TOP 10 RARE PLANTS That Propagate Well!

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hello everybody glad you could make it my name is kaylee allen and welcome to 10 rare plants that propagates well this video is part of a top 10 series that i'm doing here on youtube you should find the playlist for that down below i have a few different things in there like plants that acclimate well top antherium top philodendron things like that but today we're going to focus on what propagates well now how do i define propagating well well for one thing i guess you could count the rate of failure is a really good indicator of how well something propagates so if i have a plant and i take three cuttings of it how likely are those three cuttings to survive that's a really really important factor the second thing to consider is the speed of growth as well because of course if they don't grow very quickly then they don't propagate very well and they take a long time so that's another factor as well the third factor i'm kind of measuring these plans on is how quickly they root because if they slow to root they are slow to propagate and there is more chance of something going wrong one thing before we get into the video i would like you to know that this video is of course based on my opinion and my experience if you do not know i am the proud owner of the rare plant shop here i have somewhere between six and seven thousand plants and when i keep one plant at a time i'm normally keeping 30 to 50 of one given plant so i get a really good all-rounded opinion of what works and what doesn't i also of course only keep the plants that propagate reasonably well and aren't too difficult minus a couple of exceptions so you will find that i have obviously a plan for everything in this list that's because there's no point keeping stuff that is hard to grow that just makes everyone's lives much harder without further ado i'll get into it this list is not ranked in any order so it's not like the first plant that i show you is better than the last plant i show you there's no particular order they're just all pretty good at propagating so without further ado i'm gonna grab the first plant the first plant i'd like to talk about for being a good propagator this plant isn't really it's no surprise to anybody i don't think so why not get out of the way first right so the first plant that i think propagates fantastically is essentially any form of monstera deliciosa now then this could be the regular form of monstera deliciosa this could be the large form of monster deliciosa it could be the yellow which is what i have right here in this beautiful little pot or it could be the white i'm really generalizing because honestly it's all the same monstera have absolutely excellent roots specifically monster deliciosa whatever form of it they just have really really strong roots if you take a cutting of one of these plants and it has an aerial root that already exists your cutting is it's going to succeed really i'd say your risk goes down by about 60 if you just have a good aerial now obviously of course there is a risk of things rotting that goes with everything in this list depending on how you're propagating but generally speaking these are just unbelievable not only that but they look very pretty and they're very very desirable right now i'm sure nearly everybody knows about variegated monstera i think unless you've been living under a huge rock then you know what they are as i mentioned before this is the yellow variegate version i'll show you it a little bit closer it's not the easiest thing in the world to show but this is mine here this is one of them this is variegated monstera aurea small form so it's not the massive monstera like the one behind me here that can grow insanely large leaves this one will stay a lot smaller this one could be grown up a pole very very nice plant just honestly they're really good now i will say something that i have discovered recently i took equal propagations of the white variegated monstera and this one i basically just took some cuttings of some other plants that i had i think i had about 40 failure rate on the white on the elbow but on these i had a zero percent failure rate which i thought was quite interesting now that could be coincidence but i thought i'd tell you anyway i've never really compared propagation of the two directly before so that is something i noticed again it could be a one-off i'm not sure these guys seem to be strong as an oxl these are one of my favorites they are pretty underrated because everyone usually prefers the white variegation but for that reason i think that the yellow variegation is cooler because not many people have them and then it makes it just more unique i guess so this is monstera oreo small form but really it is representative of any form of monstera deliciosa they are just awesome to propagate get an aerial root you should be absolutely fine the next plant on my list that propagates really really well this has a really low failure rate on it and the aerial roots are absolutely fantastic they make a great base for any good root system this plant here doesn't look quite as good as it should just because it's so young so you don't get the full effect of what the plant looks like but this here is philodendron dark lord and he is awesome and the reason he's called a dark lord is