her dialogue also felt very natural and convincing her various outfit changes were also very reminiscent of how often boma changes styles within the series obviously her hair wasn't blue or purple but personally not adapting anime hair colors it isn't really an issue for me in general though I felt the actress did a very good job Yamcha was pretty decent and certainly looked the part Pawar and along were pretty spot-on and oddly charming to me personally and the Ox king chichi and turtle certainly looked the part as well the main issues I have with the characters come from Master Roshi and the various enemies nappa being there was a little weird my being able to transform and the rest of the regular enemies being mekin in some way did feel kind of off part of the reason the enemies are so out of place is because apparently they are just costumes that were left over from a different Korean film called spark man just giving that movie a quick look shows me that this is factual master roshi was okay I mean he kind of looked the part but he was a huge dick personality wise which isn't very master roshi like I don't know it was just a little off but the worst parts character wise come from the inconsistencies with power and abilities like pilaf being jacked all of a sudden along having a freakin kamehameha you don't stuff like that overall though a lot of these characters felt like the characters within the manga and the characters are one of the most important parts of any adaptation if you can get the characters right the rest isn't as important in regards to adapting the plot I'm going to give this film a 2.5 out of 3 in general as far as actually adapting the story as close to the manga as possible I was actually pleasantly surprised to see how accurate this film was to the manga a lot of the scenes were almost adapted perfectly panel for panel and a lot of the stuff they left out was mainly just to make the movie flow better which I really appreciate a lot of people think that everything needs to be spot-on story wise for an adaptation to work but honestly no matter how you look at it it's impossible to adapt everything it just can't be done but if you can adapt the core elements of what made the original story work you've got the potential for a good adaptation on your hands the only reason I can't give this category a three out of three is because the ending of this film kind of throws a lot of the original ending out the window and I I don't even know how to describe it it just goes off the walls it's bonkers okay the ending is bonkers otherwise this is probably as good as it can get when it comes to adapting the first saga of Dragon Ball they just didn't stick the landing with the final sequence and finally in regards to this possibly being a good film and a good adaptation I'm giving this film a 2 out of 4 this is just one of those movies that reeks with amateur filmmaking this film is also littered with the feeling of it's so cheesy looking that it's actually enjoyable to watch and just pick apart and laugh and have a good time I personally had a blast watching it and if you Dragon Ball fan I would recommend you give it a watch for yourself but in terms of it actually being a great film I I wouldn't exactly call it that as far as it being a good adaptation this is actually a great adaptation almost everything aside from the ending and a couple little things here and there is spot on to the source material and like I said a lot of the characters looked and felt like the actual characters from the manga I was actually really surprised at how good and accurate of an adaptation this was but it's far from perfect the main thing that sets this movie back from being a 2 in this category would be the fact that it's impossible to find other than watching online and also the fact that subtitles for this film just don't exist so it's impossible to enjoy this film to its full potential along with the fact that not being able to understand the dialogue is also a big setback in determining if a lot of the situations are completely accurate to what happens in the manga with that Dragon Ball sawara son Goku a guy or a son Goku gets a total score of 6 point 5 out of 10 I was very surprised with how good of an adaptation this actually was and if you're looking for something fun and ridiculous to watch while also getting that classic Dragon Ball vibe I recommend you check it out [Music] the second Dragon Ball adaptation was another unofficial one however this one was Taiwanese this film is titled Dragon Ball the magic begins it came out in 1991 being based on the first Dragon Ball animated film Dragon Ball curse of the blood rubies which came out in 1986 now I know this is supposed to be manga versus movie rather than anime movie versus live-action movie but because this live-action is something that needs to be experienced and we were already talking about the other adaptations anyway I figured I'd make an exception so for this one we're going to be comparing it directly to the curse of the blood rubies since that's what this one is actually based on for context Dragon Ball curse of the blood rubies is essentially a complete retelling of the first Dragon Ball saga although many of the story elements and plot points are very similar to the manga where it's basically the same the main difference between the two is how the various characters first meet up with each other and this film has a different main villain from Emperor pilaf this time being King Guru meth as we progress through these two films you'll quickly notice that they are both extremely similar to the point where it would make more sense to point out the differences rather than the similarities this film was directed by Chun Liang Cheng as one of his later movies and I must say this is my personal favorite out of the three adaptations we're going to be looking at today and you'll soon see why an important thing to note about this film would be the fact that a lot of the character's names and some of the overall terms were changed to distance itself from the actual Dragon Ball franchise as I'm sure the people making this film didn't exactly want to get sued since you know they didn't have the film rights for instance goku is instead named monkey boy Bulma was named Seto and Yamcha was named mr. Westwood of all things another example would be the fact that the Dragon Balls were instead called dragon pearls but all those changes aside they still kept the Dragon Ball name in the title so it kind of makes all these changes redundant something to note before we dive into this one would be the fact that two versions of this film exist that being the original version from 1991 and the remastered version called Dragon Ball Ultimate Edition which came out in seven which is 15 minutes longer than the original version with the addition of new computer-generated effects which mostly looks like someone just figured out how to use After Effects and they just kind of went ham for a few days but either way this is the better quality more complete version of the film therefore it is the version I've decided to look at today if you're interested in checking out this film yourself you can pick up either version of the film on Amazon and I will have some links to those in the description now without further ado let's take a look at how the magic begins compares to the first Dragon Ball animated film curse of the blood rubies the movie begins with some spaceships headed toward a very cloudy planet then a bell signals the people of a remote village to start heading towards what I assume is the village church or some other important religious building we then get our first look at the dragon pearls although I'm just going to call everything by their actual dragon ball names so dragon balls this dragon pearl is a treasure in our village it has been with us for over 100 years now it has watched over us and brought us peace and prosperity and right now I'm going to hand it over to our new village chief I'm all for believing whatever you want to believe as long as it doesn't you know hurt anybody but why would you suddenly give your sacred treasure over to the village chief are they the ones that personally take care of it within the village or something I don't know it seems a little weird as everyone erupts and applause we suddenly see those spaceships from earlier arriving in the village and right off the bat they start blowing everything up and I've got to say for an unofficial b-movie these explosions are actually really impressive for practical effects they actually blew up a lot of stuff for this film the village chief then tells everyone inside the church to find shelter even though they were already within the church so he essentially told them to run outside and go find other shelter which could potentially get them killed because you know everything else is blowing up aside from the church I feel like we should really be questioning this guy's leadership right about now the chief then instructs his wife to take their daughter Jade and go find shelter as well he also refuses to go with because he by himself needs to protect the Dragonball where people are getting nuked outside you think you can protect that little Dragonball all by yourself as if we then get our first look at this army of invaders let at the front by a character based on Bongo and a character based on pasta both of which are exclusive to curse of the blood rubies the army then begins committing mass genocide against these poor villagers and while everyone is getting gunned down outside the village chief and the monks are just praying as hard as they can hoping all of this will just miraculously go away what a foolproof plan after the troops clear out the village our main villain whom is based on King Goro meth comes down from the ship and I must admit aside from those cheesy effects that they've added overtop the costume actually looks pretty good the king wants the Dragon Ball but the chief is like nah pal I'll destroy it before I ever give it to you the monks then decide to protect the chief and for some reason the King just lets them outside the king then teleports via some sort of energy ball and appears in front of the monk entourage and then he just kind of one-hit kills everybody and takes the Dragon Ball if you could already want to get killed this entire group why didn't you just do that inside why did you even let them walk outside why I don't did you want to show off your power I don't get it we then learned that the King has two Dragon Balls now and he plans to summon Shenron and get the power to rule the universe he also mentions that he doesn't know where the other five Dragon Balls are at the moment but he does assume that one of them is in the East somewhere in the curse of the blood rubies this sequence plays out a little bit differently we open with a village that is being torn apart and excavated for these gems called blood rubies at the request of the king the villagers are obviously not very happy about this specifically a little girl named pansy who tries to fight back a great name by the way her father defends her but ends up getting decked out by Bongo pansy then vows to get revenge on them herself Bongo & Pasta then go meet with the king in this version the king basically only sits around and eats while in the magic begins he's actually pretty strong we learned that the King can only satisfy his massive hunger with the blood rubies which is why he's been tearing up the village but we also learned that he has a side quest finding the dragonballs to wish away his hunger forever