Ranking Every Arc in Naruto (ft Swagkage)

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yo what's happening fanbase and welcome back to another Naruto video with me I have the naruto king swag Haggai how's it going friends swag kaga here welcome to today's video I would say normally today we're gonna be talking about X but I guess nook should probably handle that since this is his channel yeah well we're gonna be talking about basically every Naruto arc and dissecting without any formality whatsoever what we like and dislike about them so with that said would you like to begin uh yeah and now every Naruto arc doesn't mean every arc in both parts of the series it's gonna be pre time skip part 1 so I was gonna be Sabha Zhou Chunin exams search for Tsunade and the Sasuke retrieval art and you know that it's not that's not a whole bunch to go over I guess it may have been going through every filler arc - that's my favorite part of the whole show oh yeah no we got to go through everything in the second half of season 3 and all of season 4 and we got to go over that one thing where they went to the like land of tea or whatever and there was the lardy ya know my favorite screen time in the whole show my favorite part of the entire Naruto anime is how they needlessly changed the reason Sasuke ends up in the hospital to him being injured by a guy with a lightning sword even though he had just been admitted to the hospital for his injuries with Itachi then he gets out and then he gets his spit alized by by this filler art guy and it's just like oh well the Sasuke kind of [ __ ] sucks doesn't even they could have just left it like it was in the manga and anyway I'm kind of going off on a tangent um I guess there's no better place to start than with the the Zabuza arc you know land of waves the beginning of the series and arc that a lot of people are fond of not many people throw a lot of criticisms at it and while I do have my own eye I think that this is a fairly strong arc and it's definitely a good introduction to the world absolutely I like how it introduced Naruto Sasuke and Kakashi the dynamic between their team and kind of what we'll be seeing in the future like that whole first arc I understand it's basically a test for the whole show yet it's also kind of a microcosm as to how the story works Naruto and Sasuke allegedly don't like each other at the same time they really do care about each other Kakashi she's a total badass even though that was a beat'em the first fight which was stupid transformed Naruto into a shuriken with yeah whenever's transformed into an inanimate object again in the whole 0 yeah you're right well in boruto naruto transformed into a rasen shuriken which is wild but you know that's that's that's in the anime okay but I mean it is clearly a callback to this that sort of thing doesn't happen very often I'm fairly certain that there are instances of people transforming into objects later on in the series but I don't think there's as much focus placed on it as there was here because this was supposed to be a super cool hype moment but I mean just stuff like that is is like omnipresent throughout this arc like there's just a bunch of stuff they get you really hype and I guess that's true of like everything else in the series but you know like when Naruto first starts using the nine tails chakra when he beats Mizuki when they outsmart Sabu saw when Kakashi first uses the water dragon jutsu like all that stuff is really cool and I think that the the arc is kind of misleading which is an its fault it's the fault of the rest of the series but you get this idea that they're gonna be going on missions regularly and that they're gonna be traveling to all these different parts of the world but then you find out that they're just like defending the leaf village for 90% of the show and then I guess they travel to other areas of the world in the fourth war but it's just to fight people that they've already fought before just uh like really more moderate who could or moderate Troy the Akatsuki easily no problem that aside I was also gonna say the war also introduces some new characters but none of them are as memorable as like Sabu Zhan Haku so I think that hey there was ginkaku and schminke coup in the war yeah you're right person who beat tobirama number one and person who beat tobirama number two did make their videos in the war ark but i and they almost be you know she catch o - well yeah but you know king who lost but doesn't know going back to the to the Saba's ark um i think that this this precedent it sets for exploration and for you know like the the introduction of all these new cool crazy powerful characters is great and i think it gives the show or the earth of manga depending on which how you digested Naruto it gives it a good foundation and I mean like the only problem is that the show doesn't really follow up on that like they don't go to any other places where they're just like regular village people and stuff like um some like actual problems like that don't have anything to do with anything outside this arc in particular are in the anime the animation is it's kind of poop in some places just because the budget wasn't wasn't super high because Naruto was still kind of experimental they weren't sure how successful it was gonna be um there's also just some like like weird stuff and like really cheesy moments and lines but like for the most part the arcs really good and it's funny you mentioned how it sets a precedent for the series that it'll be about ninjas going on injections and that really doesn't happen yeah but while I do agree with what you're saying I kind of understand that as this is your normal cliche ninja life it sets your budget as to what what do these ninjas do what are these ninjas missions like well that's covered in filler arcs every filler arc yeah one of these typical missions but they don't enhance the narrative per se whereas you know the Chunin exams and the Tsunade arc and Sasuke retrieval that's all fully narrative based yeah well see this is this is also an example of a mission going wrong this isn't necessarily normal it's definitely not normal for a bunch of getting to be embarking on a mission where where the person they're supposed to be protecting is being attacked by like shooting and joning and like rogue ninja who've attempted to assassinate cog a before like it's definitely to be fair though I don't think that we want to watch Naruto walking dogs for like a DM oh of course not but and we also don't want to watch them fighting like other gaining because then Kakashi would just like slaughter them so you know like I think that the the the art it does a really good job taking into account the power of every member of the the main cast and all of the antagonists it does a good job setting up what the world is like the sort of stuff that you can expect from the world and I just think that it would have been cool if we could have gotten more stuff like this from Naruto but I get why it went our different direction yeah the filler all sucks dude I don't I mean there's so there's some okay filler sometimes but generally it's all really bad and then you have you know dressing up as a princess yeah the best try not to laugh challenge over a corpse anyway I think that's all I really have to say about this officer oh well also uh real quick cuz I was on Haku or I think they started the trend of every villain in the series being incredibly memorable like I mean Naruto's talk no jutsu with zombies I was actually pretty cool and it it pulls on your heartstrings so let's talk now jutsu in general was pretty cool and yeah but but I think it became it became a meme because it just happened so frequently but in general I kind of did like it on the individual level there's some that really pissed me off but this one I didn't eat separately oh yeah obito's was really stupid but Tabas does talk no jutsu defeat was fine like he starts crying because he you know he finally starts to understand Haku and it's like you know it's fine it's a it's a touching character moment for him and then he just goes out like a goon and takes out all of gothos henchmen but yeah I know that is all I have to say about the arc so if you want to add any thing else feel free and then we can move on to the