Top 10 ChatGPT Plugins You Can't Miss

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I downloaded and tested over 75 chat GPT plugins and I want to share with you my top 10 favorite plugins that I'll think you'll find most useful now if you don't know what channel GPT plugins are basically if you have a chat GPT Plus account the paid version of the Plus accounts and if you go to chat gpt4 you will see a whole world of plugins available so these are basically these little apps that you could activate and there's a whole App Store basically the plug-in store where you could download these this is where I downloaded a whole bunch I installed uninstalled tested and I'll show you some of the favorite ones and if you have the Plus Account if you go to the settings over here and go to the settings tab and go to Beta there's a plugins option and you might also have one for web browsing those are rolling out right now but if you don't have this you'll probably get it in the next few days the first one is called Speech guide this is basically a text converter and it turns text into audio that you could actually download and it has an audio player page too that you could embed on different websites and social apps let me show you exactly how this works once you press install on any apps that appear over here but you could only have three of them enabled at any given time so some of these you have to actually deactivate to reactivate another one so I'm going to reactivate speechguy here and the way this works is you could say turn this in to an audio file and then give it some text and then press enter and you don't have to activate that plugin it's going to know in order to turn this into audio it needs to activate that plug-in so you can see it just kicked on display plugin on its own so Chad GPT knows this information and knows what plugin is going to come in handy for a task that you give it and look at this audio ready click here to listen it's going to make the URL for me and this is free but it requires you to make an account on this website so if you click it it might ask you to create an account now if you created one all you have to do is download over here or press play I'll show you what it sounds like the easiest way to convert text to ready to use audio right so I could download it here and this is basically the exact text I gave it and I've tested out a lot longer text my own scripts and it does a pretty good job now the second one on the list is called Copart and this one basically searches the internet for the best deals and finds you coupon let's say I'm trying to get a new domain from GoDaddy for my new website I could say find me a coupon and then type in whatever website whatever service whatever product and then press enter again as long as that plugin is activated it's going to know that it needs to trigger that plug-in and then it will find me a coupon code and it looks like you found one for me and he says here's an offer and he's going to give me a bunch of different coupon codes that I could use and it's going to give me a link to the website and I actually went through the checkout of GoDaddy and it did work one of these coupon codes actually saved me some money now the third one if you go to the plug-in store and go to the most popular this one Wolfram is the most popular plug-in now the reason is this actually gives you access to all kinds of real-time data so there's a weather app for example with this you don't need it it's going to have access to weather it's going to be able to do more computation more difficult math problems so this one should be one of the first ones you install there is a reason why it's the most popular and once you get internet browsing I think this is going to become not as useful but it's still one of those plugins that I always have activated as soon as I got access to plugins and it does kick in from time to time without you even realizing you're asking a question with this could actually help you because again some of the data is only accessible through this plugin next on the list is edx so if you hover over it you can see find courses and content from leading University to expand your knowledge so if I select this it would actually try to find information that are just not going to be accessible so in this case I asked what's the leading Physics course from a top university and then he actually kicked in that plugin for me here are top physics courses from leading University and then it's going to give you a quick recap it's going to give you the link to that course you could go to that link you could enroll really really interesting to really take your knowledge to the next level edx is this plugin this next one is called one word domain so you know sometimes you come up with a business idea or you want to find a domain name but then you'll have to leave this platform and then go to a different platforms to search it this one actually could search domain names and compare the prices across different Registries so I did an example for GoDaddy but maybe I want this from Google domain this is going to do that so let me show you how it works all you have to do is say is the domain and then type in the domain is it available and it's going to search and then it's going to say if it's available or not available and then it's going to give you the details where you could click over to see so you could use this to find you different names so I use Channel PT to come up with business names with a prompt and then I'll ask it hey are those names available with if not are they available with a DOT Ai and things like that and then it will help me do my search much much faster I wasted way too much time trying to come up with a business name before this domain name finder plugin was available next on the list is is from tasty so you may