so he sends out pasta and bongo to go find them so obviously the two films start out a bit differently as the magic begins may be based on curse of the blood rubies and based on its characters but the whole film doesn't have anything to do with the actual blood rubies themselves both have a village getting destroyed in different ways one of which is much more violent but either way both versions establish these same characters just in different ways with different motivations I have heard and keep inside of the farmers their lives a man by the name of Smaug are you kidding me they named him Sparkle either way though another big difference in this movie compared to Dragon Ball in general would be the fact that Grandpa Gohan is alive in this movie the king instructs his goons to go get the Dragon Balls similar to curse of the blood rubies but as soon as he does that the Dragon Ball starts flipping out this obviously warns Gohan of the impending danger so he warns Goku or Monkey Boy that no matter what happens to him the Dragon Ball must be protected Goku claims he won't let anything happen to Gohan or the Dragon Ball or his magic pole at least in this version the power pole actually has the ability to extend good grandpa Gohan then states that the pole nor the Dragon Ball can be stolen once again and then proposes a training exercise between the two of them ohand blasts Goku into the trees with some sort of wind blast and then this instantly turns into one of the best things I've ever seen in my entire life honestly I wish I could just show you the entirety of this fight but the copyright system prevents me from doing that this is still one of the best things I've ever seen [Music] whoa that took a turn I was not expecting with his underhanded techniques it appears Goku was able to win the fight the two of them then decide there is still one final round to decide the victor which is done with rock-paper-scissors wait what the hell is this I wasn't expecting to get made with a beat like that the thing is Gohan says that Goku lost their round of rock-paper-scissors but if we look closely at what they threw down Goku clearly throughout scissors while Gohan threw out paper which would mean that Gohan was the one who actually lost um unless I'm missing something here well anyways because Goku lost apparently I'm convinced Gohan's a cheater Goku now has to do all the cooking for the day that means you do all the cooking so Goku goes out hunting for a crocodile apparently and he decides to go find this crocodile with absolute swag apparently oh hey look a string Goku also apparently has the ability to fly which is something that doesn't happen in the Dragon Ball manga until after meeting tien goku then takes a small break to feed a bunch of monkeys what a stand-up guy Goku that locates a crocodile and jumps right off of a large waterfall I feel like I've already seen this somewhere before Goku then beat the everliving out of the crocodile and begins heading back we then get introduced to boma who is of course hunting the Dragon Balls as soon as Bommel locates the Dragon Ball our enemy goons roll up in two tanks out of nowhere going in that very direction Bulma gets back into her Jeep and then runs into Goku carrying his meal and instead of you know hitting the brakes she attempts to perform vehicular manslaughter luckily though goku strength is enough to stop the vehicle goku then claims that boma looks strange and therefore must be a witch so he takes an offensive stance [Music] Bulma then tries to kill a twelve-year-old with absolutely no remorse like we've seen before Bulma then tries to run away but Goku stops her he then gets confused at the fact that she's a girl because he's never seen one before you're a girl really a girl but the thing is as soon as he first sees Bulma he says this thing so he obviously already knew she was a girl yet he is still taken aback by the fact that she's a girl later in the same scene this is the best thing ever the two of them start babbling on until Goku eventually notices her Dragon Ball Goku explains how he also has one and then bolna comes to the realization that those goons from earlier must be trying to steal it so Goku immediately runs back to stop them we then cut back to Grandpa Gohan who senses a disturbance in the force as he looks outside to check it out a bunch of goons just fly down lightly from the trees in an aerial drive-by and somehow pasta is already inside their Hut and tries to light him up Gohan stops her from taking the dragonball and gives her a roundhouse kick Mamdouh then blows down the door and then tries to blow up the entire place with Gohan still inside however Gohan managed to sneak out to the well via a hole in the floor Bongo then blows Gohan out of the hole in epic fashion Goku then flies in at mall speed but unfortunately the enemy has already left and Gohan nor the Dragonball are anywhere to be found Bulma arrives shortly afterwards and mentions the direction that the goons originally came from which prompts Goku to immediately fly after them however Bulma stops him and they decide to go find them together they eventually catch up to the goons and get lit up with gunfire immediately but that does not stop them instead when they try to get closer again Bongo pulls out the noob tube which is unfortunately too much for them to handle Bongo pasta and the rest of the goons then ride off into the sunset so naturally Bulma and Goku decide to ride an elephant and drop exposition did you know that an adult African elephant can eat up to 136 kilograms of food each day the two of them then decide to pursue the Dragon Balls because if they do there's a chance they could also rescue grandpa Gohan who they believe is still alive now looking back at curse of the blood rubies we have a similar sequence but it plays out a little bit differently first off similar to the manga Grandpa Gohan is already dead so that's already a big change in the live action in this version Goku also sets out for food by jumping off a mountain into the water but captures a large fish instead of a crocodile we then see Bulma and the goons heading after the Dragonball at Goku's Hut Bulma once again runs into Goku tries to kill him you know the drill by now the two of them then head back to Goku's Hut because boma thinks that someone has already taken Goku's Dragonball and sure enough she was right well at least they had the common courtesy to leave some money behind the two of them then used one of bulma's capsules to chase after them they end up having a firefight which eventually leads to Bulnes ship getting shot down but Goku saves her with the power pole before she hits the ground which causes her to pee herself the two of them then decide to team up to go get the Dragon Ball back together going back to the magic begins we see the village Chiefs daughter from earlier being chased by some sort of monster wait no no no it is that is that a Pigman in blackface that's a real bra moment right there racist undertones aside this pig man apparently wants to take this nine year old as his wife so not only is he racist but he's also a strong believer in the fact that age is just a number I really don't know how much more offensive this can get Goku and Bulma hear that girl's cry for help so Goku decides to put a stop to our racist pedo villain hmm Grandin never mentioned that there were men as dark as this oh come on Goku you can't be racist - what the heck after our pig boy notices Bulma he decides that he wants her instead so Goku teaches him a lesson as pig boy tries to run away Goku flies after him after another smack the pig boy decides to surrender he then explains that he's actually a good guy he just has a weakness for pretty girls because he wants to breed with them to have pretty children excuse me he then tries to attack the girls again but Goku quickly puts a stop to it I'm very good at kissing asses you know that what did you say did this man just offer sexual acts to get out of this what is even happening the pig man then proclaims that he has other skills like transformation so he demonstrates his power and the three of them automatically forgive him so naturally he sucker punches goku turns into a bat and tries to escape but before he can get away goku smacks out of the sky and he transforms into a normal overweight guy which is apparently his true form we then get some world building where we find out this guy is the 91st descendant of the pig fairy so they call him the pigheaded wizard to which Goku mentions that his grandpa told him he's the 91st descendant of The Monkey King the two of which were brothers in the past meaning that these two are distant ancestors which is also not accurate to the source material on that note this is obviously supposed to be along if you haven't figured that out yet going back to curse of the blood rubies we meet along chasing pansy in a similar scene however without the racism but since we've already seen this whole sequence a few times already it's basically summed up with goku defeats along and he ends up joining them along with pansy going back to the magic begins goku and along notice that someone is nearby that someone then tries to gun them down which turns out to be a yeehaw cowboy with his parrot companion if it's not obvious already this is supposed to be Yamcha and Pooh our I guess deciding on a talking parrot is one way to adapt the character without being too obvious Yamcha demands that they leave their valuables in which case he'll spare their lives unfortunately for them they don't have any money so goku decides to fight him instead Yamcha lights him up but Goku blocks every shot when the cowboy outfit comes off you know Yamcha means business the two of them begin another epic fight where Yamcha apparently also knows how to fly up and down the walls they go leaving afterimages with a lot of their strikes goku eventually gets a face full of bricks and then returns the favor by using the extending ability of his power pole glad to see along and pars rivalry is portrayed elegantly in this film now that both of their weapons are gone they only have one option or Luka [Music] what the [ __ ] I what do I even say to that they punched each other so hard that they ended up in a [ __ ] ps1 game was a good idea the two of them evenly matched eventually have a nose-picking standoff that is until boma arrives wow he's so good-looking what'd you call that good-looking you know not to call this guy ugly or anything but I don't really think he's not attractive so I'm just as confused as you go Koo Goku then uses this opportunity to get a cheap shot tee and because Yamcha is super nervous about women he pieces out faster than sonic going back to the curse of the blood rubies who long mentions that this area is dangerous because of a certain guy and in a very similar fashion to the live-action yamcha tries to gun them down and rob them which leads to a very similar fight between the two before Bulma eventually shows up which causes Yamcha to run away because of his nervousness back in the magic begins Jade or pansy tells the group about how her village was destroyed and her family killed because of the Dragon Ball boa mentions that the big bad guy is probably collecting all the Dragon Balls to get a wish from Shenron pansy ven mentions that she went out looking for the turtle man for help who long knows where the turtle man is located so they all decide to go find him and while they're talking about all this Yamcha is listening in and apparently so is pasta who just kind of showed up out of nowhere curse of the blood rubies shares