Chunin exams yeah I fully agree with you I love how they developed the main cast and the villains and went to show that even these villains they kind of have their own lives as well they're not just hit men that live to kill I don't know I feel like it enhances the world that 20 episodes stupid art that doesn't really affect anything else you know directly yeah I do feel like it enhanced our perspective of the whole Ninja world and it was an amazing starting art uh well just to add on to your last point it was also responsible for a lot of character growth there's a lot of character development in this art despite how short it is and without it I don't think that the characters would have gone in the same direction maybe it would have been a bit similar but it definitely wouldn't have been like exactly the same but out of ten I'd probably give this art like a 7.5 or an 8 it's pretty solid you know I really like it I don't think it's the best in part one or the best and the the series as a whole but it's definitely really good and it's easy to watch yeah I was thinking the Chunin exams the best one do you want to break this up or you want to just kind of eat the whole thing in one shot no come on let's let's just dive right in let's crack everything open at once the Chunin exams is like it's a massive article where a whole bunch of [ __ ] happens it is probably the most important art in the series because so many characters get introduced so many crucial things happen like if not for the Chunin exams then Sasuke wouldn't have left the village in the first place because we wouldn't have met Orochimaru we wouldn't have met the future cause a cog a we wouldn't have met any of these important Guinean characters we wouldn't have got introduced to the eight gates you know all this other crazy not like it's its end it's all handled so well I have a handful of problems with it but for the most part I think that it is just a spectacular art and I mean I'm not sure whether I think it's the best one but I really like it favorite art I get that I can totally respect that and it has what is I think everybody can agree that they like Gaara versus Rock Lee it's in everything my favourite fight for sure so up five fights in all of anime yeah so I think that I think that it is you know personal preference aside probably the best fight in the series just because like especially when you're watching it for the first time and you you know you have no idea who Lee and Gaara really are and it's just so great and it you know it lets you know that you can get invested into the struggles of side characters as well not just the the main characters and I mean gar versus Lee isn't the only great fight either you know you have like Shikamaru versus tamari I was about to say I think Sasuke vs. I think every time Sasuke is on screen in the and the Chunin exams it it gets really tense and interesting generally anyway I mean like that's not always the case but he's typically used for like really big flashy moments like his fight with Gaara his fight with euro the guy who can absorb chakra like in the preliminaries was pretty cool even though it was only a couple of attacks and you know it was also set up with like the restriction of him not being able to use the Sharingan in mind and he just uses it anyway so it's kind of dumb but I think that's cool Neji versus Hinata is great I mean at first revealing conquer Rose power when he yeah you know stretchy around he bendy Wendy guy back when Kankuro was cool and back when tamari was the coolest tamari still coolin ship it in but in part one she's just a legend you know she just like wipes the floor with Tenten so and then everything in the forest of death is great and this is all without even mentioning the other test at the beginning which i think is brilliant that written exam is definitely one of the series highlights for me everyone finding out a different way to cheat because yeah it's going to show also that this will not all be big explosions whoever has the bigger explosion will not necessarily win there's a lot of tactics involved and granted in the war arc you kind of don't see that so much yeah but it does exist in the Ninja world and I love the Chunin exams for every bit it head I'm like how are Roach Amaro intervened into the forest of death and yeah I thought there were it's like a whole mini plot with getting the greater Chunin exams where that Naruto and Sasuke have to actually manage you know to surpass somehow well I mean like when Orochimaru is introduced he's basically a God right like he can do all this crazy weird [ __ ] that you wouldn't expect to be possible with chakra like he can change his appearance after like stealing somebody's body and he can like give people these marks to power him up and he can revive the dead and he's just he's like unstoppable and you you get this feeling that the entire series is going to be working towards surpassing him and you know like he's he's probably it's not but he's one of the best antagonists that we've ever gotten just because he's so creepy and like scary and like powerful and you know like every time like he had so much presence in Part 1 like everything was about Orochimaru like it was every time you go ahead well I was just gonna say that every time you heard a rumor whose name like you knew that things were serious and like you associated him with okay well something bad is about to happen and you know not a whole lot of villains just like typically I mean like there are plenty of villains in fiction that accomplished this but Orochimaru yeah him and how he infiltrated it was all this one guy yeah made this massive dent in the village yeah and it wasn't it wasn't as convoluted as moderates plan either like as much as I love moderate I get like people criticized his like really crazy multi-year plan and Orochimaru like I mean not only did he just do it for shits and giggles which is like you know it's a pretty easy to digest motive but he also like you you're given a clear set of like you're given clear steps there a clear explanation of the steps he took to make it all happen and it's like you know it's really easy to follow and you get it and you're just like okay so this guy's smart and he's also really strong and he's also insane so you know just uh well [ __ ] where's Pablo yet so my like kind of as you were saying I like how the Chunin exams gave you a fear for the world of Naruto yes I'll give you a stupid example Lee was about to get killed by Gaara and in an instant guy shows up there and like brushes away the sand yeah or like neji's fighting Hinata and then in middle of the fight neji's about to you know do too much damage to Hinata and three joning were on the scene immediately you know it gave you such an awe of like wow this is a high-level ninja yeah yeah this is what the outside world has to offer we know nothing and there's infinite she's out there that we're gonna learn about and exactly it's none of great side characters I felt like Lee's story was fully fleshed out I felt like his feud with Neji about natural talent versus hard work I thought that was a great theme that this yes honestly may have been able to stick more to it in itself is my favorite arc absolutely it had Jiraiya yeah I was about to say it introduced Jiraiya it also introduced Gaara who's like in arguably one of the best characters in the series and I mean like well what you were saying about like us not really being prepared for anything us not knowing anything I mean you got the feeling that you didn't really know much about the world in the land of waves but I don't think you thought about it and I don't think anybody really considered the sort of scale that a world like this could have and then kishimoto was just like well I mean you know here you go he was like you know you thought za was always strong where well here's here's Gaara here's Orochimaru just to name like a couple of characters and like like and you know you you think that you've watched like Naruto and Sasuke and I guess Sakura but not really grow stronger and prepare themselves for more so it's like you think that they're like top of the food chain now that they've completed an a-rank mission but then you find out about somebody like Gaara who goes through the entire forest of death