MILKSTONE - The Binding Of Isaac: Repentance #959

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everybody it's vict near The Binding of Isa Victor  repentance series happy Thursday Mosh Pit hope   your Thursdays are going off to a great start  we're still waiting for another video to cross   3,000 likes now we're only a couple away from the  TM trainer run happening on the YouTube save file   which I'm looking forward to hopefully you all  are as well if you want to get us there faster   than not then definitely click the like button on  this video and go check out the other videos as   well it's totally free it's Les less than a second  to do it helps out my channel a great deal Here's   Your Meme of the day brought to you by East ad  4299 title throw was remember me you escaped our   fight as you can see I'm not dead yeah yeah it's  it's been a little bit since we seen the the nine   stack of monstros but maybe we'll see them today  I don't know it is a Thursday after all going into   the the early weekend here uh CJ is going to be  Charlie Bravo 4 Alpha 3 kilo x-ray x-ray we've   got uh well we got really good tiers to start off  with really good yeah really good everything I   mean our damage is slightly below what we would  consider base damage which is 3.50 and if for   those of you wondering what the whenever we're  talking about base stats We compare all of our   stats on an Eden run to the base stats of Isaac  which is just regular old Isaac so like you'll   hear me constantly say like you know oh our damage  is lower than base speed or our our our attack is   slightly lower than base attack that sort of  thing it's all compared to regular Isaac as he   is the starter character in the game and that's  basically just like the that's just the general I   cannot believe that fly got all the way past that  uh that is just the general like rule of thumb   here for whenever we're we're looking at like you  know if our stats are good or not it's it's a good   indicator of of how of of how strong you are going  to be going in the early game uh for any Eden run   uh we're also starting off with the uh with the  pinking shears which is a great starting item   because it allows us to basically just insta  dunk any any early game Boss even to the mid   game it uh it's really not a not a big deal to  deal with them um and also of course if you need   a like sort of like a like an emergency flying it  also gives you emergency flying um we got a golden   key here from that last floor or that last room  which is going to help us out if we do find any   chests we do not right but the damage of the of  the pinking shears torso cannot be understated I   mean it is it is really really really powerful I  would even consider it to be hard carry levels of   damage early on uh on any given Eden run or any  given run in general so I mean we just sit back   and we just let the damage kind of just flow  here and we just sit here and well I normally   would let monsters just kind of sit up there and  rage but unfortunately we because we have flying   but there's not enough rocks to really freeze  monstro out you know when he kind of glitches   out and kind of does like a freeze frame on his  face um that's uh that's because you're usually   flying to an a an area that is in accessible  to monstro even by way of Leaping so he just   kind of just sits there and is like I don't know  what to do get a chariot card which we could use   against the temperance with the temp Temperance  machine um or we can use it to get into a curse   room and get out of there for half price or or or  or we can do it uh fully for free if we end end   up having a full charge on the pinking shears uh  beforehand but we do not so we're not going to do that I wouldn't mind getting into the curse room  but going down to 1 HP I mean we've already we   should not have lost like that half heart of soul  Hearts Let's just be honest like the fact the fact   that this fly got passed all of our shots just by  like just a the hair of a pixel is uh is kind of   ridiculous but kind of a nothing Burger of a floor  but you know what that's okay we've got ourselves   a good start now we just got to start building  on it and that's pretty much Theo of any Eden run real quickly just because it does inevitably  come up every now and then people ask me how   come I don't speak during the breaks um whenever  like we're doing like the level transitions uh   previously it was because I don't want the the  conversations to be interrupted by ads uh but   uh now with the way that YouTube works is that  it doesn't actually it just pauses the video   so you don't have to worry about actually losing  losing out on the conversations but at the same   time it still helps me Place ads um or at least  it it sort of it's a way to game the the YouTube   ad placement system to kind of manipulate it to  go where I want it to go rather than being like   at the beginning or like during the middle of an  episode or like in the middle of like a level or   a fight or something like that um the periods of  Silence will that's basically how YouTube tries to   detect whenever the YouTuber is not speaking  and then that's the most apt time for it to   place an automatic ad um but if you know like  I do go back and like there's like usually like   30 there like without exaggeration the gosh  we just went straight to the bot we might as   well when in