Tubbo & Ranboo Host a Viewer Talent Show!

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oh okay so as you can see rambo is above me he's up there i'm up there and if you look over here we have our buffer room with all of our lovely admins and then all of you lot in the vc oh look at it go oh it's it's joy you're joining faster than i'm able to scroll that is my discord the discord is down in the panels so if you can't oh god i've got oh god oh god i've gotta i've gotta scroll up quick okay it's getting laggy okay and that's what we have planned for today so without further ado let's get into this rambu please be there hey hey hey are you ready for a talent show are you ready to put a shower ready for the challenge the show must go on as they say my discord for some reason is there we go okay oh yeah discord's going to get really laggy don't tap in and out of there because of the people joining the call good luck discord just got extremely laggy holy cow my goodness okay okay you ready i'm still here right we need to go to stage rambu there's no time where are you where are you i'm by target okay i'm on my way i am on my way the tentacles have got worse jesus christ that's fine it's fine i'm putting on a shot today we're putting on a show a great show are you ready the show must go off no this you know this isn't game show music let me get some game show music oh yeah i'll get some game shows there's a game show game show it's the same thing right right right right right right where i'm gonna use i'm gonna use the ye old trusty um what's it called knox crew playlist of songs yeah yeah yeah there we go there we go all right it's game show time it's game show time so we need to build up we need to put a stage rambu that's the first priority statement right let's find it let's go to the snow chester we'll build it in a snow chester build that snow channel are you ready it's game show time man it's going to get excited why can i only hear the music in one ear oh um no i think it's just my headphones being now i think you're fine oh i gotta eat there we go uh hotels looking interesting looking good yeah the hotel's coming along yeah everyone's freaking out okay okay okay i i assume everyone's in the disco cool so once we've got the stage set up chat that's when you guys are gonna be able to join make sure you have something to show off okay you need to make sure you have something to show off just got done gg forward slash tobo i literally had to open a discord ticket today rambu to request more space in the discord i requested mine i got it well i didn't the first time round why did she why did you get it the first time i don't think me and discord are on the best terms what did you do i didn't even do anything like i guarantee you're a disco partner aren't you i am yeah yep i'm not i don't they have a vender against me i'm telling you oh man good discord hates me yeah yeah yeah that's true oh my goodness wait sorry i'm just checking because i've got my discord open i don't normally have it open and i want to make sure it's not messing anything up oh yeah so yeah yeah wait oh you could just zoom this isn't fair i lost all my stuff at an explosion we need to stay oh you just caught up with his boots game's boots don't have soul speed he actually has not even maxed out armor he just has he doesn't even have mac stuff i know he just have he just has prop thorns and i'm breaking he has nothing else all right let's build a stage we need a stage okay oh my god wait do you want to do the stage on the ice we can place ice and we can do the stage on the ice yeah that might be good that might be good on top of the nuclear facility no no help me grab some ice help me grab some ice come on we got it the show must go on rambo where's my where's my okay there we go no no the ice is down here dude oh you have you have ice okay let's chest here right let me just dump some stuff uh i'm just gonna dump right now right we're just gonna make an iceberg in the middle of um okay your discord broke my discord didn't break your chat's all putting discord or that their discord broke no it's fine it's fun it's fine it's fine okay we're good okay we're just gonna make like an iceberg in like the middle over here okay sounds good all right like oh okay okay i see yeah like how big big enough for a stage and a judging panel but it's true we're going all out today rambo we're going all out today here i'll make the i'll make the judging panel i'll make the judging panel it'll be like back here yeah okay then like the stage will be like right there okay okay we'll make the judging page oh wait no oh it's crashing people's discord on like phone and stuff oh yeah that makes sense join it on a computer yeah yeah i guarantee you use a pc because discord for some reason is not built for the amount of gamers that we have the pure amount of gaming too many gamers okay hold on let me get my let me get this judging panel out of ice i'm just i'm on about like an ice cream what we're building an ice yeah it's an ice stage all right all right all right ramboo what's up our catchphrase will be the show must go on that's our catchphrase okay there we go let's see we have we have okay well help me throw this in you can press no you can look you can press no i added buttons that's not important just help me fill in and fill in our stage oh my god i'm literally i'm literally just using mcc music right now i'm using like the decision music right now that's literally it okay there we go okay this is good uh-oh that's not good okay oh i hear a dolphin why would i okay there must be something in my ear because whenever i turn my head my headphones change how loud they are you are controlling it with your mind no i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine okay okay is that a sign of severe medical difficulties when you can control your body so my discord's broken i'm sorry chat you gotta bear with me because there's like 90 000 of you and discord is not built for literally more than 12. yeah yeah i know when i when look when i talk like it does not show up that i'm talking even though i am yeah on my screen at least like the green out the green outline outline solid green for me oh wait no you turned off being solid green oh wait so okay so it's fine on your end it's fine for me it's not fine on my end for some reason i think i need to like do something with my settings but that's all right okay we got the stage okay right no no we need to build up it does this god just die did he ramble ramp he doesn't have perms to join back oh my god wait run rambu wait you're the right rambo aren't you oh god oh god oh god oh god we he just left he just left and he can't join back oy buddy bye buddy you uh are you good you good he just he left me in the penthouse alone broke how so does it say server is down no no that i do not want to create an invite settings oh it is laggy i'll give it that there's so many fake ramboos none of you are real none of you are real where are the whale rambus how do i know who the dragon you're all fakes you're all fakes how my mena what what the fakes how did he die i'm calling him on discord [Music] ramboo hello hello hello buddy it says i'm not even in the call hello hello hey hey there we go i can't give you problems you know what i'm just gonna be perms because there's so many fakes i'm just gonna give you admin rank temporarily right where are you yeah right oh okay wait oh wait my my admin already did it okay you can join back the penthouse now you've been given admin okay cool okay click on penthouse hello wait wait are we good we go are we good we're good okay the show must go on the show the show must go on right where were we in our stage building we were building the stage right we need to make this more centered here yeah yeah how many fake accounts are there there are so many fake rappers they've even got your profile picture down to a t i can't believe that they would want to be me you and i both okay let me get some stone it's stage building time it's stage building time i'm about to operate buddy there is an issue though what's the issue how are they gonna get on the stage we're gonna just build like them there we get to build people let's go that will be our thing we do today all right cool get me some oakwood slabs or son uh i got you more stone bricks good enough so uh there okay i'll get you some oak wood slabs oh man it's like build-a-bear workshop it's like build up our workshop oh my goodness okay where is uh oh okay i'm gonna just craft your oak planks into oak slabs thank you not all of them but everyone's going scuffed it's not scuffed it's not scuffed this is a professional it's far from scuffed this is very professional where it's a game show which has been planned for all of seven minutes yes yes hey want to do something on stream you got any ideas no oh wait i have an idea let's do dream smp got talent let's do it okay here i have your slabs there you go take your slabs right we need to assemble like an area okay okay like these will be don't make it out of bottom slabs because then the people are gonna float they can float they've got powers bro fine fine you just you just you just you need to have a little faith buddy you need a little faith i'm not seeing enough faith from you oh actually you know what we could do we could move them back to like the back bit of stage yeah like make it like a little stairway up yeah yeah like that yeah there we go yeah take some of these slaps help me oh yeah please they're sliding oh my goodness okay this is gonna be great this is gonna be we need a dispenser and a fire charge for the axe we don't like wait let me get my bow let me get my get your bow we'll shoot him with fire if we don't like the act where is my bow i want improv comedy and impressions that's what i want oh okay wait i have my multi-shot bow that's fine wait let me let me get a weapon as well i got my weapon i am ready i'm gonna shoot you with my crossbow if you're if you if you're a bad talent i've still got rambu's eyes in my ender's chest you got yeah you got one in my eyes i always got my eye on you how many you got i'm not sure how your anatomy works but i have one you have one yeah yeah when i got killed by a llama an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind do you hear that true i'm looking for something i can use to throw at the axe i don't like do you want do you want do you want to borrow my my trident can i yes yes that would be brilliant where are you where are you there you go you can have poseidon oof oh that'll be brilliant this will be brilliant okay do you have stuff to build the people out of wait oh my god we don't even have chairs oh we need chairs i'll go get hey chairs getting oh my gosh multi-shot is multi-shot use multi-shot only uses one arrow i never noticed that actually that's really weird yeah i got some stairs okay i got some some fentanyl eggs oh my gosh we could have just used eggs trident is funny no you're right violent violence oh or okay there it is