because he gets these beautiful really dark leaves and these beautiful undersides now when he gets mature the leaf shape is a bit different from this it's a lot pointier and a lot more angular this is because it's really young so i don't have the ideal plan to show you today i do have one on the wall but you will never see him you'll just never see him he's too high up but he has a much more pointed appearance so this is a young one but my point is the propagation aspect on this plan is absolutely insane let me see if i can show you on camera if i tilt that down there you should get a really good vibe of what's going on here i get aerial routes for days on them like this i mean this is just ridiculous how long they are and you may or may not be able to tell here where my finger is i've cut this plant before i've cut it several times and it just keeps growing and they're great propagators i get such good growth out of them i find it quite quick as well so that really helps they root really well especially when given these initial aerial routes to start when i do propagate this plant i take a mixture of head cuttings that are propagated and sold and then i take some smaller cuttings that are just node cuttings down the stem and those stay with me a little bit longer until they get going so i kind of take two types of propagations and i actually do this for all my climbers but i just find that this one is super super quick this one can obviously be cut across the top this could be rooted and grown on i wouldn't sell this like it is because it's a little bit it's a little bit sparse for me but this top cutting here roots had grown on a little bit more a little bit more compact would make for a beautiful plant so this is philodendron dark lord not the best example but trust me it is an amazing propagator it's well worth it the next plant on my list that i have to tell you about that is great to propagate this is probably no surprise to basically anybody but the next plant on my list is another monstera and it's monstera and eye now then one mine is dripping all over the floor so if i stand weird then that is why i'm trying to avoid being dripped on two yes this is a variegated sony eye it doesn't matter if you have at home monster and sony eye narrow round anything like that all green it doesn't matter if it's white variegate it doesn't matter if it's yellow variegated it doesn't matter they're all the same they propagate really really well and that's because they just put out great roots again monster are fantastic for this i wanted to mention this slightly differently to the deliciosa because i feel like everybody knows that the deliciosa is a great propagator but i don't know if they know that most monstera are actually great propagators so for that reason i thought i'd put this on this list here's a closer look at the atomsonia it's not unbelievable compared to a lot out there i will say that it could be more variegated but it is very very pretty it does have a new leaf on the way you just can't see it here it does actually need to go up a pole i have no time can you see here this huge root there is actually more than one and they go all the way down at the back of the stem here they just honestly snip that off get it in water for a bit or like her or more so whatever you want to do should be all right again as with anything yes there's a risk of rot very low on these this is why you are seeing a ton of these on the market at the moment i know that variegated and sony are absolutely everywhere they're like a damn weed i think i've said that before this is because they are so easy to propagate there really no issues so i guess if you want to invest in one of these it's not the worst idea although they are depreciating a little bit at the minute in terms of value they are going down i know a lot of people aren't going to want me to say that but it is true the value is going down on these this one's very very cute but again it does not matter it can be the green and sony eye they are fantastic to root they're really really great to propagate and give to friends and everything else so this one definitely gets my vote so the next plant i have to talk about i warned you guys in a previous video that i'll be talking about this plan a lot because honestly it is as i like to call it an all-rounder it grows well it acclimates well it ships well it also propagates well and while i don't want to fill these videos up with the same plants repeatedly i have taken care to make sure that i don't really do that this one just has to go in because it's ridiculous it's just so good and if you haven't already guessed if you're not a regular for my videos that plant is philodendron glory awesome oh my god this is fantastic i don't get failures when i propagate these plants at all i mean they just grow for me really well i don't even see that that's a root coming off the uh the stem of the plant there right there it's gonna root no problem this just needs to get a little bit bigger and i can propagate it cut it root it grow it on i do find as well when these plants grow new leaves when you cut them they don't reverse super super juvenile so the leaves don't go super small after they've been cut or at least from me they stay a little bit larger obviously that depends on the root system that you're left with when you cut the plant on the new section