Top 10 Creepiest Video Game Easter Eggs!

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That thing that jumps out of the water and eats you in Resident Evil would've scared the shit out of me.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/beantrouser 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2016 🗫︎ replies

I have fond memories of seeing people freak out over the Kanye game easter egg in this subreddit.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/BrutalAudino 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2016 🗫︎ replies

Great video a lot of these I never heard of but I remember discovering the evil 4 Easter egg too when I was in grade 5 and remember being terrified

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/zacmac77 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2016 🗫︎ replies

Always love this guys videos. He does some great stuff!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/mykeuk 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2016 🗫︎ replies

Although I knew most of these, I'm really glad this video wasn't full of the usual ones you'd expect. Finally, a "creepy" east egg video that actually taught me some I didn't know.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/LunaTheWitch 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2016 🗫︎ replies

Hey in your video "Secret Video Game Rant" at roughly 3:42 there is a recording software on your T.V., I was curious what that software was I was looking to pick up something better than Fraps for recording with.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/windygeko 📅︎︎ Aug 04 2016 🗫︎ replies

Upvote for making me lol when I heard there was a game Kanye Quest

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2016 🗫︎ replies
- [Host] Warning, the following video contains scenes of a creepy nature that may be home to the occasional jump scare as we cover the Top 10 Creepiest Video Game Easter Eggs. (eerie tone) In episode one, level 16, Dodgy Doors at Boo Mansion, head around the back of the property where three movable blocks rest. By waiting here for a total of five minutes, ghostly hand prints appear on the brickwork. It is not known whose these belong to, but it would appear that they never made it out and died here as a result of not being able to reach the block above in order to exit the level. In similar creepy occurrences, Sinister Street Signs is also home to a creepy setting. By activating the P Switch and standing next to the heavily barred window for another five minutes, a ghost will drift out and upwards and evaporating into thin air. Then why not rest for another five minutes at the front of the train in episode three, level 17, where a ghostly figure will haunt you underneath the train tracks. (whooshing) (eerie tone) When you reach the vast, open, eerie lake in Resident Evil 4 chapter one, part three, Leon must walk down to the jetty and hop onto a small motorboat and cruise outward for an encounter with the lake's monster. (monster roaring) But instead, just walk to the end of the jetty, take a moment to listen to the wind rushing by you, which is enough to give you the chills, listen to the crows crowing and fish jumping out of the water. It almost seems too calm, so why not unload a few rounds into the murky waters to stir things up a bit? (gun firing) (clicking) (gun firing) (monster roaring) (somber music) (eerie tone) Silent Hill 4 follows Henry who constantly awakens from what appear to be nightmares where he visits creepy worlds filled with deadly and ghoulish creatures that are accessible via a large, gaping hole found in his bathroom. Each time he arrives back in his apartment, visit the small hole in the lounge which allows you to spy on his neighbor Eileen Galvin where you can also see a Robbie the Rabbit bear slumped on the end of her bed. When Eileen goes to hospital, take one last look through the crack and this time Robbie will be staring straight back at you, pointing and knowing you were there all along. (creepy music) (eerie tone) If you have played games within the Harvest Moon series before, then you may very well have come into contact with the mysterious green creature known as a kappa and often spotted in lakes, rivers, and generally bodies of water. In Harvest Moon: Animal Parade, if you visit Harmonica Town, only when it is raining, and look into the cave from the bridge close to the mayor's office using a camera, you will see a kappa loitering in the distance, almost as if it's waiting for something. To many this may not seem so creepy, but in Japanese folklore it is said kappa are incredibly strong and that they are likely to attack horses, humans, including children, and drag them into the water and drown them, where they can feast upon their blood and flesh. (creepy music) (eerie tone) After activating the sub mission in Dying Light known as Rupert the Gunsmith featured in the Old Town, locate his apartment and enter. Here, you can find what appears to be a kid's playgroup known as the Magic Fortress. As you walk inside, there are many toys strewn across the floor and a pink teddy bear that rests on three beanbags in the background that can also be turned on. (creaking) - [Teddy Bear] I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I said I love you. Leave me alone. Don't touch me. You asked for it. (booming) (yelping) (eerie tone) - [Host] I could not decide whether this next easter egg should even feature on the list, simply because it's actually really awesome, very creative, but at the same time reflects upon the hellish beast and demonic creature known as the Cyberdemon found in Doom 2016. So what is it? Well, by taking Mike Gordon's wizardry music creation the Cyberdemon and popping it into a program such as Audition, which I am using here, and by checking out the track spectrogram by hitting shift and D, you can take a look at the visual display and frequencies, where hiding within it you'll find the track has been dishing out pentagrams and the number 666 all along. (eerie music) (eerie tone) By blasting both arms off every single mannequin, or in this case I, Robot-type AI beings that are positioned around the Nuketown map in Black Ops 3 during a multiplayer