Top 10 Fawlty Towers Moments

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call room I beg your pardon get ready for a stay at the Fawlty Towers Hotel where the staff is courteous but the manager is someone to steer clear of well I must be punished in must die welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 Fawlty Towers moments you snobs you stupid danke toffee-nosed tough with it I've had class miles number 10 the English Lord a touch of class would you put both your names please well wouldn't give me a date yeah I only use one you don't have a first name you know I'm Lord Melbury so I simply sign mail boy go away when a lord comes to visit his hotel Basil Fawlty does all he can to make his stay perfect including ignoring the other guests would you mind moving to that table I'm so sorry to tell you one such patron waits the entire episode for a drink that hilariously never comes gin and orange a lemon squash an escutcheon water certain air right up until the bitter end well thank you very much your lordship ball process.if yes I'm just talking to note Mel Radia turned orange or lemon squash of course the real comedy here is Basil's attempt to endear himself to the Lord and he falls hard when he discovers Melbury was a con artist all along how are you Lord Melbury how are you then alright mate how's me old mucker any valuables deposits Richard any brick wall number nine the hidden door the builders money will tell us how are you it's nice today good goodbye Manuel is left to oversee a group of builders when mr. and mrs. Fawlty leave on holiday do not know what to do I think so this is the dining room you Arthur than you know it looks pretty straightforward we just gotta block this one off being the bumbling non speaking English sidekick character Manuel is rarely in charge as he mostly serves as a foil for Basil's abuse shut up hey shut up OCC shut up yes I understand nobody please shut up you see I shut up now well would a way shut up this time however he's attempting to communicate with the builders while taking calls from guests both of which are hampered by his failure to master the English language and you are a hideous orangutang ultimately basil returns to find that the renovations have been cocked up naturally hey what have you done with my hotel number eight the health inspection basil the rat all right shall I get you the wine list in the final episode of the series the future of the dysfunctional and subpar Fawlty Towers is threatened by a health inspection the health inspectors just been things wrong with hotel we put the right vitamark in an attempt to make the place spotless basil forces Manuel to get rid of his pet rat no no no noise hamster look cause it's a rat you have rats in Spain done Jordan Franco have a little shot but it ends up scurrying about the hotel instead in hot pursuit of the vermin basil ruffles under a guest's table and through her purse which puts him into conflict with a furious husband no there's something you're getting my dander up you rotten little man it's impossible not to laugh while watching the tall and imposing John Cleese trying to sneak around to save his own tails bomb scare watch there's been a bomb scare bomb scare yes yes that's why he was searching in your back he didn't want to alone that's me I will be just one minute thank you we had a call you see well shouldn't you get everybody out so that's why we were looking under your table we just didn't want to draw number seven the lie the anniversary well can you remember the last time she did no I can't believe my memory isn't very good you can say that again oh thank you huh I forgot what it was Basel has a bad track record for remembering anniversaries so in the past Sybil has had to remind him quite forcefully that stir any memories in you guys Oh Mehmood I think Oh what n of us through the Battle of Agincourt but this year the grumpy hotel manager has something planned however he lets his wife stew in the certainty that he is once again forgotten things of course backfire and she runs off right before the party guests arrive to help them celebrate everything all right bit of a bump just smoothing it out instead of fessing up mr. Fawlty concoct some fiction about her being terribly sick and as per usual that quickly gets out of hands Sybil's not here is she no no y-you see I told you so I just saw her in the town what number six basil feels exposed the psychiatrist no visitors in guest rooms after 10 o'clock Oh of the opposite sex a hotel owner that is a little too preoccupied with the business of his patrons basil becomes obsessed with proving that an unmarried man has snuck a woman into his room in true Fawlty Towers tradition this leads basil to nothing but trouble this wall we had some complaints from downstairs oh I'm just getting it a check yes it's fine he uses a ladder to spy from the second-story only to accidentally catch a glimpse of a different couple which is quite the surprise for our favorite Hotel EUR this situation isn't just awkward it also causes his wife to think he's a pervert she tried to see God what he tried to see in Rome to see girl she make him crazy come come with a little help from Manuel's less than perfect English of course hello yeah just going to well number 5 preferential treatment the hotel inspectors I see you have a wide experience of hotels yes in my professional activities I am in constant contact with