The Biggest Brain Leyline of the Guildpact Deck in Modern

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today we're in the mod to play a deck that's so big brain that it can easily win on turn two but also can't cast a single spell unless it has lay line in the guild pack on the battlefield can this wild pile actually work that's what we're going to find out we've got new tokens and playmats and you can even get the token signed if you want check them all out over at MTD goldfish so here is the biggest brain infection deck that I'm pretty sure anyone has ever tried to build for bodard and I got to say normally when I do a video I record the game play and then at the end I'll do the Deck Tech and I'll do the wrap-up but this time we're doing The Deck Tech first I have not played a game with this deck because I want to give my completely unbiased opinion without having it tainted by actually playing some games with this deck and then we'll see if there's any chance that this deck can actually win a game it is going to be interesting so why is this deck so weird so on one hand it's an effect deck we got bled agent we got glistener Ral we have honor infect creature caffin camp we got a bunch of pump spells guas might might of aara Might of old croa blessing anilam some weird infect stuff but still a plain infect creature throw some pump Spells at it your opponent dies on turn two or turn three that's the normal infect strategy why is this deck so big brain though well if you notice our Mana base is completely colorless that's right our lands can literally not cast a single well I guess I can cast serum powder but a single spell outside of serum powder in our entire deck so what this means is we are all in on lay line of the guild pack lay line of the guild pack the new murderers of Carlo Manor lay line uh if we have it in our opening hand which we literally must we have to mull in 2 one to have L line in our opening hand or else we literally cannot cast a spell just to make that super clear but if we do have L line all of our lands tap for every color they're all land type and all of our permanence are all colors so the idea of this deck is we migan until we find L line because if we don't find L line we literally don't get to play Magic we have serum powder for some free Mulligans to help so weing it until we find L line once we find L line the idea is we can play one of our infect creatures and then we have all these domany pump spells like gas might ends up being plus 5 plus 5 because it gives a creature plus one plus one for each basic land type with L line all of our lands are all Basic Land types so plus 5 plus 5 for one man a blessing of the neom gives plus one plus one for each of the enchanted creatures colors which because of lay line all of our creatures will be all color so plus 5 plus five might of aara is actually literally just gu's might again might of crow not quite as good scale up of course doesn't really care about the colors but the idea is mulligan until we find line hopefully also have one of our infector honorary infect creatures a couple of pump spells win the game on turn two turn three at the latest with bladed agent if it goes right we will be rewarded with some of the fastest possible kills in modern if it goes wrong and we don't have lay line or lay line gets blown up or countered or something uh I guess not countered because it just starts on the battlefield but if it gets blown up or otherwise goes wrong we literally can't play Magic like we scoop if we don't have a l line we scoop cuz we cannot cast a spell so we're going to jump into a Moder league and see is it possible that this pile even wins a game is this like the mind-blowingly big brain format breaking Brew with lay line of the guild packed or is this just a ridiculously risky pile that is unlikely to win a single game the good news is our games are going to be super short right like the games are going to be over by turn two or turn three I think cuz we're either going to have lay line or we're not going to have lay line so we're going to jump into a Moder league and we're going to see I would like your prediction my prediction is I don't know if we win a match with this one I'm hoping that I'm pleasantly surprised I'm very scared I think hopefully we get a good kill or two with the deck but I'm really scared that uh things are going to go wrong and when it goes wrong with this deck it is going to go hilariously wrong because we can't even cast our spells if we don't have lay line so I don't know let's uh see if we can do some High rolling with this deck it is going to be super interesting uh I don't know if it's actually necessary to play all colorless lands there could be a build of this that gave up some of the power of its colorless lands to actually be able to cast its spells I mean the upside of the all color those Mana base is our lands do do things right like Escape tunnel can make one of our infect creatures unblockable OS Saga the mighty urza Saga can tutor up a cliff Haven kite saale or Civic saber I guess as additional pump spells and evasion we get a much of scrying to I guess find our infe creatures and uh the greaty Haven even more crying uh so it's going to be interesting but anyway let's see if for match yeah it's starting so well step one can we have a lay line no we must Mulligan step two lay line no Mulligan Mulligan simulator it's a mulligan simulator uh so if we find a serum powder that is a free Mulligan so that does increase our odds of finding the lay line the problem is just lay line doesn't win us the game right we need lay line and we need an infect creature and prefer two pump spells so if we do end up mulliganing to like one the odds of us winning are still going to be really low even if that one has a lay line in it uh but that's the risk for the mighty big main power of this deck sometimes you're not going to find lay line