a very similar scene where they all decide to go find Master Roshi but we also learned more about the blood rubies themselves and how they corrupted the King with greed and we also learned he apparently already has five Dragon Balls Yamcha was also listening during this scene but pasta was not present Yamcha plans to go meet Master Roshi first and turn him against the others all so that he can sneak off and get the Dragon Balls for himself so that he can cure his nervousness around women in the magic begins Yamcha comes up with a similar plan however we also learned that he has a Dragonball of his own that he stashed away we then cut back to the king who is informed by Bongo that pasta located another Dragonball which is the one carried by Bulma the King then plans to ambush them at Roshi's island since that's where they are going next we then cut to Master Roshi who apparently has a turtle head oh never mind that's better [Music] I'm not even surprised anymore he then summons the flying Nimbus and commands it to take him to see some pretty girls however because he is no longer pure of heart he's unable to fly it Yamcha then arrives and instantly gets jumped by Master Roshi the two of them quickly Duke it out but Roshi takes him down claiming that Yamcha was only there to steal his flying Nimbus Yamcha then warns Roshi about someone coming to fight him pointing out Goku's group in the distance as the ones who are come in as they arrive on the island Master Roshi comes out ready to fight but is distracted by bolas looks almost immediately see I was right brother guys much worse I'm not sure about that one chief you did wear black face and try to assault a nine-year-old Roshi does his mating dance for Bulma and Roshi accuses Goku of wanting to fight him the group denies this and ro she explains that Yamcha was the one that told him they wanted to battle upon getting found out Yamcha still accuses Goku of being the one who wants to fight you lied to him and prey me I'll teach you the two of them start another fight but they stopped because boma said so Roshi then claims he has a way to determine which of them are lying I'm not sure if this is the method but I like it Roshi then summons the flying Nimbus once again explains how it works and instructs the two of them to try writing it whoever is unable to do so is obviously the liar Yamcha epically fails to the point where the Nimbus won't even get near him and when Goku gives it a shot he automatically knows how to ride it with style proving his innocence Roshi then decides to give Goku the Nimbus sense Goku's actually able to use it unlike him Yamcha claims he didn't mean to lie he just wanted a chance to get the group's Dragon Ball I don't know if that's any better but okay which is where Roshi reveals that he also has a Dragon Ball which also leads to the reveal that Yamcha has one as well after some convincing by Roshi Yamcha agrees to help the group and gives them his Dragon Ball however after getting flustered by Bulma he chooses out of there at sonic speed once again Roshi then agrees to give them his Dragon Ball but for a price that price being a look at bulma's melons the group then goes inside the house to discuss what to do Bulma comes up with a plan to give Roshi what he wants without having to do it herself which is done by convincing who long to transform into Bulma and because his body would now look just like hers he could strip for Roshi instead it's me it's me me me who long then decides to dress in drag apparently Goku is a little bit transphobic who long then actually transforms into Bulma but he also gives her some bigger implants to please the turtleman [Music] you know you really need to see this to believe it Mulan shows off the goods for the Dragon Ball which causes this to happen the group now has three Dragon Balls and the King has three as well so they question Roshi on where the final Dragon Ball could be however the previous situation made Roshi a very happy man so he was unable to answer due to his horny days suddenly a bunch of space ships approached out of nowhere and start firing upon them Bongo & Pasta then get beamed onto the island and blow up Master Roshi's house the sudden attack brings Master Roshi back to his senses and he joins the fight during the commotion Bulma drops the Dragon Balls and pasta swoops in to steal them Master Roshi instructs the group to escape while he takes care of them so they hop on Goku's flying Nimbus and peace out having got what they came for the enemy's escape before Master Roshi can finish them off though he does manage to take out a few ships Bongo then blows the heck out of Roshi and whatever remained of his house now back in curse of the blood rubies we have almost the exact same sequence Yamcha arrives early to trick Roshi into thinking they wanted to fight him so to find out who's telling the truth they go through the same flying Nimbus test Yamcha flees and Goku gets to keep the Nimbus Roshi agrees to give them his Dragonball in exchange for scene bull maza melons so we have the same situation where along transforms so Bulma doesn't have to do it herself after they get the Dragonball pasta and bongo launched an attack from a submarine that blows up Roshi's house and they use a small robot to steal one of the Dragon Balls in the process this pisses Roshi the Frick off so he unleashes a kamehameha and completely obliterates them however they managed to escape last second Goku then learns how to do the Kamehameha from watching Roshi which surprises him and pansy asks Roshi to come with them so he can help save the day however Roshi refuses claiming that Goku is already more than strong enough to save the day himself the group then heads out now only having one Dragon Ball while the King has the remaining six with plans to take the other six Dragon Balls from the King and save the village moving back to the magic begins the King now has six of the Dragon Balls as well however the seventh one hasn't been located by either party as of yet while master roshi didn't join up in curse of the blood rubies he does decide to tag along in this adaptation Yamcha then reappears out of nowhere and also decides to join them Master Roshi makes the connection that everyone in the group has some sort of relationship with the Dragon Balls aside from along so Master Roshi tells him to get lost basically Roshi also mentions that whenever two Dragon Balls come together the remaining five will eventually find a way to each other in one way or another for that reason he believes that someone within the group must be hiding another sure-enough who long had won this entire time the group then decides to get the other six from the king along with dishing out some sweet revenge on the way now back in curse of the blood rubies the final sequence plays out like this the group arrives at the palace and are instantly separated by gunfire Goku fights bongo while the other three get shot out of the sky at the same time Yamcha also storms the palace on his own the others eventually meet up with Yamcha in the castle and then run into pasta because pasta is a girl Yamcha is unable to fight her due to his nervousness around women luckily they eventually managed to outrun her Goku then defeats bongo by crashing through a building and the others enter the king's throne room where goku also happens to be now the king then goes from a fat purple monster to a giant fat purple monster and kills bongos in the process you make a nice doormat we then learned that he's apparently been keeping the other six Dragon Balls within his stomach so before the king can kill the group Bulma throws the final Dragon Ball in a stomach and summons Shenron causing the King to explode pansy then wishes her village back to its normal peaceful self so Shenron grants the wish and they all live happily ever after now back to the magic begins let's see if the ending is similar damn who knew ulong could be such a savage oh yeah anyway with along straight-up murdering people the others use his distraction to enter the village Goku blocks a bunch of bullets while along frozen aid frag out but pasta and some more goons managed to push them back Roshi and the girls run into Bongo but Roshi drops a fat energy blast to stop them Goku along and Yamcha takes shelter under a house and Yamcha takes care of some goons coming their way pasta reappears and faces off with Goku and then against Yamcha as well this version of Yamcha may be nervous around women but he sure didn't hesitate to spin kick one as soon as pasta gets back up Fuu long straight up murders her we cut back to Roshi and the girls running from Bongo squad however they end up getting separated Bongo goes after the girls but before he can attack them Hiroshi comes in with the sneak attack Roshi and Bongo then throw down total deal went to fort roshi appears to be on the losing side so Bulma grabs bongos gun off the ground the others arrive to meet up with the group as Roe she gets thrown so Bulma takes this opportunity to straight-up murder bunker behind explosion the group continues on and runs into a large collection of goons Roshi blasts a bunch of them and then Goku and Yan Cheu jump in to help take care of the rest then out comes the final boss with a surprise attack he demands they hand over the Dragon Ball which they refuse so Roshi and the Kings start having a beam struggle that is until the Kings spaceship drops an aerial attack to throw them back the ship then beams down grandpa Gohan who is still alive seeing Gohan alive makes Goku instantly attack but the dark side of the force is too strong for him the King then demands they hand over the last Dragon Ball or he's going to kill Gohan Goku begs them to hand over the last Dragon Ball but Roshi knows that if they do they'll all be dead anyway so even though I don't know why the King decides to hit Gohan towards them for some reason getting rid of all his leverage in the process the group then tries to escape but the King traps them in some sort of force field with blue color grading by the looks of it and all of a sudden all of the dead villagers start coming out of nowhere and surrounds the group from all sides so I guess this means the king is also a necromancer with the ability to resurrect corpses that follow all of his commands the King then forces the corpses to start attacking the entire group seemingly stuck in this situation Goku summons the flying Nimbus to get out and attacks the King putting a stop to all the zombies who drop instantly however Goku is no match for the King and is quickly defeated Yamaka jumps in and is also quickly defeated who long then brings out the big guns to keep him busy meanwhile ro she asks Gohan if he knows where the King hid the other Dragon Balls - which Gohan states that he believes they are in his stomach so they come up with the plan to get the Dragon Ball in his mouth so the balls will meet in his stomach causing him to explode who long is taken down and Roshi moves up to execute the plan we have another beam struggle but with Gohan's help they are able to take down the king Roshi then jumps in to force the dragon ball down his but the girth is just too much to fit so Goku uses the extending ability of the power pole to [ __ ] that thing right down the king then starts rolling around in agony and one of his ships comes in to save him as the King gets beamed into his ship the whole entire thing explodes revealing Shenron who is gold for some reason which on that note unlike in the actual Dragon Ball they did not have to say a phrase to get Shenron to appear instead apparently just putting the