Rome um normally there's about any  no less than like 12 to 15 ads per video um for   like you know 40 minute plus video on YouTube  and that's obviously ridiculous um so what I   can do is I can go and try to encourage uh the  system on on where I want it to place ads but   unfortunately unfortunately um I did I really  did not want to pick up that bone heart that   kind of really screwed us here um unfortunately  it's not always it doesn't always listen to to   where you tell it to uh and the YouTube system  just places it wherever it wants to anyway so   you know if you do occasionally see an ad at the  beginning of like like a conversation or like if   we're in a middle of a fight and all of a sudden  ad plays I promise you I have nothing to do with   that um there's no way for us to to truly be  fully engaged uh in control of where the ads go   um I wish I I wish I could tell you otherwise but  that's just unfortunately how it is but obviously   again inevitably people some usually it's newer  subscribers they often ask how I how come I don't   talk during the stage transitions that's why  um it's try to try to make sure that the ads   are placed in a in a an appropriate spot on the  episode um so no one misses out on conversations   and stuff um man because I do have a lot of  people who do like to just let the ads play   out especially for those of you who are like ASMR  viewers and use these for sleep aids that sort of   stuff which is by the way shout out to the to the  ASMR Mosh Pit out there you guys and gals are the greatest I would not mind getting a soul heart  as well as humbling bundle here we're only going   to be able to get one however that's it's  okay we could bomb this uh there's a lot of   pots in there too we could bomb those to  try to get a little bit more money herin   I mean herin guarantees that we always have  a full charge on the pinking shears so sure   okay there we go that's all we want we  still have one bomb left over for next   floor we can go back and go get that Soul heart  more movement speed would be nice we did lose a   little bit of movement speed by taking fat OD  mushroom but fat on mushroom also facilitated   Us in taking abadaba dingdong as well as  empty vessel and honestly I'm down with that so Z room should be south of here and again  it's just one of those times where if you   play this game enough you know the Tails  well actually surprised that's usually like   a 90% wall right there there's also a tended  Rock in here this one right here if you want   to see the different types of tinted rocks  this is one of them um if you look at this   Sprite over here or actually no if you look at  look at this actually there's no there's this   is like a custom Sprite anyway just look  at this rock right here you'll see that   X on the left hand side that is a tinted Rock  which can do a variety of different things let gamble I use the pinking shears in here because  we this is essentially a free room uh for the   pinking shears we're going to get almost a  full charge Plus on top of that we can be   a little bit more liberal with our use of  the pinging shears thanks to the hair pin   giving us the guaranteed full charge at the  start of every single boss room is very very nice W there's another tender Rock in here here  you go yeah it's not a SP a Sprite replacement   yeah so if you look at this rock and look at  this rock they're the exact same Sprite except   this one doesn't have an X and this one does so  feel free to zoom in on the footage right now I'm   trying to readjust trying to readjust myself  in the chair lately I've been having a a real   Annoying issue where my like my tailbone has been  hurting and it's been it's because of a lot of   sitting obviously that is that that comes with the  territory of this job it's one of the downsides is   living a sedentary lifestyle of uh of sitting down  and recording and basically not moving for hours   on end it's not good it's really not good for your  body secet room should be here no no we've already   been there I already tried there I know it's not  wow that's really really strange that the secret   room is not there this is also like a 90% wall the  super secret room could also be there normally but   for it to be not there is really strange now  I have to see what wall is over on this side   it's got to be a block no it's not wow yeah that  is extremely rare that the secret room is not is   not adjacent to all those rooms that we were just  talking about um it's not it's not to the left or   right of this either wow yeah I don't I don't know  we must have we must have gotten a secret room   that's super super duper nuanced um its placement  because that's a those are two really high   percentage walls Ah that's why okay so the secret  room is probably to the right of here means it's   spawned at the end of no it's not there okay I  give up then I have no idea where the secret room   is we have to see I have to look at the entire  rest of this level before I can deduce where it is might as well fight the boss we still haven't  found our item room yet but here and again you   just see the amount of damage the chunk that we  get from the pinking shears is truly topnotch we   get another tier up which is nice Mr Dolly  gives us three HP which is even nicer and yep now I'm just kind of on a mission to find out  where the secret room is cuz I I am befuddled   it it has