The Harsh Realities of Marrying A Prince | Royal Wives Of Windsor | Real Royalty With Foxy Games

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[Music] for a century women marrying into the House of Windsor have shaped and transformed a dynasty now a new bride is about to join them it's a huge transition for the royal family to accept someone like Megan Markel into their ranks Harry's marriage defines today's monarchy and it's survived adapted and in many ways thrived with modernity this series tells the story of eight wives of windsor from the Queen Mother - Meghan Markel evolving from aristocrat to commoner and now foreign in this film we discover how a Windsor Brides journey to the altar is never simple Donna quickly realized that he was not fair as hell it was a nightmare with no time for second thoughts Edward said if you try and call it off I'll slit my throat all Brides face a new life in a gilded cage you will have with you for the rest of your life at least one police officer well that's quite strange they must learn to fit in with the world's most famous family there's all these little traditions rules and regulations that nobody knows but the family themselves and embrace royal tradition she has to learn these things she needs to understand that this is part of royal etiquette in protocols and part of being a member of the royal family what can Megan Marco learn from the lessons of the past every girl dreams of being a princess and actually I don't think you wanna become a princess you can avoid it [Music] His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Wales is to marry Megan Marko the divorced mixed-race actress from America only a generation ago any one of these factors could have been enough to prevent Megan marrying a royal she's ambitious is very smart she's light-years away from the kind of blushing bride you might imagine in relation to the House of Windsor the women who've married into the Roth army have been very important in shaping its direction over the past century every Windsor bride is a sign of her times fulfilling the aspirations of a nation Lady Diana Spencer heralded the modern age of monarchy from nursery school assistant to the people's princess but in reality Harry's mother was a traditional girl chosen from a suitable background on paper diana was absolutely perfect as a royal bride she was an heiress to Kratt she was a member of the Church of England she was a virgin all of these three things seemed to be very important at that time she is born you know in the bluest of English blue blood the Spencer's they're one of our really major families Lady Diana was born within a stone's throw of Sandringham house the Queen's Norfolk home she grew up in Park house practically next door to the Queen whom she called aren't lilibet they cast around for the the last remaining virgin in England they found everyone was acting in what they perceived to be the best interests of the institutions but it you know it was doomed Prince Charles made himself hostage to fortune by saying that thirst he was a good age to get married he was showing no signs of settling down the one duty of an heir to the throne is to marry and produce an heir and Charles's first love since the early 70s was Camilla Shand but the monarchy was still living in a bygone era Charles took her to meet Lord my baton who was his mentor and advisor in all things and my baton said to him enjoy yourself with this lovely girl but this can't go any further the woman you marry must be a virgin and she must be aristocratic and this girl is not either of those two things by 1980 Charles realized he had to conform when he saw Diana at a barbecue in a Sussex field he knew her background and breeding would fit the bill he take us back to when you first met I remember thinking what a very jolly and amusing and attractive sixteen year old she was and I mean great fun and I'm seeing full of life and everything and I didn't want you I imagine she poopy just filled her head with Mills and Boon that she had visions of you know cozy family bliss during their courtship Lady Diana Spencer always referred to Prince Charles a sir and indicates of a old-fashioned courtship you would never imagine Megan calling on Terry sir they'd only met each other as I calculate it for about 27 times so they're never really given their relationship a chance it was a cataclysmic mistake through history the second son of the monarch has always held greater freedom to find a partner Charles's younger brother Andrew was able to play the field in the early 80s like nephew Harry he started dating an American actress whose dark she had appeared in be considered now a very very tepid film called Emily where clothing was an optional extra the press wasn't ready for such a modern royal relationship after 18 months the intrusion became too much and the couple split Andrew finally proposed to Sarah Ferguson though not from an aristocratic background like Diana she did come from a suitably upper-class family with tight royal connections once buckingham palace looked for royal consorts among obscure European dynasties today's announcement consolidated a trend to include the most dependable respectable and sporty members of the upper-middle