Dragon Balls together will make Shenron just you know pop up Shenron requests their one wish so pansy steps forward and wishes for her village and peace restored Shenron grants the wish and all the corpses on the ground suddenly get back up and everyone is alive and happy again our heroes are happy for their success but Yamcha mentions he still has a wish which is to fight Goku again so the two of them Duke it out and oh god damn it not again after transforming back into their ps1 forms the movie is over so while the ending was a bit more violent and action-packed at the end of the day it was still kinda similar to the ending of the curse of the blood rubies now that we've compared the magic begins to the movie it was based on what would I rank this adaptation out of 10 when it comes to adapting the characters I'm going to give this film a 1.5 out of 3 in general most of the characters felt like the characters they were based on some of them much more than others for instance I feel like Master Roshi in this movie was a perfect representation of Master Roshi within the manga whereas the rest of them certainly contain elements of the characters they're based on but a lot of them weren't quite on the same level as the previous film we looked at Goku was pretty close to actual Goku however he seemed a lot more aggressive than the Goku from the manga at least from the early parts of the manga though that could also be explained with the fact that he wants revenge because they took grandpa Gohan and we all know that plot thread is not in the manga Bulma was okay as Bulma Yamcha was also okay but nothing overly special I'd say the most inaccurate out of the bunch was along but I don't exactly need to explain why as far as the villains go I think pasta was a bit better in curse of the blood rubies but Bongo was good and King in particular was a lot better in this version he was actually powerful and threatening so it added some real stakes to everything that was happening so overall I'd say while a lot of these characters aren't perfectly adapted by any means most of them still felt like the characters they were supposed to be and they all gave off that early Dragon Ball charm that's needed to make a movie like this work when it comes to adapting the story I'm going to give this film a three out of three because this film was a direct remake of the curse of the blood rubies I can confidently say that this movie delivered when it came to adapting that story while at the same time making the appropriate changes to make the story flow a bit better for instance the blood ruby subplot as a whole made sense for the animated movie but in this version since the villain was adapted into a much more power hungry villain he had no use for gems and instead was only after universal domination so making him chase after the Dragon Balls alone was a better fit for the themes of the story the fact that the king also massacred Pansy's entire village and family for a single Dragon Ball also added to the motivation for her to seek out help while in the animated film she just kind of went off on her own because she was really pissed off otherwise all of these story beats that were hit in the animated film were also adapted within this movie some things just happened a little bit differently to work better in this adaptation for that reason I have to give them credit where credit is due when it comes to adapting the story with the highest score I can give because in my opinion this adaptation also made the story even more entertaining than the original that's found within curse of the blood rubies finally when it comes to the overall quality of this film as both an adaptation and a standalone film I'm going to give this one a 2.5 out of 4 as an adaptation I think they nailed this one the story was adapted perfectly and the only thing they needed to improve a little bit were the characters and they also probably should have ditched those racist undertones with who long because that was not an epic gamer moment but when it comes to the quality of this as a film that's where it loses some points to be completely honest I had an absolute blast watching this film and it's easily my favorite out of the three were looking at today it was just so bad and cheesy at points that I couldn't stop laughing while at the same time it also had moments that were actually pretty cool and entertaining overall I'd just say this one is so bad that it's great and you can also really tell that the crew making this one gave it their all as a lot of the costumes actually looked great as did the props the fights were pretty well choreographed most of the time and they also went all out on the practical effects I couldn't even count how much stuff they ended up blowing up to make it look crazy and over-the-top like the actual story plus the amount of extras they had to direct it tons shows us that everyone including the extras really gave it their all the only problem is that this is still a very amateur film and it's far from a masterpiece in fact even if you're a huge fan of Dragonball I wouldn't recommend this or the other film if you're not a fan of B movies in general but if you are looking for a good classic Dragonball movie that you can have an absolute blast watch in filled with laughter cringe confusion and even cheers I highly recommend you give this one a watch as watching the whole thing in its entirety is something that needs to be experienced to really appreciate with that Dragon Ball the magic begins gets a total score of seven out of ten [Music] last and definitely least is Dragonball Evolution the infamous Hollywood adaptation that is also the only official Dragonball live-action to date evolution also has quite the history first and foremost 20th Century Fox acquired the film rights to Dragonball back in 2002 and were itching to make a movie out of the franchise directly after acquiring the rights the studio originally approached Stephen Chow to direct the film the same year they acquired the rights cha almost took the offer because he was a huge fan of Dragonball however he decided it was too big a task for him to direct so he passed on the offer however he did end up signing on to be one of the main producers of the movie the studio would also ask individuals such as Zack Snyder Robert Rodriguez and even George Lucas if they wanted to direct but they all declined the directing job would eventually be accepted by James Wong and the filming began in 2007 as far as the cast goes Justin Chatwin would go on to play Goku James Marsters would play piccolo Emmy Rossum would play Bulma chow yun-fat would play Master Roshi and Jamie Chung would play chichi everyone else really isn't worth mentioning the movie eventually came out in spring of 2009 and the budget is also somewhat of a mystery as there are three different reports at first it was stated the budget was one hundred million dollars then they eventually backpedaled 250 million dollars and eventually 30 million regardless of what the budget actually was the movie only ended up bringing in fifty eight point two million dollars at the box office so all things considered the movie could have been profitable if the budget was actually thirty million but needless to say it was considered both a critical and financial failure this was also kind of a big issue for Fox as they had planned to make Dragonball Evolution the next big film series and had already planned multiple sequels they even began writing the second film before the first was even released and many of the actors such as Justin Chatwin and James Marsters have stated that they had a three-film contract although Justin also mentioned the talks of seven films being possible going as far to say the story would really get good within the next film however due to the fact the movie ended up floppy in every possible aspect all plant sequels were canceled and a Dragonball live-action has not been touched ever since and although there are currently no plans to make another Dragonball live-action it should be noted that with the recent deal Fox made with Disney Disney currently have the film rights to Dragonball and could therefore make another live-action movie in the future let's hope it doesn't happen again with all that history out of the way though let's ask a few questions before we actually dive in is Dragonball Evolution actually as bad as everyone says and how does it compare to the manga let's check it out the movie opens up with a narration explaining events from the past which is already a horrible sign for any movie if the plot is so scuffed that it needs to be spoon-fed to the viewer at the beginning of the film to make any sense later we got a problem on our hands the narration basically tells us that thousands of years ago piccolo and his disciple oozaru came down from space and started massacring everybody to the point where humanity was almost extinct eventually a group of warriors created something called the ma fuba which was able to imprisoned piccolo deep within the earth for all eternity and for some reason after Piccolo's imprisonment hoes are you just kind of disappeared and the world has since remained peaceful for thousands of years now just from this opening narration alone I can already tell they [ __ ] up the story in the manga a lot of these plot elements are there but everything happened vastly differently for one these events did not happen thousands of years ago but instead about 300 in Dragonball there are these things called guardians which are basically godlike beings that look after a planet 300 years ago on namekian was given the opportunity to become Earth's new Guardian however the current Guardian was like nah son you got some evil in you so that namekian found a way to expel every ounce of evil out of its body leaving only the good behind that namekian then became comi the new guardian of earth at the same time the evil it expelled eventually took on its own form which would become king piccolo so naturally being a literal manifestation of evil king piccolo was pretty pissed off and decided to conquer the planet story short he killed a lot of people and created his own army of minions to help him do it King Piccolo and his minions eventually fought the dojo of master mu Tito and killed everyone aside from mu Tito and two of his disciples those disciples being Roshi and Shen the three of them barely made it out alive so after training a great deal mu title came up with a technique called the MA fubá which would be able to imprisoned piccolo within a rice cooker that's designed to contain evil so he goes up to King Piccolo and uses the MA fubá to imprison him immediately however using the MA fubá apparently comes at a price as using the technique killed mu Taito in the process Roshi then took the rice cooker with piccolo trapped inside and threw it into the deepest part of the earth he could find where piccolo remained trapped for 300 years so although some elements from the manga are present in the movie there's a lot missing at the same time the other thing that stands out would be the fact that oz aru is apparently Piccolo's disciple that never happened in the manga in fact the O's ro or great apes are only present as an ability that Saiyans possess I guess the movie is just trying to make us believe that piccolo and a Saiyan were working together in the past however for some reason after piccolo was captured the O's are you also disappeared for no reason so by Dragonball logic would that mean that a Saiyan who was supposed to be helping piccolo just kind of disappeared for no reason okay sure