Top 10 Things When They See Us Got Factually Right & Wrong

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it's time to dig deep into this must-see miniseries welcome to Ms mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 things that when they see us got right and wrong we keep talking about it if we keep telling and showing and sharing these stories I believe that we get to a place where people would be intolerant of what is happening and demand change for this list we're looking at aspects of this Netflix limited series that are true to the real-life Central Park five case as well as a few creative liberties that were taken watching this is painful necessary watch number ten Korey wise had a transgender sister right but when you're fighting bone now your brother belongs in a crazy house your brother post a bit your sister in a show full of devastating moments one of the biggest gut punches comes when Korey wise learns about the murder of his transgender sister Marcy we regret to inform you that your brother has passed away Norman quote Khoury really did have a sister who transitioned according to Isis king who portrays Marcy in the series Dolores wise played by niecy Nash did struggle to accept her daughter's gender identity kicking her out of the house Marcy okay it's Marcy marci shared a close bond with her younger brother however since Marcy's name was miss reported by the police the exact nature of her murder remains a mystery to the public nevertheless director Ava Duvernay reportedly worked closely with the wise family to honor her memory the depiction of Marcy was well received by vanity wise quarrys younger sister who's also transgender don't everything here number nine why Raymond Santana went out right in the miniseries young Raymond Santana played by marques Rodriguez simply decides to go out with his friends on April 19th 1989 the same night the Central Park jogger case erupted when they see us does hint at a tragic bit of irony from Raymond's story though it was his father portrayed by John Leguizamo who encouraged Raymond to go to the park that ill-fated evening I'm syan obviously always asleep well what you kid out running loose in the park right Raymond Santana senior apparently thought the park would be a safer environment for his son than the streets of New York I don't know too much trouble in the corner go to the park I sent up to that that night so I feel good unfortunately this suggestion would change the course of their lives forever in a 2009 interview Raymond described his relationship with his father as quote good however Raymond believes his dad quote still probably blames himself but he doesn't speak about it he just went to the park with some friends ok just went to the park because I told him I said there's too much trouble in the corner so why don't you go to the park number 8 where Yusef Salaam and Korey wise got picked up wrong hey you got ID huh yeah yeah only idea have is my bus pass well let's see it's a description the show depicts Korey wise played by Durrell Jerome as an innocent kid who was in the wrong place at the wrong time what's your name Coyle wasp he's not on the list [Applause] take them you want to go downtown with your buddy we'd be right back this is true although the place is changed in the miniseries in the first episode Cory is seen on the street with Yusef Salaam played by ethan hurry see when the cops pick up Yusef Cory agrees to accompany his friend to the precinct in reality Cory informed use of that the police were searching for him the two retreated to Yusuf's apartment but the detectives were already waiting outside the front door while the location is altered the scene otherwise stays true to what actually happened the cops led Cory to believe that he wasn't on the suspect list motivating him to tag along you could come down to come downtown with your buddy you'd be right there we went to the precinct and I came home seven years later he came home 13 years later number 7 the authorities called the Central Park five animals right throughout the miniseries the authorities repeatedly call the five male suspects quote animals and to think we were gonna release these animals to Family Court and put them back on the streets in the Ken Burns documentary the Central Park five Kevin Richardson recounted his violent arrests saying that he was frightened by the cops and tried to run Richardson remembers being subsequently tackled and hit with a police helmet when Richardson asked what was going on he recalled that an arresting officer referred to him as a quote little animal anything you know did not tell you not to run like you like you little animal this seemed to indicate that the authorities had already deemed Kevin guilty before even questioning him in addition to law enforcement journalists and demonstrators frequently described the five as quote animals demonstrators new people just shouting rape again and just so to be alive which is full a whole world hated us reporters also wrongfully tossed around hate-filled words like quote bloodthirsty quote savages and quote human mutations number six Antron McCray 's dad told him to lie right in one of the miniseries most shocking scenes bobby McRae played by Michael K Williams desperately yells at his son Antron played by Khalil Harris Bobby instructs Antron to do whatever the cops say so he can go home although Antron pleads his innocence his father pressures him into giving the authorities the answers they want you go long you understand me do you understand me yes sir this is sadly all too true they pulled my father's side then my father came back at the room was like he just changed he just changed I listen he's like sorry speak what do you want him gone he just sort of stood his ground I would a Toyota true for our stuck to the shore while Bobby later testified in his son's defense the case was too much for him to handle and he abandoned his family well father as a trial king he left me and my mother disappeared I can't understand I just I hate him back there Antron once looked up to his father as his friend and hero but not anymore speaking of his father years later Antron said quote sometimes I love him most of the time I hate him Antron never forgave Bobby for failing him number five rioting in Central Park wrong the Central Park five were wrongfully convicted for the atrocities Tricia Miley endured [Music] what other way they haven't do us when they