although I think the math with four serum powders is actually pretty heavily in favor of it if you're willing to like just keep mulliganing until you find it uh oh God is this going wrong right from game one uh okay Mulligan to four there's a serum powder yeah let's let's serum powder away the sand wait three cards have to go to the bottom first all right let's put our infect creatures to the bottom well there we go we have found a lay line unfortunately we have no lands so it doesn't do anything but we found the lay line who came up in this deck who came up with this deck oh zza Saga all right that's a land it is going to uh sacrifice itself here shortly but let's use our Mighty five-color osaga to play a CAF Scamp please don't blow up our L line or we scoop it is worth mentioning if L line blows up we do concede the game there's no way we can actually win if it gets blown up oh god oh I think we're just like hard locked out of this game now well okay okay this is about how there's a serum powder I'm glad we're drawing that in our infect deck and uh next turn we get to sack R1 land to get a an equipment that gives flying I think I mean I love big brain Brewing but sometimes big brain Brewing can go a little too far and this might be one of those one of those cases I mean it's only game one it's only game one can we draw anything come on it's got to be at least a land the thing is we can't I mean actually I think we kind of scoop because this Ren Snipes every creature in Our Deck so we need to be able to play a creature and leave up a pump spout but if we play a pump spell we're not going to have a pump spell for next turn I mean I guess we'll see if we draw a land here if we don't draw a land here we will we will just concede we're essentially just hard locked under this red this deck it's either going to like win on turn two or turn three or it's not going to win there's no there's no middle ground with this deck so my question is do you think we'll win a okay do you think we'll win a match with this deck in our league I think that like we should be able to win a game right like it's got to all come together once because the nut draw is like legitimately ridiculous so there will be a game sooner or later where we we just actually have the nuts and just like steamroll for the turn two win like that should happen eventually the question is how many of these games where we mold a four into a zero Lander with a lay line should we have mold a three to try to have L I don't think we can mle like I think we have to keep that for with the lay line opponent why do we got the upkeep stop set opponent we're actually about to just concede this game if you let us draw our card we will most likely be conceding but you need to click that one button you can do it opponent you can click that one button all right blessing of the nephlim and uh since we're sacking our only land and there's a ren that means we need to draw like two or three lands and two or three pump spells we're just going to we're just going to concede here there's no way we can draw it before we die all right well we're going to be on the play which means we don't want gemstone Caverns we don't need lay line I mean I guess we could bring in like surge of salvation for some more protection all right let's go down might of crosa maybe like one blessing of the Nephilim and let's just go tamio safekeeping that's fine little more protection run it like that all right so hopefully we find L line a little faster with more cards in hand H that's a lot of infect creatures I mean we're going to serum powder we don't have a lay line so we must uh this hand still does not have a lay line okay all right all right all right we got a lay line we got to keep it right we got to keep it serum powder to the bottom we start with the lay line we really need this Scamp to live for a turn if it lives for a turn so if Scamp lives and we draw land we can just win next turn if it dies we're going to be sad so if we draw dra land we win if we don't draw land do we just leave up face shield we could put blessing and Nephilim on the Scamp just to get in some damages we're getting ahead of ourselves cuz it might not even live oh tap land okay land can we actually do the turn two layline big brain infect kill so close we needed one more land and we'd have the full combo kill so I want to put a blessing on it the problem is that doesn't protect it from all the removal it protects it from Ren the other option is just leave up face shield and try again to draw a land next turn all right we're going to get in for one and leave up the face shield we hope our opponent's on like the ren draw the other problem here is if our opponent plays blockers it makes this a lot worse at least our ink moth is a swamp Island Force Mountain Plains and our Scamp is all colors opponent after all this work in serum powdering would you like to take one no we will not sack our only creature go well we got him to 19 first blood has been drawn stomping grounds untapped there's the red well okay opponent's going to try to Ping it we will Faith Shield it okay so same thing if we draw a land we win the game if we don't draw a land we're sad come on deck one time ha urza zaga we did it we did it we did it the big brain is is paying off on the Scamp and then we will put another blessing in the Nephilim on the Scamp make it a casual 1111 hit you yes okay yeah sure you can have a counter on your run that's fine we have seen that it's possible we have seen that it's possible with the right draw it is possible all right gemstone Caverns coming in get that fast Mana here on turn one actually why do we even want gemstone caverns in this deck it's not like we have a haste creature I guess it lets us like play a creature and protect it I'll trim you trim you trim you escape tunnel with no fetchable lands is the funniest oh my God this deck yeah here we go game three