Too Much Homework at TOY SCHOOL !!!

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- [Announcer] Tic Tac Toy. - [Announcer] This Video is sponsored by Spin Master. - What an amazing day at Toy School that was. - I know, right? Now it's time to get started with our big project for the weekend. - Can't wait. (electronic upbeat music) I can't believe we each get our own Hatchimals Pixies Crystal Flyers. - I know, right? Best day ever. - Mine comes in this beautiful pink glittery crystal. Doesn't it just sparkle? - And Mines comes in the stunning sparkly purple crystal. - Let's review assignments so we know exactly what to do with our Pixies. - Good idea. - Have you ever wished your Hatchimals Pixies can fly? Now you can bring Pixies to life with Crystal Flyers, the first-ever Hatchimals Pixies that can really fly with your help. Inside a gorgeous crystal egg, discover a beautiful grown-up Pixie with glittery wings and a unique look and style. - Wow! I can't wait to meet my Pixie. - Me neither, but now let's get to the assignment. Your task is to successfully fly your Pixie and give your Pixie the most Hatchtastic weekend ever! - This is the most funnest assignment I've ever had. - For sure. Be prepared to show your class how well your Pixie flies when you return to class. Also, you'll be turning in a photo album documenting the fun-filled weekend you and your Pixie enjoyed. I never been more excited to do my homework, Addy. I think it's time to meet our Pixies. - Yeah. (energetic violin music) - Wow! - [Addy] She's beautiful. - Absolutely stunning. - I love the cute clothes she's wearing and her pink hair up in a bun is adorbs. - And check out these stylish boots and her beautiful wings. - I know they're definitely magical. My Pixie name is Violet Onyx. - That's a gorgeous name, and this is Krystalina Rose. - Love it. Now, do you think we should get them charged so we can start flying them? - Good thinking. - Let's plug this into their charging ports. - Now that they're plugged in, they should be ready to go in a few minutes. - [Lucy] Girls, are you two home? - Oh, that's mom, let's go see what she wants. (upbeat music) - So I understand that you girls have a major school project due on Monday. - We sure do. - Now I know you girls probably have a million other things you'd rather be doing this weekend than schoolwork. - Well, actually- - Oh yes, it will be a rough weekend for sure mom. - Huh? - You know Maya this project will all weekend and it will be tons of work. - Oh, yeah she's right, mom. - We probably won't have time to do our chores and we'll need lots of treats to help us get through the weekend. - You're so right, Addy. - Well, I completely understand girls, it's important that you give this project all of your focus and just let me know if you need anything. - Thanks, mom, we really appreciate the support. - No problem, now go get to work girls. - It looks like our Pixies are all charged and ready to fly. - Perfect, let's fly Krystalina Rose first. - Okay, do you wanna fly her from the base or from your hand? - From my hand. - Great, let's go over there where we have more room, - This should be the perfect place, let me turn her on now. - Wow! - Wow! - Wow! She flew so high. - Her glittery wings sparkles when she flies. - I know she looks gorgeous. - Wow, you are actually guiding her with your hands Addy. When I lift my hand up, she goes higher, and when I lower my hand, she goes lower too. - Wow, you are right Addy. - Wow! - It's like she's dancing. - Let's have a dance party. Look at her spin. - Oh, I gotta get a photo of her photo for our photo album. Say Pixies. - Pixies. (camera snaps) - Perfect. Addy, Maya, how's the project coming? There you girls are, how's the project coming? - Oh, we're just buried in our books, mom. - Yeah, we got so much research to do. - Wow, I can see that, poor girls. Tell you what, after I get this laundry put away, I'll clean your room for you girls. - Thanks, mom, we really appreciate it. - Well, I'm happy to help lighten your load so you can focus on all of that. It looks like you two are gonna be buried in books all weekend. - Yeah, we got lots of work to do. Well, keep chugging along and let me know if there's anything else I can do to help. (energetic guitar music) - Having a tea party with our Pixies was the best idea. - Absolutely, we need to get a picture for our photo album. - Oh, you're right. - Say Pixies on three. One, two, three. - Pixies. (camera snaps) - There we go. Now that we've enjoyed some scrumptious treats, I think it's time to fly Violet Onyx. - Oh, I can't wait. - Do you wanna launch from her base over here? - Absolutely! This should be a good place to fly her. I can see you're a professional Pixie Flyer, do you have any tips