Top 5 ChatGPT Chrome Extensions to Maximize Your Productivity

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- Hey, it's Aurelius. Welcome back to the channel. In this video, you're going to learn five super useful ChatGPT Chrome extensions that'll help enhance your use of ChatGPT making you more productive. First of all, to use these extensions, make sure you have an OpenAI account, which is free. Simply go to, and then you can sign up for free. All right, so the first ChatGPT extension you're really gonna love is called Promptheus, and what you can do is use your voice to talk to ChatGPT. So it's gonna enable your microphone, and you can talk as natural as you want to basically enter those prompts. So simply instal the extension, and then head to ChatGPT, and you'll notice this new prompt, it says hold spacebar to talk. So let's hold it, and we'll test it out. List five facts about artificial intelligence. And as you can see, it is now listing five facts about artificial intelligence, and I didn't need to type a single word. As simple as this extension is, it's gonna make you a whole lot more productive by enabling voice. Next up, there's a really handy tool that's called ChatGPT Sidebar, and as the name suggests, you know, you can have ChatGPT enabled on your sidebar anywhere on the web. So here's an example. Wherever you are on the web, let's say on Google Docs, you'll see your ChatGPT sidebar right there in the corner. Click once, or use a shortcut, and then you can enter the prompt right away. Or you can choose from one of these prompts right here. So you can summarise something, you can get similar pages, check the grammar, explain things, rewrite something, perhaps even translate, Q and A, or create your own template. Let's say you want related links to this specific article here by Nicholas Cole. It's called "Why the Best Business Model Doesn't Always Win." So let's say you wanna learn more about that subject. Head over to the ChatGPT sidebar, go here, and then we are going to go Similar Pages. Now you've got a list of related articles you could read and expand your knowledge on. And again, this was all done within the same page. While you're working, if you wanna check your grammar, let's say this right here, simply copy, and then we're gonna check the grammar of this. Click submit. And now as you can see, it's corrected it for me. All I need to do is copy and paste this over back to my Google Docs, and I don't have to worry about grammar that way. Moving on, we've got another handy one, and this one will summarise any YouTube video on the web. After you've installed the extension, head to YouTube, and go to the video that you want a summary of. In this case, I've got "Why We Sleep" by Matthew Walker. This is a Google talk. And what you'll see, and notice is this new extension called Transcript and Summary, so we'll click that once, and you need to be logged into your OpenAI account, and then you'll see this View AI Summary, and click that once. That'll take you to ChatGPT, add those captions, and then now, it is giving you a summary of what this video is about. So with a few clicks of your mouse button, you can get a summary of any YouTube video. Next one, this one's really useful. It's called ChatGPT for Search Engines. So what it'll do is it'll enable ChatGPT while you're searching, so let's say on Google or on Bing. Let's say you're on Google, and you're searching for what is AI, you wanna learn more about it, you'll get your usual Google results as you know. And on the right, this is where the enhancement is from ChatGPT for Search Engines. You'll see a summary in its words, you know, what it is, what AI is, and you can see it's pretty handy as opposed to going into, let's say, Wikipedia or some other website and having to read through it. This gives you a good little summary of what it is based on your query. All right, this next one is going to take ChatGPT to the next level with this extension right here. It's called Superpower ChatGPT. Simply put, it's going to enhance ChatGPT and unlock a whole bunch of new options and features, as you can see. To highlight a few of those options and features, I'll head to my ChatGPT interface. And here's five facts about artificial intelligence, and the enhancement right here is the number of words and characters. Another handy little feature is the continue button so that way you don't have to go in here and type in continue. Instead, what you do is click once, and that'll continue on with these fun facts about AI. You'll also see this menu right here where you can rewrite, paraphrase, explain, clarify, expand, summarise, and you can even add more options right here too. You can export your chat by going here, and you can select one of these options. In addition, it adds this prompt library where you've got a library of prompts that you could use, and this is all curated by the GPT community. You can search by prompt title, prompt text, or author name and scroll and browse through some of these prompts to give you some ideas. And a couple of other notable options including being able to close and open the sidebar. So giving you more space and focus, as well as being able to sync all your chat prompts and everything, so it syncs locally on your computer. All right, and there you go. Five useful ChatGPT Chrome extensions for you to try today for your productivity. Let me know in the comments which of these you'll be installing or giving a try. I'd love to know. In the meantime, if you enjoyed and wanna see more videos like this, do give this video a thumbs up. Thanks so much for watching, and I'll see you in the next one. (soft music)
Channel: Aurelius Tjin
Views: 78,929
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Keywords: chrome extensions for chatgpt, chatgpt chrome extensions, chat gpt chrome extension, chatgpt chrome extension, best chrome extensions, best chrome extensions for chatgpt, best chatgpt chrome extensions, chat gpt extension, chrome extensions for chat gpt, best chatgpt extensions, ai tools, chat gpt extension chrome, ai chrome extension, best chrome extensions for productivity, chatgpt google chrome extension, chat gpt google chrome extension, chat gpt expansions
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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