whatever you say I'll go with it I mean it sounds kind of stupid but this is an adaptation so not everything's gonna be the same I get that anyway we haven't even started the film officially yet and I'm already out here ranting about the manga comparisons so let's see if they may be explained some of this a little bit better within the film first rule is there are no rules what does that have to do with Dragonball oh great the opening shot is slow-motion sweat yes good to know Goku is a mouth breather then we get the most bizarre fight scene in any of these movies where Grandpa Gohan and Goku fight on top of some clotheslines oh yeah grandpa Gohan is also alive in this one by the way prepare to eat dirt not gonna lie confident that all of the fights we've looked at in the previous two movies are not only better choreographed but they're also more entertaining this is just a train wreck I can already tell this movie is going to be full of slow-mo and I don't like it who made this movie again yeah you go hon pulls out some sort of energy wave to make Goku eat dirt shadow crane strike oh so that's what it's called what a memorable Dragon Ball technique this could be a reference to the crane school that Tian is from but I don't believe the movie is that smart Gohan tells Goku to stop fighting like a chump and use his key which Goku apparently can't do if you haven't realized it by now these events are supposed to be based on the original Dragon Ball yet something is a little off here but I just can't put my finger on it oh yeah Goku isn't a child instead he's supposed to be 18 and goes to high school excuse me what through the dialogue we learned that Goku is apparently different so he doesn't have any friends and gets picked on a lot and he also doesn't know how to talk to girls or anything like a normal high school kid which to be fair kid Goku was always really oblivious since he didn't know anything about the outside world so he was always doing weird things in social situations since he doesn't know any better but if you expect me to believe that this guy has been going to school for probably years now and he hasn't learned a single shred of social skills come on bruh this ate it anyway we also learned that today is apparently Goku's 18th birthday so Gohan decides to give him his prized possession a Dragon Ball and explains how finding all seven will grant him one wish Goku is basically like yeah cool whatever and then he leaves then we get to see Goku go to school like he totally didn't do within the manga and as he arrives his bike instantly gets ran over by some bullies to be fair that is destruction of property and Goku should totally press some charges or something hey fuller you just wrecked my bike oh how could I forget one of Goku's many archenemies Frieza cell and fuller great we hang get go geek oh how long did it take the writers to come up with that Goku can't fight back because he knows grandpa Gohan will be mad so instead he makes very angry poop faces if I put up my hood I'll look edgy and cool that'll show him fuller then walks into the school with the clear love interest of the story notice how she looks back in sympathy as if she actually has any interest in this twerp whatsoever we then cut to piccolo on an airship looking down with his hood up like another edge Lord must be a common theme in this movie mr. piccolo then drops an energy ball and blows up an entire village we then cut to my within said village looking for a lady who has a Dragon Ball the lady eventually reveals herself and gives my the Dragon Ball shortly after that piccolo also shows up and then my kills the lady off-screen now something to note about this would be the fact that piccolo wouldn't be introduced until chapter 135 of the manga while the vast majority of this film adapts the much earlier chapters of the manga so they're essentially mashing the Emperor pilaf saga and the King Piccolo saga while ignoring everything in between another thing that kind of bugs me about all this would be the fact that we never find out how piccolo was freed within the film we only learn about the fact that he was imprisoned thousands of years ago from that narration at the beginning but at no point do they ever explain how he got out instead he just kind of shows up in the manga piccolo was released by pilaf Mai and Shu as they basically wanted to use King Piccolo's power to their advantage essentially their plan was free piccolo used the Dragon Balls to give him his youth and power back and then let piccolo take over the world once he eventually does they wanted to make a deal where piccolo would give them half of the world to rule in return for freeing him in the first place so although at first I was kind of confused on why my of all characters is the one helping piccolo throughout the movie I guess it kind of makes sense and I guess we're also supposed to assume that my alone was the one who freed piccolo as pilaf and Shu are not in this movie except we never learn a thing about my or what her motivations are or anything as she literally only says like three lines throughout the entire film so she's barely even a character outside of just being a mindless henchman and as a viewer if you didn't already know that pilaf and my for that matter freed piccolo within the manga it would be basically impossible to connect the dots that she must have been the one to free piccolo in the first place instead it just kind of feels like piccolo freed himself somehow but again it's never explained or mentioned or anything so even if he did it's kind of redundant either way at the very least the plot element of piccolo hunting the Dragon Balls to get his youth back is the same we then cut back to Goku in school learning about eclipses you know totally accurate to the source material while in class goku stops paying attention and starts staring at that girl in the least obvious way possible he then starts having this weird fantasy where she's eating a strawberry in a field of flowers Goku has a strawberry fetish confirms the teacher interrupts his wet dream before he starts going to town and asks him what our ancestors would say about the upcoming solar eclipse oh well my grandfather would say beware dynamics what first of all I know I'm the last person that should be talking about this because I mispronounce everything but this is a big-budget movie how the hell are you guys gonna say namekians wrong and another thing everyone including piccolo himself didn't even know they were namekians until Dragonball Z when Vegeta showed up but Goku basically makes a fool of himself saying that these alien nameks almost destroyed the world over 2,000 years ago and everyone in class is just as confused as us we then find out this school has dumb lockers that you have to scan with an ID to open except they apparently suck the love interest can't get her paper out for class so out of nowhere Goku can suddenly use his key to open every single locker with a single hand gesture the girl catches him because he's super obvious about it and asks him if he just did that which he straight-up admits except this girl knows about ki as well you know about ki just because my name is Chi doesn't make me complete it oh so this is Chi Chi that makes sense except you know Goku was never interested in Chi Chi throughout the entirety of Dragon Ball chichi literally had to trick him into marrying her because she was obsessed with him not the other way around right there's a lot stupider names in Chi Chi bra your name is King Goku how do you have any right to criticize her about her stupid name basically this whole entire sequence shows us Goku's awkward nature and chichi invites him to a party she's having that night Goku gets all swagged out to go to chi Chi's party and decides to take the Dragon Ball with him for whatever reason meanwhile Gohan makes dinner and gets a cake ready because it is Goku's birthday but apparently Goku already left Goku rolls up to Chi Chi's place for the party which is a castle-like mansion I guess this could be a reference to the ox king's castle but there's no way the movie is smart enough for that instead this basically shows us that Chi Chi is not only popular but extremely rich the bully's outside take notice of Goku trying to infiltrate the party and tell him to scram Goku decides to finally stand up for himself so the bullies around him Goku tells them he's not going to fight so naturally this guy pours water on the ground the quintessential most intimidating thing you could possibly do a fight breaks out but Goku basically dodges everything and causes them to hit each other at the same time how do these random bullies just know karate moves Goku takes them all down with his dodge no jutsu chichi and big bad fuller come outside and Goku suddenly goes from awkward beta male to absolute Chad in a single scene hey thanks for fighting me your party Oh fuller voice they even show me what the guy no fuller pulls out his trademark Excalibur and starts trying to take Goku down but the dodge no jutsu proves to be too strong once again that slide though Kiko 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance having gained the acceptance of the crowd Goku starts hanging out with chichi you've never done this before have you yes many times in my head yikes as if any girl would still talk to you after that Goku explains that it's his birthday and mentions Gohan calls it his grand entrance obvious foreshadowing he also mentions that his grandpa is supposed to explain what happened to his parents now that he's 18 that basically ends the school segment of the movie as we don't go back there again so I just wanted to quickly say that it was probably the worst possible way to introduce Goku I know this is supposed to make him more normal and relatable but everything about that introduction is as far out of touch with the story as you could possibly be but at the same time a storyline like this could have totally worked if it worked go Han instead of Goku because we did get to see Gohan's high school life during the great salmon saga which I personally really liked even if most fans didn't the problem is while this plot line would be perfect for Gohan it doesn't work for Goku at all just kind of seems like a missed opportunity and a massive up at the same time but that basically summarizes this whole entire movie back to the film we catch up with Gohan who senses a disturbance in the force out of nowhere my breaks into the house and starts tossing around shuriken but Gohan just to flex them all like they're nothing in the earlier scene with my she had a gun why wouldn't she just use that edge Lord piccolo then walks in and gives Gohan the force choke since the Dragonball isn't there got to give them props to this scene because it's actually pretty cool but since one can piccolo actually use the force we then cut back to Goku and he somehow gets the feeling that something is terribly wrong with his grandpa so he ditches chichi to go check on him Goku runs all the way back to find his house in ruins Gohan is still alive but only alive enough to tell Goku that piccolo is back and chasing the Dragon Balls Goku gets this weird premonition of the future where piccolo is destroying the world because sure he does and before he passes away Gohan tells Goku to find Master Roshi and get his help to find the remaining Dragon Balls so they can banish piccolo from the world and for some reason they need to do it before the eclipse Goku buries Gohan and we find out he's a soccer fan he begins pouting through his wrecked house and we get a look at Gohan ski