that you're propagating but generally speaking they don't do what eg monster delicious do where they go ridiculously small no matter what this doesn't tend to happen you can get a nicer looking plant faster by propagating these and i've got to say this is just how beautiful is that look at this leaf here's one here looking sexy here's another one here that's in the way of a new leaf and then here is one here it's just the most stunning plant as i say there is a new leaf coming in right there at the front which its tip is just sat behind a leaf which is slightly worrying in case it comes off can i just position it sort of yes as long as i don't wave around the plant too much it should be fine but yes these plants are amazing yes you will get sick of seeing me talk about them but look at them to top it off they look amazing like what's not to love about that right so yeah they don't fail when i propagate them i find that they do grow very easily they're very good routers they root quite fast they don't need a lot of love to look great in my experience you can kind of neglect them and i do find in a lot of cases my glory or some look a bit better when i leave them alone and i just let them be they tend to look really great they can size up very quickly as well they can also tolerate low light than a lot of other philodendrons so they just get my vote they get my vote they're gonna get my vote every time i'm really sorry in advance but this again is philodendron glory awesome and it is absolutely perfection okay the next plant that propagates really really well i actually have two to show you i have one here in lekker and i have a different type over here on the desk in soil the next plant that i think propagates fantastically and i mean not just from a stem cutting but literally from node cuttings as in like leafless node chunks this propagates fantastic the next plant i'd like to show you is it represents a collection of plants in the same way that when i held up the yellow variegate monstera it represents monster deliciosa same as the edinsoni and everything else so the next type of plant that i'd like to tell you is fantastic at propagating is the epipremnum variety now then i try and hold this to the camera it's not easy it's dripping everywhere this is epipremnum pinatum varigata and it's very very beautiful can i show you like that kind of i realize it's not very close up to the camera but it's it's dripping everywhere because i've just pulled it out of one of my tubs this is the white barricade variety but let me tell you i propagated so many of these plants from one inch long node cuttings and i've rooted them no problem i've done it in lekker and i've done it in moss and i don't get any issues they're also really tough by the way so any hiccups in propagation that they can survive no problem these things propagate really well in water by the way obviously if you're doing a chunk of it do it in moss or lekker but if you're taking more of a stem cutting with roots water is absolutely fantastic they love these now i have that there i'll put that down on the floor because i also have another guy that i've had for about two three years now i've had it so long this here is a one viner because i keep cutting it i've been putting little bits on the wall this here is a one viner of epi preminent panatum cebu blue as it's known as cebu blue pothos and you could yeah you can tell on the camera that's great because you can't always tell this does of course look very very blue it's very beautiful it could look better as i say i've chopped this a few times it's had a chop here and it's grown i think i've left it alone for quite a while it did have another vine down here but i chopped that off it is somewhere on the wall i can't see it right now i think it's behind a few different things but this is it here i do have some other smaller ones that i think i might have for sale soon within the next few weeks beautiful beautiful plant now some people in the us might tell me that this isn't rare and you could possibly be right i think where you guys are this isn't necessarily rare i've seen this sold for like full pots of it in like home depot in lowe's in everything like that over here however it is much more rare we couldn't really hope to buy this in a garden center in any volume i i personally haven't seen them if you have and you're in the uk or the eu or whatever let me know i know they're a little bit more prominent in the eu but at least in the uk these are not the easiest thing to get at all it's just some wonderful plant honestly it doesn't die i have chopped okay i've chopped some of these plants off like this it's not just this variety as well i have quite a few epipen varieties i just chop them and providing they have a couple of aerials i just stick them on the felt on the wall i don't even root them i stick them on the felt and they they root they root in really quickly and they live they live with nothing they live with next to nothing so these plants are absolutely fantastic propagators i cannot recommend them enough i've dealt with enough epipen varieties to know that most of them are kind of good most of the ones that you think of they're absolutely fine so i don't think it really matters which one you go for necessarily you should find that they're all pretty easy so this one here is epipen panatum cebu blue the other