Tommy & Sapnap Win the Minecraft Championship

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today i won mcc this was so cool i'm not even gonna ask the subscribers on this one just enjoy the video hello all of you are deafen are you [ __ ] kidding me oh sneeze been waiting how are you what these other two are doing but how are you fam excited oh yes really very very excited you know this rambu looks a bit like a tampon [Music] what yes that happened when he wore the banana one sec there's a woman and the santa on her chest just staring at me she says what what do i say what do i say what do i what do i say sleek what do i say hi [Music] hello do you craft [Music] she's not modest but that's what i like about her [Music] are you talking to the woman i i genuinely haven't i i feel really bad if they're like 30 and married got 17 year old tommy in it stood in front of them with disabled sisters how are you phil the lack of response is not comforting yeah how are you sneak i'm good man i'm i'm just i'm hanging out i'm ready to uh to secure a giant dub easily done i'm about the 1v4 shell quick really quick sneak it's been it's been like a year that i've it's been like two years i've been doing mcc and i'm feeling like going back today you know i just want to talk about women and drugs all the time today i haven't done that for a while i've strayed away from women that no but not in not no that sounds like i'm no i'm not proud of you no no no no no no no thank you for the 50 gifted tommy in it fan no no so what have you been doing today sneak ah gaming oh yeah what's your favorite part of gaming you just grunted at me i'm trying to i'm sure please don't forget please don't grunt at me in future i need a moment don't grunt at me me on top i'm back are we ready to [ __ ] win boys i'm actually going to throw get on the server i'm on i'm on i'm on i'm on phil not the training server i don't need to be on the training server i'm on the that's what i said i said not the training server the main server scott's wronged me you know why because he he made me junior mod and the mute perms aren't even real i want keemstar backfill i want keem and i want him now i don't think he wants it yeah i think i do i think i've thought about this long and hard i don't think the community wants keith oh i don't care what the community wants punz is dressed as callahan and i asked if he was okay and he just goes i'm a reindeer what does that mean it means whatever he wants it to mean i guess with the simmers and with the simmers tommy and the simmers and now awesome dude tommy in the simmers that's what so phil what have you been up to today i'm photo bombing what have you been up to today phil photobombing people no but what have you been up to in the longevity of this day not much this is the thing today this is what we're doing today thomas sorry guys i was just crying sorry because what have you done today uh i had to say bye to george i keep asking people what they're doing and every time they go oh and i don't know why i don't know why not much has happened that's why but every time they groan at me [Music] i hate being the best person in the room do you though yeah i do because there's no competition tommy what did you get up to today thank you for asking i saw my gran damn you really are the better person i have to have music on right uh oh the core music and the options right oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's the other one you can have it on i usually turn it down just so it's not too distracting i'm really gonna struggle to carry this team that was just i just have no music it's so funky hello team right what here we go you're not on off tell me you're finally [Music] heard have you not heard the news about phil we're gonna kill him he's crumbling but he hasn't passed away has he no he's not passed away but he has he's he's got diseases bill doesn't know he's got animals he's got it he's got all the diseases he's got he contracted them all last night he's got every single blood-borne one yeah he contracted them all last night go easy on him that's actually kind of impressive he's not thinking so he's in excruciating pain fair is philsare turning into a moon beast he's he he keep he keeps howling at me what the [ __ ] please just go easy on him all right that's hardcore just go easy on him sounds like more of a problem than you're making it out to be i can find it thank you i actually thank you a little bit i'm lagging in the game is everyone is anyone else having fbs problems james sweats he didn't wear a christmas skin told me hey what's wrong tommy what are you sad guys something about dream wait i dream like running too quick i can't even yeah dude why is he running i'm trying to get in front of him he's too quick oh man have you guys heard the news about dreams like is that real like is that a real moment oh so no they posted an announcement that anyone who wouldn't wear um oh christmas [Music] all right boys if you don't wear one you either get a giant like jumper attached to you or just like like no idea that's got like a ghost outfit forced on them i'm psychologically sent to my team to win all guys do you want to be psychologically put in the mood to win the game sure sure sign me up manipulate me everyone yes i'm manipulating you shut up watch this ready i crave manipulation please i am not i will standing and waiting just means we'll be showered by more boulders [Music] it all means nothing right no what the [ __ ] are you about how much ketamine have you contracted no matter what dreams or hopes you had what are you what about sam have you stopped translating that's a life you've lived i've lived quite a blessed life please stop it's all [Music] yes i trust you somehow and then they all [ __ ] died out our team mascot sure is it me no look at the turkey can i does anybody know what he had because i want some what where's looking at him oh my god he is he is touching himself on the team wow he is just he he hadn't he did not listen to the rules of november well good thing we're interested in december i know but you know i'm not 18. so i won't elaborate on this bit i don't want you to either that's okay okay i was implying he had uh substances me too excited me too no no me too no me too get on the bridge meet me on the bridge meet me on the bridge boys and i'm not sure about streamers on bridges [Music] i don't think i want to stand on this bridge for too long i don't know no no no no no no no no terribleness oh god can we can we stand in a different are you tired of i am tired of being a [ __ ] loser i'm going to win i'm going i'm winning [Music] that's what i want to hear confidence i'm winning i'm going to go pee be right back oh i'll go pee with it's you minute until the event starts what do you mean you'll goopy they're group pissing it's oh my god what the [ __ ] is this do we need to piss together too i don't think we have time snake phil can you go to the restroom with tommy's bathroom is like not even in the same [ __ ] building he has to like leave he has to leave out he's in his garage together and that's what's important i'm back for my piss [Music] that [ __ ] out and got back and washed my hands within 20 seconds you ever you ever speed run as [ __ ] no i like to think my times will i [ __ ] i like if you have to go faster oh my god it's snowing no one ever believes i'm able to wash my hands in time can i just say by the way can i give you guys a bit of a run urinals are possibly the worst thing of all time i just can't like use them and one time i was at a football game and there's like a trowel like what horses use to pee in and i was stood next to a load of grown men around their slow and all of them had their trip i feel a lot more in the zone now i've done that with a smile we want to do bill battle or sounds of oh honestly guys i don't care what we play first like i feel like we play it's okay if we play a good game first we get in a good mood let's just let's just play this [ __ ] get a good dub ski the first two are irrelevant compared to i bet bill battle's gonna be in there i bet bill battle's gonna be in the sun i bet bill battle's not gonna be this i bet it's not so they give our team a disadvantage i knew okay so what do we want first get out of the way get out of the way you throw it way too [ __ ] early thank you no thank you we definitely we definitely want to build mart first so i'm not going to get it all the way let's just go get that out of the way and we'll be chilling i noticed your egg went into a hole in the wall instead i haven't okay dude if we could just get this over with and that's so easy clap uh it looks like we'll be playing looks like we've been playing hold on oh maybe battle box it's actually really close there's good runners that's really good it's a tie actually there's five holy [ __ ] everyone's gonna pick a build other than me at the start because i'm really bad at this this is my worst game okay all right so what you're feeling about is mind as well same everyone's gonna pick a build you just go and get your [ __ ] for your build off to start at the start i'm gonna go get 32 logs of each log and bring them back for you guys to use okay okay and then you guys are going to continue doing your builds and i'm going to run around and help where i can okay can i give you all my rule for for build mark that i'm going to do this time is it if you need something go and get it yourself like unless you have it in the chest like scream it like just go and get because almost always i'm like stood around waiting for someone with like it's miscommunication it's available yeah yeah basically otherwise same with sky battle the rule is if you need it get it yourself and it like start getting it and then if snapnap's like oh wait i've got it then turn around but that's way better than loitering at the base definitely just always thanks use your brain all right like if it seems like it's faster for me to get it i was about to not use my brain but now you've said that yeah you got this one over here you got the [ __ ] turtle i'll do left let's find one remember them please get wood okay i'm gonna go and get lost in general questions in general but no just go get your woods get everything you need for your own future builds [Music] ice i love packed ice i don't hear music do you guys hear music yeah is your core music on uh options and sounds i don't see go game music my core music the music the music is a different spot i think right i don't i don't hear music give me your logs rambu they're mine i don't hear music it's kind of lame hmm you can just play some rap music songs do you want me to sing it for you this is really lame for me holy [ __ ] don't lose morale now you've still got this king it's kind of depressing no don't get depressed we've got so much more of this competition about how epic we are think about how epic we are don't get depressed king oh i need a button i need i need button what button type stone button i can't help you with that that's all right i got it help yourself what is oh i almost forgot my quartz now i need my redstone and lights who don't need no help yep redstone and lime where's redstone nice redstone where's redstone now i need my lime [Music] my lime my glorious glorious lime how the [ __ ] oh yes the man likes his lines i don't want to hear you moaning lying like that [Music] i hear music now yeah it like repeated my first build you're absolutely massive and green [Music] the gaming extraordinaire oh my dog is upset bout to shut the [ __ ] up dude stop now what the [ __ ] that's okay you kind of [ __ ] sometimes i love them buddies wait how do i place the like little snow guys guys how do i place the snow like that how do i do that look look on the top of that you have snowballs yeah take them take mossy stone snow block wait how do you make what's up how do you make that someone explain in chat someone's landing chat okay i got it i got it how i got it where does it go oh my redstone where else does it need it uh around this corner this three there's three here i need to make one get in this corner in this corner i think that's good quick quick quick quick i'm going i'm going we're good we're good there you go nice okay nice um what do you guys need help with what are you okay granite cobble or cobble oh i've got the okay santa i've got the ice for this you take the ice i'm gonna go leftover granite cobble yeah uh there is a little bit you need yeah there's leftover snow i just need like three in the corner of my build if you can do that for me really quick can you did you take the ice up now can you do the ice yeah yeah i'll do the ice and i'll put the snow right now gran i all feel that we love a little granite i think we do don't we phil you know me and granite you're gonna make me puke why why would you say that to me i'm i'm sensitive you know i'm actually a child you know i love that musty couple guys stop stop saying things like uh probably in the stone section but i can't i can check for you in um in due time one two three all right tell me to place your eyes for you okay what is it cobble and granite yeah how much of each do you reckon like just a block you're getting it i need oh i'll get you some cobble phil that's why they call me the cobble kid why is someone laughing at my jokes it's true because we're constrained you are phil you are such a virgin [Laughter] i just got called a version i hate being on the team with my with my virgin friends chad in it called the virginia what are you implying where are the vines out are they in the flowers should be yeah do you know who's down the forest that was a turbo reference for the i'm trying so hard to pay attention to this build battle [ __ ] right now i can't okay i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry we're the vines or the vines oh my god there's this mossy brick and ah what's that phil i've got live phil you've got lime give me a lime king it glitched uh right so i need a cobbles a little more oh yeah i know i have couple but i'm just i need to i need can you help me with this build and then i'll just drop you the rest look at that phil phil take my cobble i drop it this this bird is confusing me by the way this is [ __ ] couple yeah [Music] oh i'm gonna go get some colors does anyone need anything i need stuff i need stuff concrete i need black concrete okay i need cobble and stone