without a scratch when Naruto Sasuke and Sakura have to fight tooth and nail to do the same thing or you know you see Lee open up the fifth gate and just like clobber the same guy and then you see like Orochimaru doing all of his crazy nonsense and you're just like wow they're they're really nothing compared to all of these other people they've got so much work they have to do and you know it's uh it's it's so cool and you know even when they make it to the to the final rounds of the Chunin exams you feel like like okay yeah like you know they've made it far but they still have so much so much to work towards they you know they barely scratched the the tip of the iceberg as far as their potential and just like the general potential of of a ninja in this world you know it's like it's a really cool dynamic and it gets you excited for the things to come and then it's also it also comes with all the great fights that I mentioned earlier it's just great and the don't even get me started on a Orochimaru versus here Rosen and Naruto versus Gaara both [ __ ] fantastic fights insane it got to teach you more about who Naruto is and who Hera will become and it made it gave Sasuke that jealous bone for Naruto as well see oh yeah well Naruto actually may have surpassed me to some extent there was no no Sasuke from every moment of this arc know the Sasuke didn't think Naruto may have surpassed him he he just flat out had to accept that he was left in the dust when Naruto summoned gamabunta he he flat out says like what kind of fight is this when gamabunta just shoots out like a little baby water jutsu and shukaku responds with a wind jutsu and it creates this gigantic rainstorm that just consumes the whole forest and like sasuke just gets like wow like i'm i'm [ __ ] nothing compared to this kid in just a few days ago he was a he was a dork like what's going on mention he walks in now with Chidori yeah I know it's great there's just all this one-upsmanship but you never feel like it isn't earned you know like when naruto summons game of Boonta i mean at this point you just root for him because he's an underdog and you know like you you want to see him succeed and you feel like he's been working towards it and you're just like and then when he summons gamabunta successfully and he just starts clobbering Gaara you're like yes dude you got it come on keep going you know you're rooting for him I don't always root for a main character like in fact I like Gaara as a character more than Naruto but I still rooted for Naruto in that fight I'm yeah only for tartar for Todoroki against Deku I rooted for Todoroki yeah but I absolutely wanted Naruto to win yeah because right yes it's it's important in any fiction to to make sure your protagonist is not just winning being the physical battle but also the ideological battle that no doubt has to exist for two people to fight in the first place and I did him crawling up to Gaara with his chin it was pretty cool I agree and and but but you're definitely on Naruto side there because like it's he and gar are two sides of the same coin Naruto knows as well yes till this point Naruto is all hard work as opposed to natural talent yeah the natural talent guy that beat Lee in the past but yeah there's so many reasons great fulfilment by the end of that art and then you know on the on the other hand you just have Harrison vs orochimaru which is just balls-to-the-wall nuts just like yeah this is what it's like when you're Hokage you know you think it's gonna be easy for Naruto to get here these people are so many [ __ ] forests reviving people from the dead tidal shuriken yeah that was back back when Kishimoto hadn't expected for mountain level attacks to become standard but you know it was a here isn't was still cool and we know why he Rosen was a great Hokage he was the most economically effective leader of all time he threw one shuriken and turned it into five curriculum oh yeah well he risen was also just generally a pretty chill down-to-earth dude I like them a lot but I mean III don't I don't you know a lot of shows characters don't die like good guys just don't die especially main ishka recuse and this is the grandpa that sort of raised Naruto's whole life and yes least and he died man I don't think two characters just standing still staring each other in the eye going has been quite as intense ever before but man he ruzhin just like struggling to pull orochimaru's soul out like those how many other battles are something else I know and it like it kept cutting back to it in between Naruto's fight with Gaara and like every time even though barely any progress was made I was always like oh [ __ ] come on come on heroes and you can do it and they're just like and I was still completely engrossed is great yeah I am a massive fan of I would give buddy five for sure but it's just a ripoff of the hundred give me you agree Gigi well I know that you're a massive Hunter hunter fan and I mean yes you're invited back if we do one if I do one of these for Hunter hunter but I like the Chunin exams better than the hunter exam yeah I I I don't know if I'd go that far but they're definitely completely different I think that shooting exams are more exciting than the hunter exams for sure I don't know if they're more tightly written written but they're they're super good I would probably give it a solid eight point five or maybe maybe a nine you know I know I don't want to give out these super high numbers too easily but but I think it was a really solid arc and one of the best in shown in anime it just got so many really good moments I mean yeah I love it a lot it's definitely a an easy contender for best arc of part one with the Sasuke retrieval arc but you know I think that's all I have not really not really for me I am I can respect that absolutely I totally get why people like it as much as they do it's it's everything the series is is built from that one art and the off from that arc as to what's to come was just insane so yeah but I think that basically wraps up the Chunin exams oh it's next filler arcs ok we'll skip those next I don't think there's actually any filler in between these there might be a brief filler but I think it just goes right to tsunade's are churring Itachi and Kisame yeah I like it was so good man I know part ones just really solid so where do we want to start we want to start with Itachi and Kisame showing up and just being awesome hell yes introduction of the Akatsuki was great because this is right after we see Orochimaru yeah the big bad guy of the show haven't you say okay so there are these Akatsuki guys and each one of them is like an Orochimaru yeah what yeah man when I eat I don't was able to do anything detaching in that fight nah man Sasuke was going after his whole life and yeah pledging his life just to take this guy down this guy is head and shoulders above everyone above anyone we've ever met I know it's great and um you know he's gotten a decent amount of buildup by this point so you know who he is and you know to expect him to be strong because he wiped out the whole cheetah clan but when the reality of him being multiple tiers above Kakashi and like every other joaneen sinks in it's like oh whoa you know I I was not prepared for him to take this guy that was established as a total badass in the Sabhas arc and make him look like a little child Kakashi couldn't do anything to eat on Chi and it's not even Kakashi's fault like he he did his best he was just putting up a fight but he thought she was just so strong and we didn't really even get to see kisame do much but he just gave off this really this really threatening aura you could tell or at least I could tell that he was supposed to be really powerful and it's just like wow yeah but Itachi just blew my mind I know when have you ever seen something like tsukuyomi right where it's a total one-shot you just stares at a character who as you mentioned established badass this guy felt days of and suffering within a moment and collapsed oh that's terrifying you've never seen anything like that anywhere meanwhile Naruto and Sasuke are still Naru tow and sauce gate here and you're just like how are they supposed to beat this guy like what I'm speaking of Sasuke's fight with Itachi is great the moment where he just rips up the wall with the