it just started flying back to me your chair my chair this is the divide all right okay i say we do it like good cop bad cop style okay who's gonna be the bad judge i don't know who's gonna be the mean one okay well i guess we're just both accidentally going to be the mean judge yes then we'll decide depending on the act we'll decide depending on the app so we're gonna just accurately judge them yeah shut up yeah get in the chair get in the chat oh wait no we need like redstone lamps or something so they light up if we wanted to say yeah yeah stop using the manny fork actually jack i'm using i'm using two different tridents neither of which i was using oh but you already had a triton what do you mean to be fair jack stole it and claimed it oh that's kind of lame honestly i'm saying that with full notice that you would hear that okay here we go i've got to turn my volume down a little bit my ears are hurting a bit i'm in my head sorry i'm fragile at them since i got admin i can actually like my discord has gotten a lot less buggy yeah for some reason i think i don't know what that does but that's something yeah okay okay are you ready all right i am ready we didn't even get ready we have our first contestant our first contestant you know you can't actually shoot him right did you just look at him no i hate him i tried it oh no right are we ready for the first act i think i think we might be i think we might be sorry just killing your family don't mind me yeah all i'm really me let me find the music let me find the music okay okay okay i'm ready right i'm ready all right let me let me we're lighting wait wait wait can i just please i don't i think it might be just my headphones which are giving me a headache i'll be honest okay so let's get new headphones then are we ready i think we're ready for the first contestants we gotta we gotta i am ready for the first contest admins admins i know you're in chat drag someone into the buffer room make sure they're not a wronger and get them in here you're ready do you have do you have the materials to build people i will build the first contestant this will be the first one those are his arms you name him okay i'll i'll i'll make sure yeah the admins are not dragging anyone into the cool which is which is admins this is this is your face there you go that's a little face hello llo ah the advent of one job they had one job and they're failing at that one they're doing it oh wait no they're doing it they're doing it i think they're doing it right in the judging chest in the judging chest and the judging chairs do we want to do like our idea we had flight the pre-show real quick real quick you know what i mean you know what i'm talking about get away admins hold off dragging them in soon okay okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we're not dragging them in yet set up your pre-show your pre-show gamble if you will and i will let me see is my pre-show gamble set up okay my camera bigger like that right this is the pre-show okay okay okay you you do you have the pre-show all right i'm wait i'm waiting ravi we're doing the pre-show gamble here hold up one second there we are there we go it's loading it's loading it's loading there we go give me a second i'm waiting for it to where i'm waiting for it to load i'm going to um wait oh who's that guy hey who's that guy all right welcome to the pre-show of the talent show everybody for the pre-show at uh hello everybody and welcome to dream smp viewers got talent i'm your host toby and my co-host rambu is here also to today we will be judging your talent your talent no one else's talent but yours if you're not talented maybe mine you know where the door is right this is literally 2fps is it you're just teleporting around the room like nobody's business all right welcome to the pre-show today we're going to be dragging contestants in and testing their abilities in minecraft if you're not funny you get the boot if then this is what i didn't inform rambo about before the start of the stream if you manage to do something to make us make us laugh and die whoever laughs us to give subs making it a little interesting wait i wait what do you mean i have to pay money for your idea yeah yeah no yeah yeah it's you're teleporting around you're teleporting around yeah i'm teleporting in my different emotions yes oh my god your emotions are teleporting yes yes all right pay my oh my god i'm gonna lose money no i'll probably lose i feel like i'm gonna okay so and so the condition is if we really like the act okay that's what happens okay if the act is if the act is top-notch i will give subs to the community you know how it works you know the drill all right no because that makes you a bad judge all right i'm now i'm now repairing the entire overlay you can turn off your camera now big man you've done your appearance let me just let me just zoom okay hold up let me move my mask and glasses because i actually can't breathe or see in that thing okay now i just have to pray that my camera doesn't randomly turn on don't worry i'm cropping it out on discord you'll be good good good you'll be fine all right oh my gosh it's raining this is perfect wait i really wish it wasn't raining in minecraft all right so it's contestant time it's contestant time it is it really is it really is it's a great day i am ready i it is a great day it really is i'm ready for the first contestant so we just can't laugh so they have to be funny just if we really like the act and if chat is like chanting then we send someone in hello hi hi oh wait oh god wait discord's dying okay there you go there you go you're in you're in you're in hello hello hi all right we need to add we need to add your name to the contestant hello hi what is your talent okay so i have a tiny problem i haven't thought of a talent just yet okay do you have anything well the admins told me to do a dab so that's just general confusion noises i think i i fully agree we actually okay wait i'm gonna be honest with you sophie we can't see the dab how are we going to dab you in minecraft build a dab build a dab construct the dab there you go there's the dab the dab has been built that was your talent it was a great talent thank you sophie all right goodbye goodbye wait how do i leave a discord's been really lucky i'll just discord yeah this is just awkward actually oh there we go okay oh okay all right build a new contestant the new contestant new contestant we didn't even raise sophie what are you writing the dab out i have ten what are you writing down it's it's sophie's missing a body it's a yes from me all right look it's a trident from me oh god not a try yeah no stop stabbing me okay we need a new contestant we need a new one right this one i'm going to call this is going to be to be sideways joe i'll name him this is sideways joe that's what our name is there he is now who's going to be sideways joe all right admins hit us with another character another oh it's 100 something with my ears what the hell why can't i hear differently when i maybe it's like the wire i think it might be the wire maybe the wire is like bugged or something the why thank you it's the wire you're welcome i was going to say cause i'm starting to feel nauseous for all my audio coming out one headphone oh my goodness you know what wait i'm gonna do the thing where you like tuck it behind your ear i'm having difficulty okay okay you good i can't get the headphone to where is sideways joe we're missing contestants i can test into dropping like flies sideways joe okay i i'm gonna go and steal my sideways joe sideways joe give me a second my headphones are busted rambu stole the competition [Music] okay this is just taking too long this is installing music we love it oh yeah this is just this is just really wait oh wait is he back oh i'm back i've got my sister's headphones on let's go all right let's go all right i don't know if it's technically funny but i can sing so oh what song would you like would you like would you like an instrumental i can get the bot in here um i have it pulled up on my ipad if that's okay that's completely fine okay okay okay all right well i keep singing this like a lot so it's probably annoying but it's fine we haven't heard it yet i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm excited okay i'm ready okay while you're performing all right cool okay take it away take it away thank you thank you okay playing the music i got my driver's license last week just like we always talked about cause you were so excited for me to finally drive up to your house but today i drove through the suburbs crying cause you weren't around you're probably with that blonde girl who always made me doubt she's so much older than me she's everything i'm insecure about yeah today i drove through the suburbs this is amazing cause how could i ever love someone else and i know we weren't perfect but i've never felt this way for no one and i just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that i'm gone guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me i've actually taken this you said my friends foreign tired of hearing how much i miss you but i kind of feel sorry for them cause they'll never know you the way that i do yeah today i drove through the suburbs and pictured i was driving home to you and i know we weren't perfect but i've never felt this way for no one oh and i just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that i'm gone [Music] cause you said forever now i drive alone past your street i'm just i'm gonna skip to the end but i've never felt this way for no one and i just can't imagine you could be so now that i'm gone cause you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me cause you said forever now i drive alone past your street yeah you said forever now i drive alone past your street tada do you have like a spotify a soundcloud you want me to plug or anything like i don't have i mean i i do twitter i'm getting my subs for that holy cow i have i have i have a twitch twitter i mean i don't care what's your twitter app um it's in my connected but it's um let me make sure i say like i can't get it out right now because of that it's my my twitter is magic one two two one one are exploding right now oh yeah sorry about that would be everyone in the waiting room you might want to turn your dear fine okay yeah thank you so much that was awesome thank you guys magic that was insane today oh my god that was awesome also funny story so i was streaming earlier and one of somebody one of my viewers uh gifted subs to both of you and so all my chat thought you guys were there it was really funny oh wait i actually have the notification here oh my god this is my dms are exploding this is hilarious magic thank you so much for coming on the show i appreciate it you've been a wonderful i hope to see you again soon goodbye bye ramboo rabbu i am i i'm give us a couple minutes we're not ready we're not ready uh vertical joe no no no no no i dragged him out i drank that i did a minute i need a minute