ChatGPT Zapier Plugin Tutorial - Most Powerful ChatGPT Plugin

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zapier is the most powerful plugin for chat GPT basically zapier is an app that connects other apps over 5900 different apps you could connect them together apps that will not be able to talk to each other at all and now you could automate all kinds of different things using zapier inside of chat GPT I'm going to show you a very practical step-by-step process of using the zapier plugin and using AI to automate a sequence of tasks and if you've never really found a good use case for chat GPT for your day-to-day this is really going to change that with the zapier plugin okay let's jump into chatgpt here I want to show you how to activate the zapier plugin first if you go to the settings menu over here and go over to settings and beta there's going to be an option on their beta for plugins so this needs to be turned on this though is only available in the plus version of chatgpt basically the paid version of chat GPT so you will have to upgrade your account if you want to use zapier then all you have to do is come up here go to gpt4 and then make sure you go to the plugin Tab and then click this drop down yours is not going to have any here so go all the way down to the plugin store and just search for the zapier plugin and then just press install so once it's installed you could uninstall it but do that first the one other thing I want you to do if you want to follow along there's this other one called video insights it's one of my favorite options I'm going to show you with my use case how I combine these but install this one as well you don't have to do this step but this will let you follow along with the rest of this video and then to activate them you just have to press this drop down here and make sure the check mark next to zapier and video Insight is on so right now you could only have three enabled three different plugins there's hundreds and hundreds but right now I'm just going to have zapierre I'm gonna have video insights turned on now the next thing I recommend is is if you press the three dots over here and go to settings you also probably need to turn on two-factor authentication so make sure you enable this as well because when you connect this to zapier it will require that that's on the chat GPT account but it does require typically the two factors so turn that on so now the very first thing I'm going to do is instead of chat GPT with the plugins activated I'm going to make sure they're activated I have zapier and video Insight the very first thing I'm going to ask is this prompt I'm going to say give me a link for making a zap because we want to set up the zap through the open AI through the chat GPT setup if you go to the zapier website it's actually a whole different layout so we need to do this and get this link first so let me click this link right here now if you don't have a zapier account it's going to bring you to this page so create yourself a zapier account they have some free credits available at some point you're gonna run out and you're gonna have to upgrade your account but right now you could start for free so sign up here so I could show you the next step now then if you click the link in chat GPT again it's going to bring you to this page so I recommend you go back click the link and then come over here to set up one of these actions you have to set these up before we could get started so this again is going to look different if you've ever used zapier that's not what zapier looks like this is basically the open AI setup for chat GPT to work with zapier through that plugin so make sure you see something that looks like this and you're probably only going to see something that says incomplete action these are the couple that I'm setting up right now but all you have to do is press add a new action over here and inside of new action type in anything that you want to accomplish through this here basically what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to take something I'm going to create inside a chat GPT put it inside of Google docs so it's saved in my Google Docs account automatically and then automatically posted on a Blog website so I'm gonna do all those steps you using this automation so I'm just going to say create a Google Docs account from text that's my very first step the second step is going to take a different zap that will take that document and create a post for me so in order to do that it's going to say Google doc account you need to link your Google account here so connect a new accounts is going to pop up it's going to basically give you this to connect it I've already connected my accounts and then document name document content I'm gonna for both of those say have a I guess the value for written content it's going to do a good job here and there's some more options here that I'm just going to leave by default but you could read about these these are all optional then all you have to do is enable this action here so it's activated let me just delete this one because I just did that couple times so as long as one of these is turned on mine is create a document from text the text is going to be generated by Chan GPT okay so this is turned on let's go back to chat GPT now that this is set up let me give it my second prompt and this one try to kind of copy and paste from the description below and I'll kind of break it down for you I said write a 500 word blog post SEO friendly blog post use headings and subheadings format it for readability and keep it at 8th grade reading level don't use promotional language and I pasted a link to a video that I created so all I did was I went to my YouTube channel copied and pasted a video about the top 10 chat GPT plugins I pasted that here now you don't have to paste any type of video obviously you could just say write me a SEO friendly blog post give it a topic and it's going to do that for you but I prefer to use my own transcript from my own video and then the most important part then create a zap and copy the content into my Google Docs once they're in my Google Docs I could then create lots of different zaps to send them anywhere I want and now I have access to them outside of chat gpt2 for proofreading and things like that so let me go ahead and send this message then I'll show you exactly what happens again make sure the video insights is used if you're using some kind of video URL and zapier is turned on and you already set up the first action I showed you if you didn't set it up it's going to basically create zaps that don't really work very well and they're gonna give you kind of confusing messages so if you're following this order you should be where I'm at right now so first thing that happened is video Insight got used here and it basically wrote me a blog post and it did a nice job with giving them a very SEO friendly title and he broke it down for a really easy way to read it because it's going to copy and paste it into my Google Docs that way now here it's going to say let's create a zap and copy the content into Google Docs again we had to do that first step otherwise it's going to give you confusing messages here if you didn't set up that zapier action I showed you this one basically on the open AI side let me go back okay now you tried it a few times and he did it finally but it wasn't able to put put the whole text inside of Google docs so sometimes that is a little bit of limitation in my use case so I might have to do smaller chunks but it created the first blog post inside of Google docs so I need to actually say okay so if I click the action option it's going to bring me