Chidori only to get stopped in his tracks effortlessly by Itachi is incredible you know and you get a real going you'll show the distance between them yeah and you get a real feel for a passionate Sasuke is about exacting his revenge like how consumed he is by this desire to take Itachi out and the consumption but it's also the feeling of an aptitude that he has as he's progressing well yeah the last arc just finished with him seeing Naruto completely one-up him and here he finally meets his brother after searching for him and he wanted to meet him already he got completely destroyed he felt like he was worthless and that's really what leads into the Sasuke retrieval argh yeah exactly I think it's a fantastic set up for the Sasuke retrieval arc too and the way it's weaved into the the need for them to go get Tsunade it's great and I mean I guess it creates a mini plot hole later when you're like wait why did he touch you put Sasuke in tsukuyomi if you actually love them there are a lot of ways you can explain that they're not really relevant to this video but you know I guess I guess it's like he didn't want Sasuke to be this gung-ho against other people of similar power he was like like because there's you know in hindsight Itachi does look like an [ __ ] for this but it's it's probably he taught you being like hey for your own good don't go rushing into a fight with s-class a ninja just because you don't like them they'll put you in tsukuyomi and you'll need a really powerful medic ninja to save you you know I always teeter-tottering whether Kishimoto knew about Itachi he didn't well he was saying he was definitely meant to be a bad guy at first but I think everything yeah everything still fits in in hindsight you just have to do a little bit of mental gymnastics for it but I mean I don't think it takes away from the moment at the time definitely and Jiraiya is a badass at the time you think that he's stronger than Itachi and Kisame together you're like wait what because he attached Itachi after wrecking everyone taking down the leaf villages top tier he's a sticky Sammy if both of us fought him together I would still die it's probably why everybody was yeah when he just summons the Frog stomach and has it just eat up the hotel and he uses a motorized - before we ever heard of it and they just break out of this unbreakable thing the first time I saw those black flames I was geek dude it looked so cool it still does look cool also this arc has the best opening fighting dreamers is so good I guess I did it Shipton's openings are better but oh yeah absolutely I also like the first shift and opening but I meant the the best part one opening is definitely a go we haven't even talked about Tsunade yet in her arc but Tsunade is awesome and I think she was intended to be a lot stronger than she actually ended up being because the power scale in testdroid or the power levels hadn't gotten ridiculous yet well yes he lost a Kabuto but it was implied that that wasn't her fault and was also implied this was because Kabuto was just really strong like a really good medical ninja anyway like Tsunade breaks this wall down with one punch and by then you hadn't really even seen you hadn't really seen anything like that I mean like Jiraiya was hyping up there was saying on to be this like super duper hit him with this they died you too and he's like are you ready to [ __ ] Rumble and he pulls it out and he slams it into a tree and it doesn't even destroy the whole thing so Tsunade like breaking a whole wall apart is like okay she's probably a pretty big deal you know III think that the way she was characterized in this arc was pretty cool - she was a she was a pretty good foil to Naruto she's not as obvious of a foil as like Gaara or Sasuke or Neji or whatever but she's still a foil to him nonetheless she represents the complete and total opposite of his youthful optimism she is an old cynic and she's pretty much completely different from like Naruto and like every way she has this like very feminine cynicism about her whereas Naruto has this like like clearly like young boy adventurer optimism you know it's pretty cool and it's a great dynamic that I don't see a lot of people talking about as much as I as I would like I just think like that dynamic and I do like how to nod I did not want the job at all when she offered and how she was totally you know the opposite of idealist think about everything yeah and like she talks [ __ ] about hiruzen and you're just like whoa like weren't you one of his students and you just you get this sense of depth from her that you're not really used to at this but I mean obviously there are characters with layers and stuff but it's like ESD from everything yeah yeah exactly so you get this you get this I I get it but in in hindsight I think she's great like like with her you get this sense of depth that you don't get with a lot of other characters because like sure people like Gaara and you know like I wrote Orochimaru and like Sasuke at this point you like you they're obviously complex characters but they're so fantastical and like obviously they they're a product of the kind of world that they're from right like Sasuke wouldn't really exist in the real world Gaara wouldn't really exist in the real world I mean maybe there are cases to be made for stuff like that but it's not as common as somebody like Tsunade it was super grounded and really easy to relate to if you look at her through the eyes of an adult and when you're a kid you don't really get her but you know like I think it's sort of the same thing with like Squidward you know like it makes a lot more sense when once you grow up and I think kiss yumoto did a really good job writing her and she was also like a badass first of all first of all squidward bodies Tsunade no question yeah second of all I didn't like Tsunade for different reasons not for say that she was a pessimist about everything but she was so immature in many ways in that arc like her wanting to pick a fight with Naruto well I get it she's fighting against his 12 year old kid very impressive she sees her dead brother in him so she's more pissed at him and for example her going to heal orochimaru's arms wow that's the most noble thing in the world well she poisons Jiraiya before going so Jiraiya can't do anything and then she changes her mind on the spot and then Jiraiya decides to join but he's drunk so he can't really fight so we have Orochimaru who has no arms Jiraiya who's like drugged Tsunade who's scared of blood Kabuto who's like the strongest fighter in the whole fight and then you have Naruto beat scimitar is saying on yeah I didn't love that whole fight I felt like it was a bunch of cripples that were crippled for stupid reasons fighting each other for even stupider reasons but this all illusion this all came from the fact that Tsunade was a very human character and I think that Kishimoto was less afraid to give her very like real not like super EXTREME or cartoonish flaws like she just feels a lot more nuanced and like like like an actual person that a lot of characters do in the series in my opinion and you know like it's it's totally fine to have like these you know these like super badass like ninja assassin characters like you know like Kakashi or whatever that exists in a world like this because like sure whatever it's Naruto take advantage of the fact that that stuff is there but the fact that but Kishimoto showed that he could also write like really really really just you know down-to-earth people like Tsunade and I mean I get she made a bunch of really stupid decisions but I think that's the point it's not that just it's not just the stupid decisions it's that after all was said and done all those decisions all disappeared cuz everything turned out hunky-dory well yeah I think that there should have been a couple more consequences for the way that she acted but that's more everybody else's always at the end of the arc and she's a perfect Hokage even though she was this drunk gambling person I don't think that she ever mention anyone I don't think that she was a perfect Hokage and I think it's actually made very clear that she's not fond of having to do all the paperwork but she becomes so fond of Naruto because of how much of her little brother she sees in him that