to be here this is literally the  last place it could be there high percentage   walls and yeah there it is so very very  odd placement um the fact that we had this   wall those other walls the one that I was  sure that it was at and it wasn't there is strange I am going to use my Chariot card here cuz  where else if we're not going to use it there   get Dead Eye which is going to be a fantastic  addition to our Arsenal here allowing us to get   a damage upgrade every single time we hit an  enemy it's just going to continue to compile   over and over again I actually do think the  super secret room is where I pointed it out   well I guess it could be there too see if  we can get this troll bomb there it's in position a little bit of backtracking here but this  would be worth it if the super secet room is here and if it's not there then  there's still a multitude of   other places it could be I am actually  going to stick with a child's drawing   because like we don't use the piging  shears all that often um that has to we don't use the Pinky Shears all that often  and I usually tend to gravitate towards saving   the charge anyway just just naturally so I  thought we're trying trying to go for guppy here know we have full HP and that is going to be  a very nice welcome addition to our damage here   with 8 in Nails uh going into a vault with going  into a vault with um humbling bundle is quite nice   and we gained two cents and lost a little bit of  time but that's about it we got our keys back at least this is going to give us two or three  for Leviathan and it also does give us a   damage upgrade to use along with a uh along  with obviously the soul heart generator so   I'm definitely down for the nail here pinging  shears is great early on but it it does get   replaced later especially when you start  becoming less reliant on your active item   and more reliant on your your your strength  your damage um and right now we definitely do   not need the thinking shears anymore so but  ironically if had I known that we were going   to get the nail then I would have definitely  stuck with the uh hair pin because that would   have automatically given us not only half  of a soul heart every time we go into a boss   room but also make sure and ensure that we're  going to have a full charge uh for the uh for   the damage upgrade as well but hindsight's  always 2020 people who watch these videos   tend to love to call on call upon hindsight  a lot to correct me which is always funny to me not everybody it's not that  sometimes it isn't warranted   either but you know nobody's perfect  nobody's perfect except for except for   people who play this game on YouTube  and everybody's perfect I wish I was perfect now the real problem here is that we just  lost our flying we lost flying and we also lost uh   hey yeah that was a pure pure guess and it saved  us a lot of time time and hassle of going through   that mob trap room we get Brimstone as well so  that's going to give us Leviathan um I just got   done saying how I just got done saying how it  sucks that we lost our flying because we don't   have empty vessel anymore and then lo and behold  look at this we get get Brimstone which gives us   flying via Leviathan so now unfortunately Dead  Eye does not it does not uh contribute to our   damage with Brimstone I honestly think think  that that's a Synergy that shouldn't it's an   anti- Synergy that shouldn't exist I feel like  you could very easily make Brimstone just kind   of glow redder and redder I think that would  be even cooler it's like you've already got   Brimstone like Brimstone we've already we've  shown that Brimstone does not necessarily equal   one run in these in these uh sort of like mid  game Acquisitions like it definitely is it's   still a challenge especially if you have no damage  but we don't have that problem here because of 8   in Nails in the nail 9.22 damage on Brimstone  is going to be ticking up very very quickly so why not let Brimstone kind of sing a  little bit with Dead Eye you know I think   that a more a a more glowy almost Darth  mesque type like lightsaber glow to uh to   Brimstone would be cool cuz how often do you  get I mean dead eyee is almost I would say I   don't I don't think it's that outlandish to  say that Dead Eye might be rarer than than   Brimstone we don't see Dead Eye all that often  so let letting them synergize would be pretty sick I to use the nail here cuz we have  these we have the skulls and might be   able to sneak a a good uh couple  of Soul Hearts here or not that's fine Bob's curs which is going to give  us poison bombs this is one really long   hallway okay so we have a sack room here  definitely am looking at playing the sack room I really really really wanted guppy let's  let's see if we can get a brown Champion see   if we can get a double first this is  really this is one really linear map super linear it's a straight up like it's like  what like 15 rooms down okay thank God we got   past the sisters very tough very very tough fight  here we got another damage up with glass eye uh   money goes power and the satanic biu uh which I  am not going to take we could take it for well   I mean I guess we could just cuz it's basically  free with the heroon card I really wanted to use   the herant card for playing the uh the sack room  but it does give us basically a free way of maybe   getting uh The Bookworm transformation