bricks basically grab it yourself i'm going to grab and buy a concrete fill yeah like this pen okay that'll be enough there's anything else you need for your build uh yeah but i'm already i'm moving there now i need black stool and i'm already on my way stone all right i'm going to go i need yellow yellow glass actually don't stone stone stones i'm correct i'm kind of cracked i'm kind of cracked massey cobblestone how much uh there you go where's the mossy cobble where's the mossy see the thing about that is it's almost done but it's not all right uh oh yeah get the get this gold all right i'm getting the gold i'm getting the focus this building what do you do hoppers are just what is this we needed a quartz did you get quartz not yet no i have 30 quarts on me i have 13 quarts if you want to come back yeah yeah do you want me to just come back now or should i get these bricks okay i'm gonna get these bricks and i'll be home with me cool so i'm gonna get a little bit more apparently i need some vines boys yeah i think that's good i think that's good well i just said i'm packed with [ __ ] in my chat please don't say that again toppers oops i keep [ __ ] this up all right phil i've placed all the blackstone in the uh is there any clay i need i need a clay pot i'll go right up for you it's in the flower section just build your build blizzard i'll do this i need more lime concrete i'll go get your concrete i'll go grab those parts you won't get what you need all this over a kiss it's all just the same i mean if i had it my way i mean i'd actually sleep okay i'm just going to come home and i got i'm confused uh you don't grab a clue you have the pots on the floor i got it though all right just get a few it's fine i got i got tim's probably everyone sleep on the concrete floor oh what you say to me how do i make cracked cobble oh there's [Music] crack stone either crack stone sorry can someone help me with my build for it confuses me oops come on build these trapdoors i'm almost done i need okay oh good i have hello here out yeah we're trying to make it drop me some of that so i can or give me some trapdoors i have eights you're gonna need more than you're gonna be half of it anymore than that yeah i'm making more dory what am i missing let me see blackstone wall blackstone wall it's the same wall what the [ __ ] are you missing bro i don't know uh quartz slab quartz slab black concrete black concrete what are you missing what i don't i don't know uh let me check the middle two blocks in the middle oh uh a gold oh yeah there it is nice please someone help me with my build it serves to confuse me how do you make cracks here is it you smell it stone smooth stone pack rice oh yeah nice white chap okay you got it what do you need how do you make a regular like a stuff a snow i think i've done once i've done this oh guys can you place down the uh the oak part of my build on the far right yeah yeah yeah what is it's birch i got it you work on your thing i'm going to spam birch planks i might not have enough time to get back but i'll try no but we still get all the points for this uh what did i do wrong yes wait wait let's place down this bruce wood so we can get it in time i'm gonna get back i'm not gonna get back here just do the wood to see the wood part i won't get back nice three percent three percent let's go we just got fourth we got holy [ __ ] that's so good well done boys especially great work that was my best build build my ever i think 100 yeah that was really good i want to thank me team leader carrie well done hey well done you did it that's what we agreed on singing love joy whilst i'm like it's like you i'd love to just see your last faces cut between it well i'm i'm just like giggity wiggy you guys are like you won't get one he was just making like bit after bit and all of us were like that was probably the hardest like joke one i've had to like i was just sat there don't worry i could be my own audience if need be no any other circumstance i would have had ever said been with you when i'm sat alone on the bus telling jokes to myself so hard like it like the joker you know i still win what whatever makes you feel a bit more comfortable whilst playing tommy where's v goomy here oh thank you becoming too much will tell you because distracting us about boundaries philly guys guys do the president's thing we can get we can get [ __ ] for the forgot the present thing [Music] the [ __ ] is that all right where am i we gotta get pres wait are we just uh right clicking on this npc's you know yeah right click on the npc that says oh god bless you dude i just always need to pee what is wrong with my little bladder why why is my body growing but my bladder hasn't because you're nervous but i don't stress pee i only i only pride as well what the hell what background oh wait alex oh okay [Music] i i've been watching sneak snacks since smp live i love i love when he got banned i love when he got banned i love his videos with jay schlapp mainly i liked when he played star in front of jason oh that was awesome i did honestly you know everyone makes fun of that but that was like i could have cried yeah it was all well no don't make fun of that well he did mention me in your video like oh that was the best he said my name like i was like a person he thinks about you are you you are that decade where's the next president mcc i've just and and and i'm i'm proud to be saying i've just been running around like a little bit yeah i think he's a fake fan guys he didn't even talk about my 1v5 stop that did you fix you all your problem with the music well do you hear music right now no no no no no no you heard it halfway through though i thought you said right now it's really weird okay everyone said like after you turned it on it was the reason yeah repeat it everyone's spamming i'm i'm oh whoops i'm not muted anymore my bad everyone in my chat is spamming pog as they often do always that's just gonna now my chat's just gonna say wicked dicks because hey guys every chat spam come right now i don't even know if i can do that okay let's see how many streams i just ruined my chances of spamming wicked dicks instead i hope that's i hope that's cool look guys if you put every chat that sees this do this they all do across the universe if i go to green's chat now wait chicken swap what does that do this is so what what do we want what do we want i can swap myself with the um sounds of time let's just do grid runners or sounds of time these are our like worst games i think yeah beat the [ __ ] beat him up sounds off time [Music] yeah that one that they're in now do you not agree that like the best game we could do right is probably the one that would like get that chicken out get that chicken big chicken get that [Music] holy [ __ ] i am awesome it's all in the wall [Applause] box big chicken big chicken bark bark bark i am going to lay an egg all right for this one i love watching the humans eat to want to go through the hole in the wall what we're going to do is you're going to want to listen to me and do as i do but not as i say tommy are you [ __ ] high dude probably i did have a cut guys did you know eggs are chicken's periods that's true isn't a period the not i don't know i saw this in daniel comedy show if he's wrong be angry does it appear a period means you don't have a child wouldn't having a child be the opposite you know what i'm going to back out this one i'm going to let you win because i'm not confident in the fact that an egg i'm not confident enough it's still the chicken's menstrual cycle i'm not confident enough i could be wrong and that and that and at the end of the day that's what being grounded is folks anyway welcome back to the stream we're talking about eating chicken babies can you can you give us a break oh my god stop full stop [Music] no no [Music] uh purple purple oh it's the jingle jangles i forgot it's so loud i guess you're nervous on these starting ones man i'm just like yeah me too that will give me the boost i need blue blue blue i just up my fov guys blue again it was epic mid rounds green you didn't say you were a gamer tommy you could look at phil take it head on again green again still up in the front looks like i'm getting this out of the way asap looks like it's green again you're gonna stand right here yeah in the middle uh no no no no no it's purple purple cool uh yellow yellow got it so when all the people are in your face it's [ __ ] nerve-wracking is that blue blue blue nice job boys i don't know green green you can go in the middle easy look jam on the phone he's dead it's green good calm stomach good calms thanks man purple purple you can walk stand in the middle another middle number again purple middle win first purple again purple again uh yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow all right it's about to get faster right now so get [ __ ] ready oh here's a hard one i'm outgunned [Applause] [Music] that's all right that's all right christmas is brutal that was so hard [ __ ] hell yeah what should i have done there guys just so i know like because i don't know because it rinsed all of us so yeah nothing you can do against that one it was awkward you had to get it perfect oh remember what he almost threw it he wants to go the middle there scary yeah what could i have done i just don't know what i could have done don't worry i know it's really don't worry those jumps are like slightly rng like it's very tough yeah it's the timing and it's already fast as hell so you really just gotta time it out and it's the second [ __ ] game we can just all jump off the edge and still win this game center strap purple eliminator hole one i'm ready thinking about what i'm jumping come really committed to this one huh don't worry i'm with you guys if we all jump off of the beginning okay keep pulling out keep going it says it says law i i might definitely if i get like sweaty if i can just keep calling out the colors purple again green it's gonna be green blue blue i can't tell blue is the one underneath though if you guys could i might definitely i'm just [Music] yeah i might definitely wait all right we'll be quiet you guys got a blue blue blue blue boo you can just crouch underneath it blue again blue again uh i don't know yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow again phil good chest yellow again yellow again yellow again oh he's definitely yeah nice job tommy yellow again yellow again yellow again you're doing sick purple purple purple purple you got to jump over the big purple again purple gonna get jumped all the way over again all the way over nice good shape cracked all right green screen you got it holy [ __ ] green again green vegan nice nice job here comes the team on your back let's go [Music] that's all right that's right green green come on you got this he's done go on phil oh okay there's no point i believe in him he's been training come on phil there he goes he's he's clutching up yeah he's got it i believe in him he wanted to do really well just immediately man i got [ __ ] stuck and i did good i thought that was good it must have been like a pixel dude look at rambo again putting this [ __ ] hell out of there holy [ __ ] go go go you want to get it no [ __ ] yeah dude that's so cool good job good job what a beast i was about to swear but i realized it would just all right guys i think this game i don't think we do the bit anymore of just jumping in like that that's just kind of my thoughts but i could be one could be wrong oh really it was funny though well listen it was funny it really was all right jokes aren't funny the second time i got you oh okay come on blaze sorry almost vomited it's fine it's yellow it's yellow twice innovative i appreciate the call out of killers as well that helps yeah yeah yeah purple purple again purple i hate that one block joke i hate it so much yellow yellow yellow first jump and then you can stand still middle nice blue oh [ __ ] psych blue twice same spot nice oh it's green with the devil bro nice good work ah it's purple purple easy jump green middle again i think i'm like purple gotta jump over this [ __ ] yep by the way yellow oh i saw that nice purple purple side nice job good save tommy again you can just crouch on the side over here do a little crouching we do a little bit yellow open pebble purple purple middle spot uh middle's coming out green green middle middle [ __ ] middle jump nice oh i got me i've been there i'm here uh uh i'm out that's right oh that one zoomed in yellow yellow side [ __ ] oh sorry oh good work very close though oh that was scary dude it's good damn nice couldn't get over there close one though all right fifth place not bad i definitely played better than i have been pleasing yeah good work phil good work i think we did all right good job everyone i feel like as long as we're top of the pack we're chilling until the end of the game is a [ __ ] carry holy [ __ ] yeah dude dude was crazy dude went absolutely crazy got top got first twice yeah phil popped off you literally you doubled my score what the nice okay basically four what do we think about that one chapter one that was my bad i have 420 coins [Music] nice well done funny number let's go oh boys oh man what's popping it's the funny present time what's the present present present dr lugon dr lugon give me presents come here glue gun where is where is symmetry give presents for you i have to give one to jack i don't know if i want to give one to jack yeah i i would skip that personally he's on the naughty list stop all right phil what position are you in on the right jack get over here jack uh i'm sick ah carries are minecraft it just says that it just says chicken treat okay hopefully it tells you when we get into the decision it was a reward from a present though so i'm assuming it does something yeah i've got like three i've got um a chicken treats yo-yo and the pop slime i'm guessing it leads chickens australia so that's probably amazing i need to pee again do i go yeah i'm doing the same you have 90 seconds yes okay yeah yeah yeah where are the presents uh sapnap you muted if you're talking by the way presents i'm back welcome back mark every time i drink caffeine bro it makes me piss so much like a ludicrous amount yeah it'll do that apparently also [ __ ] anyway uh i got some presents hopefully we should be good nice nice i think green's chasing me i'm not gonna let