one i showed you before was epiphanatum varigata and that is them very easy completely and utterly recommend again we have another plant on my list that represents a family of a given genus shall we say i think i showed a different representation of this last time so i'm switching it up today the next plant i would like to tell you about the propagates like no other is anything within the syngonium podophyllum range family whatever you want to call it today i'm holding up a very beautiful synchronium elbow this one is very pretty i think i noticed this a couple of weeks ago and i thought you know what this one hasn't had a spotlight yet so i'm going to show you it it's dripping all over my table which is great there you go beautiful beautiful plant in terms of irrigation i think this is creeping a little bit on the too much side but i'm gonna wait because these other leaves are absolutely perfection so we'll see how that one goes i think it's certainly sellable at this point but it could be okay i think really depends on what the next one brings there is an awful lot of green on this side of the stem that you can't really see so i'm sure it's absolutely fine but as i said before this represents anything in the syngorni syngonian potter film range so it could be the white variegate it could be the yellow variegate it could be say a pink splash it could be a single mojito it could be neon robusta it could be just podophylum on its own it doesn't really matter they're all absolutely incredible propagators they grow really quickly as well they root really quickly they're just another all-rounder i should probably do a video of plants that i consider to be all-rounders because i think it would be a great video if you want that video let me know down below because i'm pretty sure i can come up with some really good ones that like they just top every category but that is her that is syngonia malbo again it represents everything it doesn't really matter what you pick you're good to go they can be grown up a pole or they can trail these plants i don't really see anybody trailing them i don't know why i guess it's just not the done thing even then i haven't trailed them either i haven't really grown them up or anything i haven't really trailed them they're just marvelous i don't get failures at all it's so rare that i get a failure now these can grow from one-inch node chunks as well they are much slower to start than the epi premium that i talked about but they can be done they're just not quite as easy your best bet with these is just to get a little bit of aerial route and cut it that way they can be propagated without an aerial route but to be honest the safest way to propagate anything is to use an aerial route if you're unsure so great propagator had to put on the list this represents a large variety really but it's just the flagship one that i want to show you today because it's very pretty there you have it syngonium podophyllum so the appearance of the next plant alone is testament to how well it propagates because it just roots for days it really does and the next plant i have to show you is none other than philodendron jerry horn now if i could just show you what's going on here there's a lot and i don't know how much you're going to get on camera but this is philodendron jerry horn i believe it is said to be a hybrid of philodendron by penitolium and philadelphia datum i hope i've got that right i really can't remember they obviously change shape as they grow i've propagated from this so some of the new growth kind of goes funky and then it goes back to normal so that's not the best thing if you're propagating certain plants and the shape changes this would be one of them because it has a distinct shape but the shape can range anything from this to literally what it will end up looking like when it's mature and that is this and they get way longer than this by the way they saying even it i've had leaves in here that are longer than my arm it's incredible it's really quite something now again you can see from this pot i shouldn't really have to point it out there's a lot of root there this looks a bit funky even though it's an aerial route because it rooted into neighboring pots when i wasn't there to check on it so to pull this plant out today i've had to literally pull it from other pots that is absolutely fantastic now if i want to propagate from this plant i could easily cut here and there's enough aerials even up here to get that into a plant pot and to start growing with it i could then take more cuttings down here i could leave it i could put it on a pole i could do whatever i want it's really on its way now to climbing and it's looking real real hot that's the newest leaf it's a little bit fatter but it's really really beautiful and honestly these plants propagate so well i have not had failures from these plants they're very very very tough i know a few you guys have had some of these from me let me know how they did in your care personally i've had nothing but joy with these they're not the fastest growers in the world i will say that but they do propagate well and no i don't seem to get any loss it just seems to take a little bit longer for them to get going but i think once they have started going they're good they're just not necessarily super fast from the get go not like say epi permanent pinatum i would