she's like you know what my little brother would probably want me to be Hokage he'd never forgive me if I didn't take the job so you know she she keeps that in mind I think it's just you've got to keep you got to take into account how like life-changing of an experience something like that would be when the entire reason she's cynical is because or one of the main reason she's cynical is because she lost her brother and then she meets some kid who's like the spitting image of him and she's just like what the [ __ ] am i doing I'm like I I'm only like this because of it like I feel like I'm a walking contradiction and so she did her best to fix herself and I thought it was good I think she became less interesting after this character arc of hers was completed but I think it was a good character arc nonetheless I think it's an underrated part of the series I don't think it's the main reason I like the arc but I think it was something definitely worth talking about and discussing there's a bunch of other cool stuff as well yeah I just feel like it did maybe detract from the overall I guess I get that I thought it was boring when I was younger and I also get that some people just don't care about that sort of thing but personally I just think that it was is really cool maybe some people will disagree with me and think that she's just not a well-written character at all maybe people think I'm giving up too much no no I'm not I'm not this I'm not saying that you will I feel like a bunch of people will be like oh you think cidades well-read you as that garbage tasty character but you know III think Kissy mother did a good job with her kabuto being a badass for a little bit was actually pretty cool because I just expected him to be a complete non factor in the fight and then I think Tsunade did too which is why he ended up a crippling her and but-but-but the best moment in the arc well aside from like all the stuff Itachi is Naruto performing the Rasengan because it's it feels so earned and like well deserved right because I would say that this arc aside from introducing the Akatsuki and all that is the best training our canary toe oh of course well because there's also like like the training like Naruto completes the training in the middle of a fight and he does it so creatively - he's like well since I can't contain the chakra in my hands properly I can just have a shadow clone to it and it's like whoa yeah that's that's [ __ ] genius you know and it's the sort of thing that you'd expect Naruto to come up with so it's like yeah you you don't feel like it wasn't at an ass pull or anything and when he hits Kabuto with that was saying on it's just it's a really cool moment for him and you you feel like it's like it's a climax to you know really it wraps up everything of that arc yeah it should it rats it wraps up Tsunade story he was able to you know win his side of the bet he actually won the fight doing something relatively important yeah the whole arc was building on this training the wrestling training him to learn the Rasengan yeah him to become a ninja this was you know you know tons of progress for his character especially assuming that he was always the kid that was never able to do anything he made imperfect clone jutsu in the beginning and here he's learning a jutsu that only like two other or three other people knew ever well I mean then you find out Kakashi also knew it like I guess it's not that way but I've been time it was this like cog a level feet and you're like whoa oh yeah no he was always supposed to be so nevermind but um that's really all I have to say about the arc Oh overall it's really good I'd probably give it an 8 out of 10 a lot of people think it's like the least good I mean in terms of like excitement it's it's less exciting overall then the other arcs in the series but the I think the writing is mostly like really solid it's honestly some of the best character writing in the whole series and I'm not just saying that because of Tsunade I think the interactions with like Itachi and like Jiraiya and Sasuke and like Naruto and everybody are just really cool you know Orochimaru still being a menace even without his arms like like just really good stuff uh probably an eight maybe an eight point five I again it's it's not as exciting as the Chunin exam so I like it as much but I can't deny that sir just a really quality chunk of the series so it's so funny that you're saying that cuz you're the guy who is praising it and I was trying to tell you my issues with it and I would also give it an 8 or an 8.5 basically loved everything about the arc - yeah I thought tsunade's part was relatively weak in comparison to you know the whole Itachi I can understand that was about we talked she definitely shield training Itachi stand Jiraiya oh yeah Ariya was the MVP in that arc of course when he threatened good man I know when he threatens to kill Tsunade if she helps Orochimaru it's like [ __ ] bone-chilling tears are like woah - yes goofy character yeah he's real in there I know I'm a huge fan of the arc as well I love it yeah alright and then we have filler arcs which are all bad where they were looking for Kakashi's true face that was good that's like the only good Naruto filler ever I think that this arc is fantastic I think it's really underrated I I'll go ahead and say now I'm tempted to give it a 9.5 because man stakes are high and it feels super intense the entire time like I mean reading through it the first time nobody would really make fun of you if you honestly thought that everyone was actually going to die like aside from Naruto you know cause like Neji and Choji actually seemed it well let's start from the beginning I think that Naruto and Sasuke fight on the rooftop is one of the most underrated fights in the series it's really good I think like like just another three naruto vs sasuke fights yeah i would say that they're all you know kind of on the same ground they're all pretty good in fact i would say that the final battle that everyone likes so much I think that's my least favorite of the three fights I get that I disagree but I get where you're coming from but I think that even still this fight is phenomenal and I also think that the way that Kishimoto draws Sasuke in this arc like so you can tell that he's still the same character but you can also still clearly tell that he has gone through a massive character shift because of his feelings of inferiority towards both Naruto and Itachi and I think that the removal of his headband is a great piece of symbolism it makes him look so much different to like surprisingly like wit with his headband he maybe it's just the way his face is drawn but but but without his headband he would just what's on more minutes like a kid yeah but what he looks like he's chosen the path yeah well not even that I just think like the way he like looking at him he just looks a lot more menacing and like like a lot more uh I don't know if it makes him look more powerful but it makes him look less like a child and it's weird because I don't know if it was done intentionally or not but but regardless it's it's just a really cool minor design change that I think works wonders for Sasuke and I think Sasuke is really interesting in this arc I just think that um I mean I know a lot of people hey did I get it yeah each hit that water tanker that Kakashi threw them into yeah and Sasuke has like this smug face that he destroyed that water tanker way better than Naruto did he's still superior man like he walks around the other side and he sees that the rest same gun you know uh nya lated it in comparison to his Chidori yeah that's when he was like yeah Naruto passed me I'm worthless I'm nothing and I'm gonna go train bye snake bastard hey well I don't think he actually planned to go to Orochimaru until the sound five or the sound four came to Konoha I also said by the way before that he has a he has a cool interaction with Kakashi where he's like oh well what if I just kill everybody that's important to you and Kakashi is like well I mean that's already happening so good luck and then he's just like oh I mean maybe uh maybe there is more to life than revenge but you know he still he still goes down the path the Vengeance which I get but but I think that that moment with he and Kakashi's