more foreshadowing yeh next thing we know someone is entering the house and oh boy it's Bulma are you piccolo yah Goku because this teenage girl totally looks like an alien race and you totally didn't get a look at piccolo through that glimpse into the future yeah ding darn [ __ ] somebody stole my promethium orb yeah because Bulma totally didn't know they were called Dragon Balls from the start in the manga oh wait she did if you can't tell by now these next few scenes are based on how the characters originally met in the manga however since we've already covered that part of the manga in depth with the first movie you already know how everything plays out so I'm not going to be repeating it but at least they kept in the fact that Bulma tries to kill Goku my father found that promethium or 20 years ago I knew stolen from me last night I don't know what you're talking about me either kid me either anyway long story short Bulma had a dragon ball stolen from her last night and Goku basically informs her that there are seven different ones Bulma shows us a flashback of her catching a glimpse of the thief before they escaped with her Dragonball and the thing is boma clearly got a look at the person who stole it yet when she sees Goku she automatically assumes that he was the one who took it even though the thief was female come on Bulma I thought you were supposed to be smart Bulma explains how she made a device to track the Dragon Balls which is how she ended up here well you made a Dragonball energy locator cool Dragonball energy DBE catchy name oh I get it DBE Dragonball Evolution I bet you're patting yourselves on your [ __ ] back for that one boma then explains that she's trying to find the dragonballs to somehow make them into an unlimited source of energy good luck with that which really doesn't make any sense because the dragonballs have never been a source of energy Goku and Bulma then decide to team up she helps him find Master Roshi and he'll help her find the Dragon Balls Bulma pulls out a capsule vehicle like the manga whoo they ride off we then get a shot of the two of them in the city Goku is eating a giant hunk of meat for some reason which I guess is supposed to hint at his eating habits from the manga boma explains that she can't find evidence of this Roshi guy being listed try master suddenly Goku senses his grandfather whatever that means and suddenly boom oztrekkers starts showing another Dragonball nearby which why they didn't notice there was a Dragonball nearby earlier is beyond me they then run up to this old building in the middle of this futuristic city surrounded by nothing which is supposed to be the calming house the two of them break into Roshi's house Goku is clumsy a smooch over a bowling ball er something like that which sends all these rocks flying in the air although that bowling ball probably made a ton of noise on its own Goku feels the need to pull some matrix level moves out of his ass to catch the rocks although he fails to catch one which hits a pot you're telling me that sound woke up Roshi but the bowling ball didn't row she wakes up and instantly starts to fight Goku which by the way this is the worst-looking adaptation of a character in this entire movie that looks nothing like Master Roshi the two of them have another awful fight but Bulma breaks it up before it can get any more nauseating oh never mind it got worse Goku releases a key blast or something and straight up murders Bulma which it's about time he finally hit her back after getting shot in every adaptation so far sure little crazy strike oh never mind he just brought out that totally iconic Dragonball move again Howl's go ahead come on guys Roshi then explains how he trained Gohan in the I am I get that he's trying to act over-the-top and goofy like Master Roshi but again this is the worst betrayal I've seen so far but before he died he asked me to find you and to tell you that piccolo has returned uh are ya are you sure you don't want to try that line again there bud a lot of pointless exposition later Roshi agrees to go get his Dragon Ball to help they're trying really hard to make this a believable Roshi but I ain't buying it guys this is not my Roshi Goku ends up finding the Dragon Ball because it magically starts glowing and he gets another weird vision of the future where everything blows up ro she says that Goku is apparently the key to stopping the apocalypse or something which will happen when the eclipse happens yada yada they all agreed to find the Dragon Balls together we then cut back to Piccolo's airship which looks a lot like Boba Fett's now that I'm seeing it but I guess to be fair piccolo did have pilaf airship in the manga piccolo flexes his power by evaporating an entire lake to get a dragon ball and then we're back to Goku that was quick talk to master the energy of that three animus hell fire and water when did this become avatar row she makes Goku carry all of his stuff so that he can get stronger which is another nod to the manga where he made Goku wear a weighted turtle shell on his back the three of them then set off and arrive at some sort of exclusive temple or training ground oh just kidding it's not exclusive anymore oh and chi Chi's also here fighting people by the way I take back everything I've said so far if you use the Wilhelm scream in a film it's automatically a masterpiece that's just the rules people there are no rules [ __ ] cheechee and Goku are both surprised to see each other Oh dog how obviously you gotta be chichi explains that she's here to train for a tournament as she's also a fighter and somehow she heard about Gohan's death which I'm no genius but you'd think that law enforcement would be a little bit concerned with Gohan suddenly dying with no witnesses and Goku fleeing the scene shortly after shouldn't that make him the prime suspect and a possible murder just saying if chichi already knows about his death the info has obviously gotten around shortly after Bulma gets another Dragonball signal so they all head out for the second temple seriously am i watching avatar what is this this green screen has not aged well next thing you know the three of them fall into a random hole in the ground and a random guy comes over to check it out and sure enough it's Yamcha who made the hole in the first place Roshi then gives us a literal repeat of all the information we already know and then we learned there's a Dragonball right nearby underground that Dragon Ball locator really picks and chooses when it wants to go off doesn't it Roshi flies up and asks Yamcha for help in return for a lot of money why Roshi didn't fly up earlier is beyond me I guess they really needed to remind us this movie has a plot if you can even call it that oh you're talking bro oh my god if it couldn't get any worse they turned Yamcha into a surfer dude and I thought it couldn't get any worse than Roshi everything happens for a reason bro Yamcha uses his tools to help them break through the earth which leads them to a cave we cut back to piccolo and learned that my has been following Roshi and she informs piccolo that Roshi is training Goku my offers to go stop them but piccolo is like nah we're gonna need more than you so he uses this machine to extract his blood which apparently allows him to create minions piccolo did have minions in the manga except to create them he just threw up an egg we then cut back to Goku and the others at some sort of volcano area which by the way if this area is supposed to be underground why are there clouds I hate this movie they locate the Dragonball across a big pit of lava and before they can come up with a plan to get it Piccolo's minions show up and Goku rips off one of their arms to use as a sword which is where they find out that cutting them causes them to regenerate therefore the only way to kill them is with the lava at least I think that's what's happening the entire scene is edited so poorly I can barely tell what's going on so I see you not Goku gets the great idea to use the minions bodies as a bridge for him to jump across the lava to get the Dragonball impressive like we saw earlier that Roshi can literally fly why the hell wouldn't Roshi just fly over and get it Goku gets the Dragonball and gets another view of the future before my shows up out of nowhere and tries to steal the Dragonball so Goku knocks her away and then he fast travels across the lava Goku expresses his fear about the Dragon Balls of showing him the future and apparently he's a lot more worried about Oz are you killing everyone so instead of piccolo Goku decides he needs to defeat oozaru which by the way I should have mentioned this earlier basically the Dragon Balls have never had this futuretelling ability in the manga Bulma mentions that the eclipse is only two days away and since they likely can't get the rest of the Dragon Balls in time Roshi mentions another way they can stop piccolo so they head out and oh look my was listening this whole time goddammit I know everyone is brain dead in this movie but why at no point did anyone think they should you know capture my and get information out of her or just take her with them so she can't cause any more problems everyone fast travels to this random temple outside of the city where Roshi talks to this random old guy who I guess is supposed to be based on Master mu Taito or maybe Master Shen I honestly don't know either way Roshi asks this guy for help crafting another mouth bah to capture piccolo we then cut to chichi in a tournament fighting my who cuts chichi and then forfeits so she could steal some of her blood Goku shows up conveniently after my leaves apparently the temple Goku is that is also conveniently nearby where this tournament is being held Goku that's a big red flag you better run buddy we then get some forced development between Bulma and Yamcha even though they have zero chemistry basically just forcing it down our throats since the two of them get together in the manga that's right piccolo needs all seven he still can't make his wish either wow that's literally the only intelligent line Yamcha gets in this entire movie meanwhile Roshi and Goku are doing dumb stuff as per usual and Roshi brings up the Kamehameha where apparently you need to do this extremely dumb dance to pull it off Roshi unleashes the blast which lights a fine candle I don't know if you guys remember from earlier but the first time we saw the Kamehameha in the manga Roshi blew up an entire Mountain now that same iconic attack has been reduced to a fire lighter I don't think there's been a time in my life I've ever been this disappointed in something Roshi is then like hey man just go ahead and practice this new technique by lighting all these torches hey you got it pal Goku does the same stupid dance but apparently he sucks at it eventually after a ton of failed attempts he decides to just light a torch with a candle to make his pathetic self feel just a little bit better but Chi Chi catches him in the act she then gives him a little training game to play where he gets to step a little bit closer to her for every torch he lights so right off the bat he's able to do it on his first try guess the key to using new techniques is thinking with your dong though he might have blew his load a little too soon because then he messes up oh wait just kidding he gets way better because he can suddenly light all three at once as his reward Goku gets a smooch by the way I just wanted to point out that even live-action Goku has kissed a girl before meaning that this Goku is already way cooler than Goku in Dragon Ball super you've never kissed