Speedrunning Every Naruto Movie

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welcome back to the amagi speedrunning series where today we're taking a look at every single naruto movie so all those great non-canonical fun filled flicks uh i'm not speaking too fast yet but we'll get right into it and i will be trying to summarize every major plot point of all these movies as quickly as possible before we get started though we have a lovely message from today's sponsor in case you've been wondering how you can make your own smooth and efficient videos we have an easy solution for you and we'll show you what you need to make your own speedrun video or any type of video that you want wondershare filmora 10 lets you have all sorts of fun and provides you with many possibilities to intuitively design your videos thanks to a user-friendly interface you can just drag and drop your files onto the editing track choose from a preset template and you're ready to go really it's just that easy with filmora you'll never have to worry about running out of possibilities you know 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get your own free account by leaving us a comment down below telling us what kind of video you want to create by using filmora and by sharing this video to your social media using the hashtag hashtag filmora with an ampersand in the middle you could be one of the three lucky winners that will offer a free film or account too alright back to the video this is a speed run after all so we'll be starting in three two one night to the movie ninja class and let us know this movie begins with the hair room previously unknown in the arts of continuity princess foon princess gayle in the us version food's nemesis mao challenged her group with an army of undead soldiers his dark intentions seemed prevail that is until princess food and her cohorts shishimaru brit and sukyaku unleashed the power of the seven colored chakra upon him they saved the day and naruto watching from afar couldn't have been more elated as it turns out naruto was actually watching the scene in a movie as was the rest team seven however the audience in the movie began to throw objects at the team for making too much noise while arguing with the city manager as the team is forced to leave the theater without being able to see the ending suddenly the actress who played princess fun yuki fujikaze passes by on horus being chased by armored men and horses as well as naruto sakura and sasuke managed to easily defeat the attackers it turns out they were actually stuntmen disguised as bodyguards led by yuki's manager sunday asama as kakashi comes in to inform them the misunderstanding he reveals that he had sent them to watch it as preparation for the next mission to escort yuki while the crew made the next movie in the land of snow as it turns out yuki was actually the princess of the land of snow koyuki kazuhana the land had been taken over by uncle doto kazuhana and his three-man team of rogue ninja when she was a child doto wanted yuki's crystal necklace in order to unlock the land of snow's treasure with yuki's father the daimyo had hidden before being assassinated as many citizens doubted she survived apparently she was responsible for her rescue during the day of the revolt sandaya would eventually find her on a stage one day and considered himself lucky to become a manager after the discussion the director would decide that filming would continue intrigued by the idea of having a real princess play the princess in the movie eventually doto would arrive at his team and some ninja subordinates by train after melting the ice that covered the tracks and old railway system a sendai who leads a group of 50 samurai attempt to charge after them the mortar mounted compartments releases huge waves of kunai mastering the entire brigade sun daiyu clinging onto life passes away of telling yuki not to cry for him suddenly dota's blimp manages to capture yuki and flies away but not before naruto manages to cling on with kunai attached to a rope as the tour taken to his mansion kakashi sasuke and sakura eventually regroup with them after various battles between team seven and the rogue ninja resulting in the death of all the ladder and notare deutsche succeeded in obtaining yuki's crystal necklace only to discover that the treasure of the land of snow is a generator designed to melt the snow and thus bring spring to the snow country after a confrontation with sasuke and naruto dota was then killed by naruto with his resengan in a manner reminiscent of princess fun's defeat of mao involving rainbow chakra with the rogue ninja all gone yuki decided to resume her position as the princess of light of snow which had eventually become the land of spring after the technology by the generator was perfected despite being a princess yuki intended to continue her role as an actress at the very end of the movie naruto who had desperately wanted an autograph from the actress was given an envelope from sasuke afterwards who received shocked looks from the other members of team seven including naruto himself inside the envelope was a signed photograph from yuki the picture was of a bandaged up and apparently unconscious naruto in the hospital who was receiving a tender kiss in the cheek from the actress at the end of the credits the crew that had made the princess food movie said cut and altitude in unison north of the movie legend of the stone of gillel the movie revolves mostly around a special mineral called the galel stone which was a strong mysterious power there was once a clan that could control the stones powers but they were destroyed because the wars for the stone a battle was taking place at night on a desolate seaside between the sunugakura ninja and soldiers wearing bulky suits of armor despite their best efforts these sandwich are slowly overwhelmed by the sheer strength of mysterious opponents the timely arrival of reinforcements led by conqueror angara turned the tide of the battle with conquerors slicing a part of suit armor with his puppet and gara dispatching a large number of enemies with his signature sand waterfall imperial funeral however when gara orders the send in to shine a flare out they're treating enemies a large warship is revealed with his own arsenal of heavy weapons much of the sanjinobi's shock and curiosity of its appearance the ship then opens fires with its guns and garage sand armor barely manages to practice comrades as artillery shells relentlessly found to the beach naruto uzumaki shikimara nara and sakura harun are on a mission to capture a lost pet fair and deliver it to its village naruto comically refers to the creature as a cat for the remainder of the movie while they're on the way to return the animal they are attacked by a mysterious man clothed in night armor he too is accompanied by the strange armored soldiers from before the three fight him will get separated with naruto the knight and the pet fair all fall off glyph shikamaru and sakura realize afterwards what has happened and immediately go to look for them before they can what appears to be an earthquake stops them in their tracks until they realize it isn't an earthquake at all but the movement of a giant mechanical moving structure sakura and shikamara split up the search for naruto naruto wakes up to find himself bandaged as well as right next to an equally wounded man they've been taken in by a very peaceful caravan of no magic that own a number of foreign animals including ostriches and rhino the old man goes on to inform naruto that they are in fact the village that hired the leaf ninja to return their pet ferret named nero gui the fair also seems to have a great interest on the unknown man much to despair the elder while healing the man seems to have a flashback to a dream that depicts what happened to him as a child his home is invaded and destroyed will he hid seemingly went alive he's almost found but in the last moment he is spared managed to live kahiko and his granddaughter amina go into explaining to naruto how their clan once originally had a country but was destroyed a very long time ago by some kind of disaster and that nerugui is proof of it they also tell them that nirgu is in fact older than clan elder having been looked after by the clan for generations as naruto looks for an explanation from demogene the knight only asks naruto to strange power that is actually his chakra temujin appears to not know what chakra is even if he can wield a similar power temujin simply tells him that he's there to build the utopia and then goes on to invite naruto to join him naruto probably refuses only for the oscars he's to run away on its own still looking for an explanation from them of june naruto follows him as he sneaks away from the caravan after risking his injuries to save one of the kyra's children falling out of a tree temujin claims that his dead has been repaid and continues to leave meanwhile shikomar infiltrates the mechanical structure and finds what appears to be a lab with children in capsules they are overlooked by a pair of women kabira and ranked with similar armature television have been wearing whom operate a machine that makes the bulky soldiers from before the two discuss the gl stone something that shikumaru has never heard of he was almost caught but managed to flee at the last moment naruto discovers that temujin has gone missing and goes to head after him and kahiko comes to visit him saying how neterogy has disappeared again as his mission was to deliver the pet to the village the group is headed to he's still to complete it the clan elder even goes as far as saying as he should have hired sand ninja instead even when he returned to the fair to its owners naruto was going to find it again meanwhile soccer comes across an abandoned campfire and finds the caravan's trail naruto goes on to find tamajin again who has not a gui with him he comically tells him to hand over the cat temujin finally reveals his name and they find themselves in front of a very large vessel like before they go inside revealing the structure be very advanced in technology sort of like a european cathedral on the inside there temujin introduces naruto to his master haido dress in what appears to be a bishop's robe haido goes on in detail about their goals and again extends the invitation to join them naruto claims that he can't join them because he's going to be hokage but offers to spread the peace that they wish for neregue appears on temajin's shoulder instantly showing a dislike for heido haido starts thinking when they mention a caravan they move out when an overhead announcement tells him that the fleet that was sent to the land to win has been annihilated temujin and naruto head on to find the ship that attacked the saint ninja beach with all kinds of metal parts in the sand once they investigate the vessel naruto discovers congo among a room filled with unconscious children amongst all the rebels conqueror immediately attacks temujin explaining how the ship had been wiping out the land of wind villages naruto demands an explanation but all temujin can say is that noble sacrifices for the greater good before they battle their interrupted by comedy and ranka who kankara and gara take on kameda uses a kind of mind control that seems to be like genjutsu meanwhile ranka transforms herself causing her to have guerilla-like traits as well as a large lightning attack after a hefty battle gara manages to distinguish rank as lightning and kill her but komodo manages to flee by growing bat like features wings included during the commotion naruto is separated from demogene the movie shifts to the caravan being attacked by when a hideous follower is known as fugai after destroying most of the wagons and killing most of the livestock she questions kahiko about where the galel stone is thankfully who should step in but shikumaru and sakura who claim to have seen her flair they already managed to take out the soldiers fugai goes out to take on wolf like trade to manage to escape shigemaru questions the elder about the gala stones but he doesn't want to talk they start to leave saying that they need to find a friend when kahika asks if their friend was naruto they find that naruto was with him the other goes on to ask to do for help through a series of flashbacks we discover how temujin met haido after his village was destroyed we also discovered that temujin actually has a gala stone inside of him causing his eyes to appear the red color that they are after getting word that the caravan from before has information temujin returns to what is left of it only to be captured by shikomaru naruto has managed to find shigimaru and sakura and the three stay with the caravan people who have managed to escape and are currently hiding in a cave there they question temujin to find out what haida wants with the yellow stone kahiko claims that the stones only cause harm but temijin reveals he has a stone inside of him the other goes on a question temperature about a book and about their clan confusing him he tells them that only members of the royal family and their clank by the stones than their bodies he then tells him that the royal family had crossed the ocean taking the book of gela with them demogene hadn't come to the new land in fact he'd return home kahiko tells him that they don't know the stone's origin but they do know it was a mineral that their clan was able to refine and use as they pleased it was very powerful so much so that an entire civilization was wiped out over the battle for it afterward the few minion clan members steal it away and attempt to keep it from happening again the only reason they didn't destroy it was because the only ones who could wear those of royal blood determined after the tale temujin tells him that he wants to achieve his own kind of utopia he manages to escape he was free the whole time and kidnapped kahiko to make him lead into the gala mines they don't know where the minds are but but nederg managed to lead them to it temujin and the elder find the ruins and journey deep into them to find the entrance to the mayans the leaf nature tried to save kahiko only for haido and his entourage to appear shikabara tries to stop haidou to question him only for hatto to claim he only wants peace and he's going to create a utopia shigamura ironically states they are doing the exact opposite naruto angrily asks him if he even cares about his fallen comrades whom haida only claims are noble sacrifices after naruto tells him that dreams about friends are nothing the other finally triggers a mechanism that steals him and temujin into a passageway into the mines heidel