let's just do that again do we have a l line we do have gemstone Caverns is there any argument for keeping this we don't have any pump yeah let's just uh let's just serum powder Scamp scale up yeah we got to get a lay line right uh there's no lay lines here we can cast The Cliff Haven kite sail modern staple Cliff Haven kite sale but it doesn't take that many cards to win the game if we have the right draw yeah I wonder if after sideboarding with the gemstone aav is it possible that we could keep a hand without lay line still seems very risky oh no uh well we will serum powder this one we will put you you you to the bottom no God serum powder away that one we did it that's a lay line unfortunately we don't have a creature or anything we have an ink moth I guess which could be a creature eventually the thing is like if we got a mulligan to four to find line I feel like we still lose that that might be one of the issues with this big brain Brew cuz if you think about it what do we need to win the game on turn two layline infect creature or honorary infect creature two pump spells two lands that's six cards of course we don't have to win on turn two so we could like draw the second land and win on turn three or something but that's that is a lot of cards to actually like literally win the game like this game we found the lay line right we have the two pump spells we have a land so we really need an infect creature and arguably another land to have a shot to win the game there could be a way of doing it with ink moth it's not 100% impossible also Ren all right I mean we got to do it and just hope they don't have the ren it's not like we can not play the G glistener elf gold border glistener elf do we not have Ren for once that'd be sweet all right opponent passes land all right gemstone Caverns takes the Beats ah maybe we should have went for it maybe it would have been better just to go for it there I guess you can't really play this deck afraid right you just you just got to do it and hope for the best our opponent having Mana up in this deck that has a lot of removals definitely frightening opponent has a ren well we will gu is might and they spell Pierce oh well I mean that means we wouldn't have been able to win the last turn anyway well let's flare up the ink moth oh I bet I'm going to yell that in the Ms for not going for it too conservative probably too conservative to veryy time raffler and game well okay so the lesson from this is every single time for the rest of this league we're going for it there opponent has Mana up opponent has removal there's so many ways that we can get blown out I think we have to play this deck 100% Fearless I I don't think there's any I think it was wrong now that I think about it more I think it was wrong to not just to not just go for the turn two kill so for the rest of this league League anytime we get a chance to go for it even if the odds look bad even if our opponent has man up we're just going to go for it cuz we saw there like the risk of not going for it is our opponent deals with the lay line and then the game ends so can we someday get a seven with a lay line why can we never find a lay line when we actually have a meaningful number of cards in hand I feel like we're kind of low rolling with this deck a little bit so far like every time we've head to Mulligan into like such a low number to find the lay line I mean this could be a turn two kill him face shield oh this can't even be a turn two kill hand can it might of aara Gia's might yeah see we're down to four again we're down to four and four means we don't have the number of cards necessary to attempt to win next turn we'll keep the guy's might we'll play the Scamp if the Scamp dies I think we die too scalding passes yeah I mean we said we got to go for it right the rest of the league there is no fear we're going for it every time blessing devim how do you like us now we will not sack it well if we had one more land it would actually ah we really okay so I'm realizing with this deck we need to hit the lay line when we have at least five cards in hand if we don't have at least five cards in hand it's probably not going to be enough to uh to do what we want it to do Island for opponent I mean if somehow this Scamp lives TRS in the graveyard if somehow this uh Scamp lives and we get to resolve this guy is M an attack we we do win next her opponent sacred Foundry tapped well I mean no fear no fear those are the rules those are our rules there's no fear with this deck opponent well uh do you have a counter we are going to gas Mite hold oh we did it we did it okay playing Fearless paid off well gemstone Caverns comes in I mean so we're winning some games with this deck it's going better better than I uh better than I thought honestly I expected it to be I mean that's two game wins we haven't got a match win but it could still happen so we bring in the gemstone Caverns do we want more we didn't really see much of what our opponent's doing all right let's go let's go two safek keepings down one might have old kosa actually no let's go one safekeeping run it like that I just don't know what our opponent's doing we didn't get much of a sense of it all right how about L line in the opening hand for once can we start with seven cards no I mean we do have infect creature yeah I mean we got a mulligan well we get to serum powder Mulligan we'll put our glistener elf to the bottom we will serum powder Mulligan all right there's a lay line we'll keep it two lay lines actually all right well lay line and also lay line man imagine if we had Devotion to green and nickos going or something eight green Pips on the battlefield on turn zero steam vs for opponent engineered explosives on one that's a a little bit problematic and let's ink moth Nexus and run out the glistener elf at least we have a bladed agent which is a two still our opponents is it they got to have bolts and