them get okay we should go for like a feel-good game like uh like a battle box or something yeah yeah the morale boost mm-hmm because we had two games that were just and now we need uh something that's gonna be like oh yeah we just shut them back but yeah honestly the rest of the games are my [ __ ] so i'm down for anything else really [Music] it's gamer time so chicken treat throwing this small chicken will help it grow victoria got it i've never ran faster i've so nearly tried in dog [ __ ] man so all right what game sounds of time i got a dog battle box yeah we're thinking anything doesn't really matter that much if we get santa time out and grid runners then all of the games are down to pvp someone got a dunk by the way someone should dunk uh dunk [ __ ] dream steam because it's funny how do i do i shoot them or what yeah shoot them guys so i'm thinking if we get if we get grid runners and sounds of time out the way those are like the most rng games like not pvp centered and we're all quite good at pvp so but at the same time we need like a feel good yeah true true what are we going for let's go battle box there's so many are they just handing out gifts left and right oh wait is it gonna be to get to the other oh no it's not what is the what's the trip the strap for battle box what's the strap uh you guys stick together stay alive i'm gonna run around and like you guys don't sit together just do play your games because he's the most the most confident yeah we're gonna do our [ __ ] we're gonna do some damage that map's gonna sleep in all right strike first strike fast no mercy survive as long as you can strike first strike fast no mercy but put your wool in your off hands on my strike first strike faster thank you for the 50 gifted stemmer thank you so much that's the holy [ __ ] thank you yeah we get we're second we get it okay but guys if we're going into a fight if we're going into a fight strike first so you get the first tier strike fast you strafe no mercy even if it's rambu you look him in those bastard green and red eyes and you think you see some [ __ ] and stuff pretty much yeah you you have no mercy on him you don't think about it you just think about ah i need to win strike first strike fast no mercy okay but we're gonna we're gonna do our thing we're gonna we're gonna be hitting [ __ ] yeah hitting [ __ ] strike first step if you need me to back you up you need me to strike fast let me know and i'll strike fast with no immersion though hey sam what we gonna do just try to stay his lives try to stay alive by striking first striking fast i'm gonna finish strike please don't strike the enemy team first first look at the map you can't get in without going up the top yeah you need to be careful for a minute yeah absolutely so what what is the strap for this map i just [ __ ] told you ten times you gotta stay alive stay alive just play your game try and survive and let me run around and clean up there's the strat what if you die let me play your game that's the thing is we just play again i won't die don't don't play too passive because then they're going to be just play your normal game but just charge my you need to like if so they go for middle you need to stop them [Music] shot charlie rainbow's down there shot him dreams thank you signing up rambu's on me get him eyes tempo's on you on top of you are they all dead no it's just fine it's just charlie on top we come we come we're going to go well somebody go wall that was good on me good work wow really good boys well done the same thing that type of thing because i got three kills running around [ __ ] i dude i just sound like drake draining charlie something i don't know if you saw that that was perfect just well done boys just play play like just shoot arrows don't let them get the [ __ ] middle some [ __ ] are going to try and will us because they know they won't beat us in a fight um if you see them with one on there i'll go active i'll keep staying axe i don't mind sure i just i just don't really use it it's so i think i'm going to stick to that the crit is nice but if you like the store just use the sword yeah i'm still going to main sword i think i'll sit back and volley some arrows i'm gonna go left and up [Music] on the on the wall on the wall on the wall shot him you're huge there's one left there's one wall left i'm going to wait until you kill him nice hold it all down yeah i need to say i need to stay with the sword i was trying to correct with the axe and just kept timing it i just kept timing it wrong when i was on the air i guess he actually it has it has not back too so up here it's really good i will just pop shots back here easily if so if you guys got me up top so nobody drops something i got you up top dude also i have knocked back so if you're rushing up top let me come with and i can also guys just so you know for the wool when i go up top i always get a harming pot so i can just like dash it on the wall people when they're rushing exactly that's good so just scream it out just keep doing exactly what we're doing it's perfect okay oh wow we signed up thank you i am perfect you are i didn't think you called me perfect but oh he's so right he's i was i was just about to say that all right i think quigg might be going left which scares me [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm gonna harass him you come and laugh with me no i'm gonna target quick with my arrows though oh i almost made the jump they're all left uh see uh on me chocolate top all up michael's on it michael's on it guys jumped up that was so close jesus christ dude i got dude i got the pot and then i threw it and jumped on him at the same time that was sick people people are just like running to me and then they go after me and then step up just like god is just [ __ ] insane watch out whenever you play red puns is going to try and flank just know that they're really popular they're really just ignoring the sap now i'm fine with dying every round i can't believe this is so good this is so good this is awesome they keep going up top and then wrapping around to our spawn and i'm just like staring at them like what are you [ __ ] doing yeah just keep playing exactly playing use that damage pot to stop them from the wall yeah yeah i think when they rush left that's when i have to jump down yeah but i still get the damage but anyway [Music] [Applause] yeah rushing left i'm jumping down cbk's law i'm also low shot harvey shot harvey twice go away let's go he's like dead i got harvey i'm dead cpk's up there go cpk nice nice they're all dead three kills baby i [ __ ] just ran it as soon as i sleep [ __ ] i was alone giving you guys an easier time running at them yeah that's all i really care about right now that's why i have all those arrows i mean i literally never played that i just have the dumb acts the dumb acts that sit there and and cry like i literally i get 18 arrows with this so i'm just back here popping shots my stride is like if they rush me i can still get out of there that's why i'm i'm chuffed murder these people just don't guys just just use your fists man i think honestly yeah your enemy no matter how weak they may seem oh i stay one step ahead they're probably gonna go for the wall here so just keep that in mind yep yep [Music] [Applause] one's already on it shot him what's rushing you tommy [Music] nice job one across up top i got him i got him just i got it good job there we go [Music] but i'm a bit of a girl boss oh yeah well i'm gatekeeping pretty hard right now oh dude i just get lit in the competition i [ __ ] hate myself all right we're gonna play be playing right here guys pay attention whenever we play red you need to watch out yeah that's good what do you think that strap's going to be ginger yes this is fine what do you think red straps going to be reddit punjab is going to do what i'm doing pond is going to do what i'm doing so why oh wait wait we're in third now and we've already beaten they lost last round you need to watch out for red i want to get nine for nine watch out whenever we play red i'll play that kill tommy [Music] find an easy clap but holy [ __ ] i'm close and i immediately shot green no i needed no anyone yet we're not we gotta win these next two games three it might be six out of nine i think it's next two games no because it's seven eight and nine so just three yeah well i just love counting we got a handful more we're doing we're gaming dude just keep gaming yeah but even if we lost these next three like no no no no no no no no no no no no no everybody against the floor yep that is what we want they are scraping against the asphalt right now and we're where our foot is on top of them every shot we sent shot one good shot [Music] so they should all be low actually wait that might have been our team that was literally our team so sorry so sorry guys guys won't lie one of the members unspecified did throw a harming part in our entire team now it could have been me but it could have been someone else well i definitely had the intent to hit you it hit me how much damage did you feel that was just a test so i know how much damage i wasn't paying attention but i was weak so so what i know is it works what i know is the strat works so really i'm out here getting a triple kill i'm out here getting a one kill on our team i'm getting an own goal baby red spoon so be careful right it's gonna be one people are just running out immediately and i'm just shooting an arrow as they are red is going to be the last team we play just it's all right good bit of a finale of a grand finale i don't mind no mercy no mercy no you're right sorry i've been forgetting my own motto i've started to have mercy being like we could just not win i'm so sorry guys i'm so sorry johnny lawrence would not like this not tommy john not that [ __ ] i'm so sorry no messy focus focus focus i want nine for nine they're all going right all going on [Music] i'm down [ __ ] i'm on him got well it's just yeah just chat if you lose your manifold i'm gonna work boys yeah we're in first round one more round one more round are we doing nice but now are we doing it wow okay damn [ __ ] [ __ ] let's [ __ ] go all right this is gonna be the most difficult team so pay attention it's gonna be the most difficult team right here no no no no no no no we're the most difficult everyone everyone the guys pond is gonna do what i'm doing you need to watch out for puns otherwise he will kill you guys from without you guys noticing whilst the strap for watching out for puns we just grouped with them someone find puns and just dude your job is to [ __ ] track them tommy that's your job you track actually no sneak sneak you track puns bro do not lose sight of that [ __ ] okay i understand i understand king that was me saying yes i appreciate that a lot has got a [ __ ] calendar you know because he's a reindeer you don't remember the message you sent yeah plungers watch out punjab is going to try and flank here did we get a phone [Music] [ __ ] hit me off about it is really annoying criticized up here is how do we get the mids how do we get them in i got them i got them get them get them get them get them i'll do wait are you gonna [Applause] [Music] scorer i'm definitely number one there's no doubt about it let's go sir teal takeover baby holy [ __ ] oh wow phil had to have been like right under us i was doing the wool i was to definitely like six or seven though that's nuts absolutely now we're number one let's go oh mate this is awesome hey guys hey guys maybe i've been practicing this month maybe i haven't been maybe you can notice maybe good [ __ ] dude oh thank you i could kiss myself wait wait a play up that's nuts absolutely no steve phil snap you all that excellently that was actually guys i just used to play sweaty uhcs so like if you give me enough arrows i'll just i'll just shoot [ __ ] i mean sixth samurai are you in first that kid gave you 18 arrows like you can just literally spin oh man that was [ __ ] pog well done gents well done i am not i am immensely proud of this community mainly me dude can you stand [ __ ] still you [ __ ] look at this look at that nine seven six and four hey yeah that looks like it looks kind of you know i kind of like that i kind of like the look of that look at us a couple of cars yeah good work boys this is uh this is splendid keep it going all right let's just sweep the rest of the games too [ __ ] it okay i think we don't get too cocky now we do sounds of time because what sounds of time and grid runners are the games that could just pull us down what do you guys right now phil uh sure what are your thoughts great runners and sounds of time i think we should probably get out of the way here's the time is the most yeah sky battle and hunger games we could but i i think hunger games i'd want to do next just because that could be a like if we all came tenth it's like [ __ ] but sky battle we can kind of always redeem i think sounds of time and grid winners we're probably going to do medium or it's very unlikely we all do awful and then parkour tag is like golden that's just like good we should say that for last if we can what do you think accept that uh sure you just don't even care you just you're just out there well the game the games the games at this point since we got billmar out kind of don't [ __ ] matter to be honest it's a great challenge yeah i'm gonna have to agree i think the rest of them are doing we're fairly not worried for sounds of time because that's my worry you know for that can i can i go blue vault key for that do you want do you want to be the sand keeper no okay phil keeper yeah all right this is what's gonna happen tommy you're on blue valky that's the easiest key sneak you run right now i'll i'll [ __ ] freelance it now pogchamps we found the hearts now pog champs right santa do you want to vote for santa time then sure yeah survival games or sounds of time is what i'm leaning towards okay well we have to choose one good runners please battlebox again i wish bro that'd be sweet we are not that ahead of emerald though so let's not get too ahead of ourselves oh yeah but they were ahead of us by a lot bro it's the fourth game let's not get ahead of ourselves at all by like seven my like seventh game we should be no but we should be we should be on track with this i'm telling you bro it it's always close like a hundred percent all it's all the way to the