reveals that he possesses the book of yellow before smashing arthur into a wall like it was nothing and follows them kamida and fugai attack but shikamaru and sakura hold them off to allow naruto to follow haido temujin and kahiko find themselves in the chamber of ceiling and find a picture that appears to be one of the spare the other tries to reason with timogene but tamjin doesn't want to hear it kahiko then reveals a knife meanwhile kamino toys with shikamaru when she flies around he's unable to get a lock on her shadow but then he suddenly spawns conqueror on the far side of the ruins as fugai chases after sakura she's unable to lose her even after sakura blinds her finding a crystal structure that creates echoes sakura uses herself as bait so fugai will howl and triggers the crystals to collapse on top of her shikimar fills the whole area with lines with explosives most of them are fake just pieces of paper so kamir cannot fly about just as cumberer thinks she already knows what he has in store congratulations suddenly launches one of his puppies to automatically trap and kill her after wounding temujin the elder has his blood on a dagger and tries to pierce the seal on the floor only for howard to interrupt just as haidou finds the mind's key naray tries to stop him the ferret is killed by a barrier around him and the yellow stone falls out of the pharah's mouth timogene stands in front of the elder as haida is about to kill him temujin claiming there is no reason to kill him temujin suddenly has a bit of deja vu just as naruto appears haidou tells temujin to kill both of them but temujin has had enough and refuses haido then claims that he's useless no different from his parents deja vu happens again and temujin finally realizes that haida was the one who murdered his parents haidou goes on to turn into his own kind of creature which captures temujin and extracts the gala stone from him the other begs naruto to stop haidou naruto encourages hemijin to get up as he fights even going so far as to use a resengan but haido has managed to tap into the mine and heals all of his twisted limbs naruto still wishes for temujin to help him just as haida goes to finish them the fake soldiers go and protect them both the souls of the children emerge these soldiers are destroyed and temujin finally realizes his wrongdoings combining both rasengan and the galel stone temijin and naruto managed to kill hydo but in the process they accidentally destroyed the key to the mine the walls started to crumble around them as the mind spirals out of control shikamaru sakura and conqueror all managed to retrieve the children from the machines but only for the roosters are collapsing they cannot control it but there is a way to destroy it if tamjin puts his hand on the seal from before he can summon a time-space continuum only royal blood can do it and the one who does so will end up sacrificing himself naruto tries to stop temujin from doing it for temujin to knock him out he says doing it is the only way to atone for what he's done temijin goes into the collapsing gala to the seal and activates it all is quieter shigemaru sakura conqueror and gaga can only as everything in the void's ways begins to be devoured naruto remembers sasuke as he's faced with tamjin's death as timothy waits for his faith he suddenly finds himself floating as a line of narco clones of clutch onto him sakura almost goes into the board herself to see where naruto is only at the last moment a burst of the gel escapes causes the landmasses are moving when it finally stops they find kahiko who claims that he feels even better than ever thanks to the gala he is even joyously reunited with a still alive nirugui the wastelands have now turned into an oasis as all the children awaken tamagina wakes realizing that he is still alive with naruto silchuka's arm they find the picture of despair from before and it wasn't one after all in fact it was one of hope later they all gather at the ocean where temujin and the others are gathered to prepare themselves to leave back to the land where they came from they're aware that it's one with lots of conflict but temajin wishes to help where he can tamjeed's eyes have now turned back to the original bright green and much to the other's disappointment again narugoy has chosen to go with him as well as they leave naruto stands up on a cliff and shares a sign with hemogenes promising each other to never give up nars of the movie guardians of the crescent moon kingdom naruto uzumaki kakashi haruke sakurajarno and rock lee were assigned to a b-rank mission to protect the prince of the land of the moon michiru during his world trip other escorts had been hired but had quit due to being treated poorly the land of the moon is a very wealthy nation so michoud attended to buy whatever he wanted and had a very materialistic world view his son hikarusuki also acted much in the same manner which irritated naruto on the dock of the ship naruto was eating a few bowls of ramen while he caught her was playing on his game boy soccer leaves to do something as hikaru approaches naruto he snaps the top six and a half and he got his presence hikaru cares that proposes that naruto is being his vassal naruto gets bewildered and cautious by this hikaru explains the nars that he'll give anything he desires naruto refuses hikaru's offer because of enslavement hikaru keeps insisting naruto to accept but nevertheless annoyed tells him to stop looking down on people and grow up he gets disappointed in this and shoots a torque arrow at the back of his headband causing darts to turn red and become terrifyingly enraged nearly entering one-tailed mode in the process naruto in a rage snaps his suction cup arrow in half hikari becomes frightened and attempts to flee but naruto with amazing speed grabs him and is fed up with his attitude naruto explains he doesn't care if he causes an injury he says it'll be worth it and punches hikaru's head causing him to cry naruto informs hikar that he can't do things as freely as he thinks he can soccer then runs up to naruto for hitting a kid naruto's punch into the water during the trip the caravan stopped at a circus when he car took a liking to a rare saber-toothed tiger chamu which was featured there michoud ended up purchasing not only it but the rest of the circus as well placing under the team's protection hikaru attempted to prevent the tiger but found that it disliked humans he lost interest in the circus and thus being a sea voyage when a storm hit he appeared unconcerned about the animal's well-being causing naruto to become disgusted his lack of value for them upset by naruto's view of him he caught our window to help chamber get to safety not to save both of them after they were washed overboard the next day naruto sakura and lee became friends of hikaru after returning to the land of the moon the team found that the country had been taken over by shabba dabba one of the nobles and a former friend of michiru having hired three powerful ninja to his system shabadaba had disposed of the king and planted the same michi and hikaru the remaining heirs to the throne he ordered the military forces to kill them all but the team was able to escape with the help of some soldiers to lords of king escaping to a hidden cave michoud found that his father was still alive but sakura although able to heal his petrified arm was only able to keep him alive for a little while the king revealed that he suspected that something like this would happen and a rage for the journey to keep michoud out of harm's ways before dying the king told michiro and ikaro that people are truly important in life not material goods during an attempt to escape the country by boat the three ninja hired by shabba dabba attacked disabling naruto kakashi sakura and lee with reaction telling poison that slowed their reactions the prince was captured but the emergence of naruto's fox tracker allowed him to repel the attacking ninja before the princess signed to be taken at the castle shabadaba's reasons for taking over the country were revealed to be purely material the same things mitchu had considered important as he intended to use the nation's wealth for himself rather than the people michigan was discussed by shabadaba's attitude and realized the truth what his father had said shabba-dabba decided to put him to death by a drawn-out hanging he had to meet you to balance on a board of wood not strong enough to support his weight while wearing a noose ensuring that sooner or later he would fall and be hanged with the help of the circus michigan purchased earlier kakashi's team made a rescue attempt with ikaru and the rogue soldiers infiltrating the palace by disguising themselves as members of the circus one by one kakashi and his team fought individual battles kakashi fought the many soldiers in the courtyard while each of the ghanian fought one of the ninja lee wielded a pair of nunchaku that had the ability to connect to other stabs hidden in his leg weights creating weapons such as a long staff and a chain whip after being defeated briefly naruto unleashed his fox chakra once again and blew ishida away he killed his opponent congo using reverse lotus sakura was able to dispatch her poison and kenjutsu using opponent karembana by shattering a chandelier to locate her by watching where she moved and subsequently killed her in one punch it turned out karabana had worn too much perfume which should help sakura locate her opponent while in again jutsu by smelling the perfume naruto fought against ishidate the leader of the three ninja while helping hikar reach his father hikaru shot an arrow severing the rope around michoud's neck and naruto's shadow clones caught the prince and his father ishidate was enraged and attempted to kill naruto but shabadaba ordered him to deal with michiru ishidate powers up his petrification glove to its fullest as shabadaba continues to download targeted pick enraged by his constant bickering ishidata accidentally petrified shabadaba in the penultimate scene naruto his leg disabled by his opponent's strange petrification technique wrote on his shoulders to attack with his resengan which then reflected the light of the moon in such a manner that it grew and took on a crescent shape creating the crescent moon resengam he hit ishidate with his attack sending him flying and destroying shabadaba's stone remains killing the both after ishidate's death michoud took the throne of the country and promised to rule as his father had done while starting on a diet beginning weight chaining and once the country settles down he was going to pikachu's mama amayo as kakashi was immobilizer of the overuse of the sharingan his team decided to take a vacation in the land of the moon when he recovers two weeks later kakashi had regained his strength and the team departs as the savers of the crescent moon kingdom king mitchu decides to once again try reconnecting with his wife now knowing what he shouldn't do north has shipped in the movie the opening scene in the movie showed naruto fighting monster only to be killed by him the setting then went back to a few days previous where a man and yomi attacked a shrine to reveal the spirit of morio a demon who attempted to destroy the world and create the thousand-year kingdom since he was lacking a body yomi offered his as a temporary substitute and they could retrieve mario's original one steal away in a different tribe the only threat to mario's plan was a princess known as xi'an who could seal his spear away once more he raised a stone army from their slumber to attack the rest of the world was forced subordinates went to murder xi'an they were given special chocolate creatures to enhance their strength to deal with the threat konohaka kode sent out many advanced teams to solve the stone army naruto uzumaki sakura harano and nahuga and rockley were sent to garchion and deliver her to the shrine where mario's body was sealed they fended off for four would-be assassins who exhausted themselves in a failed attempt to kill naruto she untold naruto's upcoming death while initially skeptical her assistant taruho explained that xion could see the future and all the events happening and her visions were 100 true as they headed to the shrine the group was ambushed once again by yumi's four subordinates and split into two teams lee killed his opponent by eating an alcoholic candy to get him into drunken fist while naruto was kept busy by his nadjie told soccer to escape with shion unaware that his two opponents were actually just one man in a puppet to distract him and let the remaining need to catch up to sakurai jion sakura was had shot with an anesthetic jutsu by the remaining ninja and xion was killed this time to be a ruse the dead xion was actually taruhu who transformed himself into a copy if she had to trick them into thinking that he had killed the real one she unexplained that her power worked by allowing her spirit to jump back in time in the moment of her death thereby allowing her to avoid it by having someone die in her place naruto insisted that he would not die and likewise would keep she unsafe thanks to lee neji realized that the reigning three ninja must be replenishing their chakra to battle effectively naruto was sent on ahead with xi'an while sakura and lee tricked their opponents into wasting their chakra on feudal attacks when they ran out of chakra and had to replenish it nedji disabled the final ninja who's providing the chakra leaving the other two powerless against the insakura at the mountain temple where mario's body was kept naruto and xian found a stone army waiting on the first step to get past the army both naruto and shion fell off a cliff afterwards naruto came up with the plan and promised she on that he would protect her naruto then held the army back using shadow clones while she unheaded back inside the temple to begin the ceiling ritual yomi was already inside he had terracotta soldiers attack her before her light slash and killed them yomi trixian to begin the technique with him inside the barrier allowing mario's spirit to reunite with his body eventually kakashi tamari and the others came into the fight and destroyed the remaining army after naruto came to rescue her she broke into tears saying that all the people who sacrificed their lives were a waste maurya then burst free from yummy's body into the air and naruto started fighting him yomi died and his body fell into the lava swallowing down mario's words about her mother's actions and she on's powers not letting him fuse into her and about to see the prediction of his death come true she used her power to shield naruto being