Top 10 Facts The Crown Season 3 Got Right & Wrong

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whether fact or fiction it still makes for some great TV hi I'm Emily and welcome to Ms mojo today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 facts the crown season 3 got right and wrong I wonder what's more dull having to sit through one of those meetings or having to watch it on television for this list we're looking at historical facts that the third season of the hit Netflix series took liberties with and which ones were right on the money put on a show the crown doesn't do that number 10 Prince Philip and the moon-landing wrong like the majority of folks in 1969 the Royals were closely following the adventures of Apollo 11 the show depicts this moment in time as one where Prince Philip especially becomes obsessed with the mode landing and its heroes Buzz Aldrin Neil Armstrong and Michael Collins and later falls into a funk after meeting these astronauts and realizing they are quite ordinary people expected them to be giants goods in reality they were just three little men pale faced with coats the show also claims this is the time period in which Philip sought faith in Christianity but there's no evidence of this other than the actual Palace visit happening in real life actor Tobias Mingus who plays Prince Philip on the show has admitted such in an interview with the rap also Philip had already taken faith in Christianity before the moon landing ever occurred she saw that something was missing in her youngest child their only son faith number nine the Queen visits the duke of windsor right in the show queen elizabeth spontaneously decides to visit her dying uncle the Duke of Windsor and he apologizes for abdicating the throne back in 1936 a decision that brought Elizabeth into the Royal line of succession as her father King George the sixth was made King thank you it's a heartwarming moment and a touching look inside real life and it's true to a degree first off there's no such thing as the spontaneous moment in real life as it's highly scheduled so while yes she did visit her uncle it was absolutely arranged further historian Hugo Vickers called the idea of the Duke apologizing for abdicating the throne quote absurd so the visit was far less of an emotional affair than shown in the series he was no need for that number eight Winston Churchill wronged a favorite moment in season three for a lot of people was the Queen's visit to an ailing Winston Churchill after he had a stroke do instance your majesty she confides her admiration for him thanks him for his service and leadership during World War two and then kisses him on the head before leaving [Music] once again it's an emotional heartwarming scene but this time it's mostly Bologna while the Queen and Churchill were close and she did attend his funeral it's unlikely she visited him after the stroke as he was incoherent at the time also the idea that she kissed him on the head is pure poetic license and such a stretch that one biographer in an interview with The Daily Express called it quote pure schmaltz number 7 Princess Margaret's affair and divorce right the show depicts Princess Margaret's affair with the much younger rowdy Llewellyn as one of the reasons her marriage with Lord Snowdon came to an end things had moved on they moved on alright he's moved on on to the next in the aftermath Llewelyn abandons Margaret Lord Snowdon quickly remarries and under tremendous distress Margaret overdoses on sleeping pills my case gets ticking off it hadn't been my intention perhaps I should while it's highly dramatic most of what is depicted on the show is correct it's just the timeline that's out of order for instance while Margaret's marriage did come to an end it wasn't at this moment that she overdosed rather it was after Llewellyn travelled to Turkey without her also her overdose wasn't believed to be a suicide attempt as the show implies rather a toxic build-up from years of use you need to humor me number six Princess Margaret eases us/uk relations wrong while it makes for great TV the idea that Princess Margaret somehow managed to win a bailout for the UK from US President Lyndon Johnson is completely overblown but this the diplomatic mission of the highest sensitivity and I would urge you for once to play things by the ball yes she did travel to the US with her then-husband Lord Snowdon in the mid-60s to meet with Johnson and she was trying to bring about change but the fraught relationship between President Johnson and UK Prime Minister Wilson continued long after her visit also her trip to the US wasn't a total success as the show indicates while with Princess Margaret receiving a lot of negative press at the time for her lavish spending habits while abroad Rafi number five the Queen and the Abra fan disaster write episode three covers the tragic events of the Abba fan disaster where a large amount of coal slurry splashed down on the small village of a bur fan from a nearby mining site it also depicts Queen Elizabeth's regret at not visiting this national emergency sooner and instead sending representatives in her place one person has been conspicuously absent from have a van there's our queen the scandalous lack of care and interest one can only assume it is that I had instead is symptomatic of a lack of care from the traditional establishment the show is correct in its depiction as the queen deeply regretted not going sooner to a bur fan