Tony Suarez and Jonathan Miller host Pastor Benny Hinn

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god bless you this is pastor tony suarez and i'm here in orlando florida with one of my best friends in the world pastor jonathan miller and one of the heroes of the faith pastor benny hinn and we're so glad to be in your home and with some wonderful people that have joined us amen [Music] and i'm so thankful for you thank you for tuning in jonathan we've had an amazing four days in nashville wow at the nashville outpouring you know it's been amazing pastor tony as you know thousands of people under the tent on the property but close to a hundred thousand people watching every night every night we have received a new revelation that pentecost is becoming popular again and there's no disrespect men in that but people are not just hungry for god they're hungry for a pentecostal experience the baptism of the holy ghost the outpouring of the spirit of god and that's what this is tonight it's just an overflow we're just carrying on and continuing on and miracles are going to happen tonight i believe it have the last four i believe it so i want to encourage you to click the share button call your friends unblock your enemies and let them know we're on and then block them again but let them know to tune in tonight the the world pastor benny is hungry for the supernatural and i can prove it because there are thousands of documentaries and movies and television programs and books about vampires and blood and charms and magic and they're they're geared towards the children they want to get the heart of the children of the young people they are hungry for the supernatural so if they're hungry for the supernatural we might we might as well let them know about the true blood and the true ghost and the true spirit we might as well introduce them to the holy spirit the holy ghost the blood of jesus christ they're hungry and i want my kids to know that's my greatest fear in life is the way is the way i say it pastor benny that i would when i'm 70 or 80 years old and my children are 40 years old that they would turn on the youtube of their time and see their daddy preaching and they'd say daddy what what was why are people falling why were you speaking a weird language because that would mean that i didn't pass on my faith that would mean that somehow pentecost died with me and i refuse to let pentecost die amen in our generation over the last four days we have seen every type of sickness healed we have seen the body of christ come together in the middle of a pandemic we have proven that job chapter 5 is true we have laughed in the face of famine we've laughed in the face of destruction we're making a mockery out of a pandemic and i think it is supernatural i think i think it is because as this attack against christianity has arisen we've pushed back we've pushed back and we've put the church came out of the walls the church has taken over every medium of media from radio and television to social media and facebook and it's just been wonderful to see and now here we are tonight god has a miracle for you god has healing for you tonight when i was when i was a kid i would spend hours without exaggeration watching christian television enamored by the miraculous hungry for the supernatural and i would tune in to benny hinn crusades and i would get frustrated frustrated because 24 would come out of a wheelchair one night 42 would come out of a wheelchair the next night and i hadn't seen one yeah and i tuned in in kansas city and oklahoma and dallas and it didn't matter where where you went with the crusades it happened and so i was hungry so when i was a kid i didn't sneak out to bars and clubs that wasn't what i did i would sneak out to benny there's a long story why and we don't have time to get into why i have to sneak in but i'd sneak in but i always give an offering pastor so i just want you to know i paid my admission but i would come in just to see and honest if i'd be very honest it was to prove the critics wrong for everyone that said well i don't know if they really get healed well i went my first crusade was in chicago illinois at the all-state arena it used to be called the rosemont horizon and i saw a older couple i watched this man help his wife out of a minivan help her into you know she was a handicap had to help her into her wheelchair lower it and and she gets in the wheelchair she's on an oxygen tank and i watched her wheel her into that stadium and as the as praise and worship was going on that night i heard a shriek i heard a lady shriek and i looked back in a few sections over i saw as that lady was standing up out of the wheelchair taking the the hoses and whatever the tubes that were in her nose she took them out she stood up out of the wheelchair and began walking nobody laid a hand on her nobody meant the holy spirit laid a hand on her the holy spirit ministered to her and i watched for hours as these people were healed because you drew heaven to the earth it's like the praise went up like a magnet and just brought heaven to the earth and i sat there emotional saying god i want this i want this what what does it take what does it take and in my frustration i got up and i walked out to the lobby and i paced because the latino on the inside of me has you know it's natural-born adhd i just i'm sorry i'm pacing i'm just walking in the lobby and these ladies are pulling on the doors of the stadium pastor benny yelling at security let me in let me in you're not really nice in chicago you know let me in and secure they were in max capacity couldn't let anyone else in that was what you're doing that was the chicago fire code and this lady yells