such right they got to pass in wow well okay so I know we promised we'd always go for it there's literally an engineered explosives on the battlefield though so this is the case where we actually can't go for it because we literally see the removal staring at our face so I think we just have to go to combat attack for one in fact see if our opponent blows the Eid Fountain and tap down to 15 and there's the explosives okay okay well if this bladed agent sticks and our opponent doesn't have interaction we got a shot still passes Cliff Haven kite sail well uh no fear no fear those were the promises blessing of the nevim a bon it a consider okay we're actually kind of hoping they have a bull cuz then we can guas might in response they Mill AAR set I feel like it's fire ice and they trying to decide do I try to kill it or do I tap it cuz if I try to kill it and they have a pump spell it's really bad I die but if I don't get this off the battlefield it's going to be here next turn my guess is that's what's going on right now we'll see we'll see what our opponent cast but I'm guessing it's fire ice and our opponent is mathing out whether they tap it or try to kill it we're hoping they try to kill it CU if they do we should win with this guy's might if they tap it then I guess we run it back next turn and hope for the best is it charm uh that's fine guas might oh my god did we win did we did we just do it the big brain Brew pays off a little little conversation with our very nice opponent they have a spicy brew that they wanted me me to see but unfortunately the power of Lan line too much and I will say the deck has exceeded my expectations I didn't know if we were going to win a win a match with it and we just won a match with it okay okay maybe did we break it or did whoever came up with this hilarious pile of Jank break it guess we got to play a couple more rounds and find out we have Pro that it's possible to win a game with a match with this deck I guess the next challenge is can we somehow get a winning record with this deck that would blow my mind we're going to serum powder we'll put the glistener elf to the bottom uh well we're going to serum powder lay line lay Line This is interesting I mean we're going to keep this the only problem is we don't actually have any pump spells do we just run out the urza Saga I think we do cuz that's going to get us a pump spell eventually actually do we void and Scribe for a pump spell so this can get the Civic saber which is essentially a pump spell yeah I think we actually just void probably better known as city of brass that scries another bladed agent I think we go bottom we have two creatures what we're lacking with this hand is is pump pump we need pump now with a breeding pool I guess you could dismember but found it untapped no fear crashing foot falls to spend it oh God we're going to get fire iced aren't we well urza Saga okay so no fear what is the No Fear play that's the rule no fear like we could just leave up the GU as might we made rules to this game and the the rules are no fear bladed agent hit you with the Scamp they don't have it right they don't have fire ice they don't who has fire ice not our opponent uh no we're not going to sack that no fire ice we're good cuz we didn't play afraid and that determines whether or not our opponent draws the card that they need I mean if they can't slash don't kill our stuff we're technically a pump Oh untap Land we're technically a pump spell away from winning all right ponent passes pump spell how about a pump spell might have old crosa except we didn't have a land drop this is one plus five is six 78 go to combat attack yeah gu is uh might have crosa kind of sketch in this deck cuz we don't we don't have many land drops and we have zero fetch lands I mean we got to just go for it right guas might it doesn't actually even work does it that means our pump spell is going to give plus zero yeah yeah all right well we had protection for a lot of things we did not have a way to protect our ah yeah BAGI is brutal run it back no fear yeah might crosa seems like it's really bad in this deck let's bring in a safe keying I really don't like mol grosa face shield is nice because it can protect a lay line that is an upside to it I don't know about this urza Saga getting a kite sale plan oh we actually get to keep a full hand all right yeah yeah yeah we're going to keep this we're not like to the point of winning winning yet actually if we draw a if we draw a land we can win next turn well uh start with the L line see this is where I wish we had a scry land cuz if we could oh no okay that's way worse opponent's going to start with Mana because of gemstone Caverns I honestly think gemstone Caverns H I think this card's close to getting banned in modern there's not many ways to if they're going to ban my dear dear Simeon spirit guide you know they ban anything that gives you plus mana and gemstone Caverns does they pitch a lay line well ink moth Nexus and how about a glucer elf go five color glistener elf opponent Misty rainforest passes can we draw a land blessing of the Nephilim no fear those are the rules put a blessing of the Nephilim on our glistener elf how do we feel about that opponent resolves attack you all right opponent's up to six but they have enough Mana that they can rhino this gemstone Caverns yeah how do we beat rhinos that's an issue you know what we need that silly kite sail thing to get to the air we're on such a weird fast clock because if the L line dies we die so we have this super fast clock where we have to win before they find a removal spell for L line and we know they're playing lay line binding which by its name should be really good at blowing up lay line in the guild pack binding our lay line of the guild pack so to speak I guess that's a flavor win you know what we can we can wait we can wait we have this ink moth our pump spells don't do