and she looks back on her delayed action as one of her biggest mistakes the people of FF n deserved a prompt response but it should also be noted that she didn't delay her trip out of cruelty or apathy but rather she didn't want her presence in the area to distract from the act of rescue efforts that were ongoing at the time the very last thing emergency and Rescue Services need when they're working against the clock is a queen turning up number four Prince Charles confides in the duke of windsor wrong in the show prince charles declares his love for camilla SH and the future Duchess of Cornwall to his great uncle the Duke of Windsor and engages with the Duke about the trials of one day becoming King in a series of letters he writes to me and I to him he likes this girl later the Duke gives these letters to Charles's mother Queen Elizabeth due to the sensitive subject matter with take the letters read them I can't do that sir private correspondence they concern the future of the crown and shed light on the soul not only of a future king but also your son but did it really go down like this in real life not really while Charles and the Duke were said to be close there is no evidence that Charles ever talked about his personal relationships with the Duke or that they were in regular correspondence about his life through letters while they may have written each other on occasion no such letters were given to the Queen it's more likely that these details were added to give dramatic weight to Charles's love for Camilla don't ask it's a little bit messy but the long and the short of it is Camilla is now free and I'd like to snap her out number three secret documentary right it's easy to gather from the Netflix series that members of the royal family are not the most extroverted sort and value their privacy you captured your best side at least so surely they didn't let a BBC documentary crew into their homes and into their lives back in the late 1960s to record their everyday actions it's a documentary film turning to you it means no actually no artifice just the real thing like one of those wild night phones well think again because this one's right a documentary was made on the Royals aptly named royal family and aired on national TV in 1969 so why haven't we heard of it until now well the Queen later regretted the decision bought the copyright to the doc and for all intents and purposes banned it from ever airing again it can only be viewed with special permission and a fee at BBC headquarters number two Camilla sh and wrong royal life isn't all sunshine and rainbows you know sometimes Duty Trump's feeling and all that loneliness having vanished huzzah the miraculous and nowhere is this better illustrated than in Charles courtship of Camilla Charles clearly loved her so much so that they later married in 2005 but they originally ended up apart after a series of unfortunate circumstances like Prince Charles joining the Navy and Camilla marrying Andrew Parker Bowles the shell suggests that it was the royal family who conspired to keep the two apart but historians are not buying it we need to talk to you about your brother which one I have three Charles Yohan specifically the suitability of his match with Camilla champ in reality while the Queen wasn't enthusiastic about Charles and Camilla she did not intervene such a fool before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one the queen's art historian is a spy right we were on the edge of our seats with all the espionage intrigue in episode 1 is the Prime Minister a Russian spy I remember thinking that we'd better keep an eye on that one is there a spy within Buckingham Palace we don't have a Russian spy in Downing Street no but it seems we do have one in Buckingham Palace it was like an episode penned by spymaster john lecarre a and shockingly most of it's true no no not the part about the Prime Minister that much is bollocks as they say across the pond but it is true that the Queen's art historian Antony Blount was passing secrets to the Russians during World War two and even for a bit after yes whilst on a trade mission to Moscow KGB got him not since I know I wouldn't dismiss him so quickly it was only after retiring from mi5 and joining the Queen's staff that Blount was later exposed as one of the Cambridge five an infamous group of Soviet spies I'm afraid confirmed that the surveyor of the Queen's pictures Sir Anthony Blunt was the fourth man in the Cambridge spire in most incredible of all he ended up keeping his job but to come I was this season of the crown was so dramatic and I was constantly shocked every time I researched the history and found out what was true anyway which fact surprised you the most let me know on Twitter at Emily a Briton and please subscribe to ms mojo you
Channel: MsMojo
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Keywords: Facts The Crown Season 3 Got Right and Wrong, Things The Crown Season 3 Got Right and Wrong, The Crown Season 3 Right and Wrong Facts, The Crown Season 3 Fact vs Fiction, The Crown Season 3 Historical Accuracy, How Accurate Is The Crown Season 3, The Crown Season 3 Errors, What the Crown Got Right and Wrong, How Close to the Truth Is The Crown, The Crown Right/Wrong, The Crown, History, Drama, Netflix, TV, Streaming, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, MsMojo
Id: 8FI4uu3AHTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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