at the security she said let me in don't you get it if i get in i'ma get a miracle yeah and almost fell out it hit me she was convinced if i just get in that building i'm gonna get what i came seeking it's the highest level of faith that exists it's the level of expectation it's where you're no longer praying with your fingers crossing i hope this happens i hope i hope i hope but you're like a kid on christmas with your hands open i just know and what i learned at that crusade as a young person people came with expectation not hope expectation and it changed my life and pastor benny i've already rambled too long but i'm so honored and our audience that's here and the audience that's at home today would you welcome pastor benny hinn [Applause] you're very kind thank you please thank you well manchester it's wonderful to be with you and with pastor jonathan who i've known for a long time and so sweet people thank you for joining us bruce i'm just going to talk and then maybe we'll do some wonderful worship later but i'm really grateful to the lord for being with you i really mean that and today what i want to talk about i think is so important and dear jesus i thank you lord i thank you for what you're about to do in the hearts of your people i thank you for all you've done only to you belongs the glory only to you belongs the praise only to you belongs the honor you are our sweet wonderful darling jesus i thank you lord for your blessed mercy what can we say but a million thank yous we're undeserving your god almighty and now i pray lord you'll use the things i'll say to wreak into that fire in the hearts of your people for jesus sake we love you with all of our hearts and god's people said amen where was the world in the mid 40s when i was growing up in the 50s and 60s we did not even know what a washing machine was or the fridge or a tv the first tv tvs came into america and the first president to ever speak on tv on tv was truman not not really long ago so in the last just about 75 years the world went from in some nations went from women washing dishes by hand or clothing by hand even here in this country to now we have machines doing it we went from uh no just radio to what we have with the internet we went from uh you know think about knowledge in the 40s in the mid 40s it was doubling every 25 years to now every 13 months so this here alone is a is a miracle that man has put together and yet not even 80 years ago none of this existed so we are in the last of the and i mean minutes of the last generation so what do we do now we have got to do what paul said to timothy a soldier of jesus christ will not entangle himself in the affairs of this life because it's now time to really wake up to reality so i'm sitting about oh four years ago now probably almost four years and the lord says and i'm watching netflix cancel it he said just like that i obeyed i called lansim as i said lance come one of my my staff who's quite smart with that stuff i said lance come quickly cancel netflix he said why i said i don't know i just thought the lord said cancel i gotta answer so i did then the lord said don't watch tv anymore wow i canceled cable i canceled direct that's been three and a half years at least now maybe four i've never had such peace in my life i haven't seen one network program in four years and i don't care to wow so can i be honest please so so when all this stuff happened with the riots a few months ago i knew nothing for about two what was it how long speak up one month for one month i knew nothing going on nothing zero he had to tell me when the whole nation was erupting with riots i knew another i'm into my bible having the most marvelous time i'm in my own world i'm reading my hebrew bible at night i'm reading the history of the church at night i'm reading my bible every morning i'm reading my bible now once through i read through the whole bible in four months i'm reading it three times a year and i knew nothing about nothing because i said jesus i'm not finishing wrong i want to know this god that i've been serving all these years i know it's i've known his power but i want to know him i can really know him like i want to know the way he thinks you know so i said there's only one way get to know his mind and get to know it in hebrew because english is limited so i joined hebrew university i've been going to school now for about three and a half years and i'm really good at hebrew now i have the most amazing professor seagull zohar and i'm the only student in class because i paid enough money to be the only student in class so i can ask questions so if you really want to know what i've been doing with my time that's what i've been doing with my time so suzanne looks at me she says in all the years i've been married to i don't know i i've never seen it like this i said i want to finish well and i will so that's i'm determined now i am very troubled by how political the church has become dear lord if i hear any more about trump and biden i don't know what i'm going to do i am tired of hearing about it from christians some of them are so taken by trump it's beyond me i thought this is about jesus not about president the president you know i get it to a point we need to vote fine fine but dear lord these are people who are earthly tied up and missing the real picture jesus is coming it's not trump it's jesus is coming and if jesus is coming if jesus is coming what are you doing to prepare what do you do to prepare please tell me are you reading the word of god and spending time with him or are you watching all this empty stuff out there i am not going to follow you hey when i stand before the judgment seat you won't be there to help me