stabbed changing not just fate intending to kill herself and mario in order to protect him naruto stops her seconds before her death reminding her that he promised to protect her after he inspired her to live they let their chakra and emotions go and used naruto and she on super chakuru sengan to finally destroy mario creating a volcano where the shrine used to be in the process with mario gone naruto asked you on what she intended to do now she replied that because mario was a demon caused by the evil thoughts of men it was possible that there could be another mario someday because of this she would pass her power onto another priestess that would suppress demons like mario indirectly asking naruto to father her child she asked if naruto would help her much everyone's shocked misunderstood what she said naruto happily agreed naruto shipped in the movie bonds a mysterious group of ninja from the land of the sky made a surprise attack on konoha this is because konoha had nearly destroyed the land of the sky during the second joby world war the group began attacking konoha causing mass mayhem with sauron in flying using a winged mechanical device and bombarding the village a boy had come from a very long way to inform konoha that his village had been attacked he was looking for a sensei who was currently in konoha so we could go back with him to heal the injuries village a three-man team consisting of naruto sakura and hinata were sent to accompany the boy amaru and shino his sensei tabomaru's village the team traveled through a forest full of eerie beasts and poisonous animals via small rung boats down by a river a soren and scout suddenly appeared in the sky sakura hinata and shino hid by the riverside with naruto and amario hiding under water until the soren ended passed while under water amaro dropped his scalpel a present from his beloved sensei and swam down to get it as he tried to resurface he became caught in the reeds after fighting amara from the reeds and helping him back to the boat naruto noticed that amara was in fact a she due to her breast and corset naruto blush before he poisons piranha like fish bit him and he fainted later on naruto woke up still blushing probably because mario is sucking the poisonous blood out of the wound on his thigh thus sailing naruto naruto asks if she was a she and suggested that amara had feelings for his sensei which he was slapped for meanwhile at konohaw these soren and were treated because they were out of chakra to get the fly so konoha sent another special team to search for their base psy approached the ships they're using as a base near a beach and one of his inkbridge to attract their attention and gauge their abilities while shikimaru and kakashi hid behind some rocks at the shore waiting for the fourth man of the team she knowed to infiltrate and damage their base atochimar's layer or oshima to become even more ill because the body transfer technique he used was close to his separation kabuto was attending to him and told sasuke that these sauron were attacking konohan to which saskatchewan applied they didn't care orochimaru ordered sasuke to capture and bring back to a man who would be able to help him perfect his reincarnation technique naruto company finally reached tomorrow's village and they found the village of a badly attacked with some parts known in ruins with the inhabitants in order to be seen omaro ran around trying to find some of the villagers before she unknowingly triggered a trap which sent a volley of kunai flying towards her her sensei rushed to block the kunai to protect her but was hit in the process naruto took soccer and hinata came to the scene it was too late and shino died of his fatal injuries after amaro came to her senses they continued to look for villagers with sasuke and now on his way to the village later on naruto sakura and united decided to search for the villagers without amaru eventually sakura met with naruto who who's looking at runes in the distance they went together to exploit them and found themselves on the front of an evil monster calling itself the zero tales which identified itself as a version of a beast that fed in the darkness of human souls and had somehow taken over umaru sakura proved to be no match of the beast and fell unconscious the creature sent the naruto had the dark power inside of him so it taught the naruto and coke and used that power by saying that he cannot save anyone without it this made naruto remember his failure in saving sasuke and became emotionally unstable which caused him to enter his initial joking form his three-tailed state and finally his four-tailed state after fighting the months for a while as sila naruto given by giraffe came off and reminded him of how the tail beast tracker hurt his friends causing him to immediately turn back to normal naruto pleaded with amara to ignore the darkness in her heart which finally resulted in the beast being defeated sakura woke up naruto's arms and she slapped him to fill the awkward moment they decided to split up with naruto continuing to search for villagers and hinata and sakura returned to konoha to get help amaro who was supposed to go with sakura stayed behind to help naruto they then found some old ruins that shino had mentioned earlier and into them china was inside unharmed and spoke of conquering the world in the power of darkness amaru excited that her sensei was still alive around to hug him naruto noticed something wasn't right and shino laughed mockingly tomorrow for trusting him shino explained that he'd been researching the power of darkness for about 15 years and he'd finally found it in konoha he claimed that all he needed now is a secret scroll with the reincarnation technique written on it he then transformed into a muscular youthful form and naruto charged towards him only to be outmashed again and again with naruto becoming more and more injured shino in his body revival for him tried to commit start to use the nigel's chakra with the mario distraught and in tears while shino and naruto battled ever since she was small she had a strange illness and no one had liked her feeling that they would be infected only shino would dare to care for her and managed to cure her naruto told her not to throw her feelings away while the evil shino jeered at her she finally admitted her love and feelings to her sensei to which channel merely laughed naruto attacked and managed to land a hit although he didn't seem to be affected sasuke appeared suddenly striking china with tudor's senbon and attacked his cells and forcing the river back to his normal self he then explained that herochimaru needed help with the reincarnation technique from shino who then gives sasuke a scroll saying that it'll be enough to help shino then fled the scene with sasuke pursuing him naruto told demar to go find the villagers well he went after sasuke he found sasuke in a room and asked what he was doing there which sasuke ignored in the same room as a cocoon absorbing dark chakra shin would fuse with the cocoon and attack naruto and sasuke all their counter attacks proved useless as any chakra they used was absorbed by the cocoon and rendered harmless using tentacles as his arms chino grabbed hold of both of them began draining the chakra sasuke activated the first level of his cursed seal releasing his evil chakra and naruto who understood sasuke's plan turned into his initial jiu-jitsu form and sent a large amount of chakra eight to the zero tails and managed to break free using his shadow clones before using tornado resengan after escaping himself sasuke ascended to the second level of the cursed seal before using chidoritano to cut off the beast power the creature began rampaging after regaining control of itself having now completely absorbed shino amaru found hinata and the villagers in a cell and managed to free them all before finding them a flying lifeboat for them to escape in naruto rushed out of the ruins and ordered amara to go she refused but sasuke threw her into the boat by force nagato also forced sasuke under the lifeboat using her sun god melting a few words to sasuke as he fell before flying away using the wings from his current seal form remembering how jaraya once said that naruto had the willpower to never give up he created a large amount of shadow clones and began destroying the ruins using the gust for sengon suddenly the whole rune had been destroyed with a resangon leaving naruto to fall down into the sea amara saw naruto from the boat and grabbing a pair of sauron and wings flew up to catch him upon reaching him she removed the wings to grab him and they fell together jiraya suddenly appeared to gamabunta and caught the two saving them later on naruto woke up in amara's arms sasuke returned to rochemar to give him the scroll who then asked if something good had happened sasuke ignored the question going off to train warmer bringing archer's parting words of i'll definitely bring you back to konoha naruto ship it in the movie the will of fire the film concerns the potential outbreak of a fourth shinobi world war while the ninja with kaka again kai abilities begin to disappear is sent on a mission to follow the tracks of the mississippi guy wielding ninja which leads him to not shumisen located between the land of earth and kusakakura sai who is flying on his ink bird is attacked by a bird which stacks with explosive tag like feathers naruto disobeying kakashi's orders to contain admission runs towards where his side fell saying he will not abandon him there chimera like creatures attack them which i quickly defeat although naruto is injured in the process back at konohakashi gives a report on the mission to tsunade while worrying that the next ninja targeted will be him tsunade seems to not care as much telling kakashi to relax at the hospital kakashi gives naruto's bells which they use for their first drill together and tells him to fix them because he crushed them kona hat ombu are sent to mount shumi-san by tsunade to search the area for the tracks missing khaki ninja there a mysterious ninja along with his followers absorb their chakra with his mysterious technique using their earth nature affinity against them that night this mysterious ninja the mastermind and antagonist of the film known as hiroko projects his image over the skies the five great ninja villages introducing himself as a shinobi of konohako he states that he has taken the genkai before missing ninja using the chimera technique and that he plans to get in the fifth and final kick again kai which will make him immortal by doing so he declares the fourth shelby world war conoco quito is believed to be behind the incident as by the way hiroko introduced himself it seems that konoha was working with or using hiroko rumors circulated appearing rebellion with the five of the nation's amassing troops and land of fires borders threatening invasion they fired daimyo orders united to apprehend those who were responsible and prove connor's innocence in the event of failure the land of fire will be forced to destroy the village in order to preserve world peace sonata is awaiting gar at a secret meeting place to discuss what shall be done however on the way there garrett and a sunnagardian obi are attacked by a bird like creature which traps in an avalanche meanwhile heroical states of the chimera technically only absorb maximum four kegen kai and that certain conditions most importantly the light of an annular eclipse which is two days away is required for the absorption of the fifth and final kekagenkai which make him immortal that night hiroko appears before kakashi in a dream activating a puppet curse he had placed on him 10 years ago planning to seal kakashi's sharingan higashi asunai to allow him to go for the sake of the village before he leaves kakashi assumation to place a special seal on him will automatically activate kamui when hiroko attempts to absorb him that same night shigema's visiting awesome as gravel kagashi is hitting opitos kakashi asks jagmar to tell naruto that he's leaving the village not to follow him as kakashi lets hiroko take over his body and after season chases him shikhabar stops him and tells him what she had told him to say at the hokage's office tonight orders the oklahoma eleven to stay away from kakashi labeling him as a missing in for the sake of this year mission after this leaves nadia tells chicago the truth trusting that he will do what he needs to do as the leader meanwhile soccer comes to rescue naruto from the sale that chikamura put him in as they leave the villagers kikashi the kona 11 are sent to retrieve them the next day sunagar is lining up troops and weapons of the border the land of fire thinking that the kona attack gara they're kazukage when naruto and sakura follow kakashi the kong hai let me meet them and try to bring them back naruto reveals that kagashi once told team 7 during the bell test it is true that in the ninja world those who break the rules and regulations regarding scum but those who abandoned their comrades are even worse than scum which change the mind of some members however the scene is interrupted by ichi who is have a heroico to stop and or delay them using his khmer snakes team guy stays behind to allow the others to pass through the first gate knee and her khmer and dog stopped in the next gate and teammate stays behind a delayer but naruto and sakura and leader team awesome a pass as naruto sakura and team 10 reach the next gate son appears right in the bird that fires exploding feathers team 10 is still following the original mission and tries to stop naruto and sakura however sai appears on his ink bird leaving a flash bomb to create a distraction and takes northern soccer with him leaving team 10 behind to fight on at this time rockley and nedgie defeat each using front lotus eight trigrams palms revolving heaven while 1010 distracts him and teammate defeats knee using secret technique insects fear inside a trap that shinoa built will keep ending up later team 10 gave an advantage over son with shikamaru binding him and his shadow and ino using the mind body switch technique to take over his mind and tell them that they're after naruto nakakashi they also ask him where kashi's headed however son breaks out of the mind body switch technique he then summons ij andy and use the chimera technique on them and himself the three become a huge chimera which seems to be a combination of all the respective criminal beasts possessing all their abilities meanwhile the ghana is thinking of a dry i said while aiding in the recovery of gara and the suni name he has told gar that he believes kakashi or even naruto will defeat