after that last performance oh my god oh my god we watched ready we weren't ready i'm not ready for that you know i might have to change hoodie for that one i might need this might be a hoodie change moment this is definitely a hoodie change moment on my judging outfit which is actually so much too small for me my judging outfit is a sweatshirt i'm ready to stop chanting boys what's your judging outfit oh okay i thought that you're gonna have like a three-piece suit or something i'm ready to start judging all right okay i'll be a vertical joe now vertical we need vertical joe with with arms he needs arms big arms he needs arms there we go there oh my god i don't know if we're going to be able to top that thank you for the five gifted that was so good thank you for the i will i will return the phone you know if we ever do another one of these but you do it i will return the favor that's how we'll do it that's how we're going okay okay okay okay sounds good right okay let's get let's get um wait what did wait where did he go joe in here wait where did where did joe go no wait wait i dragged him into the buffer room where did he go yeah he was in the buffer room he was in there get him back mods get him leave oh poor vertical joe we we all freaked out we all freaked out oh my goodness i didn't have time for to make vertical jail but we all freaked out we were we were oh my god this is so small for me it's way too small i just crammed myself into this ludicrous small jumper give me i actually i'm stuck my shoulders are stuck the judging outfit was a bad idea i know i'm pretty high maintenance history okay buddy but i'm gonna i'm gonna go and find a good place though that other one's just a bit okay okay okay okay i'm just gonna start saying twitch prime a lot i'm just gonna do that can we get any any primes any primes right now i think so i think we can oh that is wait okay hold up i'm gonna move over here there we go prime prime there we go okay i better see a couple i'd better see a couple or else or else all right or else i'm gonna i'm gonna kill tubbo all right i'm going to kill him he's gonna lose all four of his levels okay unless we don't get primes right now i'm gonna i'm gonna start stabbing i'm gonna start killing tubbo all right he's gonna lose all four of his levels and some durability okay okay i better i better see some i better see some okay this is i have to stall for so long okay uh prime i know the four levels hold up let me let me buy some experience bottles to make it a little bit well actually no i'm too lazy for that uh let me just shoot tubbo actually all right for every prime i'll shoot tubbo hold up all right chat prime oh thank you buyer for the gifted subs oh okay don't shoot me big man nothing i didn't shoot you i don't know what you're talking about i didn't i didn't shoot you at all i was just here on my channel i literally just saw you i was you did not see me i was just on my chair nope i was just on my chair i literally just saw you you you got primes though so it's worth it so much for the subs everyone holy crap all right we ready for the next contestant i think we are i think we're ready for vertical joe coming vertical joe so we've had sideways joe vertical joe and joe and and uh sophie sophie was the first one vertical joe big lad welcome to the stream welcome you are muted uh-oh big lad this is a weird this is inter this must be interpretive or something we might be doing interpretive dance we just can't see it be glad hello be glad speak speak to us the interpretive dance isn't working big lad the interpretive dance we cannot see it you cannot see your interpretive dance be glad glad if you can hear us all right we're hold up mute and then speak in most code oh god discord's dying mutant then unmute speaking morse code big lad speaking like you were trained in the navy come on come on be glad just just do something i think people's discords are crashing yeah i think the discords are really bad i think that's probably what it is all right i'm going to disconnect big lad i think his discord is gone oh that is rambling i do not want to disconnect around sorry big lad do not disconnect me uh you see or big lad poor big lad poor i've just take on the role of vertical joe i've disconnected him now my discord is running like three frames per second right now oh yeah no discord is terrible right now it is it is dying it's definitely dying oh oh wait joe wait joe joe joe oh hello hey joe i'm the replacement for the replacement for the replacement oh awesome hi joe joe what is your weird talent i'm singing community managers i'm going to sing a a song by the man wising himself yeah yeah this is this is a this is a minecraft parody please let it be hit us community manager joe come on hit us with hit us with a tune breakfast stevie's with all of his bodies minecraft and mine shaft and creepers can get us in trouble swords and armor piston machine buy myself all of them diamonds from him been through the caves and now i'm a sad steve who would thought all the mine shots were empty rather be mining diamonds than coal mine my own gold like i axed down them trees my pick stop watching my axe is chopping i make big deposits my potion is brewing you like my house gee thanks just built it i see it i mine it i pick it i got it yeah i mine it i got it i man it i got it you like my house gee thanks just built it i see it i mine it i pick it i got it i am not singing the rest of this [Applause] you broke everyone's discord goodbye community manager joke goodbye no we didn't do that we didn't we didn't do that we did not do that hey sorry upside down joe no no no no this is this is billy suarches billy swatches this is what i've dubbed him [Music] why have you got a quiet on me is that offensive is billy suarches offensive have i accidentally been offensive no i don't think so what's wrong with billy swatches people hey billy swatches i okay all right all right it will be billy swachez who will be vertical or upside down or someone billy swatches say his name i i really why are you just why are you just stabbing this man he hasn't even had time to perform yet it's motivational pokes motivational motivational pokes yeah let me pick up my arrows there we go i missed it's gone the trident's gone oh no oh no it's back okay we're good did you just miss again i did just miss again there it is there it is oh i'm gonna scroll down to the buffer room they just need to drag someone in it doesn't matter someone in and community manager jones and community manager joe i've oh oh hello hello hello lol hello speak to us you need motivational shots here i got you there come on billy sanchez come on [Music] all of the mods just left the buffer room uh they quit they quit they quit oh god they're all right oh no they're just cycling in and out mads is now back in there oh god oh okay lol lol lol long whoa lol stay with us lol we need to do chest compressions my man's having a heart attack no no no no lol oh all the admins are suddenly back it just sounds like we're laughing i think the server is going to get them i think the server is going down i think we have to wait a second we just have to wait like a second for it to not go down lol please speak to us lol yeah i'll be i'm feeling upset right now [Music] i'll just do my intermission music [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i think i think lol may have just lagged out the course wall is dead oh discord is really dying you can't do anything in discord at the minute oh no oh no oh no oh well just give everyone just give everyone admin priority no no oh it's like six frames per second rambo with even oh boy oh boy you know what i have an idea on how we can fix random people no no no no i'm gonna try and delete the weight here channel to get rid of all the afks oh yeah no do that delete it and then yeah that'll work delete channels oh man at least at least you can make a sick video how i broke discord how i broke discord but it's actually yeah i'm here i just i broke discord i just sent a request to delete the wait here smile channel and it did not like it one bit oh boy [Music] i think your discord server is out of sync i just got a message saying your discord server is out of sync no what do you mean out of sight it is just disconnected from the mainframe just got deleted it disconnected from the mainframe it just got deleted we're good we're good it just the waiting room got deleted yeah well my discord is completely frozen you know mine is fine no one is in any vc oh wait people are in vcs okay [Music] okay so what should should you make tubbo yeah yeah you know what you could you could have just made like 25 people at a time oh we can limit it you're right you limit the channel oh my god okay okay okay okay okay okay create a new channel um voice channel wait here new smile oh okay there we go okay okay wait how do i wait i'm gonna take it permission so only at the minute only admin can join it okay so then um we should okay okay don't worry chat we planned this out long in advance this is all a part of the script yep it was all part of the script for today's stream so only admin can join there right now uh and i'm gonna make it so the user limit is literally like 10. no i'm gonna do like 30. no you know what no no we'll do 99 so because people go afk okay permissions and then okay everyone not every everyone can view channel everyone can connect no one can speak admin is just bam okay for it i saved the changes i've saved the changes all right and there it goes already filled okay okay awesome right awesome now i think i think that's good i think that's gonna be a lot a lot better all right let's get the show back on the road we had some technical difficulties folks but it's all okay it's fine it's okay discord's not lagging anymore it just did not like so yeah mods if you get some people queued up in the buffer room yep and then we'll be good and then we'll be good awesome that's it still says my server's out of sync your server is out of sync your server is out of sync i think it's fine i think personally it's fine i think it's fine i break a break actually i've got a mic on my on my on my sister's headset um i've got it around my face like a true gamer would like a true gamer i'm a true gamer you made it so that people are allowed to go live in the channel it's fun mods we need some people dragged in here admits come on just drag in a random person talk to them and then throw them in here with no remorse yes yes yes come on joe sanchez can't be waiting forever true true oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh judging stations judging from getting someone judging stations immediately trident loaded wait crossbow loaded i'm ready to shoot oh oh there must have been afk oh it must have been afk oh oh oh come on we're waiting we're waiting come on oh i have to hold up i have to stall here a little bit start stalling start stalling yes good job good job good job welcome to the show hello hello okay are you ready i'm ready what is