and i won't be there to help you neither with your mom or dad help you so wake up yes including you here so it's very important you know the hour we are in now i'm going to show you this really quickly and uh would you mind coming back and yeah just make it work because people have got you you need to see this with your eyes these are jewish people witnessing to choose having them read their own bibles and telling them who is this talking about and you see you can get it yourself and you see jews getting saved on the streets of jerusalem wow right here so that's enough of that for now and look at these hasidic jews and you'll see me just a second having him read the bible so i'll show you later in a second now i got something more important to talk about i want you to pay attention to what i want to say right now i just got your your attention i think if i haven't i will so i want to ask you and really now you please just think about this because it's not something to dismiss do you really know do you really know him do you really know him um paul the apostle was 57 years old when he wrote that i may know him now he had been to heaven by that time he met him on the road to damascus before that and he shook the world and changed that by that time he's in a prison and cries that i may know him now that's a very very amazing cry from a man who changed the world i've never done that what what what paul did none of us did how about moses after meeting god at the burning bush takes israel out of egypt he sees all the signs and wonders and he says i want to know you he did in exodus 33 he said if i have found grace in your sight i want to know you that's a cry out of the hearts of genuine christians so i i began reading when i put that all that nonsense out i said okay now i used to watch tv with my wife or by myself whatever and you know good stuff nothing bad but i thought what would i do with my time now i'll get to know my hebrew bible but i also want to know christianity so first thing i did was read for the second time first time i don't even remember what i read fox's book of martyrs why did people die for their faith i wanted to know that and now i'm like glued glued like really glued to the stories of these amazing people right from the apostles to the present day and i read about people and i've never heard of never heard of and i'm starting like tears begin to flow down my cheeks i'm thinking look how they loved him look what they gave up whether it's potiphar ignatius or others look what they gave up and then i'm reading about john house hugging the fire and praising the lord while he is dying for the faith the man his praise was louder than the screams of the crowds and he gave us so much that we have today or tyndale they burned that man for giving us the english bible they burnt him and i'm thinking boy i i don't know if i'm a christian am i am am i a christian because they're christians but am i christian do i have that kind of love and then i began praying lord jesus please give me a love i've never known. give me a love that would say i'll gladly hug the fire for you give me that kind of love because i can't give it to myself i can't produce that on my own i'm going to say something that's not going to be nice but it's okay i don't care i've lost my filter you know i have a picture of the pope in my studio and then i start reading about how many christians the popes killed i said what millions of saints were burnt by the popes of rome for translating the bible i said get that man's picture off that wall i don't want to be associated with this they killed my brothers and sisters and i have his picture up there get him off get that man's face out of that wall he said why are you doing that because anyone who killed my brothers and sisters or he represents people who did i want nothing to do with them because see you fall in love with the people who love jesus like that 50 million killed at one time by the catholic church now there's many good people today in the catholic church i get it i hear that let's let's just be real here there's a lot of good people today but that system is corrupt to the core to this day to this day boy you're really quiet now aren't you because it's idolatry it's idolatry it's not about jesus it's about the papacy it's about saints that they created on their own i think we just got a bigger audience yeah i guess so but i don't really care i gotta say it because it's the truth if god takes me home tomorrow at least i said it millions were killed more killed by the church than the roman empire more saints were killed by the religious people of the day then by rome itself so i'll leave it at that you people go do your own search you do it i'm not going to bother for you doing it for you now what does this say to me it says this these sweet people whether they were the early believers like ignatius or others precious saints like a girl named perpetua that they killed her and her own parents tried to to convince her to give up the faith even using her own baby against her how can you die when your baby needs you and she gave her life for the faith and 300 million today on earth are under prosecution and here in america nobody talks about it nobody even talks about it very few do thank god for cbn thank god for franklin graham i think franklin graham today is a true genuine servant of the kingdom there are others who claim to be i think they shout and spit too much and they need to stop it let's get the gospel back because they died for it millions died for it yes they really knew the lord they really knew the lord you can't you cannot give your life like these men did and women did in history you can't give your life