classes I do remember how excited everybody was the media were excited the royal family was excited I remember during her engagement meeting King Constantine of Greece and he said to me you will love Sarah she is such good news she's such fun and she was such fun turned out sometimes too much fun could I ask you then miss Ferguson remember what he said not telling you royal Brides chosen from the British upper classes where the continuation of a tradition started two generations before by a woman who would become the matriarch of the Windsors Elizabeth bowes-lyon the future Queen Mother rejuvenated the monarchy with her very British blood during World War one george v faced a problem with german ancestry and wives recruited exclusively from european royalty the royal family simply wasn't British something had to be done he's got to reinvent the monarchy and they do it astonishingly quickly in 1917 the royal family changed their name from saxe-coburg-gotha to an English castle in the Home Counties this is where the House of Windsor begins there's a little bit of Shakespeare there's sort of woods of winds and nice it's romantic this imperfect but to complete the transformation what the Windsors really needed was a British girl for George v and Queen Mary it was essential that their two eldest sons find themselves suitable bribes from the aristocracy the future Edward the eighth was refusing to settle down but their second son Albert the Queen's father then met a young Scottish aristocrat Lady Elizabeth bowes-lyon Albert pretty much as soon as he gets to know her wants to marry her she was an incredibly successful young woman and she had many many people who swore desperate love albert is not terribly attractive he's shy he's awkward his astara his ass Tamara she turns him down at least twice she was very concerned that if she became a royal wife she wouldn't be able to speak and act and think the way that she really felt she wanted to that's what she said I mean when Queen Mary dined with George the six privately she wore full in evening dress and a tiara the hope the whole works Bertie simply fell in love with Elizabeth bowes-lyon and he thought she was the girl for him and it didn't matter that she turned him down twice he was determined Albert prevailed and standing by his parents plan to marry British they Wed on the 26th of April 1923 as Queen Elizabeth would triumph in her role as a Windsor wife and go on to create a dynasty somebody said that you know at the centre there was a little toxic drop she was really tough edged somebody described her as a sort of velvet Club but inside there was a bit of Steel Elizabeth created the precedent for Windsor's marrying into the aristocracy and the gentry but for the royal family to be ready for mega Markel such chains to class would have to be broken it was time for the middle classes to make their mark and the Windsors to meet their wives in the same way as their subjects using television she's in PR and after five years of what used to be called walking out and getting married [Music] with William and Harry you have young men making life choices about who they want to be with based on how they feel not on what's expected of them in their partner it's a clear departure when William went to San Andrea's it's the same year I went to university there was absolutely this rush of applications by people who wanted a chance to buy into this as their personal fairytale that they could be that princess one day this new generation also had time to get to know their princess properly because William and Kate had these four years before the press really knew that they were with him seeing one another she had an opportunity to look at what royal life was all about you remember all the stuff about wait dkt she thinks about it she debates and finally she says yes just like any other girl I think it shows that there has been a breakdown in the class system when the heir to the throne marries a commoner a Middleton from middle England Windsor Brides have always been accepted by the British public and royal family alike except for one when Edward the 8th chose to marry a divorced American it would almost destroy the House of Windsor you look at what a Simpson and you think why Wallis Simpson was twice married when she first met the future King at a country house party Wallis represented some wicked evil future if she were allowed to get away with it where would it all end the women of Britain were really worried if you could divorce it meant that a man could trade you in and the British press did not want to report this story because they knew that it was a scandal and they were very fearful of upsetting Queen Mary and King George the fifth Edward had a long track record of romantic liaisons with married women he rose softly love letters he gave each of his mistresses a dog he bought them the same kind of bracelet and when Wallis saw it happening to her she just thought I'll enjoy it whilst I can and then I'll move on in fact as King Edward's need for Wallace was pathological he was almost obsessed by her he could not manage without her in the summer of 1936 Wallace and Edward were cruising on the Dalmatian coast when they were spotted by the pre-war paparazzi