say that was actually one of the quickest ones i think that i've talked about today epi permanente is the quickest this is not as fast but again you're not going to have any issues make sure your humidity isn't super low otherwise you probably won't get aerials like these so just keep the humidity bumped a bit and you should get stuff like this occurring no problem that is ridiculous that is absolutely ridiculous and if that's how the aerials look imagine the root system below you feel me these are absolutely fantastic plants that really are and they're a bit different looking they're really really cool this is philodendron jerry horn which i believe is a hybrid of philodendron by penifolium and philodendron padata very nice plant the next plant i have to talk about as a good propagator it's kind of i mean some people would view it as not being a good propagator so i thought i'd put it in and i want to gauge everyone's thoughts now i deem them to be a reasonably good propagator however we don't have any control over it that might not make any sense it will in a moment so my next easy propagator on this list would have to be anything in the allocation or collocation variety now then i'll say one thing very quickly alocasia and colocasia colocasia propagate much faster they grow faster they're ridiculous allocation are much slower the reason that they propagate well is because they produce their own pups you actually don't have to do anything you just have to wait for pups to form now i can actually see a couple in here you won't be able to see i don't think i've got more than one but i think if i was able to get this up to the camera if you can see this here in this pot that is going to be a new little baby corm and eventually it will shoot up and produce a pop of this plant and i didn't have to do anything so in that sense it's great because you can wait for your plant to pop let it grow a little bit don't disturb it wait till it gets large enough and then remove it from the mother and then you've got a brand new plan it's established it's got roots it's great so in that respect they're absolutely fantastic the reason that they're simultaneously not fantastic is that i can't propagate this plan if i wanted to there's not really anything that i can do unless i use scientific methods should we say if you're wanting to know what this plant here is i get a lot of questions about this a lot of questions about this this is not ill i know this looks like an allocation sabrina it's an allocation sabrina reticulata which means that this weird patterning here on the leaf that's supposed to happen that's absolutely part of the plant it's not sick it doesn't need a feed that is how it grows it's an acquired taste for sure but honestly every single time this goes on camera i get questions about it that's what it is and the reason i don't offer them for sale is because i have juan and he's here and he hasn't popped for me yet he is on his way though i can see at least one pop two pup three pups i can see three in there but they just haven't quite activated yet but fingers crossed fingers crossed this year they will you know they'll produce pops but even then obviously that's not that useful so i guess if you're wanting to have a plan to pass to a friend or you want more of them in your house and you're happy to wait and you you know you're not in any good rush these are fantastic because you don't have to do anything you just let them do their thing but if you possibly want to propagate this if you're selling it or anything like that then not so great not so great i think that's why a lot of shops don't tend to stock too many alocasia i know i don't and that's because i cannot control propagation it's really really difficult so really great plants love them they're one of my favorites but not so great on the propagation front it really depends how you look at it if you look at it as not having to do anything and they propagate themselves fantastic if you look at it as doing it for sale no they're not i put it on this list just to basically gauge your opinion i would say they're easy propagators on technicality because they do it themselves but i understand in real world context that doesn't necessarily mean anything if you're wanting to sell a bit of it so it's on this list this is allocation reticulata it represents any allocation same as a lot of the other entries on this list it's still beautiful though the next plant on this list is probably going to please a lot of you because this is a very very desirable philodendron it is not the easiest heart-shaped philodendron that i've ever propagated because that's probably a gloriosum for example but it is definitely up there this these things can root in water i haven't rooted them in moss but i have no doubts about them they root just fine in lecker as well they're really really good they also ship well side note they're really good shippers but this here is a really small one it is this is philodendron splendid so this here is a hybrid of philodendron varicosem and philodendron melanocrism and on this particular specimen you can't see what's cute about it but you get these really cute velvety leaves here and what should happen not on every one of course but you get a blush of red up the back you can kind of see it i think it's coming off more in person than it is on camera but you do get