anything we can't cast spells the rest of the game opponent's at eight like we have this ink moth it's not impossible that we draw a land and like chip in for two more infect with the ink moth rhinos it is kind of a problem right that our lay line okay so we have to draw land this turn if we draw the land this turn there's some chance we win the race with ink moth land land land land all right that's a land OS Saga well I mean this is all we got ink moth hit you to nine can we do it one more time can we win even though we literally cannot ciss this spell the rest of this game I mean I guess we could serum powder but that that is not actually a spell well it all comes down to this it all comes down to this either this ink moth holds and we pick up a very unlikely win or our opponent has a removal or a blocker and we die I mean we're playing with no fear cuz there's no point in doing anything else at this point opponent going to hit us for eight yep all that matters is the sink moth getting in all that matters we draw a face shield I wish we had a way to cast that but well all right uh ink moth Nexus here it comes here it comes they didn't have the answer our lay line was bound and uh so the lesson is no fear no fear no fear if you're going to play this deck you can't have fear I think we actually need the tamio safekeeping tamio safekeeping can protect our our lay line and it actually protects from besu Escape tunnel with no fetchable lands is the wildest this deck oh this deck is so something I was going to say sweet and it is sweet it definitely is sweet it is also absurd uh all right let's go down one es scape tunnel let's run it like that all right here we go off to the races okay we will keep we get to start with a l line of the guild Packa we also get to start with a gemstone Cavern which will Exile bladed agent or do we need maybe we just want to turn one the bladed agent do we go down the urza Saga let's go you know what let's go down the Scamp here we go for his for opponent and passes glistener elf ink moth Nexus glistener elf blasing of the that FL I mean in theory a pump spell wins this the game in practice it might not be that easy passing okay they're going to tap down the glistener elf draw a card we're going to play OS Saga blighted agent I really wish the bled agent had the blessing on it actually come to think of it oh that Art's actually kind of cool I don't know if I've ever looked at the art of blessing oh God force of vigor to get The urza Saga and the leline okay okay yeah that's that's bad so we're back to the not being able to cast a spell for the rest of the game opponent going to Island cyle well this is pretty much like last game where we push with all of our creatures and oh jeez yeah so the difference is last game we actually got in one big hit and then we could close out with the ink moth this game our opponent got their interaction much sooner and uh it is going to make it very very tough so we get in for two in fact remember we do not get to cast spells for the rest of this game it is quite literally impossible because of our big brain Brewing we got going on with this one opponent gemstone Caverns s of drao so that blocks our ink Moss that's bad lay line that would be sweet if we could cast it I guess this gemstone Caverns like kind of does something just because it does make colored Mana so it means we could theoretically like cast a pump spell the problem is most of our pump spells require us to have land types so we pretty much have to draw like scale up for it to actually do anything Bon it hits us for four passes scale up how about a scale up blessing the Nephilim fire up the ink moth I mean no no fear also no choice like there's not really any reason to try to play around things because this is all we can do for the rest of the game Pony is technically up to six infect here it is oddly not impossible that we somehow pull this out what wait are we are we two and we're we're two and one I cannot believe that we're winning matches with this deck that game our opponent even had the interaction they blew up the lay line and we still somehow managed to win that should not happen with this deck the math has changed the math has changed now I want a treasure chest out of this deck well I mean we got to keep this right we can't not keep this this do we keep two lay lines or one probably one I think the lands are more valuable all right yeah we'll keep one lay line urza Saga glistener elf well come on pump spells and no removal from our opponents if we get a treasure chest with this I do not know what to say we just need to win one of our last two rounds and we actually have a winning record with this deck which my mind is blown no no bolts oh dear cracks the scaling all right there's the bolt can't really do anything about that well we draw another Scamp that's cute uh play the land play a Scamp and play even more scamps and hope we maybe draw some pumpin we do have these Escape tunnels that can that can do things there's a scale wow there's a scale up float of Mana we got the rule which is no fear we will take Civic saber I mean we got to go for it right that's no fear those are the rules rules on the Scamp I think we actually put it on the other Scamp on the other Scamp opponent counter spells all right well I mean we'll smack you a bit down to 10 oh wait wait wait wait wait sack this Scamp no proliferating hit you for six we will not sack this Scamp play The Escape tunnel equi the saber and now if the Scamp dies our opponent dies they could have bounce if they have bounce that would be that would be a way they could get out of this Zen's void well go to combat attack you you can't kill it if you kill it you die oh no I thought we were going to do it well I guess we keep the urza Saga cuz it can make a couple bodies we are so close it had to be it had to be the arc mes charm essentially Aon it plays a land gets in for two