which  is quite nice with Brimstone I will admit I   mean there's nothing wrong with The Bookworm  transformation it's always nice thank you goone Holy Grail I know about that one game there Soul Hearts back here uh we we've  got enough keys I don't need to worry about   uh I really don't need to worry about our key  situation especially with humbling bundle I   think we're good on that I would have loved to get  gotten a shop reroll but H you know what can't do last week's question of the episode here was one  it was one of those episodes where like we just   it was it was just a good run I mean with anima  Sola um and I've already talked about anima solo   adnasium and I didn't want to ask it again  so I simply just asked people you know are   you going to be at the at the at the sponsored  raid Shadow Legend stream and it was like half   and half some people just flat out said no other  people said yes or they wouldn't miss it for the   world that was cool we had another great turnout  for raid um and again I know it's not everyone's   Jam it's a mobile game you know not not Everyone  likes mobile games it's kind of a meme people are   kind of sick of seeing it but you know for the  for the people who did show up and and who who   did uh you know use the link and all that kind  of good stuff I thank you like seriously um it   it goes a long way like raid is there super cool  to work with and uh yeah you know like I don't I   don't partner with companies that just just come  along and ask me like hey will you like do our we   like do our game and that sort of thing um you  know even for a channel my size which is not a   very big channel in the grand scheme of things um  I get inundated with just with lots and lots and   lots of sponsorship requests and raid is one of  those is one of those companies that they asked   me to do a sponsorship a long long time ago and I  flat out said no cuz quite frankly I just I didn't   want to um but stuck with it and uh then we came  to a good agreement through the network which is   very cool and you know and they've been they've  been real they've been really really neat to work   with um it's a good fit you know cuz I do enjoy  I do enjoy mobile games I don't I enjoy the the   G games and the hero collectors all that kind  of good stuff and playing different different   games throughout the years and I like RPGs too  so you know it scratches that itch and I I like   sharing things that I like to play and you know  especially if a if a company is going to sponsor   me for it then I think it's a no-brainer it's like  well why not you know and that and that was really   the overarching attitude of most people they're  like yeah just go get that bread you know boo boo   and and I appreciate that you know cuz cuz I think  that with the way that how the economy has sort   of the the climate not economy the the climate  of YouTube and New Media has evolved over the   years people understand the game now the game of  being a YouTuber the game of being a quote unquote   influencer um and they understand that you know  hey this supports this is this supports someone   that I liked I like to watch every single day why  not give back a little to them it's not going to   cost me anything it just a little bit of time  and we get to watch a stream anyway that's why   I tried to make it interesting with the Isaac  sandwich in between there of the raid stuff   um and for the most part people like were like  the moshit was just always super super receptive   of that does canes otherwise shoot Brimstone I  don't think it does we're already capped on ti so um but yeah it was it was a good time  and I'm really glad that and thankful that   I have the mosh pit to to kind of be  there for me whenever we do stuff like   that cuz it's it's not it's not ordinary  you know it's not a a regular occurrence   where we're doing tons and tons of  sponsored stuff um especially when   it comes to like to mobile games that sort  of thing like I could have taken many many many many mobile games in the past um want to  use our moon card have we been in there yet we   have not a soul of Isaac I I may use this Z  run maybe for the soul of Isaac or we could wait now one thing we could do is if we had mom's we had Mom's purse we could  make two guppy items with the with   a child's drawing in the a run  but I don't think that going to   see that I remember I truthfully  don't remember what was in the shop so we don't have to use the a room right now   it's kind of a waste use it  just a single soul of Isaac um I thought about using the mystery gift  in the secret room but lately that Gambit   hasn't really been paying off for me and you  know what I'm not I'm not going to fall for it that's how my channel oh wow it  actually does shoot Brimstone I had   no idea okay canes of the R I see you I  see you I had no idea that you'd do that   pretty legit legit good I know they I know  they changed canes of their eye a while ago   but like I had no idea that it just shot  Brimstone it's really really fascinating   it's still in random directions is all  get out but at least it's at least it's   something it's better than what it used to be  not lives and uh going to be two or three for guppy but my Channel's always been built around  the idea of I'm going to share what I'm playing   and what I enjoy with the people who like  to watch me um and they may that may not   equate to