a red blush on the back of the leaf when the leaf is new you absolutely get that blush it just tends to fade a little bit more it doesn't really hang around like a varric also does but honestly these are great and as it happens as it would happen i'm just looking at this now and i have propagated from this can you see this little piece here i've obviously cut the plant here and we're getting a little shoot out here now i honestly don't know when i propagated this so i cannot tell you how quickly they grow back from propagation but i can tell you that the propagations themselves root really really nicely and i don't have too many failures these can fail don't get me wrong they can certainly fail a lot more than some of the other plants in this list but it's nothing too detrimental it's it's a pass in my book so these are absolutely fantastic they are quite tough i've mentioned this before they can take a bit of a hit to be honest they can take being underwatered and when they're ward again they do plump back up really well so they're a very very nice plan to have again very very desirable i think they've been desirable i think since i started trading actually they've always been something that people really really enjoy and i get it i have one of these at home i'm growing up a pole the pool's about two meters tall it's looking absolutely beautiful but it's just a beautiful plant and i'm here to tell you that it does propagate well so if you want to get it you're safe the aerials on these ones i will say this the aerials on these plants are not as forthcoming as other plants as other climbers so for example the philodendron jerry horn i showed you earlier or the philodendron dark lord they do grow better they root quicker you get better aerials these you kind of don't i have baby ones on these but it's nothing it's nothing amazing so a little bit harder to do but they are a solid choice for a propagator so for that reason i do love them they're absolutely stunning plants oh they're so pretty and they just feel amazing one last look before we move on there you go that is just oh it's so pretty there you go how beautiful is that oh such a pretty plant right i think we're on the second to last plant now and there is a little note on this previously i have shown you plants and i have said this applies to all types this next plant does not and this is just based on my experience i find this type of plant a little bit of a to root and propagate i'm not gonna lie to you and i have a lot of these i have a lot of these so the next plant i have to show you is this variegated a medium i can't remember exactly which variety this is i might have found out and put it on the screen for you i might not my apologies if i have not so these plants run they run like no tomorrow they run as fast as if you're missing a bus they seriously run a lot now you might think great easy propagators no what i've found is because i propagate and sell monstera oblique that runs a lot as well now i can get those runners going quite quickly with these honestly it's a different ball game these take a lot to get going and i find that you will get a leaf you will get quite a large piece of runner and then you'll get a leaf they seem to be very very hard to manipulate and generally keep happy i would say now this variety i've had way more success with i do have a medium medium blue and green i have some propagating just down there actually i've had much less success with those because whenever i'm trying to propagate them and grow you know three leaf foliage to sell i can't do it because the plants keep running repeatedly i have so many runners just draped down my aisles it's not even funny this plant here however has been noticeably better funny i say that this plant here i do believe is producing a runner right there if i just take my finger away and show you on the background here that is producing another runner this is basically what you get with these you get foliage you get some runner you get a little bit of foliage you'll get some runner you'll get some foliage i think if you are going to grow this and you're not going to propagate it i do recommend growing it up a pool and honestly wrapping the runners around the pool because i think you'll get a fuller plan out of it i've definitely started to do that with mine at home i do have the blue and the green at home on a pole and i've mixed them together to create a really beautiful little plant that's taken ages to grow they're not ideal this one is better and i guess if you have an affinity for runners that aren't oblique runners because these are definitely different then it might be easy for you so i wanted to mention it again this specific variety here seems to be fine i don't have issues with it but the others like the blue and the green i do let me see if i can very quickly grab for you a at least one of them a blue and a green because i do have a lot of them propagating um let's have a look there's one here i've got one plant that isn't basically stuck to the rest what's happened is i've taken propagations and they've started running along the pots of liquor and now they're rooting into the lecker so now i can't even pull a plant out all i have to show you here really is this baby blue which is absolutely adorable by the way this is a medium medium silver or blue it goes by different things i think what