there was one particular photograph that went around the world of Wallace's hand on the Kings arm and the British press broke their self-imposed embargo Wallace was absolutely shocked suddenly she realized how hated she was she thought I've got to call this off and she said you and I will only create disaster together it's got to end and Edward responded by saying if you try and call it off I'll slit my throat Wallis Simpson was backed into a corner so she found that the only option was to marry him and by doing so Edward was forced to abdicate his unprepared younger brother and wife Elizabeth would have to carry the crown but now 80 years after Wallis Simpson the nation is ready for a divorced American one of the great social shifts of the 20th century of which the monarchy has been at the absolute heart is the relaxation of the rules on divorce it seems to me that if you you remember the royal family it's always compulsory now to have been divorced at least once now we're having the royal family welcoming a mixed-race American divorcee to their very bosom and that's a great advance so what lies ahead for the next American to marry into the House of Windsor the challenge for Harry and Megan is that they don't know each other so well they haven't known each other so long how prepared is she for the life-changing issues that face all Windsor Brides every girl dreams of being a princess and actually I don't think you wanna become a princess if you can avoid it Winsor wives at the last 100 years reflect the signs of their times and have evolved from aristocrats to commoners and now a foreigner is it an instant yes for me yes but all these suitable girls have one thing in common they chose to exchange an old life for a new royal one and Megan Markos decision is as brave as any wife before her she's had it all you know she's beautiful she's successful she's had an interesting career she's done her own thing she is gonna have to give up all those things to become that's what's going to princess somebody princess Harry it's a huge step change from being a mid-ranking celebrity in Hollywood to being the wife of the sixth in line to the throne it's probably more famous than anybody can handle the public interest in Megan has reached fever pitch but if she looks at history the wives of windsor before her faced worse press feeding frenzies diana was found by the press as soon as she started dating Charles Donna wasn't prepared to be followed down the street by a gaggle of photographers snapping her every move actually found it very difficult she said today that she would often cry to the four walls because of the intrusion because of the intensity of that intrusion our family really are the celebrity big game that certainly got harder as the years have gone on because there are million people out there with a camera phone who will put it on the internet or put it on social media there's a misconception that because I have worked in the entertainment industry that this would be something I would be familiar with but I've never been part of tabloid culture I've never been in pop culture to that degree and I did not have any understanding of just what it would be like monarchy is simply a - form of celebrity it always has been that is the personal life turned inside out the personal life assuming a public significance by definition both Megan and the modern monarchy have had to become increasingly sophisticated at managing their public image but no press strategy can prevent friends and family from taking advantage it's been written over here that you were planning to write a tell-all book the diary of Princess pushes sister it's more of a beautiful warm witty story of our lives all royal wives past lives have been laid bare everything about you it's baked over and everything about your family is very over and it's been really tough for the Middletons her uncle they discovered that he was drunk he'd beat up his partner there look for negatives every fergie we had the same thing when her father was photograph going into a massage parlor these things happen nothing you can do about it Sophie rees-jones had a successful career in public relations when she got engaged to Edward [Music] but nothing could prepare her for the depths the tabloids would sink to a fortnight to her wedding sophie rhys-jones today hoping that the topless picture fiasco will now fade away when Megan and Harry first started dating the media took a more subtle but equally insulting approach the press were talking about the fact that she was exotic the fact that she was not your usual society blonde and I was like oh what they're trying to say is she's black she's black woman she has mixed heritage these insidious references they count as racism you know they're prejudice they're unacceptable they cross the line previous generations of Windsor's have maintained a dignified silence to press innuendo but Harry abandoning protocols at the pastor released a public statement leaping to the defense of his girlfriend the past week has seen a line crossed some of this has been very public the smear on the front page of a national newspaper the racial undertones of comment pieces it had never been done before but it did send out signals