see us makes this clear although a few unflattering details are overlooked specifically about Raymond Santana when the five were finally cleared in 2002 Raymond reportedly confessed to committing a mugging in the park that night whereas in the show Raymond is depicted as a completely innocent bystander who flees when the night turns violent some outlets argue that the miniseries underplayed the April 19th riot noting that over 30 youths reportedly took part and aggressive crimes for which dozens were arrested and the five could have been involved the show mostly chalks this up to some kids harmlessly heckling cyclists and a select few throwing punches at each other before the cops arrive number four wind a fierce teens roll right prosecutor Linda fair Steen was indeed persistent in her pursuit of the five despite the lack of DNA evidence but the decision was we can still prosecute this case and the argument we will make to the jury is just because we didn't get all of them doesn't mean we didn't get some of them even today the exonerated five blame her for the years they lost but Felicity Huffman vilifying portrayal also simplifies an injustice that was about more than one prosecutor it was the entire system that failed them their DNA isn't there it's not anywhere so there must have been another attacker one must have gotten away you honestly believe that I do if it helps a jury believe what we know is true while in real life there's no record of Fierstein using the sort of bigoted language he does in the miniseries what did these animals do between here and here she maintained even as recently as 2002 that she thought the actual perpetrator of the crime quote ran with that pack of kids however after the miniseries came out fair skiing wrote in a Wall Street Journal article that she now agrees Matias Reyes acted alone but she maintains her believed that the five committed other crimes that night we helped make sure they got what they deserved and I'll be damned if I'm gonna lose a wink of sleep over it number three Mateus Rhea's confessed right it may sound like a storytelling device but Mateus Reyes did reportedly fight with Cory over a TV while incarcerated at Rikers Island I would like to apologize to you nobody we had a fight right this island about a TV so forth ain't about nothing we had that girlfriend is that would refrain either one of us after encountering Cory again years later Mateus confessed that the five had been wrongfully convicted for what he solely did to Trisha Maile back in 1989 was anyone with you during the assault in question no I did this we all have to pay for our sins I sinned bad I deserve to pay for my upon further investigation the authorities found that Mateus is DNA matched the crime scenes evidence the crime not only aligned with his profile but Mateus also provided insight that only the attacker could have known about while some have debated why he finally took responsibility after all this time Mateus claims that he wanted to do the right thing upon finding Jesus in prison this is also the explanation that when they see us provides you got somebody else my [Music] nobody else should be paying for my number two Donald Trump's ad right better believe it throughout the Central Park jogger trial many express their desire to see the five convicted including the future 45th President of the United States I've said one occasion even about myself if I was starting off today I would love to be a well educated black because I really believe they do have an actual advantage today Donald Trump didn't just want them behind bars however in May 1989 he took out a full-page ad in for New York newspapers with the headlines bring back the death penalty and bring back our police Trump further wrote quote I want to hate these murderers and I always will I am NOT looking to psychoanalyze or understand them I am looking to punish them even 30 years later long after the five words on rated Trump refused to apologize for the ad saying quote you have people on both sides of that they admitted their guilt if you look at Linda Fair Steen and if you look at some of the prosecutors they think that the city should never have settled that case so we'll leave it at that before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one the Central Park fives confessions were coerced right it was cultured me and I was writing it down he just fed it to me well what did he do what the Antron McCray do he gave me the names I put him in according to the Innocence Project roughly 25% of exonerated convicts admitted to crimes they didn't commit watching this miniseries you'll understand why where did you see the lady who what one lady Kevin Antron and Raymond so you messing around with the lady while certain details have been debated the authorities did ultimately coerce the five into accepting blame for Tricia Miley's attack to make sure that people know that I wasn't involved they reportedly achieved this through various scare tactics depriving the boys of food and sleep their parents were not present throughout these interrogations and after nearly 30 hours combined the boys just wanted to go home now that I've advised you of your rights are you willing to tell me the truth about the woman who was assaulted in Central Park on the night of April 19th 1989 four of the boys all had their coerced statements videotaped with their parents present with one of them supposedly only confessing verbally but this was still used against him although they asserted their innocence going forward it would be 13 years until the Central Park five could call themselves the exonerated five do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from ms mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos [Music]
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 1,022,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Things When They See Us Got Right, Things When They See Us Got Wrong, When They See Us Historical Accuracy, When They See Us Fact vs Fiction, When They See Us True False, When They See Us Matias Reyes, When They See Us Linda Fairstein, Korey Wise, Raymond Santana, Yusef Salaam, Antron McCray, When They See Us, Central Part 5, Black Lives Matter, Netflix, TV, History, watchmojo, top 10, list, mojo, MsMojo, Central Park Five, crime tragedy, Based on the true story
Id: Hh0DnB2yRyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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