have seen tasty videos before they're huge on social media platforms but now they have a recipe plug-in so discover recipe ideas meal plans and cooking tips from millions of users that use tasty so this is really interesting because now I don't just have the database that chat GPT has now have Tasty's recipe based too and I asked it to find me a recipe on meatball and by default it actually does answer things like this but now when you have that plug-in activated right here the tasty plug-in is going to find it from those tasty recipe database so that is sometimes more useful than the ones that it has information on pulling next on the list is called Web pilot and this one basically allows you to browse and generate articles from a link so let me show you how this works I'm gonna take this Wikipedia link and I'm gonna tell chat GPT to write me an article write me an article and you could see this one again activated the plug-in web pilot and it's going to pull in all the information and assemble an article so this could save you a ton of time and as usual it activated the plugin that would do the task and then it's going to take everything from that Wikipedia page and write me a really nicely formatted article so I could use this to teach I could use it again for my website really simple way to generate articles so this should save you a ton of time the next one on the list is Vox script and this one enables searching for YouTube transcripts financial data resources Google search results let me show you this one is very powerful I'll go ahead and activate this plugin and then I'm going to say give me the transcript for this video let me go to my YouTube channel I'll take this video here I'll click on it and I'll copy the link from up here and then I'm going to say give me the transcript for this video I'm going to press enter and it's putting the transcript into this box here but I could go ahead and copy this transcript and then I could also give it a follow-up like now turn this transcript into a summary for me and then it will do just that so this is a really really useful plugin if you consume a lot of YouTube content and you're trying to really do a quick summary of each one this will actually have access to that link on YouTube so it could actually do this for you very quickly next is the most powerful plugin for pretty much any platform chat GPT now has it too it's called zapier and it basically zapier is an app that connects apps that's the only purpose of zapier so it connects basically things like Google Sheets to your email or Salesforce to something else it takes two apps connects them together now is integrated inside of chat GPT but because it's far too advanced I'm not going to cover it in this video but I'll make you a follow-up video on how to use it this basically opens up Channel PT to be anything you want that's what zapier does I use it all the time to connect different softwares from different companies that usually wouldn't know how to talk to each other so I'll do this on a follow-up but take a look look at zapier when you get a chance and if you go to the most popular tab I'm gonna put these in the same bucket but kayak and Expedia are two that basically do a really good job searching for the best deals for you so if I activate one of those they can't be activated at the same time because it needs to search one over the other so this time I'll do Expedia so I'm gonna ask it find me the best deal on a hotel in Chicago give it the date give it how many people are staying there I could give it how many star of a hotel maybe three-star four-star hotel but then it's just gonna do the search for you so it becomes your personal assistant this time you actually gave me a follow-up question so I'm going to give it the answer to a follow-up so it could do a more refined search and then what it does because it's from Expedia it searches Expedia for the best deals and it gives it to you in really easy to follow links here where you could book it it's not going to book it for you but it does give you all the information like price rating if it has breakfast right very useful and I'll show you this one here diagram it basically creates an edit diagram directly into chat so I asked to create me a diagram for the evolution of AI it used this plugin and created this really nice visual diagram for me that I could actually make edits to online if I want and then it's going to give it to me in a brief overview too but this visual representation of AI for example is really really useful and I could do this with pretty much anything that needs some sort of diagram to make it easier to comprehend great teaching tool great comprehension tool as well and I'm also in the process of putting together the most comprehensive Netflix style learning platform for learning the latest AI tools with complete tutorials complete courses from multiple instructors and that should be rolling out very soon so make sure you sign up for the wait list and I'll let you know as soon as it's ready the goal with this platform is just to make you a lot more efficient at work and your personal life with AI and it's going to be constantly updated ad free sign up and I'll let you know very very soon thanks so much for watching this video and I'll see you next time
Channel: Howfinity
Views: 308,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Top 10 ChatGPT Plugins You Can't Miss, ChatGPT Plugins, howfinity, how to, tutorial, youtube, Chat gpt plugins, chat gpt, artificial intelligence, chatgpt tutorial, ai tools, gpt 4, how to use chatgpt plugins, chatgpt chrome extensions, chatgpt chrome extension, best chrome extensions, best chatgpt chrome extensions, chatgpt prompts, open ai, Chat gpt 4
Id: o2M_paJf48I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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