last game okay amen bro now guys let's turn this blog champs into primes subscribe guys i'll play it don't you test me [Music] i'll read some yeah we boost that super count everybody we're primed for dunking dude that guy thank you thank you oh no i'm just i'm just gonna dunk us you say what you want chat i'll just i'll have a look i saw it i just unplugged my camera somebody big chick in santa time i'm under my desk say it chocolate don't yellow looks like they want sky battle i'm doing it stands a time uh oh please come back please come back camera look what the [ __ ] is going on it looks like you're probably going to be grid runners it's looking like grid runners yeah there's so many presents like gifts holy [ __ ] it's definitely good runners the halloween one had a pumpkin this one's going to be can we just overall agree we're listening to sam now for this one i think just having a clear leader no there's no leader on this one this one's just completely like no bits just oh yeah dude that's what i was going to say so yeah yeah that and that that's that map you know the jump on this right on the start yeah jump when it starts also everyone i'm feeling that again sorry if i talking about chickens being egg periods i feel like it was a daniel schloss like there was previously if somebody figures it out they should go back and lead everybody else that was right in case like like imagination-wise they should just literally go back and show everybody and guys so i just don't i'm zoned out if there's an invisible path one like there was previous if somebody figures it out they should just lead the other people through it if they know how to do it again oh yeah i'll do that i'll i'll lead you through this no [ __ ] no bits funniness i am the most average minecraft player ever that's very true i am the most but even average nurse is a bit oh okay no bits this is chat this is a there's a fly in my room everything is distraction okay no bits i'm the today i am the most average minecraft player ever tommy head let's do this your no bit is becoming a bite [Music] somebody like um disconnected from this caller did you impulse jim is not good but we are good what is it okay okay whatever all right ready is this so funky make sure to jump yeah hold space i mean minecraft 1 000 averager holy [ __ ] i just launched all the way over nice nice place go go go go there's nothing funny about this there's nothing funny about this oh clean clean sandwich has appeared i gotta save him okay yeah i'm going up top on my side yep get in the bottom get the bottom what is it what is it with shaving off him what's it look like his beard is weird bro the white the white it's the white [ __ ] it's just the head on his head on his face tommy see this [ __ ] oh this yeah go on the other side and do it go on the other side i got this side i can't get to the truck can you drop down and get the those parts yeah yeah how do you get up there parkour come up here oh all right go go go go go go where is it we gotta go up we gotta go it's four in the middle right eat all mince pies we gotta get inside we gotta get inside here i'm looking to the left uh left side there's an electrical i think i'm in phil phil phil can you press this for me someone in the door okay wait tell me nice open the door for me open the door i'm just gonna run through open the door for us [Applause] [Music] baby got that i've got this root sign up just let me how do i get over there how do we get over there to that lamp it's a slime jump i see it i'm just checking everything on the bottom layer oh it's gonna be up there okay yeah go on sign up you got this oh [ __ ] okay there's a parkour puzzle in this one what the hell yeah yeah sneak up there there's one up there got it still how do we get this one over here over here over here i got it i don't worry about this yellow one up here someone tommy type of time walk across this chain just don't move don't move turn around turn around walk across the chain opposite of the lamp look at that do you see me i'm not doing i think walk across that iron chain there's a lamp above me right there should be yeah yeah there is there is go for it how do i don't know how to get up there uh we gotta get to this bit i think oh i got it i got it i gotta touch it i figured out it's up here i didn't touch it i got it i got it boys go to the front go to the front go to the actually go to the exit all right go go go was the accent up here belt i look i look for bella and sapling how do you get a sampling from one of these look i'll look for the aqua bed i'll look for the aqua bed look for the honey block that's probably upstairs is there anything else all right i found the aqua bed all right what else are we looking for honey block money block uh soul fire soul campfire uh spruce saplings i know what that is where's the honey block i got that campfire oh god all right what else do we need i guess just spruce saplings sapling uh yeah we still got the bed yeah you need the bell on the sapling i've got i've got honey i'm looking for the bell and the sapling i need to get down how do i ah right here tommy where's the bell i'll see if i get the sampling from the leaves i don't think you can fill i tried no okay maybe the [ __ ] bell i've got something so sorry phil nice night we need a belt outside the belt's outside the belt's right here oh nice all right no i will go to the hopper ever go to the hopper drop [Music] how we meant to do this oh you're kidding oh you go on the honey you're on holy [ __ ] that's awesome holy that's really cool that is that is this is wow well done there's one there's one over here on the left that's [ __ ] hard like shoot it like over here no i fell off the honey you got this up i got it i got it it's on my end it's on my end see it i see it i know where it is i'm gonna get it give me a sec go on got one okay there's one more on our end sign up on the left there's one on the right two oh i see the bottom left got it down cookie milk i'll get milk bucket because i don't i got chicken i got mushroom soup i found chip fish we need fish what fish do we need we need something salmon i got i got salmon i get chicken they cooked salmon cooked sandwiches they're wood i got mushroom soup already okay uh uh what do we need cookie or salmon i got salmon we need cookie we need cookies that's all we need [Music] i just had some in my mouth thing you guys need to go on all the sides and i'll do the parkour jumps okay all right all right i need uh over here phil i'll be the side phil you go around you go around all right i need oh i can actually make no i need to turn that back on turn that back on okay i need like up up top over here yep that one perfect um okay oh don't do anything no no oh [ __ ] that no that was gonna help sorry did i push you off no you just uh made it so i couldn't jump over there i need okay up here up here real time kind of like picture where you're at or just don't press anything for now you're not seeing anything i need that back okay bro people are gonna struggle with this one i'll tell you what yeah look it's it looks hard i can't even see it i'm just seeing your body if you want it someone in here can come in and try to okay here here uh turn this one on that'll make it a lot easier yeah perfect i make it a lot easier okay uh i need this one sneak over here on the right top right okay uh top wait actually yeah you just not used any from stop stop up here top up here on your side on your level yeah on up as high as you can hold on i gotta get up to it and nice i got it let's go nice job where's the exit oh the key is right up here up top the silver spider [Music] oh yeah it's pistons like it's gonna be pistons here boys oh did you see you see look at sticky pistons look so you can go like this we have to like move them along um and like lamps in the top on the top layer oh yeah i need a we need to do like parkour and i need to jump up and flick the lamps okay i kind of see how do i get up um thinking thinking thinking how do i get up there oh how do you get up you gotta move the stuff around i'm i'm i don't know how to get you there though there's a drop down so i gotta there's a drop down where where you have to move move this over here well we have to push oh i see i see there yeah there's a drop down how do i get up how do i get up there there's a waterfall on the bottom go down there's an arrow leading to the waterfall down there okay perfect i'm pushing it to where you can get on there you go you should be able to get on though um i can jump over i don't know how to get you to do this though it's what i i i'm failing to get is how do we get you to do this i got one lamp on move it around move it around we're going to move them a little bit more to the right tell me if you can sorry sorry i'm oh yeah oh there you go there you go that's it that's it that's it push it you push it bit by bit yeah you push it bit by bit so you can go over there okay okay should be fine i think just follow keep going keep going hold on i gotta get the one to [ __ ] get the other nice do it again jesus oh all right hold on i think grab it don't do anything okay perfect that would go phil what i want you to do is bring that one to over there bring that one to the one i'm moving it all the way to the right move it yeah move it all the way yep it's gonna take a little bit just keep moving it i think you can reach it from there all right hold on i think i can reach i got that one i'm gonna jump it got it no i picked it off i flick it off oh no okay that's all right you can don't move anything all right all right got that one you gotta get on the trip all right oh i know you're ready sorry all right sorry it's all right that's jumping on the trap all right i got it we got this boys let me know when you're going to move i'm going to move here all right everyone tommy go to the front absolutely i got him moving it move it come on i think i can get it okay [Music] we got 25 seconds to get it all the way out looking good just take safe jumps take safe jumps safe jumps is not my middle name all right good job boys dude that last one was hard man i was just [ __ ] carrying holy [ __ ] that one holy [ __ ] that was especially the last one man that was tough yeah we got first in all of them except basically that one i'm not yeah no i dude yeah maybe the first one we did it but the like most of the middle ones we just got i'm just glad i could be here to carry we should be oh like 50 seconds ahead of everybody oh we're good we're good before clean that one oh [Laughter] [Music] oh actually holy [ __ ] all right well done guys well done not have been bad if we didn't we're still first oh wow dude look how look how much that pulled down like emerald emerald was close second behind us if you didn't finish that you got good luck that was a tough one that was tough holy [ __ ] that was legit that was legitimate [Music] the honey slide thing was super cool all right all right boys boys boys we got if we if we ring it early [Music] whatever tommy says go for it okay everyone vote these three police voted or most voted this time you control the game with the least votes game of the least votes will we play next what do we want to be played tommy thoughts on set hmm please get me kicked out for that please don't get me kicked out the event for that please don't get me down with the event oh man not my one doesn't count in my one [ __ ] my camera just keeps turning all right i'm gonna get up i'm gonna is he coming anything except snow we're going for snow time wait one sec i'm getting my other camera here uh i just said zero votes for me oh man that was important what do you guys vote just vote anything but what are we going for what do we want sometimes okay i'm just getting a backup camera because my one keeps turning off right i'm gonna delete that so i don't get kicked from the event but i'm sure um all right i'm going for p going for p cover me sky battle is currently love people haven't voted yet i would vote sky battle okay vote for sky battle right now one second i'm just going for a win for another pee pee is that to the was that a christmas jingle version of pee sounded like the whatever it is the dashing through the snow song all right i'm the only one here this is awesome ppp [Music] dude i've been pissing so much today it's crazy caffeine when you have a coffee sponsor like i do you just your body just accepts it just the caffeine is is your life water at this point all right why the [ __ ] is tommy's title carrying seven up in mcc i just realized that because it's tommy is trying to humble you king oh let's see let's see okay to get oh dude somebody gassed up stands a time it's fine it's gonna be to get to the other side or survival game hello hey bud guys i just made my dad put this on the television say hi hi dad hi dad hi dad if i say hi dad here and then run into the other room i should be able to see myself saying hi dad why did your dad think her name was weird my dad thought you and satnap sounded like [ __ ] pokemon he said why are you teaming [ __ ] pokemon but he didn't say the [ __ ] and i said that i don't know though i've got brad you've been [ __ ] metro you [ __ ] creepy flip you mean i i mean it's called steel i got gloves [Laughter] oh i'm spitting all right he's spitting something [Music] i'm getting my backup camera ready because i keep my camera keep stopping working someone just called me a bisharp what the hell you [ __ ] bit you [ __ ] bishop piece of [ __ ] that's a steal pokemon actually you know what [ __ ] sharp is pretty sick i i'm honored to be called bisharp bishop's a cool pokemon and his shiny is dark blue anyway i'm a huge nerd i'm jumping inside take a shot take it up a notch on the spot the mistletoe icon looks like a booger hi dad give money the mistletoe looks like somebody picked their nose and just like put it on the screen and that's the mascot it really does look like a booger it's got bits hanging off it yeah it doesn't help that it's mint like it's like lime it's real real booger-ish i don't know if they thought this one through [Laughter] holy [ __ ] something up me you were owning i want to go to the bathroom it's gonna be to get to the other side it's gonna be to get the other side please count down and out on the ground and we don't go down sorry it's dancing with scott it's fine i get overly excited when i see him in minecraft