hiroko and it's up to guard depending on whether he believes in naruto's strength or not as the war between konoha and sunna is about to begin with ground combat troops and heavily artillery from both sides facing each other dry appears above gamma but and gives to suna the proof that gar is still alive at that moment gary moved to where naruto sakura inside her head and stops them he says that naruto's will is not what kakashi wants and naruto begins to fight gara gara says that naruto is too idealistic and he doesn't have the power to make his goals become true however naruto strongly says by the belief that as a fellow comrade he cannot allow kakashi to sacrifice himself naruto breaks through guard his shield of sand and punches him the rest of the members of the kona hot 11 arrive to 18 10 and they bind the khmer beast with the help of ten-ten by sending their chakra to the chains that were holding the beast they asked shikamaru to go in south north to sign sakura shikamaru greets garu who tells him that he felt with naruto fields in the battle shikabara continues on meanwhile naruto reaches the final gate and realizes that this is the place they came to on the past mission naruto goes to kakashi tries to stop him but she walks out with no response when arthur grabs his arm he sees a seal on his wrist inside tells him what it is shikamaru has finally caught up to them reveals that tsunade placed a seal on him so that they may defeat hiko at the sacrifice of akashi kakashi passes through the final gate before the temple as nara tells sakura's science shikimata approach the temple naruto hears hero's voice and questions why he did this and hiroko answers by telling his story he claims to have been a former friend of the saudi but he was on a skill shinobi like they were he was developing the chimera technique and juju that allowed to create a synthetic body by combining several separate ones after the third shinobi war he was shocked when he saw kakashi not only because he survived the battle but because he received the sharingan and genkai from the original user obito uchiha this gave hiroko the idea to steal keke genkai to become powerful like the sounding however the hokage found out his research and hiroko was forced to flee hiroko appears in the shadows of the temple and welcomes kakashi seeing it as the only way to save kakashi naruto sakura inside try to defeat hiroko although shigemaru tries to stop them hiroko using his 4k enkai storm release dark release steel release and swift release defeats him with a left foot he then steps into the temple with kakashi naruto stands up deciding that he cannot give up shigemaru tries to top him saying that he must protect the unborn children of konoha the king naruto states that it'll protect them too that he loves cohort shinobi who will sacrifice themselves to save another however deciding who will be sacrificed from the start is what naruto wants and naruto believes that there is no future for the children of connor becomes a place like this as naruto walks away shakumar sees awesome at him and protects him from surrounding various tags with his shadow sewing technique he states that naruto has inherited the will of fire trusting the future of khanna out of him naruto enters the temple where hiroko begins the absorption of the beginning of the eclipse suddenly kikashi's monkey kill sharon activates and the space inside of the slime created by the camera technique begins to distort naruto trying to save kakashi creates shadow clones and breaks into the slime with multiple recycles and pulls him out kashi wakes up and asks naruto why he's here with him and then sighs the plan failed hiroko is still alive and he states the eclipse hasn't ended yet and releases a large amount of chakra reducing the surrounding area to rubble when hiroko summons the kamera beast that the konoho 11 were keeping restrained shigamaru sakura and sai fight the beast while naruto kakashi face hiroko shikamaru knows that hiroko's weak spot is his chest which is still hollow as it is the space that hiroko wants to assimilate kakashi into as the khmer beast begins to gain an advantage over them the other kona hot lover have to help choji uses multi-sized technique to become giant and attack the beast followed by kiwi nakamura's fang passing fang which destroys the beast's wings then from the sky hinata and nanji appear and attack the beast with the 8 trigram 64 palms lee kicks it into a mountain intent and finishes it off with their twin rising dragons covering its body with a large number of kunai with explosive tags attached and detonating them meanwhile hiroko is getting an advantage over naruto and kakashi easily absorbing the techniques the big baller sengon and lightning cutter hiroko gives nara to a taste of his own attack we're sendgon and returns kakashi's lightning cutter as a last minute resort naruto forms the wind released ross and shuriken and carries the impact to hero's chest hiroko tries to absorb and copy it but cannot combine the high level of shape manipulation with the high level of nature transformation as the rasa and shuriken's impact occurs the chimera dies as ten-ten makes her explosive tags explode in his final moments hiroko in his original form asked kakashi what he did wrong kashi tells him to use others to overcome his weakness and only try to become perfect himself hiroko says that this is the way the strong ones think and that he did not have any comrades suddenly hiroko sees his old friends tsunade orochimaru the third hokage and some others appear before his eyes as they tell him that they were there for him akashi tells him that if you tried to bond with them they would have helped him and that he shouldn't have tried to do everything by himself hiroko then tells kakashi that that's what kakashi tried to do this time abandoning his comrades kakashi said that he and hiroko made the same mistake as they were both lost hiroko asks him if he has finally made a connection and dies kakashi looks over to see most of the gang cheering for him he then says that naruto had long surpassed him gara appears before the suni an army and tells him that everything has been solved and to withdraw sunada and jared talk about how they have been saved and the kids are completely different than they were at that age they end the conversation with the conclusion that they are getting old in a decision to leave the future in the hands of a young generation which they can freely put their faith into the movie ends at mount sin when kakashi is thinking about obito he smiles at naruto after seeing the similarities between the two in order to take some alison and creepy and random the konoha 11 surround them on various parts of the rocky ledge each giving their input on kakashi's sexual orientation upon seeing this kashi hardly denies their assumptions but not before naruto panic and please from him kakashi then chases after the thing naruto by trying to explain that his misunderstanding naruto shipped in the movie the lost tower yamato and naruto uzumaki sakuraharo and sai are assigned a mission to capture mukade and missing in they all have choker blades which are used to attack they set up for the once glorious historic ruins of roron a city that once had thousands of towers and is located in the middle of the desert after bypassing the puppets they corner the missing name mukadi's goal is revealed to be to travel to the past and take over the five great nobi countries with the power of the ryumyaku an ancient chakra flow hidden deep underground in roron he unleashes the power of the ryumyaku which is seen to have been sealed by mirato's flying thunder got kunai elite envelopes naruto and yamato who are trying to stop mukade sakura attempts to follow him into the light but sai stop soccer from getting sucked into the ryumyaku by catching her as ink bird while she cries at naruto's name minato namakazi 20 years prior to the president is now seen in konoha and jarrah shows me to tell that he's completely recent gone then the young xi might guys sarah toby and kashiyaki are seen waiting in a long line at the grand opening of ramadichiraku heroes and saritobi has heard of andro kuzn's evil plans and since minitona mikaze shibi avarami chose akimichi and upon minuteo's request kakashi had okay to put an end to his plans when naruto awakens he meets him serious young girl who immediately runs away upon seeing him naruto later comes into contact with a masked guy who rescues him from my puppet army he tells naruto that he too is a konohan ninja opening a part of his master show the konoha sign on his forehead protector and tells him to leave the city naruto agrees to do so nevertheless when he's about to leave rohran naruto remembers what happened before he lost his consciousness and decides to look for the others instead later he realizes that there's a festival going on and spots the young girl he previously encountered now realizing that she's queen of roran sarah when she greets the excited crowd who is calling for her joyously someone pushes her back causing her fall naruto rescues her and they introduce themselves to each other after sorry mistakes him as a bad guy naruto asks her whether there are people who are after her and the young queen immediately disagrees with it saying that naruto is seen for himself but the crowd is very happy to meet her later naruto meets minotau again in the queen's palace meena those calls and for not keeping his promise but naruto tells them that he has no choice and tells him what happened to him seeing the circumstances his munito and his team reveal themselves and that time naruto remarks that nintendo looks a lot like the fourth of call game shibi tells naruto it's impossible as for now the ruling hokage is still the third but jose disagrees saying that as an arthur is from the future it's possible that minotaur really is the fourth minute though simply replies there's no point making life less interesting by knowing things that they shouldn't minato then tells naruto the condition at rohran and tells him that he should be able to go back to his time after he feeds mukade after that he gives naruto's flying thunder god kunai telling him that a special kunai that allowed to transport naruto's place he uses it it's later revealed that mukade traveled to the past six years before naruto did that by this point he's changed his name to onrokuzon and serves as a minister of roran sarah refuses to believe that arnold cruzan's plan to overthrow her but soon hesitates after naruto points to the fact that there is indeed someone who is after her life sarah much annoyed leaves the place minato tells her to protect her as he continues on the mission naruto agrees when sarah is walking alone along the palace corridor someone strikes her from behind and takes him to a dark room filled with a large group of people they insist sorry to return it much to her confusion naruto enters the room to her aid only to discover that the group is actually a group of women and children that don't mean to hurt sarah at the first place walking along the city suddenly a child from the group says that sarah is said to be the puppet princess only to be schooled by the leader of the group sarah then asks her man about the rumor to which she says it's quite true she then tells sarah that most of the men of rohan were enlisted to work for the city by the queen's order to which sarah replies that she never gave such an order from her palace the people seem happy to see her the leader then tells that no one is actually happy while staring at the crowd who was looking for sarah the group realized their puppet has taken over sarah's place and greased the crowd much to her shock narc to notice there's something wrong with the crowd and reveals that the joyful crowd are all puppets that are being controlled by miyako's chakra a puppet of sarah herself appearing out the balcony above sarah then reveals the minister's evil doing she then promises that she would rescue the people used by him naruto and sara find the center of unrakun's evil plan they infiltrate the factory and find all the men who are chained and forced to work to produce puppets contracting on rakuzan sarah orders him to release the people there to which he laughs and says sarah is a puppet princess he then confessed that he killed sarah's mother saramu the previous queen because she had seen through his plan and refused to work with him now with sarah is no use from anymore he's going to kill her and take over the world naruto tells sarah that he will protect her the puppet ninja force which is under honor kuzan's control can attack using the ryumyaku's chakra and are able to throw kunai naruto is seen using his chakra knife to attack them later on rakuzan is seen to be a giant puppet as he's able to use parts of the towers of roran to repair himself from an attack which is part of his regenerative technique with the power of the riymiaku shibi and choza are not able to defeat him as he keeps regenerating himself shibu then passes a message naruto minito who are guarding sara and the citizens to go to the garden which is the source of ryumyaku on account of honor kuzon being unable to reach it because it's heavily defended when battling on rokuzon naruto uses resengan much to mean a tough shock naruto is easily defeated by arakuzad and miento comes to his rescue just before unrakun deals the final blow minato then tells naruto to follow the citizens while he's holding back on rakuzan from reaching them naruto agrees but then asks himself why he always follows me with those orders meanwhile ninato is able to locate on rakuzan's weakness but only to find that he cannot match its speed of regeneration onward kuzon is able to get past him and aims to kill sarah who is planning to steal the ream yaki for good minato then meets naruto and tells him that he already figured out how to defeat on rakuzan but he needs naruto to perform his song gun for him when naruto says he does not have enough chakra left miniature tells him that he will lend him his chakra naruto says it's impossible that the only people who are able to perform the saint god are jiraiya himself in the fourth hokage minotaur smiles and tells north that he's also able to perform a sengon while effortlessly forming rasanga before naruto he then hands over his recent gun to naruto and forms another resengan forming a new song as he tells naruto that similar chakra tend to synchronize with each other and enhancing their powers sarah seals off most of the ryumyaku in time making unrakuzan unable to use his regenerative technique minotaur goes off and tells naruto that this is the time to