great oh absolutely because I still think Akash is one of the best characters oh of course I would have to pick a main character for Naruto weird as it sounds it would probably be Kakashi Akashi would make a good main character he kind of is the main character though no you probably win if you took that side I get why you think so though I I think that he would definitely make a stellar main character if Kishimoto chose to make him the focal point but I guess that's sort of besides the point um Sasuke's fight with the sound for after this is also pretty good like he beats them all up in base with a Sharingan and you find out that they have curse marks too and you're like oh okay so I guess Sasuke is not the only one and these guys are all pretty strong and you find out they take out two joaneen by themselves and then all of these gaining have to go up against them and you're like oh no and it's a it's really intense and you know against stakes are high it was really bad vibes joropo uses is mud coffin thingy and they are losing it all yeah exactly you know in the course they won with quick thinking they didn't win with brute force either yeah well they couldn't do anything to break the dome the only way they were able to is because you know Shikamaru was uh was there and Neji was there and Choji was able to break out of it and you know so you know it was it was a lot of a lot of things that add it up and it was it was a pretty cool moment but it was just to get past you robo and like when that sinks in you're like oh man [ __ ] they're gonna have a hard time against these guys and then choji's like I'll fight him you guys go on ahead and you know I was just like what are you doing dude like you're gonna die and then I thought he did and then like he brings out the pills and I was just like don't eat the red one and then he eats the red one he kicks Giroux bows ass and it's so cool play then I I was worried that Choji was gonna die in it it's great like Choji versus Drobo shouldn't have brought that at Choji and Neji both died oh I did too everything else and the whole art feels so much more real I know oh yeah that was the thing like when I was watching Naruto and Sasuke fight in the valley at the end I was like Naruto has to bring him back IVs I it didn't even cross my mind that Sasuke would still escape like I was just like that's how fiction is you know he's gonna he's gonna win he's gonna bring Sasuke back and then then it doesn't happen and I I just like couldn't process it when I was younger because I was like but Neji and Choji died for this what what are you talking about it is actually like and then you get like all the filler and I I thought that they were like soft ending the series or something with Sasuke leaving and I was just like what the [ __ ] this was the saddest [ __ ] ever you know I couldn't I wasn't ready for it as a kid but you know I just think it's also good in every single one of the fights is great I think Kishimoto designs the powers of the sound v really well considering who they went up against and everything like all of these situations are really interesting because we understand it to sound for more sound v we understand it to sound v are crazy strong yeah right I mean they're taking on joaneen apparently kimimaro beat the CAHSEE CAG a which whatever yeah now you have these getting fighting them and these are not you know the stellar getting I mean they went through Chunin exams and only Shikamaru as a tuning Choji lost to those who in three seconds but lying Kiba Skiba they were doing sorry and keepeth Kiba but this is actually the only art where kiba's cool at all his fight with sac on new Khan's fantastic yeah great fight and it's also great that it's not that each getting one Kiba would have lost Shikamaru would have lost even though his fight was amazing also dude Shikamaru was just like I think ty you you like just knew that he was a better smarter fighter than her but that she was just more well-equipped and that she was stronger but like if he had any good jutsu up his sleeve she would have been done for it like I think he said one thing after another that Shikamaru out smarter he was so moves or whatever she threw a kunai for her to pick up to stab him so she could get close enough Tim so his shadow strangle jutsu could be strong enough I don't know I love that fight it was great when he when he threw the other flash bomb so that his shadows would like would be a van yeah we got the puppets yeah that was an amazing fight as well did Joji fight I only liked because really that's the first time we saw Choji really get into some I thought it was super I liked because well it was a pretty it was a pretty sick fight because now he's the only opponent that could have fought ki tomorrow at all no one else had a chance whatsoever against his web thingies without neji's chakra it was so weird seeing Neji so out of control for an entire fight like that like he used like all of his strongest moves and they like didn't do anything like sixty-four palms was worthless rotation like was outplayed I think it's a bit weird that he beat Kido Maru with like one attack to say that I liked he beat ki tomorrow with one attack that ki tomorrow did not see coming yeah that's kind of a ninja fight yeah you're right he was outclassed he put up a good fight and he won not in a way that kid Amaro expected the best part about that was he knew he was going to get hit by the arrow and so like he just he just accepted that it was going to happen and he was like okay so I have to make sure it hits me in a non-lethal area that way I can use the the string to still kill this guy by uh you know using the gentle fist and that's like that's so crazy to imagine if you'd have actually had some sort of technique that shot out strings that would actually kill people like that that would have been really cool yeah but hey that's just a theory Naruto Theory thanks for watching Gaara and Lee versus kimimaro was stellar but before we talk about that let's let's do let's not cost over Kiba versus SAC on a new Khan because that fight was like all types of insane you know like you just had them like splitting apart and then like we saw the Rashomon wall for the first time and you know that gigantic mega Fang over Fang thing that he did and then like when he stabbed himself to force UConn to leave his body is they gay I mean it may MIT gave me a lot of respect for Kiba that I eventually lost later on in the series because like he was dominant and he's not strong later in the series like he seems clever and like a pretty good ninja here but then like you get to the 5k summit where he's like he barely knows any jutsu and he's like yeah dude I'm gonna [ __ ] kill Sasuke myself like Fang over Fang yeah I see how that Mathura soo yeah exactly like what happened to you keep up but here he's great um you know if you have anything you want to say about it go ahead and then we can talk about Lee and Gaara versus kimimaro so I liked Kiba in this arc as well and that's because he didn't win I mean I like that he put up a good fight and I like that he fought out of the box a way to get through sack on on Yukon by stabbing himself yeah they still like that he didn't have enough force to actually take the victory yeah and that's why the sand ninja these guys that were the enemies they were the antagonists some of the main antagonists of the Chunin exams these guys came to their aid that entrance was crazy I know it blew my mind because I thought they were gonna die and then that Naruto was gonna have to take out a sack on anti Yuya alone and like cuz he I was like I didn't even know how he was gonna beat Keamy morrow cuz kimimaro was giving him a run for his money at the time but then the sand showed up and it was like is crazy well Naruto had already bled by the king tomorrow that's that's when the ship sailed oh absolutely from that point on everybody was like okay yeah utter badass in that fight too right well Kankuro got to keep a treatment I got rekt by Haruka shell yep in two seconds it sucks but you know for now Kankuro was great Wow yeah both of the guys have fought sack on and you I guess that's sack on in UConn's power it just makes whoever he fights it to fade into irrelevance yeah pretty says we cracked the Lee versus kimimaro