i see his minecraft skin it's only an mcc usually your origins [Music] i hope scott knows this isn't going to stop i'm just going to keep just going to keep doing this until we're forced to to leave somebody just wronged me double just wronged you whoa whoa whoa damn screaming oh i fell no i broke the chin on top [ __ ] hi i'm the i'm from the shield turkeys and we're being epic right now there's not many breadcrumbs on my cross what all right anyway volume sick over here we go what did you choose your [ __ ] pieces of [ __ ] hi dad's not looked at twitter wait i think i think my mum might be asleep if i oh my god [Music] is trying to muffle you all right we are we ready boys yeah squidward squidward patrick squidward oh phil phil everyone follow phillips what's the strat for the beginning because i wasn't listening yesterday when you told me okay heads up you're not gonna be able to see me following me what is the trap what is the strap i showed you dude but i've forgotten i've forgotten since yesterday that's okay i showed snap map tell me tell me go to the right tell you right yeah to the right go to the right fall off go to the right underneath all the [ __ ] and it's almost practically a straight shot so it's under the leaves um no there's no leaves in the beginning of the christmas tree there's leaves go above the leaves you go above the leaves above the leaves you basically go sorry sorry wait yes yes sorry about the leaves yes yes you want to start off at the very beginning at the right side of this platform all right yes wait wait sorry yes wait i'm so sorry wait say again say it again never mind no no i'm sorry no i really didn't mean to i'm sorry no mercy all right i'm listening hit me go on the right walk off and just stay high okay get high don't want to go underneath the dinosaur you want to go above it slightly so basically fall down do look at all these dirty jumpers a little jammed we do a little jamming can we see everybody or yeah you can one why am i first oh my god stay above the leaves here i'm struggling somebody [ __ ] me up immediately well good bro just finished holy [ __ ] i can't see yeah somebody crashed in front of me [ __ ] oh i was doing well you're good hello dinosaur [Music] oh my god okay nice i finished i'm throwing i got ninth good job just take your time and finish boys yep because we can still get the phil bona the team bonus let me just take your time and finish now don't worry about place you got sneak i'm watching you take your time nice got it just take your time tommy finish you got 26 seconds guys plenty of time did somebody crash right in front of me and immediately yeah that is annoying there's nothing you can do about that they crash it's irritating yeah i don't think tommy's enough time that's all right it's all right it's only one we got married because me and phil finished very well i got it i was right behind you phil i'm sorry i'm sorry yeah don't worry about it well we got this and we're in third right now we're chilling we're running for a lot too like there's literally like two teams next to us in points so we're chilling put blocks in your off hand that way in case you need to snowball or something you can alright [Music] nice take a nice time see you guys right next to each other nice you guys got it nice did you finish tommy almost there we're gonna we're gonna get the 13 bonus are you [ __ ] kidding me just breathe just breathe chill out you're like going way too handy there you go oh just chill the [ __ ] out okay yeah just chill out be consistent and you're fine just breathe okay okay just breathe don't panic we're vibing okay [Music] you're stressing yourself out okay yeah you're getting in your head all right it's just we're doing super well to start the game like literally all you have to do is just like okay just take your time and just like you know talking to him okay let people let people build stuff for you like literally don't it the completion bonus is so much more important than being the first to finish just worry about worry about completing with us okay oh my [ __ ] god boy seven good job all right there we go nice first first a big team bonus [Music] good job guys say good job tommy good job good luck boys take your time in this place do your thing you don't have we just finish as a team and we're going to get points does it matter it doesn't matter individual doesn't matter individual i'm sorry guys guys guys i appreciate that you're doing great you've brought me back at this point in the tournament i would have gotten a little peeved would have started you know know serious damning turbo but now thank you this is all mental games don't worry thank you boys thank you i i needed that no no but you guys can see he's super important in this one that's all we need is just sitting at spawn thinking about life what happened okay this is my one can you go over that keep outside you think why would you i don't know you're gonna go on the cobwebs yeah yeah i think i can i think again okay yeah try just don't fall in the cobwebs [Music] oh someone else did it okay i [ __ ] [ __ ] up i saw that that was crap that was cracked on me well done i need these bro [ __ ] be placing blocks on me [ __ ] off wilbur bye i think nice sneak you got this just take your time just keep going keep going just keep going sleep keep going keep going you're fine you're fine you're fine go go go go go go go go go go go go get it we're going for some bonuses let's go in first let's go just like that i was pushing puns away so we could get up i think you guys are right almost never going for first off the bat then later on going for it as well so i i went for him because i know he was ahead of us in coins right i swear to god wilbur somehow it's always wilbur that gets in like that one by one with me every time bro yeah is pretty [ __ ] good to get to the other side no joke he's consistent oh [ __ ] this game okay what's the strat what's the strap wait what is this we're just driving to drive in a straight line and just getting then there's a don't turn [Music] guys there's a traffic jam dude i'm out here let's go snap that i'm with you [Music] no oh i was right there i literally shifted last second i'm sad that was my bad oh why do it in glitching just take your time and finish all right sixth it's like bumper cars man yeah you gotta tell me all the way baby now go whack a fan why don't you funny nice go sneak we're gonna about to get this first team bonus good [ __ ] [ __ ] okay second not bad that's the one yeah i was literally with you and i fell i shifted the block like right next to being saved how many individuals like one block off the left we got a team bonus as long as we get team bonuses how many individual questions i've done that one before i didn't know you could continue the movement 500 yep yep how many you have to do how am i what how many individual coins do you have 706. nice yeah it meets you guys how did you have snake 300. so i'm i shouldn't be no it's about team points about i'm now i'm in third i'm like oh what if i get first what do i get first it's fine i don't mind you guys are you guys are clutching up this game i'm getting my my 2018 skywars ranked bones are coming back to me what's this is like this is like mario kart there's a mirror this is just hoping for the best this is right but it's this mario kart yeah i just pray you don't just might actually hang back just a little bit just [ __ ] hanging back i'm in first hell yeah everyone's punching no punchy no punch i got immediately punched off i'm sad oh i got oh i got meme dude that [ __ ] is so i've just been going in f5 oh i just got punched off bye michael oh no i [ __ ] up well who punched me the [ __ ] was that and why for why yeah beat some beat the [ __ ] out of these kids nice good job tommy i punched michael off for you go go boys just running these three just do this you guys have a clear path ahead so just keep running don't stop now sneak and stop keep going keep going nice you got to fill what you did last time and just like held the corner to punch people going in dirty let's go tiny bit behind captain nice okay now you got no one behind you oh you [ __ ] no no that's good you're gonna ruin their completion bonus but it was just it wasn't cool that was so mean that was [ __ ] film that was [ __ ] you didn't have that okay never mind you have a night the captain has no mercy holy [ __ ] just murdered that guy guys no mercy you're right you're right no mercy no yeah no mercy you're right phil had no mercy in that and i can only respect that you just reminded me i was doing well and then i just like just got like knocked off the edge it was so annoying a big lack of mercy there phil big lack of mercy and i appreciate that all right good amount of points good amount of points i think was ginger one of the ones up top with us or did they not complete no they didn't completely complete it should be all right then oh dude what the [ __ ] happened to me that i that the boat choke was awful we're still holding first [ __ ] every time for the past 10 mccs i've been in sixth at this point like every time okay i think we do skype on that i hate to break it to you but the captain swore because i pushed him off he said i swear i'm gonna keep you again i'm gonna go i'm being totally small i can't help but feel partially responsible you you did that uh-oh [Laughter] no dude you're acting like i'm going down you're the one that felt don't act like i'm the one that caused it i'm just the influencer uh-huh well you heavily influenced me that [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] that's the content creator way baby oh gosh honestly i kind of want sky battle i'm gonna be honest did we make captain say [ __ ] are you serious i'm gonna be honest that's so funny i forgot about the presents i'm getting the presents now i totally forgot the presents too [ __ ] the president i'm getting things so i'm just finding [ __ ] yeah get this slime that's so awesome what the [ __ ] i hope he's not beat up about it that's so funny merry christmas captain sparkles you're getting cold [Laughter] it's like stepson happy holidays [ __ ] why is everyone telling me to clip it what's happened apparently we made captain swear yeah i me like you know how sneak told me he told me yeah you know how my girl boss fell into punching him no mercy all right no mercy you know i said if you don't punch this nice man who i met and it was a great person to be around i will find you no mercy all right good work yeah i threatened his entire existence if you didn't do it that's what happened oh my god oh guys i have peed at least five times me too it's the stretch to be clear wait what's happened to my stupid stress in the coffee he did say it in the caffeine [Music] [Music] oh they've got a clip i'm watching it i'm watching the clip okay i've got a backup camera oh my god this clip is awesome can you send it it's letting him go [ __ ] you phil's just [Laughter] that's so good i am entering my kill everybody arch i said guys [Music] guys i think we try and skip sounds of time now i think with that light on there yeah that's fine michael's screaming is really that really puts i think we risk it not playing it if we don't and i really want to play it today so i think we play it what sky battle yeah we could risk just not having it in the event if we don't play it now we're about to get done all right we're getting dunked yeah i think immediately he misses it just kidding i thought he missed oh that looks like chatbot that looks like skype battle all right warm up the hands warm up the hands one with the hands yeah it's literally what we wanted anyway [ __ ] you dude that's that's pretty crisp i guess i'll just have to break out of this prison you [ __ ] [Music] i love how weird though it's a thing regardless of like if someone's like even if it's like a good dog just yeah it's kind of sky [Music] oh all right let's see this map and let's go right now we know our strats it's the same as halloween one snap nap just spam yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right i want to go to the right because there's an axe and iron sword that i want to grab i'm getting the iron block tommy's grabbing the iron block tommy break the cobblestone wall below the iron block first so you don't turn right right right the wall sorry about the wall sorry the the cobblestone wall that the iron block is on because if you don't break it it can fall off the map okay the iron block so break that first tommy grab that sneak you go to the left right and if people are fighting you don't go there like if they're challenging you just come with us okay okay what is left what am i looking for when i go live i'll there's an iron block that you can grab stick with the team but don't be afraid pick a pot shot or two if you have arrows too a lot of people try to build to the midfield i'm gonna be you can get a shot remembering my bridging strats in this game because that's the thing i'm the best at it's probably bridging so i i might like skywars i would be careful not i don't know speed bridging is hella risky but there's so many block clutching opportunities on this map you being alive is way more important guys i'm gonna be [ __ ] confident all right all right all right so you can still be too fast just go to the left okay you go to the left blocks right yeah i got box tommy yeah yeah bill we're going to the right okay so i'm i'm going to get this i'm going to join you see that black you see that black like thing over there the black thing that's where the the axe is and [ __ ] we need to get that okay all right let's get it we're gonna go for that off the rip tommy i want you to craft me iron legs boots and helmet okay no no i only get one block i'm not crafting that crafting myself sword and no i only have one i'm myself i'm telling you it's better to have someone armed up so i don't get one shot yeah i'm being armadale okay phil grab this over here yep got it got the iron block got the diamond got everything that came with it i'm gonna go pan i'm coming back to y'all all right i need a crafting bench go up this uh candy cane there's a crafting image here uh through the iron blocks oh don't die uh red team is far left below us no they're not charging get in get in tommy start building in no not yet not yet the red red's gonna boat rescue the boat so cover me cover me with a