someone no of course not why we then cut to Ballmer getting woken up by a noise so she walks out and sees Gigi's sneaking out of Goku's room Gigi at what point did Bulma ever meet chichi in this movie how does she even know who chichi is Bulma and Yamcha suspect Goku of getting some action since chichi came out of his room but then Goku rolls up out of nowhere the Dragon Ball locator then conveniently starts going off meaning chichi stole their Dragon Balls as chichi is running away she gets taken down by chichi the two of them start duking it out and a fire starts but Goku rolls in to help since there are two Chi Chi's Goku doesn't know which one is which so he automatically just helps whichever chichi talked to him first so he knocks out the real one and gets shot fake chichi runs away and morphs back into my and escapes so hold on a second I know we've seen some really dumb stuff in this movie so far but you expect me to believe that my found out where the group was going back at the lava pit followed them all the way to that temple found out Goku's love interest was chichi beforehand so she could enter the tournament that just happened to be nearby and somehow get paired up with chichi in a fight just so she could steal some of Chi Chi's blood also she could disguise herself as chichi and steal the Dragon Balls all the while she somehow found the time to purchase the exact same outfit chichi happened to be wearing that night bull [ __ ] how stupid does this movie think we are to believe that anyway even though Goku could tank bullets in the manga this gun shot apparently has him on the brink of death and while on the brink of death Goku meets up with Grandpa Gohan in the afterlife or something like that and asks him how to defeat oozaru - which Gohan tells him to believe in himself next thing we know ro she uses a fin kamehameha to bring Goku back to life what I take back what I said this is the single stupidest thing in this entire movie like seeing that has made me physically angry but before I lose my mind any further on this too pity the old guy from earlier gives Roshi the mokuba or the container and the group heads out apparently they are headed to a place called the dragon temple because apparently this is the only place you can use the Dragon Balls to summon Shenron even though you can summon Shenron literally anywhere in the manga as long as you have all seven Dragon Balls anyway now that my stole the rest of the Dragon Balls piccolo now has all seven and is about ready to get his wish piccolo puts the Dragon Balls in place and a big rock temple just appears out of the ground creating what I guess is the dragon temple meanwhile Yamcha drives off a cliff I wish that is what happened but Yamcha drives off a cliff and his Jeep can suddenly fly why have you not been using the jeeps flying ability until now that would clearly be faster than just driving from place to place piccolo stares at the Dragon Balls for a little too long wait what prayer oh that one Roshi and piccolo both launched an attack that collides midair subsequently knocking the Dragon Balls out of place and causing yarmulkes flying Jeep to crash in the process of crashing they also lose the MA fubar container even though everyone just crashed and were in a very dire situation goku uses this opportunity to change into Gohan's ghee for some reason mainly just for fanservice I guess piccolo jumps down to confront Goku superhero landing and even though piccolo doesn't even mention OHS aru Goku says this nonsense I will defeat oozaru and I'm here to destroy you naturally piccolo informs him of the truth you will become sorry you sure you don't want to act a little more shocked about that one anyway just as Goku finds out about this the Eclipse happens and Goku transforms into Oh Zahraa again none of this nonsense is accurate to the manga at all so it's pointless to even bring it up anymore but basically in the manga Saiyans turn into great apes or Ozora whenever they look at a full moon but for some reason the movie decided to change that so it only happens on a Blood Moon solar eclipse and again Asura or Saiyans for that matter never served piccolo in any fashion in the manga through this we also learned that Goku traveled here by meteor and for some reason on his 18th birthday that was supposed to be the time he transforms but I thought only the Blood Moon was supposed to make him transform because he definitely didn't transform the second he turned 18 this movie can't even follow its own rules that aside ok Goku was oz aru this whole time sure whatever I get it but the thing I still don't get is what happened to the original Asura was that just a different saying and if so why did he just disappear once piccolo was captured we know the previous Ozar ooh can't be Goku because those events happened thousands of years ago and he's only 18 right now plus that's not even touching the fact that this movie is implying that Goku was basically sent to earth as a baby with the sole purpose of serving piccolo 18 years later during the blood moon eclipse which is also assuming that piccolo would even be free since he was previously imprisoned like whoever sent yogi to earth to serve piccolo couldn't have known piccolo would just magically be freed before the Eclipse and that still doesn't explain where the previous Asura went or how piccolo managed to escape in the first place this movie really punishes you for thinking so Goku transforms and this Asura looks absolutely disgusting back before the movie actually came out we also got to see set pictures where the O's are who looked like this now it's still really ugly but it looks way better than this piccolo commands Goku to attack Bulma and Yamcha since they have a Dragon Ball so he chases after them Yamcha stays behind and let's bowl no go ahead but he gets bodied soon after meanwhile Roshi attempts to perform the mokuba on piccolo to trap him once again but piccolo uses an energy blast to put a stop to that Roshi did try to use the mokuba on piccolo in the manga but instead of piccolo stopping it Roshi just messed it up himself Bulma shows up next to Roshi with Goku close behind row she tells Goku that he can only defeat oozaru from the inside while Goku chokes the life out of him hearing that somehow allows Goku to just turn back to normal possible goddamnit came back piccolo starts launching energy balls at Goku and he fires some back honestly this whole sequence is shot and edited so poorly I don't even know what's happening anymore meanwhile Bulma fights my inside a cave and runs out of ammo so she tricks my by throwing a capsule vehicle at her the two of them then Duke it out and as she's about to kill Bulma Yamcha comes in and just murders her I guess he's not afraid of women in this adaptation piccolo and Goku start having a slap fight midair it's really dumb Goku then accepts the fact that he's both himself and OHS aru which somehow allows him to like use his inner Oh Zahraa power or something I'm so lost at this point Goku and piccolo then start charging up and Goku all of a sudden pulls out an actual kamehameha from the manga and just obliterates piccolo in a single hit yay the group then decides to use the Dragon Balls to bring Master Roshi back to life so they summon Shenron who is also gold in this movie mind you and they wish Roshi back to life y'know Goku you probably could have wished your grandpa back to life too but I guess you were just too dumb to think of that huh anyway Roshi comes back to life and they all decide to go get the Dragon Balls again but first Goku needs to go get some of that action from chichi like an absolute Chad the two of them then decide to have a fight to see which one of them is actually stronger and we finally end with more awful slow-motion we're finally done with this piece of trash they call a film wait no no they actually had the audacity to give us a mid-credits scene come Oh anyway this shows us piccolo is actually still alive so to answer my question from earlier yeah that [ __ ] sucked like that straight-up sucked eggs really hard before I give my overall score for this one I quickly wanted to take a look at what went wrong with this film to answer my own question everything went wrong everything but the start of the problem can be traced back to Ben Ramsay whom was responsible for writing the script now this poor guy already has to live with the fact that he wrote this abomination and hasn't received every threat in the book from fans across the world because of this Ben himself has come out to publicly apologize for how bad this movie was going as far to admit that he himself was never a fan of Dragon Ball and instead he was just writing it for a paycheck to be honest I can understand exactly why he would do that because there's a couple people in the anime community that do the exact same thing however Ben also said that he since learned that if you're going to adapt something you need to be passionate about whatever it is otherwise it's going to end up being garbage and he's exactly right for that reason Ben himself takes full responsibility for this disaster of a film that being said though the script wasn't the only thing wrong with this movie the director James Wong wasn't a fan of dragon ball from the start however he at least decided to read the manga after already accepting the directing role James also apparently helped co-write the final draft of the script but decided to remain uncredited for it needless to say his inexperience with the series also contributed to this disaster and James has not taken another directing role ever since but it still goes further than that the plot everything about the plot is wrong everything the setting is wrong the ages of the characters are wrong the way things work is wrong everything but you already know that from the comparisons portion so let's move on the actors as far as the actors go I don't think their performances are necessarily what brought this movie down as all of them are fully capable of being talented actors when they need to but some of these performances were just not good and didn't feel like the characters they were supposed to be Justin as plain and simple doesn't work I don't know if it's because he was given bad directing or he just didn't know how to be Goku but making poop faces and being an edgy teenager is not what Goku is about chow yun-fat as Master Roshi also did not work nor did it ever feel like Master Roshi the entire time first of all he wasn't bald he didn't have facial hair nor did he wear glasses so you already failed at the appearance but other than trying to make a nod at his perverted nature with that magazine they didn't do very much to develop him as the character all of us remember instead opting to make him your stereotypical wise man character a little fun fact would be that Chow wore contacts in this film because in the second film he was supposed to be bald and wear glasses like the actual Master Roshi so another lost opportunity with the sequel I guess Emmy Rossum as boma was fine to me personally it actually felt like she was trying and from interviews you can clearly tell she cared enough to try to get the character right the only problem would be that boma feels a little too serious in this movie but otherwise she was fine jamie chung as chi chi is a disaster I think this rendition of Chi Chi suffers most from the writing but she is basically a different character in every way from the manga she's rich and popular she's also a fighter she gets a hard-on for Goku after like five minutes it's all just love interest [ __ ] Joon Park is Yamcha