was amazing uh-huh yeah I think the hardest introducing the drunken fist where you have flashbacks of guys saying like when he gets drunk even I can't stop him just a single job that was crippled in the past he was crippled he thought he would never walk again this is the first time fighting he's fighting against this guy that beat the Cossack a guy who's the father of the guy that beat Lee in the past well I don't think he single-handedly beat the Cossack okay I think he helped the roach Amaru but like still too much coming from the power scaling aspect that yeah Maru is stronger than Kazakh a gay I mean somatically that's how it happened yeah no no I got you I get what you mean he's the guy who got credit for it yeah no no I still think that he was just there and I'd like to help I don't think he single-handedly did it I think he just helped them like do it stealthily played they acted like he was a key part of it so he's obviously pretty important but no I I think it's a cool little thematic exchange between them like you said yeah and not only that but this is the guy that Orochimaru originally wanted to take his body yeah it's more the prime prime candidate for like you know top-tier kekkei genkai yeah this is another example of talent versus skill yes and if you would have been healthy Orochimaru may have taken that over the shouting gun in certain aspects I mean that would have been dumb because of the shari that's yeah this guy was ripping out his own spine to use as a sword using his fingers bones as bullets how crazy is that uh Gaara showing up was great too like when he just sunk the whole forest and sand man like awesome wherever there is rock wherever there is dirt tsunami of saying yeah Gaara going he was like it together with Lee this is no biggest moment Lee and him his their fight was the best fight in the show at least for me yeah and them coming to work together to fight this guy after how Naruto seemed have changed Gaara this yet drastic shift from the character he used to be well that's what I was gonna say Bexley that's that's what I was gonna say like uh Gaara going from psycho to just this like stoic calm badass was was so crazy and it something I was on board with as soon as it happened I loved it and this like established gara is not only a powerhouse but just like one of the coolest characters in terms of personality as well and like he and kimimaro just kept going back and forth I mean kimimaro couldn't really do anything to him but Gaara couldn't really do anything to him either like he just kept doing all this crazy nonsense and kimimaro just kept clapping back from it because none of it was enough to stop him and it was crazy it is like haru-san vs orochimaru levels of insane honestly compared to like you know everything else that we had seen up to this point yeah and just the emotional weight of all the players in that fight there the guy who allegedly partially beat the Cossack I guess yeah he was fighting who was crippled Lee in the past who's worked past issues his issues and Lee worked test his issues I don't know I loved everything about this fight no I agree me stellar yeah top tier agree of course we have the climax naruto vs sasuke is one of the best fictional fights ever like the first final valley fight that they have is so [ __ ] good like i mean i can't think of any issues I have with it I when I was a kid I watched it like at least a hundred times I loved it so much it's just you know it is thematically great it's so intense like there isn't a second ultimate climax for everything we've been seeing in the whole series so far oh absolutely yeah like it was everything Naruto had against everything Sasuke had except Sasuke also had the curse mark yeah with the nine tails cloak and he had the stage to curse mark and it was just a higher level Naruto versus a higher level Sasuke both at their peak fighting for everything that they wanted at that one moment I think they were all I I think it also it was more than just Naruto it was more than just you know like good versus bad is more than Naruto fighting to save Sasuke from from Orochimaru and it was more than Sasuke fighting so that he could go to Orochimaru I think part of it it was like Naruto versus Sasuke like personally adds they like even though they I kind of felt like it was Naruto fighting against the bad parts of Sasuke well Elda bando parts of Sasuke are fighting Naruto back III mean I think it's even more like complex than that I think it's it's like more complex you know you get like SK was fighting with himself the whole fight as well absolutely but but I I think it's you you could tell that they neither of them really wanted to be fighting under these circumstances but they were both clearly thankful that that everything was going the way it was if only because they would be able to fight each other without holding back and I think that you get the sense that they were trying harder in this fight than they had ever tried in anything at any point in their lives before I think Naruto was fighting Sasuke harder than he fought Gaara then he fought Kabuto like this this was super important to him not only proving that he could beat Sasuke but also saving Sasuke like keeping his promise to Sakura keeping his best friend from from leaving and being killed by Orochimaru it was just so important to him and then we as the audience also know the additional pressure that Naruto has on his shoulders because he's had to watch every member of his team stay behind and you know fight against the science and he you know he had to stomach that and like there was because they knew that if they didn't keep going and leaving people behind then there is no change could you have imagined the flip side let's say Sasuke loses this fight alright don't beat him he's stronger Sasuke's narrative ends yes his whole life ends his whole purpose ends yeah to end to himself he becomes a completely useless person yeah he can't beat this one worst kid in the class that failed three times in a row he's doing everything he got this crazy super saiyan power up at this point and he still loses to Naruto Naruto drags him back he looks at all of the friends that you know allegedly died and a lot of alleged Lee's here yeah allegedly died along the way and all to bring him back because and he realizes that wow I'm just I'm just a baby I'm just a loser I'll never amount to anything and that would be the end so they were really fighting putting everything on the line well I also think that Sasuke learned how to respect Naruto during this fight because like I mean Naruto was doing some stuff that we just never seen before from him he was accomplishing like a bunch of you know like like really like stuff that no gaining should be capable of and you know Sasuke was just forced to accept it and as more of the nine tails chakra leaked out Sasuke started to get more and more overwhelmed and see that that's another thing we haven't even talked about like the way the fight is paced and it's just the way it slowly escalates it's the complete opposite of the of the fight at the end of the series where they start out at maximum power and like they do all their crazy stuff and then they says they start running out of chakra they start you know like slowly losing power and fighting more basically like this was them building up to their to everything they could possibly do and I think that they were both that both of them were getting better at fight well I mean I don't think it's it's clearly shown that they were both getting stronger during the fight you know they were both learning things about one another because of how important it was to them so they were like becoming more skilled learning how to counter certain things Sasuke Sharingan became more powerful and like so you have them go from like okay you know fighting that's what I that's another thing I was gonna say and then like when he finally unleashes like what what at this point what we know as the most nine tails chakra like that he can you know like a Sasuke just gets completely overwhelmed and like the way the music is is used and the way the everything's framed and like I remember every time I think about this fight its he pops up from the water punches Sasuke in the stomach kicks him up in the air like three