your talent ash i'm singing but in a very specific way okay specifically specific how you'll find out okay okay me and rambo will mute up while you're performing you are currently this blob of wood on the server uh take it away that is you hold on it's buffering okay let me get it started okay rambo let's mute up are you ready let's go all right i'm muted take it away ash yes this is for bad boy hello yo why you have loose in your head while you get loose in your hair bamboo hello you should clean your hair cause lice is dangerous my aunt got lice and she died my uncle got lice and he died yes yes yes yes this is for babble hello yo why you have loose in your head while you get loose in your hair bamboo hello you should clean your hair cause lice is dangerous my aunt got lice and she died my uncle got lice and he died thank you for listening my song i hope you enjoyed wow i didn't know that it was possible to sing that way yeah i know i know it's very specific well you've got you've got you've got a trident impact and an arrow shot from us yeah congratulations congratulations thank you for being on the show ash all right take care now bye bye-bye amber what just happened i have no idea what just happened bars bars that was quackity's song wasn't it it was but bars oh man oh wait hold up new contestant hold up i have to build it it doesn't come up build me and you can test it come on big man new contestant okay okay okay okay we call this hate man basically h bomb but not but not okay okay all right all right let's do this i want i want some kind of comedy people i want someone to do comedy people too i i do not want anything more than a rapper honestly i could tell i could tell we can't have his arms detached give me a second there we go that is true yeah okay there we are oh wait wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait if we're okay oh oh wait wait wait is this our next contestant look oh my god there it is yo look at that man hello peanut butter goblin welcome to the show hello hello uh oh uh my have you guys ever seen the the show clarence i i think so i don't think i think it's a uk thing cartoon network oh okay okay i think well i can i can do a voice impression of that guy okay okay take it away wow it's so weird i can hear your stream and my voice and maybe i'd maybe mute the stream while you do the impression yeah probably the stream okay okay clarence i'm gonna get you uranus is mine can you throw scooby-doo into the mix oh yeah yeah right throw throw scooby doo into the mix with clarence i don't know if i can do scooby-doo rabbit you get up from the stage do scooby doo do scooby-doo do scooby-doo dude i'll do joe swanson joe swanston right right right improv clarence and joe swanston they're at the coffee shop go all right you are under arrest for for getting for uh killing people at this coffee shop how do you plea uh it was only like three people that is way more than one which is honestly the amount that i'm which is honestly just too many honestly it is two too many i'd be fine with one you know i'd let that one slide but but three that's just too much that's just too much oh i'm stabbing like six people in the process oh you're doing that right now right in front of me right on the count please you just gotta please sir can you please put the knife down can you please put the knife down sir i think this is the part where you restrain him rambu if you're a police officer i think this is the part where i shoot him i think this is okay that's just my arm okay i'm just gonna fire i'm just gonna i'm just gonna fight i'm gonna use my other arm you can't kill me if you if i kill me first oh okay thank you thank you it was great it was great i have one question yeah what's up how do you like the nickname boob given to you by i think fundy okay i think we've struck a nerf here i think we struck a nerf here i disconnected him i disconnected him we struck enough we struck enough pain pain it's quick stand behind the pain sign so it can be used as a twitter reaction oh yeah i got you i got it let me zoom in for higher res zoom in for higher rates sad i'll look take the helmet off dude in the armor come on we need a good twitter reaction image here we need a good twitter we do krios is back never mind action stations oh oh god oh god welcome back okay oh let's just extend like his body outwards right there we go here we go okay okay okay we're good we're good we're good you seem to have some chest pain but it's okay yeah a little bit a little bit it's okay what is your category what is your talent i'm gonna be singing an original song an original song okay original song okay okay all right tell us when you're ready all right here we go [Music] sorry to interrupt but your mic's cutting out on discord can you turn on your turn off your auto sensitivity thing and whack it down when it's cutting out a bit i can i can try it i can try i'm sorry i'm sorry to cut you off it was sounding really good i'll go back on you now it was sounding really okay okay oh god i'm an embarrassment i'm an embarrassment oh god i cut him no okay okay okay he's a guitar boy he's like well but he's like he's the prodigy he's the prodigy himself i don't wanna turn the page i don't wanna move on i don't wanna go away don't wanna write this song i don't wanna take a night don't wanna go to sleep without kissing you and telling you you mean the world to me but i can't [Music] it's too late this is awesome there's so many talented people holy crap i wanna hold you close i wanna keep you safe i wanna say i love you i want you to feel the same you wanna say i love you i want you to feel the same thing and maybe someday in the future give you my last name but i can even rhymes it's too late i can't [Music] i'm to [Music] but i can't it's too late this is amazing [Applause] thank you can we please get some drakes in the clap for this man i messed up i'm drinking i messed up on the second verse because my discord is currently blowing up and i cannot stop hearing dinging in my headphones it's okay so do you have a spotify my friend i not really no i'm working on getting that set up but i do have a soundcloud i do have no but i do have a twitter i'm actually what is your twitter my twitter is my twitter is realcrezos so it's just your name and discord with real on the front yes you know that joe chat give my man some followers thank you so much chris oh thank you for coming on this show you were incredible absolutely you've got what was ready i'm gonna give you a 9.5 out of 10 randy what about you i'm giving that a 9.6 9.6 out of 5. well yeah hey we better do good cup back right whatever okay thank you so much for joining the stream thank you so much for being on the show i'll see you later take care man bye-bye thank you goodbye oh my god i was original too he had an original song my goodness oh my god okay we gotta build a new person we gotta build a new person what's up mod brim what's up mud brim you're not performing are you my bro all right all right uh actually um you're gonna sing for us about brim yeah hi ramblers hello hi um i'm super nervous right now like oh my god like you have no idea it's okay come on we have we have the emo pet the mods for a reason wow exactly also rambu thank you so much for adding foster butt thank you yeah i'm the dude thank you yeah i know i know okay anyway all right hope you guys enjoyed this song this is header and um let me just pull up the chords okay okay take it away we're gonna go on mute now all right thank you [Music] byron your mic's cutting out quick man turn off turn off auto determine sensitivity quickly sorry to interrupt okay okay okay thank you see you let me just do that one sec sorry oh god we've interrupted two people in a row chat we're awful we're awful we're frankly disgusting what is wrong with us you and me okay what's the problem here [Music] i haven't heard this song before [Music] said it [Music] holy crap would you ever kiss me i'm not even half that's pretty he gave me a sweater it starts polyester but you like it better [Music] watch as she stands with her holding your hand puts you wrong round the shoulder i'm getting colder but how could i hate her she's such an angel but then i can kind of wish you were dead as she walked by what a sigh [Music] why would you ever kiss me i'm not even half as pretty you gave her your sweater it's just polyester but [Music] that was awesome mukbang insane it's so hard to hit those notes that was awesome dude that was so good i'm not a cryptic because i can't sing to save my life but it was amazing insane it was so good i'm crying on the inside on the outside right now [Laughter] i'm okay i'm okay you've been great you've been great my barn do you have a twitter i know you have a twitter i see you on my twitter i have a twitch that i mostly use for singing because i don't have spotify you do a singing stream what is your twitch what is your twitch yeah my twitch is improvement underscore tv that's broom and underscore you heard it here first chat thank you so much for coming on the show brilliant i hope i'm gonna i guess i'll talk to you later thank you so much for having me here oh man oh man oh man i gotta build a new person new place a new person quick odd new person oh god it's like a speed run oh my god big lad you're back big lead i'm not allowed oh no have i heard of wising i have in fact heard of rising you've heard of rising well have i got the song for you have you ever heard of i go mine yes yes could i give some context it for everyone on the stream okay so so twitch chat one of my admins his name is max also known as wising and when he was very young he made minecraft parodies and these have since been since been privated and unlisted on youtube and what you're about to hear is i go mine which is a parody that my admin rising made about two years ago well you see i was going to use the lyrics on genius because they made a genius article on it oh well they took it down yesterday so i don't really know do you have the backing track it only works with the backing track i have a ukulele you have a ukulele oh my god your plague is performing as well big lad okay thank you okay take it away so yesterday you're on the uh the turbo network twitter right yeah i was on your recommended to follow why are you not following big on twitter i don't know i'll move your performance i'm gonna mute up now good luck with the performance okay all right let's go watching i'm gonna know the first thing it's supposed to be exposed are you ready um please sing along if you know the words i know um joe does so let's go please sing along if you know the words oh god do you ever feel like a cold thought [Music] you're gonna tell but i was actually singing along also you're gonna oh thank you it was a great it was a great it was a great rendition it was a great rendition it was lovely meeting you both thank you thank you so much for coming on the show i really appreciate it i'll see you again later bye bye have a good one i'm really hoping we get some