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uh the outlook for one four five five to one eight five five zulu for potential thunderstorms the first area you're gonna hit is just kind of west of your route of flight pushing up to Gainesville right now from the southwest to the northeast you have Convective Sigmet 57 East good morning beautiful. We're going to chicago today i'll load you up and then we will be on our way let's go girls CLEAR PROP!!! Clearance Cirrus November one two two sierra zulu is uh at boca airport looking to pick up my ifr to uh knoxville 122SZ palm beach clearance clear to the knoxville airport via as filed climb to 2000 expect one six thousand one zero minutes after departure departure frequency is one two five point two squawk one four seven seven hold for release Boca tower Cirrus N122SZ holding short runway five ready Cirrus 2SZ turn left heading 340 runway five cliff take off left heading three four zero runway five clear for takeoff 122SZ final is clear high and low departure path is clear and we are good you girls are ready ready let's get out of here all right full power Cirrus 2SZ contact palm beach departure so long over to palm beach so long so i'm thinking about maybe instead of going to knoxville having to because we're late we're having to look for a restaurant and all that we can go to Gwinnett and go to the flying machine which is right there it's going to be much faster instead of having to get a car i only know of a mexican place that i've been here before in knoxville it's gonna take more than an hour what do i need to do to reroute to gwyneth i can just tell them and uh i think that makes much more sense you think so the weather is uh low overcast 500 feet we'll have to shoot the ILS(instrument approach) which is cool 339 nautical miles away where knoxville 450 right all right let's do this, I'll tell them jacksonville center good afternoon Cirrus N122SZ checking in level one three thousand with request November 122SZ jax center daytona altimeter 2997 go ahead all right two niner niner seven and we'd like to change our destination to lima zulu uniform instead of knoxville today N122SZ you are clear to lima zulu uniform via direct craig charlie romeo golf direct macon mike charlie november direct maintain one three thousand all right cool it is a little bumpy two sierras zulu turn right heading to zero five zero final approach course zero five zero to intercept the final approach course one two schedule all right approach mode here is two sierra zoo contact with that tower one two four point one have a good day twenty four point one good day tower uh november one two two sierra zulu on the RNAV seven Cirrus 122SZ Gwinnett tower runway seven clear to land win zero eight zero six so we're gonna see the field all right there it goes beautiful approach welcome to Gwinnett let's have some lunch girls wait for me i'm starving my stomach is like i don't care feed me dirt shall eat it do you think these plants in the ground are edible you want to try wipes thank you that was a real person i know right oh my god me too all right we're gonna order some food so i brought you with our new jet love it love it Zoe how are you doing good better all right clear prop ground uh good afternoon Cirrus 122SZ looking to pickup IFR to papa whiskey kilo Cirrus 122SZ Gwinnett ground good afternoon you are cleared to the Palwaukee airport as filed climb and maintain three thousand expect one six thousand in five minutes after departure atlanta departure on one two six point nine or seven squawk tree one fife tree is it ready yeah look at those mixtures that are in the green yep airspeed is alive both places looking good and looking for 77 there's our 77 and we out we're flying we are flying press that heading button yep yep good and then press the uh flc button and then press the ap button nice yay we're doing good dada we're a good team - TEE-AM so you can see we have icing building up a little bit here see that see look at your wing that's crazy there's a little bit too much icing i can't really shed it Indy center request for lower please and how far do you want to go down let's go to one four thousand see how that icing is doing two thousand there were two series in the maintain one four thousand to maintain uh one four thousand and the icing here is a moderate rhyme two center we'll try for fourteen thousand get a little warmer air good thing i filled it up yesterday center good afternoon Cirrus november one two two zero zulu descending through fifteen point two four one four thousand with icing would you like lower than one four thousand now we'll try one four thousand see how it goes there and uh we'll ask for lower if needed roger in the forecast at freezing levels one two thousand roger that yeah the freezing level on the weather briefing that i did in november i mean if you were starting at the 18 all right we're in the south of chicago right on the lake shore down to like descending down to 2,500 feet below the class bravo I cancelled ifr a while ago and we'll be landing soon Look at the city oh my gosh look at that that's so pretty executive tower good evening Cirrus november one two two sierra zulu is one zero miles south east of the field one thousand five hundred inbound quebec November one two two sierras zulu executive tower enter left downwind runway one six wind one four zero at seven left downwind runway 16 122SZ runway one six clear to land number two following the traffic all right number two behind the traffic runway one six clear to land one two sierra zulu all right welcome chicago officially all right let's get out of here let's go i think we got enough uh sanitation wipes and face masks here's our car we have what about a 45 minute 40 minute drive that's not bad at all for friday night heading into the city from the northern suburbs it's not bad I was expecting to be like an hour and a half so weather is perfect what do you think Zoe? you like it i got my own room come look at my room you got a beautiful view oh wow look at the view whoa that's incredible awesome and also guys look your own closet i could literally sleep in here look how big that is that's bigger than my closet at home that's cool look at it it's huge time to go for dinner i meet the chicago team do the first time in six months do the whole covi19 situation ah it's nice very cool because we've made the whole wells street into restaurant patios oh i love these guys dinner was great had a great time pretty tired though long day overall it's time for sleep tomorrow's a new day
Channel: Niko's Wings
Views: 49,449
Rating: 4.9612904 out of 5
Keywords: aviation, Cirrus SR22, Cirrus Aircraft, Air Traffic Controller, Flying lessons, Flight Training, small plane, Single engine plane, vasi lights, business casual, mens fashion, travel in style, turbocharged airplane, airplane ice, bad storm inflight, bad weather flying, chicago, chicago airport, severe icing, florida to chicago, atlanta georgia, rime ice, aviation weather forecast, convective sigmet, airmet zulu, best steakhouse in chicago, aviophobia, fear of flying, fs2020
Id: CwFe4w06-28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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