Princess Diana's engagement interview (best quality)

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at three o'clock Prince Charles and Lady Diana has been lovers uncovered and it's all the first chance to see three of sapphires and diamonds now these change the natural and the past they be stilted not today he was all very relaxed everyone was good and the same was true at our interview what about the proposal the royal highness how did that come about um well I I asked Darla before she went to Australia - two days before it was a holy big good idea that far trending as if she went to a service she could didn't think about you think if she didn't like the idea as you could say she didn't know if she did she could say that but in fact you you actually said yes quite scream before you went prospect yes well they were to sit on it for three weeks must have been an agonizing three weeks did you did you speak at all in the phone lines must have been pretty busy between here in Australia's who tried but it was quite difficult because I think there was that amount of present roads there although they never actually found you did they but I rang up on one occasion and I said - can I speak and they said no we're not taking any calls so I said well the Prince of Wales speaking how do I know is the Prince of Wales came back in reply don't but I am in a rage and eventually I got the number cuz he was saying somewhere else but they said other things at tapped or something which I found highly unknown do you find it a daunting experience that yesterday you were a nanny looking after children now you're about to married Prince of Wales and and one day we would all thine all likelihood be queen it's a tremendous change for someone if I may say of nineteen to make all the sudden the transition it is but I've had a small run-up to the last six months and next bits Charles and I can't go wrong he's there with me you are you planning for foo you must be planning for the future where you're going to live in the sort of thing between your sizes I remember up to this high see Gloucestershire which should I grab the last year with marriage in mind no no not really I mean I did want somewhere very much as a base and I wanted somewhere which was near to the Duchy of Cornwall areas that I could reach then and visit people and took at the farms these and then so that was very convenient but obviously it's been a great help there's a lot to be done it's gonna be marvelous to to have somebody to to help sorted out the donors and other describer this morning as he said he thought she'd make very good housewife we get to see you take us back to when you first met yeah I remember queuing oh yes yes certain time it was 1977 this jars can stay his friend of my sister Sarah shoot I'm sort of met in a plowed field asaji previously and what did you what did you think there was your instant impression bath oh yeah what'd you learn about like did I well I remember thinking what a very jolly and amusing and attractive sixteen year old she was and I mean great fun and I seeing full of life and everything and I didn't want you so late pretty amazing did it cross either of your minds that the three years time you would be announcing her engagement thinking about it yeah yeah inaudible what what a point did you decide that this was the right the right lady for you gradually I'm I suppose towards the the end of the summer in the ocean last year and I began to realize you know what was going on in my mind and hers in particular and all these things help but you know it was a gradual business did you find it a very hard decision later Donna I don't don't think about it because I knew the pressure was on both of us and there wasn't a difficult decision in the end that's what I wanted that's what I want I haven't seen the bringing maybe have a new picture yes it's wonderful saffron darling when when were you getting there just last night yeah some day and but not wearing it yesterday no hidden and when did you when did you tell the queen that this was what you wanted to do well about three weeks ago so there's air we've had to sit on it and hide it for three weeks which doesn't be nowhere easy but I was absolutely determined that it was going to be as near secret as possible on the actual day there was my ambition but you bet obviously I'm excited then but they must be awfully difficult rying to keep that secret yes very good for us girl good for you a good practice a good for the people we told to him quite interesting to see who can keep secrets but it didn't pop out in The Times this morning yes yes is someone that's I won't talk to the right newspaper well they call the top did was newsfeed no no announcement yet over where and when um June under the eventual wedding is no because it was a lot to be decided but wind is probably the latter half of July I just think it is I think quite a useful time from all sorts of different reasons and the actual place will be decided honeymoon plans or was that time you have talk about now it's official why are you we've had vague discussions about it but it's a lot depends on you know what happens now there are lots of different two alternatives and their word is to go somewhere where we can actually get away everything else rest of the family have had that experience in power since the earth but they've ever come here before long because now having agonized if you like puzzled over decided you are now going to be separated again because we're going to Australia uses them anything to worry about five six weeks is what are you going to do in the meantime I don't why I actually a very visiting not back to the nursery and not me not not back to flat sharing presumably no you've moved to the accommodation I've been moving all over the place Ashley trampy vitamins plus France would you knew sort of met a little grimace tears if you rather like flat shouting and that has something yeah children will miss them you'll never miss looking after the children yes well sadly miss you adieu hopes I have you see them at all yeah I've been done ship named Betty gonna be a little bit the business giveaway funny remember to repair anyway then people automatically jump to conclusion yes well now you can do Bobby's must be a great new leaf to you but it is really yes yeah anywhere can you find the words to sum up how you feel today both of you differ friend insula word isn't it really just delighted and happy and I I'm amazed that she's being brave enough to take me on and I suppose in love I did have it in love Mimi is obviously your own interpretation also means two very heavy people from us congratulations thank you though such a pika
Channel: iLovePrincessDiana
Views: 5,608,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: princess, diana, footage, wedding, blue, sapphire, ring
Id: wg_fib2gQaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2010
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