kind of like some kind of like comedy sketch i want a sketch man i want a comedy okay there we go tiny boy tiny boy i will tell you bentra oh wait wait wait wait wait i can do this wait i can give him weight hey chat you know instead of putting clap in all caps right if you type drake like that with a capital d yeah a little cracking man will come up and he'll clap for you so he'll clap for you drake will clap for you and also if you do clap with a with a capital c and lower case it will also just also be clapping hands so i'm just i'm just throwing that out there no not draking all caps just with a capital d there you go there you go you're right justin drake with a capital d you're really gay you're really getting the hang of this now yeah hold on let me go to twitch.tv forward slash tubbo there we go okay yeah as if the people on the stream need you oh hello that bunny welcome welcome to the show you're so loud oh i'm sorry i am quite loud man come on yeah um i'm kind of shy and kind of nervous but i'll try to sing too you've got so clay yeah that's right yeah i wanted to sing the la member anthem okay yeah that's awesome yeah do you need us to travel to the hole do we need to go to the hole what hall if you want to at least if you want to grab it you've got your flying fork ready don't you yep let's go to i'm just really nervous i'm sorry it's okay it's 100 okay we're on our way we're on route to the whole we've left we've left the set through the show we're on route as we speak we're going double you don't need to go in the ocean you can just fly i'm literally shaking right now oh man it's okay oh we're just going over to an exploded country real fast yes wait i just realized i don't have a water bucket on me oh oh oh there i go wait there we go sorry i just need to i just need it oh rambo i went up to eric's tower so we could get a good view never mind i'm on my way down though i'm on my way down i'm on my way down i almost just died okay i need food okay i'm here i'm here i'm at the le mans where are you i'm at the le mans hole in the main hall everyone get your sevens ready i'm bi seven's prepared okay okay there you are there you are okay okay i do not all right get on top of this obsidian wall come on let's do it okay stand here stand here okay all right we'll go on we're ready we're ready thank you i'm ready i might do it a couple other so it's more like the dream version but actually i'm doing a i'm gonna do the normal position you know okay so all right good luck take it away let's see well i feel there was a special place where men could go and emancipate the brutality and tyranny of the ruler well this place is real we needn't fret with wilbur tommy to a rat it's a very big place not blown up remember my lemonberg my lemon [Music] my lemon burger well the faith was strong within these walls a sanctuary that will never fall the beauty of this landscape orbits through your he made his own betrayed a lot but we will stand strong and we hold our hands on from here i can see my [Music] [Music] thank you so much for coming on the show thank you too for listening to me at least you're saying do you have a spotify it was very good no i don't twitter i have a twitter i have but it's actually an art account oh well it's i don't know if i can say it out loud it's basically bonnie not eight basically but basically bonnie nah and a a okay thank you okay okay thank you so much for coming on the show i hope you have a wonderful rest of your day i'll catch you later goodbye thank you all right we've got some traveling to go before the next one we've got some traveling to go go go i'm on my way i'm on my way oh man i love tridents uh-oh i love tridents just instantly dies there we go oh my goodness who knew that people were talented oh badly freddie we've got a surprise judge no wait are you talent or are you judged freddy are you gonna i was gonna play piano so you're playing oh my god we've had so many musical performances today okay i mean i can be a judge if you want all right all right all right we're getting back to the stage now okay we're getting back to the stage hold up hold up i gotta build we're we're building you in-game wait do you have any white walls i don't i have a quartz pillar for some reason okay put the quarter pillar in the middle there we go and then give it like neck put head on nick okay i got you i got it i got you that looks exactly like me too it really does yes i would say yeah pretty attractive yep there we go okay oh look at that look at that face look at ready what are you playing for us today well what do you want me to play i can play anything style anything yeah yeah yeah okay okay wait wait we'll go on we'll go on mute now rambo best of luck freddie give me a sec i've just gotta switch mics to my okay okay style he's twitching i'm so ready for that i'm so ready for himself i'm shaking freddy you mugs freddy your mike's going out your mic's coming out change your discord sensitivity quick wait okay okay thanks okay we're gonna go back on you good luck ready all right i don't know if that'll work um chad this is the put his disc goes messed up [Music] freddie it's still cutting out a bit big man you need to go into settings and then on discord go into voice and video turn off um automatically determined and drag the bar all the way back down to zero got it okay you got it up to zero or minus 100. minus 100 like the lowest it can go cheers chest okay cool i was muted uh i'm just gonna just get muted from the top it'll be fine good luck again from the top [Music] [Applause] [Music] rubbish is having an absolute time this is awesome what [Music] oh it was great it was great freddie thank you so much for gangnam style we really needed that to keep us going throughout the talent show yeah are you required to find some more i hope you find some more thank you if you go back to the buffer room freddy tell them to look for more comedians we need the funniest okay i'll tell them we need the funnies okay thank you freddie i'll see you later bye man bye but i'm not even being dragged jesus let's take a little breather let's take a little briefing let's take a little breather no no we're taking a little breather okay everyone [Music] hit us with what you've got i am ghost i'm going to be reading you enderman facts and uh let's go just for you okay got my vote you have to authenticate them get on the stage you have to authenticate the votes go go go you're right all right i'll see if they're true all right are you all ready yep i'm ready hit us if an enderman gets stuck in a cobweb it can not teleport away unless an arrow is shot at or it comes into contact with water both of them always trigger teleportation rambo is that that's true true validated yeah no i hate cobwebs that's true okay okay okay next up all right next up article block such as a flower or mushroom it will appear as they are floating that's true yeah no yeah no that's that's very true actually you start floating when you touch mushrooms yeah i'm pretty sure that's called drugs ramboo rambo stop doing so many mushrooms around there all right next up next fact hit me with another fact i'm ready all right okay okay endermen take less damage from fire and lava than they do from water no you're scared of water and all but you do take more damage than lava interesting yeah interesting yeah really he should be more scared of lava than water that's true i should be more scared of lava that you need to be canon okay okay okay okay currently the only mob that can actually spawn in all three dimensions oh that's true okay it's true that's true you're naturally spawning all the time that's true i know it's really small everywhere spawn of satan yeah no but okay it is actually possible for an enderman to create a snow golem if it happens to place two snow blocks on top of another and then a pumpkin on top rambu rambu where's the pumpkin i'm destroying the beachfront but it's okay i there's i i don't know if i have a pumpkin i need we need to test a pumpkin i need a pumpkin i need to test it this is something i don't know this is true is this true i gotta find out hello okay that man was just find a pumpkin find a pumpkin go go go go go pumpkin here's another one that involves supposed okay oh my god when an enderman is killed by an iron golem it always drops an inner pearl integral really let's not test that actually let's please let's not test that on me yes that's the fact no let's not let's not test that you have a problem you might have to lose another family member no rabbit is it true you got a pumpkin let's see let's see if it's true let's see if it's true let's see if it's true i gotta see if this is true i'm all zoomed in on the stage get up there okay all right hit us with another fact it's true endermen are four blocks tall counting their hitbox if you actually open your hip box it's considered four blocks tall for a natural enderman that's full enderman not guard this is sick look at him go no that's his first calendar death call the lawyers call the lawyers rambu call the lawyers we can't we can't let them know this happened on our stage oh my god call the lawyers hello get the lawyers in it hello are we are we in trouble god please say we have insurance please say we have insurance w those are his remains right oh god oh god these are his rights oh okay i am ghost you gotta get out of here you gotta get out of here immediately oh my god it's been a pleasure having you shut up okay okay okay we don't speak of this to anyone we don't even know anyone oh god destroy the oh my god we destroyed the evidence it's fine it's fine it's fine oh my god holy holy i need a breather oh my god oh let's take a breather let's take a breather you know what that means camera's on camera's on with it it's intermission time cameras it's interesting just a second get dressed get dressed get dressed oh god i've made myself big again i'm all big and stuff come on rambo you ready let me see if i'm good let me see if hold up let me move it hold up i got to set up everything you're good are you good it's intermission time it's intermission time it's intermission time amount of fluids if i do this we should be okay is it intermission time is it intermission time uh uh 2fps camera let's go oh it's more than 2 fps now oh it is it is all right that's really good let me expand you out into okay they're okay it's me in hd i've got rambu eyes right now here you are big man i got you here i am here i am we have reached half time in the show it's not canonical half time so what do you think what do you make of the contestants so far let's have a look i think they've been i think they've been pretty good let's take a recap of the replays right our first contestant okay what do you make of them you don't remember do you you're just bouncing up [Laughter] where's the crown the crown oh it's right here it doesn't fit with my headphones though so i have to like do that whatever okay okay right our second contestants they were a singer what do you make of them they were good