attack him naruto succeeds in hitting him anra kuzan says that this won't be over as the floor crumbles he falls down into a pool of the rimyaku sari is seen on the crumbling floor and naruto manages to catch her but falls in along with minito yamato who is still holding onto kashi comes back and uses wood release to catch naruto sarah and minato minato asks naruto to give back his kunai include the seal off the ryumyaku a bright blue light shines his minute to seal the ryumyaku naruto and yamato's bodies begin to glow mythos says that since the unrokuzone is dead his spell wore off which means naruto and yamato will return to their time when yamato meets minito he bows to him and sticks it as an honor to be able to meet him naruto is about to show yamato that minato is the fourth okay but his interrupted by mitosis has his time to save her well in order to prevent history from changing minotaur says it is best to erase everyone's memories when naruto asks mitto whether he has something to tell them minotaur replies there of time naruto then begs him to tell him now because they may not have another chance minotaur says that he's sure that they would beat again and that time naruto would know what he wants to say naruto begins to ask me to if he can possibly be his father but media interrupts and replies that he favored a son he wishes he grew up to be an angel like naruto sarah then tells naruto she'll never forget what he taught her when naruto and yamato begin to fade sarah smiles at naruto and utters his name for the last time in the present time the ryumyaku that was unleashed by mukade fades away sakura is still seen on size inc bird crying at naruto's name when the light fades naruto yamato appear but as miyato had said they have no memory what happened to them outside the ruins the team is approached by a young girl who resembles sara who claims that she followed the disturbance the ryumyaku the girl says that she's the daughter of the former queen of roran which was destroyed during the war the girl bears a kona hot chakra blade and tells him that her mother received from my hero in a dream naruto then notices that his own chocolate is missing as the girl and her people leave the ruins naruto claims that he's the feeling that he saw her in a dream soccer then grabs and pulls in naruto's ear and yells at him for being a pervert not to the movie blood prison a discusses a box of omoi kaduri samurai and mabui and suddenly gas covers the room knocking everyone asleep then a hooded figure leaps out attacking the sleeping rakague only for the figure to stop right before killing a when a is seen above the figure the figure dodges it and is able to equally fight with a in the battle a is able to throw the hood revealing the hood of the figure as nato uzumaki taking advantage of a shock naruto escapes the team samuel and maba we wake up aid tells him to summon kill his b in kona haka kuresuna states that naruto is wanted for attempting to assassinate the leader of kumu gakurei the reikage and killing joni from kumukakurei and iwa gakurei showing wanted posters of naruto from iwakuni and kirigakiri tim kakashi naruto and sakura refused the claims but tsunami states naruto will be placed in the hosuki castle a criminal containment facility also known as the blood prison in kuusagakade naruto attempts to escape only for yamato to encase him and tsunade takes away his forehead protector when naruto arrives at the joseki castle muay the head of the prison quickly places the fire released heavenly prison on naruto stealing his chakra naruto learns this the hard way after using a shadow clones naruto quickly collapsed from the pain caused by the seal naruto was later taken captive by mary who's working for muy when naruto was brought to a lab muay realizes that the naruto taken was a clone while the real naruto was hiding he used the chance to escape but the pain from the seal made him pass out after being caught he was taken into solitary confinement while in solitary confinement he hears a mysterious voice that if he can defeat moy then the seal will disappear naruto then after being released attacks moy but the steel causes naruto to collapse and he's taken back into solitary confinement muay questions north's devotion to his home wondering why he bothered being loyal when naruto is released he's looked up to by the rest of the prisoners naruto later attempts to escape again by knocking at one of the guards and taking his clothes when his shadow clone fools everyone as he is able to get to the edge of the island where rios as it tells him to stop naruto refuses to listen as he jumps into the whirlpool he nearly drowns but ryuzetsu saves him naruto thought she was a boy but later sees that she's a girl and that her mission is to kill muy and stop the box of ultimate bliss she reveals that muy even sacrificed his son muku to the box and that moy set naruto up she asks for not just have to destroy the box naruto agreed in the next day naruto challenges muay again but is defeated and taken to solitary confinement when naruto is confined ryuzetsu attempts to stab muay only to reveal that she attacked malroy marrow forms an alliance with her saying that he's not really on muy's side but he's just on the side that benefits in the most when naruto was asked to leave the punishment room he uses a clone to gather some magical energy because he intends on using sage mode naruton rused to pretend to fight engulfing the entire courtyard in the fright while mary forces prisoners inside the fight as well creating chaos in the chaos mario performs the technique in the sky while naruto tries to find the box just before he's able to start the box he's captured by muy muy extracts summon arthur's chakra allowing the box to survive naruto is able to escape moy then reveals that his wish is to bring back his son the box grants his wish opening up allowing a grown-up muku to walk out mook with an impaled movie with his own hand and knocked out kazan mook would then transform it to satori when all chaos breaks out naughty enters sage mode and then tried to use the big ball resent onto the box ultimate bliss destroyed but he fails naruto then is engaged with combat with satori but fails because he's unable to touch him so he summons gamabunta to help combat satori but they can't attack him due to their moves being predicted beforehand eventually naruto runs out of senjutsu alliance tried to attack naruto this forced ganbabun to defend him causing gamabunta to be defeated south through then attacks naruto again but is safe by killer b naruto is amazed that killer b and all his friends have gathered there as naruto wonders why this is happening sonata reveals that it was naruto's mission to destroy the box and that no one believed that naruto really committed any of the crimes it was also revealed that mario was a friend of killer bees and that he was a mysterious voice naruto decides to attain sage mode once again it tells killer being the others to distract saturday when he does this naruto was able to realize that saturday cannot read the minds of people but he can read their fears allowing naruto to fight sotry evenly in sage mode naruto attempted to end the battle by creating a larger sengon with two clones however saturn pales them with ryuzetsu in the way naruto is able to wake muay up and uses his shadow clones to hold saturday's wings pushing south three back and therefore allowing muy to weaken it naruto uses this time to free him and rizetsu and defeat saturn by firing a wind release rasan shuriken returning saturday back to normal mukul kills both his father and himself and apologizes to ryuzetsu for not keeping his promise the prisoners attempt to escape but are stopping naruto's friends after capturing all the prisoners soccer tries to heal a dying naruto but has no success until rizzetta revives an arthur by using your kekkai genkai with the cost of her life in the aftermath muay and ryozetsu were shown to be buried next to each other naruto then ties ryuzetsu's bandana around her gravestone promising to cherish the life she returned to him and re-quoting what she had said about being a guiding light by protecting the things people cherish wrote to ninja in arch of the movie the movie starts with the flashback to the nine-tailed theme of fox's attack which then flashes forward to the present timeline where the eight members of akatsuki who are meant to be dead are actually live in battling the konohoshinobi and this intern unsettled sakura shigamar states there's no point wondering why the dead are back alive and quickly comes up the counter plane but naruto quickly attacks katie head on forcing the rest of konono 11 plus sai kardashian guy to attack the battle continues until now towards kappa kakazu sai free is naruto by cutting off part of kakuzu's arm causing the akaska to retreat narthon his friends return to the village where most of naruto's peers are congratulated by their families all of whom promised write a recommendation letter for the promotion of being joanie although sakura has a little fight with her family who embarrass her in front of the others as naruto returns home he passes many families making him reminisce about his father and mother causing him to feel lonely later while eating at the ichiraku ramen he meets irika he then asks irika for a letter of recommendation of his own but erika refuses narcos only again and must become a chunin to rise through the ranks just as minato and all the other johnny did naruto is saddened by his lonely lifestyle and so storms off saying that no one seems to understand him and also he doesn't feel like the extra minimum on his ramen which adds to his present state of mind and causes him to feel lonely he meets sakura who had an argument with their family who also stormed out grabbing doctor's hand in time to go on a date with her when soccer complains about her family toby appears in front of them and after a small scuffle he activates limited tokyomi naruto and sakura are absorbed in the flash of light and later find themselves in the same park they rain before with no signs of a fight or toby himself they run into their friends including sasuke which surprises both sakura and naruto but with different personalities and to add to the confusion no one knows who toby is they realize they're in another world where sakura's father was the fourth okay who saved the village instead of minito and in this world naruto is named menma instead as naruto and sakura return home sakura is happy with the new freedom she has while inaudible his apartment hoping to see his parents only to find that he does not live there meanwhile in the present toby reveals that the dedicated key members in the beginning were only zetsu clones in the genjutsu world a man in a mask meets toby and they agree to work together elsewhere as sakura is looking through her dresser she sees the fourth hokage coat that naruto's father wore in the present causing her to once again realize that in this world it was her father who was the hokage she then meets sasuke who gives her a flower and flirts with her naruto and soccer meet in the morning to try to gather more information about the current world although sakura enjoys this world as she has more freedom and is well loved by the village thanks to her father's actions naruto on the other hand wants to return home as fast as possible naruto and sakura meet sonara and shizune who tell them that i mass man attacked kumagakari and killed their genchiruki which naruto and soccer believed to have been toby then meet naruto's parents who are alive in this world minotaur says that jurai died finding the red moon scroll and it was said to save the world sinai lets naruto and sakura join minniton kushina their mission while kakashi guy returned sakura is shocked to find out who naruto's parents are while naruto is angry that toby would dare make copies of his dead parents and swears to break the gajutsu while sakura is still enjoying her life she wonders how naruto is doing while naruto attempts to ignore his parents he sees an album showing how his life would have been if his parents have been alive in the morning sakura notices that this world takashi and guy switch personalities with kashi showing more excitement and displaying a positive attitude and guy complaining about having to do two missions back to back with a tired uninterested attitude while naruto isolates himself from his parents at every turn they soon located where dry hit the scroll but the group stops the rest naruto charges the head until he's confronted by the appearance of kamunta hiro and gamaken they refused to listen to naruto in the group who explained their reason for being there and attacked them with an army of frogs but while trying to gather enough energy kashina interviews and dress protection from gombuta but a shot of acid burns her legs as a result narchek is distracted and is unable to enter sage mode minato then saves both of them quickly and is able to get the scroll dispelling the summoning technique as soccer heals kashina naruto still attempts to brush off his parents causing meaning to say no matter what naruto does they will always try to save him as that's what they naturally tend to do as parents kushina then awakes and hugs naruto caused him to break down in tears and finally accept from his parents they return to kona hall where soon they locks the scroll in the village is safe until the night where a red moon will appear when they can use the scroll to fulfill the said prophecy as naruto and soccer walk home together naruto quickly runs home saying he has something to do leaving soccer alone sakura finds her home too lonely and wonders if narada always felt this way as she walks to town she sees happy families only making her more sad she then realizes that this world sasuke is just a flirt as she sees them flirting with a group of girls and decides that naruto was right on his decision to quickly break the genjutsu they're trapped in and wishes to return to their own world as she walks in arthur's home to try to find a way to break the genjutsu she sees how happy naruto is and wonders if they should really leave soccer later meets naruto and asks if he wants to stay although he denies it he later thinks to himself that he truly does not want to leave at that moment an explosion occurs at hoga's office where the mass man from earlier asks for the scroll they brought back he overpowers minitokushina and tsunade and then naruto and sakura arrive they realize that this is the man who nadia was talking about and he knows toby he overpowers naruto and sakra and kidnaps sakura in exchange for the