is probably worst of all though they took one of the best characters in the original Dragon Ball and made him into a surfer bro and it's an awful apparently when it came to Casting Park auditioned as a joke but apparently James Wong took one look at him and was like alright buddy you're Yamcha what the [ __ ] again I don't know if Park himself or the script is the one to blame for making him a surfer bro but goddamn finally we have James Marsters as piccolo and this is honestly the only redeeming factor of this movie for me because marster is actually gave a [ __ ] first off he was actually ecstatic to take on the role of piccolo because he was actually already fully familiar with Dragon Ball because he had been watching it for years with his son and to him piccolo has always been a very deep and Shakespearean character so needless to say he was ecstatic to tell Piccolo's entire story throughout the three movies he signed on to do the only problem was piccolo was given absolutely nothing to do in this movie he just sits up in his airship looking down at everybody he crushes one house he makes blood minions and then he eventually fights Goku for like one minute that's it at no point was piccolo ever developed in any way nor was he given anything to do Marsters clearly could have crushed the role of piccolo but without anything to do he just ends up being another forgettable bad guy I mean just listen to Marsters explain his take on piccolo right here you know piccolo was working with a group called the Mystics developing the story of human beings on earth really helping them grow through the million years that they're on earth and he came into disagreement with his bosses and from his bosses perspective he tried to destroy earth thing yes you can look at it that way but he really was trying to do something very good but just in a very violent way and instead of talking to him about it and correcting him they just lock him in jail for 2,000 years so that made me mad I think of piccolo as like any other criminal who goes into prison when he's young and virile and manly he gets locked in prison he breaks out of prison and he finally finds a mirror to look into after he gets out of prison and he finds that he's old and decrepit and at that point I want to go get those Dragon Balls and get my youth back get my power back and once I have my power God helped the Mystics god help the town I'm gonna destroy everybody that took my youth so it's all about vengeance that sounds way more interesting than anything we were ever shown in the entire film at what point did we ever get any hint of what piccolo was actually like in the past or what he stood for not once did it ever mention he was actually a good guy at one point and you're telling me that opening sequence was supposed to explain all of that well it didn't and piccolo was never given the chance to show that side of himself during the entire film if the actor playing the character can tell me more about the character in an interview then he can show us in the actual movie something is terribly wrong here the producers of this film also apparently wanted piccolo to look young and beautiful from the beginning but Marsters knew that king piccolo was actually supposed to look old and skin because he was in prison for so long so Marsters put his own neck on the line and went behind the producers back with the makeup department to get it right and while Piccolo's final result does look a little goofy at the same time I respect the fact that Marsters was doing his best to do this right Marsters has also stated that piccolo doesn't even really get his chance to shine until the second film where we get a look at exactly why he's so angry which would eventually tell the entire story of piccolo that's shown in the manga which brings me to the next big problem the sequel bate clearly everyone was banking hard on this film being successful so they could actually tell a good Dragon Ball story in the sequels but if you don't start off with a coherent and good story nobody is ever going to care if there's a sequel which is exactly what happened with this film if you're saving everything good for the second one why even make the first one just start out with the good stuff from the beginning I just can't believe the absolute audacity they had to sequel bate this pile of trash with a mid credit scene it's just such a shame this movie had to be so bad because if it was good we probably would have been given a good sequel to work with at least theoretically but instead we're stuck with one of the worst most boring and inconsistent movies of all time and probably the worst manga adaptation that will ever see the light of day and frankly I credit this film as the reason live-action manga adaptations get such a bad rap just like the Super Mario Bros movie ruined video game adaptations and because of that a lot of people don't realize that there are actually good manga adaptations out there and my goal for this series is to show you that but to do that we're also going to have to look at the bad ones too so you also know which ones to avoid at all costs all of the actors hate this film the writer and the director hate this film everyone who's ever seen this film hates this film and if all that wasn't enough Akira Toriyama the creator of Dragon Ball was initially very supportive of this movie however after seeing how bad this film actually was and how much it disgraced the Dragon Ball name it left such a bad taste in his mouth that he had to dig dragon ball out of its grave for revenge and he created the two Dragon Ball that would later start Dragon Ball super so if there's one highlight for Dragon Ball fans after all this we wouldn't have Dragon Ball super if it wasn't for this absolute travesty of a film so hopefully it was worth it for you but now that I've got that long rant out of the way what is my rating for this film so while editing this video and essentially having to watch the movie a third time I realized a bunch of things I forgot to mention in my original script so if all that wasn't enough here's even more of the [ __ ] throughout this movie are you serious this is torture you're torturing me and everyone else watching wait for adapting the characters I'm giving this film a point five out of three I already covered my gripe with the characters in the previous rant no point in repeating myself but basically the point five comes from the fact that Bulma and piccolo were okay every other character was an embarrassment for adapting the story I'm giving this film a zero out of three a lot of the original plot elements were there sort of but nothing made any sense they took so many concepts from Dragon Ball and just hoped mashing it together would make any sort of plot at the same time butchering countless iconic Dragon Ball elements along the way the kamehameha bringing people back to life what a fing joke most of these issues come from the fact they tried to do so much in such a small window of time mainly trying to merge two different sagas from the manga while also changing up the fundamentals of the story and who these characters are you turn Goku into a high school student force him to meet up with the other characters and then you still expect a big bad guy from much later in the story to all make sense together there just wasn't enough time to make this work plus you also cut out a lot of important characters from the early parts of the manga I guess I understand why Poire & along weren't there but where the hell is Crillon in the other two movies makes sense Crillon wasn't present because they were adapting material where Crillon wasn't introduced but with evolution they decide to adapt the King Piccolo saga where Crillon is already present same with Tian chiaotzu you name it I guess to be fair Krillin was killed by tambourine the same chapter King Piccolo was introduced but it just wasn't right to leave my man Crillon out of the fray regardless though they ruined the plot trying to adapt it we've been through this already zero out of three it was awful and finally when it comes to the overall quality of this film as both an adaptation and a standalone film I'm giving this film a zero out of four it's like beating a dead horse burying it digging it back up and beating it again but this movie sucks in every way possible it's an awful film by itself but as an adaptation it's even worse this could very well be the worst movie I've ever seen in my life they had millions of dollars to make a good film and the two amateur films based on the same material are leagues better than this and I imagine they had significantly less money to work with this quote from the screen junkies pretty much sums it up the greatest American insult to Japanese culture since the 1945 atomic bombs so with that Dragonball Evolution gets an overall score of 0.5 out of 10 as far as the three adaptations go evolution was easily the worst and surprisingly the other two weren't actually that bad I mean they were pretty bad but in a way that they're so bad they're actually great if you're looking for a fun early Dragonball experience in live-action I personally recommend the magic begins it's completely ridiculous but if you like Dragonball and you like B movies you'll have a great time so wara son goku i gr son goku is still worth the watch if you just want to turn your brain off and have fun although at the end of the day I'd only recommend both of these films if you're a fan of Dragonball otherwise it might not have the same effect regardless though thank you all so much for watching this video today leave a like if you enjoyed subscribe for more videos like this one and let me know what other manga adaptations you'd like me to take a look at next wow that a long one and boy am I happy to be done but more than anything I'm happy that I don't have to look at this pile of [ __ ] ever again wait a second I know what must be done [Music] [Music] Rize eternal dragon and here the wish of he who summons you the general speed you wish and dawn shall rot whatever it may be all right listen here Shenron are you familiar with this so you know how disgraceful this trash is to every Dragon Ball fan out there but quit wasting my time speak your wish already I know I know I'm gonna this movie is one of the worst pieces of media on the entire planet and has forever tainted the Dragon Ball name we Dragon Ball fans have suffered enough first this and then the disappointment super ended up being we can't catch a break so here it is I wish for a Dragon Ball live action that's actually good so good in fact that everyone in the entire world forgets that this piece of [ __ ] ever existed are you gonna say anything what's wrong I'm sorry chief but does not okay I let me hear somebody so quickly I don't know [Music] made you cry now I got this all inside the person I thought I was healing after all these years I was lying through my [ __ ] teeth
Channel: 2Spooky
Views: 102,383
Rating: 4.8463998 out of 5
Keywords: 2Spooky, dragonball, dragon ball, dbz, dbe, dragon ball z, dragon ball super, dragon ball evolution, evolution, the magic begins, Dragon Ball: Ssawora Son Goku, Igyeora Son Goku, anime, manga, manga vs movie, anime live action, live action, worst anime live actions, adaptation, goku, piccolo, pilaf, bulma, master roshi, gohan, yamcha, nappa, shenron, disney, disney live action dragonball, disney live action dragon ball
Id: W4ezAMhisVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 16sec (8236 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2019
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