like many are giving it today in india pakistan iran and on and on if you don't know the lord so persecution has to come to america before the coming of the lord or we won't be ready now let's get to my message this is all just to shake you up a little bit in exodus 33 13 moses christ i want to know you if i have found grace in your sight i want to know you why why would he even cry that after all he experienced or or how about paul the apostle like i said but why what does it give us to know the lord um would you would you mind helping me a little bit so no no with with your bible it'll just help me get it a little quicker there would you look at psalm 86 verse 11 knowing the lord means i will know truth i said to someone i said a pastor in california i said what are you teaching on today oh i'm teaching about knowing jesus said hold it hold it i said what are you telling people like what do you know about what do you know about knowing jesus i said what uh what what are you telling them and he just looked at me i said do you know him i said can you can you really tell them how to know him if you don't know him he just stared i said do you know him oh he was shaken up i said the whole reason for life i said i wasn't born and you're not born so we can know mom and dad because mom and dad won't be there when they're gone did did god bring you into this world so you can know your family or friends no there's only one reason for our birth on earth so only one reason i was born that i can meet the man christ jesus that's the only reason for really being born in this world i mean come on let's just be frank and real were we born to have a job and work real hard and struggle to make that dollar and then die it's all over is there really a life no my dog has a better life than that my guy my dog doesn't have to go to work or worry about the next meal because as long as i'm there he's happy humanity think about the millions who have struggled and worked and made all the money and all the things they went through and then they died is that life no it's not life real life is knowing the man christ jesus now when you read psalm 86 11 would you please mind yourself jonathan teach me your way o lord and i will walk in your truth and unite my heart to fear your name so lord if you teach me who you are if you show me your way i'll know your truth i'll really know truth once i know you if i know you i'll know truth and if i know truth i will not be deceived now let me show you something else god almighty wants us to know him not with a mentality that says i want something back he wants us to know him like paul cried in philippians 3 and i think it would be good maybe to go to that chapter please if you don't mind and just to read verse 8 9-10 now i can do it for you but it'll just take more time that way i'm just going to shorten things that these men helped me preach but when you when you look at philippians 3 verse 8 paul starts with this incredible statement about loss you wonder you want to read that for me or just dear pastor tony philippines philippians 3 and 8. yeah yea doubtless and i count all things but lost for the excellency of the knowledge of christ jesus my lord for whom i have suffered the loss of all things and do count them but dung that i may win christ so paul the apostle decided the only way i want to know him is by losing everything else and to him the loss of all things was his upbringing his education who he was in the flesh and so forth and he said i am willing to lose everything that i am that i everything about me my family the world i had that i may win him for the excellency of the knowledge of jesus hallelujah so i said to myself when i read that not long ago what what what have i lost what things can i lose that i haven't yet well let's start with tv let's start with not knowing and not caring about what's happening on the planet and then i i read about abraham in in hebrews 11. it says he was looking for a city whose maker and builder is god and then he it makes a powerful statement it says he chose to live in a tent rather than to go back to where he came from he had that you know he could have gone back to go back to uh or iran or family or past or friends he said no i don't belong to that world anymore i am looking for a city even though i have to live in a tent i'm looking for a city because he saw himself as a stranger as a pilgrim and so god is not ashamed to be called his god i don't want the lord to be ashamed of me so i i've made a decision i'm going to do everything in my power to dismantle my life from this world how i still am trying to find out because today's world is very complicated today's world attacks us from every direction every direction and i don't want to give you details but i've had to ask people you know i walked into a room one day and i see somebody watching the voice i said what are you what are you watching there for oh i like it i said what are you getting spiritually they got angry at me i didn't care so today you have people christian people who are so connected and glued to things on tv shows on tv uh things that have nothing to do with the with the with the faith things that have to do with making them feel good okay you can feel good all you want that's not going to help you i am not i will not make heaven and find out how much i missed on earth i want to find out everything i can before i go i don't want to miss it so well i'm going to go to heaven and find oh no no you can begin here if you want to wait for heaven then you're cold your heart is cold you know yes let's let's let's let's be real christians really let's be real christians yes so when you read philippians 3 if you don't mind