bridge guys you guys cover me while i bridge all right i'm going to build in but cover me build and build in you good sneaker cover me please we got it okay up here we go up guys everyone up here with me please oh there's already an iron chest plate i'm a dork dice get in get in over here over here everyone else get everyone up here we kill orange here sneaks all day snake's not in i'm not in i'm on the way i'm here i'm here i'm here he's here we're good we're i'm coming i think uh pete's up top wait for me wait for me i can t oh [ __ ] that one [ __ ] up come come over here one sec oh here come i just can't see them shot one nice pete fell phil yeah you seen your arms team watching i'm making this video protect yeah protect that [ __ ] up yeah [Music] guys start building like a thing like build up does anyone have any arrows no no start building a red tv build like a giant platform build a giant platform like this yeah and build it up a little bit because we don't want to yeah build up and and [ __ ] okay oh i almost pulled off punches stay on this we're getting arrows we can find arrows we can find marrows oh yo there's a bunch of idiots over here all right go wait gemini's above us watch us happen up above you yeah build up here yeah we can hit orange we can hear orange from here i'm really weak i'm ready next to us creepers watch out for red keep the creepers away keep building and keep building in oh my god solidarity just jumped on me holy [ __ ] there's so many creep there's so many creepers red's charging you rest charging from behind that was just a club stand up you guys are good behind you build it build it behind you guys it's fine you got it it's just you said you got it literally i got three kills i got three kills that was worth it stand up build more build my walls jumped on me nice job yeah go for give me go go go go go go she's right there nice good shot that was nuts no way what the [ __ ] [Music] to the middle that was insane dude somebody on pink underneath you broke the block and somebody on the other side oh my god i'm saying is why don't we push blue i got the iron block tubby's shooting at me purple's rushing blue i'm gonna go with you snake no no no no no no no no no no no no okay okay okay i'm sorry sorry i'm just rushing us no no yeah purple rush blue okay i'm going to do the bridge cover me yeah does he have the iron blocks i'm dropping the iron blocks put it in the chest and the chest and the chest perfect up here come up shout off oh i can fall damage i'm making okay i'm gonna get bowed likely so i could do some like just someone here when i'm doing this bridge still phil phil take this yeah i gotta get some boots or something oh people forgotten the best of the game okay i'm in the middle of the mid you guys can come what's up i'm on it i'm going to mid i think i'm just going to hold mid for a minute guys i'm holding here so shot one got a kill nice nice nice guys we can go i'm gonna go this tower and just get the rest of the loot look up here somehow i hit him i hit him you scared the [ __ ] out of me i thought somebody was trying to knock me out behind us all right just you know on sneak you're kind of alone bro yeah you're on your own i've got an iron sword for someone spare wait wait where are you guys can we can we all meet up yeah we're right next to you right next to you uh sneaks a little bit a little bit further away from us you want to come back i'm just [ __ ] with blue right now guys guys guys we could get green look we're gonna have to push in with you let's push uh we need to start building it build in building build up top and start building build up and build like a tower over here like build up here and start building in up and in up and in up and in up and in i don't have any arrows up and in boys get up here building building and building building building i'm fine nicki i'll be careful tommy you're so nice nice tommy topples looking faces aiming at us building buildings you want to get to us they're going to brush you if you don't set up nice kills under here hold on be careful we want to build a building build and build and fill okay i can just come up i can't just come up all right we want to get to that center over there i've got so much tnt that i could be like just keep building in keep going wait we'll be closer building closer well it's right there oh [Music] got a kill on my way out nice nice i got two huge good stuff the same thing again it's working chaotic damage saucers that dealt the most damage to you that's really interesting same thing uh orange over here they're not gonna want to fight us you go do you think we should fight someone off the bat no no no no no no no no no yeah dude that's such a stupid idea who was the [ __ ] that was something that was the dumbest idea let's go for more [Music] orange are pushing mid the rushing you should be fine go up the candy cane up the candy cane up the candy cane did you get the iron bar yeah i got my back too holy [ __ ] wilbur just killed like a whole [ __ ] team i just put the iron in the chest in the chest there's extra iron someone grab it and craft yourself some [ __ ] here i got that guy i'm bridging i'm being a little bridger a little bridger i'm oh what the [ __ ] is that go up go up my candy cane all my game boys building building building building tommy building no i like that oh [ __ ] we're just up in this [ __ ] already holy [ __ ] we gotta build him i need to build in someone needs to build in guys we're in twos of our candy canes okay we're gonna go back there we're gonna go back to these two okay no no no no your guys is better okay okay i'm staying here we should go to them the walls of the walls [ __ ] that's up and it sounds good sounds good keep going good going yeah nothing like that perfect perfect i've got nine sword if anybody wants it nope okay keep building keep building keep building boys keep building keep building buildings oh i got hit keep building here oh yeah okay it's when they start spamming arrows that you die sorry just sometimes i just noticed if we're getting hit a lot there no mercy uh i installed here if anyone needs it i'm good i have a healing potion they don't we could probably make a push on pink go down here build in i kind of like keep building keep building blocks for orange i'm for orange you're gonna aim down you're gonna aim down which one guys they're all fighting now we should go for kills no no no no no we should go win win more points we're chilling we're chilling yeah we'll find smaller fights stay alive back off back off back off hit the creepers over there below us there's a few fights oh that was me okay i did the suicide tnt that's right that's right good building they're stuck over there right there yeah i see them build just keep building in you guys got this build a little wall ah sorry i couldn't stay live don't stop i was getting targeted did cnc break the singular block i was standing on are you serious dude i got five kills which is way more how many kills would you get i got three sign up rambu's just uh i got seven that's really that's so that's a that's a lot more kills than i had last time and that's yeah great what the hell is happening oh my god fruit just hit him with it my nose when i get nervous good stuff thanks guys you all did very well you played confidently come on come on we've got two more games we got two more games two more games shut up keep it up that is not too much that is not a lot yeah that can get turned around pretty quick what's that best next game i kind of don't want to do survival games now i want to do ace race and sans there's no ace race no sound no call attacks yeah and sans is that is that crazy of me is that am i insane i mean crazy shook my [ __ ] and balls reddit [Music] dude you're you're absolutely going nuts this game i'm super proud thanks everyone i feel like a proud father for myself it's presents presents person it's fine guys i'll just sit in 12. we're going to get you to top 10 sneak that's all right i think i got like no teeth no mercy not even on yourself i'm sean i'm chilling i'm doing great michael mcgill you big [ __ ] where's nikki i need i i need a present i'm looking what does the chocolate bar do is she i don't know i got my chocolate and coke oh she's in the middle she's in the dome she's in the dome oh i was like i don't see her silhouette at all yeah she was so far away she like deloaded oh yeah there she is there we go jill on top she's coming out she's going back come back yeah we had don't got her will you don't yeah get get gift wrap get [ __ ] on get viagra's arrow what chocolate oh there was one there but somebody took it where's false symmetry if they're in the middle area they don't load in if you're in the spawn so you might have to look in there oh i found them yeah they're in the middle here i gotta pee again dude you guys are i'm so guys my bladder is empty mine's i love making sounds yeah it's your favorite it's your brand my brand i think i'm going to check twitter who who said that and and was happy afterwards everything all i'm saying is if minecraft stands find out about boris johnson it's gonna be the best days of my life guys when they put their energy to you mate minecraft stands research boris johnson can you do the uk a favor please like you like you like he's such a tissue could you guys could you just just such a massive one evening did you see who was in charge for us for a while i don't know oh well the minecraft channel they they listen all those the the all the minecraft sounds would have kicked him out if you guys could just have like just an hour where you all focus on boris johnson instead of minecraft stands just an hour we you could get him out of office i know your powers you know your power mcc okay let's go thomas [Music] kind of a weird donk am i right or am i right [ __ ] it's kind of weird it's like it's gonna be part four tag or survival games i can't tell survival games okay survival games strategies bro i just we just can't die i don't know what it is i can't tell bro i think it's uh it's survival games i think it's five games i think i think it is i think it gets things parkour tag [Music] survival games last that's [ __ ] intense okay i [ __ ] love safety let's get this [ __ ] all right okay guys don't risk it that's my rule my rules just don't don't do anything ridiculously crazy just if we if we do like average then that's the best we can do on this as opposed to doing risking doing good or bad i think we're in a position where we just need to keep up and make everybody have to play up to us in order to lose the position we're in i think we're doing sounds of time all right tommy you go down blue vault okay you've blue ball bat blue vault path holy [ __ ] do we know guarantees pathway for blue yeah you'll see blue on the walls phil you're an expert minecraft player you could you [ __ ] rinse this room this starting room get everything yeah everything yep right guys guys tommy i'm bleeding i'm gonna go right i felt like a [ __ ] text you were like tommy i never mind no i don't see i was gonna i was gonna look for where blue vault is but then i couldn't see where blue vault is so i'm just gonna go oh yeah there's green is left why did somebody just say hi h-bomb in my chat what is the number h-bomb right now um number two i think it's i don't know i know green is fourth i think it's it's probably ginger or red or maybe cerulean they might be cerulean because they dunked us i think they're third maybe i'm high on life no tommy remove the on life i'm high yeah get rid of your life really quick we have to play minecraft red's number two okay yeah but they got i mean there were three thousand behind us because of the how they did that last game yeah so basically don't risk doing good we just have to solidly do average just do average all right because if don't get risky no gold vaulting it all right no gold vault we just we get all our normal just you just play just play smart don't do anything dumb all right tommy find the blue thing and go down there phil just i'll take care of it and then anything else i can peek my head into i'll let you guys know exactly i'm pretty sure i'm like oh this is a good spot but i liked at the end of last time when we like kind of worked um we do a little gaming we do a little gaming right now [Music] [ __ ] this music man holy [ __ ] all right i found the green vault it's just right here officers [Music] which is the blue corridor does anyone know you'll just see it bro yeah maybe it's kind of hard to tell because it's [ __ ] blue yeah it's really hard to tell that's very blue in this map okay this is the goal i'm dropping three snow right here okay bro turn around it's right over there yep see it what'd you find tommy i'm just looking for the blue vault right now i can't do anything until the vlog like corridor yeah yeah this is a gold cord i'll just run around this found something wait where is the blue corridor anymore i found gold vault okay i'm just going to have to go because i can't find the big guy i have a parkour let's not run that guys i can't find the blue corridor just go down the corridor then you don't have to if you really can't find it then okay you're chilling don't mind me cool these things aren't spawning i love that for me oh hello here there's nothing else here i am having sorry i'm having a bad luck i'm just not like it's fine bro here it feels like can you tell me a card to go down i'm just [ __ ] struggling here i'll take that yeah okay down here i got this i've got this please okay this is the red vote phil do you have any rusty keys i do i have three can i have that please yep thank you [Music] i literally got pushed into a zombie by a [ __ ] silverfish i'm done you can get your [ __ ] phil let you out you know where your stuff is yeah yeah i know where i went that's so dumb a silverfish literally bopped me into a zombie it's all good i know where i'm going oh hang up i was this way based off of where we dropped i went this way keep sorry i keep missing the snow everyone in my chat spamming middle i don't know why is that where the blue vote the blue vote in the middle have you not gone through the middle the middle bit no i've got no i've got the blue vault key i don't know where the corridor is isn't it in the middle no what no you go to the middle first though yes okay okay they're just they're just lagging i guess then [Music] if so just one of if anyone's back at the oh one sec i just broke the [ __ ] thing oh [ __ ] off did we get sneak out dude this is my i'm just confused blue corridor is opposite the ball what okay i'm gonna go back i'm having a hard time discerning i'm like not detecting the sand right oh what it's white it's kind of i know it's [ __ ] it's just throwing me off yeah me too how much sand do you feel uh three okay i have two more uh we're currently on just above 90 seconds we're coming back with more [ __ ] phil i'm dropping it over here whoever's the sankeeper could you please find the blue vault corridor because that would help me so much i can't do much from the middle tommy no it's it's from the middle that's where it's going to be it's from the middle i just don't know where hello yep yep yep i'm looking for where this uh it's like the blue wall bits is what i need do you hear me phil i do i do i was looking at the sand so let me let me just concentrate for a second i'm trying to clear the mid still i'm looking in every corridor i see here's phil i got more sand for you all right throwing it right here in the middle i'm sorry i just i can't i found the red vote if anyone has the red vault key i got my stuff uh there's a red vault uh like put there's a puzzle for the key okay well i found the red vote if someone wants to do that puzzle yeah i'm sure the puzzle's not doing it does anyone want to do the puzzle for the red volt key because then we can get the red vote half the time your chat will just [ __ ] tell you what the puzzle is uh sat nap i'm looking for the sand that you dropped are you dropping in the middle somewhere yeah yeah it's near the middle it's always fancy green guys i have the blue volky i need to know which corridor the blue vault corridor is okay you chat you guys can't know like that wouldn't make sense because the map's randomized every time but it's always near the spawn oh yeah it's got to be one of the ones i've spawned but i ran through them and got confused so it makes more sense erin spam for me please what do you think i should do i am breaking oh i'm gonna kill someone skeletons on my [ __ ] man oh my god okay i'm gonna come back and do the red vault key bit okay this is the red bulb where the [ __ ] is the blue balloon yeah i can't find the blue volcano i [ __ ] found it okay i'm coming back i'll go okay if someone if someone does the [ __ ] red vault puzzle they can get the red vault i know i know how to get through this i have six sam and the way i'm on the way don't look at your chat don't look at your chat right now how do i get out i hate this i'm oh my god okay where are you guys this way this way so if i go through here this is making me so anxious i swear to god it's time to time breathe just breathe so where are you i'm inmate i'm going mid right behind you behind me behind you okay i'm i've got five sand as well there's some more above you sound like where's the blue one it's over here it's there's a lot of lava you just give me the film phil phil come here all right good call me over here drop snow here turn around look left you take the key where's the red vote keepers or phil where is it it's it's unresponsive underscore the red vulcan uh puzzle is like over here it's like i got to do this [ __ ] lava park it's this puzzle it's this puzzle room i think i'm gonna do this puzzle this is the key i think for the red vault key right as well is this the red vault what is the puzzle that you have to do what's the puzzle i don't know i don't know i didn't look at it i'm sure i'm [ __ ] puzzles tommy your chat i'll tell you the puzzle half the time bro just ask your chat spell words okay oh we're screwed just kidding what the [ __ ] i found like a huge pit what the hell eats what the [ __ ] is this blue vault bro not going in there life lofted buffalo i can't do this [ __ ] how much the end do we have uh i've got six on me right now i'm gonna go double check and top it up live life love life quirky your chat your chat yours actually hello helpful for the problems nice job okay how long do we have can i go get the red vault no we need sand if you can get stand then i can get the red vault i only have three though if you have sand you should bring it back it's way more important i have five i'm trying to find this blue [ __ ] vault bro i'm going to try for the red bull like i may as well phil yeah yeah just bring it back bring it back just throw it throw it throw it throw it [ __ ] all right how much time are we looking like here uh let me check i'm just getting there now yeah how much time phil we have uh just we got 70 seconds i might should i should i maybe just not go for the red velvet thing because i might struggle if you can make it you can make it i went i'm out with sound again guys i'm coming back with some sand okay if guys if we can hold it i can get the red vault which is so opie one minute i'm not gonna make it am i i have i have six and i'll come back okay i'm gonna risk it i'm gonna do i risk it or not constantly go fight go go go for it just go for it commit commit commit we need to get ball oh great i forgot i have this [ __ ] i have 500 coins on me just commit to it come on it's not this way 40 seconds i got seven sand i'm here i'm here here phil yep yep thank you so much i don't need a risky i think it was up here it wasn't oh i've got one cent tommy don't go too far bro i see the red bar i see the red vault eight seconds okay should be should be fine if you guys can just search for sand because if i get this got the ball it's two blazers though you got it oh wait the vault's under phil okay i'm coming i'm coming back okay okay i'm running back i'm running back run back run back how much time do we have uh we have 60 seconds could someone stand at the entrance of the red bit because that's going to make it so much easier to get out seeing at the entrance i'm looking for an icon everyone come back near where it's near field where is it down here where's the [ __ ] i got it okay i'm back with the vote i'm back with a vote on one stand come here give it to this where is it where is it i'll just place it i'll just place it on the thing it's not okay we have three cake points i don't know where the 40 seconds do we do should we just bank should we just leave we have three thousand coins this is average this is my chat is so dumb it is not guys guys should we just like leave yeah how much time do we have yeah let's leave let's leave let's leave snakes all right all right let's go it's all right average average okay let's see who's in there let's see who's in the thing yo 1100 coins let's get it oh mate that was the most stressed i've ever that was like i couldn't find the blue vault corridor and then i got the red key and then i like barely solved the thank you chat you clutched that yeah that literally my chat did the puzzle for me and i just said thank you for the answer [ __ ] thank you the answer thing i'm smart okay calm down thank you for the answer oh all right we got we got like the most time there we go we got sixth but that's oh my god we got four we got fourth okay we're still in first percent so i could have a [ __ ] panic attack after that oh my god the time is the most stressful that's gonna be about the same away from us in a second again they got pretty much we really want to do parkour time over survival games would be better for us yeah like because we could do consistently solid at that yeah did you guys play parkour tag on the all-stars on the new map yeah i did really that was mine and phil's i didn't play on the new map yet basically you just find a loop around the edges and you just do that and like counterclockwise or clockwise dependent on the team like you just try and stay as far away from the rest of your team yeah let me let me hunt the weak team so i can get them out instantly okay sure i'm me and phil are pretty good hunters yeah we're just we'll be back up we'll be back up on those i'll be right if it's not the whole time you can i just want to hunt the three weakest team so i can get them out you call okay you either call i'm hunting or me or phil's hunting sneak do you want to hunt like because time dude it's the final piss hey got a present yo look at tub and rambu up there too yeah they're doing really well oh oh he's got the last present god damn it um that one's empty too on top very exciting good stuff a lot of teams might go for survival games because they're in the shutter you know they're going to get a big one yeah they need a big one purple ginger i i would 100 expect fruit berries team to go for survival games so they can kind of scoop up underneath the other two guys yeah this might be able to be the debut of two arrow tommy all right can i farm some some all capsular mouths chat please i need that after that that was this is a really tough crowd really tough crowd we're sweating dude you can just about tell i've got my other camera beneath me that's all right i'll probably have another piss after this game no matter what you're saying to arrow you you saw the debut of him yesterday on phil's stream even hey even in survival games we can have a bit of two-hour tommy i'm just saying i'm just saying i wouldn't i wouldn't i wouldn't was that you volunteering to only have two arrows yeah volunteering to throw all right i'll take your extra ones oh listen if you want to be too tommy you got to commit all right you're right you're right yeah yeah all right i'll go do it yeah no please the actual woman oh the bit isn't funny if i don't get the shooting oh he's taking me seriously oh oh thank you fruit thank you fruit off my uh but it's probably gonna be survival games tommy you're being absolutely cracked this game somebody just made fun of me pick off the the weaker teams all right guys no weird dunks throw your [ __ ] i'm throwing my pot of slime right in this [ __ ] as soon as it goes oh no do it oh i call it's top left weird dunk i'm spamming yeah cause we're gonna there's a good chance we get dunked bro go but it didn't matter okay come on come on boys no weird dunks not survival games not survivor games i'm off of survival games that's huge yeah get them out of there i see omega i see a couple mega chicken and popcorn it's looking a little weird in there couldn't be me i'm in the pool all right what is it i can't tell bro i can't we just we just i think it might actually be survival games oh [ __ ] there's a lot of them that were on the top i think it's survival games that's my favorite i would pay attention and probably it's okay no bits this is literally the one game that could have gotten so sticky okay guys we stick with our team all right i think that's going to be the play yeah just listen to sap nap and stuff everyone follow me will let us know if we want to commit to an enemy okay just stick with it be confident no mercy strike fast wait straight first strike faster numbers i haven't played this map so i am i haven't played this map as well either so this is a new one it's not the old one just snowed up i think um the big thing i've noticed is if you get to the end you do the best so i think rob don't fight just just remember this game's more about surviving than kills and mike's guy back we need we need to loot up and then get to the middle and try and get the supply crates they drop a lot of gold emerald and red are going to i do i would just i think emerald and red won't go for us because they they that would be no no 100 emerald and red won't go over us because they're two and three and they go for us and die it's not gonna go for each other i think you're right they're they're more like hey guys survive survive and get the air drop please don't go for kills until late game late game we go for kills let's let's loot this this isn't a snap i'm gonna loot let's we're gonna loot mid and then we're gonna run away okay yes what direction we're gonna run away from dream we're gonna run this way i like i'd rather fight orange and green than them we're gonna loot man we're gonna go i'll follow you i'm gonna grab the right side someone else goes right down [Music] follow me follow me on this building let's go in this building because the okay let the helmet great spirits ending give me armor armor me up please i'll drop you one i'll drive you on i already have helmet this building is [ __ ] yeah let's get out of it yeah let's do it after the crap i got that installed by the way i got i have an iron sword too let's get out come on okay come in i gotta i gotta with something coming come in okay guys let's go let's go hold on hold on there's a bathroom i got a present in there i'm on the way phil philly coming on my way down yeah i got an iron sword for someone i'll take it okay we're always tired i'm dropping i'm dropping iron swords on my armor armor armor take yeah armor me up bro okay let's just go in this house together all right there's another helmet guys from now on we loot together because we're not over geared you picked up my sword phil thank you got stone sword for anyone that needs it oh i got an iron axe that's [ __ ] big baby oh my god he's got full [ __ ] iron from one chest what i'm just missing the boots that is nuts here sneak take this arm around yeah thanks [Music] i gotta roll really close whoa i've got the dynamite too take number two take those two on that book it might be good for your chest plate there's a bow do you need a bow uh i need arrows i okay i see green clothes i see green clothes can we meet well i'll come to you guys we're outside when you start oh i see i see a team i see a green they're [ __ ] pretty looted though man yeah guys guys let's all get it together iron chest plate iron helmet right helmet here take it i need to already got uh iron sword if somebody needs it should i be using the uh the axe don't chase him too much hey nicki with the slowness she's [ __ ] done and then bye nicky oh she missed with the dodge shot looter a little bit just literally literally don't taste too much what you have tommy i know much much she had a stone axe that's big i'm sorry don't chase don't chase anymore take this sorry what's this building right here loot this building yep nice snipe that's big can i have some arrows uh i don't really have that many bro i only have four i've got an iron sword if anyone wants guys can we beef up snake's armor yeah i'm a little i'm a little weak does anybody have any anything above i have