that Megan was an important part of his life and he didn't want her hassled mess with her you miss with me miss with me suffer the consequences I mean I for one celebrated the fact that she was mixed race but I used a unfortunate word which was exotic I meant that in marvelous contrast to the gingery white blood of his own blood family on his maternal side but it didn't go down well and I hereby apologize Harry ordinary decent people will have seen that and thought you know good on you matey standing up for the for the girl when the palace announced Megan Markos engagement on the 17th of November 2017 she'd already moved into the heart of the royal compound at Kensington Palace not an inn cottage once the engagement takes place your life ceases to be your own it's taken over by the system you no longer have the ability to walk out and do your own thing a similar fate to the other royal wives before her Sarah Ferguson and Diana would both moved into their own Buckingham Palace apartments diana had been sharing a flat in Fulham with three other girls you had a celebration breakfast next day and what was that like it had been a giggly girly flat suddenly she was taken out of that then she was given a suite of rooms at Buckingham Palace and with hindsight that was the worst thing probably that could have happened to her she felt completely isolated from everything she knew and loved tourists stand in front of Buckingham Palace and they sort of looked between the railings and think where are the court jesters you know we're at the Lions the Tigers the musicians the pipers but they're not there you know then at five-thirty everybody is gone shortly after the proposal he heads off to Australia on an official engagement Prince Charles had to keep the engagements he'd accepted before the announcement of the engagement Diana had to accept this and do her best to hide her feelings diana returned to her solitary life in buckingham palace she makes servants toast you would listen to have sony Worman she'd take ballet lessons because she felt very lonely she felt very isolated and she had these creeping doubts about Prince Charles and his relationship with Camilla parker-bowles she felt like a lamb to the slaughter far from being this glamorous life it was a lonely occupation and her friends saw her and said Wow you've changed because weight dropped off her around this time of bulimia nervosa this eating disorder that kicked in the mental health problems is sort of manifested itself when she found herself in this cage and the reality of what she'd taken on started to sink in royal wives are forced to live with their new in-laws for one main reason their own safety you will have with you if you are for the rest of your life at least one police officer with you always until you die within shouting distance will be a police officer well that's quite strange you are a particular post of a state that protects is provided by Scotland Yard and there's no getting out of it make a mark on now won't be able to belong to the hairdresser's she won't be able to go out for drinks with the girls as a member of the monarchy a royal wife's relationship with the public has to change they need to be kept at a safe distance we have this sort of group of people which is growing daily now accord fixated individuals that have this obsession with royalty Jackie Davis has 25 years of experience protecting royal families all over the world this is Megan's first official walkabout with herring [Music] you will have in that crowd the royal fanatics and she's new so they all want to see her they want to get to touch our the clothes protection officers are very close to her they're giving her advice they're moving her about there's a self embargo by the Royals of not doing autographs not doing selfies this will become second nature to her after six months she has the best security team on the planet looking after her the royal wife's protection officers have only split seconds to react to a threat a middle-aged man appeared to lunge forward Special Branch detectives threw themselves between the man and the princess who appeared to be unruffled by the incident what you think is a mundane walk about is the ideal opportunity for the stalker to get close to her every day is a danger day living with new threats is only the beginning of a Windsor Brides journey she must learn how to fit into the family firm megan is marrying into a very strange institution but as an American Megan faces one of the toughest challenges of all the British class system what is upper class what is middle class what is posh like that was a whole lesson one of the greatest challenges for any bride is bonding with the in-laws but when it comes to the Windsors the most famous family in the world the obstacles are daunting they're quite strong characters and they're quite opinionated and they're quite outspoken megan is marrying into a very strange institution and it's one that she hasn't seen at close quarters all her life because she is American because I'm from the States you don't grow up with the same understanding of of the royal family and so while I now understand very clearly there's a a global interest there I didn't know much about him American women