scroll he then uses great spiraling ring destroying a large part of konoha and leaves as naruto decides to save sakura biniton kashina trying to prevent him in fear of him dying showing that the parents in this world are different from bernardo's real parents he takes one of miraculous kunai and the scroll leaving with sakura's father's hokage coat sakura is tied up and meets toby who is a ghost saying they're in an old training ground that minaton jiraya used naruto arrives but is attacked by the other masked man asking if it's scroll naruto is unable to fight properly as the stomach acts up and the mass man then takes the time to summon the nine masked beasts and about to kill naruto and ikotsky arrives and saves him the akatsuki was hired by sunata helped naruto and they deal with the mass beast and then naruto attacks the mass man hitachi saves sakura and toby decides to escape instead the akatsuki defeats the massive beast which then turned into ninefox kits while naruto chased the mass man into the training grounds they then fight naruto uses sage mode and then uses the wind release roster and shuriken to counter the mass man's great smiling ring it ends in a drop the attacks destroy the mass man's mask showing that he is magma this world's naruto manma informs narcissa the pulsating inside his stomach must be koram's reaction to the black knight tales of the menma menma then calls back to the defeated masked beasts and summon kodama's counterpart the black nine tails naruto was unable to attack while the akatsuki retreat taking sakura with them not wanting to be manipulated by the shot and gone again gramma makes a truth of naruto to work together aligned with a summoned quran out of his body in the battle naruto is barely able to win but toby reveals that this was his plan to have naruto and menma fight as doing so would cause the two foxes to fight and weaken karama as he possessed mehmed kurama warned naruto if he took him asharingan it would all be over for toby plan to extract karama out of naruto the exact same way he extracted from kushina 16 years ago as medma overpowers naruto the latter tries to use his scroll when he realizes the moon is turned red but magma cuts the scroll causing naruto to look into memo's eyes naruto's memories are erased but sakura rescues him before koram is extracted from him naruto in an amnesiac stupor stares at the destroyed red moon scroll which brings back memories of his training to their sangha with jiraiya and how his father was the one who invented technique naruto is able to break free of the genjutsu just in time to save sakura and then defeats toby the same way his father did breaking the limited tsukiyomi toby using his ghost body attacks again until minito and kushina arrive toby decides to give up and exit the genjutsu world just as naruto and sakura are enveloped in a bright light trying to return to their world as well but beforehand naruto thanks minito and kashina who quickly go to assist venma who is returning to his original state as their son naruto and soccer return to their world bernardo sakake coat breaks down since it's only part of the ganjutsu world not real naruto in soccer tells us nothing kakashi would happen and sets out more guard patrols since toby was easily able to enter the village further than they imagined shiznite also brings up the topic of the letter's recommendation for the beginning of the movie to which sunadi replies that she has no intention promoting eddie of naruto's friends to joni as they both return home naruto watches soccer as she meets her parents happily hugging them he approaches her asking her out on a date but sakura tells him they just came back from the longest date ever much naruto shock as naruto goes home he sees erika in his house waiting to apologize to him afterwards naruto happily jumps roof to rooftop through the village while quoting that the road of the ninja is one who endures after the credits the signing ichiraku ramen where it says menma is changed the last arts of the movie the film starts off with an explanation of kagi ozotsuki consuming the chocolate fruit the birth of the ten tales and the sage's six past stopping the beast and creating themselves beasts it then moves over to the fight battles between asur otzatsuki and indo-otsotsuki the moderate uchiha hashirama senju and the ending conflict between naruto uzumaki and sasuke ochiha before enrolling in the academy a young hinata hugo is seen being bullied by boys over a biaku god calling her a monster which causes her to cry naruto shows up and tells him to back off proclaiming that he'll be the future okay however the boys outnumbered him and easily beat him up and tears red scarf he now thanks naruto for his efforts and naruto lets you keep the scarf since it's ruined unaware that this is when the young girls affections began for naruto sometime later the academy irika um tells the story to write down the name of the person they would want to be with if the world was end today the naruto tries to act up towards sakurahara no she ignores him for sasuke while he's not as unsure who's named right she sees naruto making a paper playing with his paper which leads him to be scolded by erica naruto goes on to state that he has no friends or family and that the world isn't going to end seeing this he not a happily writes doctor's name on her paper in the present time two years after the four snobby world war hiyashi hugo accompanied by two subordinates met with mario satookia sadako nakakura asking for an answer to his earlier proposition stated in the fate of hugo clinton depends on his answer he declines to narrow his offer engaging in combat hiya is overwhelmed by his puppet army and trapped in a cave in konoha naruto is invited to teach academy students to do too much to enjoy the young boys the lesson however is interrupted by a crowd of young girls that greatly admire naruto much was confusion you know choji and chickamar spot this noting how popular he's gotten since the war he has since then received various gifts from konahawk villagers and abroad from young women spin with him as the hero of the world later konohama meets up with naruto and we should take him to his late grandfather's old storage shed claiming that there's something for him elsewhere in konoha he not on it's a red scarf and remembers the one are they used to wear back in the academy so she can give it to naruto at the renai festival as a personal gift of love which she confesses her love for him she is later found by sakura who encourages her to give it to him and win his heart meanwhile the five kage the sixth okay kakashi haruke the fifth kazukage gara fifth mizukage made to rumi fourth reikagi a and thirdsuchikage on oki have an emergency meeting in regards to the threat of the moon which is really falling out of orbit not to the earth they deduce that if nothing is done soon then the moon will break apart and crash into the earth and kill all life on the planet at night he now finishes her gift for naruto and attempts to give it to him but her shyness stops her from doing so hanabi hyuga playfully encourages her to give it to him while warning her sister that there are various girls after him now as well she meets naruto sakuraino and choji and ramen ichiraku just as she sits down to eat three koichi show up and start being affection towards naruto after seeing this hinata decides to leave to which sakura tells naruto to walk her home however he doesn't understand why he asked dude given her powerful abilities sakura catches up to hinata telling her naruto is very dense about love dude not having anyone in his life to express it for him and ensure senator she'll be able to win him over if she's confident enough meanwhile various puppets secretly invade konoha and raid the huge estate kidnapping hanabi in the process on the outskirts of the village sai paints a portrait and spots one of hanubi's captures flying overhead and falls behind however after a quick chase sai was taken now by a blast back in konohan in front of naoto's home he not have practiced as or confession but is interrupted by naruto's rival after noticing a scarf around naruto's neck he now to summit growls this notion is naruto to invite her to eat ramen in his apartment but runs off embarrassed much of his confusion as henata sits on a park swing she begins to cry saying she's happy for him and thinking that she lost her chance to be with him just there tony appears before hinata claiming that he came for her she's rendered unconscious by tenery who firms the strength of her chakra of hamada as naruto shows up and gives chase naruto was able to save her from her kidnapper but the scarf she needed is ripped as a result of her chakra being distorted tanery leaves a message that the end of mankind is approaching and he will return for naruto only now to inaudible a meteor crash outside the village with hana be captured by teneri naruto hinata sakura assigned shikamaru are deployed by kakashi to go and rescue her to accommodate for the mission shikamaru is given a special clock only held by the five kage which apparently counts down the time till doomsday as the group followed toner's tale courtesy of psy hinata finds hanabi's kunai and puts it in her bag where naruto sees their scarf they eventually found a cave with the secret path towards dnary's location hinata is unable to use her bianca dude a lake destroying your vision for not no reason naruto proceeds to make sure his skype is not wet proclaiming to be special to him leading soccer to say that it can't be that important and he now feels upset sai realizes that the water is incapable of making them wet they then dive into the lake only to discover it is a genjutsu set by taneri they're all trapped in their own memories from the past as naruto calls his fight with kiba inazuka in the tuning exams hinata's scarf begins to wrap around naruto and her memories flooded to his causing him to remember her fight with pain her confession of love to him her writing his name on their paper in the academy and he not on soccer's talk about giving him her scarf naruto is left utterly bewildered by how she's loved them for so long before it can sink in soccer dispels a genjutsu place on everyone as they descend further he not is found by tonight who calls it the biaku gun princess and announces his desire for them to be married hinata refuses demanding the safe return of her sister tonight then reveals he has taken her sister's biakugan and if hinata agrees to his proposal he will spare both hinata and hanabi's lives and eventually return hanumi's biaku gun while sakura sai and shikamaru fight against the gatekeeper the spring naruto comes back to protect hinata and fights tanari only for the dude to realize teneri is a puppet the tanari puppet explains he will return a person to hearing out his answer now knowing daenerys is targeting hinata naruto proclaims he will not let inada out of his sight having realized his own romantic feelings for her as well with this hinata notices naruto isn't wearing the scarf anymore the team arrives outside the village seeing an artificial sun inside the moon they make their way to an advantage nobody village of the otsotsuki clan at some point tanery takes hanabi's biakugan which he remarks is incredibly pure after he implants it in his own empty eye sockets awakening tent saigon sealed by hominer's descendants over the last millennium he tells his guards he will go after hinata but not until his eyes are adjusted as naruto and hinata spend more time with each other she remains humorously oblivious to his love for her as hinata runs into a spider web she screams having naruto rushed to her as he picks the web out of her hair making her blush hinata asks snark to why he took off his scarf which not just states he feels fine without it naruto then falls down some stairs and hurts his back with naruto unable to reach his brew's spot hinata proceeds to grab ointment on his back which leaves naruto rather pleased as they search the ruins shikimara realizes tanery's plan and that he is the orchestra of the falling moon with hinata's arrival a monument to the clan awakens for her reeling a puppet which calls her the biakugan princess and shows her revision of hammura homura awakes her latent hamura chakra transfers his own and orders her to stop taneria as only she can destroy the tan saigon as she is the byakugan princess and that toneri a member of the otsotsuki's branch house has misinterpreted a celestial degree when he not awakens she tells the others what she saw was nothing later that night naruto follows hinata to a pond seeing her need a way to scarf naruto consults her when you not think she's a horrible big sister since she just needs a scarf rather than spending more energy to find her sister naruto disagrees recounting the amount of time and energy she's been putting into finding honeybee when he nodded thanks for his restraining kindness a flustered naruto accidentally reveals his new fine feelings for her leaving her greatly shocked however the tender moment is interrupted by tanery's arrival this time hinata freely goes with tanari after giving the refurbished scarf to naruto before having his chocolate jam by teneri in order to chase after them only to be shocked by he knows not denying tanari's statement that they would be married the resulting explosion of naruto's vast chakra displays the massive part of the moon and shreds tina described yet again leaving her heart broken at tanery's assault on naruto forcing him to put her into a slumber back on earth the various hidden villages defend themselves against crashing meteorites as they protect civilians all over from tanery's genocidal assault as rockley and others fail to completely destroy huge meteor sasuke arrives and saves quan off from certain doom revealing he rescued hiyashi sasuke then declares he'll defend konoha since throws away and gives konoha ninja a much needed break elsewhere as naruto was being healed by sakura she notes the injuries are quite serious naruto murders seen out his name and sakura notes that he finally realizes his feelings for her back on the moon at teneri's palace teneri marvels that he not as beauty as she sleeps wanting to know more about her he reads her mind only to see that she's thinking about naruto much to his confusion and jealousy when she awakens she finds her sister safe but even while in her comatose state hanumi grabs hinata silently begging for help tanari arrives and gives hinata a vast army of puppet maids to her bidding gives her a tour of his palace here tanery tells her about his clan and how they should use the ten saigon against