times yeah then goes flying that one scene was so powerful I know the force behind where Sasuke's his eyes like his pupils face yeah and he just like belches out why and he as he flies away uh there's also the the eagle drop or he like pile drives Naruto into the floor and then like and that I was after doing like the fire style on his big ladder of clones and like all of them just like bouncing across the water or both of them bouncing across the water at multiple points throughout the fight and like all the collision torpedos yeah and like sasuke dodging all of them it's so good and i think also that the the fighting knows when to cut the music because because musics playing for most of the fight but there are some points in the fight where it's completely silent and it's perfect because like you don't need any music just because like you know like a I mean I don't know I feel like I'm talking in circles and maybe I sound like I'm just kind of bullshitting but like I I mean like there's so many good aspects to this fight like it's it's perfect it's one of the best in the series easily hands-down and I prefer it to the to the one at the end of the series not by much because I think they're both really good but Kish Emoto really knew what he was doing with this fight and the whole series it was one of the top fights of my childhood I just Naruto just dressing on versus Chidori yeah I think that it's better than Gaara versus Lee and I get why people may disagree but I think all of the thematic and story reasons are the or what pushed it over the edge I mean it's also just really cool and I mean of course I'm biased because I really like Sasuke but I just thought it was great and also like the the location and the introduction of like hashirama and moderate ooh via the statue I was about to get to that because so much of Naruto is history and this is kind of like history repeating itself as well like you have the Uchiha guy who rebelled against the village who was taken down by Hoshi Rama the ultimate you know okay guy and then you have Naruto the kid who wants to become the Hokage against the Uchiha a guy who's running away from his village but this time Sasuke wins yeah and it's like it's a crazy retelling of history and slightly different way yeah and that's really what a lot of Naruto is even and you know kind of at the end of the series that went off the rails a little with the whole reincarnation stuff that's more than just history repeating itself that's like a whole different level but all in all I loved this fight as well and I thought it was a great ending to the first part of Naruto 135 where the series ended yes with with no other episodes at all you have to read the manga to see Naruto and Jiraiya leave because there's no episodes after episode 135 no that is actually the final episode and everything else doesn't exist no I did yeah that's what I'm surprised they didn't make any filler afterwards honestly um I would have cashed in on it I woulda made like 85 filler episodes introduced like star villages and all that yeah dude I mean whatever I guess they don't know how to do business anyway as for the arc I probably give it a 9.5 um a lot of my love for it comes specifically from the fight with Naruto and Sasuke because it's that good but the everything else about the arc is pretty good there's some really there's some stuff that uh that I think drags it down so you could argue that it's not as good as a 9.5 which is like a masterpiece but I really like it especially the the manga version I think everything aside from the naruto vs sasuke fight is better in the manga generally in this arc and just in the series as a whole i mean like the the better fights in the series like gar versus lee and naruto vs sasuke are obviously better in the anime but you know and i think my favorite anime - manga oh absolutely so i mean like that sort of stuff you know yeah but but for the most part I am I'm talking about the manga version of the arc and I think that it is a it is stellar it's some of the best Shonen I've read I mean part one of Naruto is some of the best shown and out there honestly it's really good and I think it has something for everybody and it's before it gets too crazy here at the end of 2018 or depending how long it takes the head of his video may be the beginning of 2019 this is the first time in history that part one of Naruto is actually underrated I think yeah I think it's better than a lot of what we see these days that we praise as better I think don't think I think that the first half of ship it in is on par with part one of Naruto I think that the Kazakh hawk a rescue arc up to pain is also just as solid it's a lot of the arcs are better than some of Naruto arcs I think it's like really good you you know and I I'd love to talk about that with you sometime because I mean I already made two videos about the war arc which I can't believe is one art yes [ __ ] a third of the series but you know oh well but but but no uh in part one of Naruto's great like I I I feel like some people will think that I'm one of those people who like only rates things on a scale of six to ten like I act like it's a it's an out of ten but I don't go below five but no I I I'm not just willy-nilly tossing out like sevens eights nines and 9.5 so I really do like the first part of Naruto I think it is spectacular it has its problems but it really appeals to me and I mean well I I think I've already explained myself and so of you for over an hour so I don't think there's that much more to say I guess that's all that I have to say you know if you have anything else feel free and then I guess I guess I'd give it between an eight point five or a nine I think it's the first arc I'm making lower than you I guess switch my ranking for the Chunin exams with your ranking for pretty much overall I think it evens out to a Naruto part one being an eight point five which is a fair rating for it I think it's definitely deserving of that yeah and it is a great Shonen altogether anyway if you're still watching well congratulations fellow you know an hour and ten minutes well it might not be that long we might have some of our audio cut to trim the fat but you know if you're still here it's definitely been a long video so again congratulations you win a a new car provided by no out-of-pocket yeah sure absolutely I mean with the amount of ads you'll be able put in this [ __ ] video because of how long it is you'll probably be able to afford it yeah there we go one ad every five seconds actually you know what then I think it would be I would deserve a new car if I watched through that through over an hour with [ __ ] what like twelve ads everybody Ekans and everything alright man well congrats on your new car thank you very anyway yeah you guys don't know me as an ox we'll probably leave a link to my channel in the description but it subscribed inevitably with here don't need us don't need to subscribe to me I don't I don't need it you absolutely should he's a great guy he thinks Madara can beat the Akatsuki because I am because he can because comment section don't realize how broken perfect Susanoo is well actual my real girl killed boy Joshua yeah well that there's a great deep unk for you right I didn't think about that one yeah well it's time to make part three moderate versus the akatsuki moderation zetsu well with that said I think this is a great place to wrap up thank you all so much for watching hope you enjoyed linked to swag in the description he's awesome thank you see you next time bye everybody out bye [Music]
Channel: Nux Taku
Views: 1,712,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nux taku, naruto, swagkage, naruto arcs, nux taku naruto, swagkage naruto, naruto zabuza, nux taku kakashi, nux taku swagkage, naruto tsunade, nux taku boruto, naruto kage, swagkage boruto, sasuke arc, swagkage itachi, swagkage sasuke, naruto chunin exam, naruto sasuke, naruto overpowered, shounen arcs, naruto shippuden, boruto, naruto boruto, nux taku hokage, naruto akatsuki, swagkage madara, naruto vs sasuke, naruto vs haku, lee vs gaara, naruto part 1, itachi, kakashi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 34sec (4174 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 15 2018
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