have regularly married into the upper echelon of British society but the new world has often found old England somewhat confusing he was just Luke you know my English boyfriend was it Julie Montagu was raised in a small town in Illinois she came to London and fell in love with a by count he pulled out his credit card and I saw the name and it said V accounts Hinchingbrooke but I thought it I thought Vai counts of course would sound like Viscount because it's spelled exactly like discount he didn't think that I could be that naive have I been snubbed at Lord and lady's dinners yeah some people won't even speak to me because I'm the crass American one of the very first dinners that I had with my husband was a big formal dinner and I remember reaching over the table for the wine bottle picking it up and just you know my wine glass was empty so I just poured myself a glass of wine I mean you just do not do that that does not exist in America I mean you just you're thirsty you need some more wine you pick up the bottle and you pour yourself a glass like what is upper class what is middle class what are classes what is posh that like that was a whole lesson previous Windsor wives have come from backgrounds that have better prepared them for a life in the Royal Court the Queen Mother because she was an honest crime she knew how to behave because the rules of etiquette was something that she would a lent from a young age should know exactly how to hold afternoon tea parties posed to behave in place aasaiya tea it was it was second nature to Princess Donna our background was very similar to the Queen Mother the difference is well the Queen Mother did things very much by the book where Diana Spencer had her way of doing things she was somebody that was very dainty earth Kate Middleton good probably classed as a middle past by train I'm sure should have known her to be here because of her education Catherine may have had the social advantage of attending a top public school Marlborough but she still felt the cold shoulder of snobbery when she first started to move in royal circles Kate Middleton's parents are self-made her mother and her mother's brother have made it from being children of the council his parents state school to being multimillionaires and good for them and but of course in certain areas Socratic circles that's seen as very much below the salt they saw her family as a bit infra dig there were lots of mean comments about her mother having worked for British Airways there was all this nonsense about doors to manual this joke was made I don't believe the Queen has ever seen doors to manual because when the Queen gets on to me on a plane and sits down the airplane moves off that's when the advantage of being a royal you're spared all that nonsense em'ly manners a humble farmer's daughter from the Welsh borders married into one of the most aristocratic families in the land she became the Duchess of Rutland and moved into beaver castle was terrifying there are lots of people I've met since being a duchess that made me feel that I wasn't really perhaps right for the position it's such a social hierarchy no one helped me learn the etiquette of being a duchess there's no book you can read there's no degree you can do how to do your job you have to sort of get into the role that that's why it'll be great for Meghan because she has been an actress so you have to get into your part and understand how to be that individual in the 21st century she will not ever be allowed to say go to the toilet are you kidding me and she will never be allowed to say pardon right that's a big one in America pardon no it will be sorry I mean I feel a lot but Sophie because it's quite a lot to take on and you know if she's having a cup of tea she holds the cup did she put the milk in before or after all those kind of things that that everyone will be watching because as sad as it sounds that will make news if she does something like that wrong you'll have them a huge tea debate going on another tradition that royal Brides must embrace is the love of the British countryside and it's ancient sporting customs the Windsors have always been at home in the field the Queen spends most of August in the Highlands of Scotland Balmoral is a place where the Royals feel that they can escape prying eyes press attention and they can be really relaxed and completely free it just isn't the same as Buckingham past life is completely different and that's what they really love about it Elizabeth the Queen Mother was passionate about fly-fishing even in her 90s the Queen still rides out Kathryn has embraced life on the moor but many royal wives have found visiting the Scottish castle a struggle there is a Balmoral test there's all these little traditions rules and regulations that nobody knows but the family themselves Balmoral is a frightful place it's a hangover from the Victorian era Royal women have absolutely revolted against the kinds of things that Balmoral symbolizes I mean when mrs. Simpson came to bow moorland and looked around she said this Tartans gotta go she wasn't going to fit in at all dianna firsts at the Balmoral test in the early days of her courtship with Prince Charles and she appeared to love it and all his friends