an are you are you really yes Hotel inspectors have come to town and Basel is trying to ferret out which of his guests could be one of them after a few cases of mistaken identity he finally settles on the most obvious candidate and attempts to make good oh how absorbing for him much more interesting than the a hooker inspector unfortunately one of the more rambunctious customers is complaining out loud which leads basil to use his signature charm to silence him if you want to place you uh you want to come around the hotel okay right just artisans taking out a poly so I'll have the omelet I'm sore come on punch it around at one point mr. Fawlty even attempts to render the man unconscious best part is that is sucking up to the assumed inspectors was all for naught opening his fake no but not on the side no I swear to God you I'll tell you I had nothing to do with this thank you thank you so much number four car troubles gourmet night trouble after a usual series of mishaps at the Fawlty Towers Hotel basil is forced to dispense with this pre-planned high-end menu and can only offer his group of high-profile guests various variations of duck so this is you on you menu duck with orange duck with cherries duck surprise what's duck surprise that's duck without orange or cherries he decides to go looking for other food items but his car stalls and in one of the series best known scenes basil verbally attacks his car and proceeds to hit it repeatedly with a tree branch writes too often right well don't say I'm would you I've laid it on the line to you time and time again it's Cleese at his finest using his physical comedy to deliver a sound beating number three the dead guests the kippur and the corpse why Shay I say Boni he doesn't look it doesn't look like the ticket major um don't say anything to anybody but he's dead john cleese has described Basil Fawlty as pretentious paranoid and constantly yearning for a higher social status so instead of doing what any normal person would after finding a corpse in his establishment basil does his best to hide the body and avoid the blame here we are not a cast like Marvel isn't it tax payers paid millions each year to get the money going strike it's called socialism but not without first accidentally serving the Dead Guy breakfast and then trying to dispose of the body with as few of his guests noticing as possible Oh what she's hysterical Oh spiffing absolutely number two imaginary chef Waldorf salad did you make me a Waldorf salad Oh Waldorf sound well I think but just out of wool Dolph when a wealthy American guest comes to stay late in the evening and demands a Waldorf salad basil is distraught when he chooses to prepare the meal himself rather than pay his chef the demanded overtime tell him if he doesn't get on the ball you're gonna bust his ass when his scheme which involves pretending there's a chef working in the kitchen is discovered oh you think these services I won't even think rhythm the American and other guests take him to task over his hotels subpar service this leads to one of Basil's most hysterical breakdowns and a short-lived walk off oh I have to put up with from you people you pumps in here expecting to be waiting on Adam for blue I'm trying to run a hotel yeah have you any idea of how much there is to do do you ever feel you know I've caused up you're too busy sticking your noses into every caller movie about four things to complain about aren't you before we unveil our top pick here are a few honorable mentions hello there's nobody bad hello yes yes I know she is sharply you see taught don't worry by Michael yes this is your wife oh what a terrible dream Rancho gentleman's don't mention the wall number one Hitler walk the Germans good cation if you can think of any more things for me to do then hesitate to call when his wife Sybil is in the hospital basil struggles to manage Fawlty Towers by himself and between the hanging of decorative Mooseheads the visiting Germans the fires and the frying pans basil ends up in the hospital with a concussion what is the point of a fire extinguisher it's just ever Munson when you actually have a fire when you actually need the bloody see it glow Jerry Wilson an impossible man he returns to the hotel only to offend the group of Germans at every turn Georgian zabita Kennedy Dutch pleasure I'm sorry could you say again you speak German Oh German I'm sorry I thought there was something wrong with you Oh despite his pleas to the staff to avoid any mention of the war he consistently brings it up himself Oh difference is forgotten and gonna need at all to mention the wall right most shockingly this results in an off-color imitation of Adolf Hitler's walk that drives the guests over the edge and is reminiscent of the Ministry of Silly Walks sketch from police's Monty Python days do you agree with our list what's your favorite Fawlty Towers moment for more hilarious top 10s published every day be sure to subscribe to you have absolutely no sense of humor do you bloody boy
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fawlty towers, basily fawlty, john cleese, tv, television, show, series, comedy, funny, moments, hitler walk, the germans, waldorf salad, car troubles, gourmet night, bbc, hotel, English, british, sitcom, top 10, best, funniest
Id: jcEws7il4EY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 08 2014
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