finishing 9-10 you see something about paul that is so really powerful when you when you look at the details and the details of what he was going through which i'll share with you in a second but look at dear pastor tony i really like you a lot by the way look at verse 9 and 10. i like you too pastor thank you and verse 9 says and be found in him not having my known righteousness which is of the law but that which is through the faith of christ the righteousness which is of god by faith that i may know him in the power of his resurrection the fellowship of his sufferings being made conformable unto his death now wait a minute he didn't say the fellowship of his joy yeah and he didn't say to me to be conformable unto his image surround to his death now very few preachers even even touch on that the christian life is about death to the flesh it's not about anything else jesus said any man who will come after me let him deny himself yes now denying yourself means that you must dismantle yourself of all that is of the flesh now i'm not going to go live in some cave by the way i'm not going to do that i wish i could but i'm not going to do that to live in some cave like these old priests of the past you know because i think that's going that's not even true christianity that's something else now some of them i think were saints but they lived back then when they could have done that but what is it to deny self like how do you deny self well first of all you cannot deny self if you're so attached to this world it's impossible to deny self if you're all wrapped up in this world it's not possible and today we are so wrapped up in so much you know bruce will tell you years ago i you you don't know that's the alma but after the crusades after you that marvelous crusade you came to uh i would i was snuck into yeah i would i would talk to my staff until three o'clock we'll talk about the lord and much more but when when we traveled when we traveled bruce come come city when we traveled uh wha what did i know next to the bible what did i know a lot about history how much anything you want to know all you have to do is ask i know more about the history of you name it you asked me i could tell you about it because when i was young i loved history and i knew details yes or no yes she did i mean details about you name it churchill stalin hitler the czars of russia you name it i knew it all i knew the bible but boy i know history i knew history so well i wrote a book called blood in the sand and nobody read it about the history of israel the prime minister wrote my forward wow former prime minister omer wrote and he said benny knows more about israel than i do and nobody read it because people could not identify me with history they all knew well good morning holy spirit he wrote but that book i don't know what that's about you know what i gained from history zero all those years i spent reading history my wife would say what are you doing no i'm just reading about whatever why because i like to read about history it's something i grew up with and and one day i'm thinking hmm what did i gain that much so today i'm running i'm not walking i'm running to know what i missed about my redeemer yes that's the real christian life not history now maybe you're involved in something something whatever it is give it up that's what you're gonna get when you get to heaven for that stuff the word the word he reveals himself through the word this blessed word tells me in colossians 1 10 would you mind helping me too bruce is you can use my phone and go to colossians here let's flip that thing yeah and i'd like you to read the word for me here it is just fuel yeah if you'll just click right here you'll see all the books there's the new testament there's the old in colossians 1 10 it says that the our knowledge of the lord needs to increase so it's not enough to know the lord and say well i don't know you are to pursue that knowledge for the rest of your life that you might walk worthy of the lord into all pleasing being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of god now if you increase in the knowledge of god something will begin happening in your life you know um go go to psalm 81 for just a second gentlemen well maybe you can do it for me a little quicker here go to psalm 81 look at verse 13. all your prayers will be answered you you actually will stop praying for things if you do this one day just get to know him and when you know him he will answer prayers you'll never have to pray for he'll he'll give you things you'll never have to ask for okay verse 13. oh that my people had hearkened unto me and israel had walked in my ways oh he's it's this is the cry from god's heart oh only if they had listened to me only if they had known me then i should soon have subdued their enemies and turned my hand against their adversaries get to know god you won't have to worry about the devil hallelujah what it says if you know me i would subdue all your enemies hallelujah i've had so many people come oh pastor bernie pray i'm oppressed by the devil i get that i did it it's the devil this is the devil that is the i'm thinking they are god in heaven there's more devils in the church than the world all the devils that's all they tell you pray i'm oppressed the bible says if my people had known me read that again oh that my people had hearkened unto me and israel had walked in my ways and they walked in my ways had they known me what would i have done for them i should soon have subdued their enemies and turned my hand against their adversaries what else the haters of the lord should have submitted themselves unto him but their time should have endured forever meaning the time of those