like the most viewers and the most  subscribers and people unsub because it's not   Isaac or whatever and I honestly have never  cared about that I just I I like to do what   is fun for me because I think that I think  that as a as someone who who does this for   a living you know there there are definitely  there are times whenever the fun translates   through the commentary and and gameplay versus  when it doesn't and I think that if you're   not having fun doing this job then you're your  audience can tell right away and it's not good we're pretty much pot committed here to save  this save this y Run for the dark chest now   since we're two or three guppy we have a very  very very strong chance getting guppy here unal   power is steadily feeding us more damage  honestly I wouldn't mind a womb skipped it might cost us well we have 100%  devil deal chance though we shouldn't   we shouldn't skip yet my womb skip I  mean a sh Skip I wouldn't mind doing that chance to get some Angel items plus  on on top of that also like don't have   to do sh I'm down for that I'll re  up for that all time all time every time don't get guppy but we do get Jello we're  going to use the mystery gift to free up   our active spot and it's going to be sack  alter I'm sorry kan's of [Music] ey yeah   you know I'll take the Packa take Jello  as well we could use the soul of Isaac in   here to maximize our chance of getting  a guppy item I'm going to not do that   however uh because we have a chance of making  something cooler happen here with the angel keys yeah that's fine get Jello out here to help us out with the angels that's dis you know I was going to use the soul of  Isaac but now I'm just going to use it on I'm   just going to use in the dark chest this is  going to kill us by the way actually now that   I think about we don't have a way of getting  into even if we die oh no it will teleport us neat yeah thank God it didn't take me back  to the previous room that would have really   ticked me off all right let's see here we  just need one for guppy two for the show   three to get ready and four let's go uh yeah  not great um all Isaac me let's just see what happens okay yeah that's really really not  great I'm going to take the Mark here which   is going to keep us from dying and we'll take DB I  wouldn't mind getting lord of the pit just for the flying take ju a shadow as well  just because never know if we're   going to need it or not rotten baby  also wouldn't be too bad for the damage I'm I'm content with that Rags okay all right fine the record I think that almond milk Brimstone   is trash but it is kind of it  is kind of kooky with uh with Jello like a little Ghostbusters esque here seeing seeing Jello just kind  of flail around with Stone's kind of funny and honestly our damage is not terrible  with uh SPID us having almond milk although it   does it does kind of block like your vision  of seeing where shs are coming from and going I just I didn't realize that we were at the  lamb went straight to it we don't have Jello for this but I mean if you look  at our damage like it is it   is actually pretty impressive that we're  dealing this much despite having almond milk like a big pool noodle thing  going out and extending from Isaac   and attacking h no big deal at all who needed jello second seed zero Juliet zero fox  trap whiskey Delta x-ray kilo I   let's be honest like we all kind  of need J jell Jello is is a good lad and the full-on extended range of Brimstone is  uh quite nice given the fact that we've got almond   milk here and essentially essentially just make  sure that we have nonstop damage uh everywhere we go go over here and grab this full charge   so we can get ourselves another  Soul heart well half soul hard anyway look at that that's some good  damage right there some good damage   I tell you what I could use the chaos  card as well but we'll probably end up   saving that for old hushy old hushy  we haven't seen hushy in a little bit once the reason well I know I know people  people don't want to hear me go on about the uh   about the whole optional boss thing again but like  you know it's true going to get rid of uh conad take dark prince crown it's going give us  a large large large DPS up so the reverse   Stars card will take your will take Eden's  earliest item that wasn't an eternal item   which in this case is little chest and give  us two items to replace it by based on the uh   the loot table of the room that we use it in  get solo can look at D Bizzle coming out of here de Bizzle um okay A little inaccurate there de Bizzle  we're looking for the ultra Seeker room   here which actually could be north of here to be honest another reverse Stars card okay first fool yeah if it was if it was going to be  adjacent to the super secr it would   have been there would have been would  have been next to the curse room but it wasn't y humbling bundle really  paying off here with uh D Bizzle you use the reverse Stars card where did  my no no no no no no where my chaos card go we could shoot the moon and go for this  is going to take up our orbital which I don't   really care about by surprise um we use this for  the devil deal if we don't get guppy which we didn't yeah might as well black powder and  bloody gust which is both fine I don't dark   princess crown is too good to give up it's  not worth taking for for that and Cur the XL so key look I'm I'm sticking I'm