we drop to 18 oh oh they had the perfect answer it had to literally be the arc mage's J well we made that close for our opponent having a I don't know why our opponent sacked it but sure for our opponent having lightning bolt and counter spell we still came very close to winning through our opponent having multiple pieces of interaction well opponent passes we'll play Ur of saga pass the turn and now we start making carstrucks and see if they get there opponent passes we draw a face shield face Shield's actually kind nice so we'll pass the turn face shield is Big that gives us some protection I mean we don't need to get in for much damage runs out a subtlety nothing to Target let our opponent untap we could make the construct then when our opponent's tapped out because of tsh's Tide binder but I think it's fine to wait this face shield could steal okay opponent passes well we will make a construct untap make make a construct grab the cliff Haven kite sail put it on our construct go to combat swing with the construct we're not going to face shield to get through the subtlety our opponent is a control deck we need to leave it up for another Arc magees cha removal opponent Atara yeah these Channel lands are annoying okay I mean that works yeah the channel lands are super annoying because we actually can't use face shield to protect against them I feel like tamamo safekeeping might just be better I think tamio safekeeping is just better right cuz it actually protects from the channel lands Bon it going to get in okay well they must have a plan of some kind to not be dead here well we will try to win the game equip the saber attack with the construct cracks down to three grabs an island snap Caster mage was this for Arch mage's charm for Arc mage's charm if they try to Arch mage's charm we should be able to win face shield Pro blue xaxis it makes it makes yeah it makes a Civic saber fall off but we still get in for three this deck I can't believe this is actually kind of actually working the tamio safekeeping if we think about this target permanent you control gains hex proof and indestructible in end of turn you gain two life so the upside of safekeeping is it protects from RS which doesn't really matter but it protects from Channel lands which does really matter the downside is if we had tamamo safekeeping there we wouldn't have won right cuz they could have blocked with the snap Caster so there are upsides to face shield but I do wonder if safekeeping might be the better option on the draw gemstone caves coming in we will trim I guess Skylands and Escape tunnel we have never used I don't know if ever actually use that uh we'll go down a minable crosa Civic saber Civic saber in modern we'll go a minable crup for safekeeping what else we got to go down one more of something I don't think flying is actually super relevant let's go down the the kite sale we are actually one game win away from getting a treasure chest with the biggest brain infect deck I am blown away I am absolutely shocked that this is actually working I did not expect to win a match with this deck honestly talked about that in the intro like just looking at the deck and how risky this plan is we have already exceeded my expectations and if we somehow win one more win one more game here and get a treasure chest out of this and a winning record two serum Powers actually all right so that's a freebie we will powder them away seems about right we will start with the L line opponent starts with the tap land and passes now we will ink moth Nexus and glisten Ral go opponent steam unstepped passes wow I mean we just go for the win right we have to we will play an ink moth guy is might and in response to your bolt might of aara turn two H three in one three in one three in one winning record we we got a treasure chest wait no this deck is crushing people this it this this should not be happening this should not be happening and arguably our loss in round one that was the game where in game three we didn't go for it CU our opponent had Mana up and we made the rule that we're always going to go for it uh I think with the cards our opponent showed that game we still would have lost but ever since we made the promise that if we get a chance to go for it we're going to go for it we've won every single match we now have a winning record with this deck lock even if we lose this last one the winning record is locked man I am never at a loss for words and I'm at a loss for words just looking at this deck list looking at this Mana base looking at the fact that without a lay line we do nothing I still I just can't believe it I can't believe it I can't believe this is working but it is it's not just working it's like really working like three in one working like turn two kills working so this deck I should say where I found the deck a player by the name of Med evdev met metev that's a tongue twister metadev played it in a magic online uh prelim event of a little bit ago that's where I got the deck list that's why we're playing it so shout out to them and then like in in the Tweet thread there was someone else who said oh this is my combo I don't know I I don't know who to give exact credit for for all this it's not the exact same list although it's like very similar but uh but yes that's where the the origin story well here we go can we close out with a 41 honestly the least believable 41 well okay oh actually do we even keep this so we found lay lines but this hand does not do anything yeah I think actually this feels bad but we're going to still mull again it's the first time we've Mulligan a lay line hand but that is a lay line hand that just doesn't function all right we will keep three cards to the bottom Civic saber face shield the classic for Carter I mean I guess we have to put a land to the bottom well we do have a l line uh blooming Marsh no don't thought these uh Stitcher supplier okay stalik soccer