who are pursuing the lord their time is forever but their enemies i'll take care of not only not only spiritual enemies even natural enemies what else he should have fed them also with the finest of the wheat and with honey out of the rock should i have satisfied thee you'll never have to worry about money he said i would have given you so much i would have satisfied you with the best food and the best honey hallelujah that's prosperity that's why i kind of change on prosperity because it all began by many they they pushed you know jesus out of the way in the gospel out now it's all about greed what else i'm at the end of the chapter read that last part game he should have fed them also with the finest of the wheat and with honey out of the rock should i have satisfied thee that's the part i wanted to read they would have been satisfied not greedy no more right amen for for what what do they have to do oh that my people had hearkened unto me and walked in my ways that's the real secret of christianity i can't even read that sign brother because it's too dark over over there thank you yeah and i'm not going to even obey it anyway so you're really wasting your time because what i'm talking about needs to be said yes let's give me a few more minutes we want to hear it thank you all the time please keep keep your seat you're you're a distraction [Laughter] but but you know i love you still forgive me i'm 6-8 and i don't care anymore in job in job 26 in job 22 and i'm not going to have you read that but today it says that creation only reveals parts of his ways you know we were driving here today i saw the rainbow i said chad how can they how can people deny god when they see that or you walk into whole foods you see or whatever store you see all the different vegetables and fruits no it just came up you know it happened by itself only a fool would believe that you see his beauty everywhere but the bible says all that is only a part of his ways there's only one way to know him by the spirit but i'm going to give you one more one more scripture then i want to give it back to tony i will i promise first corinthians chapter 2 11 and 12. now now you you you you got to hear this one because this is the most amazing revelation of god i think i can talk about that he wants us to know okay start start with let me go back here let me go back to verse 10 first but god hath revealed them unto us by his spirit for the spirit searcheth all things yea the deep things of god now stop a minute the holy spirit is searching the depth of god for one reason next verse for what man knoweth the things of a man save the spirit of a man which is in him even so the things of god knoweth no man but the spirit of god keep going now we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit of god which is of god that we might know the things which that are freely given to us so he says now we've received not the spirit of this world but the spirit of god for one reason that we might know what is ours freely so what is that what does god want us to know him and not only him his depth now wait wait just wait now you you you can go to the instrument because i'm just a minister i don't want anyone to know secrets about me neither do you neither do you there are things about us human beings that are just for us i i'm not i i never will tell the world the depth of me but god says i want you to know my secrets yeah you can say wow again i don't want anyone go ahead bruce i don't want anyone to know my secrets but god says i want you to know mine but who to who not the world not even the angels the redeemed what are you doing watching cnn and not letting him do that what are you doing watching fox and not letting god show you his secrets you're missing so much you're missing so much that on that day you'll be ashamed that you don't really have that knowledge well i am not showing up to heaven to be ashamed i want to know this master now not in heaven i'll continue to know him in heaven but i want to start here do you have the words for i want to know you more just play them one of the most beautiful songs written uh was by steve fry now that man really had an experience with god when he wrote those words just the time i feel in the mod of self and all of us have had those moments where our self was all messed up just the time we get all wrapped up there's a cry that comes in and he writes in that song he says when i look into your eyes i want to know you more because there's something about his eyes life is about one person not your daddy not your mommy or the best closest person on the globe your child or whoever it's about one person jesus lift your hands and tell me what you you want to know him come on oh i want to know you more [Music] deep within my soul i want to know you lord i want to know you to feel your heart and know your mind looking in your eyes will birth up within me cries that say i want to know you lord i want to know you [Music] more oh i want to know you more please lord deep within my soul i want to know you oh i want to know you to feel your touch and know your mind looking in your eyes stirs up within me cries that say i want to know you more [Music] oh [Music] no [Music] my [Music] sweet demons sweet redeemer my redeemers my redeemer jesus sweet as jesus wonderful savior god almighty the fullness of the godhead wonderful jesus king of kings the lord of lords wonderful jesus fairest lord jesus [Music] lord jesus all nations o thou of god and [Music] thee will i on honor thou my soul's glory [Music] joy [Music] [Applause] save your lord of all nations son of god [Music] glory and honor [Music] adorations [Music] now and forever now before i give the microphone back