have i got on this little tag this was on the 10th of april i did this and it's it's not done fantastically obviously it's growing cute awesome but it's not super quick the white variegated one however much faster it's it's like night and day so the last plant i have to tell you about today i actually cannot show you because i don't think i have any at eye level that i can actually grab it's a bit of a nightmare i think i might be able to see one over here give me two minutes oh wow oh okay so this is really gonna illustrate my point of how easy these are to propagate guys so this here seriously this here is my last plant on my list can you see the size of this thing can you see the roots by the way can we have a conversation about this i think this needs talked about look at the roots look at the roots coming out i'm going to have to cut this out of the pot because it's ridiculous and when i squeeze this part it is absolutely solid it grows so quickly i cannot get them out the door quick enough if there is a top propagator on this list even though i'm not doing it in order it would be this one this is philodendron parasol verde honestly what is going on with this plant the aerial roots have literally rooted down here i'll try and show you the roots here the best i can they've rooted off the plant and down here and joined others this is a huge root mass that's coming out the bottom of the plant there's some more aerials here this route here i've just had to pull out of a poor defenseless i think it was synchronium elbow that it just routed straight into it's ridiculous and it's showing no signs of stopping absolutely insane plant like what you won't be able to see this at all and it's me tipping it's not going to do anything but i can see the roots basically just popping up from all of the lekker on the top it's ridiculous and you might be thinking okay well she's just shown us like you know the most rooted i haven't i know you guys have seen these on my videos here and there over the past few months i think on repots on i think when i patched up the wall there's been different individual plants of this plant shown and every single one is like this it's not even funny if you want something let me tell you that grows quickly roots quickly climbs quickly basically just aggressive just pure aggression get this boy he's absolutely ridiculous here he is here he has his new foliage coming out oh we've got some modeling back that's good i don't know if you can tell new leaf is ah let me try and grab it you can see some modeling coming through on this leaf i had a couple of leaves are a bit greener they're not fully green they do have modeling on them don't know if you can tell but it's definitely getting a little bit better now which is nice because i think i've moved it to a shadier spot i'll let you know how that goes but yeah i need to talk about this because this is ridiculous this is the number one plant on my list if you want to propagate away this is your boy forget variegated monstera forget dark lord forget jerry horn it doesn't matter just this one this is the best it's better than glory awesome it's better than everything i don't think i'll find a propagator quite like this one that is insane i can't even sell that now because it's too big to go in a box i'm gonna have to chop it down or maybe i can put it on the wall what do you think back here nice boy right there he would look quite good maybe we'll wall him watch this space let's see what happens i'll put him down because he's actually a bit ridiculous there we go my hair is nearly completely flat and that was 10 rare plants that propagate well as i say there was maybe one or two curve balls thrown in there's maybe one or two that you could really argue either way about whether they propagate obviously my experience means that i lean towards a certain opinion when talking about these plants so you might have different experience and a different opinion if you have any plants that you think are absolutely fantastic to propagate maybe you've got some curveballs maybe you have plants that you think are absolutely easy and you've had no problems meanwhile everyone else is struggling please write them down below because i'm very curious and i would like to have a good read meanwhile if you like this video please leave a like down below it lets me know i'm doing a good job and it helps out the good old algorithm however on earth that even works and if you'd like to see any more of my content whether it be videos on the living wall videos on my shop videos on root rot informational stuff halls i've got it all please consider subscribing and i will see you in the next video next week thank you for watching it's been an absolute pleasure i will see you next time bye guys
Channel: Kaylee Ellen
Views: 68,894
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Keywords: kaylee ellen, kaylee ellen plants, rare plants, rare houseplants, plants that propagate well, houseplants easy to propagate, easy houseplants, easy rare houseplants, monstera aurea, syngonium albo, variegated adansonii prices, philodendron paraiso verde, philodendron gloriosum propagation, propagate syngonium, pink houseplants
Id: yzJUQsY2raw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 3sec (2043 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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