their enemies this case being mankind who used chakra as a weapon and thus intends to wipe them out as per homura's celestial decree after showing him out of the mausoleum of homura and having dinner tanari requests unita to make him scarf like she did naruto and orders didn't ever question his plans to destroy earth again later upon seeing a floating island in front of the castle taneri explains that it's a temple of homura and it comes nearby his castle once a year during the renai festival he then takes it to the floating temple after hinata says that she personally wants to play homage saying that hamburger must be happy for her offer he now realizes she couldn't find the ten saigon somewhere in the moon so she finds the hidden location of biakugan while tannery rests from his inability to control the tent saigon he not attempts to destroy the tent saigon alter as per hammer's request only to be stopped with denarii angered by her lies and betrayals taner destroys her scarf in a jealous rage proclaiming he knew full well she made it for naruto he then brainwashes her by placing his green chakra sphere within her body so that she will still go through getting married meanwhile following a three-day recovery process naruto awakens and becomes depressed about him not his choice leading shikamaru inside his skull and make fun of him in hopes of reuniting his drive only to fail shikamaru then takes naruto to sakura revealing that she was severely weakened due to saving his life in the hopes that he resorts fighting spirit something humid cy and himself are nowhere near capable of sakura then talks in naruto and helps him realize that he not truly loves him stating she noted the feelings he had for herself were just another way to compete with sasuke but now those feelings for hinata are far more genuine and deeper than they were for herself and he not has left for narcos much more genuine with newfound strength in order to lead the charge into tener's moon base naruto's team invades the palace and splits up science akura going to rescue hanuman while shikumaru and nara to go after hinata as shigemaru holds off to nary's puppets naruto arrives just have to stop there from kissing humiliate naruto inaudible forces the brainwashing added to attack him but he manages to remove the orbiting body after ternary pulsing out towards him he tries to put another green orb in her body but his latest 10 saigon pulsation allows united to escape from tanari and after apologizing to him she leads naruto to the energy vessel with their combined efforts they're able to destroy the vessel revealing numerous biaku guns sealed inside which stops the moon from flowing through the earth after regrouping with everyone sakura presents hinata with the remnants of her scarf to which naruto reveals that he knows it was for him after seeing her memories despite being ruined naruto happily takes it which leaves hinata on the brink of tears of joy just then shikumar notices the doomsday clock has began again for some reason back on earth a and killer b use a massive chakra cannon to destroy the meteor heading from earth and upon learning the moon still approaching and tends to use the cannon to destroy the moon akashi is then told by hiyashi that is certain that teneri took his daughters to the moon after observing quran battling on the moon hiyashi's theory is confirmed despite now being informed that naruto and his team around the moon a wishes to destroy the moon regardless the other kage are against this angry that a once again has a weapon of mass destruction secretly hidden away and order him to wait for an hour as they feel that naruto can't stop the moon given his actions during the previous war meanwhile at the destroyed energy vessel a furious tenerife managed to unlock the tent saigon along with the continuous view of the celestial decree tanari then summons a giant golem that battles korama as he unlocks the 10 saigon chakra mode he captures hinata throwing her into a cage so she could watch him kill naruto who he has grown to despise a huge duel ensues tonight revealing his newfound power to slice the moon in half near the end of the fight naruto grasps the last remaining shred of the scarf he not have made for him and seemingly redirects and channels his truck with shroud into the scrap in his right fist and delivers a devastating punch which is enough to de-power tenari and pin him against a wall with his defeat kurama uses his chance to destroy the golem with the tailed beast ball and allows hinata to retrieve his biaku god despite his defeat tanari refuses to give up and summons all the byakugan eyes around him to grant him the power to kill naruto by draining his chakra but he not stops him from absorbing his chakra anymore with tenery unable to maintain his form and is about to burn in the sun naruto saves him with the hour up a prepares to fire the cannon but b refuses to kill naruto and the others much to ace frustration luck ricarama writes on the moon mission complete symbol much of the fox's annoyance as he admits his penmanship is terrible signifying everyone is safe and the disaster is averted as a global declaration is made that naruto hinata shikimaru sakura and sai have saved the planet from extinction it is revealed that before returning to earth and saving tanari that hinata took tanari to the sight of hamura's soul and the truth is real to him seeing this taneri apologizes for his actions and chooses to stand the moon to atone for his sins and promises that the moon will never approach earth ever again despite hinata and naruto offering him a place on earth later he not asked naruto about a scarf he was using earlier to which he reveals it was knitted by his late mother before he was born which is why he's so protective of it leaving he not relieved and embarrassed by your actions as they all head home on honeybee's request now to prepare zinadi wants to spend the rest of his life with her which moves into tears as they leave the portal a glimpse of their future lives together is shown and is followed by them seeing past versions of themselves and arts and past selves wearing the red scarfs united all were running out of cave hand-in-hand and supporters fall apart he not a false but is called by naruto who tells him not to let go to which she happily states she never wants to and then they fly out of the cave leaving the others behind the exit while floating in the sky with the moon behind them they lean in and share their first kiss the movie ends with a series of flash forwards of narutoni not his wedding it further flashed forced them having a peaceful morning with the two children borito was a monkey and himware uzumaki who playfully ordered their father to play with them instigating the happy family into a snowball fight boruto narrative of the movie in the ruins of kaki otsutsuki's palace sasuke uchiha is battling a mysterious shinobi after recovering a scroll that kageya didn't weigh many centuries ago after sasuke nearly avoids a powerful attack using abanachikara another shinobi with similar appearance reveals himself having watched the battle from afar intrigued by sasuke's possession of the rinigon during a mission to capture a panda slash bear bortha uzumaki shows off his newly mastered chattakon technique and declares the animal as a panda but sardo uchiha argues that it's bear because their childhood friends and rivals and that she's always watching him borza feels they need to look good in front of sarda boruto gets inside his ways he moves to capture the angry panda slash bear and he uses shadow clones to do it and sarda is angry at boruto for getting it away mitsuki tells her to leave everything to boruto because as the son of the seventh hokage and the grandson of the fourth okay boruto might become the next hokage causing saru to angrily reply that she will be the hokage konohamara shows off his kote and captures the bear with the shadow imitation technique and then shows it to the kids and creates a resengan which leaves them in awe but it veers off course and accidentally destroys local farm when they report to naruto zamaki who insists that boruto address him a seventh rather than dad in his office boruto insists the mission was so easy that he could have done on his own and naruto lectures him on the importance of teamwork this anchors boruto who instead argues on how his father focuses martin sokka duties in their family borah to warn zharath to be at himuri's birthday party or else he would never forgive him kotowski comes into naruto's office to ask for naruto's permission to use the kote in the tuning exams but naruto refuses on the ground that the instrument defeats the purpose of the exams which is nurturing new ninja as the scientist leaves boris tells naruto this is not the lame era naruto grew up in before swimming at the office boruto visits kataska to get new software for his video games and scientists ask him if he wants to enter in the tuning exams which borja says no however puruto is surprised when katasky tells him the hokage will be in attendance of the exams boruto later meets up with nara and nino yamanaka to play video games before he's joined by sarah and mickey who informed him that konohumaru sent them to give him his application to the tuning exams boruto says he doesn't plan to participate and mitsuki says they need a three-man or else they can't apply when borgia replies that he doesn't care sarda becomes angry and tells him that her dream is become a kage and that he is keeping her from getting closer to her dream boruto retorts that he doesn't plan to participate in the exams because he doesn't want to be hokage and tells sarah that if she plans to become a caucus she better be alone for the rest of her life or also cause problems with people around her either jin asked borto to help him and she could have beat the boss of the game and borton gives him his data to make the game easier but this only upsets them because borto is cheating and they leave which confuses him realizing that boruto is just upset at his father for spending less time with him sarda tries to cheer up his suggestion to the end of the exams throughout their music skills and impress naruto remembering that naruto will be watching the exams borto agrees when asked by borto if her father will come watch her in the exams sardis said she doubts it while talking about sarda's father mitsuki comments that his parents told him only sasuke can fight evilly against naruto before they asked mizuki about his parentage hinata and him wary arrived to pick boruto up to prepare for him or his birthday party when borito learns that naruto sent to shadow clone as the standard of emory's birthday party portal lashes at his mother's chest on the narcissistic is very difficult but is very important for the village boards to further reports that naruto must have been lucky to experience the joy of having no parents which upsets hinata as he tells him that unlike naruto boruto does have a father here boruto however replies that it's not about him but he might worry and then he walks away he goes to naruto city and finds his father's old tata jacket and after declaring it to be uncool he throws it out of the window to fit a rage thinking naruto was at the front door boruto was ready to punch him in the face before he sees it at sasuke instead he was returned to call her naruto the threat he encountered another dimension he not informed sasuke that naruto still his office and he turns to leave while boruto realizes that sasuke is his father's rival and he starts to admire him sasuke finds naruto's old jacket in the middle of the street after board to throw to the window having taken the jacket with him sauce came into naruto's office returns the jacket disgusts as a scroll to be obtained from kagi's abandoned castle but he needs help to ciphering because not even his rinagon can help sasuke says he met boruto and the boy turned out to be just like naruto who insists that boruto reminds him of how sasuke was like when he was younger however naruto reacts by saying that boruto is not either them because he has never had to work out as a ninja and the pristine condition of his clothes serve as an example they then make a bet on whether the nature of a shinobi has changed in regards to boruto to which sasuke says it hasn't and naruto says it has after leaving naruto's office and on his way to go see his family sasuke is attacked by boruto whom he easily defeats by getting behind the boy and tripping him borto asks uncle sasuke to take him on as a student because there's something he wants to defeat unimpressed sasuke asks sports hope you can perform the resengan to which boruto says no and sasuke tells boards that he can't be a student if he doesn't know how to use the technique boruto then goes to konohamaru in the middle of the night to ask him to teach him to before they're sangon and kona hamar agrees due to his belief that it'll be an honor boruto however is dismayed to start off training with a water balloon and then a rubber ball but after konohamaru tells him the hard work his grandfather went through to create the perfect resengan boruto goes through several days of training unaware that sarada is watching him the whole time finally borto is able to perform the resengan and shows it to sasuke who notes that it's much smaller compared to his many predecessors borator interprets that sasuke being disappointed and in frustration throws the tiny person got out a tree and it disappears halfway from impact which sasuke watches the interest before he runs off sarada who'd been watching from afar approaches her father and tries to encourage him to accept boruto as sarah speaks on boruto's behalf sasuke says he never said boruto failed and was going to accept boruto as a student which made sardo very happy sasuke looks back at the tree and suddenly denotes a divot that was caused by bortows or sengon boruto goes to katasuke who comforts him as boruto explains that the training didn't produce any results kataska gives him makote which he says can create a resengan and boruto accepts without hesitation but doesn't tell naruto sasuke knowing they'll disapprove the next day boruto creates a standard size resin gun and shows it to sasuke who notices the kotei and boards his arm knowing boruto is using instruments sasuke voiced his suspicions about borton being able to make a larger assent god in one day borrow to replace his talent as nothing like naruto's and sasuke says he was hoping that wasn't the case before he starts to walk away this angered boruto and he reminded sasuke of their deal of becoming a student if you learn the resengam and