to this page it says confirm and run the action so it still requires a little bit of a manual process here to press OK for it to do that but once it's set up I'm going to show you what why it's a lot more powerful than just this first option because now that is outside of chat GPT I could do so much more than what I could do with it inside of chat GPT if I press run over here it's going to run that action I'm going to get this confirmation so let me go back to my Google Docs and I'll refresh this page and right here the top chat GPT plugin just appeared over here I've done it before the last time I did it actually copied and paste the whole blog this one actually had a little bit of trouble but it's in beta so hopefully that's going to get fixed very soon so every time you review the action you press ok now here's where the power really comes into play so let me show you this now I'm going to ask for another zap and I'm going to say create a zap to take that Google doc that we just created and turn it into a tumblr post and publish it now this is going to use zap again so every time you say create a zap it's going to create one now this one's going to look a little bit different because that wasn't my initial setup as an action so I'll show you how to set this up this is actually the traditional way that you use zapier so I'll show you the next step but now you could do a thousand different things with the Google Docs that we just created from chat GPT input so here's the step by step of what's going to happen zapier is going to create this trigger every time a new Google doc is created which is what I just did then it will create a new post on Tumblr or it could be medium or any blog website that you want to post to using the content from the Google Docs so you could do this imagine with any type of content website that is text based I'm going to click this link so now this is what typical zapier looks like basically the trigger is what causes an action I showed you that already the action was when a Google doc is created so that is the very first trigger then the action is it's going to create a new post to Tumblr and it's going to publish that post okay you could have just said publish that I like these couple of different steps here I got a little bit more control but now if I click the drop down you have to make sure everything gets this green check mark so the app or events that's where the trigger takes place that's Google doc we already set that up so every time a new document is created okay continue then what I need to do is I need to connect my Google Docs accounts if I haven't already so I've already connected that you probably have already from the last step but if it doesn't remember the zapier account just go ahead and change this and connect your Google account continue and then it's going to do a test I recommend you always do the test to make sure it's working before you go to the next step then just gonna pull up some of the documents that you have in that Google Docs account in that Google accounts so this is the one I just kind of copied and paste so I'm gonna continue with the set record but you'll have multiple ones if you add a new one you could press find new one okay then it's going to bring me to step two again the app that I want to activate is Tumblr again if you want to change that you could change that for example if you want to write this to medium here you could do that you could basically do anything that is text based then I'm going to basically say create a text post press continue there and I already connected my Tumblr account so every time it asks you for a connection to an account you need to set that up because it has to take action on your account so you have to give it access and I'm going to press continue and remember they worked with 5900 different apps so pretty much any app you could imagine I could have sent it to slack or Gmail or lots of different things to do there now they're action so the block here is basically the blog I have on Tumblr if you don't have one you need to create one if you don't have it anywhere you need to create one so you could write to it again you could just use this for the very first step I showed you to just get this to automate the writing of Chan GPT to be inside of your Google Docs the title is going to scan the document and it's going to know the title so the title was the top 10 chat GPT plugins so I'm going to assign that as a title so he knows what to write then you have the body so you can search for body here the body showed up as content right here for me so I could go ahead and select this you could always make sure in the first step you assign it what the body and the titles are so it knows that information and just doesn't show up like this sometimes it will just tell you it's body and everything else is optional so I could leave everything else as is and press continue and this is basically what it's going to look like so it's going to basically give it the body over here and it's going to post this to Tumblr for me so I'm going to go ahead and press continue and then it's going to ask me to basically post it so just pressing post I could give it the same thing again this is a two-step process you don't have to do that you could just ask it to post directly and it will just do that step two so I'm going to choose the title and the body here and you could have many many steps to this whole zapier setup it doesn't have to be just the trigger and the action it could be five different things for example in one action fully automated and now I just have to publish if you press publish this automation now is set so every time you go through that process I just showed you it will actually trigger the blog post to go live now if I go to Tumblr it did the action for me so it wrote this blog post I'm just on their posts top 10 chat GPT plugins part one and it basically wrote it exactly from my Google doc if I go to my Google doc this is the chat GPT document that chatgpt wrote and is exactly the same document so chatgpt created the text the text went inside them on Google Docs then I created that other zap to basically turn that Google Docs into a blog post that is getting posted on Tumblr then I'm going to do the same thing to post it on medium maybe with different wording have changed GPT rewrite it then I can make tweets from it then I can make other social media posts from it maybe a script for my short format videos as well and if you want to learn all about about to type AI tools including tools like this for automation we have an entire learning platform all about AI we have well over 200 different videos we have downloadable guides that you could copy and paste thousands of prompts right now we have well over six completed courses and we're adding multiple courses every single month to learn the latest AI tools and completely Master it and we have a private Community where you could ask us questions and we share resources that we don't share anywhere else there as well I'll put a link in the description to learn more about that I hope you found this video useful I will see you next time
Channel: App Of The Day - Skill Leap AI
Views: 79,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ChatGPT Zapier Plugin Tutorial, howfinity, app of the day, iphone app, ai automation, gpt tutorials, chatgpt education, zapier chatgpt plugin, chatgpt plugins, zapier chatgpt, zapier chatgpt automation, zapier chatgpt twitter, chatgpt zapier plugin, Chatgpt zapier integration, chat gpt plugins zapier, zapier plugin
Id: wq-s2GhH2V0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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