Fawlty Towers: Bust his ass!

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I will find everything just don't the box in the corner what is the Waldorf anywhere Waldorf Hotel in New York Basel yes never been better oh good and by the way I wonder have you by any chance ever tried a Ritz summer with yes it's a traditional old English thing it's apples grapefruit and potatoes in a mayonnaise sauce no I don't think ever tried that ah don't think ever will either that's probably pretty sound well about this Waldorf salad of yours Tate our tape the chef and the point is we're all right on the apples absolutely no problem with them at all now on the celery front well perhaps I should explain we normally get our celery delivered on Wednesday along with our cabbages onions all that's grapes that sort of thing but this week the dry-ice afford it yes he was putting the crate into the van I'm naughty he sort of stepped forward and the van door caught his arm like that and it may have fractured it you don't have it they did the x-rays and we'll know tomorrow whether they're gonna have to operate and to cut a long story short if we don't have any no but um so makes you think our lucky you are doesn't it I mean here we all are with all our limbs functioning me and quite frankly what else matter what a bunch of crap oh do I always what the hell is going on here it says hotel outside now is this a hotel or isn't it well within reason you know something fella if this is back in the states I wouldn't board my dog here oh I'm not getting through to you am I you know I stay in hotels all over the world this is the first time I've had to bribe a chef to cook me a meal and then find out he doesn't even have the basic goddamn ingredients holy cow can't you see why that crummy dump this is listen to me can't you see they say good enough yes I see which means and then you give me some half-assed story about some delivery guy bust his arm now look Foley if your chef couldn't find the ingredients from that guy why did he get it from somebody else huh exactly yeah what it's hope completely hooked right you're the manager aren't you you're responsible so what do you guys do by there oh man you've gotta tell him lay it on the line lay it on the line tell him if he doesn't get on the ball you're gonna bust his ass busted Oh two green salads yeah we are one green salad and one water salad I Oh would you excuse me one moment [Music] Oh
Channel: Fawlty's Vault
Views: 151,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fawlty, towers, bbc, sitcom, basil, sybil, manuel, polly, british, hotel, comedy, tv, 1970s, funny, hilarious
Id: eIVGX-IkVy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 51sec (231 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2017
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