Souls of the lost let self void was wondering if we should play the ink moth but I don't think we need to all right all right we'll put it on top the problem's going to be how do we how do we get through our opponent's blockers here our opponent stuff's going to get big presumably and you know they want to block with the stitcher supplier that's the other thing like blocking is actively good for our opponent here right another Stitcher supplier Insidious Roots plays and land caran feeder all we can really do is the one thing Our Deck does which is put our might and eim on things and attack and hope for the best well playing ink moth blessing of the Nephilim is there any argument for waiting is there any argument for waiting and trying to go on this ink moth the problem is we need two more land hands cuz the blessing's essentially a pump spell so we need four total Mana to fire this up on the other hand Scamp just gets blocked you know what let's uh let's put the blessing on it there so we could draw the kite sail Cliff Haven Cay sail would actually be our best draw here somehow go to combat I mean if our opponent by some miracle doesn't block here we got him I'm sure they block with Stitcher Spire though right there's no way you don't yeah opponent going to block going to Mill some cards I guess a protection spell could also be good there's a bloodghast another Insidious Roots well all right so opponent takes zero oh no the face Shield's actually hm yeah face shield is actually bad right o Insidious roots and a land and a plant yeah I forgot okay so I'm liking face shield less because remember face Shields protection from all color or from a color all of our stuff is all colors so that means if we face shield the blessing falls off if we face shield we can't Target with might of valara okay so I actually think I I become convinced that fake Shield is wrong in this deck and it should be tamio safekeeping I think or like yeah it's got to be it's got to be tamio safe keeping well we get to see Insidious routes going off that's pretty sweet we literally have to draw a kite sail that's the that is the card that could theoretically get us out of this urza Saga well play The urza Saga so now I guess we have to play defense all right so our new plan is we need to live long enough that the urza Saga can get the kite sail can we stay alive long enough to do that gravecrawler man this Insidious route's about to go off yeah this is going to be very impressive yeah opponent sacks and sacks they have a zombie so they can recast it and a fetch land yes Insidious Roots is popping off I kind of want to play our opponent's deck this looks sweet I love me some carry and feeder sack action I wonder ah if I was this deck I'd probably also be playing bombardment Goblin bombardment Insidious Roots same setup I don't know about like do you want the stellite stalkers and the The Souls of the lost like do we even want those big creatures this is ridiculous so yeah I mean I'm sure you've seen this before the the old gravecrawler combos but our opponent can keep recasting it for one Mana every time it's triggering Insidious roots to not only make a plant but grow a plant and there is 0% chance do we even survive this turn without having to chump blck cuz if we have to chump block and we lose our Scamp then none of this matters anyway opponent goes to combat opponent 7 13 so we're just dead yeah I mean I guess we can block with the ink moth but it really doesn't yeah going down on land means we can't win even if we draw the silly flying well actually no we have to draw the silly flying equipment this turn we're not going to live until urza Saga happens that's that's clear so we just literally have to draw exactly that one of one out of 53 if we draw it we steal the win otherwise we're dead how lucky are we not lucky enough all right yeah yeah yeah yeah all right opponent all right huh we don't really have much that interacts with what our opponent's doing but they don't seem to have much to interact with us except blockers yeah you know what I think we just literally run it back all right all right I mean can we finish with a 4-1 I mean even this 3-2 let's say we lose this last game even that is mind-blowing mindblowing that this could work a winning record with a deck where you literally cannot cast a spel if you don't have L line of the guild pack is not something I expected to be even a possibility no layline no land okay we get a serum powder no lay line but say is not a bad hand to serum powder away glistener elf back I guess yeah I don't know about this face shield protection is risky in this deck uh yeah let's put Gnar elf back serum powder the rest or six unfortunately one of our cards is a serum powder so it's kind of five we have a Scamp and a blessing of an neim and a face shield that's bad with blessing of the Nephilim you know what we're going to powder this I don't think this is good enough even though we have the L line little bit scary that our one land is Ura Saga but this end is uh is pretty excellent glistener Ral go and we have our kite sail to send our glisten relf to the air we really would like to draw another land like really really oh all right well now we we have to draw another land like now is magic gods oh face shield M okay the dream might be dying well the dream has already been lived so the dream's not even dying but this match's dream might be dying stit your supplier to Mill some cards yeah we might have to try building our our opponent's deck Insidious Roots look sweet I wonder hm maybe it's better in Timeless maybe it's a Timeless deck land it's got to be a land got to be okay so we do hit a land so we to float a Mana get our Civic saber play alr's void to scrive for another land might have a Lara it's got to go bottom land is way more important well play the bled agent hope it lives oh we even have a face shield in hand we need this bladed