were there and they all thought she was marvellous and you know how she fitted in so terribly well after they were married it became clear that Diana didn't really enjoy Balmoral at all she didn't like gang stalking stags in the pouring rain and having picnics when she was being eaten by midges and and and wearing gum boots [Music] I think the countryside matters to the Royals because it's something with its very ancient it's something that is relatively unchanging and monarchy is a very old-fashioned institution if the Queen wasn't the queen she'd be happiest in the countryside doing all the figures of the country gentle woman horses in particular racing and of course all this sort of activity shooting isn't is just a part of life for the royal family like it is for many country people Sophie knows her way around a gun and Katherine has learned to shoot Harry has been named as one of the country's top 100 shots but when Megan came stay at Sandringham he was rumoured to have been a rare no-show for last year's traditional Boxing Day shoot if you're coming from a different culture California for example I think that what might strike you is that it isn't necessarily very politically correct here are people and their role is to kill something because they enjoy it of course that's a that's a question for many people shooting is the most boring sport imaginable if you're not actually holding a gun you just stand there freezing while they blast away innocent feathered creatures the Royals have always enjoyed life in the field it's in their DNA for the past four seasons Princess Anne has hunted here so too does Prince Charles and other relatives and friends and no doubt the Queen's first grandchild will be riding here as well before many years have gone by it's a symbol of status you are the trap up there on the horse that sits down there on the ground if you can control a horse you look like a figure of authority this question of bloodlines this is central to the whole horse world yes his father was such and such a horse's mother was such and such a horse that's exactly what happens in monarchy horsey royal wives have traditionally enjoyed a head start in the race to a Windsors heart Camilla was incredibly horsey used to hunt very regularly Duchess of York was a polo managers daughter and rode a great deal Sophie Countess of Wessex she developed an interest so that it's something she can share with the wider members of the royal family for a royal toddler not to learn to ride in the English royal family would have be a bit like the Norwegian Royals not teaching their children to ski it would be pretty unthinkable I would hope she would give it a go Megan to have that shared interest with the racing which has been for many generations to the Queen Mother for the Queen riding and breeding racehorses and going to the races to have a genuine enthusiasm for it I think the love of horses hipa philia is something that Megan will have to enter into even if she doesn't really like horses at all with Megan's big day fast approaching and the eyes of the world upon her she'll be hoping to learn from the royal wives before her Donna quickly realized that he was not a fairytale it was a nightmare and how to deal with the pressures of the biggest day of her life she was so frightened that day she had to be coaxed out of her bed Prince Harry and Megan Marco will marry on the 19th of May at Windsor Castle traditionally the venue for divorced and lower-ranking Royals it's the absolute part of the monarchy so George's Chapel is one of the great ecclesiastical buildings of the world it seems natural to use it for Harry and Megan who clearly want the works but not quite following in big brother's footsteps as heir to the throne Williams journey to the altar had to be at Westminster Abbey the home of monarchs Westminster is the royal church it is that the Queen's personal church setting the gold standard for royal weddings William's grandmother and great-grandmother were married at the Abbey William and Kate's wedding it was in national celebration because they could seen it this is the next generation this is the future of the monarchy and it was very glamorous you know she looked amazing at the mounted escort the household cavalry it has the fairytale element it has the big you know balcony parents on the case a wonderful scene of them driving you know the Prince of Wales is Aston Martin all the way down the mal [Music] but there was one Windsor wedding that made William and Catherine's look discreet in comparison it was the wedding of the century and it was designed to be that it was in some polls because you could have crime in many more people the wedding of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales to Lady Diana Spencer was the most splendid example of glittering display with dignitaries and heads of state attending from across the world st. Paul's was chosen over Westminster because it held a congregation of 3,500 it's got this astonishingly overblown quality to it it's very much of a piece of the ages but extraordinary emanuel dress that animated meringue that she wore the scale of the thing diana frances wilt thou have this man to thy wedded husband wilt thou love him comfort him honor