battle in under two minutes from the off, you will initiate a very creepy easter egg that will bring every mannequin to life as, while you have your back turned on them, they will creep up on you in large numbers and very, very quickly. And unless you turn around to face them where they will freeze like stone statues like the Weeping Angels from the Doctor Who episodes, then they will quickly kill you within a split second. (grunting) (eerie tone) Within the Mojave Desert stage in Atari Games' 1998 racing title California Speed, you will more than likely race past the second set of pumps and completely missing the sign that lurks behind them. It is very obscured, plus the white board tends to blend in with the sky and the black text that is written upon it is completely unreadable as you rush on by. But if you take some time out from racing and slowly approach the large billboard by placing your vehicle on the siding and edge your way ever closer, then you might actually be shocked to see what is written upon it. "Sometimes, God takes mommies and puppies away. "And sometimes, just sometimes... "I do." It is said that the billboard was just a temporary placeholder for what would've been something else, however the development team forgot to add that in the end and instead we're left with this creepy and unnerving message. (creepy music) (eerie tone) Yume Nikki is an adventure and psychological horror created by a solo artist using RPG Maker 2003. It follows a main female lead as she explores 12 separate doors within her dreams that lead to strange, interconnecting worlds. (warbling) By traveling to what is known as the Snow World, you're able to travel to the Pink Sea and to Poniko's house. Within her house you can trigger a rather creepy event whereby turning off the light switch there is a one-in-64 chance that a strange figure named the Uboa will arrive. If the Uboa doesn't arrive, then just keep exiting the house and trying the light again. (creepy music) (intense music) By touching the Uboa with the particularly frightful expression on its face, you'll be transported to an endless looping area filled with while liquid and another strange creature dominating the skyline that appears to be vomiting blood. (liquid sloshing) (eerie music) (eerie tone) Kanye Quest 3030 is a fan-made title based on Kanye West. It came out in 2013 and sparked much interest and simply follows Kanye, who plunges into a wormhole and ends up battling other famous rappers. Then, two years, all is quiet and then someone discovers a posting on Pastebin where a gamer describes their playthrough of the title. You see, in the first area of the game, you can feast your eyes upon a trashed based info system in an abandoned building that displays a clearly broken message but which is not completely unreadable as it can be read as, "Ascend and worship the BasedGod," and actually numerous characters speak of the BasedGod but generally you will ignore this and continue the game. However, on the street you can speak to a Task Force Member and she will ask, "What do you want to do?" at this point, I expect most people will put anything and there are endless possibilities but the user on Pastebin decided to type in the word ascend. And what happened next will probably shock you as you are taken to an area what the Pastebin user described as, "An alternative reality game," where you are greeted by the following message: "Congratulations, you have proven yourself "to be an open-minded and curious thinker. "We must apologize for deceiving you, "but we can reveal that the game you were playing "until this point was a front constructed "to protect what you are currently accessing. "We must ask that you do not reveal this area to the public. "If you believe you may be prone to revealing information, "or do not wish to participate, "please close this program immediately by pressing ALT-F4 "or selecting the NO option when it appears. "By selecting the YES option, "you agree to participate and not reveal information. "Would you like to participate?" Say yes and then you will be told, "The following is a thought exercise "designed to help teach you something beneficial. "By undertaking this exercise, "you will hopefully be affected in a positive way. "Due to the nature of this exercise, "this something cannot be revealed immediately. "This exercise may or may not "be restricted to this software. "It is important to remember that the purpose "of this exercise is to benefit you. "You will not be timed. "We cannot provide any more information, "except that we wish you good luck! "You may begin now. "Welcome to your ascension." At this point you can hop onto many computers, all numbered with Roman numerals, that require separate passwords. Long story short, the user decided to mine the game to discover the passwords which, as you work your way up through the pyramid-shaped level that ever darkens in you butterfly state, you are transported to one last room which is completely white and home to one last terminal that congratulates you on ascending and then asks if you if you would like to ascend further by popping in your name and address and then would say, "Enjoy the next two weeks and await instruction." The information you give, according to numerous sources, was never sent anywhere and it seems to be a complete hoax, though others claim this was indeed used as a recruitment tool for a real cult. Or, perhaps, this was just a great way to bring attention to the game. And if that is the case, then this is a pretty awesome secret and idea, but, then again, it's all rather creepy. (eerie music) (whooshing) (rain pattering)
Channel: The Easter Egg Hunter
Views: 4,780,723
Rating: 4.7570686 out of 5
Keywords: top 10 creepiest video game easter eggs, top 10 creepy video game easter eggs, top 10 scary video game easter eggs, the easter egg hunter top 10 creepiest video game easter eggs, creepiest video game easter eggs, creepy video game easter eggs, scary video game easter eggs, the easter egg hunter creepy easter eggs, top 10 easter eggs, top 10, best video game easter eggs, gaming, chipsturs
Id: WLHVdjfHtH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2016
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