weren't they that was when i first realized that this show is gonna be absolutely blown away absolutely blown away and what about the clarence king what exactly you role played with him what what are your thoughts in that situation you are you got stabbed or something go on give me give me the dirt give me the dirt around him and you shot him oh my god oh god oh god he's doomed to a life of never kazooing ever again right do the evil comments do the evil fingers you know what i'm going to do i mean the evil fingers yeah yeah you got it you got it you got it oh yes we are pond it's half time we are pondering what is to come next we are indeed pondering all right ramboo so so we're we're heading towards the final the final stretch now we've got time for probably around 10 more acts okay we've got okay the final 10 more acts we will we want these acts to be good we want good acts we want ones we haven't seen before we want acts that are different we want quirky we want out of the book we want out of pocket if you will right no right okay sorry okay let the show go on i'm ready i'm ready let me wait let me read oh god turn it off there we go yep there we go there we go i've got to refix everything all right awesome okay wait i gotta re-crop the discord oh my god okay let me move my camera just in case it decides to randomly turn on there we go okay ah i like it glasses in the mask are off holy crap you can't be saying stuff crazy live on screen you can't be saying that i know 120 000 people rambo you can't be talking someone in your chat just wouldn't do a whip yeah right i'm changing all right i'm putting on some hype music i want to be hit with some hypeboards is this some type of music okay yeah this is all right twitch shout out twitch.tv we are into the final stretch of our school can we get a hand for our next contest it's the final ten of the day the final ten rambu it has been an amazing day today it has the acts have been top notch let's get into the next like admin dragon dragon i'm ready it's gonna yeah i'm ready i'm ready now we just have to kind of wait i've crossed my legs i've crossed my legs in my chair oh right this is act number 10 of the final 10. okay i see him i see him in the buffer room now get him ready see him i see him too i see him too all right no never mind never mind they were afk never mind oh we got another one we've got another rack maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe oh they are muted they're has flooded the stage oh my goodness okay we're good we're good we're good we're good i think we're good i think we're ready admin hit us with a contestant hit us we'll not don't hit us with the contestant that's just painful pick him up welcome to the stream thank you it's great to be here what are you here to perform to us today how's your day going everything i want to know it all my name is yours how much your ccb are you performing comedy for us today as final questions i'm giving you some cheesy comedy some cheesy jokes i'm ready you're ready charlie slime sick all this thing up i believe in you okay are you ready i'm ready i've killed the music take it away you've killed the music okay this is now scary i'm kind of nervous now would you like me to play some intense music i can play some intense um yeah go for it hey hit us with your first joke your first set of the evening okay but you got to give me like 10 seconds i'm like scared don't worry they won't bite unless you go on twitter then they really really bite they're hot and don't even let me get you started on soundcloud okay no are you ready this is my first one okay why don't why don't they play poker in the jungle why tell me i don't know why cheetahs how many should i do as many as you are up to as many as i want okay okay how many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh eight ten tickles you were off a little bit i was off by two okay i'll get the next one i'll get the next one i'll get the next one right i'll get the next one right number one okay okay why didn't why didn't the toilet paper cross the road attached to the row it got stuck in a crack oh that makes sense that makes sense they do that toilet paper in the ass you know everyone has these problems right oh my god okay i'll just keep going i'll just have another one hit us with another one all right okay okay why did why did the stadium get hot after the game the fans left oh my god i'm proud of you that that was a good one that was a good one are you ready okay for the next one yeah i'll give you five more i'll give you five more you'll give me five five more okay okay okay why what would the duck say to the bartender what the quack bro where is my alcoholic breath oh put it on my belly okay okay okay i get it i get it beavers beavers and right i got it i got it yeah okay i'm ready right okay okay um what do you call a seagull that flies over the bay a bagel a bagel oh my god [Music] y'all are beating me in my own jokes okay okay okay okay three more three more on the clock okay okay what kind of tea is hard to swallow fake tea reality realty reality reality but you get it like real that's just you i get it all right wait for that okay wait for the drop of the music for the final joke of the evening okay it's coming it's coming the hype is building i have to do my last joke i have to do my last joke get it get it ready get it ready okay okay perform the joke perform okay okay why shouldn't you write with a broken pen because your hand will break because it's pointless okay okay thank you for your time thank you it's been it's been a pleasure it's been an absolute pleasure having you on the show you're refreshing the first comedian of the night i really have i really thank you i'm meeting and now i'm going to be a stand-up comedian you're going to be i i have full faith in that will not flop whatsoever it's been a pleasure meeting you hope and i hope to see you again goodbye have a good night oh wow okay okay okay okay can i be real a second for just a millisecond okay oh you're just okay i was i was i see someone i see someone's brackets just say kazoo and i'm so ready oh my god dude oh my god okay i have mine this is this is half time we need to edit the npc quickly maybe you guys can do it [Music] maybe we could it'd be fantastic oh oh oh hello impression um i'm gonna be doing a impression of kermit the frog of kermit the frog well we've kind of mangled your character on stage but don't mind that okay oh god don't mind that okay okay and then after you do your impression we're going to watch you do some improv with joe swanston oh oh my god okay right exactly okay hi ho can we frog here um i crossed the road once and uh almost got hit by a car it wasn't the best idea oh god kermit what does your wife think about that miss p you wasn't too happy oh my god i mean your other wife you have two wives comment permit comment tell me what is that they weren't supposed to know did their two wives do they know each other two wives just wants to get out of that guy get on that guy we have a report here of two wives you are you have two legally binding wives you're in two marriages per se yeah yeah let's see two we have a report here come it you have to tell them coming this is a disgrace it's me the police joe swanston's at the door coming you got to answer him i'm at joe swanson it's me hello i'm at the door hi hi hi i have a report here of two wives and i have no idea how you got around that loophole but you cannot have two legally is that a third wife is that the third wi-fi oh you got three backpacks oh my god oh my god oh my god cocaine i got it all here what the hell oh my god oh my god is that a wife made out of crap oh my god you need to oh my god oh my god wait a second how do you have a dog aren't you an animal as well why do you keep a dog that must be just insanely awkward oh my god oh my god my eyes they're bleeding oh my god i need an ambulance as a speaking frog there's loopholes to get through the law you know oh my god you're just telling a police officer that you found loopholes in a law you are not the smartest frog i've met a couple of frogs oh come it no [Music] and scene francine you are you are fantastic that was great you're fantastic good job you did a fantastic you did a fantastic job hope you're having a wonderful day thank you so much for coming on the show any last words [Music] he was really a model citizen oh my god if i had children i want them to be just like him i want them to be just like kermit the frog i want them to just be like kevin the his multiple wives and drug problems and exactly exactly not even to mention cannibalism jesus home we didn't even get to that we didn't even get to that in the plot holy we couldn't even get to the count oh my gosh subscribe to the canon on the kermit saga hello welcome to the show where is it where did it go are you going to be pursuing for us today i am yeah i'm going to be considering um what is the name of the song uh we didn't start the fire i got you i got you okay are you guys gonna do a duet wait do you want to do a duet you started you started get on the stage get on the stage sorry ah i'm getting discord dms and everything i'm just going to put the song on in the background like low so i can hear okay okay i trust that you've got this thank you thank you i have faith you and rambo you'll make a great team i expect to see you in broadway and months okay take it away you've got my vote all right here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] please remove it from [Music] okay there would have been a comedic cut there in the video ramboo don't worry you could stop it no it's not actually stuck in your mouth is it is it actually stuck in your mouth is it stuck in your mouth try and play it out play it out with like ah okay we're fine i'm good okay oh oh it's okay it was intense that was intense holy crap that would have been that would have been a comedic color hi modmas yo what's up oh are you competing on the show modmas um yeah i'm not funny but i heard something about rapping earlier so it might be funny because i'm gonna do it badly yeah okay for you i've edited the npc for you you are you are client number you're number six aren't you we're we've got yes okay okay we've got four more after this okay all right okay i got it all right take it away all right i'm gonna mess it up but i'm gonna try not to what's popping chat i love my offliners you guys are awesome okay artificial amateurs aren't at all amazing analytically i assault animate things broken barriers bounded by the bombay buildings are broken basically i'm bombarding elevated etiquette furious fat fabulous fantastic flurries of the funk felt feet in the fanatics gift got great global goods gone glorious getting godly in his game with the glorious hit em high hella height historical hey-ho i'm holler at your homeboy imitate us idolize i intimidate in an instant i'll rise in an irate state you stumble jams like jerry curls dropping joints justly it's just me writing my journal kindly i'm kindling