and keep him in sickness and in health so long as you both shall live dinah was a very pretty woman she looked like someone on top of the cake and Prince Charles in a military uniform that that is fairytale stuff Charles and Diana's wedding cost an estimated 30 million pounds at a time when Britain was in recession and there were over two million unemployed there was a feeling that although there was austerity in the country and unrest that a big Royal Wedding would actually be a bit of a tonic there's a huge propaganda coup for the Royals it was a huge commercial a vast advertisement for it was just the stuff of fairy tales and the fact that we found out so soon that underneath the spangly taffeta exterior there was this undercurrent of unhappiness and betrayal and mistrust you know made the whole thing completely gripping Charles and Diana recognized before they even walked up the aisle that their marriage was a mistake diana quickly realized that he was not fair so it was a nightmare she thought I'm gonna call the whole thing off she summoned her sisters to Buckingham Palace to had lunch and they just made light of it they said your faces on the tea towels now say it's too late chickened out twenty four years later when Charles married Camilla at Windsor his bride was once again suffering from cold feet she was so frightened that day she had to be coaxed out of her bed nobody in his office had any confidence how it was going to be greeted by the by the British public were they going to have rotten eggs thrown at them and would anybody turn up to watch it for the very simple reason that they were both divorced the Queen did not actually attend it she attended the blessing afterwards and that I think was probably a source of great disappointment to Charles but then it turned out to be the most fantastic day out they came unto the steps of st. George's Chapel after the service of prayer and dedication and the cheer went up Charles and Camilla married and with the blessing of the Church of England I think the public just felt this man has loved this woman for so many years why not just let her be happy let them be happy Harry and Megan will also marry at Windsor but this will be a very different celebration the royal family is covering the cost of the wedding which is expected to top half a million pounds megan like catherine is thought to be paying for her own dress with 600 guests invited but no politicians or half sisters on the list a further two and a half thousand golden ticket holders will watch the couple's arrival through the grounds of the castle a far cry from the last time an American divorcee married into the House of Windsor Wallis Simpson married the Duke of Windsor in exile in France the actual wedding was desperately sad it took place in a chateau in terrain owned by a pro-nazi businessman called Shawn they do only seven English people came to the wedding none of Edwards family came he was distraught that his brothers were not allowed to come he had to make do with his friend Fruity Metcalf to be his best man his wife Baba Metcalf said she felt that Wallis was not in love with Edward she recognized that this was a necessary marriage but she felt it was a loveless marriage it was the marriage of outcasts now what we see with another American divorcee and Prince Harry is a wedding that will take place the heart of the royal in Windsor is the place that actually gives the name to the dynasty that's the measure of the difference between the 1930s and the 2010 all Windsor Brides have reflected a moment in British social history [Applause] symbolizing how the monarchy has moved with the times and once again the nation will be gripped on May the 19th I think the fusion in our west coast and Windsor I think you will have some surprises as a what's up group planning it Harry's cool guy she's cool it's not gonna be your normal starchy traditional white English wedding and I say that with meaning here are two young people who happen to love each other and have decided they want to get married and spend their lives together what's not to like about that it's a happy event let's just go with it once the wedding is over the real work begins it's endless meet-and-greets endless ribbon snipping and a life of public duty despite their brothers the couple got rather wet and Haverfordwest she was sobbing in the car Prince Charles said you've got to keep going there are privileges you will never have money worries again in your life but dangerous pitfalls too they described her as vulgar vulgar vulgar in our next film we ask do princesses really live happily ever after but our thing was that you're expected to different things you can't do if you fail to understand that then you're stuffed [Music]
Channel: Real Royalty
Views: 1,804,666
Rating: 4.6958709 out of 5
Keywords: real royalty, real royalty channel, british royalty, royalty around the world, royal history, windsor wives, royal wives, royal wedding, windsor family, kate middleton, meghan markle, princess diana, duchess of cambridge, duchess of sussex
Id: I1SEDfgNyqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 50sec (2750 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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