Addy? - Well, if you want to reposition her at any time of the flight, just grab her legs and move her. - Okay, that's good to know, I'll try out for sure. - I think you're ready to fly here then. - Perfect, let me turn her on. - Wow! - Wow! Wow! - Wow! She flies so high. - Look at her spin. - Wow! - She looks different from the old fairies. - I love her outfit. She's beautiful. (upbeat music) - Oh, no! There's mom. - What're you girls doing in here? - Oh, we were just getting a little notebook from my backpack here. - Yeah, we already used up one whole notebook with all of our research notes. - Our hands are so tired from all this writing. - You two are working so hard. Is there anything I can do to help out ? - Well some brownie sure would be nice. - And some lemonade. - Brownies and lemonades are coming right up, I'm sure proud of you two on how hard you're working. - Thanks mom. - That was a close one Maya. - No kidding, we can not let mom know how much fun we're having. - If she knew how cool this project actually was, she wouldn't be doing our chores and making treats for us. - We need to be very careful for sure. - Those girls that are such hard workers. I just hate that that's project's gonna take up their whole weekend though. Those poor girls. I sure hope these brownies will bring a little bit of excitement into their day. It smells good already. I think our Pixies are loving their very first sleepover party Addy. Oh, me too. Let's make sure we get a photo for our album. - Good idea, let's say Crystal Flyers on three. One, two, three, Crystal Flyers. (camera snaps) That one turned out cute. I think our album's coming along superbly. - I think this sparkly crystals are really cute. They would make a great room decor, don't you think? - Oh, absolutely! Even though our Pixies aren't flying, we can display them in their eggs. I think I'll display mine on my dresser. - Where should I put Violet Onyx? I know, on my desk. - That's a great place for her. - Thanks. (door knocks) - [Lucy] Girls. - That's mom, she can't know we're having sleepover. - And with our Pixies! - Oh, hi mom, what's up? - I thought I heard noise up here. It's 11 o'clock, what are your girls still doing up? - Oh, we just have so much work to do, we're probably gonna have to pull an all-nighter. - An all-nighter? - I'm afraid so, we're never gonna get this project done if we don't work all night, - Oh my, you girls are just working so hard. Tell you what I'll have your favorite breakfast ready in the morning. Chocolate chip pancakes, French toast, scrambled eggs and bacon. - Oh, that would be wonderful mom. Well, I better go get back to work. - Okay, see you two in the morning. - I think we should have a dance competition with the Pixies Maya. - Great idea, our Pixies are amazing dancers after all. - I'll get some music going. (upbeat music) I wonder what kind of music Pixies like? - I'm sure they love anything with a good beat. Let's try this. Krystalina Rose and I will go first. (upbeat music) - Awesome moves. - She's really flying. - Wow, nice twirl. - Come on Krystalina Rose. I think we did pretty well. Let's see what you two can do. - Oh, we've got this in the bag. Let's show them what we got, Violet Onyx. - Nice Maya. (chuckles) I love it. She's really spinning. Looking good, looking good - Oh, no! - Oh, no! I accidentally hit her when she was flying. - No worries Maya, our Pixies have an auto-stop feature. If you touch her wings mid-flight, she'll stop flying right away. It's completely safe. - Well, then let's get back to dancing. - Well, girls, I'm so proud of you you've been working nonstop all weekend, but you did it. - We sure did and I can't wait to share the project with the class. - I'm sure you girls will do wonderfully, I couldn't be prouder. - Thanks mom. - And since you two wasted your whole weekend away with that grueling project, I have something special planned for after school. - Really? What is it? - We're going on a shopping spree. I saw the cutest assortment of Hatchimal Pixies at the Toy Store the other day, and I thought you to deserve to grow your collection. - Wow, what a Hatchtastic day this will be. - I'm gonna go get the car started, I'll meet you two downstairs in just a couple minutes. Little does mom know that we've had a Hatchtastic weekend. - Oh, let's relive it Addy. - Great idea. - [Announcer] This video is sponsored by Spin Master.
Channel: Tic Tac Toy
Views: 2,763,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toy school, addy, maya, addy and maya, homework, toy, school, pretend, pretend toy school, silly, silly kids, silly school, silly toy school, pretend school
Id: W29D0xrVbVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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