sasuke agreed to take one as a student as part of their training sasuke starts teaching shirking jude to the borto while taking a break and sitting him by a bonfire one night borto asks sasuke to tom bonardo sasuke described naruto as a stubborn loser who went around ranting but boruto says he wants to know about naruto's weaknesses sasuke tells him that naruto is full of weaknesses and a good for nothing but he overcame them in order to become the hokage he is now and borton needs to know who naruto was back then rather than who he is now on the first day of the tuning exams as sarda prepares me with their team she comments to her mother's soccer that she is in higher spirit since her father came home after so long soccer blushes and is embarrassed and sarah says she can see these things from her mother before taking off soccer then insists that sarda is the happiest sarita meets boruto who tells her that he plans to learn about naruto's weaknesses through his training with sasuke so he can defeat his father sarah scolds him as they need to become chuni before they can face against naruto and they join mitsuki as they show up their application for the exams in kumagakari momoshiki and kinjiki extract chakra from and attack him with his own tailed beast ball before throwing killer beat into a ravine to leave him to die deciding that this was not enough chakra to satisfy their needs momoshiki and kinchiki begin making their journey towards kona hakakure after the two foes left killer bee managed to swim to the surface with the aid of the first test the ghenian teams are required to answer a true or false question on the fifth volume of a novel series about ninja strategies knowing sorry to read the series bortho asks if she knows the answer but she says she was unaware of a fifth volume sarita asks borato what his father would likely pick and which boruto picks false and when borthopix falls soccer picks true because she wants to take a different path than her father as they proceed with the test they are first led to believe they answered incorrectly when they find themselves falling down a pit with a lake of ink at the bottom sarita uses a wire attached to her quina to keep her boredom from plugging into the ankle mitsuki grabs sarah's hand borton notices a second leg of being in the false section leading everyone to deduce that anyone who falls into the ink is qualified regardless of them getting the question right they pass the first round upon hearing this naruto reacted calmly but shikomaru pressed him to reach out to boruto boruto is unsure whether to use his kote because his deemed a form of cheating and doesn't want to disappoint everyone but when he receives a congratulations from naruto via email after winning the first round bourne gets agitated that naruto didn't at least send a shadow club back to his training with sasuke boruto struggles assure gajutsu and complains to sasuke that it is especially due to her being sasuke's daughter and uchiha sasuke creates multiple shadow clones and explains that it is naruto's specialty but hard work makes it possible for others to learn it in the second round borah to sarda and mitsuki and the other competitors are to fight each other and compete for flags borato and his team split up and board the stink behind to protect their flag with sardone and it's key going to seal the other team's flags boruto faces another gany team who nearly overpowers him with the multiple shadow technique and is seemingly about to get his flag in desperation to win his father's recognition boruto uses his cote to use water release and then lightning release defeating his opponents he radios for sarah to finish it and sarah uses a shy guy to see through again due to the team placed on their flag and was able to retrieve it winning the second round sardis scolds bortow about him not being happy but she gets in front of his face and comments his eyes are blue or the naruto's causing him to blush and get embarrassed when mitsuki comes between them naruto who had been nervous about the outcome of the second round was overjoyed upon learning from chicamor with the borto past sasuke visits naruto and asks if the scroll is deciphered and naruto says it won't be long naruto then says he heard from konohomar the saskatchewan boruto and naruto hints his sadness and not being able to train his own son but he says sasuke was right about the nature of nobody ever changing sasuke agrees and leaves later that day after returning home boruto was surprised to see his father come into his room but is then happy and touched when his father personally congratulates him and voices his pride in him naruto initiates a fist bump but borthos simply smiles to avoid his father sigis and after naruto leaves borto gets overly excited that his father is proud of him in the third round borth to fights rory but defeats him with a shuriken with the end of his cote soroda easily defeats her opponent and gets embarrassed when her mother proudly cheers for her from the audience naruto sits with his wife and daughter rather than with the other kage when his son is matched when she could die borrow to seemingly wins after shigeru surrenders due to being trapped before his multiple shadow technique but naruto senses something is wrong and after asking hinata to use your byakugan he deduces that borrow to use they kotei to cheat meanwhile the scroll is deciphered and sasuke quickly goes toward naruto disappointed that his son has been cheating naruto confronts boruto deems cheeky die the winner and disqualifies boruto by taking away his forehead protector and tells borto that he will lecture him when they get home in rage boruto lashes out at naruto for when does he have time to lecture him and boruto blames naruto for everything that's happened soon after the two shinobi that sasuke fought appear and proceed to attack the arena which creates chaos naruto tries to get bored to the safety but is knocked out of the arena by momoshiki sasuke saves sardar from falling debris and is attacked by kinshiki boruto tries to attack momoshiki with his kote but all of his attacks end up getting absorbed through moshiki's rinigon leaving him scared and defenseless naruto grabs his son and shikomar tries to restrain the two enemies but fails his moments she absorbs his power naruto and sasuke team up to protect their children and sasuke informs the narc that they can't use their jutsu on the two and are to realize that he's their target after introducing themselves as momoshiki and kinky kiyosatsuki momoshiki and kinchiki explain that they intend to retrieve kagi's scattered chakra and cultivate it into a new cinnabar panacea which will grant maternal youth and supernatural phenomena sasuke deduces the scroll for totally arrival to the two and kaguya was forming a new white zetsu army to fight against them revealing that they are the threat greater than kangia that sasuke had been searching for momoshiki and kinjiki also intend to capture naruto with the intent of extracting kurama and using his chakra from their own use momoshiki creates a tailed beast ball that is amplified but the jutsu he collected and is about to attack everyone with it sarita is fearful of momoishiki's monstrous strength and falls to her knees prompting borza to create a shadow cloud to protect her naruto and sasuke combines susano and kurama in order to shield themselves from the attack but naruto asks sasuke to take care of borton sarda sasuke guards the children were out to try to stop the attack although naruto stops the attack he is ultimately captured before he disappears naruto gives his son a warm smile and borito shouts out to his father before he falls unconscious when boruto wakes up in the hospital he finds his mother being healed by sakura after she tried to save his father feeling guilty for how badly he treated his father bortha goes into naza's office finds his father's old jacket and puts it on bortho calls himself uncool and sasuke comes in agreeing sasuke tells him that everyone at the exam scored into mitigators had been taken away from him and he's no longer a ninja he also comments that it would not been for his sister who adores him in his mother who worries about him boruto would be in the same situation that naruto was in the past borto asks how his father was able to do what he did and sasuke tells him that he can ask naruto later because he consents naruto's chakra meaning the art was still alive and sasuke intense rescuing porto asked sasuke why he would bother with someone like him and sasuke replies that borto is a strong shinobi with the potential to surpass naruto and further elaborate that boruto is not only his best disciple but a bigger loser than naruto because boruto hates to lose sensing that naruto is in another dimension sasuke activates his renault and teleport himself tonight's location to rescue him before kage alley with sasuke in the mission rescue naruto and sasuke let's board to go with them he now refused the bar to go to fear for her safety but important to put on sasuke's scratch forehead protector she remembered how naruto was like when he was younger and she decides to trust him and asks him to take care of his father naruto is bound by the otsotsuki pair who tried to extract roma's chakra from him but moment she given places taking too long naruto replies that ninjas don't like taking things easy and they look up to see the other kage charging at them the four kanga engaged in battle against kinchi ki momoshiki while sasuke and porto rescue naruto who asks about boruto and why he's wearing the jacket and sasuke says many things happen but borto has become a shinobi naruto apologized aboard so for not being there for him but boruto says it was all right and he just wanted to hear stories about him knowing that ninjutsu will be absorbed by momishiki everyone decides to fight him with hijutsu kurozuchi and chojiro initially captured kinshi with sasuke's help and then he fought momoshiki with gara and darwini seeing sasuke fight momoshiki kinchiki broke free and unleashed a destructive blast around him to throw everyone off although it left him injured to everyone's horror momoshiki turns kinchi into a chakra fruit and swallows him which increases his strength and makes him undergo a drastic physical change sasuke and naruto team up to fight against him and manage to overpower momoshiki for a short time with taijutsu before naruto is briefly imprisoned by boulders and sasuke has severely buried my momoshiki's lava chakra naruto comes to sasuke's aid with his tailed beast mode and becomes enraged at seeing his friend so badly hurt but is relieved to find that he's okay and can still fight after being healed by gramma's chakra they managed to gain the upper hand when narcissus combines caramel with sasuke susana which increases karama's chakra and they cut mumushiki's magma creature in half however after momoshiki is defeated katasuke uses his device omoshiki in an attempt to finish him off the mumushiki absorbs all his attacks and resources strength moment she captures the other kage in a shadow jutsu and binds naruto in an attempt to extract kurama once again and intends to kill the other kage saskatchewan protects boruto from mohamed sheikh's attacks and tells boar to use the vanishing resengan boruto doubts that it will actually work but sasuke encourages him to trust his master boruto launches the rasangat momoshiki who is knocked down from the impact and frees naruto in the kage in an effort to finish momoshiki off once at brawl naruto lands his chakra to boruto while sasuke attracts momoshiki long enough for bordeaux to create a giant resengan boruto uses a shadow clone to ambush momoshiki and take out his ring on before boruto launches his attack on momoshiki and destroys him with his right arm severely burned as the result after the battle naruto and sasuke sit by each other and sasuke declares he won their bet to which naruto agrees from the experience boruto and nard to reconcile their differences after the battle board they'll post for a photograph of naruto sasuke and the other for kage one morning hinata is knitting borto's jacket board to tell her it looks fine the way it is and reminds naruto they need to leave after leaving home borto and naruto fist bumped and then asked the other to do their best as they left for a mission and for work respectively for his role in defeating mumushiki boruto has become a hero and received lots of attention although sarah remained angry at him for cheating despite board has many apologies to her bore with osara mitsuki and kong hamaru are sent on a mission to caption a bear that is running loose in the village when asked by sarda if he wanted to become mokage boroto tells her that he doesn't want to be hokage and he will protect her if she becomes a hokage causing her to blush deeply borger further says he wants to be shinobi like sasuke and he will follow his own ninja way as sarah stares at him in amazement and blushing at him noticing from afar sasuke and sakura both smiling watch the children konohamaru is chased by a wild bear and boruto sarda and mitsuki jump from the hokage monument and into the air as bortha prepares to launch a resengan after successfully defeating the wild bear borto asks mitsuki whose parents are mitsuki replies that he's the son of rochimaru shocked sarita asks if rochimaru is his mother or father to which misky says it doesn't matter and boruto angrily demands to know who orochimaru is who is watching them from building above and that is that what is our time what do we clock in at holy smokes hopefully i did that as quickly as possible i don't know if it's a world record but uh you know maybe it is see if you can beat it i dare you did you enjoy your video make sure to check out these other great videos from the amagi and make sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about the latest videos [Music] you
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 139,289
Rating: 4.9336014 out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, Movies, Shippuden, Speedrun, Speed Run, Speedrunning, Naruto Uzumaki, Nine Tails, Kakashi, Seventh Hokage, Konoha, Minato, Kushina, Sasuke, Orochimaru, kurama, Hagoromo, Namikaze, Hokage, Konohagakure, Uzumaki, Jiraiya, Rin, Obito, Madara, Uchiha, Hashirama, Sharingan, Senju, clan, Shinobi, sasuke, shippuden, anime, manga, itachi, team 7, Akatsuki, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, Team 7, Sakumo, Mahiru, Hinata
Id: eXAVeY0g_4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 37sec (4357 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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