to pastor tony i'm going to beg you give it up it's not worth keeping whatever it is whatever has entangled your heart given up it's not worth keeping i promise you whatever it is i was a young person younger person i was reading the book of matthew and they had the disciples had been in a storm with jesus and he woke up and he said peace be still and he calmed the storm he did a miracle for them and nobody praised the lord in the boat nobody said thank you jesus the bible says in the book of mark chapter 4 verse 41. it's a verse that haunts me it says they feared exceedingly and they looked at one another and said who is this even the winds and the sea obey him proving that you can all the theology all the doctrines the hymnal you can work for jesus and not know jesus i don't want to waste my life just knowing church culture christian culture and miss knowing my savior we don't have to add anything to it pastor penny just preached all my life i heard prophesied that the last the last greatest revival would be the revelation of the power and the majesty of the name of the lord jesus christ every time a name of god is revealed it's through revelation and tonight there's a strong anointing to know him as jesus the lord your savior to know him as jehovah rapha the lord your healer to know him as el shaddai great god almighty i think that's what this is all about this entire season that we're living in is pastor benny just revealed to all of us it's because it's the last minutes of the last moments and lucifer knows he knows he's about to go swimming in a lake of fire he knows and so he knows he's got one last shot and he's jealous he's jealous of you brother and sister he's jealous because you have what he always wanted [Music] you can speak in creation takes place you have life and death in your tongue you're made in the image in the likeness of god and he's jealous of the power that you have but today don't just know the power walk in that power i want to encourage you for just the next few moments whatever your need is whatever you're praying for whatever you're believing for do you write it in that comment section because we're going to pray pastor benny's going to pray pastor jonathan is going to pray pastor jonathan is one of my closest friends and i respect the anointing that's on his life i respect the power of god that moves through him and pastor jonathan i want to ask you to just speak to the people and minister to the people we just saw god move in a marvelous mighty way in nashville but the god of nashville is the god of this facebook live and there are millions i feel it in my spirit there are millions we we god touched hundreds of thousands through nashville but there are millions that are going to be touched tonight when people ask me pastor benny after being with you for 16 years off and on what is pastor benny like what could you describe him is it the white suits is it the waving of the hand is it the crusades without hesitation i say pastor benny hen is a man who has been with jesus who knows jesus and can explain him in a way that very few people can explain him tony and i are standing here sitting on this stage thousands of people are watching and pastor we want you to know it's our generation we want the crowds sure we want the miracles but we want the intimacy you have shown us the way to come into the heart of jesus to grab his heart and he has yours and for those of you that are watching today whether you're in ministry or you're just a person who is attending church maybe even beginning your relationship with the lord this man that we have heard from tonight has won multiplied millions of people to the lord i've stood on stages and watched tumors disappear and people get out of wheelchairs just as you have but this is the mandate of our life and of our walk to know him to be apprehended by him and to apprehend him this is why after all these years pastor benny you remain strong and anointed powerful this is why tony you and i will finish our race strong amen because we know the presence of jesus of everything you've ever said pastor benny and i'm i'm setting it up so that we can pray for the miraculous and the healing we were having dinner a few years ago with jonathan and you and you you grabbed a napkin at the table and you said this generation gets so enamored when the anointing comes on them and you grabbed this napkin and you slammed the table you said big deal he said the anointing can come on this napkin and heal the sick it means nothing nothing do you have the anointing in you that changed my life that changed my life pastor benny i'm not exaggerating it convicted me to my core because the anointing could come on a donkey and rebuke a prophet it could come on a napkin and heal the sick but if i know god is about to anoint you yes he is he's about to anoint you with power he's about to anoint you with healing he's about to anoint you with the gift of the holy ghost kamashima but if you just let it come over you mary didn't just let the anointing come over her she got the anointing in her when this anointing comes on you and heals you and delivers you and sets you free you make sure you you don't just get a touch but you make sure you get full i'm so drunk right now jonathan take it and then give it to pastor benny pastor i'm going to give that back to you and those that are in our small studio audience would you stand and lift your hands let's just begin to worship pastor we're standing here it's yours sir well thank you for the privilege you've given me i know today i said things maybe you hadn't heard before but it's all right because i i i don't want to finish this race and not tell people what's happening in