an iron helmet but i could use a lot to come towards us now i think cut this team over here coming it's hella kills watch out watch my back go back go back up back up back up back up back up sit together boys stick together stick together loot the [ __ ] what's in here yep stuff in that stuff and i got the food rob him uh i need armor dude i literally lose it let's loot this building over here we need yeah which thing needs ammo i need leather we're looking for it we're looking for everything except the helmet will take that's above bother i got uh leather boots that's it that's fine i don't know i've loaded their boots i can i found change just play for you where you at okay does anyone have like two arrows man come here i got chain boots us hit two okay they're fleeing do we do it should we push these i hit one hit one hey dream i hit him as usual i'll be pushing him out of here team are we pushing yeah well i just got hit we're running them towards the border if we can if we can get like a harming on that someone gapped i think dream gaffer push it push push on the way my era the helmet get back go back hit two hit two if we can kill green we're set because there's nothing else that can take us don't go to him sneak back here i got it it's fine let's go out let's get out the bottom here let's get it guys guys up here up here up here up here i don't have any arrows i got three neither there's a red team green team's over here i'm coming with you what's oh up bad stuff and here in here hit one rainbow got me your dream rubble on me rubble on me hit him once at once he's running into the raccoon back up back up yep rambu just tunneled me are you dead yeah yeah you can look them look at them look at them stick together i'm like really low i'm gonna go up here we're gonna go up here we gotta eating get out we're about to get close in by the way we gotta go let's go this way there's a body right here any arrows in the arrows okay okay boys okay okay someone's coming so we need to go this way yeah we're getting getting armor for you compared to them they okay just just keep keeping that this you just know you know they have harry potter so just don't go too [ __ ] just stay alive rainbow picked me off just do your best to stay alive right now there's a crate above you phil okay we got this great okay me and sign up hold you mine i got it i don't even [ __ ] see that [ __ ] until it's falling on you oh good good good one sneaky that is big got it boom uh i'm i'm spying purple's there red's in the building above you guys res in the building above you guys be careful be careful back up back up go back go back up puns is up there puns is up there they might have potions to throw down yeah so just careful just stay in the middle here and just chill uh i would go i would go left there's nobody to the left side yeah that's right guys no you're alone i'm going down with you no you're not filming go left go left take left left super open watch out watch out yeah i get that [ __ ] hell yeah good [ __ ] yeah yeah take this area that's good let's go here let's just go here we're just chilling because you're completely free right now okay right they're gonna have to get out that building zone's gonna push them out why don't we hold a bit closer to it just just sit right here right they have to come out here and then they have to run through this doorway over here they're probably going to jump down from the they're going to have to there's all of cyan over there so guys we stick together because we're a three there are four they get phil can you stick with us for a bit longer wait phil doesn't have any pants do you have pounds for phil red's gonna have to jump down now i don't i don't oh it's okay it's okay i just haven't stopped good job red's gonna have to make a move once it's down that was a really good part [Music] nice nice you're good you're good they're running at you nice that's big good pick nice arrow no no no no no [ __ ] george you got it tommy him once real hot nice nice scene to you nice guy nice cobbler get him place it place that tommy what do you think he taught me on them we're good we made it in we made it then [Music] oh my god they are dead they're dead yeah okay we're in dodgeball wow brandon wayne we got second we're in let's go oh my god that was the [ __ ] i did good nice look how many points holy [ __ ] it's gonna be awesome isn't it wow that's a lot of [ __ ] points holy [ __ ] just keep an eye on this goal first dodgeball in 14 empty ak coins brother i got absolutely picked off that was my bad should be all right though yeah we have to be indulged by we have to be well dylan wow look at that team wow look at that that's crazy cool we played that good hey sign up that was like the best call-outs you could have done by the way like pushing it well done i'm really glad that [ __ ] great drop on top let's go baby we're [ __ ] in there all right is it pp time pb time for the masses [Music] all right i've got another he's got one minute damn big problem for literally squeaking in that's sick that was nuts they dunked us too they literally they ducked us to get that game to get into dodgeball that's impressive yep i gotta respect that that's the best i've placed in a little while i think in the very end yeah you did it well dude i got 14th again i'm pretty sure i got 14th last time i played that's funny it's all right dude we we win with the boys yeah we got this all right let's get this one let's [Applause] all right let's get this [ __ ] let's get this [ __ ] all right boys everyone every shot needs something berries bro okay what's the what's the play i think it's specifically better to funnel me and let me get fruit berries out yes okay i i am perfectly on board dodge man is ready [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no bits no bits not quite seriously no bits no bits bits if we win all the bits if we win can i find primes and the bits this is a snowball fight so you're not going to see a bow you're going to see them drawing their arms back it's going to be a snowball throw all right well okay what's that play what's that play snapchat's gonna go for the arrow let him get it let him get fruit if you get the arrow after sapnap get fruit if he's if he's up okay i would say if you were good on the other team fruit we're going for fruit first okay yeah fruit absolutely we're going for fruit and then i would say sam oh mate i get to see wilbur and dumbo and everyone using my all right step up you got the arrow uh i'm not closed someone else grab it phil i mean i'm happy to let you get it but yeah i'll try and get it and run away guys [ __ ] up dream said hope you lose sabnap thanks best friend why are we fighting a candy cane look at our giant turkey it it's it's menacingly towering over this candy cane okay all right i'll get it if i have time uh slapping up if i'm like not i'll just i'll just feed you it i didn't get it i just went through it watch out i want to wait for them to shoot i just need it sam has it same has it try to rip take a rip dude take a rip if i go for a rip yeah oh i missed all right all right they're amy fruit saving guys dodge man's debut not looking good nice good pick nice they're filtering fruit nice nice you got this give me one give me one give me one nice good shot that's huge that's huge just dodge gummy i jumped into it all right nice oh i just threw all right that's right don't worry about it no one calls the two arrows we got it thanks good job oh my god oh my god i'm so nervous it's all right we got it right you got this time up we got it it's fine you spread out i'm left i'm left she's targeting you oh nice you got it got the snake nice let's go where's wilbur where's wilbur [Music] good clutch bro good [ __ ] you got us there same thing uh you got it zap you're right there i'll grab it [Music] he's amy oh he messed up you want it yep sam's got both i think nope he's got one sam's got the other no all right they both wasted it both on me they use both they use both already uh ry guys got one sam's got the others they used these at the same time man i got one i got one yeah shoot you want to shoot one no no no no you got it just breathe nice that's all you need right guys a good shot i'm out nice phil his name is minecraft [Music] let's do absolutely it massive holy [ __ ] we are going to play safe we are going to play a safe will just you wait let's just clutch this you get it up i think i can't pick it up right it's so weird i got it oh that's barely nothing i'm not having that on right now oh yes i'm not here you go let me just take your ticket fruit i got it sneak you want to go for free he's tough there all right ooh he jumped over dude these snowballs are [ __ ] weird the arch is so weird yeah you gotta aim a little high i think here yeah i agree all right got me i got an arrow peg okay you gotta sign up should we want to should we do it yeah sure just go for fruit go fruit yes good shot uh i'm so off of these snowballs dude they're weird sorry i'm feeling arrows if anyone wants me to think about just honestly i think phil should shoot phil's [ __ ] on i'm off can i can i shoot me and phil cause i just just just worry about dodging first that's one wait for the other nice phil i say phil i don't want to shoot i'm out phil and tommy rip one let's go missed it [ __ ] good try go try [Music] ah all right that's one they're going for you somehow so [Music] you got this [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] well done everyone sneak that was insane at the end oh my god george that's [ __ ] [ __ ] i did it holy [ __ ] dude oh i got a crown baby [Music] [Laughter] oh my god that was [ __ ] awesome well played out well done gg guys thank you thank you ggg sorry for killing you in survival yes man that is fine phil that is so fine i'm i'm glad you got the dub i'm glad you got the dub without just that one hey at least you didn't have to fight him to get kicked out of the house you know what i mean i think he's mad because i killed him in survival games but i i was just there bro what am i supposed to do it won't be as long because it wasn't undodgeable you're good oh mate oh let's [ __ ] go yay oh let's [ __ ] do it thanks man there's so much [Music] who is [Music] congratulations on a great mcc let's all join in a nice final carol yes yes yes johnny [Music] happy birthday to you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i need [Music] i just want you for my own [Music] [Music] i was lightheaded [Music] let's get it [Music] come on dream on deafen i don't care you know what i'm a donut can like see the words written behind us through our name tags hello boys it's me the winner big man tommy in it how does it feel to be under me sam are you sending it in the uh yeah i did tell me how does it feel we didn't pick parkour warriors how does it feel to be under the mix worse than me tommy shot a guy and he was immediately trying to find willows guys i shot fruit berries i got one kill and it was the best kill of all time i i bet you wilbur was screaming for you dude no doubt it was probably the funniest kill of all time hey charlie charlie i'd actually argue that the kid was stupidly funny you know a thousand percent dude yeah and the thing is this was the most hilarious mcc possibly ever you know hey guys i'm better than you hello good job and winning i'm bad man [ __ ] you're better yeah [ __ ] tell me if you're going to be rude after wilbur was your biggest supporter i'm not sending you a call dude i'll look i'm not settle i'm not arguing that tommy's better all i'm saying is it's funny it took him being on one of the highest average score teams for him to actually do well [Music] and just like that i threatened my way out baby oh oh my and my camera guys how do you laugh guys guys guys do we even need a camera really i go to the cameras for amateur streamers wouldn't you wouldn't you would appreciate if it turned on though oh it just knows wait [Music] this works actually this works is there the better one i just carried something up [Music] oh mate holy [ __ ] oh that was awesome [Music] all right guys run this up if you please [Music] i think you're dwelling what happened oh my good god he's the best in the game chat streaming chat hundred gifted subs oh wow mate thank you all so much [ __ ] thank you all as well just while we're here mate we can have a little chit chat thank you all so much as well for just the support on the new um tommy in it video it was like my favorite to make and all of you were really into it the the the talent show one this is [Music] yes boys i'm gonna end stream uh i'll be going live you guys want a little announcement we'll be going live tomorrow probably a couple hours earlier from now on the oh to do a bit of chillax animal crossing thank you all very very very much for watching [Music] gonna raid wilbur oh man that's awesome that's awesome [Music] yeah thank you all so much can we get some primes thank you to people that 100 gifted subs sloth with the prime i'll read them all right now [Music] alex jt the whole chat is just subs i'll win them all from this point not once don't worry oh my god guys if you have a sub just click subscribe check if there's the massive prime button [Music] no i don't know oh i'm just on me i'm dying oh mate yes that was awesome that was so awesome ah i need to go tell my dad he said good luck oh [Music] boys oh look at the subs is rolling in holy [ __ ] thank you all so so much for the primes i'll probably see you all tomorrow yeah our windows ended we gotta host phil's of minecraft what would i be doing if i didn't host fields of minecraft i'm gonna go play sid with the boys we're gonna go hang out thank you all very very much for watching this is awesome this whole thing we got going here this is awesome thank you all so so so much [Music] i'll see you all later oh
Channel: TommyVODS
Views: 1,363,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, tommyinnit, tommyvods, tommyinnit vods, dream smp, tommyinnit dream smp, minecraft funny, minecraft mods, minecraft but, mcc, tommyinnit mcc, minecraft championship, mcc 19, tommyinnit wins mcc, Tommy & Sapnap Win the Minecraft Championship, sneegsnag mcc, philza mcc, sapnap mcc
Id: VsdA2dVPYcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 10sec (10630 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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