all kinds of ink on karate kick type in my kingdom let me like a long life lyrically lesson says learn lame lust just lose to my liberty my mind makes marvelous moves masses marvel and move many mock what i've mastered nap knowing i'm nice naturally neck never lack make moistness operation opposition off not optional out of sight out of mind why do you mean obstacle perfected poem powerful punch lines pummeling petty powder puffs in my prime quite quick quotes quick quiet it's quantum corals ain't got a quarter of what we gotta really rap rising up rightfully riding the radio activity super scientifical sound search soft silencing super high scouts letters off tale's ten times talented too tough take that challengers get a tune-up universal unique untouched unadulterated the raw uncut verb vice lord victorious valid violate vibes out of vain making bash while i'm all well water-wise worth it just weaving up words weeded up imma worship xerox my ex radiation holds extra-large eggs letters telephone shown yellow back yak mop young young's yours yesterday lon yos zigzag zombies zoom into the scene is humans and thoughts overzealous rhymes holy that was oh my god yeah well that was the entire alphabet was it it was an attempt it wasn't it was dead yes zed what yep zed yep dead okay exactly that okay well that was good that was good that was really good thank you so much for coming on the show how many more do we have i don't even know anymore there's so much time i think we've got i think we've got just so much talent i think we've got four more my goodness okay okay yeah yeah let's do this four more four more right or more all right [Music] okay new person new person new person okay oh crap oh rabbit i just got a raid from real um chrysos the guy who made the original song from earlier oh that's cool he does hit with the host champ oh all right wait wait give me a second i'm just gonna check my discord dms because i haven't and i'm worried that i they might be important oh uh oh oh oh hello hello he's checking his he's showing his discord wait a second give me a second i'm nearly ready i'm nearly ready and we're back you're ready don't worry are you doing comedy by any chance yes um yes okay we have your character in front of us on the sm it looks great yes yes it's certainly an interesting one for sure yes yeah okay you are you're our fourth final act okay i don't want to be any pressure but there's a lot of pressure everyone is stuck around for the entirety show for the big finale the big finale is you and the three other people oh so okay so um my i'm gonna talk about how gay i am all right so basically so gay people like greek mythology you know you know so i will be naming every greek god but i will add funny things about it the reason i know this is because i'm super gay all right all right okay yes so zeus can i can i curse yeah okay so okay zeus big dick he's just like oh i need oh it's so great so funny so funny don't shoot people lightning yes yes that's true beside it and be like under the sea bottom but um but um athena be like oh yes wisdom owls that's all i need in life okay wait can we just pause for a second can we yes can we just track back to the first one did you yeah can we analyze the first one correct me my move but did you just did you these things you said about zeus correct me if i'm wrong yes just uh i'm i'm lost for words a little bit here i'm just okay nevermind never mind carry on carry on carry on grab one what's next what's next up it's fine it's fun okay next up next step okay she's she she's gonna screw up your love life that's for sure yeah she's just like um no no more no more no more love and then hera be like oh zeus be cheating on me every day it's fine it's fine it's the goddess of marriage you can't cheat on him you know this is the best semester i've ever watched yes it is great yes hermes be like oh zeus you want me to do this for you yeah okay i'll do it and then just just like the dog just just do whatever he wants aries be like what kinds yes one like divorce that is true okay that was my brother i'm very sorry for that artemis be like i i only had a pack of lesbians around in the forest we're just taught it for lesbians shoot things you know you know and then paul would be like i i everyone loves me except everyone doesn't love him sometimes you know and then um demeter be like plants i love plants they're so great and then half a test be like my mom abandoned me my mom abandoned me it is me like i'm the leader of hell uh hestia be like just just let me only take care of my fire and i honest be like why thank you wait what that was the most intense sitcom i've ever seen that was like i know that was like eight seasons grey's anatomy oh my god oh my god well thank you i don't yes i know the goal was to make us laugh but i'm feeling anyone i'm feeling just so confused i'm feeling just so completely and utterly confused and and and and just just yeah thank you for coming on the thank you for coming on the show thank you see you later bye have a good day bye ah i remember like none of that i it was it was all in one ear and out the other i yeah next act next act next stop let's go next act next act right this is our third to final act okay okay hello hello hello hi louie welcome to the show i see in your name you've got creeper app and i am a big fan of the creeper i see creeper i am ready okay if you want you can sing along okay i will be on mute while you perform it if that's okay do you have a backing track for it that you can play no no no no i don't need one okay okay me and robert will meet up now best of luck you are our third final competitor good luck take it away it's okay i literally love this sweatshirt [Music] like a six foot chisel so you better show them when you hear that chisel full chisel take one sentence okay uh-huh i can't do anymore it was good it was good it was really good oh god i'm trying to keep up but i could it was so much faster than myself i tried i really tried to keep up it was awesome i'm sorry oh god thank you so much for coming on the show i really appreciate it i'll catch you later have a good one goodbye goodbye but okay rambo we're down to our last two years now last two all right hi this is intense i need to eat some rotten flesh i actually am not hungry in the sliders have some raw fish i'm ready oh thank you that's even better on the way over here nice oh you just killed a squid i have probably got that experience yeah crack grab that bad boy yeah oh well hey that's kind of rude i'm literally standing still there we go gotcha got your again yeah okay right okay on to our second to last act now would it be some potatoes oh poisonous potato what does this do no no don't eat that don't eat that that's bad you could have expected this that's bad don't eat that he's not expecting that to poison me oh we have not used these buttons at all we have not they're just there for show i'm gonna use them i'm gonna use them a lot more well now you're just stabbing the button that just doesn't i have a hatred for the button oh god all right i think we're ready for this dolphin dolphin's stuck oh wait never mind we're good no that's no longer oh here he comes oh there he goes come on we need to get ready for the next competitor okay okay i gotta get i gotta mentally prepared i am ready i am ready i am ready are you ready i am ready where's my run flush where are you going come back no come back stop more potatoes you better be replanting if i find out you haven't been planted i'm gonna be mad hello hello hello comedy man ned ford welcome to the stream just put the comedy in there because that was the plan from the start but it i i'm not as talented as some of the people that have come up in here that's what i'm going to say don't do yourself dirty like that big man i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready for your best ready i'm ready for your best do you want me to kill the music i'll keep it on i i've muted the stream so i can't even hear it okay you can do whatever you want you can do you um you you've been a president right i have been president yeah i was a pretty crap one but yep i've always thought that um well i've never liked the idea of being a leader leadership looks fun but it's stressful right it's stressful yeah just look i'm gonna strange example look at anyone leading a conga okay on the outside it looks brilliant you're having fun you're having a great time you know yeah but you know in their heads you know they're going i don't know what i'm doing here i don't i don't have a route planned i i i never asked for any of this god i miss my family you know yeah the leader of the longer he he should have shown us a pre-planning everyone's trapped in the conga you think you can leave you you can't leave person at the back maybe they can they can let go they can run for it everyone else you let go you're not out of the conga now you're the leader of a rival conga oh my god no it's getting better now you've got to you've got to worry about turf wars you're second from the back you let go one person behind you loves conga isn't giving up for anyone you're not trying to mingle at the party with a maniac on your hips you'd have to go swimming just to get rid of them you know there's yeah accurate problems first world problems it's a weird thing i'm never i never want to lead a congo it's too stressful or enjoyment for that matter never gonna never gonna do a three cheers either never gonna lead one of them where'd you get the confidence for that one where do you acquire that type of confidence you know three three cheers for jackie hip hip what if everyone just goes no you know i'm not cheering for jackie she's an unpleasant person how about no cheers for jackie hip hip shut up you're like what that's just my worst like social interactions never doing things like that never it's it's weird man i i don't know anything red irl i don't know any jackies that was just the first thing that came into my head but uh that's kind of all i practiced i guess uh it was lackluster no it was it was good i may i just say it's a pleasure to be here i feel incredibly incredibly lucky no worries man i won't be able to stop smiling for several weeks heck yeah thank you so much for coming on the show you're a great second to last year definitely looking into doing comedy because that was like an actually really good bit that would be like on a special yes so definitely definitely pursue that keep going thank you man thank you so much for coming on the show i hope you have a fantasy bye man have a good one i'm here too you're really just hitting the bad dog the next stack is our final one okay it was actually funny man that was actually no no i was actually like such a good for so long i've been leading the conga there is no escape for me there is no route playing which way do i go oh god don't let me hit a wall if i hit a wall these people are gonna feel it in the news news headline conga man hits war parties so many victims rival congo lights oh