my own heart that knowing the lord is truly all we want at this at this time in all of our lives especially when we see all that's happening around us when i was young tony pastor tony my daughter jesse had just been born and i've shared this before but michael my son-in-law michael sent me a text yesterday said in it words to this effect it said you told us that when you were young you were holding jesse was now his wife she's in her 30s and i'm she was probably maybe i don't know just a few weeks old and i'm holding my baby and i'm just loving that moment like all of your daddies mommies have had and i'm not really even thinking about the lord at that moment i was just enjoying that beautiful moment with a brand new baby she was my firstborn and the lord spoke and like i said i was not praying i wasn't you know talking in tongues or nothing i was just enjoying the moment and the lord's book he said one day you will all be mine lord i am already yours and he said no now you're hers i never forgot that now she's in her mid 30s and she said to me not long ago she said now [Music] it's your time daddy because now the kids are grown and gone what is so sweet about the lord that he would wait [Music] yeah what did sweet say that he would wait and just three and a half or so four years he would say cancel netflix shut that tv i did i think he had a reason he said because the more we give up the more he'll ask us to give up frankly i've lost nothing i've gained a lot lord in your name i pray this in your name as imperfect as i am because i'm human like anyone else but i pray this in your name that you'll create a hunger in your people a deep hunger a burning hunger not only to know you but to love you to love you with a love they've never known with a love none of us have ever known because we cannot produce this love on our own we don't even know how our hearts are too wicked to produce it burn within us this love that we would love you about family above life itself that you would be truly the love of our hearts the love of our life [Music] that we would worship you in depth and forever pleasing you daily walking you continued it and yes lord if it means our death it'll be with joy if it means that we be martyred he'll be with joy and that these would not just be empty words right now that they'd come from our depth that you're sweet ministers the apostles the church fathers [Music] who gave their life for you now lord i don't know how stephen could look up and say forgive them lord those who killed him i don't have that in me i don't have it an enemy to say don't hold this against them i'm not there yet but please lord do a work in us like you did in stephen's heart to forgive his enemies who are killing him please lord we don't even understand how to do this we have no capacity to understand that love for you like stephen walked in like paul the apostle walked in no no lord we don't want to get to heaven and have to have have to be ashamed that we could not be like them maybe we would never be like them but we'll surely try with everything within us with the short time we have left on earth to reach that place where with paul they are possible with cry that we want to know the fellowship of your suffering we want to be conformed unto your death that everything in this life would mean nothing including children family business and everything else that you truly would have the supreme place in our hearts now lord your people have needs also today they have spiritual needs and they have emotional needs they even have physical and financial needs and you care oh how you care [Music] but lord i pray especially for one thing today not just that their needs be met but give them a love they've never had for you and only for you sweetest dearest darling jesus amen and amen i think that's why i came today absolutely master jonathan do you you want to start ministering and then i'll follow you just do want to pray very quickly as our hands are lifted here people watching across america and around the world when the presence of jesus is in a room like it is today it knows no distance it comes to you right where you are many of you just as we're standing here tonight under the presence of jesus weeping in his presence you're feeling that in that presence we pray i want you to pray for the sick and i want to agree with you i don't call out a lot of names but someone with the last name cantu c-a-n-t-u someone named melanie [Music] in jesus mighty name be touched healed and delivered where you're watching right now now wherever you're watching this whether it be in the hospital or your home possibly in a jail cell somewhere watching it on a replay if you'll lift your hands in the book of acts they would anoint prayer cloths it was a it was it was a touch of faith and when that would get to the individual miracles would take place well today the modern day prayer cloth is fiber optic cables facebook lives and wifi so right now by the authority of the word of god by the power that's in the mighty name of the lord jesus christ i take authority over sin sickness and disease [Music] and in that mighty name that contains all the power of heaven the fullness of the godhead as pastor benny said in the mighty name of jesus be healed be delivered be restored be set free right now now wherever you're watching and in this studio begin to give god praise
Channel: Pastor Tony Suarez
Views: 936
Rating: 4.7551022 out of 5
Keywords: Tony suarez, Benny hinn, Healing, Holy Spirit, Miracles, Jesus, Jonathan Miller
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 32sec (4232 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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