going  to stick with the child's drawing game   they might as well just give us guppy  now cuz it's me getting rid of it not   happening until the end of the run until I have to really need keys anymore like that we're right back up to full HP  no no no you try you try to sneak that in on it   that's not going to happen no you're trying  to get rid of this it's not going to happen game it's guppy or Bust at this point Electro tear doesn't really do anything for   us but I mean it gives us a  tears up I guess with almond milk I also don't mind taking damage  because we have Bloody gust is going to   increase our tears rate by a lot we take  damage and it's pretty inconsequential I   don't know if you noticed or not but we  are not really hurting for HP could play   The Temperance machine but that would also ruin  our dark Prince's Crown which I do not want to do uh why does the the the  chaos card looks golden for   some reason do it doesn't it look  like it has a little gold tinge to it might be losing it here obviously getting something like the  four and a half bolt with Jello would   be quite nice do we need that do  we need something like that no we   we don't even need Jello at this  point we're we're just that far ahead but it's like the old saying goes when  ahead get more ahead and that's exactly the   mindset that you need to be in as an Isaac player  never never be satisfied for the damage that   you've got right now lead that you have you  need more the the answer is more it's always more actually a little bit surprised we didn't get  another curse of the XL here oh Baby that we get   ourselves a free entrance into a a secret room how  about that it couldn't even bother opening up the door Virgo is going to give us the Virgo  Shield effect and also make sure that all   of our pills are positive not that we  needed that anyway because we already   have pH Dizzle wait do we have PhD I  don't even remember why do I think we   have PhD am I thinking oh you know what  I'm looking at Ouija board right hang oning bundle yeah that's oh we do  have PhD yeah okay I I knew   I wasn't crazy I mean I might be a little crazy but see reverse magician card doesn't really matter T it definitely like that like red  stew definitely like 4vt or not 9vt not   four Vol I don't know what the 4vt is uh  yes I will take M Against Humanity we can   just go and put that in there real  quick and I will take hard reading chisel screwed up a little bit I shouldn't  have shouldn't have exited this room so   fast because they kind of screwed us out of  potentially us getting the uh card the card reading we're coming back card read don't  don't you don't you worry your pretty little head and now with 9vt we can essentially always   use Jello every room unless of course  there's nothing in there like like a dummy D's card will allow us to  skip out of Boss Rush also allows   us to take the red portal on the next  floor if we get one uh via the Via card reading as of course assuming that  we get enough money to get it which   I mean we only need three cents  and we have the counterfeit Penny   and also humbling bundle so it should  be almost impossible for us not to two cents there it is there she be save ourselves a little bit of time here  we have practically Unlimited bombs at this   point so I don't care about using  a bomb to save us a little bit of time hard reading is going to give  us those portals that I absolutely   love to have get a perrow rune  too look at that I'll me Gan um we can leave the Stars card actually we just can't take the red portal  on on womb or in necropolis or   deps depending on which one we get  doesn't matter they're all the same thing going to be necropolis yeah like upgrade with a couple Keys here latch   key the game still refuses to give us  the last guppy item going to happen game there's a red portal but  unfortunately like we could take   it theoretically we could take it but  don't really want to here also have the   red St buff still still ticking  this might help us in old hush's shop unicorns the unicorn horn it's  it's kind of whatever we don't really   need it obviously um I haven't been using the nail either and to be quite honest like we could use  or we could fight Boss Rush too given the   fact that we have Jello Brimstone I don't  see a reason I don't see a reason not to   we are actually going to get guppy here  thanks to dual kid drawing of all things   that's uh hey look I said I said we're going  to get guppy and what's even funnier is that   I mentioned this exact scenario earlier with  that y Rune so that's crazy we got guy that way could use perra Rune here but I think  the per run is going to be better off when   we're in the chest so all right now  we just let the magic of jello do its thing it's only going to get worse for the  game the more jell we get this is without   me even using the uh the nail spam in  here oh my God a Vegas light show in here there's the red monstros and down they go all right that was Boss Rush that was Boss Rush   no big deal at all see now  is when we can take the red portals because we're already  back up to almost 99 cents again still so crazy that we got guppy in the exact way   that I said was possible but I didn't  think that we would be doing it that way feels like we're backtracking here we go gox is going to be skull dead an HP upgrade actually shouldn't have  taken that cuz it ruins our dark