agent to live for a turn Bon it March Flats oh Bow master and we don't have Mana this OS Saga kind of kind kind of wrecked us Stitcher supplier now I don't even know what wins us this game I guess I'm drawing a creature of some kind but even that not a guarantee by any stretch plus a stellite stalker is more removal all right we draw an ink moth which is sort of like a creature the problem with ink moth is it costs essentially two Mana to turn it into a creature which means we can't really throw pump spells on it like if we somehow end up at four or five Mana then we could one shot with ink moth but we need this to fire it up this has to tap one for civic saber one for guas might and then honestly probably one for face shield and we're at 10 scale up yeah there's mathematically no way we can win now let's fire up than bth we're going to go out we promise no fear no fear and we live by the rule of no fear ever since round one and it's worked out for us we're not going to win this one but we I mean we can't complain we can't even complain a little we went three and two with a deck where you can't cast spells like that by itself is miraculous opponent going to kill the ink moth yeah all right you got it opponent you got it well sure we lost that last round but we got a winning record we got a winning record we finished with a three and two where's our where's our Treasure Chest where's our Treasure Chest manic online hey there we go we get our Play points back and we get a treasure chest which we're about to crack open and hopefully open a lay line to the guild pack since it's apparently a very expensive card now all right one Treasure Chest one Treasure Chest it could be anything it could even be a lay line of the guild pack or Omar okay not very good toar the old one not very good ter of the Peaks teror the Peaks is playable but I don't think it has any value because it's not in any any popular decks but it is a good card that has uses heading into this you saw the deck tag you saw the deck tag heading into this I I was hoping we'd uh we'd win a game was not expecting to win a match well it turns out in a league five matches we won three matches we went three and two we have a winning record with a deck that can literally not cast a spell without leline and I think we got The Full Experience right we got to see games where we literally went on turn two because L line and fat creature double pump spell got them we also saw games where our opponent besed youed our L line on turn two and we just couldn't play a spell for the rest of the game and scooped it up that's how this deck is going to work I will say as far as feedback on the deck there's there's a couple of pieces so I like the idea of this deck and it obviously worked way better than I thought I will say I'm not convinced it's necessary to play this Mana base like the Mana base is what drew me to the deck the Mish of it uh so but from a competitive perspective we could just play some fetches in real lands and still Mulligan like we do for for Lay line but then if we don't have a lay line I mean a fetch for a trio means at least our pump spells do something at least we might be able to cast a card so I'm not sure we have to play the the completely colorless Mana base we never sacked Escape tunnel the scrying is nice from like Zelf friend's void or whatever uh urza Saga was good in some games and then Game ending for us and others where it was like our only land we had a saga ink moth is good of course so that's one possibility the other thing that I think I might change and we went back and forth on this throughout the whole league is face shield I kind of feel like face shield it does have upsides right like the protection letting you attack through blockers is an upside but the more I play the deck and the more I think about the deck I think tamio safekeeping is probably just better so the important thing is we want our protection spell to not just protect creatures but also protect lay line face shield can do that tamamo safekeeping can do that um the upside is safekeeping is it stops Channel lands and wrath effects when face shield only really starts targeted removal the upside of face shield like we said is you can use it to get through a blocker the problem is laneline turns all of our stuff into all colors so face shield yes it can let us get through a blocker but it also is going to knock our blessing the neim off the creature it's going to knock our Civic saber off the creature it's going to uh prevent us from being able to Target it with pump spells although we can pump spell first and then play the protection spell so I think overall when you add all that together I would probably go four safekeeping in the main deck and then like two face shields in the sideboard I think I think safekeeping is just the safer option for this deck but anyway that is the biggest braid effect deck that I've ever seen and I'm still absolutely floored that this worked I I thought there was no chance I thought we were playing the most against the odds deck not going to win a game with it turns out it actually kind of worked and that's pretty scary because this is definitely a super big brain version a slightly less big brain version this still has those explosive turn two kills but maybe can still like win some small percentage of the time if lay line doesn't show up or if it gets blown up that might actually be a pretty scary deck so anyway that's the biggest brain infect Deck with line of the guild pack four boted that's been our deck for today thanks for watching everyone I hope you enjoyed this absolute absurdity and I will talk to you soon
Channel: MTGGoldfish
Views: 91,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: x5R89FC2G40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 28sec (2908 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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