my god no that's actually like such a way like snake snakes you just consume more people oh my god right okay i'm ready for our last act okay finally final act let's do this last act of the day come on let's wrap it up at a really high number i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready go on and give me a good one get me a good one i'm so ready oh my god a closer i have some glass some ice where's the ice where'd the ice go where's the ice oh we'll get this one over there hello god wait wait god but just uh the fella what i'm gonna do a rap god but like just the fast part cause because you're good oh my god we're wrapping up the show with a rapper oh i get it i get the joke i get the joke okay yeah i thought you guys might like that okay action station okay okay take it away take it away you got this all right whoo let me turn you up in discord make sure you sooner i'm hearing what i got to do to get it through the mcp minute innovative animator so that anything you say is sectioning off of me now including you never studying mother nature returning how to give a audience feeling like it's lovely never forgetting another haters forever waiting for the day that they could simple because nobody get motivated music you make elevating music oh he's too mainstream and keep going if you want but that's most the main that was so fast wait do you reckon you could do it to music if we if we take out the lyrics we find a lyric video uh yeah yeah it's probably good okay wait wait randy rambo can you wait you've got yeah can you route your um thingy sound for your microphone i think so i think so yeah i can i can i can hold up you just want okay hold up would it be just the fast part or what the whole thing the whole thing oh god i'll try my best okay hold up i think i think this is the right thing you got the instrumental for rap god by eminem i think i do i do i do okay okay it's gonna get me dmca this is it so it's definitely this actually uh wait i can't so you have to you have to sing loud over the top okay otherwise it's over for me all right okay yeah yeah like the whole entire song or just this one part it's the whole song it's the whole song the whole song i'm gonna i'm gonna give you i'm gonna give you a baseball cap on the stage like a real soundcloud rapper okay okay i've given you a baseball cap good good good okay you ready i think wait can you guys hear this wait no you need to change your disc yes well rambo you have to turn your mic sensitivity down to zero okay like literally minus 100 okay wait a cut off oh yeah yeah yeah yeah make sure you turn it up fast yep okay do my input sensitivity is low i'm gonna actually just mute myself i'll just be the human jukebox okay i'm gonna eat myself also all right all right okay okay good luck thank you take it away uh i can't i can't hear you oh there's look i was going to go easy i knew not to hurt your feelings but i mean i want to get this chance something's wrong i can feel it it's the feeling [Music] sorry i just want the dark ordered i'm beginning to feel like a rap god rap god all my people to from the front to the back nod back not who thinks their arms are long enough to slap box flat if they rap like a robot so call me hip hop you don't really want to get in two person match with a drop and he brought packing a mac in the back of the yak backpack rapper i've got yakity yak and at the same time i attempt these little acrobatics practice in my i'll be able to bring them to the table or the back of a couple of packets packed in half and i realized it was ironic outside and after mouth after the fact i could not blow out all of these drop f-bombs so my wrath of attack rappers are having a rough time period he's a maxi bad it's actually disastrously bad for the rock while i'm here masters masterfully construction this masterpiece besides i'm beginning to feel like a rap god rap god all my people from the front to the back knock back down now who thinks that their arms are long enough to slap box slap box let me show you maintaining the ain't that hard that hot everybody was the king of the secret to rapping deliberately through slowly everybody loves to root for a new sense hit the earth like an asteroid did nothing but shoot for the moon since pew emcees get taken to school with this music thing he says v is called the best of the rhyme with the school office when i leave new school students me i'm proud of rock him like him invited oh sorry i lost lyrics ill easy thank you they got slim inspired enough to one day grow up and be in a position to meet run ddmc and direct them into the rocky roll hall of fame even though i walk in a church and burst in a ball of flames only hall of fame i'll be inducted into the alcohol the fame of the wall of shame you beg banks think it's all a game slow up the flock of flames i was planking then tell me what the you thinking okay look a boy silky i can barely stay with a straight face like a boy you witnessing a massive girl like you're watching the truth gathering take place looking boy oh oy vey that's a gay boy that's all they say looking boy you get a thumbs up pat on the back in a way to go up from the label every day looking like hey looking boy would you stay in the way i get a hell yeah from a dream like a boy i'm working for further than having her ass don't make me shake it on my face like boy basically but you're never going to be able to be capable of keeping up with the same things i'm beginning to feel like a rap god rap god all my people from the front to the back not back none of the memories from the truck call me nascar nascar don't earn heart from the trailer popular white trash can even for generals uh this planet's krypton no asgard asgard so you'll be thor i'll be odin you roden i'm omnipotent lit often i'm reloading immediately with these bombs and i should not be woken i'm walking down but i'm just a talking head a zombie floating but i got your mom being throated i'm not my ramen noodle we have nothing in common poodle i'm a doberman pinch yourself in the yam and pay homage people it's me my honesty's brutal but it's honestly futile if i don't utilize what i do for good at least once in a while so i want to make sure somewhere in this chicken scratch i scribble enough through the rhymes because you might be trying to help people get through some tufts wait i'll wait for the ketchup so like some of the chicken scratch i scribbled my friends and me he'll try to get these tough times but i gotta keep a few punchlines just in case cause you unsigned rappers are hungry looking at me like it's lunchtime another time where once i was king of the underground but i still rap like i'm on my pharaoh monster so i crunch rhymes but sometimes when you feel good appeal with skin color up martin you get too big and here they come around since do you like that one line i said oh i'm back from the mouth and so i'll be one when i try to say i'll take seven kids from colombia and put them on the line at ninety forty seven and father and nine to nine see if i get away with it now that i ain't as big as i was but i'm moving into another more come to the photo you stuck on the timer from 2004 though i don't know what the that you rank for you're supporting such a punch over corners oh you're right normal being normal and i just bought a new rake i'm from the future just because i'm shooting my full best mate free j-man i thought that piano man oh man that was 24 special on the cable channel sorry jay was reaching the radio station the very next day hey fab i'm gonna kill you louise cannot choose supersonic speed i'm only afraid to catch up uh someone let me use them here what i gotta do to get it through them so you've even innovative animator so that you think you can say straight off me now you're gonna want them sitting on there and i'm trying to get my alley never forgetting another way or wait for the day they think itself i feel like celebrating because i know when i get them motivated i make a little video music mainstream that's what they do when they get jealous they can use it it's not hip-hop it's cause i found a hell of a way to fuse it with shock chopper throwing yourself in make them lose it i don't know how to make songs like that i don't know what words you use let me know what it occurs to you won't represent any one of these versus the verses you it's curtains i'm inadvertently hurting you how many reasons i got murdered dude prove that if you have as nice virgins too school funky pill junkie look at the alcoholics these skills brought me full of myself but still hungry i believe myself cause it makes me do what i put my mind to woman and i'm a million leaked above you ill when i speak in tongues they're still tongue and she's you i'm drunk since satan takes the wheel i'm asleep in the front seat bumping heavy d in the boys still chunky but funky in my head like there's something like they feel tugging and struggling angels fight with devils and here's what they want from me they're asking me to eliminate some of the women hate but if you take into consideration the better hatred i have that it may be a little more patient be more sympathetic to the situation i understand the discrimination but it let's hand in your lemons make lemonade the better the women how the am i sort of making the cake then don't miss thank you for saying it's fate i'm a sake if you think i'm if you think you need to be over take a vacation to a triple crowd make you fall out of faith then don't be a like a king i think i might be a king who can be a god it was so i was sick no no it was cool it was cool rambling started fading down the music tubbo they tubo they came in here right just like oh yeah i'm just gonna sing the the like the fast part and you really just went no no you sing the whole song like holy cow you are evil just thought i was just going six minutes six minutes you were like i didn't oh yeah i'm just gonna try this like one little part it was fun that was awesome thank you so much for coming on the show you've been our final contestant of like thank you for having me talent show season eight don't ask about the other seven thank you so much have a good one i'll see you later goodbye thank you goodbye that was intense that was holy holy crap we're going to plan more like this this was real fun man time this is this was very fun i know right oh my god oh wait no i tried my top of my thank you thank you right i am sweaty and uncomfortable and my discord has gone up about 100 000 members so we're going to end up the stream here today thank you boys for being a part of it send me some suggestions for other stuff we can do
Channel: TubboLIVE
Views: 596,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, tubbo, tubbolive, live, stream, live stream, tubb, dream, dream smp, dreams smp, ranboo, talent show, talent, show, minecraft
Id: yVzkzn76LrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 3sec (7383 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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