princess crown   but we're going to get right back and there's  the guppy atam we need so we're not we're not   wholly dependent on holding on to both of the  tri strongs anymore which is good because that   would have gotten really annoying especially with  de Bizzle just paying out with trinkets left and   right don't need you we don't need you to do that  de Bizzle you're doing plenty another sack room here I could I could be  prayed to do do a sack room or too especially with us having nuns habit this is   going to at least recycle  few charges to our to our nail Turnal heart get another lazarus's  Rags cuz hell why not at this point   going walk out because the Virgo Shield  was just kind of screwing us a little bit Virgo Shield I appreciate  your enthusiasm I really do we're going to get a whole bunch of money  out of this that was instant 90 9 cents right there virus is going to give us a little bit  of Spun but we don't have have any other of   the uh syringe items and now even despite  us being on on one HP technically one and   a half because of the Eternal heart it's  still no big deal for us to go down and   fight hush because we have the chaos  card the whole reason why I held on to   this chaos carard was because of this  very reason so we could go fight hush by fight hush I mean use the  chaos card and absolutely wreck him that goes Mama we don't care  about ocular Rift go see old hushy oh old hushy well that's pretty bad these are also pretty bad  I mean I guess I'll take it if   we're not going to have dark princess  crown we get earthright here migan I   mean h let's let's shoot shoot for  the moon go for the member card why not yeah take a nice little little  blanket Where Are You card we don't need you another tear up man only we needed tear all right so the chaos card we don't we don't want to use a blue  baby for obvious reasons but if you don't   know the obvious reason is because if you use  it on blue baby then uh the fight doesn't the   fight still happens there we go now goes old  hushy there's the chaos card right where it   lies after piercing old hush's stupid  face we got we got absolutely zero red portals after all that we got zero red ports are   you happy about that game  you good about that wrong way even in a winning run I don't  feel like fighting daddy long legs what on Earth is this it's  going to give us a random item   pedestal roll in here I mean I'll  take it I've seen this room once   before I think we probably seen it more  than once do not want that or that or that I don't know how this is going to work  we gained a lot of damage a lot damage it   may look like we screwed ourselves a  little bit there but uh we didn't holy because yeah we have we have eight damage  now with Brimstone Brimstone almond milk that is a that's an impressive  amount of damage that we're doing   here what a run and hey look at that  we got ourselves a red portal at the   very end see all we had to do we just  had to we just had to winge it in uh perrow we use D6 first oh baby we get backstabber and  Tech point5 and the 120 volt sign me up that goes blue babby and just being able to use  Jello just nonstop is just so nice tiny Toma and pyromaniac brother yeah lead pencil we  don't really need the glowing hourglass and yeah we'll take Digman it's going  to be another damage damage upgrade and who who   would have thought we would have seen Mega stand  here but I'll go for it might even get half an   Omega run I'm going to purposely take damage so we  can get uh okay I'm got to purposely take damage   so we can get more charges on Jello for funsies  of course I can't do that when the enemies are   dying before I can take damage so I'm literally  trying to walk into things so we can get more jell sfly is canceling out every single one of his  of his fires wow sfly with the perfect Parry on   megaan a no delirium well that's okay cuz man one  hell of a run there thank thank you for watching   everybody I hope you enjoyed it if you did click  the like button leave a comment down below your   question of the episode today is going to be  has your opinion on Jello changed since seeing   me use it in these videos do you love him now  do you hate him now post them in the comments   down below I absolutely love Brimstone Jello was  just so much fun and almond milk you know what   almond milk did pretty well as well so thank you  for watching hope you enjoyed it and as always   I'll see you all next time until then so long  everybody thanks for watching this video i' like   to thanks some Pat mind like Riley schaer Fred  and coutu you like to have your name right at   the end of an Isaac episode check out my patreon  Campaign which you can find at SL sinvicta
Channel: Sinvicta
Views: 40,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: binding of isaac, binding of isaac repentance, binding of rebirth, binding of isaac repentance gameplay, the binding of isaac rebirth, rebirth streak, commentary, gaming, afterbirth, isaac afterbirth, afterbirth gameplay, new isaac dlc, new isaac content, New Isaac Boss, Isaac vs Delirium, Isaac Best, Eden Streak, Sinvicta Eden Streak, NO CHESTS, sinvicta, sinvicta isaac, sinvicta cheating, MILKSTONE - The Binding Of Isaac: Repentance #959
Id: p45fOOH97ZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 41sec (3221 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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